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Freqüência de alterações na densidade mineral ósseas em pacientes com falência ovariana prematura : análise de associação com variáveis hormonais e polimorfismos do gene do receptor do FSHAmarante, Fernanda do January 2008 (has links)
A Osteoporose é uma doença esquelética caracterizada pelo comprometimento da resistência óssea predispondo a um risco aumentado de fraturas em mulheres na pósmenopáusa e na população idosa. O processo de remodelamento ósseo é mediado pela atividade dos osteoblastos na formação e a atividade dos osteoclastos na reabsorção da matriz óssea. Entre os vários fatores que modulam o processo de ressorção óssea estão os hormônios esteróides sexuais. Desta forma, a diminuição dos estrogênios circulantes, como ocorre na menopausa e na Falência Ovariana Prematura (FOP) resulta em uma maior perda da massa óssea. A FOP é uma condição definida como a falência da função ovariana antes dos 40 anos de idade, causando amenorréia, hipogonadismo e níveis elevados de gonadotrofinas. Vários estudos têm sugerido que esta falência gonadal possa ser uma doença genética, sendo o gene do receptor do FSH (FSHR), considerado um dos principais genes candidatos. Entretanto faltam estudos consistentes capazes de avaliar a influência destas variantes genéticas sobre a densidade mineral óssea assim como o risco de osteoporose. Assim, estudou-se uma coorte de 32 mulheres com FOP acompanhadas na Unidade de Endocrinologia Ginecológica, Serviço de Endocrinologia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, com os objetivos de determinar a freqüência de alterações na DMO e analisar uma possível associação entre variáveis hormonais e densidade mineral óssea comparando-as com um grupo de referência composto por 80 mulheres, sendo 25 mulheres na pré-menopausa (PRE-M) e 55 mulheres na pós-menopausa (POS-M). Também foi pesquisado se a presença de polimorfismos do gene do receptor do FSH estava associada com alterações na densidade mineral óssea no grupo FOP. Variáveis clínicas e hormonais foram obtidas, assim como a densitometria óssea foi realizada em todas as pacientes de ambos grupos, porém a análise da freqüência das variantes Ala307Thr e Ser680Asn do exon 10 do gene do FSHR foi realizada somente das pacientes do grupo FOP. A densitometria óssea de cada paciente foi classificada como massa óssea normal ou baixa massa óssea (osteopenia ou osteoporose) pelos critérios da OMS. O IMC apresentou correlação positiva com a DMO do fêmur total (p<0.05). A freqüência de baixa massa óssea foi significativamente maior no grupo FOP do que no grupo POS-M (p=0,042). Entretanto, quando a análise foi controlada pelo uso ou não de terapia hormonal, os grupos não apresentaram diferença significativa. Identificou-se maior freqüência de baixa massa óssea em L1-L4 no grupo FOP (p<0,001) enquanto o grupo de referência POS-M apresentou maior freqüência de baixa massa óssea no fêmur total (p<0,001). Não houve associação entre as variantes Ala307Thr e Ser680Asn do gene do FSH e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO em g/cm2) em coluna ou fêmur total. Concluindo, o grupo de pacientes com FOP apresentou maior frequência de alteraçoes na DMO, em especial em coluna, quando comparado com o grupo de referência na pós-menopausa. Embora os polimorfismos estudados no exon 10 do gene do FSHR possam modificar a ação do FSH, estas variantes genéticas parecem não ter influência sobre a DMO das pacientes com FOP. Entretanto, estudos longitudinais são necessários para confirmar os resultados do presente estudo. / Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by impairment of bone strength predisposing to an increased risk of fractures in postmenopausal women and in the elderly population. The process of bone remodeling is mediated by the activity of osteoblasts in the formation and activity of osteoclasts in the resorption of bone matrix. One of the factors modulating bone resorption is sex steroid hormones. Thus, the decline of circulating estrogens, as occurs in menopause and in premature ovarian failure (POF) results in greater loss of bone mass, POF is a condition defined as the failure of ovarian function before the age of 40 years, causing amenorrhea, hypogonadism and high levels of gonadotropins. Several studies have suggested that this gonadal failure can be a genetic disease, and the gene of the FSH receptor (FSHR), is considered as one of the leading candidate genes. Nonetheless, there is lacking studies that could consistently assess the influence of these genetic variants on the bone mineral density and the risk of osteoporosis. Therefore, a cohort of 32 women presenting POF and being followed at the Gynecological Endocrinology Unit, Division of Endocrinology, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, was studied, with the objectives of determining the frequency of changes on BMD and analyze a possible association between hormonal variables and BMD, compared to a reference group composed of 80 women, with 25 in pre-menopausal (PRE-M) and 55 women in post-menopausal (POS-M). There was also searched if the presence of FSH receptor polymorphisms was associated with changes in the in bone mineral density in the group of POF. Clinical and hormonal variables were obtained as well as bone densitometry was performed in all patients in both groups; however, the analysis of the frequency of Ala307Thr and Ser680Asn variants of exon 10 of the gene of FSHR was performed only in the group of POF. Bone densitometry of each patient was classified as normal bone mass or low bone mass (osteopenia or osteoporosis) by the WHO criteria. BMI showed a positive correlation with BMD of the total femur (p <0.05). The frequency of low bone mass was significantly higher in the group of POF patients than in the POS-M group (p = 0042). However, when the analysis was controlled by the use of hormonal therapy, the no statistical difference was observed. A higher frequency of low bone mass in L1-L4 was identified in the POF group (p <0001) while the reference group of POS-M showed higher frequency of low bone mass in the total femur (p <0001). There was no association between the Ala307Thr and Ser680Asn variants of the FSHR gene and bone mineral density (BMD in g/cm2) in L1-L4 or in femur total. In conclusion, POF group presented a higher frequency of changes on BMD, mainly in lumbar spine, when compared to the reference POS-M group. While the studied polymorphisms in the exon 10 of the FSHR gene may modify the FSH actions, these genetic variants appear to have no influence on BMD of these patients. However, longitudinal studies are needed to confirm the results of this study.
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Liniová plasticita fyziologických a maligních lymfocytárních prekursorů / Lineage plasticity in normal and malignant lymphocyte precursorsRezková Řezníčková, Leona January 2012 (has links)
Klasické schéma vývoje hematopoetických buněk předpokládá časné oddělení lymfoidního a myeloidního prekurzoru. V poslední době jsou navrhovány složitější modely, které předpokládají větší flexibilitu hematopoezy a navrhují existenci progenitorů s lymfoidním i myeloidním potenciálem. Akutní hybridní leukémie jsou malignity, které podle různých kritérií nelze jednoznačně zařadit k lymfoidní nebo k myeloidní linii a jejichž chování spíše dává za pravdu novým modelům hematopoezy. Předkládaná práce se zabývala především výzkumem dětských leukémií s přesmykem z lymfoidní do myeloidní linie během indukční léčby. Jedná se o rozsáhlý projekt, v jehož rámci si diplomová práce si kladla za úkol určit liniové zařazení leukemických blastů pomocí detekce přestaveb genů pro imunoglobuliny a T-buněčné receptory (TCR). Potvrdili jsme, že myeloidní buňky derivované v průběhu léčby pochází u všech pacientů z původního lymfoidního klonu. Dále jsme u těchto případů zkoumali expresi vytipovaných genů ve srovnání s běžnými druhy leukémií. Třetí částí práce byl výzkum prognostického významu přítomnosti přestaveb TCR (a tedy příslušnosti k lymfoidní linii) u leukémií z T-lymfoidní řady.
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A influência de polimorfismos de base única na metilação de DNA em genes de receptores olfatórios / Single nucleotide polymorphisms lead to differential DNA methylation in odorant receptor genesSilva, Artur Guazzelli Leme 24 April 2018 (has links)
Os genes de receptores olfatórios (OR) pertencem a uma família de proteínas de membrana formada por cerca de 1000 genes no genoma de camundongo. Os genes OR são expressos de forma monogênica e monoalélica nos neurônios olfatórios (OSNs). No entanto, ainda não está claro o mecanismo que permite essa forma de expressão peculiar, sobretudo, qual o papel da metilação de DNA nesse processo. Nosso estudo determinou o padrão de metilação de DNA da região promotora e codificadora do gene Olfr17. Em células de epitélio olfatório (MOE) de camundongos adultos, observamos na região codificadora (CDS) do gene uma frequência de metilação em dinucleotídeos CpG 58%, enquanto que na sua região promotora ela foi bem mais baixa. Os níveis de metilação do Olfr17 em MOE de embrião (E15.5) e fígado foram similares aos observados em MOE de animais adultos. Em seguida, analisamos se a metilação de DNA pode regular a expressão gênica do Olfr17. Utilizando animais transgênicos onde os neurônios olfatórios que expressam Olfr17 também expressam GFP, pudemos selecionar neurônios olfatórios GFP+ e analisar a metilação do gene Olfr17, que está ativo nestas células. Verificamos que o padrão geral de metilação do Olfr17, tanto na região CDS como na região promotora, não se altera quando este gene está ativo. Este resultado indica que alterações na metilação do gene Olfr17 não são necessárias para que este receptor seja expresso. Finalmente, verificamos que a região promotora do gene Olfr17, de duas linhagens de camundongos diferentes, a C57BL/6 e a 129, possuem dois polimorfismos de base única (SNPs) que alteram o conteúdo CpG. Devido a estes SNPs, a linhagem 129 apresenta dois sítios CpG adicionais, inexistentes na linhagem C57BL/6. Nossas análises mostraram que estes CpGs são frequentemente metilados, o que torna o promotor do Olfr17 de 129 significativamente mais metilado que o promotor de C57BL/6. Em seguida, nós analisamos o nível de expressão no MOE dos dois alelos de Olfr17, o 129 e o C57BL/6, utilizando ensaios de RT-qPCR. Estes experimentos demonstraram que o nível de expressão do alelo 129, que possui 3 CpGs metiladas em seu promotor, é menor que o do alelo C57BL/6, que apresenta apenas uma CpG que é pouco metilada em seu promotor. Nossos resultados sugerem que as alterações na região promotora influenciam a probabilidade com que o gene OR é escolhido para ser expresso no MOE. / Olfactory receptor (OR) genes belong to a large family of membrane proteins composed of 1000 genes in the mouse genome. The OR genes are expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in a monogenic and monoallelic fashion. However, the mechanisms that govern OR gene expression are unclear. Here we asked whether DNA methylation plays a role in the regulation of OR gene expression. We first determined the DNA methylation pattern in the coding (CDS) and promoter regions of the odorant receptor gene Olfr17. In olfactory epithelium (MOE) cells, the CpG methylation level in the CDS is 58% but is much lower in the promoter region of the gene. In embryonic MOE (E15.5) and liver, the levels of Olfr17 DNA methylation are similar to the ones shown in adult MOE. We next analyzed whether DNA methylation is involved in Olfr17 regulation. We isolated GFP+ neurons from transgenic mice that coexpress GFP with Olfr17, and analyzed the DNA methylation pattern of the Olfr17, which is active in these cells. We found that the general methylation pattern, both, in the coding and promoter regions is not altered in the active gene. These results indicate that changes in DNA methylation are not required for the activation of Olfr17. Finally, we found that the Olfr17 promoter region from two different mouse strains, C57BL/6 and 129, has two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that alter the CpG content. The SNPs lead to the existence of two additional CpGs in the 129 allele, which are absent in the C57BL/6 allele. These CpGs are frequently methylated, making the 129 Olfr17 promoter significantly more methylated than the Olfr17 promoter from C57BL/6. We next performed RT-qPCR experiments to analyze the expression levels of the 129 and C57BL/6 Olfr17 alleles in the MOE. These experiments showed that the expression level of the 129 Olfr17 allele, which contains three methylated CpGs in its promoter region, is lower than the one from C57BL/6, which contains only one, undermethylated CpG, in its promoter. Our results suggest that these promoter modifications regulate the probability of the OR gene choice.
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Understanding impulsivity : molecular genetic and environmental influencesWhite, Melanie Jade January 2008 (has links)
Features of impulsivity underlie multiple psychological disorders. The body of work examining impulsivity has largely focussed on self-report measurement and has incorporated psychological constructs without reference to the broader biological factors that may influence impulsive behaviour. Two studies were conducted to examine whether environmental stress and genetic status associated with dopaminergic and serotonergic function (DRD2, ANKK1 and 5HT2AR genotypes) were predictive of dimensions of impulsivity and risky behaviour (alcohol use). The two studies used a multi-method approach in a non-clinical community sample of young adults (aged 17-25 years). Dopamine is integral to the two leading theories of impulsive personality, Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and Cloninger's Psychobiological model of personality. Dopamine plays a crucial role in reward reinforcement circuits in the brain. The A1 allele of the ANKK1 gene (also referred to as TaqIA of the DRD2 gene region) and the CC genotype of the C957T polymorphism of the DRD2 gene have both been associated with reduced D2 dopamine receptor density in key structures linked to brain reward. In addition, a strong body of evidence implicates their involvement in a number of clinical disorders associated with impulsivity. Serotonin function has also been associated with impulsivity in Cloninger's theory and there is also evidence of associations of two polymorphisms of the 2A serotonin receptor gene (5HT2AR T102C and -1438A/G SNPs) with impulsivity. Acute and chronic forms of stress are also important correlates of impulsive behaviour and the two studies directly examined the relationship between genotype, stress and impulsivity. Study 1 (N=180) utilised a cross-sectional design and examined interactions between these polymorphisms and chronic stress exposure on key impulsivity dimensions of reward sensitivity, Novelty Seeking and rash impulsiveness. Participants completed psychological questionnaires measuring chronic stress, dimensions of impulsivity, mood and substance use and provided mouth swab samples of buccal mucosal cells for DNA analysis. The study confirmed the association between A1 and CC allelic status and chronic stress being associated with harm avoidance and sensitivity to punishment. This suggests a role for both dopamine and background stress in impulsive behaviour. Study 2 (N=73) built upon this questionnaire research in the laboratory by utilising experimental psychological paradigms of impulsive behaviour and experimentally manipulating acute stress. Study 2 employed a mixed experimental design with a sub-sample of those studied in the cross-sectional sample. These behavioural paradigms included pre- and post- stress induction administration of the Card Arranging Reward Responsiveness Objective Test (capturing behavioural approach in the presence of reward cues, presumed to reflect reward sensitivity) and post-induction delay discounting and response inhibition measures. Study 2 confirmed the role of one of the two dopamine-related polymorphisms, with those with A1+ allelic status demonstrating lower reward responsiveness prior to rest or stress induction, which was overcome in the second administration of this task, independent of environment. A1+ allelic individuals also demonstrated significantly poorer response inhibition independent of stress, further confirming the association between A1+ allelic status and impulsivity. Those with CC allelic status showed an increase in reward responsiveness only in the stress induction condition. Together, results from the two studies inform the development of a multidimensional model of impulsivity that captures gene-environment influences on discrete aspects of impulsive personality and behaviour. Further refinement of this model may lead to the development of more effective customised prevention and treatment interventions for clinically disordered impulsivity. The implications of dopaminergic systems and stress in understanding disorders such as ADHD and substance dependence are discussed.
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Vliv vybraných kandidátních lokusů na ukazatele jakosti masa u skotu / Effect of selected candidate loci on meat quality indicators by cattleSTEBLOVÁ, Halina January 2014 (has links)
This study was aimed on analysis of polymorphism at position 2141 in exon 5 of the growth hormone gene (GH) and polymorphism at position 257 in exon 10 of the growth hormone receptor gene (GHR) and to determine the influence of these polymorphisms on meat tenderness. To analysis has been used 333 meat samples of Czech Pied bulls. Genotypization of GH and GHR loci was performed by PCR-RFLP. For detection of single nucleotide polymorphism in both genes was used restriction endonuclease AluI. To determine meat tenderness was used the method of measuring shear force by Warner and Bratzler. The shear force values of raw meat samples were measured at day 14 post mortem. Then was statistically evaluated the association between genotypes and shear force. In the study population occurred for GH locus 166 individuals with genotype LL, 161 heterozygotes LV and 6 homozygotes VV. The relative genotype frequencies were thus 0.499 (LL), 0.483 (LV) and 0.018 (VV). The frequency of L allele was 0,74 and of V allele was 0,26. For GHR locus was found in the study population 178 homozygotes AA, 105 heterozygotes AG and 50 homozygotes GG. The relative frequencies of genotypes were 0.535 (AA), 0.315 (AG) and 0.15 (GG). The frequency of A allele was 0,692 and of G allele was 0,308. Using statistical analysis revealed a significant effect of genotype GH gene on shear force, tenderness resp. (P<0,05). For GHR locus showed no effect of genotype on shear force (P>0,05).
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A influência de polimorfismos de base única na metilação de DNA em genes de receptores olfatórios / Single nucleotide polymorphisms lead to differential DNA methylation in odorant receptor genesArtur Guazzelli Leme Silva 24 April 2018 (has links)
Os genes de receptores olfatórios (OR) pertencem a uma família de proteínas de membrana formada por cerca de 1000 genes no genoma de camundongo. Os genes OR são expressos de forma monogênica e monoalélica nos neurônios olfatórios (OSNs). No entanto, ainda não está claro o mecanismo que permite essa forma de expressão peculiar, sobretudo, qual o papel da metilação de DNA nesse processo. Nosso estudo determinou o padrão de metilação de DNA da região promotora e codificadora do gene Olfr17. Em células de epitélio olfatório (MOE) de camundongos adultos, observamos na região codificadora (CDS) do gene uma frequência de metilação em dinucleotídeos CpG 58%, enquanto que na sua região promotora ela foi bem mais baixa. Os níveis de metilação do Olfr17 em MOE de embrião (E15.5) e fígado foram similares aos observados em MOE de animais adultos. Em seguida, analisamos se a metilação de DNA pode regular a expressão gênica do Olfr17. Utilizando animais transgênicos onde os neurônios olfatórios que expressam Olfr17 também expressam GFP, pudemos selecionar neurônios olfatórios GFP+ e analisar a metilação do gene Olfr17, que está ativo nestas células. Verificamos que o padrão geral de metilação do Olfr17, tanto na região CDS como na região promotora, não se altera quando este gene está ativo. Este resultado indica que alterações na metilação do gene Olfr17 não são necessárias para que este receptor seja expresso. Finalmente, verificamos que a região promotora do gene Olfr17, de duas linhagens de camundongos diferentes, a C57BL/6 e a 129, possuem dois polimorfismos de base única (SNPs) que alteram o conteúdo CpG. Devido a estes SNPs, a linhagem 129 apresenta dois sítios CpG adicionais, inexistentes na linhagem C57BL/6. Nossas análises mostraram que estes CpGs são frequentemente metilados, o que torna o promotor do Olfr17 de 129 significativamente mais metilado que o promotor de C57BL/6. Em seguida, nós analisamos o nível de expressão no MOE dos dois alelos de Olfr17, o 129 e o C57BL/6, utilizando ensaios de RT-qPCR. Estes experimentos demonstraram que o nível de expressão do alelo 129, que possui 3 CpGs metiladas em seu promotor, é menor que o do alelo C57BL/6, que apresenta apenas uma CpG que é pouco metilada em seu promotor. Nossos resultados sugerem que as alterações na região promotora influenciam a probabilidade com que o gene OR é escolhido para ser expresso no MOE. / Olfactory receptor (OR) genes belong to a large family of membrane proteins composed of 1000 genes in the mouse genome. The OR genes are expressed in the olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in a monogenic and monoallelic fashion. However, the mechanisms that govern OR gene expression are unclear. Here we asked whether DNA methylation plays a role in the regulation of OR gene expression. We first determined the DNA methylation pattern in the coding (CDS) and promoter regions of the odorant receptor gene Olfr17. In olfactory epithelium (MOE) cells, the CpG methylation level in the CDS is 58% but is much lower in the promoter region of the gene. In embryonic MOE (E15.5) and liver, the levels of Olfr17 DNA methylation are similar to the ones shown in adult MOE. We next analyzed whether DNA methylation is involved in Olfr17 regulation. We isolated GFP+ neurons from transgenic mice that coexpress GFP with Olfr17, and analyzed the DNA methylation pattern of the Olfr17, which is active in these cells. We found that the general methylation pattern, both, in the coding and promoter regions is not altered in the active gene. These results indicate that changes in DNA methylation are not required for the activation of Olfr17. Finally, we found that the Olfr17 promoter region from two different mouse strains, C57BL/6 and 129, has two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that alter the CpG content. The SNPs lead to the existence of two additional CpGs in the 129 allele, which are absent in the C57BL/6 allele. These CpGs are frequently methylated, making the 129 Olfr17 promoter significantly more methylated than the Olfr17 promoter from C57BL/6. We next performed RT-qPCR experiments to analyze the expression levels of the 129 and C57BL/6 Olfr17 alleles in the MOE. These experiments showed that the expression level of the 129 Olfr17 allele, which contains three methylated CpGs in its promoter region, is lower than the one from C57BL/6, which contains only one, undermethylated CpG, in its promoter. Our results suggest that these promoter modifications regulate the probability of the OR gene choice.
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Local Anesthetic Efficacy of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block in Red-haired FemalesDroll, Brock A. 15 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The olfactory anatomy and upper respiratory tracts of whales, dolphins, and their terrestrial relatives: Perspectives from morphology, histology, embryology, and evolutionary biologyFarnkopf, Ian Chun 28 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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