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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimativa de recarga em áreas urbanizadas: estudo de caso na bacia do Alto Tietê (SP) / Recharge estimate in urbanized areas: case study in the Upper Tietê watershed (SP)

Viviani-Lima, Juliana Baitz 19 December 2007 (has links)
A Bacia do Alto Tietê (BAT) abriga uma população de 19,5 milhões de pessoas numa área de 5.985 km2, correspondendo aproximadamente ao contorno da região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). A BAT é composta por dois sistemas aqüíferos principais: o Sistema Aqüífero Sedimentar (SAS) (1.452 km2) e o Sistema Aqüífero Cristalino (CAS) (4.238 km2). A importância da água subterrânea na RMSP tem crescido significativamente nos últimos 20 anos. Diversas indústrias e condomínios têm utilizado a água subterrânea como fonte complementar e muitas vezes exclusive de abastecimento de água, extraindo um volume que corresponde a cerca de 13% do volume total de água distribuído pelas companhias de abastecimento público. Apesar de sua importância, pouco se sabe sobre a qualidade e quantidade de água que abastece esses sistemas aqüíferos. Além disso, em áreas urbanas, a influência antrópica causa mudanças aos padrões de recarga natural dos sistemas aqüíferos. Este estudo teve os seguintes objetivos: i) estimar a recarga no SAS em duas áreas com diferentes padrões de ocupação urbana (alta e baixa densidade de impermeabilização), utilizando diferentes métodos (flutuação dos níveis de água, aproximações darcinianas, hidroquímica, isótopos estáveis); e ii) determinar a origem da água de recarga (vazamentos do sistema de água e esgoto ou infiltração natural de chuva). Os períodos mais chuvosos e mais secos para ambas as áreas foi janeiro e agosto, respectivamente, e a precipitação total para a área menos urbanizada. O método de flutuação dos níveis de água estimou um valor de recarga natural para a área menos urbanizada de 246 mm/a e 183 mm/a para a área densamente urbanizada. Um valor de 481 mm/a foi obtido pelas aproximações darcinianas para a área mais urbanizada e 311 mm/a para a área menos urbanizada e, se as estimativas forem precisas, a diferença entre os resultados dos diferentes métodos indica a soma das fontes de recarga antrópicas (respectivamente 298 mm/a e 65 mm/a). A análise dos dados químicos de Na+, Cl-, NO3 -, NH4 + e SO42- demonstrou a presença de vazamentos extensivos do sistema de esgoto em ambas as áreas. Os resultados dos isótopos em NO3 - para a área urbanizada (enriquecimento de ?15N e ?18O) e dados químicos (DOC, HCO3-) indicam que a desnitrificação tem papel importante na atenuação do nitrato no aqüífero. Os dados de níveis de água, da zona não saturada e isótopos ambientais indicam que chuvas menores que 20 mm/dia ou 100 mm/mês não são capazes de recarregar o aqüífero. Os dados de ?18O e ? 2H coletados em ambas as áreas apresentam-se sobre uma linha de mistura entre as assinaturas da chuva (maior que 100 mm/mês) e água do sistema de abastecimento público, indicando a contribuição destas fontes distintas na recarga dos aqüíferos (contribuição urbana de 14% na recarga da área menos urbanizada e 67% na área mais urbanizada, corroborando os resultados dos outros métodos). Os dados obtidos neste estudo indicam que vazamentos do sistema de esgoto e de água de abastecimento têm papel fundamental na recarga do aqüífero e na qualidade da água subterrânea. / The Upper Tiete Watershed (UTW) has a population of 19.5 million in an area of 5,985 km2, which corresponds approximately to the contour of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo (MRSP), Brazil. The UTW is comprised of two major aquifer systems: the Sedimentary Aquifer System (SAS) (1,452 km2) and the Crystalline Aquifer System (CAS) (4,238 km2). The importance of groundwater in the MRSP has increased substantially during the last 20 years. Several industries and condominiums are using groundwater as a complementary and often exclusive source of water supply, extracting a volume that corresponds to approximately 13% of the total volume of water distributed by the public supply companies. Despite their importance, not much is known about the quality and quantity of the water that recharge these aquifer systems. Besides, in urban areas, the anthropogenic influence causes changes to the natural water recharge patterns of the aquifer systems. This study had the following objectives: i) estimating the recharge of the SAS in two areas with different land use patterns (high and low density of paved surfaces), using different methods (water table fluctuation, Darcyan approach, hydrochemistry, environmental isotopes); and ii) determining the origin of the recharge water (leakage of supply water and sewerage system or natural infiltration of rainfall). The rainiest and driest months for both areas were January and August, respectively, and the total precipitation for the densely paved area was 1,193 mm and 1,407 mm for the least-paved area. The water table fluctuation methodology estimated that natural recharge for the poorly urbanized area is 246 mm/a and 183 mm/a for the densely urbanized area. A value of 481 mm/a was obtained through the Darcyan approach for the more urbanized area and 311 mm/a for the less urbanized area and, if the estimations are accurate, the difference between the results of the different methods indicates the sum of the anthropogenic recharge sources (respectively 298 mm/a and 65 mm/a). Analysis of chemical data for Na+, Cl-, NO3 -, NH4 + and SO42- showed the presence of extensive sewerage leakage in both areas. Results from isotopes in NO3- for the urbanized area (enrichment of ?15N and ?18O) and chemical data (DOC, HCO3-) indicated that denitrification plays an important role in attenuating the nitrate in the aquifer. The data from water levels, the unsaturated zone and environmental isotopes indicate that rainfall volumes lower than 20 mm/day or 100 mm/month are not able to recharge the aquifer. Data from ?18O and ? 2H collected in both areas lie on a mixing line between the fingerprints of precipitation water (higher than 100 mm/month) and water from the public supply system, indicating the contribution of these distinct sources to the recharge of the aquifers (urban contribution of 14% for the recharge of the less urbanized area and 67% in the more urbanized area, corroborating the results of other methods). The data obtained in this study indicates that leakage of the sewage and water distribution system plays a major role in the recharge of the aquifer and groundwater quality.

Estudo integrado das características geológico-geotécnicas com vista à avaliação de recarga de aquífero: região de São Carlos-SP / Integrated study of geological and geotechnical characteristics for aquifer recharge assessment: São Carlos-SP region

Fagundes, Júnio René Toledo 06 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um estudo da integração das características geológico geotécnicas da região de São Carlos que condicionam o processo de recarga do aquífero constituído pelos arenitos da Formação Botucatu. Dentre as características avaliadas, destacam-se os parâmetros de condutividade hidráulica, de retenção de poluentes e de distribuição de poros, além das informações sobre a distribuição e ocorrência dos materiais geológicos, profundidade do nível de água, uso do solo e superfícies de difração hídrica. Tais informações foram obtidas a partir de trabalhos integrados de escritório, campo e laboratório, sendo os resultados gerados na forma de mapas considerados fundamentais para a elaboração de modelos destinados à avaliação de recarga. Foi também realizado na região monitoramento pluviográfico das chuvas, bem como dos níveis de água e de umidade da zona não saturada através de poços e tensiômetros, respectivamente. As informações integradas e os dados de monitoramento foram utilizados em simulações no programa Mike-She, que considerou os diferentes aspectos geológico-geotécnicos no estudo de avaliação das taxas de recarga. O estudo demonstrou a importância da variabilidade dos materiais geológicos, das características geológico-geotécnicas e da dinâmica das águas para a adequada avaliação das taxas de recarga de aqüífero e de fluxo dos poluentes. / This thesis presents an integrated study of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of São Carlos region which influence the recharge process of the aquifer composed of sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Among the assessed characteristics, it can be distinguished the parameters of ydraulic conductivity, retention of pollutants and pore distribution, also information about the distribution and occurrence of the geologic materials, groundwater depth, land use and water diffraction surfaces. Such data were obtained from desk study, field and laboratory integrated works, with the results being generated in the form of maps considered fundamental to the development of models for recharge assessment. In the region, it was also conducted monitoring of rainfall, groundwater levels and water content of the unsaturated zone through pluviograph, monitoring wells and tensiometers, respectively. The integrated information and monitoring data were used in the Mike-She software simulations, which considered the different geological and geotechnical aspects in the study for assessment of the recharge rates. The study demonstrated the importance of variability of geological materials, geological and geotechnical characteristics and dynamics of water for the adequate assessment of the aquifer recharge and transport of pollutants.

Numerical simulation and effective management of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers

Hussain, Mohammed Salih January 2015 (has links)
Seawater intrusion (SWI) is a widespread environmental problem, particularly in arid and semi-arid coastal areas. Unplanned prolonged over-pumping of groundwater is the most important factor in SWI that could result in severe deterioration of groundwater quality. Therefore, appropriate management strategies should be implemented in coastal aquifers to control SWI with acceptable limits of economic and environmental costs. This PhD project presents the development and application of a simulation-optimization (S/O) model to assess different management methods of controlling saltwater intrusion while satisfying water demands, and with acceptable limits of economic and environmental costs, in confined and unconfined coastal aquifers. The first S/O model (FE-GA) is developed by direct linking of an FE simulation model with a multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize the efficiency of a wide range of SWI management scenarios. However, in this S/O framework, several multiple calls of the simulation model by the population-based optimization model, evaluating best individual candidate solutions resulted in a considerable computational burden. To solve this problem the numerical simulation model is replaced by an Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR)-based surrogate model in the next S/O model (EPR-GA). Through these S/O approaches (FE-GA and EPR-GA) the optimal coordinates and rates of the both abstraction and recharge barriers are determined in the studied management scenarios. As a result, a new combined methodology, so far called ADRTWW, is proposed to control SWI. The ADRTWW model consists of deep Abstraction of saline water near the coast followed by Desalination of the abstracted water to a potable level for public uses and simultaneously Recharging the aquifer using a more economic source of water such as treated wastewater (TWW). In accordance to the available recharge options (injection through well or infiltration from surface pond), the general performance of ADRTWW is evaluated in different hydro-geological settings of the aquifers indicating that it offers the least cost and least salinity in comparison with other scenarios. The great capabilities of both developed S/O models in identification of the best management solutions and the optimal coordinates and rates of the abstraction well and recharge well/pond are discussed. Both FE-GA and EPR-GA can be successfully employed by a robust decision support system. In the next phase of the study, the general impacts of sea level rise (SLR), associated with its transgression nature along the coastline surface on the saltwater intrusion mechanism are investigated in different hypothetical and real case studies of coastal aquifer systems. The results show that the rate and the amount of SWI are considerably greater in aquifers with flat shoreline slopes compared with those with steep slopes. The SWI process is followed by a significant depletion in quantity of freshwater resources at the end of the century. The situation is exacerbated with combined action of SLR and groundwater withdrawals. This finding is also confirmed by 3D simulation of SWI in a regional coastal aquifer (Wadi Ham aquifer) in the UAE subjected to the coupled actions of SLR and pumping.

Estudo integrado das características geológico-geotécnicas com vista à avaliação de recarga de aquífero: região de São Carlos-SP / Integrated study of geological and geotechnical characteristics for aquifer recharge assessment: São Carlos-SP region

Júnio René Toledo Fagundes 06 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta um estudo da integração das características geológico geotécnicas da região de São Carlos que condicionam o processo de recarga do aquífero constituído pelos arenitos da Formação Botucatu. Dentre as características avaliadas, destacam-se os parâmetros de condutividade hidráulica, de retenção de poluentes e de distribuição de poros, além das informações sobre a distribuição e ocorrência dos materiais geológicos, profundidade do nível de água, uso do solo e superfícies de difração hídrica. Tais informações foram obtidas a partir de trabalhos integrados de escritório, campo e laboratório, sendo os resultados gerados na forma de mapas considerados fundamentais para a elaboração de modelos destinados à avaliação de recarga. Foi também realizado na região monitoramento pluviográfico das chuvas, bem como dos níveis de água e de umidade da zona não saturada através de poços e tensiômetros, respectivamente. As informações integradas e os dados de monitoramento foram utilizados em simulações no programa Mike-She, que considerou os diferentes aspectos geológico-geotécnicos no estudo de avaliação das taxas de recarga. O estudo demonstrou a importância da variabilidade dos materiais geológicos, das características geológico-geotécnicas e da dinâmica das águas para a adequada avaliação das taxas de recarga de aqüífero e de fluxo dos poluentes. / This thesis presents an integrated study of the geological and geotechnical characteristics of São Carlos region which influence the recharge process of the aquifer composed of sandstones of the Botucatu Formation. Among the assessed characteristics, it can be distinguished the parameters of ydraulic conductivity, retention of pollutants and pore distribution, also information about the distribution and occurrence of the geologic materials, groundwater depth, land use and water diffraction surfaces. Such data were obtained from desk study, field and laboratory integrated works, with the results being generated in the form of maps considered fundamental to the development of models for recharge assessment. In the region, it was also conducted monitoring of rainfall, groundwater levels and water content of the unsaturated zone through pluviograph, monitoring wells and tensiometers, respectively. The integrated information and monitoring data were used in the Mike-She software simulations, which considered the different geological and geotechnical aspects in the study for assessment of the recharge rates. The study demonstrated the importance of variability of geological materials, geological and geotechnical characteristics and dynamics of water for the adequate assessment of the aquifer recharge and transport of pollutants.

Groundwater Recharge in Crystalline Bedrock : Processes, Estimation, and Modelling / Grundvattenbildning i kristallin berggrund : Processer, uppskattning och modellering

Bockgård, Niclas January 2004 (has links)
<p>Kunskap om grundvattenbildningen är nödvändig för att man ska kunna förutsäga konsekvenserna av grundvattenuttag och underjordsbyggande. Grundvattenbildningen i berggrunden är dock svår att uppskatta. Syftet med avhandlingen var att öka förståelsen av grundvattenbildningen i kristallin berggrund, att undersöka hur grundvattenbildningen ska uppskattas samt att utveckla nya modeller för att beskriva grundvattenbildningen. Studien grundades på tre angreppssätt: grundvattendatering med freoner (CFC), geohydrauliska observationer och matematisk modellering.</p><p>Koncentrationerna av CFC-11 och CFC-113 befanns vara låga i det undersökta berggrundvattnet, vilket i kombination med låga syrgashalter tyder på anaerob nedbrytning. Koncentrationerna av CFC-12 och tritium överensstämde ganska väl, vilket betyder att den skenbara åldern kan vara den sanna åldern. Resultaten tyder på att CFC-datering inte är pålitlig i skogsmiljöer med finkornigt jordtäcke.</p><p>Vid nederbörd observerades ett snabbt gensvar i den hydrauliska potentialen i den studerade bergakviferen, trots det 10 m mäktiga moräntäcket. En avsevärd del av de observerade potentialvariationerna befanns vara belastningseffekter, som inte innebar någon magasinsförändring eller något vattenflöde. Berggrundens belastningseffektivitet uppskattades, ur potentialens svar på lufttrycksförändringar, till 0,95. Ytbelastningen beräknades från mätningar av lufttryck, vatten i jordtäcket och snö. Omkring 20 % av årstidsvariationen hos den hydrauliska potentialen uppskattades bero på enbart belastningsförändringar. En enkel begreppsmässig modell kunde användas för att simulera den observerade hydrauliska potentialen. För att beskriva enskilda grundvattenbildningstillfällen på bästa sätt var det nödvändigt att ta hänsyn till effekten av ytbelastningen.</p><p>Numeriska experiment gjordes med en modell av en jord–bergprofil. När berget modellerades som ett heterogent kontinuum bildades omättade zoner i berget vid stora hydrauliska gradienter. Fenomenet uppträdde i områden där låggenomsläppliga zoner låg uppströms höggenomsläppliga zoner, och ledde till minskad hydraulisk konduktivitet i berget.</p> / <p>Knowledge about the groundwater recharge is essential for the prediction of impacts of groundwater withdrawal and underground construction. Recharge in the bedrock is, however, difficult to estimate. The objectives of this thesis were to increase the understanding of groundwater recharge in crystalline bedrock, to investigate how the recharge could be estimated, and to develop new models to describe the recharge. The study was based on three approaches: groundwater dating using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), geohydraulic field measurements, and mathematical modelling.</p><p>Low concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-113 were found in the bedrock groundwater, which in combination with low dissolved-oxygen levels indicated anaerobe degradation. The CFC-12 and tritium concentrations agreed fairly well, which means that apparent ages could be true ages. The results suggest that CFC dating may not be reliable at forested, humid sites covered by fine-grained soil.</p><p>A quick response in hydraulic head to precipitation was observed in the studied bedrock, despite the 10-m thick till cover. A substantial portion of observed head variations was found to be loading effects, involving no storage changes or water flow. The loading efficiency of the bedrock was estimated, from the air-pressure response, to be 0.95. The surface loading was calculated from measurements of air pressure, water in the soil, and snow. About 20% of the seasonal variation of the hydraulic head was estimated to be related to loading changes only. A simple conceptual model could be used to simulate the observed hydraulic heads. The loading effect had to be included to properly describe individual recharge events.</p><p>Numerical experiments were performed with a soil–bedrock profile. When the rock was modelled as a heterogeneous continuum, unsaturated zones developed at high hydraulic gradients. The phenomenon appeared in areas where low-conductive zones were located upstream of high-conductive zones, decreasing the effective hydraulic conductivity of the material.</p>

Controls on eruption style and magma compositions at Mount Hood, Oregon

Koleszar, Alison M. 21 July 2011 (has links)
This study is an effort to characterize the magma sources, plumbing system, and eruptive behavior of Mount Hood, a low-explosivity recharge-dominated volcano in the Oregon Cascades. The three manuscripts in this dissertation make use of melt inclusion data, phenocryst compositions, and whole rock petrology and geochemistry to build a schematic model of plumbing, mixing, and eruption at Mount Hood. Volatile contents in melt inclusions were measured by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectometry (SIMS). These measurements indicate that the pre-eruptive volatile contents at Mount Hood are comparable to concentrations in more explosive volcanoes, and do not sufficiently explain the low explosivity of Mount Hood. Measured H₂O contents were also used to test the validity of multiple different hygrometers. Various geothermobarometers were applied to the melt inclusions and phenocrysts from Mount Hood, and demonstrate that pre-eruptive temperatures increase by 100-150 ̊C immediately after mafic recharge, which occurs days to weeks prior to eruption and is accompanied by a 5-10 fold decrease in magma viscosity. Numerical simulations of magma ascent indicate that magma fragmentation is significantly delayed with this magnitude of pre-eruptive heating, which reduces the likelihood of explosive eruption. Analyses of amphibole demonstrate two markedly different populations, which correspond to different magma compositions, temperatures, and pressures. Pressure and temperature calculations were compared to other geothermobarometers to crosscheck the validity of these results and generally agreed well. Trace element concentrations in lavas, enclaves, and inclusions from Mount Hood confirm previous models for simple binary mixing at Mount Hood. A linear regression technique for extrapolating the major element contents of the mixing endmembers works acceptably well to characterize the trace element budgets of these endmembers. Additionally, we observe that the "recharge filter" that is responsible for the compositionally monotonous lavas at Mount Hood is also the likely cause of long-term low explosivity, and is indicative of a two-part magma plumbing system that may be a general model for a number of other recharge-dominated arc volcanoes. The results presented in this dissertation, in concert with previous results by other authors, converge on a generally consistent model for the production, hybridization, and eruption of intermediate lavas at Mount Hood and elsewhere. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Sept. 16, 2011 - March 16, 2012

Groundwater resource evaluation and protection in the Cape Flats, South Africa

Segun Michael Adegboyega Adelana January 2010 (has links)
<p>The analysis of geologic, hydrologic and hydrogeologic data interpreted to give the characteristics of the Cape Flats aquifer showed the quality of groundwater from the aquifer is suitable for development as a water resource. The conceptual model of the Cape Flats sand shows an unconfined sandy aquifer, grading into semi-confined conditions in some places where thick lenses of clay and peat exists. Recharge rates through the saturated zone of the Cape Flats aquifer have been determined by water table fluctuation (WTF), rainfall-recharge relationship, soil water balance and chloride mass balance methods (CMB). Recharge rates using the WTF vary considerably between wet and dry years and between locations, with a range of 17.3% to 47.5%. Values obtained from empirical rainfall-recharge equation (method 2) agree with those of the WTF. Recharge estimates from the water balance model are comparatively lower but are within the range calculated using empirical method 2 (i.e. 87 &ndash / 194 mm or 4 &ndash / 21% of MAP). These recharge rates also agree with estimates from the series of other methods applied to sites located in the north-western coast of Western Cape and are comparable to recharge rates obtained elsewhere in the world.</p>

Groundwater Recharge in Crystalline Bedrock : Processes, Estimation, and Modelling / Grundvattenbildning i kristallin berggrund : Processer, uppskattning och modellering

Bockgård, Niclas January 2004 (has links)
Kunskap om grundvattenbildningen är nödvändig för att man ska kunna förutsäga konsekvenserna av grundvattenuttag och underjordsbyggande. Grundvattenbildningen i berggrunden är dock svår att uppskatta. Syftet med avhandlingen var att öka förståelsen av grundvattenbildningen i kristallin berggrund, att undersöka hur grundvattenbildningen ska uppskattas samt att utveckla nya modeller för att beskriva grundvattenbildningen. Studien grundades på tre angreppssätt: grundvattendatering med freoner (CFC), geohydrauliska observationer och matematisk modellering. Koncentrationerna av CFC-11 och CFC-113 befanns vara låga i det undersökta berggrundvattnet, vilket i kombination med låga syrgashalter tyder på anaerob nedbrytning. Koncentrationerna av CFC-12 och tritium överensstämde ganska väl, vilket betyder att den skenbara åldern kan vara den sanna åldern. Resultaten tyder på att CFC-datering inte är pålitlig i skogsmiljöer med finkornigt jordtäcke. Vid nederbörd observerades ett snabbt gensvar i den hydrauliska potentialen i den studerade bergakviferen, trots det 10 m mäktiga moräntäcket. En avsevärd del av de observerade potentialvariationerna befanns vara belastningseffekter, som inte innebar någon magasinsförändring eller något vattenflöde. Berggrundens belastningseffektivitet uppskattades, ur potentialens svar på lufttrycksförändringar, till 0,95. Ytbelastningen beräknades från mätningar av lufttryck, vatten i jordtäcket och snö. Omkring 20 % av årstidsvariationen hos den hydrauliska potentialen uppskattades bero på enbart belastningsförändringar. En enkel begreppsmässig modell kunde användas för att simulera den observerade hydrauliska potentialen. För att beskriva enskilda grundvattenbildningstillfällen på bästa sätt var det nödvändigt att ta hänsyn till effekten av ytbelastningen. Numeriska experiment gjordes med en modell av en jord–bergprofil. När berget modellerades som ett heterogent kontinuum bildades omättade zoner i berget vid stora hydrauliska gradienter. Fenomenet uppträdde i områden där låggenomsläppliga zoner låg uppströms höggenomsläppliga zoner, och ledde till minskad hydraulisk konduktivitet i berget. / Knowledge about the groundwater recharge is essential for the prediction of impacts of groundwater withdrawal and underground construction. Recharge in the bedrock is, however, difficult to estimate. The objectives of this thesis were to increase the understanding of groundwater recharge in crystalline bedrock, to investigate how the recharge could be estimated, and to develop new models to describe the recharge. The study was based on three approaches: groundwater dating using chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), geohydraulic field measurements, and mathematical modelling. Low concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-113 were found in the bedrock groundwater, which in combination with low dissolved-oxygen levels indicated anaerobe degradation. The CFC-12 and tritium concentrations agreed fairly well, which means that apparent ages could be true ages. The results suggest that CFC dating may not be reliable at forested, humid sites covered by fine-grained soil. A quick response in hydraulic head to precipitation was observed in the studied bedrock, despite the 10-m thick till cover. A substantial portion of observed head variations was found to be loading effects, involving no storage changes or water flow. The loading efficiency of the bedrock was estimated, from the air-pressure response, to be 0.95. The surface loading was calculated from measurements of air pressure, water in the soil, and snow. About 20% of the seasonal variation of the hydraulic head was estimated to be related to loading changes only. A simple conceptual model could be used to simulate the observed hydraulic heads. The loading effect had to be included to properly describe individual recharge events. Numerical experiments were performed with a soil–bedrock profile. When the rock was modelled as a heterogeneous continuum, unsaturated zones developed at high hydraulic gradients. The phenomenon appeared in areas where low-conductive zones were located upstream of high-conductive zones, decreasing the effective hydraulic conductivity of the material.

Écologie fonctionnelle dans les nappes phréatiques : liens entre flux de matière organique, activité et diversité biologiques

Foulquier, Arnaud 22 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les réseaux trophiques jouent un rôle primordial dans la régulation des flux de matière et d'énergie au sein des écosystèmes. Dans le cadre des pratiques de recharge artificielle des aquifères, les biocénoses souterraines sont pleinement sollicitées et leur capacité à dégrader les flux de matière organique de surface conditionne le maintien de la qualité des eaux souterraines. L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer l'influence d'une augmentation des flux de carbone organique dissous sur l'intensité des interactions trophiques entre les communautés microbiennes et les assemblages d'invertébrés au toit des nappes phréatiques rechargées artificiellement avec des eaux de ruissellement pluvial. A travers une approche expérimentale de terrain et de laboratoire, ce travail permet d'évaluer l'intensité des relations existant entre les flux de carbone organique dissous, les conditions environnementales, l'activité et la diversité de communautés microbiennes et l'abondance des communautés d'invertébrés.

Handbook for sustainable development: Integrated Water Resources Management in Hanoi, Vietnam / Sổ tay hướng dẫn về phát triển bền vững: Quản lý tổng hợp tài nguyên nước tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Stefan, Catalin, Fuchs, Lothar, Röstel, Gunda, Werner, Peter 09 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The handbook presented in this paper summarises the results of the research initiative “International Water Research Alliance Saxony” (IWAS). The subproject “IWAS Vietnam” (Phase I, October 2008 – December 2010) focuses on the model region “South-East Asia” with emphasis on Vietnam. The project started as a joint research initiative between German and Vietnamese organisations and included contributions from academic, private and public sector in both countries. The handbook was compiled by the Technische Universität Dresden (project coordination), the Institute for Technical and Scientific Hydrology and Dresden Drainage and Sewerage Company, with substantial contributions from Vietnamese partners. / Sổ tay hướng dẫn trong bài viết này tóm lược các kết quả của sáng kiến nghiên cứu từ “Liên minh Nghiên cứu ngành nước quốc tế bang Saxony” (IWAS). Dự án nhánh “IWAS Việt Nam” (giai đoạn 1, 10/2008 - 12/2010) tập trung vào khu vực Đông Nam Á với trọng tâm là Việt Nam. Dự án khởi động như một sáng kiến liên kết nghiên cứu giữa các tổ chức của CHLB Đức và Việt Nam với sự đóng góp từ các đơn vị tư nhân, nhà nước và trường đại học của cả hai quốc gia. Quyển sổ tay này được biên soạn bởi Đại học Kỹ thuật Dresden (cơ quan điều phối dự án), Viện Công nghệ và Khoa học Thủy văn, và Công ty Thoát nước Dresden, cùng với sự đóng góp quan trọng của các đối tác Việt Nam.

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