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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

hiResilient response and performance of bitumen stabilized materials with foam incorporating reclaimed asphalt

Dal Ben, Matteo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increased use of reclaimed asphalt (RA) in Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs), shortcomings in the existing design guidelines and manuals and ongoing developments in the concepts and understanding of these materials require further research into the fundamental properties and behaviour of BSMs. The state-of-the-art of foamed bitumen techniques is reviewed in the literature study. Current best practices in the design of BSMs and pavements incorporating such materials are also included in this literature study. Shortcomings and areas for further improvement of the design practice have been identified. With new environmental legislation, the importance of BSM technology including RA as an environmentally-friendlier and more sustainable construction technique is set to increase in the coming years. Changes in the behaviour of materials and failure mechanisms of BSM mixes are long-term phenomena. This implies that the study of the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the mixes with increasing amount of RA is vital. Therefore, fundamental understandings of moisture damage and thermo-physical characteristics, which are related to material properties, are required. The main objective of this study is to advance BSM technology by assessing the influence of the selected materials on durability behaviour, temperature distribution and long-term performance in all phases of application (i.e. mix design, construction, and in-service condition). This study begins with a comprehensive literature review of research dealing with the interactions between RA and mineral aggregates. The properties of RA and mineral aggregates were reviewed. This was followed by a review into the mechanical properties of BSM-foam mixes with high percentage of RA and its durability performance. Factors influencing the temperature gradient of BSMs were then identified. Achieving a better understanding of the fundamental performance properties and temperature influence on the behaviour of BSMs with high percentage of RA is one of the key factors of this research, with a view to using the extended knowledge for improvements to current mix design and structural design practices. Finally, the fundamental theories on thermo-conductivity and the mechanical properties of the BSM were used to create a relationship between temperature and mechanical properties in a pavement section. A laboratory testing programme was set up to study the properties and behaviour of BSMs and to establish links with the compositional factors, i.e. the type of binder used, the percentage of RA in the mix and the addition of a small amount of cement as active filler. BSMs were blended in three different proportions of RA and good quality crushed stone materials: 100% RA (with 2 % bitumen content), 50% RA and 50% G2 Hornfels crushed stone (with 2.1% bitumen content) and 100% G2 (with 2.3 % bitumen content). Tri-axial testing was carried out to determine shear parameters, resilient modulus and permanent deformation behaviour, while brushing testing was carried out to determine the possible durability performance of the BSMs. The mixture durability in terms of moisture damage was investigated. Temperature data were collected and a model to accurately simulate the temperature distribution in the BSMs was identified and proposed for further investigation and validation. It was found from the laboratory temperature data collected in this study that the temperature gradient varied according to the depth of the BSMs. A considerable part of the efforts of this study were dedicated to characterise and model the temperature distribution in a pavement section, taking into account the mechanical properties and performance of the BSMs at different temperature layers. The study provides an insight into fundamental mechanical performance, material durability properties, and the thermal capacity and conductivity of the BSM-foam mixes with high percentage of RA. This will assist in improving the current procedure for selection, combining and formulation of the mix matrices for BSMs. In addition, the study provides guidelines that will enable practitioners to confidently understand the relationship between temperature gradient and mechanical behaviours of BSM-foam pavement section. The specific durability-related issues addressed in this study are substance for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende gebruik van herwonne asfalt (Engels: reclaimed asphalt (RA)) in bitumen gestabiliseerde materiaal (Engels: Bitumen Stabilised Materials (BSMs)), tekortkominge in die bestaande ontwerpriglyne- en handleidings en deurlopende verbeteringe in die konsepte en begrip van hierdie material vereis verdere navorsing oor die fundamentele eienskappe en gedrag van BSM. In die literatuurstudie word die huidige stand van kennis van die ontwerp van skuimbitumentegnieke ondersoek. Die literatuurstudie dek ook die huidige beste praktyke in die ontwerp van BSM en plaveisels wat hierdie materiale insluit. Tekortkominge en areas van verdere verbetering in die ontwerppraktyke is geïdentifiseer. Onlangse omgewingswetgewing verhoog die belangrikheid van BSM tegnologie, insluitend RA, as ‘n meer omgewingsvriendelike en volhoubare konstruksie-tegniek. Hierdie faktor sal in die toekoms al hoe belangriker word. Die verandering in die gedrag van materiaal en die falingsmeganismes van BSM mengsels is langtermynverskynsels. Dit impliseer dat die studie van die fisio-chemiese en meganiese eienskappe van mengsels met toenemende verhoudings van RA van kardinale belang is’n Fundamentele begrip van die vogskade en temo-fisiese eienskappe, wat verwant is aan die materiale se eienskappe, word vereis. Die primêre doelwit van die studie is die bevordering van BSM tegnologie deur die invloed van die geselekteerde materiale op duursaamheid, temperatuurverspreiding en langtermyn gedrag in al die fases van toepassing (mengselontwerp, konstruksie en in-dienstoestand) te bepaal. Die verhandeling begin met ‘n omvattende literatuuroorsig van navorsing oor die interaksie tussen RA en mineraalaggregate. Die eienskappe van RA en die mineraalaggregate word bespreek. Dit word gevolg deur ‘n oorsig van die meganiese eienskappe van die BSM-skuimbitumenmengsels met ‘n hoë persentasie RA en die duursaamheidgedrag daarvan. Faktore wat die temperatuurgradient van BSM beïnvloed word dan aangetoon. ‘n Beter begrip van die fundamentele gedragseienskappe en die invloed van temperatuur op die gedrag van BSM met ‘n hoë persentasie RA is een van die sleutelfaktore van hierdie navorsing. Dit het ten doel om die uitgebreide kennis te gebruik om huidige mengselontwerp en strukturele ontwerppraktyke te verbeter. Laastens is die fundamentele teorie van termogeleiding en die meganiese eienskappe van BSM gebruik om ‘n verhouding tussen temperature en meganiese eienskappe in ‘n plaveiselsnit te ontwikkel. ‘n Laboratoriumtoetsprogram is opgestel om die eienskappe en gedrag van BSM te bestudeer en om verwantskappe tussen samestellende faktore soos die tipe bindmiddel gebruik, die persentasie RA in die mengsel en die toediening van klein hoeveelhede sement as aktiewe vuller te bepaal. BSM is in drie verskillende verhoudings van RA en goeie gehalte gebreekte klipmateriaal vermeng: 100% RA met 2 % bitumen, 50% RA en 50 % G2 Hornfels gebreekte klip met 2.1 % bitumen en 100% G2 met 2.3 % bitumen. Drie-assige druktoetse is gebruik om skuifsterkteparameters, elastiese modulus en permanente vervormingsgedrag te bepaal. Borseltoetse is gebruik om die duursaamheidgedrag van BSM te bepaal. Die mengsels se duursaamheid is ook in terme van vogskade ondersoek.

Análise de impactos ambientais da restauração de um pavimento asfáltico pela Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida / Environmental impact analysis of asphalt pavements rehabilitation by Life Cycle Assessment

Savietto, Júlia Panzarin 07 July 2017 (has links)
A infraestrutura de transportes traz benefícios sociais e econômicos, porém traz também inevitáveis impactos ambientais que não podem ser negligenciados, como supressão da vegetação local e poluição atmosférica. Esses impactos ambientais podem ser quantificados e analisados pela técnica Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV), que cria a possibilidade de contemplar o aspecto ambiental na tomada de decisões e pode trazer melhor compreensão da cadeia produtiva. Na última década, é crescente a utilização dessa técnica na área de pavimentação, entretanto ainda é pouco usual no Brasil. O objetivo dessa dissertação é avaliar os impactos ambientais produzidos por duas técnicas de restauração de pavimentos asfálticos, comparando-se os resultados de ACV que observaram as fases de produção de materiais e de transportes. Dois cenários de restauração foram estudados, o primeiro considerou uma mistura asfáltica composta exclusivamente por materiais virgens (restauração convencional), e o segundo, considerou uma mistura asfáltica composta por 35% de Reciclado de Pavimento Asfáltico (RPA). As ACV foram procedidas de três maneiras distintas: (a) com o banco de dados e software alemão GaBi e o método EDIP 1997, (b) com o banco de dados da USLCI e pelo método do EDIP 1997, e (c) com software PavementLCA e o método TRACI. Os resultados obtidos a partir dos três diferentes procedimentos indicaram que a restauração com RPA apresentou redução dos impactos ambientais potencias quando comparada com a restauração convencional. Observou-se também que, para a maioria das análises, a atividade que mais contribuiu para os impactos das duas estratégias de restauração foi a de produção dos materiais. A análise de sensibilidade dos resultados obtidos com o GaBi e com o USLCI mostrou diferenças consideráveis, causadas pelas diferentes fontes de dados. Apesar de ser uma técnica em crescimento, a ACV ainda apresenta limitações quando aplicada a pavimentos, sobretudo, pela complexidade de seu ciclo de vida e pelas incertezas que envolvem sua elaboração, assim, estudos sobre ACV devem continuar, a fim de padronizar a técnica para a área e, com o tempo, obter resultados cada vez mais precisos. / Transportation infrastructure brings social and economic benefits, but it also brings unavoidable environmental impacts that can not be neglected, such as suppression of local vegetation and air pollution. These environmental impacts can be quantified and analyzed by the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique, which creates the possibility of contemplating the environmental aspect in decision making and can provide a better understanding of the production chain. In the last decade, the use of this technique in the area of pavement is increasing, although not very usual in Brazil. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the environmental impacts produced by two asphalt pavement rehabilitation techniques, comparing the LCA results of material production and transportation phases. Two rehabilitation scenarios were studied, the first one considering an asphalt mixture composed exclusively by raw materials (conventional rehabilitation), and the second one considered an asphalt mixture composed by 35% of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). The LCA was done in three different ways: (a) with the German database and software GaBi and the EDIP 1997 method, (b) with the USLCI database and the EDIP 1997 method, and (c) with PavementLCA software and the TRACI method. The results obtained from the three different procedures indicated that the rehabilitation with RPA showed reduction of the potential environmental impacts when compared with the conventional rehabilitation. It was also observed that for the majority of the analysis, the activity that contributed the most to the impacts of the two rehabilitation strategies was the material production one. The sensitivity analysis of the results obtained with GaBi and with USLCI showed considerable differences in their values, caused by the different data sources. Although it is a growing technique, LCA still presents limitations when applied to pavements, mainly due to the complexity of its life cycle and the uncertainties involved in its elaboration, so studies about LCA should continue with the aim of standardizing the technique for the area and, over time, achieve increasingly more accurate results.

Desempenho de misturas de distintos materiais com cinza volante e cal submetidas a condições climáticas severas

Godoy, Vinícius Batista January 2018 (has links)
A aplicação prática de resíduos industriais, como cinza volante proveniente da queima de carvão, em bases e sub-bases de rodovias, é de grande interesse para engenheiros geotécnicos, uma vez que reduz o consumo de recursos naturais e oferece um destino a esses resíduos. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação de mestrado avalia o desempenho de misturas cinza volante-cal submetidas a condições climáticas extremas. Foram analisadas as propriedades resistência, rigidez e durabilidade de misturas de cinza volante (25%) com areia de Osório, comparando-se ciclos de molhagem-secagem com ciclos de congelamento-degelo. Para isso variou-se: o teor de cal hidratada (3%, 5%, 7%), o grau de compactação (14,0 kN/m³, 15,0 kN/m³, 16,0 kN/m³), a adição de 0,5% de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) como catalisador e a adição de 0,5% de fibras de polipropileno. Foi estudada a influência da temperatura (23°C e 40°C) em um período de 7 dias de cura, chegando-se à conclusão que o aumento de temperatura proporciona elevados ganhos de durabilidade por congelamento e degelo, resistência e rigidez, assim como a adição de sal e fibras de polipropileno Visando ampliar esta pesquisa foi proposta a troca da matriz da mistura (areia de Osório) por fresado (RAP) e a cal hidratada pela cal de carbureto. Para esse novo tipo de mistura, também foi realizado ensaios triaxiais para análise do comportamento tensão-deformação em relação a adição de 0,5% de NaCl, onde percebeu-se um aumento de 3,4° no ângulo de atrito e de 42,8 kPa no intercepto coesivo. As misturas de RAP e cal de carbureto obtiveram melhores resultados de resistência por compressão e durabilidade do que as misturas com areia de Osório e cal dolomítica, para a mesma temperatura de cura. Posteriormente constatou-se que a perda de massa acumulada após os referidos tipos de ciclos é controlada pelo índice porosidade (η)/teor volumétrico de cal (Liv), para ambas as misturas. Além disso, percebeu-se que menores perdas de massa acumulada foram obtidas para os ciclos de molhagem e secagem comparados aos ciclos de congelamento e degelo, tanto para as misturas com areia quanto para as misturas com RAP. / The practical application of industrial residues, such as coal fly ash, on bases and sub-bases of highways, is of great interest to geotechnical engineers, since it reduces the consumption of natural resources and gives a destination to these residues. In this sense, this master's thesis evaluates the performance of coal fly ash-lime mixtures under extreme climatic conditions. Was analysed the impact of the hydrated lime content (3%, 5%, 7%), the degree of compaction (14.0 kN/m³, 15.0 kN/m³, 16.0 kN/m³), the addition of 0.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) as a catalyst and the addition of 0.5% polypropylene fibers, on strength, stiffness and durability (comparing freezing-thawing to wetting-drying cycles), in fly ash mixtures (25%) with Osório sand. The influence of temperature (23 °C and 40 °C) in a period of 7 days of cure was also studied, this increase in temperature has been shown to provide high durability (for freezeing-thawing cycles), strength and stiffness gains, as well as addition of salt and polypropylene fibers. In order to extend this research, it was propose the exchange of the matrix’s mixture (Osório sand) by reclaimed asphalt paving (RAP) and lime hydrated by carbide lime For this new type of mixture, triaxial tests are also performed to analyze the stress-strain behavior in relation to the addition of 0.5% NaCl, where a 3.4° increase in the friction angle was observed, and 42.8 kPa in the cohesive intercept. The mixtures of RAP and carbide lime obtained better strength and durability results than mixtures with Osório sand and dolomitic lime, for the same cure temperature. Subsequently, It was verified that the accumulated loss of after these kinds of cycles is controlled by the index of porosity (η) / volumetric content of lime (Liv), for both mixtures. Besides that, lower losses of accumulated mass was observed for the wetting and drying cycles, compared to the freezing and thawing cycles.

Desempenho de misturas de distintos materiais com cinza volante e cal submetidas a condições climáticas severas

Godoy, Vinícius Batista January 2018 (has links)
A aplicação prática de resíduos industriais, como cinza volante proveniente da queima de carvão, em bases e sub-bases de rodovias, é de grande interesse para engenheiros geotécnicos, uma vez que reduz o consumo de recursos naturais e oferece um destino a esses resíduos. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação de mestrado avalia o desempenho de misturas cinza volante-cal submetidas a condições climáticas extremas. Foram analisadas as propriedades resistência, rigidez e durabilidade de misturas de cinza volante (25%) com areia de Osório, comparando-se ciclos de molhagem-secagem com ciclos de congelamento-degelo. Para isso variou-se: o teor de cal hidratada (3%, 5%, 7%), o grau de compactação (14,0 kN/m³, 15,0 kN/m³, 16,0 kN/m³), a adição de 0,5% de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) como catalisador e a adição de 0,5% de fibras de polipropileno. Foi estudada a influência da temperatura (23°C e 40°C) em um período de 7 dias de cura, chegando-se à conclusão que o aumento de temperatura proporciona elevados ganhos de durabilidade por congelamento e degelo, resistência e rigidez, assim como a adição de sal e fibras de polipropileno Visando ampliar esta pesquisa foi proposta a troca da matriz da mistura (areia de Osório) por fresado (RAP) e a cal hidratada pela cal de carbureto. Para esse novo tipo de mistura, também foi realizado ensaios triaxiais para análise do comportamento tensão-deformação em relação a adição de 0,5% de NaCl, onde percebeu-se um aumento de 3,4° no ângulo de atrito e de 42,8 kPa no intercepto coesivo. As misturas de RAP e cal de carbureto obtiveram melhores resultados de resistência por compressão e durabilidade do que as misturas com areia de Osório e cal dolomítica, para a mesma temperatura de cura. Posteriormente constatou-se que a perda de massa acumulada após os referidos tipos de ciclos é controlada pelo índice porosidade (η)/teor volumétrico de cal (Liv), para ambas as misturas. Além disso, percebeu-se que menores perdas de massa acumulada foram obtidas para os ciclos de molhagem e secagem comparados aos ciclos de congelamento e degelo, tanto para as misturas com areia quanto para as misturas com RAP. / The practical application of industrial residues, such as coal fly ash, on bases and sub-bases of highways, is of great interest to geotechnical engineers, since it reduces the consumption of natural resources and gives a destination to these residues. In this sense, this master's thesis evaluates the performance of coal fly ash-lime mixtures under extreme climatic conditions. Was analysed the impact of the hydrated lime content (3%, 5%, 7%), the degree of compaction (14.0 kN/m³, 15.0 kN/m³, 16.0 kN/m³), the addition of 0.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) as a catalyst and the addition of 0.5% polypropylene fibers, on strength, stiffness and durability (comparing freezing-thawing to wetting-drying cycles), in fly ash mixtures (25%) with Osório sand. The influence of temperature (23 °C and 40 °C) in a period of 7 days of cure was also studied, this increase in temperature has been shown to provide high durability (for freezeing-thawing cycles), strength and stiffness gains, as well as addition of salt and polypropylene fibers. In order to extend this research, it was propose the exchange of the matrix’s mixture (Osório sand) by reclaimed asphalt paving (RAP) and lime hydrated by carbide lime For this new type of mixture, triaxial tests are also performed to analyze the stress-strain behavior in relation to the addition of 0.5% NaCl, where a 3.4° increase in the friction angle was observed, and 42.8 kPa in the cohesive intercept. The mixtures of RAP and carbide lime obtained better strength and durability results than mixtures with Osório sand and dolomitic lime, for the same cure temperature. Subsequently, It was verified that the accumulated loss of after these kinds of cycles is controlled by the index of porosity (η) / volumetric content of lime (Liv), for both mixtures. Besides that, lower losses of accumulated mass was observed for the wetting and drying cycles, compared to the freezing and thawing cycles.

Desempenho de misturas de distintos materiais com cinza volante e cal submetidas a condições climáticas severas

Godoy, Vinícius Batista January 2018 (has links)
A aplicação prática de resíduos industriais, como cinza volante proveniente da queima de carvão, em bases e sub-bases de rodovias, é de grande interesse para engenheiros geotécnicos, uma vez que reduz o consumo de recursos naturais e oferece um destino a esses resíduos. Nesse sentido, esta dissertação de mestrado avalia o desempenho de misturas cinza volante-cal submetidas a condições climáticas extremas. Foram analisadas as propriedades resistência, rigidez e durabilidade de misturas de cinza volante (25%) com areia de Osório, comparando-se ciclos de molhagem-secagem com ciclos de congelamento-degelo. Para isso variou-se: o teor de cal hidratada (3%, 5%, 7%), o grau de compactação (14,0 kN/m³, 15,0 kN/m³, 16,0 kN/m³), a adição de 0,5% de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) como catalisador e a adição de 0,5% de fibras de polipropileno. Foi estudada a influência da temperatura (23°C e 40°C) em um período de 7 dias de cura, chegando-se à conclusão que o aumento de temperatura proporciona elevados ganhos de durabilidade por congelamento e degelo, resistência e rigidez, assim como a adição de sal e fibras de polipropileno Visando ampliar esta pesquisa foi proposta a troca da matriz da mistura (areia de Osório) por fresado (RAP) e a cal hidratada pela cal de carbureto. Para esse novo tipo de mistura, também foi realizado ensaios triaxiais para análise do comportamento tensão-deformação em relação a adição de 0,5% de NaCl, onde percebeu-se um aumento de 3,4° no ângulo de atrito e de 42,8 kPa no intercepto coesivo. As misturas de RAP e cal de carbureto obtiveram melhores resultados de resistência por compressão e durabilidade do que as misturas com areia de Osório e cal dolomítica, para a mesma temperatura de cura. Posteriormente constatou-se que a perda de massa acumulada após os referidos tipos de ciclos é controlada pelo índice porosidade (η)/teor volumétrico de cal (Liv), para ambas as misturas. Além disso, percebeu-se que menores perdas de massa acumulada foram obtidas para os ciclos de molhagem e secagem comparados aos ciclos de congelamento e degelo, tanto para as misturas com areia quanto para as misturas com RAP. / The practical application of industrial residues, such as coal fly ash, on bases and sub-bases of highways, is of great interest to geotechnical engineers, since it reduces the consumption of natural resources and gives a destination to these residues. In this sense, this master's thesis evaluates the performance of coal fly ash-lime mixtures under extreme climatic conditions. Was analysed the impact of the hydrated lime content (3%, 5%, 7%), the degree of compaction (14.0 kN/m³, 15.0 kN/m³, 16.0 kN/m³), the addition of 0.5% sodium chloride (NaCl) as a catalyst and the addition of 0.5% polypropylene fibers, on strength, stiffness and durability (comparing freezing-thawing to wetting-drying cycles), in fly ash mixtures (25%) with Osório sand. The influence of temperature (23 °C and 40 °C) in a period of 7 days of cure was also studied, this increase in temperature has been shown to provide high durability (for freezeing-thawing cycles), strength and stiffness gains, as well as addition of salt and polypropylene fibers. In order to extend this research, it was propose the exchange of the matrix’s mixture (Osório sand) by reclaimed asphalt paving (RAP) and lime hydrated by carbide lime For this new type of mixture, triaxial tests are also performed to analyze the stress-strain behavior in relation to the addition of 0.5% NaCl, where a 3.4° increase in the friction angle was observed, and 42.8 kPa in the cohesive intercept. The mixtures of RAP and carbide lime obtained better strength and durability results than mixtures with Osório sand and dolomitic lime, for the same cure temperature. Subsequently, It was verified that the accumulated loss of after these kinds of cycles is controlled by the index of porosity (η) / volumetric content of lime (Liv), for both mixtures. Besides that, lower losses of accumulated mass was observed for the wetting and drying cycles, compared to the freezing and thawing cycles.

Análise de impactos ambientais da restauração de um pavimento asfáltico pela Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida / Environmental impact analysis of asphalt pavements rehabilitation by Life Cycle Assessment

Júlia Panzarin Savietto 07 July 2017 (has links)
A infraestrutura de transportes traz benefícios sociais e econômicos, porém traz também inevitáveis impactos ambientais que não podem ser negligenciados, como supressão da vegetação local e poluição atmosférica. Esses impactos ambientais podem ser quantificados e analisados pela técnica Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV), que cria a possibilidade de contemplar o aspecto ambiental na tomada de decisões e pode trazer melhor compreensão da cadeia produtiva. Na última década, é crescente a utilização dessa técnica na área de pavimentação, entretanto ainda é pouco usual no Brasil. O objetivo dessa dissertação é avaliar os impactos ambientais produzidos por duas técnicas de restauração de pavimentos asfálticos, comparando-se os resultados de ACV que observaram as fases de produção de materiais e de transportes. Dois cenários de restauração foram estudados, o primeiro considerou uma mistura asfáltica composta exclusivamente por materiais virgens (restauração convencional), e o segundo, considerou uma mistura asfáltica composta por 35% de Reciclado de Pavimento Asfáltico (RPA). As ACV foram procedidas de três maneiras distintas: (a) com o banco de dados e software alemão GaBi e o método EDIP 1997, (b) com o banco de dados da USLCI e pelo método do EDIP 1997, e (c) com software PavementLCA e o método TRACI. Os resultados obtidos a partir dos três diferentes procedimentos indicaram que a restauração com RPA apresentou redução dos impactos ambientais potencias quando comparada com a restauração convencional. Observou-se também que, para a maioria das análises, a atividade que mais contribuiu para os impactos das duas estratégias de restauração foi a de produção dos materiais. A análise de sensibilidade dos resultados obtidos com o GaBi e com o USLCI mostrou diferenças consideráveis, causadas pelas diferentes fontes de dados. Apesar de ser uma técnica em crescimento, a ACV ainda apresenta limitações quando aplicada a pavimentos, sobretudo, pela complexidade de seu ciclo de vida e pelas incertezas que envolvem sua elaboração, assim, estudos sobre ACV devem continuar, a fim de padronizar a técnica para a área e, com o tempo, obter resultados cada vez mais precisos. / Transportation infrastructure brings social and economic benefits, but it also brings unavoidable environmental impacts that can not be neglected, such as suppression of local vegetation and air pollution. These environmental impacts can be quantified and analyzed by the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technique, which creates the possibility of contemplating the environmental aspect in decision making and can provide a better understanding of the production chain. In the last decade, the use of this technique in the area of pavement is increasing, although not very usual in Brazil. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the environmental impacts produced by two asphalt pavement rehabilitation techniques, comparing the LCA results of material production and transportation phases. Two rehabilitation scenarios were studied, the first one considering an asphalt mixture composed exclusively by raw materials (conventional rehabilitation), and the second one considered an asphalt mixture composed by 35% of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). The LCA was done in three different ways: (a) with the German database and software GaBi and the EDIP 1997 method, (b) with the USLCI database and the EDIP 1997 method, and (c) with PavementLCA software and the TRACI method. The results obtained from the three different procedures indicated that the rehabilitation with RPA showed reduction of the potential environmental impacts when compared with the conventional rehabilitation. It was also observed that for the majority of the analysis, the activity that contributed the most to the impacts of the two rehabilitation strategies was the material production one. The sensitivity analysis of the results obtained with GaBi and with USLCI showed considerable differences in their values, caused by the different data sources. Although it is a growing technique, LCA still presents limitations when applied to pavements, mainly due to the complexity of its life cycle and the uncertainties involved in its elaboration, so studies about LCA should continue with the aim of standardizing the technique for the area and, over time, achieve increasingly more accurate results.

Nové trendy při výstavbě netuhých vozovek. / New trends in the construction of flexible pavements

Palátová, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to introduce innovations and trends in the construction of flexible pavement layers, which are used abroad. The paper is focused on some surfaces, which help to reduce noise pollution from traffic, and binders, which are based on natural ingredients called bioasphalt. It provides an information summary of increasing share of reclaimed asphalt in bituminous mixtures and introduces possible procedures that could lead to an increase in pavement life.

Problematika zvyšování podílu R - materiálu v asfaltových směsích / The issue of increasing the proportion of reclaimed asphalt in asphalt mixtures

Urbanec, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this Ing. thesis is asphalt mixture with increasing RAP (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement). The theoretical part defines the terms of recycling and RAP and types of recycling. The practical part is devoted to the production and testing of asphalt mixtures with different volume RAP. The proposed asphalt mixture is asphalt concrete for base layer ACP22 +. Content of RAP in mixtures is 0%, 30%, 50% and 70%. As a special additive to soften the asphalt from RAP is used ingredient STORFLUX. For each mixture are established modulus stiffness of asphalt mixture and determined fatigue characteristics of asphalt mixture. The identified properties are compared for the different representation of RAP.

Recyklace asfaltových směsí s vyšším množstvím R-materiálu / Recycling of asphalt mixtures with higher amount of RAP

Klimek, Matěj January 2022 (has links)
The theoretical part of the diploma thesis recapitulates the existing literature in the field of recycling asphalt mixtures with a higher content of RAP (Reclaimed asphalt pavement). The practical part of the diploma thesis examines changes in the properties of asphalt mixtures with a higher content of RAP, due to changes in mixing time. Five mixtures have been proposed for this research. It is an asphalt mixture intended for the road abrasive layer (ACO 11+). Reference mixture "A" without RAP, with a standard mixing time of 25 seconds. Mixture "B" with 40% RAP, without rejuvenator, with an extended mixing time of 40 seconds. Mixture "C" with 40% RAP, with rejuvenator and standard mixing time. Mixture "D" with 40% RAP with rejuvenator and extended mixing time of 40 seconds. Mixture "E" with 40% RAP, with rejuvenator and extended mixing time of 55 seconds.

Quantification of the Role of The Effective Binder in the Performance of RAP – WMA Mixtures

ALSALIHI, MOHAMMED, 0000-0003-1930-5392 January 2020 (has links)
Over the past decades, several new technologies/materials (such as WMA, RAP, rubber, polymers, bio-binders…etc.) were incorporated into asphalt mixtures. However, current mix-design specifications evaluate all mixtures containing these different additives/technologies based on volumetric. Further, RAP incorporation in asphalt mixtures is still limited, and the influence of lowered production temperatures on RAP contribution in RAP-WMA mixtures is understudied. To tackle these issues, this study presents a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of production factors ( RAP content and source, binder grade, and production temperatures) on the effective binder in WMA-RAP mixtures, and the role of the effective binder in controlling mixture performance.The experimental program included evaluation of the compaction, cracking, and rutting performance of WMA-RAP mixtures produced with a different combination of the production factors. The Semi-Circular Bend (SCB) test at intermediate temperatures was used for cracking evaluation, while the Indirect Tension Test at High Temperatures (IDT-HT) was used for rutting evaluation. Further, the study included rheological characterization of extracted binder from the mixtures to investigate the role of the effective binder on cracking performance. The results showed that the effective binder properties are changed significantly with changes in the production factors, as measured by the extracted binder rheological properties. Also, the properties of the effective binder showed a direct control of the mixture performance as measured by the IDT-HT strength and the flexibility index obtained from the SCB test. Binder selection limits were developed for lab-produced WMA-RAP mixtures based on the Glover-Rowe parameter. Finally, a validation study was conducted using data from four different projects, including a field project in Texas, FHWA’s accelerated loading facility, a laboratory mixture study in Wisconsin, and a New Hampshire DOT study to confirm the refine the findings of this study. / Civil Engineering

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