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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Val av avskrivningsmetod & införande av komponent-avskrivningar K3 : En studie på kommunala energibolag / Choice of depreciation method and the introduction of component depreciation K3 : A study on municipal energy companies

Babovic, Mesud, Berglund, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur kommunala energibolag resonerar vid val av avskrivningsmetod samt hur kommunala energibolag har förberett sig inför införandet och hur de förhåller sig till implementeringen av komponentavskrivningar. Teorier: De teorier som använts i uppsatsen finner vi vara relevanta och applicerbara utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Vi har bl.a. använt oss av Burns & Scapens ramverk som ingår i den institutionella teorin, vilket är den teori som studien utgått ifrån. Metod: Studien utgår ifrån den kvalitativa ansatsen med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer och dokumentgranskning. Empiri: Empirin innefattar intervjuer med 5 kommunala energibolag inkluderande granskning av relevant dokumentation. Slutsatser: Studien har visat att de kommunala energibolagen upplever avskrivningsval som en svårbedömd process som präglas av en inre tröghet på grund av påverkande faktorer och inrotade regler och rutiner. I och med tolkningen och införandet av BFNs regelverk avseende komponentavskrivningar har ett internt motstånd byggts upp på grund av svåra och godtyckliga bedömningar. Detta har bidragit till en spretighet, vilket har påkallat behovet av tydligare rekommendationer och direktiv. Trots det något haltande implementeringsarbetet, ställer sig alla respondenterna positiva till införandet och kan se ett värde i det även om det initialt innebär ett merarbete. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how municipal energy companies reason in the choice of depreciation method and how municipal energy companies has prepared for the introduction and implementation of component depreciation. Theory: The theories used in this study, we find to be relevant and applicable to the specific research purpose and research questions. We have among other things, used the Burns & Scapens Framework that is part of the institutional theory, which is the theory that the study assumed. Method: The study is based on the qualitative approach using semi-structured interviews and document review. Empirics: The empirical data includes interviews with five municipal energy companies including review of relevant documentation. Conclusions: The study has shown that municipal energy companies are experiencing depreciation choice as a process that is difficult to estimate, and is characterized by inertia due to influencing factors and ingrained rules and routines. With the interpretation and implementation of BFNs regulation relating to component depreciation has an internal resistance due to difficult and arbitrary assessments, been built up. That has contributed to a wide range of estimations, which has demand the need for clearer recommendations and directives. Despite the halting implementation work, all respondents welcomed the introduction and can see a value in it even if it initially involves extra work.

Förändring i intäktsredovisning : Implemetering av IFRS 15 i svenska koncerner / Change in revenue recognition : Implementation of IFRS 15 in Swedish groups

Ragimov, Rufat January 2019 (has links)
Revenue is a central part of financial reporting and business activities, but there is a great deal of criticism and problems related to revenue recognition. In connection with this, a new standard IFRS 15 has been developed, in a convergence project between international standards setters IASB and FASB. This puts listed companies under new requirements when reporting revenue from 1 January 2018. The purpose of the standard is to harmonize international accounting, but for companies IFRS 15 means changes that must be implemented in the accounting work of companies. This aroused interest in the study of change by focusing on the implementation of the new standard. The problem discussion explains the importance and potential impact of the new standard, as well as essential elements to take into consideration when implementing accounting change. The model for accounting change, which focuses on the implementation of change in accounting work, is also presented. In this way, by combining claims in previous research, an analysis model is designed. The analysis model is a tool to cover the identified knowledge gap within IFRS 15 and implementation of accounting change. The aim of the study is to explain the change in revenue recognition and to describe the implementation of accounting change, with a focus on IFRS 15. The question that is answered is, how has the new revenue standard IFRS15 been implemented in the company’s accounting works? The theoretical framework describes the background to international accounting and the new revenue standard. Furthermore, the change behind IFRS 15 is described as an option to highlight balance-oriented approach, five-step model and extended disclosure requirements. Consequently, the change is limited to the abovementioned three points and is analyzed by means of a model of accounting change based on three types of impact and three types of barriers. The model, in turn, was combined with noted factors in implementing new accounting standards. These factors are described by authors as incentives, early planning, knowledge, external expertise, education and IT system. The study is characterized by deduction and with a descriptive character. The survey was conducted with qualitative semi-structured interviews, which was considered the most appropriate method in the case of circumstances and the development of the issue and purpose. Empirics are consisting of interviews that have been summarized and divided into two categories by the respondent’s perspective, as external specialists and internal employees. Interviews were further analyzed with the help of anchoring in previous research compiled in one model. The conclusion of the study is that the degree of involvement in IFRS 15 implementation varied considerably between companies. This can be explained by industry affiliation, size, incentives and organizational structure. The conclusion also shows that majority of groups revenue, was not affected in most cases. Another important moment is that many companies had underestimated the work that IFRS 15 implementation meant. It was found that early planning was a prerequisite for increasing knowledge and understanding of the balance sheet approach, which is central to the correct application of five-step model in relation to revenue, which is now to be carefully disclosed by companies. Among the companies, a great deal of knowledge shortages has been observed, which has been covered by external expertise. The most common questions concerned mainly five-step model and the hardest part proved to be step two, to identify various performance commitments. The most common motivation in the implementation process is the set of rules that are easy to follow and integrate into the organization and IT systems. The work in the case companies were going on in intended project groups that first learned the meaning of IFRS 15, with the support of either group management or external expertise. The implementation was implemented using appropriate education and IT systems switching, which resulted in successful implementation of both case companies.

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