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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knygų reklama spaudoje ir jos poveikis Lietuvos vartotojui / Book advertising in press and its' effect on lithuanian

Rukšėnaitė, Jolita 09 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas — knygų reklama spaudoje kaip vienas iš knygų reklamos būdų. Darbo tikslas: susipažinti su esama literatūra apie reklamą apskritai bei knygų reklamą spaudoje, kokybinio tyrimo būdu, šiuo atveju — anketos pagalba apklausti leidėjus. Sužinoti, ar jie reklamuoja knygas spaudoje, kaip tai daro ir kokį poveikį, jų manymu, daro tokia reklama žmonėms. Taip pat anketa buvo skirta apklausti Vilniaus universiteto studentus — Lietuvos vartotojų dalį bei išsiaiškinti, ar jiems tenka susidurti su knygų reklama spaudoje ir kokia reklama bei kaip tai juos paveikia įsigyti vieną ar kitą knygą. Darbo uždaviniai yra išsiaiškinti, kokią vietą knygų reklama spaudoje užima tarp kitų knygų reklamos būdų bei koks yra jos psichologinis poveikis vartotojams. Šiame darbe pasitelktas mokslinės literatūros analizės ir apibendrinimo metodas. Jis leido prieiti prie prielaidų, kurios buvo patikrintos empirinio tyrimo būdu. Anketavimo būdas, kuris šiame darbe buvo pasitelktas kaip daugiau kokybinis, nei kiekybinis metodas, leido įsigilinti į knygų reklamos spaudoje ir jos poveikio studentams ir leidėjams ryšį. Prieita prie išvados, kad knygų reklama spaudoje — leidybinio knygų marketingo priemonė, kurios tikslas — paveikti vartotoją taip, kaip to pageidauja leidėjas ar kitas reklamos užsakovas. Taip pat išsiaiškinta, kad vartotojai nepripažįsta, jog knygų reklama spaudoje gali daryti kryptingą poveikį jų elgsenai ir mąstysenai. Lietuvos vartotojų dalis teigia — ši reklamos rūšis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / „Book advertising in press and its‘ effect on Lithuanian consumers“ (summary) The main object of this scientific work was the book advertising in press as the one of many ways to promote the book. The purpose of this work was to acquaint with the nonfiction literature on the general advertising and the advertising in press; also to survey the publishers with a help of qualitative analysis. The survey was made to show, how the publishers advertise their books, where they do it and what effect, in their opinion, it does to the consumers. Also, the another survey was made to the students of Vilnius University — to the small part of all Lithuanian consumers. The questionnaire should have shown: the students contact with the book advertising in press and what advertising it was; what was the impact in their book purchase. The most important goals was: to ascertain the place, which the book advertising in press has among other ways of advertising. Also: to estimate the psichological effect it has on the consumers (the students). In this scientific work, the nonfiction literature analysis and its‘ interpretation was chosėn. It helped to come to the assumptions, which were examined with the help of qualitative analysis. From this research, inferences were drawn: the book advertising in press is the method of the marketing in the book publishing. The purpose of this method is to effect the consumers in such way as the publisher wishes. The inquiry also has showed, that the consumers... [to full text]

Spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumo vertinimas. Universitetų atvejis / Printed advertising creativity assessment. Case of universities

Dilinskaitė, Kristina 14 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – nustatyti universiteto spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumo lygį ir parengti rekomendacijas kaip padidinti spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumą. Pirmojoje (teorinėje) darbo dalyje analizuojama reklamos samprata ir jos esmė. Taip pat pateikiama ir kūrybingumo samprata, bei trumpai aptariami veiksniai, darantys įtaką ne tik organizacijai, bet ir jos marketingo sprendimams. Antrojoje (analitinėje) darbo dalyje pateikiami tyrimo, kurio tikslas – įvertinti pateikiamos spausdintinės reklamos vartotojams kūrybingumą, rezultatai ir metodologija. Taip pat pateikiamas universitetuose dirbančių marketingo specialistų darbo aplinkos vertinimo analizė. Trečiojoje (projektinėje) darbo dalyje, naudojant pirmose dalyse susistemintą informaciją, darbo autorius pateikia spausdintinės reklamos kūrybingumo didinimo projektą, skirtą kūrybinių kompetencijų tobulinimui universitetų darbuotojams bei reklamos efektyvumo vertinimo modelį. / The objective of the work is to identify the creativity level of the University printed advertising and to develop ways to increase print advertising creativity. The first (theoretical) part of this work is analysis of the concept and its meaning. Also you can find, the concept and creativity, and briefly discusses the factors influencing not only the organization but also it‘s marketing decisions. The second (analytical) part of the study, which aims - to assess the creativity of print advertising to consumers and compare their assessment with the assessment of advertisement makers, the results and methodology. It also gives marketing professionals working gives in universities, work environment assessment analysis. Third (design) part, with the first parts of the systemised information, the author of this work present a printed advertisement creativity raising project for the development of creative skills of university staff and the estimation effectiveness of the advertising model.

Srovnávací reklama - vývoj úpravy v českém právním řádu / Comparative advertisement - development of its regulation in Czech law

Srněnský, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is related to the comparative advertisement and its chronological development in the czech legal order. The aim is an explanation of the comparative advertisment institute, its history and modified private law regulation in the Civil Code no. 89/2012 Coll with comparison of individual past legislation and consideration of European law. The thesis consists of an introduction, four chapters, their subchapters and conclusion. The first chapter defines the general notions related to the comparative advertisement institute starts from the economic competition, private branch as competition law and the definition of advertisement, its history and understanding. Afer the advertisement definiton loosely follows second chapter which solely deals with the comparative advertisement institute. In this chapter a reader gets acquanted with the terminology, theory and practical cases of comparative advertisement. Then he is able to clarify the positives and negatives of comparative advertisement. The third chapter deals with the historical excursus starting with section of the legislation of the comparative advertisement from year 1919 to 1950, followed by the historical part from the lack of freedom period and ending with revolutionary legislation in year 1989 which is subsequently divided to...

Televizní reklama v České republice

Hladká, Michaela January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Bannerová reklama / Banner Advertising

Majoroš, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
History of internet advertising, types of internet advertising. Banner advertising, methods of payment for banner advertising, formats and technologies. Internet media market in Czech Republic, portals, servers, media agents, media agencies, SPIR association. Banner campaign, its planning, execution and evaluation. Videobanner campaign Nivea For Men, searching for the most effective format for videoadvertising on the internet.

Finanční analýza společnosti Euro RSCG, a. s.

Bauer, Vladimír January 2006 (has links)
Cílem práce je posoudit finanční zdraví společnosti Euro RSCG, a. s. s důrazem na charakteristiky reklamního odvětví. První část práce se věnuje popisu reklamního odvětví a blíže jsou popsány pojmy reklama, komunikační proces, subjekty reklamního trhu. Samotatná kapitola je věnována popisu reklamních médií a mediálním ukazatelům. V další část je zaměřená na společnost Euro RSCG, a. s. Další část obsahuje finanční analýzu vybrané společnosti.

Trendy ve vývoji rozhlasu jako komunikačního média

Medek, Tomáš January 2006 (has links)
Práce charakterizuje podstatné trendy, které se na rozhlasovém trhu v poslední letech vyvinuly. Postihuje jejich význam jednak pro možnosti marketingové komunikace, jednak pro možnosti daného média coby specifického produktu. Důraz klade na trendy ve vývoji rozhlasové reklamy, trendy v digitálním vysílání a pozici rozhlasu v mediálním mixu. Práce se zabývá klesající poslechovostí rozhlasu, fragmentací trhu, možnostmi digitálního vysílání nebo narůstajícím vlivem satelitního rozhlasu v USA. Zvláštní kapitoly jsou věnovány internetovému vysílání a podcastingu. Většina získaných dat pochází z amerických lokálních rozhlasových trhů.

Kreativita v mediálním plánování

Pošepná, Tereza January 2006 (has links)
Úvod do problematiky mediálního plánování, marketingová strategie a mediální plánování, proces mediálního plánování, brief, tvorba strategie, faktory ovlivňující výběr médií, lokality a načasování kampaně, mediální ukazatele, post-buy analýza, kreativní mediální strategie, trh telekomunikačních služeb v České republice, plánování médií pro společnost Vodafone, použití alternativních médií v re-brandingové kampani

Srovnání trhu televizní reklamy v ČR a USA

Schneyder-Kubaniková, Adéla January 2006 (has links)
Srovnani trhu televizni reklamy v ČR a USA. V teoretické části popis marketingového, komunikačního mixu a procesu, reklamních agentur, medii. Dále pak vyjmenovány rysy televize, výhody a nevýhody inzerce v tv, popis mediálních ukazatelů,rozdělení typů reklamy. Analytická část se skládá z analýzy makroprostředí, historie televizní reklamy,popis televizních sítí.Parametry tv z hlediska reklamy, právní úprava televizní reklam.Dále popis forem finacování, cen reklmaního prostoru, výdaje. Uvedení základních festivalů a soutěží, popis problémů digitalizace v ČR.

Gendrové stereotypy v reklame / Gender stereotypes in commercials

Szilágyi, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on gender stereotypes commonly displayed in television commercials. It examines, in what typical ways are male and female roles presented and to what kind of commercials is usually assigned to. Whole thesis is divided in two parts. First, theoretical part, explains basic terminology and discusses gender aspects present in media and advertisment. Second, practical part is composed of two main experimental methods. First one, quantitative content analysis is focused on gender stereotypes in 160 television commercials. Second one, consists of evaluation of 60 questionnaires also focused on gender stereotypes.

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