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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití reklamních spotů ve výuce němčiny jako cizího jazyka / Use of Commercials in Teaching German as a Foreign Language

Kopůncová, Ráchel January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the use of commercials in teaching of German as a foreign language. Its aim is to describe the didactic potential of working with commercials and to find out whether teachers employ them in their practice and how they perceive them. The theoretical part of the thesis considers the key concepts related to this issue, the use of commercials in education in terms of criteria for their appropriate selection and advantages and disadvantages of their employment in teaching. The dominating subject of the practical part is a research survey among teachers who teach German as a second foreign language at the second level of primary education. The research was carried out by means of a questionnaire survey and an expert assessment. Its aim was to document the current situation of the employment of commercials in teaching and, based on an expert assessment of the didactic processing of two commercials, to clarify how teachers approach this issue. The results show that 70 % of teachers use commercials in their lessons, although not very intensively. Surprisingly, commercials are used more often by older teachers with many years of experience. The presented didactic processing would be used by most teachers in their professional practice. Keywords: Audiovisual Media, Advertising,...

Jak ženy v České republice reflektují způsob zobrazování žen v reklamě / The Czech women's view on representation of women in advertisement

Koláčková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Master thesis The Czech Women's view on representation of women in advertisement focuses on the way advertisement reproduces gender stereotypes and sexism in the society. The analysis examines the view of female audience on this matters. The role of advertisement, gender roles and gender stereotypes, sexism and feminism are introduced in the beginning of this thesis. Main traits of sexism in advertisement are described. Possible impact of stereotyped and sexist advertisement on its viewers is demonstrated by introducing results of field related analyses. Based on interviews' analysis with selected group of women it was discovered that women view the representation of women in advertisement to be heavily stereotyped. Women in advertisement are reduced to the following categories: physically attractive and carefree, homemaker, naive and dull, and last but not least sex object. Even though female responders are able to identify some negative impacts of this stereotyped representation of women on both women's and men's lives, their concerns are undermined by their attitude towards advetisement which they do not consider to be capable of changing public attitudes and values. Female responders are convinced that gender discrimination against women is still present in the Czech Republic and advertisement...

Nekalá soutěž a nekalé obchodní praktiky v online prostředí sociálních sítí / Unfair competition and unfair business practices in online environment of social networks

Jiraský, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Unfair Competition and Unfair Commercial Practices in the Online Environment of Social Networks Abstract (ENG) The aim of this master's thesis is to analyse applicable law relating to the phenomenon of surreptitious advertising occurring in the posts published by influencers on social networks, examined in the scope of Czech law against unfair competition and unfair commercial practices. The author also aims to describe the particulars of the proper indication of advertising nature of such posts. The introductory part of this thesis covers general legal provisions on unfair competition and unfair commercial practices (with regard to the European law influence) and legal regulation of social networks. Analysed in detail are the general clause of unfair competition, denominate (special) and innominate (judicial) merits of the cases of unfair competition and the means of protections against unfair competition. Unfair commercial practices are characterised by examination of the general clause, small general clauses and the blacklist of unfair commercial practices. Social networks are introduced generally as information society services and audiovisual media services, and then afterwards three selected social networks - Facebook, Instagram and YouTube - are broadly characterised; the relationship between the...

Na zdraví? Alkohol a jeho obraz ve veřejnoprávní televizi / The image of alcohol in the Czech TV as a public service broadcaster

Burdová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the media representation of alcohol and its excessive consumption on Czech Television as a public service broadcaster. It also focuses on ways to regulate alcohol in the form of behavioural nudges which can be used both within alcohol policy of the Czech Republic in general and the broadcasting of Czech Television. The thesis identifies not only possibilities of using the nudge theory, which can have a beneficial effect on human decision making, but also interprets media framing used for representation of alcohol on Czech Television. Alcohol is portrayed within Czech Television programmes as well as within TV commercials, therefore a case study dealing with alcohol advertising broadcasted on Czech Television was added to the analysis. The analytical part of the thesis was created on the basis of a qualitative framing analysis and with the aid of desk research I revealed the possibilities of nudging both in alcohol policy and in the Czech Television broadcasting. Above all, this thesis emphasises the fact that the framing process has a significant position in human decision making, and that is why it's necessary to pay adequate attention to this process in alcohol policy making.

Bannerová reklama na Internetu: Minulost, přítomnost, budoucnost / Banner advertising on the Internet: Past, present, future

Pastuchová, Markéta January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is detailed presentation of the banner advertising, explaining key terms associated with this phenomenon and introduction to the history, actual situation and also the new trends in this area. Part of this thesis is introducing of banner advertising as a part of wider context of internet marketing, historical development and description of the banner formats or measuring of banner efficiency using specific methods like click-through rate or dwell rate. In my thesis is also included topic of the banner blindness or the current trends like behavioral advertising or HTML5 ads and using the banners on new platforms (mobile pages or social sites). I am also presenting some recommendations based on existing theoretical studies, practical research and also on my own working experiences. Using these recommendations should improve the efficiency of banner campaigns.

Fenomén Apple: vliv moderních technologií na subjekt / The Apple Phenomenon: the Impact of Modern Technologies on Subject

Kuldová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The Apple Phenomenon: the Impact of Modern Technologies on Subject Abstract The goal of the submitted thesis is the study of the company Apple Inc. in the context of how it is percieved by subjects. After a brief introduction of the company Apple Inc. we will focus on semiotic analysis of the brand Apple, its products and marketing strategies. The object of study will be also a present society, whose distinguishing feature is a consumption, and brand perception of a subject in connection with his identity, image building, lifestyle and an inclusion in the social classes. The aim is to uncover which importance is attached to consumer goods by a present society, especially goods marked with the apple logo. According to the facts available, Apple has many of its supporters around the world. The object of this thesis is therefore to clarify the role of the company Apple Inc. and prove that Apple is a certain phenomenon, or even a cult, in a current consumer society, which is accompanied by emotions.

Imagologie současných reklamních sdělení / Imagology of Current Advertisements

Tomková, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with advertising images. It contributes to discussion about position of image in present visual field. It also speaks about influence of image on contemporary society. The starting point and theoretical basis are Visual studies. The main ideas are applied to two different constructs of reality, both are tendentious. The first is vision, ideologically and politically constructed during authoritarian socialist regime. The second is current globalized consumer society. In the practical part of the thesis, the analysis focuses on the advertisements of Skoda Auto Company, used in both mentioned visual modes in the Czech Republic in the 20th century. Key words: picture, visual studies, iconology, advertising, globalization, consumer society, propaganda, image.

Překlad marketingových textů mezi němčinou a češtinou na příkladu propagačního časopisu / Marketing translation between German and Czech on the example of a promotional magazine

Čapková, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with marketing translation from German to Czech. The aim was to analyse several articles from a promotional magazine in order to prove whether the translation process of these articles meets the requirements of transcreation and whether these articles are adapted to the needs of Czech customers and market. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part deals with the language of advertising in both German and Czech and also with the terms adaptation, localization and transcreation within translation studies. The empirical part contains an interview with an employee of the company which distributes the analysed promotional magazine, and an analysis of the articles based on the model of Katharina Reiß. The results show that according to the criteria based on the work of Daniel Pedersen and Nina Sattler-Hovdar, the translation process of these articles can be considered as transcreation. Both the interview and the analysis also prove that an adaptation to the needs of Czech customers and market takes place, even though to a lesser extent than expected.

Etická a právní pravidla reklamy / Ethical and legal rules of advertisement

Machů, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to the legal and ethical rules of advertisement, not only in relation to definitions and provisions of enactments and codes, but also to the point of view of cases solved in accordance to these rules. The thesis contains the definition of advertisement, characterization of illegal and unethical advertisement, description and comparison of self-regulation in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, including codes which are applied by these bodies. The self-regulation of European Union is described marginally. The other part of the thesis represents opinions of consumers in connection with ethical principles in advertisements and advertisements in general. A significant part of the thesis is dedicated to the analysis of complaints and cases received and resolved by both self-regulatory bodies in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom and cases resolved by Czech courts.

Vyresnio amžiaus pacientų vaistų vartojimo valdymas / Management of drug use in older patients

Antanavičienė, Jolanta 21 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti vyresnio amžiaus pacientų vaistų vartojimo valdymą. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti vaistų vartojimo ypatumus vyresniame amžiuje; nustatyti gaunamos informacijos, susijusios su saugiu vaistų vartojimu, įtaką pagyvenusiems pacientams; įvertinti pagalbinių technologijų reikšmę vyresnių pacientų vaistų vartojimo valdymui. Tyrimo metodika. Tiriamųjų apklausa, dokumentacijos analizė, statistinė analizė. Anketavimo bei struktūrizuoto interviu metu buvo naudojamas klausimynai, skirti pacientams bei slaugytojoms, sudaryti pačios tyrėjos, remiantis literatūra. Tiriamųjų grupę sudarė 178 respondentai, besigydantys VšĮ II Kauno klinikinės ligoninės vidaus ligų skyriuje nuo 2009 metų rugsėjo mėn. iki 2010 vasario mėn. bei 14 bendrosios praktikos slaugytojų, dirbančių tame pačiame skyriuje. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant statistinės analizės programą "SPSS for Windows 15.0". Rezultatai statistiškai reikšmingi, jei paklaidos tikimybės reikšmė p<0,05. Kokybinių požymių pasiskirstymas buvo skaičiuojamas absoliučiu skaičiumi bei procentais, kiekybiniams požymiams skaičiuotas vidurkis ir standartinis nuokrypis, standartinė vidurkio paklaida. Ryšiai tarp požymių buvo vertinami chi kvadrato (χ²) kriterijumi bei laisvės laipsnių skaičiumi (lls). Rezultatai. Lietuvoje kaip ir visame pasaulyje vis didėja vyresnio amžiaus žmonių skaičius. Tai sąlygoja didesnį sergamumą ir su juo susijusį saugų vaistų vartojimą. Dažniausios problemos yra: širdies ir kraujagyslių ligos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. To evaluate the managament of older patients medicines consumption. Objectives. To assess the pecularities of drug use by older patients; to identify the influence of available information of safe medicines consumption on senior patients behaviour; to evaluate the importance of supporting technologies to the management of senior patients medicines consumption. Research methods. Questionnaires for patients and nurses were created by researcher using literature. The study groups consisted of 178 respondents, which were hospitalized in 2nd Kaunas Clinical Hospital Internal Medicine Department since September, 2009, till February , 2010, and 14 general practice nurses, which are working in this department. Statistical data analyse was performed by using statistical analyse programme “SPSS for Windows 15.0“. The distribution of qualitative indicators was calculated in absolute number and percentage. For quantitative indicators an average and standard deviation were calculated. Relations between features were valued by chi square criterion ((χ²). Results. The most frequent conditions of older patients were cardiovascular diseases and respiratory diseases. Patients for a variety of problems could not use medicines on their own. Side effects of medications were frequent. From side effects more common were: dizziness (33,7 %), palpitations (30,3 %), general weakness (29,2 %), constipation (26,4 %). Aged patients used frequently over-the-counter medications, they... [to full text]

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