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Morbimortalidade e sobrevida apÃs o primeiro evento de histoplasmose disseminada em pacientes com aids atendidos em unidades de referÃncia de Fortaleza/Cearà / Morbidity and survival after the first event of disseminated histoplasmosis in AIDS patients treated in reference units of Fortaleza/CearÃLisandra Serra Damasceno 29 August 2011 (has links)
A histoplasmose à uma das micoses sistÃmicas oportunistas mais associada à aids na atualidade no Brasil e no mundo. O Cearà à o estado do Brasil com a maior casuÃstica na Ãltima dÃcada da coinfecÃÃo HD/aids. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a morbimortalidade e sobrevida de pacientes com coinfecÃÃo HD/aids, apÃs o 1 evento de HD,atendidos em unidades de referÃncia para HIV/aids em Fortaleza/CearÃ. Realizou-se uma coorte retrospectiva de pacientes com coinfecÃÃo HD/aids, tendo o 1 episÃdio de HD ocorrido no perÃodo de 2002-2008. Os dados foram coletadas a partir do diagnÃstico de HD atà 31/12/2010. AnÃlise estatÃstica foi realizada por meio do programa STATA 9.0. Foram incluÃdos no estudo 145 pacientes. A maioria era de adultos jovens, com mÃdia de idade de 34,6 anos (IC 95%= 33,2-36,0), do sexo masculino (83,5%), e sem atividade de risco definida para histoplasmose (80%). A prevalÃncia da coinfecÃÃo foi de 38 casos/ano. HD foi 1 infecÃÃo oportunista definidora de aids em 59% dos pacientes. Anfotericina B foi utilizada em 97% dos pacientes como droga de induÃÃo, e itraconazol em 92%, em dose de manutenÃÃo. O tempo mÃdio de seguimento clÃnico foi de 3,38 anos (dp = 2,2; IC 95% = 3,01-3,75); 55,2% dos pacientes necessitaram de novos internamentos; 23,3% apresentaram recidiva da histoplasmose; 31,4% interromperam o uso de antifÃngicos conforme orientaÃÃo mÃdica. A mÃdia do acompanhamento apÃs a interrupÃÃo foi de 2,85 anos (IC 95% = 2,24-3,46). Somente um paciente recidivou apÃs a interrupÃÃo do antifÃngico. Os fatores riscos relacionados à recidiva foram nÃo adesÃo à TARV (p = 0,000), uso irregular de antifÃngico (p= 0,000), nÃo recuperaÃÃo do CD4+ (p = 0,000) e ter aids antes do diagnÃstico de HD (p =0,025). Somente nÃo adesÃo à TARV (OR = 4,96; IC 95% = 1,26-30,10; p = 0,026) foi fator de risco independente para recidiva. Aos 60 meses a probabilidade de remissÃo foi de 67%(IC 95%= 55% -76%). AdesÃo à TARV (94% vs. 51% - p = 0,000), uso regular de antifÃngico (87% vs. 48% - p = 0,000), recuperaÃÃo do CD4+ (83% vs. 45% - p = 0,000) e nÃo ter aids antes da HD (76% vs. 55% - p = 0,035) foram os principais fatores que contribuÃram para manutenÃÃo da remissÃo. Ãbito ocorreu em 30,2% dos pacientes; os fatores relacionados à mortalidade foram nÃo adesÃo ao tratamento da aids (p = 0,000), uso irregular de antifÃngico (p = 0,000), nÃo recuperaÃÃo do CD4+ (p = 0,000), ter tido um novo episÃdio de histoplasmose (p = 0,000) e ter aids antes da HD (p = 0,009). NÃo adesÃo à TARV foi o Ãnico fator de risco independente associado à mortalidade na anÃlise multivariada (OR = 5,24; IC 95% = 1,28-21,38; p = 0,021). A sobrevida aos 60 meses foi de 68% (IC 95% = 57%-76%). Pacientes com adesÃo à TARV (92% vs. 54% - p = 0,000) e sem episÃdio de recidiva (77%vs. 32% - p = 0,000), tiveram melhor probabilidade de sobrevida. Uso regular de antifÃngico (84% vs. 50% - p = 0,000) , ter tido recuperaÃÃo do CD4+ (89% vs. 54% - p = 0,000) e nÃo ter tido aids antes da HD (75% vs. 57% - p = 0,021) tambÃm foram fatores associados a uma melhor sobrevida. Portanto, verificou-se nesse estudo, elevada prevalÃncia de HD em pacientes com aids nessa regiÃo do Brasil, com altas taxas de recidiva e Ãbito. AdesÃo à TARV foi o Ãnico fator de risco independente associado aos desfechos, recidiva e Ãbito. A melhor sobrevida ocorreu em pacientes aderentes à TARV / Histoplasmosis is one of the most opportunistic systemic mycoses associated with AIDS today in Brazil and worldwide. Cearà is the state of Brazil with the largest case in the last decade this co-infection. The objective of this study was to characterize the survival and morbimortality of patients with co-infection HD/AIDS after the 1st HD event, served in in units of a reference for HIV/AIDS in Fortaleza/CearÃ. Retrospective cohort study of patients
with co-infection HD/AIDS, when the first HD episode occurred between 2002-2008. The data were collected from the diagnosis of HD until 12/31/2010. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA 9.0 program. The study included 145 patients. The majority were young adults with median age of 34.6 years (95%CI = 33.2-36.0), males (83.5%) and without risk activity associated with histoplasmosis (80%). The prevalence of co-infection was of 38 cases/year. HD was first defining opportunistic infection of AIDS in 59% of the patients. Amphotericin B was used in 97% of patients as induction drug and itraconazole in 92% on maintenance dose. The average clinical follow-up was 3.38 years (sd=2.2,95%CI= 3.01 to 3.75); 55.2% of patients needed for new admissions; 23.3% presented relapse of histoplasmosis; 31.4% discontinued the use of antifungal as medical advice. The average follow-up after the interruption was 2.85 years (95%CI= 2.24 to 3.46). Only one patient relapsed after stopping the antifungal. Risk factors related to relapse were not adhering to ART (p 0.000), irregular use of antifungal (e.g. 0.000), non-recovery of CD4 (p 0.000) and
have AIDS before diagnosis of HD (0.025). Non-adherence to ART (OR 4.96; 95% CI = 1.26- 30.10; p = 0.026) was the only independent risk factor for relapse. To 60 months the
likelihood of remission was 67% (95%IC = 55% -76%). Join the ART (94% vs. 51% - p = 0.000), regular use of antifungal (87vs. 48 - p = 0.000), recovery of CD4+ (83% vs. 45% â p =0.000) and not having AIDS before the HD (76% vs.55% - p = 0.035) were the main factors that contributed to maintenance of remission. Death occurred in 30.2% of patients; mortalityrelated factors were not adherence to treatment of aids (p = 0.000), irregular use of antifungal
medication (p = 0.000), non-recovery of CD4+ (p = 0.000), have had a new episode of histoplasmosis (p = 0.000) and have AIDS before the HD (p = 0.009). Patients with adherence
to ART (92% vs. 54% - p = 0,000) and without relapse episode (77% vs. 32% - p = 0,000), had better chances of survival. Regular use of secondary prophylaxis as a maintenance therapy in HD was a factor associated with lower probability of progression to death (p=0.000). The survival at 60 months was of 68% (95%CI = 57%-76%). Regular use of antifungal (84% vs. 50% - p = 0.000), have had CD4+ recovery (89% vs. 54% - p = 0.000)and not have had AIDS before the HD (75% vs. 57% - p = 0.021) also were factors associated with better survival. Therefore, it was found in this study, high prevalence of HD in patients with AIDS in this region of Brazil, with high rates of relapse and death. Join the ART was the only independent risk factor associated with outcomes, relapse and death. The best survival occurred in patients adhering to ART.
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Recidiva do apinhamento ântero-superior nas más oclusões de classe I e classe II tratadas ortodonticamente sem extrações / Relapse of maxillary anterior crowding in Class I and Class II malocclusion treated orthodontically without extractionsWillian Juarez Granucci Guirro 18 February 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo objetivou comparar retrospectivamente a estabilidade póscontenção do alinhamento dos incisivos ântero-superiores em pacientes Classe I e Classe II de Angle. A amostra consistiu-se de 38 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, tratados sem extrações e mecânica Edgewise. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (Classe I) constituído por 19 pacientes (12 do gênero feminino e 7 do gênero masculino), com idade inicial média de 13,06 anos (d.p. = ± 1,27), portadores da má oclusão de Classe I com apinhamento ântero-superior inicial maior que 3mm. Grupo 2 (Classe II) apresentando 19 pacientes (14 do gênero feminino e 5 gênero masculino), com idade inicial de 12,54 (d.p. = ± 1,37), portadores da má oclusão de Classe II, e também com apinhamento ântero-superior inicial maior que 3mm. Foram medidos nos modelos de estudo das fases pré (T1), pós-tratamento (T2) e pós-contenção (T3), o índice de irregularidade de Little, as distâncias intercaninos e entre os primeiros e segundos pré-molares, a distância intermolares e o comprimento do arco superior. Após a obtenção dos dados, realizou-se a análise estatística. Para a comparação intragrupo nos 3 tempos de avaliação, utilizou-se a análise de variância a um critério de seleção, e em caso de resultado significante, o teste de Tukey. A comparação intergrupos foi realizada por meio de testes t independentes. Para verificação da presença de correlação entre a recidiva do apinhamento ântero-superior e a recidiva das variáveis: distâncias intercaninos, interpré-molares, intermolares e comprimento do arco, utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados evidenciaram maior estabilidade do tratamento no grupo 2 (Classe II), pois durante o período pós-contenção, foi observada uma menor recidiva do apinhamento dos dentes ântero-superiores no grupo 2 (0,80mm) do que no grupo 1 (1,67mm). Concluiu-se que o tratamento do apinhamento dos dentes ântero-superiores é mais estável na má oclusão de Classe II do que na má oclusão de Classe I. / The present study aimed to retrospectively compare the postretention stability of maxillary anterior incisors alignment in Angle Class I and Class II patients. Sample comprised 38 patients of both genders, treated nonextraction and edgewise mechanics. Sample was divided into two groups: Group 1 (Class I) comprised 19 patients (12 females and 7 males), at a mean age of 13,06 years (d.p. = ± 1,27), with Class I malocclusion and initial maxillary anterior crowding greater than 3mm. Group 2 (Class II) comprised 19 patients (14 females and 5 males), at a mean age of 12,54 (d.p. = ± 1,37), with Class II malocclusion, and also with a initial maxillary anterior crowding greater than 3mm. It was measured the dental casts of pre (T1), posttreatment (T2) and postretention (T3), the Little irregularity index, intercanine distance and between first and second premolars, intermolar distance and maxillary arch length. After obtainment of data, the statistical analysis was performed. For intragroup comparison among the three times of evaluation, it was used the one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test in case of a significant result. Intergroup comparison was performed by independent t tests. To verify the presence of correlation among the relapse of maxillary anterior crowding and the relapse of the variables: intercanine, interpremolar and intermolar distances and arch length, the Pearson correlation test was used. Results evidenced greater stability of treatment in group 2 (Class II), because during the postretention period, it was observed a lesser relapse of maxillary anterior crowding in group 2 (0,80mm) than in group 1 (1,67mm). It was concluded that treatment of maxillary anterior crowding is more stable in Class II malocclusion than in Class I malocclusion.
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Avaliação da influência da expansão rápida da maxila sobre a recidiva do apinhamento ântero-superior em casos tratados ortodonticamente com extrações de pré-molares / Evaluation of the influence of rapid maxillary expansion on the relapse of maxillary anterior crowding in cases ortodontically treated with premolar extractionPatrícia Paschoal Martins 17 January 2007 (has links)
A estabilidade a longo prazo do tratamento ortodôntico é o objetivo dos ortodontistas na busca do sucesso dos casos clínicos. Desta forma o presente estudo objetivou avaliar retrospectivamente a influência da expansão rápida da maxila na estabilidade pós-contenção do alinhamento dos dentes ântero-superiores, em casos tratados com extração de pré-molares. A amostra foi constituída de 60 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, com más oclusões de Classe I e Classe II, tratados com extrações de 4 pré-molares, utilizando-se a mecânica de Edgewise. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos, de acordo com o protocolo de tratamento, sendo o Grupo 1 composto por 30 pacientes (14 do gênero masculino e 1 do gênero feminino), com idade inicial média de 13,55 anos (d.p.= ± 1,58 anos), tratados ortodonticamente com extrações de quatro pré-molares. O Grupo 2 apresentou 30 pacientes (9 do gênero masculino e 21 do gênero feminino), com idade inicial média de 13,98 anos (d.p.= ± 2,61 anos), tratados ortodonticamente com expansão rápida da maxila e posteriormente mecânica corretiva com extrações de quatro pré-molares ou dois pré-molares superiores. Foram avaliados os modelos de estudo referentes às fases inicial (T1), final (T2) e pós-contenção (T3) de cada paciente, medindo-se o de Little, as distâncias intercaninos, interpré-molares, intermolares, o comprimento e o perímetro do arco. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada pela análise de variância (ANOVA) a um critério para avaliação intragrupos entre as três fases. O teste de Tukey foi aplicado nas variáveis que apresentaram resultados estatisticamente significantes. A comparação intergrupos foi realizada pelo teste t independente. O teste de Pearson foi utilizado para correlacionar o Índice de Irregularidade de Little às demais variáveis estudadas. Os resultados evidenciaram que o Índice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou 9,40% de recidiva para o grupo 1 e 13,57% para o grupo 2. Não ocorreu diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos na recidiva das distâncias intercaninos, interpré-molares e intermolares, no comprimento e no perímetro do arco. Entretanto, o grupo 2 apresentou maior quantidade de recidiva na quantidade de apinhamento ântero-superior em relação ao grupo 1. Portanto, houve influência da expansão rápida da maxila na estabilidade do alinhamento dos incisivos superiores. / The long-term stability of orthodontic treatment is the objective of orthodontists in the search for success in clinical cases. Thus, the present retrospective study evaluated the influence of rapid maxillary expansion on the post-retention stability of alignment of maxillary anterior teeth in patients treated with premolar extraction. The sample was composed of 60 patients of both genders, with Class I and Class II malocclusions, treated by extraction of 4 premolars and edgewise mechanics. The sample was divided into two groups according to the treatment protocol. Group 1 comprised 30 patients (14 males and 16 females), with initial mean age 13.55 years (s.d. = ± 1.58 years), orthodontically treated by extraction of four premolars. Group 2 included 30 patients (9 males and 21 females), with initial mean age 13.98 years (s.d. = ± 2.61 years), orthodontically treated by rapid maxillary expansion followed by corrective mechanics with extraction of four premolars or two maxillary premolars. Dental casts obtained from all patients at initial (T1), final (T2) and postretention stages (T3) were assessed by measurements of the Little irregularity index, intercanine, interpremolar and intermolar distances, and length and perimeter of the maxillary arch. Statistical analysis of data was performed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for evaluation within groups among the three stages. The Tukey test was applied for the variables presenting statistically significant outcomes. Comparison between groups was performed by the independent t test. The Pearson test was used to correlate the Little irregularity index to the other study variables. The results demonstrated that the Little irregularity index presented 9.40% of relapse for Group 1 and 13.57% for Group 2. There was no statistically significant difference between groups as to the relapse in intercanine, interpremolar or intermolar distance, length and perimeter of the maxillary arch. However, Group 2 exhibited greater relapse in the amount of maxillary anterior crowding compared to Group 1. Thus, rapid maxillary expansion influenced the stability of alignment of maxillary incisors.
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Avaliação da correlação da recidiva da sobremordida e da sobressaliência com a recidiva do apinhamento anterior em casos tratados sem extrações / Evaluation of the correlation of the relapse of overbite and overjet with the relapse of anterior crowding in cases treated nonextractionRenata Cristina Gobbi de Oliveira 28 June 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo retrospectivo objetivou correlacionar a recidiva da sobremordida e da sobressaliência com a recidiva do apinhamento dos incisivos ântero-superiores e ântero-inferiores. A amostra consistiu de 34 pacientes (17 de cada gênero),apresentando más oclusões iniciais de Classe I e II,tratados sem extração e mecânica Edgewise.O tempo médio de duração do tratamento foi de 2,19 anos e os tempos de contenção e pós-contenção foram de 1,46 e 5,31 anos respectivamente. Todos os pacientes apresentavam, pelo menos, 3 mm de sobremordida e 4 mm de sobressaliência e apinhamento superior e inferior, de suave a severo. Foram medidos nos modelos de estudo das fases pré (T1), pós-tratamento (T2) e pós-contenção (T3) a sobremordida, a sobressaliência e o índice de irregularidade de Little superior e inferior. Após a obtenção dos dados, passou-se à análise estatística. A comparação intergrupos foi realizada por meio do teste t independente. Os testes ANOVA e Tukey foram apl icados para verificar se houve recidiva da sobremordida, da sobressaliência e dos apinhamentos ântero-superior e ântero-inferior. Para verificação da presença de correlação entre a recidiva da sobremordida, da sobressaliência e do apinhamento anterior, utilizou-se o teste de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados evidenciaram recidiva estat ist icamente signi ficante para o apinhamento ântero-super ior e ântero- infer ior . Houve correlação entre a recidiva da sobremordida e da sobressaliência, no entanto, não houve relação entre essas duas recidivas e o apinhamento anterior. / The present study aimed to correlate, by means of a retrospective analysis, the postretention stability of the overbite and overjet with the relapse of the crowding of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. The sample comprised 34 subjects (17 of each gender), at a mean initial age of 12.89 years, presenting Class I and II malocclusions, treated nonextraction and Edgewise mechanics.All patients presented at least 3mm of overbite and 4mm of overjet and maxillary and mandibular crowding from slight to severe. It was measured, in the dental casts from the stages pretreatment (T1), posttreatment (T2) and postretention (T3), the overbite, overjet and the maxillary and mandibular Little irregularity index. After data were obtained, the statistical analysis was performed. The intergroup comparison was performed by independent t tests. The ANOVA and Tukey tests were applied to verify the relapse of the overbite, overjet and maxillary and mandibular anterior crowding. To verify the presence of correlation among the relapse of the overbite, overjet and the anterior crowding, the Pearsons correlation test was used. Results did not show statistically significant difference between Angles Class I and Class II patients. There was correlation of the relapse of overbite with the relapse of overjet, however, there was no relationship among the relapse of overbite and overjet with the relapse of anterior crowding.
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Cues Associated with Alternative Reinforcement can Attenuate Resurgence of an Extinguished Instrumental ResponseTrask, Sydney 01 January 2017 (has links)
In resurgence, a target behavior (R1) is acquired in an initial phase and extinguished in a second phase while an alternative behavior (R2) is reinforced. When reinforcement for the second response is removed, however, R1 behavior returns or “resurges.” The resurgence paradigm may have implications for understanding relapse after behavioral interventions in humans such as contingency management, or CM, in which (for example) drug users can earn vouchers contingent upon drug abstinence. The present experiments examined the effectiveness of a putative retrieval cue for treatment in attenuating the resurgence effects and determined the likely mechanism by which this cue functions. Experiment 1 established that a 2-second cue associated with delivery of the alternative reinforcer in Phase 2 can attenuate R1 resurgence and promote R2 behavior during testing. Experiment 2 demonstrated that this effect occurs regardless of whether the cue is delivered contingently or noncontingently on responding during the resurgence test, and Experiment 3 demonstrated that for the cue to be effective in reducing resurgence, it must be paired with alternative reinforcement during Phase 2. This might mean that pairing the cue with reinforcement serves to maintain attention to the cue. Experiment 4 suggested that a cue paired with alternative reinforcement did not serve as a conditioned reinforcer in that making it contingent on a new behavior did not increase the likelihood of that behavior. Experiment 5 demonstrated that the cue must be experienced in sessions that also include the extinction of R1. Experiment 6 found that a cue produced by R1 during the second phase of a resurgence paradigm (analogous to a conditioned inhibitor) does not attenuate resurgence of an extinguished instrumental response. Together, the results suggest that a neutral cue can serve as an effective cue that attenuates resurgence if it is first paired with alternative reinforcement and presented in sessions in which R1 is extinguished. One way to view the results is that creating greater generalization between the extinction context and the testing context results in less resurgence.
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Renewal In The Context Of Stress: A Potential Mechanism Of Stress-Induced ReinstatementSchepers, Scott Timothy 01 January 2017 (has links)
In the animal laboratory, stressors can produce the relapse of drug-seeking behaviors after the behavior has been inhibited by extinction. This type of relapse has been called stress-induced reinstatement, and it models the relapse that is commonly reported in human populations. Interestingly, in the laboratory, stress does not typically reinstate extinguished behaviors that have been reinforced by food. One account of the discrepancy is that drugs of abuse may induce stress; therefore, when organisms learn to respond for drugs, they might learn to make the response in the “context” of stress. If so, then stress-induced reinstatement may be better described as renewal in a stress context. Renewal is the type of relapse that occurs when a behavior is returned to the original training context (or is shifted to a new context) after it has been inhibited or suppressed by extinction. Although renewal has usually been studied with contexts that differ in their exteroceptive cues, interoceptive cues (e.g., mood, food deprivation, and drug states) may also provide contexts. Accordingly, if an interoceptive stress state is present when food-seeking behavior is learned, then extinguished food seeking, like drug seeking, should also renew when the organism is stressed after extinction. In this dissertation, I discuss six experiments that investigated this hypothesis. Experiment 1 found that stressors renew extinguished food-seeking if they are also present during instrumental training. Experiments 2 and 3 then provided preliminary evidence that this effect is not exclusively due to incentive learning. Experiment 4 then suggested that interoceptive stress, and not the particular stressor that produces it, may indeed serve as a general interoceptive context that controls the effect. Experiment 5 found that stressors present for acquisition but not extinction training render behavior susceptible to stress induced relapse. The final experiment found that food-reinforced behavior learned in a context created by a cocaine injection renews after cocaine administration but not after footshock stress. Overall, the results indicate that the presence of interoceptive stress stimuli may play the role of context in a renewal paradigm and promote behavioral relapse when re-encountered after extinction. The implications for relapse that often occur following successful suppression of drug use and overeating behaviors are both discussed.
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A brief psychoeducation intervention for patients with bipolar disorder : effect on attitudes and beliefs and their relationship to clinical outcomesBond, Kirsten January 2014 (has links)
Bipolar disorder (BPD) is associated with negative health outcomes and high relapse rates and group psychoeducation (PE) is recognised as an effective intervention when used in conjunction with pharmacological treatment. Unhealthy beliefs and attitudes have not been measured or related to outcomes in group PE and the mechanism for how PE exerts its effect are unidentified. Aims: (a). An adapted group psychoeducation intervention will change (improve) unhealthy personal beliefs about illness and attitudes towards medication when compared to a treatment as usual group. (b). Changes in unhealthy personal beliefs and attitudes will be maintained overtime (a 12 month follow up period). (c). People who subsequently relapse compared to those who do not relapse, will have less improvement in their unhealthy personal beliefs about illness and attitudes towards medication from PE. (d). An evaluation of the efficacy of psychoeducation in a systematic review for bipolar disorder in preventing relapse and other outcomes will identify factors that relate to clinical outcomes. Methods: A 10 session PE intervention was adapted and 38 participants with bipolar disorder I or II (using DSM-IV criteria) were recruited from a Specialist Affective Disorders Service. A waiting list assessment time was used as a parallel group control and a longitudinal study took place over a 12 month follow up period in all participants once they had received the intervention. A mirror image study reviewed case notes to identify relapse 12 month pre versus post intervention. Assessments measuring, beliefs and attitudes, mood symptoms and satisfaction where carried out, 8 weeks prior to intervention (waiting list), pre intervention, and 6 and 12 months post intervention. Results Summary: The waiting list control comparison showed significant improvement in attitudes measured by the Personal Beliefs about Illness Questionnaire (PBIQ) and Drug attitude Inventory (DAI) and symptoms and functioning. Beliefs on all domains of the PBIQ improved significantly (p<0.001) as did attitudes toward medication (p<0.001) there were also small but significant improvements in mood symptoms. In all participants (n=38) improvements were maintained over the 12 month follow up period. Nine people relapsed in the 12 months after the intervention compared with 22 before (p<0.002) and relapsers improved significantly less than non-relapsers following PE on the PBIQ (p=0.012) and the DAI (p=0.046). Conclusions: A group PE intervention reduced unhealthy personal beliefs and attitudes, both manic and depressive relapse and improved functioning. Improvements are maintained over time except adherence which remained unchanged. The amount of improvement in the PBIQ and DAI is related to relapse with non relapsers improving more than relapsers. The systematic review provides reasonable evidence that psychoeducation is at least modestly effective in preventing relapse in bipolar disorder, with the strongest evidence for reducing overall and manic relapse.
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Ett liv utan missbruk - och sex? Hållbar behandlingsvård för kvinnorTham, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the concept of sex, sexuality and sexual health and its significance to drug and alcohol addiction treatment for women. More specifically its aim was to find out if social workers and professionals within addiction treatment services ought to support women in creating sustainable sexual relations in the drug free context and if so what the support should consist of. The study was based on recent scientific articles and literature that were analysed through thematic content analysis. The themes that were identified and that were recurring throughout the material were how social structures impact addiction treatment for women as well as their sexual health and how professionals within addiction treatment need to incorporate this knowledge in their practice to support patients to a sustainable drug-free life. The analysis was based on sexual script theory to further the knowledge of what meaning sexuality and relationships have for addiction recovery. The sexual script theory also illustrates what impact narratives have on patients in treatment that are moving between a context with substance abuse and a drug free context. The conclusions made were that sex, sexuality and sexual health are significant matters for addiction treatment since addressing these topics can prevent relapse in patients. Professionals can support women in creating a sustainable relation to sex, sexuality and sexual health by incorporating positive perspectives on sex through conversations in treatment programs. Discussions that raise awareness of how sex and addiction is influenced by social structures, educative conversations on the connection between body, desire and pleasure as well as supporting patients in recognizing which sexual situations are a risk for relapse can make addiction treatment more effective.
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Translational Evaluation of History Effects on ResurgenceTalhelm, Paige L. 06 March 2019 (has links)
Resurgence is the reappearance of an extinguished operant response when an alternative behavior is subsequently treated with extinction (Podlesnik & Shahan, 2009). A potential solution to this problem is training serial alternative responses. During the present study, undergraduate students were trained to engage in an arbitrary response analogous to problem behavior and two alternative responses. Each response was reinforced for a distinct duration to establish different reinforcement histories and then tested under conditions of resurgence. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of duration of reinforcement on behavior subsequently exposed to resurgence contingencies. Three subjects engaged in the target response most often, five subjects engaged in alternative responses most often, and one subject engaged in all response equally during resurgence.
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Relapse Prevention ManualMalkus, Amy J. 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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