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Two-dimensional separate-sided surface height profiling of lumberVadeboncoeur, Natalie Ivonne 11 1900 (has links)
Raw material accounts for a large proportion (approximately 75 percent) of a sawmill’s operating costs. However, about 15 percent of raw material ends up as low valued sawdust and planer shavings due to inaccurate cutting. Sizable financial benefits can be realized through maximizing conversion of raw material into valuable solid wood. Advanced process control in a sawmill can help achieve straighter cuts closer to final product dimensions and reduce loss of valuable raw material. A novel and practical method for enhanced process control in a sawmill is presented. A laser arrangement consisting of industrial point and line scanners is used to obtain a surface profile of the entire (two-dimensional) top and bottom surfaces of a lumber board. Each surface profile is independent of the other and free of data contamination caused by relative motions between the measured surface and sensors. Point scanners and line scanners simultaneously record 1-D and 2-D height data, respectively, along the length of the board. One-dimensional height data are used to identify relative motions through a mathematical technique based on linear inverse theory. Subtracting relative motion information from raw line scanner data provides an accurate 2-D surface profile. A second line scanner placed below the board can be used to obtain a separate 2-D profile of the bottom lumber surface. Separate-sided profiling is advantageous because typically a different saw or machine mills each side of a board. Thus, knowing the surface profile of each side of a board is crucial not only in diagnosing a deficiency in the milling process but also in determining the location of this deficiency. Results demonstrate that two-dimensional surface profiling can identify common surface defects such as step, washboard and knot tear-out with an accuracy of 0.3mm. Reproduction of each surface is rapid (approximately 0.2 seconds) and stable.
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Wirkungen atypischer Beschäftigung auf Arbeitszufriedenheit und Organizational Citizenship Behavior eine Untersuchung aus der Perspektive der NetzwerkanalyseFlorack, Melanie January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Duisburg, Essen, Univ., Diss., 2009
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Untersuchungen zum Mikroklima auf einem Spezialfahrzeug zum Ferkeltransport in Beziehung zu Tierschutz und TiergesundheitGöllnitz, Knut. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Tierärztl. Hochsch., Diss., 2004--Hannover.
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Recently, researchers have begun to use syntactic priming to investigate the mental representation of the two languages of bilinguals and their accessibility during comprehension and production (e.g. Bernolet, et al, 2007). In the syntactic priming technique, a priming sentence is presented to elicit a structurally similar target response, when an alternative structure is also available. Previous studies, which focused mainly on the L2 syntactic priming effects of dative structures, found priming effects when the target L2 structure is similar to the L1 but not when they are dissimilar (e.g. Branigan, 2007). The present study investigated priming effects on the English L2 production of relative clauses by 18 Advanced adult Japanese-English bilingual speakers, using a modified version of Bock's (1986) sentence-repetition and picture-description task. It was predicted that the cross-linguistic differences between Japanese and English could potentially influence their L2 production. Experiment 1 comprised three prime-types (Full-relatives, Reduced-relatives, and simple actives) in English. Experiment 2 contained two Prime-types (Full-relatives and simple actives) in Japanese. In both experiments, the target responses were in English. Repeated-measures two-factor ANOVAs was used to test for Main and Interaction effects of Prime Type and Response Type on the mean proportion of responses in each Response Type category. The results of both Experiment 1 (L2-to-L2) and Experiment 2 (L1-to-L2) indicated a significant main effect of Response Type; in both experiments, the participants preferred Simple Actives for picture-description regardless of Prime type. As for the interaction between Prime Type and Response Type, significant results were obtained only in the case of Experiment 1, where the directionality was from L2 prime to L2 response, but not in the case of Experiment 2 (Japanese-to-English). Specifically, in Experiment 1, the participants used Reduced-Relatives more often in the Reduced-Relative clause priming conditions than in the Full-Relatives and the Simple Active condition. The findings bolster the position that the L1 mental representation and the L2 mental representation of complex structures are separate, particularly when a bilingual speaker's two languages are typologically different, as in the case of Japanese and English. The findings also indicate that the L1 mental representation is not accessed during L2 production.
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Dimensional instability of cement bonded particleboard : understanding its occurrence and reducing its magnitudeFan, Mizi January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Sjuksköterskors syn på hur de kan stödja närstående till patienter i behov av palliativ vård / Nurses’ view on how they can support the ones closest to patients in need of palliative careBerg, Henric, Hallberg, Patrick January 2017 (has links)
I palliativ vård ingår det i sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde att ge stöd till den döendes närstående. Denna typ av vård är vanligt förekommande för många sjuksköterskor. Studien beskriver sjuksköterskors syn på hur stödet till närstående kan se ut. Palliativ vård innebär att ge vård till patienter med sådan sjukdom som ej går att bota. Vården fokuserar här på att lindra symtom. Trots att det finns riktlinjer om hur palliativ vård ska utföras finns det gråzoner om vad som är rätt och fel. Sjuksköterskor har i tidigare forskning beskrivit att de har kunskapsbrist om hur de kan stödja närstående till palliativa patienter, vilket ledde till att de blev osäkra på vad de skulle göra. Det finns tidigare studier där det framkommer att sjuksköterskor ibland ser de närstående som ett hinder för god palliativ vård. Detta examensarbete är en litteraturstudie av elva vetenskapliga artiklar där analysen ger fyra olika teman om hur sjuksköterskan kan stödja närstående: möjliggöra närvaro, göra närstående delaktiga, ge omsorg till närstående och möta informationsbehov. Det framkom bland annat att sjuksköterskorna strävade efter att få de närstående att närvara fysiskt, ge dem tid och anpassa miljön i rummet. Sjuksköterskorna ville göra närstående delaktiga i vården, både i hemmet samt på sjukhuset. Detta skulle ske på de närståendes villkor, och inget ska tas för givet. Det framkom även att de närstående hade behov av information. Informationen skulle vara byggd på ärlighet, vara korrekt, framlagd med respekt och med empati. Att ge omsorg till en närstående var ett återkommande tema. Detta innebar bland annat att sjuksköterskor gav känslomässigt stöd, avsatte tid för fysisk närvaro samt lyssnade på tankar och åsikter. När analysen jämfördes mot annan forskning framkom det olika uppfattningar angående vissa åtgärder, men generellt bekräftas eller fördjupas det som framkommer i analysen. Detta examensarbete kan summeras som att sjuksköterskor arbetade för att identifiera och uppfylla de närståendes unika omvårdnadsbehov samt bemötte dem som unika individer. Resultatet ger en förståelse för hur sjuksköterskor kan stödja närstående till patienter i behov av palliativ vård. / Palliative care treatment is a common phenomenon to many registered nurses. When caring for a patient palliatively, the nurse should also care for the ones closest to the dying patient. Previous studies have shown that nurses are uncertain on how to support these relatives and that some nurses even see them as a burden. The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ views on how they can support the ones closest to the patients that need palliative care. The method used is a literature study, aiming at contributing to evidence based care grounded in analysis of qualitative research. Two electronic databases, Cinahl and Pubmed, were used for searches. Inclusion criteria were: studies should be written in the English language, no older than ten years, qualitative, presenting data in palliative care setting for adult patients only, and written from a registered nurse’s perspective. Eleven studies were included. Four themes emerged on how nurses give support: Facilitate presence, Involve the ones closest to the patient, Care for the ones closest to the patient and Meet informational needs. The conclusion is that the nurse should care for the ones closest to the patient as unique human beings and strive to fulfil individual nursing needs.
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The -be relative tenses of ZuluHall, Linda 03 November 2008 (has links)
From a literary review of the so-called continuous past tenses of the Bantu languages with special reference to Zulu it becomes quite clear that a number of misconceptions prevail amongst grammarians concerning these tense forms. Traditional grammarians refer to these verbal forms using labels such as continuous past tenses, compound tenses, the perfect form of the past tense, past compound tenses, contingent form/mood/tense, participial tenses, compound tenses and moods and imperfective aspect. These terms are all inappropriate names for these tenses. Posthumus (1983, 1988, 1990, 1999) is the only Bantuist who refers to the relative tense forms of Zulu as the relative tenses. His analysis and description of the grammatical tenses of Zulu are based on the Reichenbach model for tense analysis. Even though a number of European grammarians (initially especially German researchers) followed the Reichenbach model, none of the Bantuists (except Posthmus) employed this model of tense analysis2. In fact, the Bantuists. analyses of tense (as contained in grammars, hand books and articles in scientific journals) are not scientifically grounded. The distinction that Posthumus draws between absolute and relative tenses is also adhered to in this research. It is essential to distinguish clearly between tense and time reference on the one hand and between tense and aspect on the other hand because grammarians frequently confuse these categories. A clear distinction must, furthermore, be made between absolute and relative tense. Posthumus supplied a scientifically sound description of the structural and semantic characteristics of the relative tenses and has included a schematic representation of the array of relative tenses that occur in Zulu - however, three aspects of these tenses remain that have not been addressed adequately in his publications that will be scrutinized in this research. Firstly, the full spectrum of relative tenses with .be will be given and a scientifically sound analysis will be given thereof. A relative tense is defined as the verb form that marks the relationship between coding time, reference time and event time. Secondly, the contracted forms of the relative tenses are recorded and analysed systematically. The derivation of the abridged forms from the original full auxiliary verb groups is indicated and the various variants are listed in table form. Thirdly, attention is devoted to finding an appropriate label for the so-called compound tenses (as a super ordinate term) and to finding suitable names for the individual relative tense forms. The point of departure in this study is that the appropriate naming of scientific grammatical categories is of the utmost importance because that prevents misunderstanding. In fact, it is partly because of the use of inappropriate terms for the relative tenses collectively, and for the individual relative tense forms, that consecutive generations of Bantu grammarians have continued to offer inapt descriptions of these language forms. This state of affairs is quite evident from the literary survey. A thorough literary survey of the traditional descriptions and the labelling of the relative tenses are also aspects that have not received adequate attention in Posthumus.s publications and will therefore be pursued in this research. From the literary survey of the relative tenses it transpires that different and sometimes opposing views exist concerning their description and that different names exist for the so-called compound tenses (most of them being totally inapplicable). A comprehensive literary survey focussing on the description of the so-called compound past tenses is essential to put the traditional descriptions and analyses of these tenses in perspective. Such a literary survey was undertaken and included all the official Bantu languages of South Africa except South Ndebele. Southern Ndebele was not included in the survey because there is no grammar available on this language and information on the relative tenses of this language is not readily available either. An outline distinction is drawn in this study between the categories tense, time reference and aspect (which are often confused by grammarians). A clear distinction is also drawn between absolute and relative tenses. An exhaustive description of the structural characteristics of the individual relative tenses is offered. In this discussion the relative tense forms consisting of an auxiliary verb group (comprising the auxiliary verb stem .be diachronically derived from the copulative verb stem .ba) are discussed in detail. The structural and semantic characteristics of both the auxiliary verb part and the complementary part are discussed in detail in this study. An exposition is supplied of the complement that may be a main verb (as for instance in the example zibe zigijima (> bezigijima) izingane ... .they were busy running, the children ....), an auxiliary verb group (as in the example zibe zinele zigijime (> bezinele zigijime) izingane ... .as soon as they are busy running, the children ....) or a copulative word group (as in the example zibe ziba zinkulu (> beziba zinkulu) izingane ... .they were busy becoming big, the children ... / they were becoming grown up, the children ....). However, it is not possible to discuss the different types of complements exhaustively in this research report, therefore the focus will be on those examples where a main verb occurs as complement. The semantic traits of the relative tenses are discussed and finally names are proposed as labels for the individual relative tenses that occur in Zulu. The names proposed for the individual relative tenses are descriptive terms based on the semantic characteristics of these tense forms. The terms suggested for the sixteen individual relative tenses are motivated and listed in a systematic exposition. Due to the limited nature of a research report of this nature, the naming of the relative tense forms with a copulative as complement are not discussed. Furthermore, mere mention is made of the possible inclusion of the (deficient) auxiliary verb stem .se in the relative tense forms. A comprehensive discussion of this aspectual distinction also falls outside the scope this mini-dissertation. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / African Languages / unrestricted
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Two-dimensional separate-sided surface height profiling of lumberVadeboncoeur, Natalie Ivonne 11 1900 (has links)
Raw material accounts for a large proportion (approximately 75 percent) of a sawmill’s operating costs. However, about 15 percent of raw material ends up as low valued sawdust and planer shavings due to inaccurate cutting. Sizable financial benefits can be realized through maximizing conversion of raw material into valuable solid wood. Advanced process control in a sawmill can help achieve straighter cuts closer to final product dimensions and reduce loss of valuable raw material. A novel and practical method for enhanced process control in a sawmill is presented. A laser arrangement consisting of industrial point and line scanners is used to obtain a surface profile of the entire (two-dimensional) top and bottom surfaces of a lumber board. Each surface profile is independent of the other and free of data contamination caused by relative motions between the measured surface and sensors. Point scanners and line scanners simultaneously record 1-D and 2-D height data, respectively, along the length of the board. One-dimensional height data are used to identify relative motions through a mathematical technique based on linear inverse theory. Subtracting relative motion information from raw line scanner data provides an accurate 2-D surface profile. A second line scanner placed below the board can be used to obtain a separate 2-D profile of the bottom lumber surface. Separate-sided profiling is advantageous because typically a different saw or machine mills each side of a board. Thus, knowing the surface profile of each side of a board is crucial not only in diagnosing a deficiency in the milling process but also in determining the location of this deficiency. Results demonstrate that two-dimensional surface profiling can identify common surface defects such as step, washboard and knot tear-out with an accuracy of 0.3mm. Reproduction of each surface is rapid (approximately 0.2 seconds) and stable. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Mechanical Engineering, Department of / Graduate
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The extent of relative deprivation in upwardly mobile South Africans and its impact on financial attitudesSteeneveldt, Deirdre Tanya 05 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to explore the relationship between relative deprivation and the attitudes driving consumption of upwardly mobile South Africans. Various propositions presented in the literature were tested within the context of upwardly mobile South Africans. Two areas of focus of this study is (1) the extent and impact of relative deprivation on attitudes towards consumption and personal finances, and (2) an assessment of the differences in attitudes towards consumption and personal finances of this group. The study found that this group has a high level of self-esteem and cannot be defined as relatively deprived. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that social comparison within this group does not encourage consumption for the purpose of the achievement of social status. Of particular relevance to South Africa is that the study has demonstrated that there are very few differences in attitudes between the different race groups. This confirms that upwardly mobile South Africans are fairly homogenous in terms of their experience of relative deprivation given that both upwardly mobile blacks and whites have high self-esteem. It also demonstrates that the experience of relative deprivation by the different race groups may be more consistent with each other than previous studies have shown. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted
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Stínící efekt oxidové izolační vrstvy na povrchový potenciál měřený pomocí Kelvinovy sondové mikroskopie / Shielding Effect of Oxide Isolating Layer on Surface Potential Measured by Kelvin Probe Force MicroscopyŠvarc, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the experimental study of shielding effect of oxide isolating layer on surface potential measured by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy. For the study of surface potential were created Au/SiO2 based nanostructures by Electron Beam Lithography, Atomic Layer Deposition and Multilayer Deposition. Surface potential was measured depending on the relative humidity and thickness of oxide isolating layer.
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