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Sistema de control de infracciones y sanciones para vehículos menores “mototaxis”Roca Ramos, Mauro William, Balboa Padilla, Leyla Angélica January 2015 (has links)
Las entidades públicas como las Municipalidades rurales se encuentran agobiadas por los diferentes desafíos a los cuales deben hacer frente a la ciudadanía. En este caso es la transparencia de información en la administración de control de sanciones de los vehículos menores (Mototaxis).
El principal problema que existe es que al no contar con un sistema informático que permita administrar el control de sanciones, existen deficiencias en la administración como: pérdidas de información, informalidad administrativa, pérdida de tiempos en registros y consultas de infracciones.
Para este problema se ha investigado en diferentes Municipales rurales las cuales aún no cuentan con un control eficiente para la administración de infracciones; en consecuencia, existen ciertas inquietudes de parte de los propietarios de los vehículos menores por no contar con una información transparente y concisa frente a las infracciones impuestas por parte de los inspectores municipales.
Sin embargo, una conclusión importante es que este proyecto de investigación podrá mejorar la administración de sanciones en los vehículos menores, reducir la delincuencia en las calles (secuestro), la informalidad vial vehicular, la mejora de servicios hacia los ciudadanos y la recaudación de ingresos para la municipalidad; teniendo como principales beneficiaros la Municipalidad de Santa Eulalia, los propietarios de los vehículos menores y la población del distrito.
Public entities such as rural municipalities are overwhelmed by the different challenges that are facing the public. Here is information transparency in the administration control sanctions smaller vehicles (Mototaxis).
The main problem is that there does not have a computerized system to manage the control of sanctions, deficiencies in the administration as loss of information, administrative informality, loss of records and consultations in times of infringements.
For this problem it has been investigated in different rural Municipal which do not yet have an efficient management control violations; consequently, there are some concerns on the part of the owners of small vehicles for not having a clear and concise imposed against infringements by the municipal inspectors information.
However, an important conclusion is that this research project will improve the administration of sanctions on smaller vehicles, reducing street crime (kidnapping), the vehicular traffic informality, improving services to citizens and revenue collection for the municipality; having as main beneficiaries the Municipality of Santa Eulalia, the owners of small vehicles and the district's population.
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Periódicos científicos eletrônicos brasileiros na área da ciência da informação: análise das dinâmicas de acesso e uso / Brazilian Electronic Journals in the Information Science field: Analyzing the dynamics of access and useGuilherme Ataide Dias 06 November 2003 (has links)
Avanços na área da tecnologia de informação proporcionaram mudanças em diversas áreas da atividade humana. A comunicaço cientifica e uma destas áreas. Periódicos científicos, que tradicionalmente utilizam como meio de divulgação a mídia impressa, possuem agora como alternativa a midia eletrônica. Alguns periódicos científicos lançados no final do século XX estão disponíveis exclusivamente no formato eletrônico. Esta tese de Doutorado analisa de forma específica as dinâmicas de acesso e uso dos periódicos científicos eletônicos brasileiros na área da Ciência da Informação. Discutem-se diversos tópicos fundamentais para a compreensão deste assunto. O estudo do acesso dos usuários aos periódicos foi realizado através da análise dos arquivos de log de acesso gerados pelos servidores web onde estão hospedados os periódicos selecionados para a pesquisa. O estudo relacionado ao uso que os usuários fazem dos periódicos foi realizado através da análise de um questionário enviado para os docentes dos programas de pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação, credenciados pela Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES, até a data de 30 de junho de 2001. A pesquisa identifica vários comportamentos dos usários quando do acesso aos periódicos científicos eletrônicos brasileiros, bem como algumas barreiras para uma utilização mais efetiva deste recurso. As conclusões da pesquisa sao relevantes para a elaboraço de novos periódicos cientificos eletrônicos. O prototipo de um sistema de informação eletrônico, voltado para o gerenciamento do processo de elaboração de um periódico científico eletrônico, e apresentado em sugestões para futuras pesquisas. Este protótipo materializa algumas das idéias discutidas ao longo do texto. / Electronic journals, Scientific Communication, Information Science, Information Technology
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Joseph F.Merrill: Latter-day Saint Commissioner of Education, 1928-1933Griffiths, Casey Paul 14 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Joseph F. Merrill served as Church Commissioner of Education from 1928 to 1933, an era critical in the development of Latter-day Saint Education. During his tenure as commissioner several key developments occurred in Church education, among them the closing of most of the remaining Church academies, transfer of nearly all of Church junior colleges to State control, rapid expansion of the Church seminary system, and establishment of the first LDS Institutes of Religion. Merrill also initiated new efforts to encourage LDS educators to seek graduate-level education outside of Utah, and to bring religious scholarship to the teachers of the Church. In addition, during this time attempts were made by forces outside the Church to seriously curtail the continuation of the seminary program, if not to eliminate it entirely. Merrill's efforts were crucial in ensuring the survival and ultimate acceptance of this form of religious education. This study is intended to answer the following research questions: 1. What were the contributions of Joseph F. Merrill as Church Commissioner of Education? 2. How can the lessons from Merrill's administration be applied to the challenges facing Church education today? The first chapter of this thesis is intended to provide the necessary historical back to understand the events which took place during the Merrill tenure. Particular attention is paid to the work of Merrill's predecessor, Adam S. Bennion. Chapter two provides the historical background to understand Merrill's background before he was called as commissioner. The “Beginning of Institute" chapter explores the creation of the Latter-day Saint Institutes of religion. Next, the “Continuing the Transformation of Church Education" explores the decision to close or attempt to transfer to state control the junior colleges owned by the Church during this time. With the transfer of most of the Church colleges underway by the early 1930s, Church education found itself dependent on the work of seminaries and institutes. “The Released Time Seminary Crisis of 1930-31" chapter details the effects made by the report of the state high school inspector, I. L. Williamson, on seminary and Merrill's work to defend the legality of the seminary system. Next, “Joseph F. Merrill and Religious Educators" will document Merrill's dealings with the teachers who served under him as commissioner. Attention is devoted here to the effects of the Depression on Church education, as well as an account of the LDS educational venture with the University of Chicago Divinity school in the 1930s. Finally, the “Conclusions" chapter explains Merrill's departure from the office to serve as president of the European Mission. This chapter will also offer summary answers to the major research questions, and suggestions for future study The overall intent of this study is to shed light on the contributions of Joseph F. Merrill to Latter-day Saint education. It is not intended as a full biographical work, but simply focuses on his service as commissioner, with occasional ventures into other periods as necessary. It is hoped the reader will emerge with a greater understanding of this important era in Church history, as well as an improved vision of the divine hand guiding the fate of the Church.
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Effekttoppskapning med styrsystem från Enequi : En analys av effektavgiftbesparing och produktprestanda / Peak power shaving with control system from Enequi : An analysis of power fee savings and product performanceOskarsson, Ebba, Lönnqvist, Tim January 2024 (has links)
I takt med ökad elektrifiering i samhället står elnätet inför en problematik med kapacitetsbrist. Med anledning av detta finns ett behov av att utveckla en mer flexibel och effektiv användning av elnätet. En del i detta är införandet av effekttariffer, vilket ska skapa incitament för elkunder att sprida ut sin elanvändning och på så sätt avlasta elnätet. Företaget Enequi tillhandahåller ett system med smart styrning och batterilagring vilket kan utföra effekttoppskapning i syfte att reducera effektavgiften. I denna studie granskas två bostäder, belägna i Partille och Sollentuna, vilka båda har ett styrsystem från Enequi installerat. Syftet är att undersöka hur styrningen bidrar till en förändring i effektavgiften hos de båda bostäderna, samt att bedöma systemets prestanda. Resultatet från Partille visar att ägaren under de åtta månaderna systemet varit i drift sparar 259 kronor på effektavgiften, medan ägaren i Sollentuna under tolv månader sparar 865 kronor. Analysen av systemets prestanda visar också att systemet presterar mest optimalt när egenproducerad el är tillgänglig. Systemet bidrar till nätnytta genom att flytta lasten i bostaden från högt belastade timmar till lågt belastade. Brister som har identifierats i prestandan inkluderar problematik med förhöjda effektavgifter under vissa månader. Slutsatsen är att systemet presterar funktionellt trots vissa brister och att det är möjligt att göra besparingar på effektavgiften över tid.
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Análisis comparativo del concreto lanzado con cemento tipo IP y tipo HE en el revestimiento de túneles de la mina Orcopampa – ArequipaCervantes Abarca, Betsy Pierina, Villa Meza, Liz Katherine January 2015 (has links)
Se viene buscando optimizar la elaboración del concreto lanzado, pero en el proceso se deja de lado el control de calidad por lo cual es indispensable comparar la influencia de un componente primario como el cemento tipo IP y HE.
La presente tesis tiene por objetivo realizar el estudio comparativo de concreto lanzado con cemento portland puzolanico tipo IP vs tipo HE en el revestimiento del túnel de la mina Orcopampa–Arequipa.
Nos ha impulsado a investigar la necesidad de obtener la relevancia en el desempeño y las implicancias del cemento para shotcrete desde una visión técnica, a través de ensayos de campo y laboratorio.
Considerando el enfoque técnico al determinar las diferencias entre el concreto lanzado con cemento Tipo IP y Tipo HE desde el análisis de resistencia a tenacidad y resistencia a la compresión. Realizando un tipo de Investigación básica, cuantitativa, descriptivo, aplicada, de campo con un diseño experimental, según el estudio es cuasi experimental, prospectivo por la cronología de observación, transversal según el número de mediciones, descriptiva, comparativa y explicativa.
Los resultados estadísticos nos demuestran que si existen diferencias significativas de 62 % entre los resultados de la resistencia a la compresión del concreto lanzado cemento Tipo HE sobre el concreto lanzado con cemento Tipo IP en su totalidad de edades ensayadas.
En el análisis estadístico de los ensayos de tenacidad se observa que el cemento Tipo HE tiene una mejor capacidad para absorber energía ya que tiene la característica de desarrollar resistencias a edades tempranas.
It has sought to optimize the development of the shotcrete, but in the process neglects quality control so it is essential to compare the influence of a primary component such as cement type IP and HE.
This thesis aims to conduct a comparative study of shotcrete with IP pozzolanic Portland cement type HE vs kind in the lining of the tunnel Arequipa Orcopampa mine.
It has prompted us to investigate the need for relevance in the performance and the implications of cement shotcrete from a technical view, through field and laboratory tests.
Whereas the technical approach to determine the differences between the shotcrete cement type HE type IP and from the analysis of toughness and resistance to compression. He made a type of Basic, quantitative, descriptive research, applied field with an experimental design, the study is quasi-experimental, prospective timeline for observation cross as the number of measurements, descriptive, comparative and explanatory.
The statistical results show that if there are significant differences between the results 62% of the compressive strength of cement Type HE shotcrete shotcrete on cement type IP fully tested age.
In the statistical analysis of toughness tests it shows that the cement type HE has a better ability to absorb energy and which has the characteristic of developing resistance at early ages.
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Relations internationales, politiques publiques, marché de l’Art et Essai, trois questions préalables pour une étude de la diffusion des inédits du Sud en salle en France de 1990 à 2007 / International relations, public policy, art house film market : three preliminary questions for the study of the distribution of films from the south in the cinemas between 1990 and 2007Prévoteau, Karine 18 December 2014 (has links)
Les inédits du Sud révèlent une double qualité pour fonder une recherche en cinéma : ils sont à la fois les expressions marquées et les filtres d’observation privilégiés des environnements de trois grands domaines : les Relations internationales, la politique publique et le contexte français du marché de l’Art et Essai. Autour et grâce à un corpus de 430 films de longs métrages distribués commercialement pour la première fois en salles en France entre 1990 et 2007 [Afrique subsaharienne, Mena Iran, Asie centrale, Asie, Amérique Latine] cette thèse propose :- une étude de la construction de la scène culturelle de la diplomatie au sein des politiques étrangères bilatérales et multilatérales, à l’échelle française et européenne et de la place assignée au cinéma par le phénomène des fonds d’aide à la production [Fonds Sud, HBF, ACPFILMS…] dans l’action plus vaste en faveur de l’audiovisuel extérieur ;- une mise en perspective de la construction de la politique publique cinématographique, de ses problématisations successives en lien avec les activités professionnelles et le marché , de la question du paritarisme de ses cadres de décision et d’une conception propre de l’action culturelle et surtout de l’Art et Essai comme projet, mouvement et système puis comme spécialisation éditoriale de la distribution ;- une étude plus monographique des trajectoires de quelques cinématographies du Sud selon la problématique d’une symétrie supposée autour d’un indicateur de production entre marché de provenance et marché français [Chine, Iran, Argentine, Brésil, Mexique] et selon la problématique des small cinemas [Tunisie, Liban, Maroc, pays d’Afrique subsaharienne]. / The study of newly released films from the ‘South’ opens up interesting new perspectives for research in cinema studies. These films not only inform us about international relations, public policy and the art house cinema market in France but have also led to some original conclusions.This thesis is based on a study of 430 long feature films released in France between 1990 and 2007 from Subsaharan Africa, the MENA region, Iran, Central Asia, Asia and Latin America. In this dissertation, we propose:- an analysis of the construction of cultural diplomacy in the context of bilateral and multilateral foreign politics. This treatment operates at the levels of French and European politics and examines the place of cinema with respect to the agencies that finance film production [Fonds Sud, HBF, ACPFILMS…] as well as the larger context of external funding for audio-visual productions in general;- an assessment of the construction of public policy concerning film, with an examination of the successive strategies for coping with professional activities and the market. Here, we examine industrial relations and cooperative decision making as well as the reflections concerning the conception of cultural activity and, above all, art house cinema as a project, movement and system then later as a specialist form of production and distribution;- a study of the trajectories of a selected group of film cultures from the south. This study turns around two issues; the purported symmetry between the market of the country where the film is made and the French market as measured by production statistics [China, Iran, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico] and the question of ‘small cinemas’ [Tunisia, Lebanon, Morocco, sub-Saharan Africa].
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