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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude de la valorisation des déblais de chantiers de tunnels en granulats à béton / Study of the use of tunnel excavated materials from Lyon-Turin railway link as aggregates for concrete structures

Colas, Jérémy 04 December 2012 (has links)
La société LTF (Lyon Turin Ferroviaire), filiale de RFF (Réseau Ferré de France) et de RFI (Réseau Ferré Italien) est le promoteur de la section transfrontalière de la future liaison ferroviaire entre Lyon et Turin. LTF souhaite valoriser une grande partie des 16 millions de m3 de déblais qui seront générés par les chantiers du futur tunnel de base en granulats à béton pour le revêtement du tunnel. Cette solution est proposée dans le cadre d'une démarche de développement durable. Cependant, pour une partie des matériaux qui doivent être valorisés en granulats à béton, la teneur en sulfates est comprise entre 1,61 et 4,30% en masse (exprimé en SO3). Ces matériaux se démarquent alors par rapport au contexte réglementaire qui limite la teneur en sulfates dans les granulats à béton à 0,2% pour ce type d'ouvrage. Cette prescription est appliquée pour éviter les risques de dégradation du béton par réaction des sulfates apportés par les granulats avec certains composants présents dans le ciment. Ce phénomène est connu sous le terme de réaction sulfatique interne. Les travaux de recherche ont porté dans un premier temps sur la lixiviation des sulfates issus des matériaux d'excavation. Les résultats ont montré que les sulfates sont rapidement accessibles dans les fractions granulométriques inférieures à 4 mm. Un possible traitement des matériaux par lavage avant leur utilisation dans le béton peut être une solution pour limiter l'attaque sulfatique interne. Dans un second temps, pour définir un liant adapté à ce type de granulats, une étude comparative de différents ciments supposés résistants aux sulfates a été mise en place. Trois essais accélérés ont été développés afin de prendre en compte le risque de dégradation des matériaux cimentaires par formation d'ettringite et de thaumasite. Seuls deux ciments présentent un bon comportement vis-à-vis de la réaction sulfatique interne engendrée par des granulats contenant une forte teneur en sulfates. Il s'agit d'un ciment Portland à très faibles teneur en alcalins et ne contenant quasiment pas d'aluminates tricalciques ainsi qu'un ciment sursulfaté. Enfin, une dernière solution innovante a été proposée et réside dans l'utilisation des sulfates apportés par les matériaux d'excavation pour réaliser le gypsage du ciment. Les sulfates provenant du sable excavé permettent de réguler correctement la prise du matériau cimentaire au même titre que les sulfates de calcium ajoutés au clinker dans le ciment / The construction of a 57 km length base tunnel for the future railway link between Lyon (France) and Turin (Italy) promoted by Lyon Turin Ferroviaire (LTF), subsidiary of Réseau Ferré de France (RFF) and Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (RFI), will result in the production of 16 millions of m3 of excavated materials. In order to promote efficient and sustainable management of natural resources and to reduce greenhouse gas emission and environmental impact, one wish of LTF is to use the most part of these materials as concrete aggregates. However, a part of the excavated materials from LTF tunnel has a sulphate content between 1.46 and 4.30% (expressed in mass of SO3) and cannot be used considering the European standards, which drastically limit the sulphate content in order to avoid structural damages resulting from internal sulphate attack. The sulphate content is limited to 0.2% for this type of construction. The first study, carried out in order to define solutions for the use of these excavated materials, focuses on the behaviour of sulphates, more particularly on their leaching in solution in order to determine the sulphate content that could be released in the concrete. The results show that the sulphates are quickly available for the particles size lower than 4 mm. The washing of excavated materials before their use in concrete can be a solution to limit the internal sulphate attack. The second study has been conducted in order to define a suitable cement for the use of excavated materiels as aggregates. A comparative study of different cements supposed to be resistant to sulphates has been carried out. Three accelerated tests have been developed to assess the risk of degradation of cementitious materials by formation of ettringite and thaumasite. Only two cements show a good behavior against the internal sulphate attack resulting from sulphated aggregates. These cements are a Portland cement with a very low calcium aluminates and alkaline contents and an over sulphated cement.In the frame of a third study, an innovative solution has been proposed and concerns the using of excavated materials as a source of sulphates for regulating the hydration of cement. Sulfates from the excavated sand can regulate the cement hydration and then cancel any further damage due to sulphates

Социально-психологическая адаптация на предприятии лиц, освободившихся от отбывания наказания в уголовно-исправительных системах РФ : магистерская диссертация / Socio-psychological adaptation at the enterprise of persons released from serving sentences in the criminal correction systems of the Russian Federation

Аристова, А. С., Aristova, A. S January 2020 (has links)
The masters thesis consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography and two appendices. In the theoretical part of the study, a general idea of the socio-psychological adaptation is given, definitions of concepts such as "adaptation", "socio-psychological adaptation" are given. In the practical part of the work, a characteristic of the enterprise is presented, on the basis of which the study is conducted: the results of socio-psychological adaptation at the enterprise of persons released from serving sentences in the criminal correction systems of the Russian Federation. A study of the level of socio-psychological adaptation, the results of implementation the program of socio-psychological adaptation at the enterprise of persons released from serving sentences in the criminal correction systems of the Russian Federation. In conclusion, the conclusions obtained during the work are summarized in accordance with the tasks set. / В работе дано общее представление о социально-психологической адаптации, даны определения таких понятий как «адаптация», «социально-психологическая адаптация». Представлена характеристика предприятия, на основе которого проводится исследование: изучены результаты социально-психологической адаптации на предприятии лиц, освободившихся от отбывания наказания в уголовно-исправительных системах РФ. Проведено исследование уровня социально-психологической адаптированности сотрудников, описаны результаты внедрения программы социально-психологической адаптации. В заключении обобщены выводы, полученные в ходе работы, в соответствии с поставленными задачами.

Libération contrôlée du magnésium par des émulsions doubles : impact des paramètres de formulation

Bonnet, Marie 26 November 2008 (has links)
Les émulsions doubles de type eau-dans-huile-dans-eau (E/H/E) sont des systèmes dans lesquels des globules gras sont dispersés dans une phase continue aqueuse. De par leur structure compartimentée, ces systèmes permettent d’encapsuler des composés hydrosolubles au niveau des gouttelettes aqueuses internes. Néanmoins, leur utilisation requiert la maîtrise de leur stabilité thermodynamique et la compréhension des mécanismes mis en jeu au cours de la libération des espèces encapsulées. C’est dans ce contexte que différents paramètres de formulation, i.e., nature de l’huile, concentration en émulsifiant hydrophile, fraction volumique en globules gras, complexation de l’espèce encapsulée ont été testés de manière à appréhender leur influence sur la libération des ions magnésium. Les constituants utilisés pour la préparation des émulsions E/H/E sont de grade alimentaire en vue de leur application dans les secteurs pharmaceutique ou alimentaire. La fuite des ions magnésium s’effectue essentiellement par un mécanisme de diffusion/perméation. Un modèle basé sur la diffusion du magnésium à travers la phase huileuse a été proposé, prenant en compte le coefficient de perméation de l’espèce ionique, la chélation du magnésium et l’ajustement des pressions osmotiques entre les phases interne et externe. Ainsi, le coefficient de permétation dépend de la localisation et de la concentration du chélatant, mais n’est que faiblement influencé par la pression osmotique. De plus, ce coefficient évolue au cours du temps notamment pour les fractions volumiques en globules gras élevés. / Double water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) emulsions are systems in which fat globules are dispersed in an aqueous continuous phase. They provide a compartmented structure that allows the encapsulation of hydrosoluble compounds in the internal aqueous droplets. Nevertheless, the application of multiple emulsions is limited by their thermodynamical instability and the possible diffusion of hydrosoluble matter from one aqueous phase to the other one through the oil layer. In this context, the influence of several formulation parameters (oil nature, hydrophilic emulsifier concentration, oil globule mass fraction, complexation of the encapsulated species) was investigated relatively to magnesium release. All the ingredients used were food grade to match pharmaceutical and food application requirements. Magnesium leakage occurred without film rupturing. A model based on diffusion was proposed in which the rate of release was determined by the permeation coefficient of magnesium across the oil phase, by magnesium chelation and by the osmotic pressure mismatch between the internal and external aqueous phases. The permeation coefficient depended on the chelating agent location and concentration but was poorly influenced by the osmotic pressure. Moreover, the permeation coefficient evolved with time, especially at high oil globule fractions.

Libertas entre sobrados: contratos de trabalho doméstico em São Paulo na derrocada da escravidão / Released slaves among houses: Contracts of domestic work in São Paulo in the overthrow of slavery

Telles, Lorena Feres da Silva 22 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa acompanha as experiências sociais de mulheres escravas, libertas e descendentes livres, na cidade de São Paulo, durante o último quartel do século XIX, no processo social da transição do trabalho escravo para o livre. Pesquisamos livros de inscrições e de contratos de trabalho livre, exigências previstas pelas Posturas Municipais sobre Criados e Amas de Leite, de 1886. O conjunto de regulamentos vinha formalizar deveres e obrigações para empregadores e trabalhadores livres, no contexto do crescimento urbano acelerado, do processo avançado da abolição e da política imigratória que conduziam para a Capital imigrantes pobres e libertos destutelados. Migrantes das regiões escravistas da Província e daquelas que forneceram escravos para o tráfico interprovincial, africanas livres e nascidas na Capital empregaram-se nas residências das elites e camadas médias urbanas. Vislumbramos as estratégias de sobrevivência das agentes do trabalho doméstico livres e pobres, que a polícia registrava nos anos finais do regime escravista. Afastadas das atividades rentáveis, no contexto de pouca diversificação econômica, ex-escravas e descendentes livres sobreviveram dos parcos ganhos auferidos daqueles serviços socialmente desqualificados, dos quais os membros das elites e classes médias dependiam: fazendeiros, estrangeiros proprietários de hotéis, donos de confeitarias, coronéis, funcionários públicos, profissionais liberais, viúvas pobres e remediadas. Reconstituímos o cotidiano dos variados trabalhos que desempenharam a cozinha, a lavagem e o engomado das roupas, a limpeza da casa, o cuidado e o aleitamento de crianças , transitando entre as ruas, as várzeas dos rios e o tenso ambiente das casas. Das entrelinhas dos textos emergem libertas dispostas a improvisar variadas formas de resistência e recusa à opressão cotidiana. Experimentaram as liberdades possíveis e inegociáveis: recusaram com suas indisciplinas as jornadas extenuantes de trabalho, conquistaram aumentos salariais, cuidaram de seus doentes, compartilharam moradias com seus companheiros e filhos. Abandonando por fim os sobrados, indispuseram-se ao assédio sexual, aos maus tratos e aos baixos ordenados, que nem sempre recebiam: permanências de um escravismo doméstico e persistente, que, com suas práticas, ousaram recusar. / The research assembles the social experiences of slave women, released and free descendants in São Paulo during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in the social process of transition from slave work to freedom. In order to accomplished our aim, we rummage into the books, subscriptions and free employment contracts, requirements established by Municipal ordinances on Criadas e Amas de Leite, from 1886. The ensemble of regulations was made in order to formalize the duties and obligations for employers and free employees , in the context of hasty urban growth the advanced process of abolition and the immigration policy that led, to the main city, poor immigrants and unruly people. Migrants from provincial slavery region sand those slaveholders who provided slaves to an interprovincial trafficking, mainly free African born, were employed in the elite and urban middle classes residences. We glimpse the survival strategies from poor and free agents of the housework registered by the police during the final years of the slave regime. Displaced from profitable activities in the context of low economic diversification, formers slaves and free descendants survived from meager gains earned from these socially unskilled services of which the members of the elite and middle classes depended and profited: farmers, foreigners hotel owners, colonels, civil servants, professional, widows and poor remedied. Our research attempt to reconstruct the daily life of several jobs that these free women have done in the new social order: the kitchen, washing and ironing clothes, cleaning the house, care and feeding children, traffic in the streets, the riverside and the tense environment of the houses. Reading between the lines of texts, it is possible to observe the existence of released women willing to improvise various ways of resistance and rejection of everyday oppression. Their experience makes possible ways of non-negotiable freedom, refusing, with their misbehavior, the days of exhausting work, consequently, winning wage increases, caring for their patients and the possibility of sharing housing with their partners and children. With the further abandon of the traditional townhouses, they eventually avoid the sexual harassment and the bad treatment: sojourn of domestic and persistent slavery, that these women, with their daily practices, have dared to decline.

Libertas entre sobrados: contratos de trabalho doméstico em São Paulo na derrocada da escravidão / Released slaves among houses: Contracts of domestic work in São Paulo in the overthrow of slavery

Lorena Feres da Silva Telles 22 August 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa acompanha as experiências sociais de mulheres escravas, libertas e descendentes livres, na cidade de São Paulo, durante o último quartel do século XIX, no processo social da transição do trabalho escravo para o livre. Pesquisamos livros de inscrições e de contratos de trabalho livre, exigências previstas pelas Posturas Municipais sobre Criados e Amas de Leite, de 1886. O conjunto de regulamentos vinha formalizar deveres e obrigações para empregadores e trabalhadores livres, no contexto do crescimento urbano acelerado, do processo avançado da abolição e da política imigratória que conduziam para a Capital imigrantes pobres e libertos destutelados. Migrantes das regiões escravistas da Província e daquelas que forneceram escravos para o tráfico interprovincial, africanas livres e nascidas na Capital empregaram-se nas residências das elites e camadas médias urbanas. Vislumbramos as estratégias de sobrevivência das agentes do trabalho doméstico livres e pobres, que a polícia registrava nos anos finais do regime escravista. Afastadas das atividades rentáveis, no contexto de pouca diversificação econômica, ex-escravas e descendentes livres sobreviveram dos parcos ganhos auferidos daqueles serviços socialmente desqualificados, dos quais os membros das elites e classes médias dependiam: fazendeiros, estrangeiros proprietários de hotéis, donos de confeitarias, coronéis, funcionários públicos, profissionais liberais, viúvas pobres e remediadas. Reconstituímos o cotidiano dos variados trabalhos que desempenharam a cozinha, a lavagem e o engomado das roupas, a limpeza da casa, o cuidado e o aleitamento de crianças , transitando entre as ruas, as várzeas dos rios e o tenso ambiente das casas. Das entrelinhas dos textos emergem libertas dispostas a improvisar variadas formas de resistência e recusa à opressão cotidiana. Experimentaram as liberdades possíveis e inegociáveis: recusaram com suas indisciplinas as jornadas extenuantes de trabalho, conquistaram aumentos salariais, cuidaram de seus doentes, compartilharam moradias com seus companheiros e filhos. Abandonando por fim os sobrados, indispuseram-se ao assédio sexual, aos maus tratos e aos baixos ordenados, que nem sempre recebiam: permanências de um escravismo doméstico e persistente, que, com suas práticas, ousaram recusar. / The research assembles the social experiences of slave women, released and free descendants in São Paulo during the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in the social process of transition from slave work to freedom. In order to accomplished our aim, we rummage into the books, subscriptions and free employment contracts, requirements established by Municipal ordinances on Criadas e Amas de Leite, from 1886. The ensemble of regulations was made in order to formalize the duties and obligations for employers and free employees , in the context of hasty urban growth the advanced process of abolition and the immigration policy that led, to the main city, poor immigrants and unruly people. Migrants from provincial slavery region sand those slaveholders who provided slaves to an interprovincial trafficking, mainly free African born, were employed in the elite and urban middle classes residences. We glimpse the survival strategies from poor and free agents of the housework registered by the police during the final years of the slave regime. Displaced from profitable activities in the context of low economic diversification, formers slaves and free descendants survived from meager gains earned from these socially unskilled services of which the members of the elite and middle classes depended and profited: farmers, foreigners hotel owners, colonels, civil servants, professional, widows and poor remedied. Our research attempt to reconstruct the daily life of several jobs that these free women have done in the new social order: the kitchen, washing and ironing clothes, cleaning the house, care and feeding children, traffic in the streets, the riverside and the tense environment of the houses. Reading between the lines of texts, it is possible to observe the existence of released women willing to improvise various ways of resistance and rejection of everyday oppression. Their experience makes possible ways of non-negotiable freedom, refusing, with their misbehavior, the days of exhausting work, consequently, winning wage increases, caring for their patients and the possibility of sharing housing with their partners and children. With the further abandon of the traditional townhouses, they eventually avoid the sexual harassment and the bad treatment: sojourn of domestic and persistent slavery, that these women, with their daily practices, have dared to decline.

Sociální začleňování osob propuštěných z výkonu trestu / Social Including of Convicted Offenders Left from Prison

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
The title of the thesis is Social Integration of People Released from the Prison. The theoretical part describes current situation concerning living conditions of the people sentenced to the prison, that are determined by legal standards in Czech Republic and by internal regulations of each jail house. These conditions form the personality of convicts and influence their social situation, relationships, and connections. The convicts need after the release to be helped with their integration into the society the most and also to be helped with handling their social situation to avoid recidivism. The aim of the diploma work is to describe problems of individuals released from the prison and the process of resocialization in detail. The thesis also provides the survey of possibilities for helping these people, thus service provided for people with inability to adapt to a society and types of facilities dealing with this target group. The practical part was conceived as the qualitative research in form of case studies using semi-structured interviews with the individuals released from the prison. I asked eight clients 28 questions in following categories: social situation of clients before the sentence, their life while imprisoned, their return to freedom and cooperation of the clients with institutions. There was also performed subsidiary quantitative research within the diploma work. I inquired social workers supervising released adults two questions, using e-mail correspondence. The questions were concerning the most frequent problems they had to deal with, after a client was released from the prison, and also services in Czech Republic{\crq}s system that workers missed in helping the target group. I outlined the comparison of the results coming out of my investigation with the current situation in related area, and also with other investigations at the end of my thesis. I recommend for improving the situation of the released individuals from prison to establish institutions with complete range of assistance, multi focused team, and the support in employing the people with criminal records as the high quality instrument of their social integration.

"Ô levanta nego, cativeiro se acabou" : experiências de libertos em Sergipe durante o pós-abolição (1888-1900)

Souza Neto, Edvaldo Alves de 30 June 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / It still remains in the story of Sergipe, mainly in the capital Aracaju, many question marks about what happened with the old slaves and their descendents right after the abolition of the captivities in may 13th of 1888 with the signature of the Áurea law. To other places in Brazil, with the creation of a discussion group about the period after the abolition, such discussions attracted many researchers, reviewing old propositions and boosting new studies in a way that contributed to the configuration of a promising picture. The goal of this research, through the social story, mainly to theoretical reference developed by E. P. Thompson (1997; 1998; 2001), it brought the referred debate to the historical context of aracaju, identifying and analyzing individual and colective of old slaves and their descendents trajectories, expectations around liberty, the struggles for the extension of the rights, the ways of the reception and celebration of the good news of the abolition, including the social relation developed by these characters of the scenery of Sergipe, mainly in the capital Aracaju at the end of XIX. Therefore, the research is divided in three moments. In the first chapter we are going to analyze the space of Aracaju, investigating the limits of Aracaju, locating its released population and analyzing how they expressed their way of feeling, thinking and acting in the everyday life of the city. In the second chapter we are going to exam the way which the different social sectors received the good news of the abolition and which impacts caused every day of the countryside property and in the constitution of the new social relation between the lords and their released slaves. Lastly, verifying the achievements and aflitions of the freed persons in Sergipe in their everyday fights for home, work, leisure and political conception. We consulted judicial documents, newspapers from Sergipe in that period, maps, census, correspondences, novels, chronicles and memory. / Ainda permanecem na história de Sergipe, principalmente da capital Aracaju, muitas interrogações sobre o que aconteceu com os antigos escravos e seus descendentes logo depois da abolição do cativeiro em 13 de maio de 1888 com a assinatura da Lei Áurea. Para outras localidades do Brasil, com a criação do campo específico sobre o pós-abolição, tal discussão vem atraindo pesquisadores, revisando antigas proposições e impulsionando novos estudos de modo a contribuir para configuração de um quadro promissor. O objetivo dessa pesquisa, por meio da história social, principalmente do referencial teórico desenvolvido por E. P. Thompson (1997; 1998; 2001), é trazer o referido debate para o contexto histórico de Sergipe, identificando e analisando trajetórias individuais e coletivas dos antigos escravizados e seus descendentes, as expectativas em torno da liberdade, as luta pela ampliação de direitos, as formas de recepção e comemoração da boa nova da abolição, incluindo as relações sociais desenvolvidas por essas personagens no cenário de sergipano no final do XIX. Para tanto, a pesquisa encontra-se dividida em três momentos. No primeiro capítulo iremos analisar o espaço de Aracaju, investigando seus limites, localizando sua população liberta e analisando como eles imprimiram seu modo de sentir, pensar e agir no cotidiano da cidade. Já no segundo capítulo examinamos a maneira como os diferentes setores sociais receberam a boa nova da abolição em Sergipe e quais os impactos causados no dia a dia das propriedades rurais e na constituição de novas relações sociais entre antigos senhores e libertos. Por fim, averiguamos as conquistas e aflições dos libertos em Sergipe, sobretudo Aracaju, nos seus embates cotidianos pela moradia, trabalho, lazer e concepções políticas. Consultamos diversos documentos judiciais (processos criminais, apelação criminal, ação de despejo, etc.), jornais sergipanos do período, mapas, censos, correspondências, romances, crônicas e livros de memória.

POSTAVENÍ PROPUŠTĚNÝCH VĚZŇŮ NA TRHU PRÁCE V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE / Persons released from prison on the Czech labour market

Pešatová, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the effectiveness of activities helping people released from an execution of punishment with integrating into the Czech labour market. Attention is drawn to the research question whether the monitored activities reduce reconviction of persons released from a prison and whether they increase their employability. The thesis concludes by identifying main problems of employing the target group and offers recommendation for their solution. The hypothesis about the impact of supportive programmes on the recidivism was not confirmed; on the other hand the positive impact of activities conducted by some non-profit organizations on the employability of released prisoners was affirmed. The recommendation of this thesis is to support the activities of non-profit organizations. This recommendation is supported by the results of a survey among the employers.

Periódicos científicos eletrônicos brasileiros na área da ciência da informação: análise das dinâmicas de acesso e uso / Brazilian Electronic Journals in the Information Science field: Analyzing the dynamics of access and use

Dias, Guilherme Ataide 06 November 2003 (has links)
Avanços na área da tecnologia de informação proporcionaram mudanças em diversas áreas da atividade humana. A comunicaço cientifica e uma destas áreas. Periódicos científicos, que tradicionalmente utilizam como meio de divulgação a mídia impressa, possuem agora como alternativa a midia eletrônica. Alguns periódicos científicos lançados no final do século XX estão disponíveis exclusivamente no formato eletrônico. Esta tese de Doutorado analisa de forma específica as dinâmicas de acesso e uso dos periódicos científicos eletônicos brasileiros na área da Ciência da Informação. Discutem-se diversos tópicos fundamentais para a compreensão deste assunto. O estudo do acesso dos usuários aos periódicos foi realizado através da análise dos arquivos de log de acesso gerados pelos servidores web onde estão hospedados os periódicos selecionados para a pesquisa. O estudo relacionado ao uso que os usuários fazem dos periódicos foi realizado através da análise de um questionário enviado para os docentes dos programas de pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação, credenciados pela Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES, até a data de 30 de junho de 2001. A pesquisa identifica vários comportamentos dos usários quando do acesso aos periódicos científicos eletrônicos brasileiros, bem como algumas barreiras para uma utilização mais efetiva deste recurso. As conclusões da pesquisa sao relevantes para a elaboraço de novos periódicos cientificos eletrônicos. O prototipo de um sistema de informação eletrônico, voltado para o gerenciamento do processo de elaboração de um periódico científico eletrônico, e apresentado em sugestões para futuras pesquisas. Este protótipo materializa algumas das idéias discutidas ao longo do texto. / Electronic journals, Scientific Communication, Information Science, Information Technology


高山, 昇三, TAKAYAMA, Shozo, 吉田, 正人, YOSHIDA, Masato, 奥山, 剛, OKUYAMA, Takashi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

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