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"Analýza podpory výroby elektrické energie z obnovitelných zdrojů v České republice a v některých vyspělých zemích, změny v letech 2010 - 2012" / "The current analytical procedures and policies of renewable energy production in the Czech Republic and some developed countries, the policy modifications that occurred between 2010 to 2012"Juklíček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the current analytical procedures and policies of renewable energy production in the Czech Republic and, mainly deals with the policy modifications that occurred between 2010 to 2012 which also influenced this policy. To give more explanation to the entire picture of the energetic situation in the Czech Republic we have to analyze the current potential situation of renewable and non renewable resources, the quality of electrical distribution network, the framework of available energy resources in the Czech Republic, the costs of producing energy and its impact on the environment. The current global trend in most developed countries is the development of renewable energy sources but, this is not the current case in the Czech Republic which has in its plans to reach its target set by the European Union for the year 2020 . But, instead the Czech Republic would like to set a different goal and decrease the use of renewable energy resources and increase the use of nuclear energy. The support of the analysis policy for renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic is measured in comparison with the European Union, the United States of America and the Peoples Republic of China. The main goal is to evaluate this policies support for renewable energy sources in the Czech Republic and for its possible improvement.
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Posouzení možnosti využití alternativních zdrojů v energetickém hospodářství výrobního areálu / Possibility of using alternative sources of energy in manufacturing facilityMalchar, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The Master’s Thesis prospects the suitability of installing a photovoltaic system and a cogeneration unit in the LIPOELASTIC manufacturing facility and proposes their actual realization. Theoretical part describes said facility, its current energy supply situation and presents the proposed realizations' principle of operation. Practical part contains concrete calculations needed for realizations' proposal and their economic evaluation both independently and jointly.
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Tepelné čerpadlo napájené z fotovoltaického systému / Heat Pump Supplied from Photovoltaic SystemKaděra, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis provides heat pump usage in heating mode, heating of potable water or cooling mode. The heat pump is connected with photovoltaic power plant. The main aim of this study is to create photovoltaic system connected with heat pump and present the results of an energetic and economic evaluation. The theoretical part describes principle function heat pumps, photovoltaic power plants and components. The study provides as well a description of heating systems with a heat pump used for space heating or cooling. In the practical part of this thesis was performed calculation of energy consumption in a building. Based on this data, has been selected a suitable heat pump. To reduce the energy consumption was designed a hybrid photovoltaic power plant with a battery accumulation. Utilization of electric energy from photovoltaic system was calculated. Solutions provide the option of the energy flow analysis in specific interval. Results are summarized in the energetic and economic evaluation. The proposed solution can be applied for reconstruction or construction of a new building, focused on usage of renewable resources and emissions reduction.
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Podnikatelský záměr / Business projectDošek, Ladislav January 2008 (has links)
My business project is focused on foundation of a company using renewable resources to produce energy. I will compare individual variants of manufacturing energy using renewable resources and I will decide, which alternate I use for realization of my projekt.
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Podnikatelský záměr v oblasti obnovitelných zdrojů energie / Business Project in the Area of Renewable Resources of EnergyKerndl, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my thesis, which is called „Business project in the area of renewable energy resources“, is to analyze business opportunities in the area of renewable energy resources, which have been highly actual and discussed recently, whether in term of benefit for environment or in connection with international problem of shortness in energy resources. Result of this thesis is, on the basis of the analysis, to define recommendations in the form of optimal proposal for realization. The thesis is engaged in description of current state in the area of the renewable energy resources, their utilization in practice and consequential proposals for realization including project financial plan. The thesis is also engaged in possibilities of state budget and EU grants use.
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Kritická analýza politiky Evropské unie a jej dopad na firmu E.ON SE / Critical Analysis of EU Policy and Its Impact on Business of E.ON SEStarostová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
Hlavným cieľom diplomovej práce je kriticky analyzovať politiku Európskej Únie a jej dopad na činnosť nadnárodnej spoločnosti E.ON. Keďže politika Európskej Únie má za cieľ zefektívniť spôsob podnikania vykonávaného v rámci Európskej Únie a okrem iného má predstavovať garanciu zodpovednosti jak spotrebiteľov, tak dodávateľov operujúcich na trhu, tak zámer práce bol definovaný na analýzu politického vplyvu rozhodnutí Európskej Únie a ich dopad na následné strategické rozhodnutia firmy. Analytická čas práce je preto zameraná na analýzu Európskej energetickej politiky s kladením dôrazu na profil spoločnosti E.ON, Európsku energetickú stratégiu, obnoviteľné zdroje, jadrovú energetiku, bezpečnosť energetickej dodávky a na Európsky systém obchodovania s emisiami.
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Automatická regulace napětí decentrálních zdrojů v síti vysokého napětí E.ON / Automatic Voltage Control of Distributed Generation in the E.ON Medium Voltage GridSkoupý, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Content of this master`s thesis is theoretical introduction of the power factor, reactive power and voltage control of decentralised sources of the high voltage in the E.ON distribution network. Furthermore, the thesis deals with possibilities of regulating the power factor and reactive power, carried on above-mentioned resources, in other to stabilize the voltage and overflow control of the reactive power to higher voltage level. The practical part describes how the automatic power factor and voltage control had been put into action by central management control within the headquaters dispatching systém of the company. Following chapter acquaints a reader with information of how the automatic power factor and voltage control had been tested and how it is utilized in practice. In the conclusion the work summarizes results and effects of the power factor regulation and voltage control to stabilize the voltage and the overflow of the reactive power in the E.ON network.
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Three essays in environmental economicsEmel Pokam Kake, Emel 06 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est composée de trois chapitres qui traitent de la problématique de la régulation optimale des émissions de carbone pour atténuer le changement climatique.
Dans le premier chapitre, nous analysons les interactions stratégiques entre un cartel, exportant une ressource non renouvelable génératrice de pollution, et deux pays importateurs hétérogènes qui souhaitent atténuer les dommages dus à la pollution. Les pays importateurs différent selon leur demande de la ressource et selon leur degré d’exposition au stock (mondial) de pollution. Les pays importateurs fixent de manière non coopérative des taxes carbone sur la consommation de la ressource polluante et le cartel exportateur fixe son prix à la production. En utilisant équilibre de Nash en boucle ouverte, nous
obtenons des solutions explicites des trajectoires temporelles des taxes carbone, du prix au producteur et du stock de pollution. Nous montrons que lorsque les pays importateurs agissent de manière non coopérative, à un temps fini, le prix à la production bondit et le pays importateur le plus touché par la pollution cesse de demander la ressource. Nos résultats numériques basés sur la caractérisation explicite de l’équilibre non coopératif montrent qu’une plus grande symétrie par rapport aux coûts de la pollution conduit à une augmentation plus rapide du stock de pollution en début d’horizon temporel, mais à un stock de pollution de long terme plus faible et un bien-être total plus élevé.
Dans le deuxième chapitre, Nous analysons les effets des ajustements carbone bilatéraux aux frontières sur les taxes carbone dans un jeu non coopératif entre deux pays symétriques ouverts ayant des firmes en concurrence imparfaite en présence de pollution transfrontalière. Nous comparons également dans ce chapitre les résultats de ce jeu avec ceux de deux benchmarks (soient, le jeu non coopératif sans ajustements carbone aux frontières et la solution efficace). Nous constatons que lorsque les pays souffrent peu de la pollution, seuls des équilibres symétriques existent. En revanche, si les pays souffrent suffisamment de la pollution, seuls des équilibres asymétriques existent. Les taxes sur le carbone en équilibres symétriques sont plus élevées que les taxes efficaces, tandis que l’inverse est vrai pour les équilibres asymétriques. Dans tous les cas d’intérêt, le bien-être total à l’équilibre du jeu non coopératif avec ajustements carbone aux frontières est supérieur à celui du jeu non coopératif sans ajustements carbone aux frontières. Lorsque les coûts de la pollution sont suffisamment bas, il existe un niveau d’ajustement carbone aux frontières tel que les taxes d’équilibre non coopératif sont efficaces. Enfin, dans le cas où les pays souffrent suffisamment de la pollution, le niveau optimal d’ajustement carbone aux frontières peut être partiel ou total selon les paramètres du modèle.
Nous étudions enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, un jeu de pollution frontalière non coopératif entre respectivement deux pays et trois pays fixant des taxes carbone en présence d’ajustements carbone aux frontières et avec présence d’une concurrence imparfaite sur le marché international des biens polluants. Les pays sont asymétriques quant à leur volonté de payer pour la réduction des émissions mondiales de carbone. Dans nos modèles, seul le pays le plus touché impose un ajustement carbone aux frontières. Nous montrons que, contrairement à la littérature existante utilisant des modèles à deux pays avec un seul marché, le pays le plus touché préfère très généralement utiliser un ajustement carbone total aux frontières (c’est-à -dire un tarif qui ajuste exactement les écarts entre sa propre taxe carbone et celles des autres pays) à un ajustement carbone partiel aux frontières. De plus, un ajustement carbone total aux frontières est optimal pour le bien-être global dans la plupart des cas d’intérêt. / This thesis is composed of three chapters which concern the problem of the optimal regulation of carbon emissions to mitigate climate change.
In the first chapter, we analyze strategic interactions between a resource cartel exporting a non-renewable stock pollutant and two heterogeneous importing countries, who want to mitigate pollution damages. The importing countries differ with respect to market size and with respect to how strongly they are affected by the (global) stock of pollution. The importing countries non cooperatively set emissions taxes and the exporting cartel sets its producer price. Using open loop Nash equilibrium, we obtain explicit solutions for the time paths of the carbon taxes, the producer price and the stock of pollution. We show that when the countries act non cooperatively, at a finite time, the producer price jumps and the country that is most affected by pollution stops demanding the resource. Our numerical results based on the explicit characterization of the non-cooperative equilibrium yield that more symmetry with respect to the cost of pollution leads to faster increase of the stock of pollution initially, but to a lower long-term stock and higher total discounted welfare.
In the second chapter, we analyzes the effects of bilateral border tax adjustments on carbon taxes in a non-cooperative game between two symmetric open countries trading in an oligopolistic framework with cross-border pollution. We also contrast the results of this BTA game with those of two benchmarks (the non-cooperative game without BTA and the efficient solution). We note that when countries suffer little from pollution, only symmetric equilibria exist. By contrast, if countries suffer sufficiently from pollution, only asymmetric equilibria exist. Carbon taxes in symmetric equilibria are higher than the efficient taxes, while the opposite is true for the asymmetric equilibria. In all cases of interest, the total welfare in the equilibrium of the non cooperative game with BTA is higher than that in the equilibrium of the non cooperative game without BTA. If the cost of pollution is sufficiently low, there is a level of BTA such that non cooperative equilibrium taxes are efficient. Finally, in the case where the countries suffer a lot from pollution, the optimal level of BTA can be partial or full depending on the parameters of the model.
Finally, in the last chapter, we study a non-cooperative transboundary pollution game between respectively two countries and three countries setting carbon taxes in the presence of a Border Tax Adjustment (BTA) and with imperfect competition in the international polluting goods market. Countries are asymmetric with respect to their willingness to pay for reductions of global emissions. In our models, only the most affected country imposes a BTA. We show that, unlike in the existing literature using two-country models with only one market, the most affected country generally prefers using a full BTA, a tariff that fully adjusts for the differences between its own carbon tax and those in other countries, to a partial BTA. Moreover, a full BTA is optimal for the global welfare in most cases of interest.
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Small-scale wave energy converter for wave tank facilityAsseh, Samir January 2023 (has links)
A small-scale wave energy converter was designed and built for teaching and academic purposes to be used at The Division for Electricity, in the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University. The design of the power take-off (PTO) makes use of magnets passing through a copper coil for electricity generation. The magnets are attached by a string to the floating buoy in the small-scale wave tank which leads to a joint oscillation. Design parameters are executed using COMSOL Multiphysics which illustrates the total voltage output generated as well as the total magnetic field. Simulations and calculations in MATLAB were performed to extract the expected damping coefficient and plots of the buoy position compared to the wave amplitude. Lastly, a PTO prototype were built and compared with the simulations. The PTO shows electricity generation with the aid of a voltmeter showcasing the voltage. Additional information on future improvements to further aid teaching and academic understanding of wave energy converter are mentioned in the final section of this study.
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Enviromentální vědeckotechnický park v Zábřehu / Enviromental Science & Technology Park in ZábřehKratochvílová, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
Diploma project develops the intention to build up an ecological project based on renewable resources utilization of energy and materials recycling in Zábřeh. The study is engaged in possible area extension and tries to divide it into functional zones, when zone of main production remains the same (already elaborated project) and the zone of extension where there is settled production storages, alt.production hall extension. Third zone, so-called green zone, is developed in more detail. The green zone is a belt of plot separating the production area from second-class road nr.315, and also creates entrance gateway and lungz of the whole area. The green belt is conceived as a sojourn park with water elements(biotopes, lake, water basin), which is intersected by wooden footbridge, that connects object of multifunction pavilion and office building and ends at articifial island, or more precisely as a torso in the lake waters, symbolizing the science, which´s end is far away for human beings. The footbridge is also an axis between planned science-technological centres for the direct processing of waste materials. Administration building and pavilion are conceived as a „second nature“, purely human artifact, whih is also clearly expressed in „non-natural“ materials used. Their concept tries to saturate client´s requests and use the renewable resources of energy with observance of building biology principles (author´s request) at the same time.
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