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Studies of phase change in complex systems using the generalized replica exchange methodLu, Qing 28 October 2015 (has links)
The replica exchange method (REM) has been widely used in the computer simulation of complex systems, such as proteins, glasses, and atomic clusters, where conventional methods based on sampling the canonical ensemble struggle to attain ergodicity over a rugged energy landscape characterized by multiple minima separated by high energy barriers. While the standard temperature REM (tREM) has proven to be highly effective in the equilibrium sampling of stable single phase states, tREM is seriously challenged in the vicinity of a first-order phase transition.
The generalized Replica Exchange Method (gREM) was developed to address these outstanding computational problems and provide a method for simulating strong phase transitions in condensed matter systems. The central idea behind gREM is to incorporate the merit of generalized ensemble sampling into the replica exchange paradigm. The key ingredients of gREM are parameterized effective sampling weights, which smoothly join ordered and disordered phases with a succession of unimodal energy distributions that transform unstable or metastable energy states of the canonical ensemble into stable states that can be fully characterized. The inverse mapping between the sampling weights and the effective temperature provides a sure way to design the effective sampling weights and achieve ergodic sampling.
Various applications of gREM are presented, including studies of the solid-liquid phase change of an adapted Dzugutov model of glass formation, the mechanism of spinodal decomposition in the vapor-liquid transition of a simple fluid, and the apparent crossover from a first-order to continuous transition with increasing density in the freezing of a nanofilm of water confined between featureless and atomistic surfaces. Extensive gREM simulations combined with the Statistical Temperature Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (ST-WHAM) demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach and provide comprehensive characterization of thermodynamic and structural properties intrinsic to phase transitions in these diverse systems.
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Replica selection in Apache Cassandra : Reducing the tail latency for reads using the C3 algorithmThorsen, Sofie January 2015 (has links)
Keeping response times low is crucial in order to provide a good user experience. Especially the tail latency proves to be a challenge to keep low as size, complexity and overall use of services scale up. In this thesis we look at reducing the tail latency for reads in the Apache Cassandra database system by implementing the new replica selection algorithm called C3, recently developed by Lalith Suresh, Marco Canini, Stefan Schmid and Anja Feldmann. Through extensive benchmarks with several stress tools, we find that C3 indeed decreases the tail latencies of Cassandra on generated load. However, when evaluating C3 on production load, results does not show any particular improvement. We argue that this is mostly due to the variable size records in the data set and token awareness in the production client. We also present a client-side implementation of C3 in the DataStax Java driver in an attempt to remove the caveat of token aware clients. The client-side implementation did give positive results, but as the benchmark results showed a lot of variance we deem the results to be too inconclusive to confirm that the implementation works as intended. We conclude that the server-side C3 algorithm will work effectively for systems with homogeneous row sizes where the clients are not token aware. / För att kunna erbjuda en bra användarupplevelse så är det av högsta vikt att hålla responstiden låg. Speciellt svanslatensen är en utmaning att hålla låg då dagens applikationer växer både i storlek, komplexitet och användning. I denna rapport undersöker vi svanslatensen vid läsning i databassystemet Apache Cassandra och huruvida den går att förbättra. Detta genom att implementera den nya selektionsalgoritmen för replikor, kallad C3, nyligen framtagen av Lalith Suresh, Marco Canini, Stefan Schmid och Anja Feldmann. Genom utförliga tester med flera olika stressverktyg så finner vi att C3 verkligen förbättrar Cassandras svanslatenser på genererad last. Dock så visade använding av C3 på produktionslast ingen större förbättring. Vi hävdar att detta framförallt beror på en variabel storlek på datasetet och att produktionsklienten är tokenmedveten. Vi presenterar också en klientimplementation av C3 i Java-drivrutinen från DataStax, i ett försök att åtgärda problemet med tokenmedventa klienter. Klientimplementationen av C3 gav positiva resultat, men då testresultaten uppvisade stor varians så anser vi att resultaten är för osäkra för att kunna bekräfta att implentationen fungerar så som den är avsedd. Vi drar slutsatsen att C3, implementerad på servern, fungerar effektivt på system med homogen storlek på datat och där klienter ej är tokenmedvetna.
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Bioceramic Materials for Advanced Medical Applications / Bioceramic Materials for Advanced Medical ApplicationsNovotná, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Cílem disertační práce bylo připravit trojrozměrné biokeramické podpůrné systémy („skafoldy“), které by v budoucnu mohly pomoci při rekonstrukci a regeneraci poškozených kostních tkání. Porézní keramické pěny byly připraveny dvěma způsoby – replikační technikou a polymerizací in situ. Co se složení týče, byly studovány keramické materiály zejména na bázi oxidu hlinitého, zirkoničitého a kalcium fosfátů. Byl studován jednak vliv procesních parametrů jako je složení suspenzí a jejich viskozit, dále pak vliv tepelného zpracování na strukturu a výsledné vlastnosti připravených materiálů. U slinutých pěn byla pomocí rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie hodnocena zejména morfologie – velikost pórů, jejich propojenost a celková porozita, charakterizace mikrostruktury nebyla opomenuta. Dále bylo stanoveno fázové složení a pevnost v tlaku. Z biologických vlastností byla testována a diskutována bioaktivita a cytotoxicita materiálů. Disertační práce je členěna do několika částí. V literární rešerši je popsána stavba a vlastnosti kosti, požadavky kladené na kostní náhrady, výhody a nevýhody současně používaných materiálů a způsoby přípravy keramických pěn. Následuje experimentální část, kde byly nejprve studovány pěny připravené replikační technikou. Všechny takto vyrobené pěny měly propojené póry o velikostech 300 až 2000 m, celková porozita se pohybovala v rozmezí 50 – 99 %. Pevnost pěn na bázi kalcium fosfátů – 0,3 MPa (při celkové porozitě 80%) byla nedostatečná pro kostní náhrady, kde je požadována pevnost větší než 2 MPa. Kalcium fosfátové keramiky byly tedy zpevněny buďto inertním jádrem na bázi oxidu hlinitého nebo ATZ (oxidem zirkoničitým zhouževnatělým oxidem hlinitým). Dále byl přípraven částicový kompozit, ve kterým byl hydroxyapatit pojený oxidem křemičitým. Pevnost pěn se podařilo zvýšit až na více než 20 MPa. V poslední kapitole experimentální části byly studovány keramické pěny pěněné in situ, kde byly póry vytvářeny oxidem uhličitým unikajícím během reakce mezi diisokyanátem a polyalkoholem. Po vypálení polymerního pojiva měly pěny propojené póry o průměrné velikosti 80 až 550 m. Celková porozita se pohybovala v rozmezí 76 – 99%. Výhodou oproti replikační technice byly plné trámečky bez velké středové dutiny vznikající vypálením polymerní předlohy. Žádný ze studovaných materiálů nebyl pro buňky toxický, navíc všechny studované pěny vykazovaly bioaktivní chování. Z hlediska kostního tkáňového inženýrství se jako nejslibnější jeví kompozitní materiál zpevněný oxidem křemičitým.
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Reducing Long Tail Latencies in Geo-Distributed SystemsBogdanov, Kirill January 2016 (has links)
Computing services are highly integrated into modern society. Millions of people rely on these services daily for communication, coordination, trading, and accessing to information. To meet high demands, many popular services are implemented and deployed as geo-distributed applications on top of third party virtualized cloud providers. However, the nature of such deployment provides variable performance characteristics. To deliver high quality of service, such systems strive to adapt to ever-changing conditions by monitoring changes in state and making run-time decisions, such as choosing server peering, replica placement, and quorum selection. In this thesis, we seek to improve the quality of run-time decisions made by geo-distributed systems. We attempt to achieve this through: (1) a better understanding of the underlying deployment conditions, (2) systematic and thorough testing of the decision logic implemented in these systems, and (3) by providing a clear view into the network and system states which allows these services to perform better-informed decisions. We performed a long-term cross datacenter latency measurement of the Amazon EC2 cloud provider. We used this data to quantify the variability of network conditions and demonstrated its impact on the performance of the systems deployed on top of this cloud provider. Next, we validate an application’s decision logic used in popular storage systems by examining replica selection algorithms. We introduce GeoPerf, a tool that uses symbolic execution and lightweight modeling to perform systematic testing of replica selection algorithms. We applied GeoPerf to test two popular storage systems and we found one bug in each. Then, using traceroute and one-way delay measurements across EC2, we demonstrated persistent correlation between network paths and network latency. We introduce EdgeVar, a tool that decouples routing and congestion based changes in network latency. By providing this additional information, we improved the quality of latency estimation, as well as increased the stability of network path selection. Finally, we introduce Tectonic, a tool that tracks an application’s requests and responses both at the user and kernel levels. In combination with EdgeVar, it provides a complete view of the delays associated with each processing stage of a request and response. Using Tectonic, we analyzed the impact of sharing CPUs in a virtualized environment and can infer the hypervisor’s scheduling policies. We argue for the importance of knowing these policies and propose to use them in applications’ decision making process. / Databehandlingstjänster är en välintegrerad del av det moderna samhället. Miljontals människor förlitar sig dagligen på dessa tjänster för kommunikation, samordning, handel, och åtkomst till information. För att möta höga krav implementeras och placeras många populära tjänster som geo-fördelning applikationer ovanpå tredje parters virtuella molntjänster. Det ligger emellertid i sakens natur att sådana utplaceringar resulterar i varierande prestanda. För att leverera höga servicekvalitetskrav behöver sådana system sträva efter att ständigt anpassa sig efter ändrade förutsättningar genom att övervaka tillståndsändringar och ta realtidsbeslut, som till exempel val av server peering, replika placering, och val av kvorum. Den här avhandlingen avser att förbättra kvaliteten på realtidsbeslut tagna av geo-fördelning system. Detta kan uppnås genom: (1) en bättre förståelse av underliggande utplaceringsvillkor, (2) systematisk och noggrann testning av beslutslogik redan implementerad i dessa system, och (3) en tydlig inblick i nätverket och systemtillstånd som tillåter dessa tjänster att utföra mer informerade beslut. Vi utförde en långsiktig korsa datacenter latensmätning av Amazons EC2 molntjänst. Mätdata användes sedan till att kvantifiera variationen av nätverkstillstånd och demonstrera dess inverkan på prestanda för system placerade ovanpå denna molntjänst. Därnäst validerades en applikations beslutslogik vanlig i populära lagringssystem genom att undersöka replika valalgoritmen. GeoPerf, ett verktyg som tillämpar symbolisk exekvering och lättviktsmodellering för systematisk testning av replika valalgoritmen, användes för att testa två populära lagringssystem och vi hittade en bugg i båda. Genom traceroute och envägslatensmätningar över EC2 demonstrerar vi ihängande korrelation mellan nätverksvägar och nätverkslatens. Vi introducerar också EdgeVar, ett verktyg som frikopplar dirigering och trängsel baserat på förändringar i nätverkslatens. Genom att tillhandahålla denna ytterligare information förbättrade vi kvaliteten på latensuppskattningen och stabiliteten på nätverkets val av väg. Slutligen introducerade vi Tectonic, ett verktyg som följer en applikations begäran och gensvar på både användare-läge och kernel-läge. Tillsammans med EdgeVar förses en komplett bild av fördröjningar associerade med varje beräkningssteg av begäran och gensvar. Med Tectonic kunde vi analysera inverkan av att dela CPUer i en virtuell miljö och kan avslöja hypervisor schemaläggningsprinciper. Vi argumenterar för betydelsen av att känna till dessa principer och föreslå användningen av de i beslutsprocessen. / <p>QC 20161101</p>
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Algorithmic Mechanism Design for Data Replication ProblemsGuo, Minzhe 13 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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InsulPatch: A Slim, Powerless Microfluidic Patch-Pump for Insulin DeliveryZhang, Shuyu 23 November 2021 (has links)
The InsulPatch is a novel integrated patch-pump device used to deliver drugs, especially macromolecular drugs that are difficult to deliver through an oral pathway and that require transdermal delivery. The patch-pump is a promising replacement for conventional syringes and battery-powered pumps because it is slim, powerless, painless, and relatively inexpensive. The majority of this thesis focuses on the fabrication and testing of microfluidic devices for the delivery of insulin, which is a model drug that is widely used and needs to be delivered transdermally.
In this thesis, we demonstrate the fabrication of the patch-pump, which includes an insect-mimetic microfluidic pump fabricated using photolithography and replica molding, and a microneedle array fabricated using 3D printing. The microfluidic pump is used to drive the fluid flow powered by pressurized air or the user’s pulse, and the microneedle array is used to inject the fluid through the skin painlessly. Using pressurized air-driven flow testing, we have tested the flow rate across microfluidic pumps of various flow channel widths over a range of physiologically relevant actuation frequencies and pressures. We have found that for the specific channel design we have been using, the flow rate generally positively correlates with the actuation pressure. For devices with wider flow channels, the flow rate generally negatively correlates with the actuation frequency, whereas the flow rate increases and then decreases with increasing actuation frequency for devices with narrower flow channels. This property of these devices is beneficial in insulin delivery because the demand for insulin is generally reduced in vigorous exercise (with elevated heart rate/actuation frequency) and increased in hypertension patients (with elevated blood/actuation pressure).
A major future direction of the study is to test a wide range of device designs in a sample of human subjects by attaching the device onto the wrist and measuring the pulse-driven flow across the device. We can further change the channel design parameters of the device so that it will be ideal for insulin delivery. Using the ex vivo flow testing and human subject data, we can further tailor the device design to specific patients using a genetic algorithm-guided optimization based on the heart rate and blood pressure of the patient and the desired flow rate. We will also perform computational modeling using COMSOL Multiphysics to predict the flow across devices of different designs as well as to understand the physics behind the pulse-driven flow. Finally, a 3D-printed insulin reservoir will be incorporated into our patch-pump system for the storage of U-500 insulin. / M.S. / The InsulPatch is a slim, powerless device (“patch-pump”) that can be used to deliver drugs through the skin, especially designed for drugs that are difficult to deliver orally. The patch technology is a promising replacement for conventional injection using syringes and bulky battery-powered pumps. At this stage, the primary drug that our device aims to deliver is insulin, which generally needs to be delivered through the skin.
In this thesis, we demonstrate how our patch-pump is made and how its performance is tested. The patch-pump has two parts: the microfluidic pump and the microneedle array. The microfluidic pump is fabricated using a technique called photolithography, in which a photosensitive polymer is selectively cured by UV light, and replica molding, in which the precursor of another polymer is poured on a mold and cured. The microneedle array is made using 3D printing and designed in such a way so that it can be readily connected to the microfluidic pump. The microfluidic pump is used to drive the fluid flow powered by the user’s pulse, and the microneedle array is used to inject the fluid through the skin painlessly. Through testing the flow across the microfluidic pump prototypes using pressurized air, we characterized the correlation between the flow rate of fluid across the device and parameters including the actuation pressure and frequency of the pressurized air as well as the width of the flow channel.
Future directions of the study include testing the devices in human subjects to characterize pulse-driven flow across the devices, computational modeling of the devices, and further changes of the device design to optimize the performance of the device. We will also optimize the device design computationally to tailor the device design to specific diabetic patients. Finally, we will incorporate a 3D-printed insulin reservoir into our system for the storage of insulin solution. / Withhold all access to the ETD for 1 year / patent / I hereby certify that, if appropriate, I have obtained and submitted with my ETD a written permission statement from the ower(s) of each third part copyrighted matter to be included in my thesis or dissertation, allowing distribution as specified above.
I certify that the version I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisory committee.
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Investigation of the influence of the torso, lips and vocal tract configuration on speech directivity using measurements from a custom head and torso simulatorBlandin, Rémi, Geng, Jingyan, Birkholz, Peter 10 January 2025 (has links)
The human voice is a directional sound source. This property has been explored for more than 200 years, mainly using measurements of human participants. Some efforts have been made to understand the anatomical parameters that influence speech directivity, e.g., the mouth opening, diffraction and reflections due to the head and torso, the lips and the vocal tract. However, these parameters have mostly been studied separately, without being integrated into a complete model or replica. The aim of this work was to study the combined influence of the torso, the lips and the vocal tract geometry on speech directivity. For this purpose, a simplified head and torso simulator was built; this simulator made it possible to vary these parameters independently. It consisted of two spheres representing the head and the torso into which vocal tract replicas with or without lips could be inserted. The directivity patterns were measured in an anechoic room with a turntable and a microphone that could be placed at different angular positions. Different effects such as torso diffraction and reflections, the correlation of the mouth dimensions with directionality, the higher-order modes and the increase in directionality due to the lips were confirmed and further documented. Interactions between the different parameters were found. It was observed that torso diffraction and reflections were enhanced by the presence of the lips, that they could be modified or masked by the effect of higher-order modes and that the lips tend to attenuate the effect of higher-order modes.
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Obtenção de cerâmicas porosas de alumina-zircônia pelo método da réplica recobertas com fosfato de cálcio / Obtaining porous alumina-zirconia ceramics by the calcium phosphate-coated replica methodSilva, André Diniz Rosa da 10 August 2017 (has links)
As cerâmicas porosas empregadas na substituição óssea, são utilizadas por apresentarem características como biocompatibilidade, ter estrutura tridimensional e apresentar alta porosidade. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho foi obter e caracterizar cerâmicas porosas de Al2O3 e Al2O3 contendo 5% em volume de inclusões de ZrO2, produzidas pelo método da réplica. Essas cerâmicas porosas tiveram sua superfície tratada quimicamente com ácido fosfórico e foram recobertos, com fosfato de cálcio usando o método biomimético, em solução de SBF 5X (Simulated Body Fluid) por um período de incubação de 14 dias. Após o recobrimento, algumas cerâmicas porosas foram tratadas quimicamente para incorporação do Sr2+. Em seguida foram caracterizadas morfologicamente e estruturalmente usando ensaios de compressão axial, porosidade aparente, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microtomografia de Raio X (µ-CT), difratometria de Raio X (DRX), Espectroscopia de Infravermelho Próximo (NIR), emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-OES), Energia Dispersiva de Raio-X (EDS) e por Ensaios biológicos utilizando cultura de células para análise de viabilidade celular. As cerâmicas porosas de alumina e alumina-zircônia apresentaram, respectivamente, porosidade aparente de 80,93 % e 78,82 %, resistência à compressão axial, 2,93 MPa e 6,59 MPa, além de uma ampla faixa de tamanho de poros de, desejáveis para o favorecimento de interesses biológicos destinados à regeneração e formação de tecido ósseo. O recobrimento biomimético usando SBF 5X produziu a formação das fases α-TCP, β-TCP, TTCP e Hidroxiapatita, usando período de incubação de 14 dias. A incorporação de Sr2+ na estrutura dos fosfatos mostrou-se mais eficientes nos corpos porosos de alumina-zircônia. Os ensaios in vitro mostraram a biocompatibilidade das cerâmicas porosas estudadas, demonstrando a possibilidade de sua utilização como material para substituição ou preenchimento ósseo. / The porous ceramics used in bone substitution are used because they present characteristics as biocompatibility, have a three - dimensional structure and have high porosity. In this sense, the objective of this work was to obtain and characterize porous ceramics of Al2O3 and Al2O3 containing 5% by volume of ZrO2 inclusions, produced by the replica method. These porous ceramics were chemically treated with phosphoric acid and were coated with calcium phosphate using the biomimetic method in 5X SBF solution (Simulated Body Fluid) for a 14 day incubation period. After coating, some porous ceramics were chemically treated for Sr2+ incorporation. They were then characterized morphologically and structurally using axial compression, apparent porosity, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), microtomography (µ-CT), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Near Infrared (NIR) Coupled (ICP-OES), X-ray Dispersive Energy (EDS) and Biological Assays using cell culture for cell viability analysis. The porous ceramics of alumina and alumina-zirconia showed, respectively, 80.93% and 78.82% apparent porosity, axial compression strength, 2.93 MPa and 6.59 MPa, as well as a wide range of pore size, desirable for the promotion of biological interests destined to the regeneration and formation of bone tissue. Biomimetic coated using SBF 5X produced the formation of α-TCP, β-TCP, TTCP and Hydroxyapatite phases using a 14-day incubation period. The incorporation of Sr2+ in the phosphate structure proved to be more efficient in porous alumina-zirconia bodies. The in vitro tests showed the biocompatibility of the porous ceramics studied, demonstrating the possibility of their use as material for bone replacement or filling.
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CuT-REMD : uma nova abordagem para predi??o de estruturas terci?rias de prote?nas baseada em raio de corte incremental / CuT-REMD : a novel approach for tertiary protein Structure prediction based on incremental cutoffPaes, Thiago Lipinski 27 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-25T13:27:56Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-27 / Among the main computational techniques currently applied to study proteins, classical
molecular dynamics plays a important hole, specially its variation called replica exchange
molecular dynamics or REMD, which provides efficient conformational sampling.
Regular secondary structures elements of proteins are formed and maintained via stabilization
by hydrogen bonds within helices and between strands of a -sheet. Packing of these
structural elements, allowed by flexible turns and loops connecting them, leads to the formation
of a structure that, in the successful cases, represents the native, functional state
of a protein. Ionic, dipole, van der Waals, hydrophobic interactions, and hydrogen bonding
are fundamental to these events. Most of these forces are strong up to a distance of 4.0
?. Hence, these are the distances involved in the formation of local structural nubs that can
further propagate and form whole elements of secondary structure. The common practice
while simulating is, however, to keep fixed the cutoff at values higher or equal to 8.0 ?. Here
a novel replica exchange molecular dynamics approach based on running cutoffs (varying
from 4.0 ? to 8.0 ?) to enhance protein structure prediction is presented. We first proved
the method as a reproducible one, as well as following a Boltzmann distribution and sampling
different structures of conventional REMD. The human villin headpiece protein (PDB
ID: 1UNC) was used as case study. We tested 9 different simulation protocols, in triplicate,
and proved the use of incremental cutoff as an effective approach to enhance the quality
and speed of protein structure predictions via replica exchange molecular dynamics. Applying
the method to the protein test set, although of limited size, CuT-REMD showed good
performance against the ab initio methods, most of the time being either as the best prediction
method or with close results to the best ones. This made it possible to also compare
CuT-REMD with de novo methods. Despite the difficulties, CuT-REMD maintained a good
performance even surpassing certain servers for all tested proteins. The results obtained
are encouraging, with the emergence of new questions to be addressed in the future. / Dentre os principais m?todos computacionais aplicados atualmente ao estudo de
prote?nas, a din?mica molecular cl?ssica realiza importante papel, especialmente sua varia??o
intitulada Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics ou REMD, a qual prov? amostragem
conformacional eficiente. Elementos de Estruturas Secund?rias (EES) regulares de prote?nas
s?o formados e mantidos atrav?s de estabiliza??o por liga??es de hidrog?nio dentro de
h?lices e entre fitas de uma folha . O empacotamento desses elementos estruturais, permitido
por voltas e la?os flex?veis conectando-os, leva ? forma??o de uma estrutura que, nos
casos bem sucedidos, representa o estado nativo, funcional de uma prote?na. Intera??es
i?nicas, dipolo-dipolo, de van der Waals e hidrof?bicas, al?m de liga??es de hidrog?nio, s?o
fundamentais para esses eventos. A maioria dessas for?as ? mais forte at? uma dist?ncia
de 4,0 ?. Assim, essas (de 0,0 ? a 4,0 ?) s?o as dist?ncias envolvidas na forma??o de
estruturas locais, que podem ainda se propagar e formar elementos inteiros de estrutura
secund?ria. A pr?tica comum ao se executar simula??es por DM ?, no entanto, manter um
raio de corte fixo em valores maiores ou iguais a 8,0 ?. Esta tese apresenta o m?todo CuTREMD,
uma nova abordagem de REMD com base em raio de corte incremental (variando
de 4,0 ? a 8,0 ?) testando a hip?tese de que tal abordagem pode otimizar a predi??o de
estruturas terci?rias de prote?nas. Primeiramente, foi utilizada a prote?na villin headpiece humana
(c?digo PDB 1UNC), como estudo de caso, e nove diferentes protocolos de simula??o
foram testados, todos em triplicata. Posteriormente, com base nos resultados obtidos, um
protocolo-padr?o foi escolhido como protocolo CuT-REMD, e um conjunto de nove prote?nas
adicionais foi testado, sendo os resultados comparados com o m?todo REMD convencional.
A utiliza??o de raio de corte incremental provou-se uma abordagem eficaz para melhorar
a qualidade e velocidade das predi??es de estruturas de prote?nas via REMD. Aplicando o
m?todo ao conjunto teste de prote?nas, embora de tamanho limitado, CuT-REMD mostrou
bom desempenho em rela??o aos m?todos ab initio, colocando-se na grande maioria das
vezes ou como o melhor m?todo de predi??o ou com resultados pr?ximos aos melhores
m?todos. Isso possibilitou compar?-lo tamb?m com m?todos de novo e, embora com mais
dificuldade, CuT-REMD manteve bom desempenho, inclusive superando certos servidores
em todas as ocasi?es. Os resultados obtidos, em suma, mostram-se encorajadores, com o
surgimento de novos questionamentos a serem abordados futuramente.
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Técnica de replicação de raízes dentárias em resina composta fotopolimerizável a partir de molde de resina acrílica autopolimerizável / Root tooth replication technique in photo polymerized composite resin made by means of an acrylic resin mold by self polymerized resinCamargo, Sergio Luiz da Silveira 08 February 2011 (has links)
Pelas fraturas que sofrem os dentes caninos, torna-se necessário tratá-los endodonticamente, e repará-los proteticamente. Porém, novas fraturas coronais, com ou sem perda de coroa metálica podem se repetir. Muitas técnicas restauradoras priorizam os dentes com maior percentual de porção coronal, porque a extensa área de coroa remanescente assegura execução facilitada, favorecendo a recuperação do elemento dental e garantindo sucesso do assentamento da peça metálica. As pesquisas realizadas para se conseguir novos tratamentos utilizam dentes naturais para simular a realidade. Não há banco de dentes rotineiro na Odontologia Veterinária. O uso de dentes naturais de animais encontra restrições por conta da grande diversidade de raças e de porte entre cães, consequentemente no tamanho e na anatomia dos dentes. Existe ainda a carência de disponibilidade de amostras naturais na quantidade necessária para desenvolver tais estudos. O material artificial capaz de substituir os dentes naturais pode estar nas resinas compostas fotopolimerizáveis que apresentam propriedades mecânicas semelhantes às da dentina. Para se replicar o dente natural em resina composta, foi criado um molde em resina acrílica transparente. A literatura deste assunto é escassa ou mesmo inexiste. Com a construção de dentes artificiais muitas pesquisas podem ser realizadas, pois as amostras dentárias serão padronizadas de acordo com a necessidade de cada estudo a ser desenvolvido. Neste trabalho objetivou-se reproduzir quarenta dentes artificiais (réplicas) para demonstrar a possibilidade do padrão de cópia a partir do uso de um molde de resina acrílica. Os resultados mostraram que as réplicas foram similares ao dente natural. / Due to the fractures that canine teeth suffer, it is necessary to treat these teeth endodonticaly and restore them prosthetically (with pin, post core and metallic crown) in its coronal portion. However a new coronal fracture can happen with or without loss of the prosthodontic work. Many of the techniques aim at the teeth with larger extension of remaining area of crown, which favors the crown preparation and fixation of the prosthesis. Many researches use natural teeth to simulate the real conditions. In Veterinary Dentistry there is no routine bank of teeth. However there is a variety of dog breeds with different sizes, as well as a great variety in extension of the teeth. Additionally there is large numbers of natural teeth available enough for use in all researches. The material that can substitute the natural teeth seems to be the photo polymerized composite resin, which has similar mechanical properties to dentin. To replicate the natural teeth in composite resin, a mold was created in acrylic transparent resin. Literature of this subject is spares or inexistent. With artificial replication of teeth many researches can be achieved, once the samples of teeth can be standardized, according to which study. This project aimed to reproduce 40 replicas to demonstrate the possibility of copy from a transparent acrylic mold. Results showed that the replicas were similar to the natural tooth.
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