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Análise estatística do problema da partição numérica. / Statistical analysis of the number partitioning problem.Ferreira, Fernando Fagundes 08 March 2001 (has links)
Nesta tese apresentamos a abordagem da Mecânica Estatística para o clássico problema de otimização denominado problema da partição numérica (PPN), que é definido como: Dada uma seqüência de N números reais positivos {a1, a2, a3,....aN}, o problema consiste em particioná-los em dois conjuntos complementares, A e Ac, tais que o valor absoluto da diferença da soma dos ais nos dois conjuntos seja minimizada. No caso em que os aj\'s são variáveis aleatórias estatisticamente independentes distribuídas uniformemente no intervalo unitário, este problema NP-completo equivale ao problema de encontrar o estado fundamental de um modelo de Ising antiferromagnético aleatório de alcance infinito. Conseqüentemente, a análise probabilística do PPN pode ser realizada com as ferramentas da Mecânica Estatística de sistemas desordenados. Neste trabalho empregamos a aproximação recozida (annealed) para derivar uma expressão analítica para o limitante inferior do valor médio da diferença para partições tanto com vínculo de cardinalidade quanto sem vínculo para grandes valores de N. Além disso, calculamos analiticamente a fração de estados metaestáveis, isto é, estados que possuem a menor energia mediante todos os vizinhos (estados que diferem pela troca de um único spin). Concluímos a análise da abordagem direta, cujas instâncias . / In this thesis we present a statistical mechanics approach to a classical optimization problem called the number partitioning problem (NPP), which is stated as follows. Given a sequence of N positive real numbers , the number partitioning problem consists of partitioning them into two sets A and its complementary set Ac such that the absolute value of the difference of the sums of aj over the two sets is minimized. In each case in which the aj\'s are statistically independent random variables uniformly distributed in the unit interval, this NP-complete problem is equivalent to the problem of finding the ground state of an infinite range, random antiferromagnetic Ising model. Hence the probabilistic analysis of the NPP can be carried out within the framework of the standard statistical mechanics of disordered systems. In this vein we employ the annealed approximation to derive analytical lower bounds to the average value of the difference for the best-constrained and unconstrained partitions in the large N limit. Furthermore, we calculate analytically the fraction of metastable states, i.e. states that are stable against all single spin flips. We conclude the analysis of the so-called direct approach, in which the instances {ai} are fixed and the partitions are variable, with the analytical study of the linear programming relaxation of this NP-complete integer programming. In the second part of this thesis we propose and explore an inverse approach to the NPP, in which the optimal partitions are fixed and the instances are variable. Specifically, using the replica framework we study analytically the instance space of the number partitioning problem. We show that, regardless of the distribution of the instance entries, there is an upper bound αcN to the number of perfect random partitions (i.e. partitions for which that difference is zero). In particular, in the case where the two sets have the same cardinality (balanced partitions) we find αc =1/2. Moreover, in the case of unbalanced partitions, we show that perfect random partitions exist only if the difference between the cardinalities of the two sets scales like m N-1/2}.
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Síntese de carbono micro-mesoporoso ordenado via nanocasting a partir de óleo de dendê residual e o seu potencial de adsorção para corantes reativos em soluções aquosas / Synthesis of micro-mesoporous carbon ordered by route nanocasting from residual palm oil and its adsorption potential for reactive dye in aqueous solutionsLima Sobrinho, Raimundo Alves 30 November 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Population growth, industrial and agricultural activities produce daily considerable amounts of wastewaters containing numerous organic pollutants (organic dyes, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene), which are thrown directly into the environment, causing health effects to humans as well as aquatic beings. Dyes are widely used in several industrial segments including cosmetics, leather, printing, paper, food and textile, being considered hazardous pollutants due to high chemical stability in aqueous medium, possessing also no biodegradable nature making their removal difficult. Among the number of methods employed for the treatment of aqueous effluents, adsorption has been considered one of the most promising ones owing to the high efficacy, convenience and feasibility. Activated carbon is certainly the most used adsorbent owing to physical properties (high surface area and porosity) as well as surface chemistry. However, activated carbons are usually inefficient to remove high molecular weight molecules such as dyes, owing to the microporous structure. Thus, a novel type of micro-mesoporous carbon has been synthesized in the work employing a mechanosynthesized silica template (HZSM-5/SBA-15) in variable mass proportions, as well as palm oil cooking waste as carbon source. Materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms using BET model, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and zeta potential determination. Scanning electron microscopy images showed the efficiency of the mechanosynthesis to all mass proportions used, while the textural properties were strongly influenced by the presence of SBA-15. X-ray diffraction patterns for ordered mesoporous carbons (OMC’s) confirmed the mantainance of the crystalline order typical of the templates. The resulting mesoporous carbon has been evaluated as adsorbent to different dye molecules, including molecules with distinct sizes and electrical charges. Results revealed that the carbon adsorbent exhibited high affinity for cationic dyes owing to the presence of negatively charged functional groups onto the surface and also that the mesoporous structure favors high diffusion rates leading to a higher adsorption efficiency compared to the other adsorbents studied (activated carbon, SBA-15, SBA-15/HZSM-5-50, OMC-NC). / O crescimento populacional, as atividades industriais e agrícolas produzem diariamente quantidades consideráveis de águas residuais que contém inúmeros poluentes orgânicos (corantes orgânicos, benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos) que são lançados diretamente no meio ambiente, causando efeitos à saúde dos seres humanos e aquáticos. Os corantes são amplamente utilizados em diversos segmentos industriais, como cosméticos, couro, impressão, papel, alimentos e têxtil e são considerados poluentes perigosos, pois apresentam estabilidade química em meio aquoso e possuem natureza não biodegradável o que dificulta sua remoção. Dentre os diversos métodos de tratamento empregados, a adsorção tem sido considerada uma das tecnologias mais promissoras devido à sua alta eficiência, conveniência e viabilidade. O carvão ativado é certamente o adsorvente mais utilizado devido às suas propriedades físicas (elevada área superficial e porosidade) e químicas de superfície, entretanto, devido a sua estrutura microporosa é ineficiente na remoção de moléculas de elevado peso molecular, tais como os corantes. Dessa forma, neste trabalho foi sintetizado um novo tipo de carbono micro-mesoporoso (OMC) via Nanocasting, a partir de um molde de sílica (HZSM-5/SBA-15), em diferentes proporções mássicas, preparado por cominuição e do resíduo da fritura do óleo de dendê como fonte de carbono. Os materiais foram caracterizados através das análises de difração de raios X (DRX), adsorção-dessorção de nitrogênio a 77 K, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FT-IR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão de alta resolução (MET-AR) e potencial zeta. As imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) mostraram a eficiência da cominuição para todas as proporções mássicas, enquanto que as propriedades texturais foram fortemente influenciadas pela presença de SBA-15. Os difratogramas de raios X dos carbonos mesoporosos ordenados (OMC’s) confirmaram a manutenção da ordenação cristalina característica dos moldes. O material de carbono resultante foi estudado como adsorvente para diferentes moléculas de corantes, incluindo moléculas com cargas e tamanhos diferentes. Os resultados mostraram que o carbono apresentou alta afinidade para os corantes catiônicos devido a presença de grupos funcionais com cargas negativas em sua superfície, que a estrutura mesoporosa favorece as altas taxas de difusão e uma maior eficiência de adsorção comparado aos demais adsorventes (carvão ativado, SBA-15, SBA-15/HZSM-5-50, OMC-NC). / São Cristóvão, SE
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A Molecular Simulation Study of Antibody-Antigen Interactions on Surfaces for the Rational Design of Next-Generation Antibody MicroarraysBush, Derek B. 01 December 2017 (has links)
Antibody microarrays constitute a next-generation sensing platform that has the potential to revolutionize the way that molecular detection is conducted in many scientific fields. Unfortunately, current technologies have not found mainstream use because of reliability problems that undermine trust in their results. Although several factors are involved, it is believed that undesirable protein interactions with the array surface are a fundamental source of problems where little detail about the molecular-level biophysics are known. A better understanding of antibody stability and antibody-antigen binding on the array surface is needed to improve microarray technology. Despite the availability of many laboratory methods for studying protein stability and binding, these methods either do not work when the protein is attached to a surface or they do not provide the atomistic structural information that is needed to better understand protein behavior on the surface. As a result, molecular simulation has emerged as the primary method for studying proteins on surfaces because it can provide metrics and views of atomistic structures and molecular motion. Using an advanced, coarse-grain, protein-surface model this study investigated how antibodies react to and function on different types of surfaces. Three topics were addressed: (1) the stability of individual antibodies on surfaces, (2) antibody binding to small antigens while on a surface, and (3) antibody binding to large antigens while on a surface. The results indicate that immobilizing antibodies or antibody fragments in an upright orientation on a hydrophilic surface can provide the molecules with thermal stability similar to their native aqueous stability, enhance antigen binding strength, and minimize the entropic cost of binding. Furthermore, the results indicate that it is more difficult for large antigens to approach the surface than small antigens, that multiple binding sites can aid antigen binding, and that antigen flexiblity simultaneously helps and hinders the binding process as it approaches the surface. The results provide hope that next-generation microarrays and other devices decorated with proteins can be improved through rational design.
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Cement space of all-ceramic crowns / Espaço de cimentação de coroas totais cerâmicasPiras, Fernanda Furtado 15 March 2019 (has links)
A ceramic systems ability to provide a restoration well adapted and fulfilling the patients clinical and esthetic requirements is its most important technical feature. A CAD / CAM machine unit must be able of designing and milling different restorative materials, such as: resin-matrix ceramics, polycrystalline ceramics and glass-matrix ceramics. The purpose of this study was to present two articles that evaluated weather or not the milling strategy of different all-ceramic crown materials has an influence on the final cementation space. Specifically, the two articles evaluated: article I - The cementation space assessed by the most commonly used method- silicone replica technique- correlating stereomicroscope analysis with micromotomography (-CT); article II: The two-dimensional measures of cementation space were correlated with volume values by using -CT analysis, to better understand the behavior of 2D values in a tridimensional view. In both articles, single crowns were milled in lithium-disilicate, resin nanoceramic and zirconia. In article I, one hundred twenty measurements of each material were used to correlate the methodologies: stereomiscrocope and -CT. The Pearson correlation coefficient test showed a correlation between the methods (p= 0.000, r=+0.455). A similarity in the pattern of statistically significant differences among the regions evaluated (axial, occlusal, marginal) for both methodologies seems to exist. The positive correlation between the methods of measurements of cement space suggests that the internal dimensions of the materials varied because the different strategies after milled of them. In article II, twenty-eight slices were evaluated in three regions: marginal, axial and occlusal, totaling eighty-four measurements for each specimen. Axial and Marginal region showed positive correlation (p=0.000, r=+0.656; p=0.000, r=+0.677, respectively), while occlusal space presented negative correlation (p=0.003, r=0.526). The correlation between 2D and volumetric analysis allow to achieving as more information as possible to improve CAD/CAM systems. / As principais características dos sistemas cerâmicos é a capacidade de abranger estética e boa adaptação clínica. A tecnologia CAD/CAM é capaz de projetar e fresar diferentes materiais, como: cerâmicas de matriz resinosa, policristalinas, e ainda, cerâmicas de matriz vítrea. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar dois artigos que avaliam se a estratégia de fresagem de diferentes materiais cerâmicos influenciam no espaço final de cimentação. No primeiro artigo, especificamente, o espaço de cimentação foi avaliado pela metodologia mais utilizada, réplica de silicona. A película de silicona foi mensurada através da estereomicroscopia e microtomografia computadorizada (-CT) e as metodologias foram correlacionadas. No segundo artigo, através da metodologia de -CT, as medidas bidimensionais do espaço de cimentação foram correlacionadas com o volume obtido, a fim de compreender melhor o comportamento dos valores 2D numa visão tridimensional. Em ambos artigos, coroas unitárias foram fresadas em dissilicato de lítio, resina nanocerâmica e zircônia. No artigo I, cento e vinte medidas foram utilizadas para correlacionar as metodologias empregadas, estereomicroscopia e -CT. O teste de correlação de Pearson apresentou correlação entre os métodos (p= 0.000, r=+0.455). Uma similaridade no padrão de diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas regiões avaliadas (axial, oclusal, marginal) parece existir entre as metodologias. A correlação positiva entre os métodos de mensuração do espaço de cimentação sugerem que as dimensões internas variam por conta dos diferentes processos que as coroas são submetidas após a fresagem. No artigo II, oitenta e oito fatias obtidas pelo -CT foram avaliadas em três regiões: marginal, axial e oclusal, totalizando oitenta e quatro medidas por espécime. A correlação positiva entre os métodos de mensuração do espaço de cimentação sugerem que as dimensões internas variam por conta dos diferentes processos que as coroas são submetidas após a fresagem. Artigo II, oitenta e oito fatias foram avaliadas em três regiões: marginal, axial e oclusal, totalizando oitenta e quatro medidas por espécime. Houve correlação positiva entre as regiões axial e marginal (p=0.000, r=+0.656; p=0.000, r=+0.677, respectivamente) e negativa na oclusal (p=0.003, r= -0.526). A correlação entre as avaliações bi e tridimensionais permitem obter mais informações possíveis para aprimorar o sistema CAD/CAM.
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Interface Defeat and Penetration: Two Modes of Interaction between Metallic Projectiles and Ceramic TargetsLundberg, Patrik January 2004 (has links)
<p>Ceramics constitute an important group of low-density armour materials. Their high intrinsic strength makes it possible to design ceramic armour systems capable of defeating projectiles directly on the ceramic surface. This capability, named interface defeat, signifies that the projectile material is forced to flow radially outwards on the surface of the ceramic without penetrating significantly.</p><p>This thesis presents impact experiments between long-rod projectiles and ceramic targets. The projectile/target interaction was studied using flash X-ray technique. Transition velocities (the impact velocity at which interface defeat can no longer be maintained and penetration starts) were estimated for different combinations of metallic projectiles and ceramic targets and compared to critical velocities estimated on a theoretical basis. Replica scaling experiments were also performed in order to investigate the possible influence of scale.</p><p>All ceramic materials tested showed a distinct transition from interface defeat to penetration. Experiments with different silicon carbides showed that the transition velocity correlated better with the fracture toughness than with the hardness of the ceramic materials. For conical projectiles, penetration occurred along a conical surface crack and at a lower transition velocity than that observed for cylindrical projectiles. Experiments with unconfined alumina targets in different scales showed only a slight increase in dimensionless final penetration with length scale.</p><p>A unique transition velocity seems to exist for each combination of projectile, target material and target configuration. This velocity was found to depend on both the strength (hardness) and the brittleness (fracture toughness) of the ceramic. The lower transition velocity of conical projectiles compared with cylindrical ones is mainly due to the radially expanding load and the penetration of projectile material into surface cracks. The results of the experiments in different scales indicate that replica scaling is valid for penetration in ceramics.</p>
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Interface Defeat and Penetration: Two Modes of Interaction between Metallic Projectiles and Ceramic TargetsLundberg, Patrik January 2004 (has links)
Ceramics constitute an important group of low-density armour materials. Their high intrinsic strength makes it possible to design ceramic armour systems capable of defeating projectiles directly on the ceramic surface. This capability, named interface defeat, signifies that the projectile material is forced to flow radially outwards on the surface of the ceramic without penetrating significantly. This thesis presents impact experiments between long-rod projectiles and ceramic targets. The projectile/target interaction was studied using flash X-ray technique. Transition velocities (the impact velocity at which interface defeat can no longer be maintained and penetration starts) were estimated for different combinations of metallic projectiles and ceramic targets and compared to critical velocities estimated on a theoretical basis. Replica scaling experiments were also performed in order to investigate the possible influence of scale. All ceramic materials tested showed a distinct transition from interface defeat to penetration. Experiments with different silicon carbides showed that the transition velocity correlated better with the fracture toughness than with the hardness of the ceramic materials. For conical projectiles, penetration occurred along a conical surface crack and at a lower transition velocity than that observed for cylindrical projectiles. Experiments with unconfined alumina targets in different scales showed only a slight increase in dimensionless final penetration with length scale. A unique transition velocity seems to exist for each combination of projectile, target material and target configuration. This velocity was found to depend on both the strength (hardness) and the brittleness (fracture toughness) of the ceramic. The lower transition velocity of conical projectiles compared with cylindrical ones is mainly due to the radially expanding load and the penetration of projectile material into surface cracks. The results of the experiments in different scales indicate that replica scaling is valid for penetration in ceramics.
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Design, testing and analysis of journal bearings for construction equipmentStrand, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
Grease-lubricated journal bearings present a common challenge for construction equipment manufacturers in the world. The common design methodology is based on empirical data and has worked very well historically because the market and governments have accepted that bearings in construction equipment need frequent lubrication and exchange of worn parts. Legal and market requirements will soon demand lower environmental impact and increased machine efficiency. These requirements call for better methods of designing grease lubricated journal bearings. The goal of the outlined work was to develop better design methods for grease lubricated journal-bearing design used in heavy-duty construction equipment machines, in order to prolong life and lubrication intervals. The research approach of the project can roughly be divided into three phases: 1. Development of test apparatus and test methods for journal bearing studies. 2. Bench tests of grease lubricated journal bearing design. 3. Verification between bench tests and computer simulations. In the thesis the current state of the art in bearing design for construction equipment is discussed and summarized in the form of design guidelines. The suggested design steps are just a mean to get to the starting point of design. The simple guidelines do however serve a purpose when collected since most published bearing design guidelines are aimed at the bushing material or at continuously rotating bearings. The influence of housing, environment and load cases can not be ignored when designing a bearing. Long term field-testing and experience can not be replaced until better design criteria have been established. Paper A deals with the design of the bearing test apparatus that was built and evaluated. Comparisons between theoretical contact and contact elements in Finite Element program have been made and discussed in paper B. In paper C a replica technique for measuring wear of large field specimens was evaluated. A case study of bearing housing design was performed in paper D utilizing Finite Element program and then validated in paper E in the bearing test apparatus. The influence of grease groove design on bushing life was tested and evaluated in paper F. Wear simulation of a plain bushing has been performed with a Finite Element program and presented in paper G. / QC 20100930
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Sécurité et disponibilité des données stockées dans les nuages / Data availability and sécurity in cloud storageRelaza, Théodore Jean Richard 12 February 2016 (has links)
Avec le développement de l'Internet, l'informatique s'est basée essentiellement sur les communications entre serveurs, postes utilisateurs, réseaux et data centers. Au début des années 2000, les deux tendances à savoir la mise à disposition d'applications et la virtualisation de l'infrastructure ont vu le jour. La convergence de ces deux tendances a donné naissance à un concept fédérateur qu'est le Cloud Computing (informatique en nuage). Le stockage des données apparaît alors comme un élément central de la problématique liée à la mise dans le nuage des processus et des ressources. Qu'il s'agisse d'une simple externalisation du stockage à des fins de sauvegarde, de l'utilisation de services logiciels hébergés ou de la virtualisation chez un fournisseur tiers de l'infrastructure informatique de l'entreprise, la sécurité des données est cruciale. Cette sécurité se décline selon trois axes : la disponibilité, l'intégrité et la confidentialité des données. Le contexte de nos travaux concerne la virtualisation du stockage dédiée à l'informatique en nuage (Cloud Computing). Ces travaux se font dans le cadre du projet SVC (Secured Virtual Cloud) financé par le Fond National pour la Société Numérique " Investissement d'avenir ". Ils ont conduit au développement d'un intergiciel de virtualisation du stockage, nommé CloViS (Cloud Virtualized Storage), qui entre dans une phase de valorisation portée par la SATT Toulouse-Tech-Transfer. CloViS est un intergiciel de gestion de données développé au sein du laboratoire IRIT, qui permet la virtualisation de ressources de stockage hétérogènes et distribuées, accessibles d'une manière uniforme et transparente. CloViS possède la particularité de mettre en adéquation les besoins des utilisateurs et les disponibilités du système par le biais de qualités de service définies sur des volumes virtuels. Notre contribution à ce domaine concerne les techniques de distribution des données afin d'améliorer leur disponibilité et la fiabilité des opérations d'entrées/sorties dans CloViS. En effet, face à l'explosion du volume des données, l'utilisation de la réplication ne peut constituer une solution pérenne. L'utilisation de codes correcteurs ou de schémas de seuil apparaît alors comme une alternative valable pour maîtriser les volumes de stockage. Néanmoins aucun protocole de maintien de la cohérence des données n'est, à ce jour, adapté à ces nouvelles méthodes de distribution. Nous proposons pour cela des protocoles de cohérence des données adaptés à ces différentes techniques de distribution des données. Nous analysons ensuite ces protocoles pour mettre en exergue leurs avantages et inconvénients respectifs. En effet, le choix d'une technique de distribution de données et d'un protocole de cohérence des données associé se base sur des critères de performance notamment la disponibilité en écriture et lecture, l'utilisation des ressources système (comme l'espace de stockage utilisé) ou le nombre moyen de messages échangés durant les opérations de lecture et écriture. / With the development of Internet, Information Technology was essentially based on communications between servers, user stations, networks and data centers. Both trends "making application available" and "infrastructure virtualization" have emerged in the early 2000s. The convergence of these two trends has resulted in a federator concept, which is the Cloud Computing. Data storage appears as a central component of the problematic associated with the move of processes and resources in the cloud. Whether it is a simple storage externalization for backup purposes, use of hosted software services or virtualization in a third-party provider of the company computing infrastructure, data security is crucial. This security declines according to three axes: data availability, integrity and confidentiality. The context of our work concerns the storage virtualization dedicated to Cloud Computing. This work is carried out under the aegis of SVC (Secured Virtual Cloud) project, financed by the National Found for Digital Society "Investment for the future". This led to the development of a storage virtualization middleware, named CloViS (Cloud Virtualized Storage), which is entering a valorization phase driven by SATT Toulouse-Tech-Transfer. CloViS is a data management middleware developped within the IRIT laboratory. It allows virtualizing of distributed and heterogeneous storage resources, with uniform and seamless access. CloViS aligns user needs and system availabilities through qualities of service defined on virtual volumes. Our contribution in this field concerns data distribution techniques to improve their availability and the reliability of I/O operations in CloViS. Indeed, faced with the explosion in the amount of data, the use of replication can not be a permanent solution. The use of "Erasure Resilient Code" or "Threshold Schemes" appears as a valid alternative to control storage volumes. However, no data consistency protocol is, to date, adapted to these new data distribution methods. For this reason, we propose to adapt these different data distribution techniques. We then analyse these new protocols, highlighting their respective advantages and disadvantages. Indeed, the choice of a data distribution technique and the associated data consistency protocol is based on performance criteria, especially the availability and the number of messages exchanged during the read and write operations or the use of system resources (such as storage space used).
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Uma proposta de solu??o para funcionamento offline em aplica??es androidGuedes, Jean Guerethes Fernandes 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-22T15:02:52Z
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JeanGuerethesFernandesGuedes_DISSERT.pdf: 3398698 bytes, checksum: 6e847e280c1fe33f04641aa4bc1758db (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Diante da crescente demanda pela cria??o de aplicativos m?veis, impulsionada pelo usocada vez mais frequente de smartphones e tablets, cresceu na sociedade a necessidade poracesso a dados remotos de forma integral na utiliza??o do aplicativo m?vel em ambientessem conectividade, em que n?o h? disponibiliza??o de acesso ? rede em todos os momentos.Diante dessa realidade, esse trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma solu??oatrav?s de um framework, que apresente como principais fun??es o provimento de ummecanismo de persist?ncia, replica??o e sincroniza??o dos dados, contemplando a cria??o,remo??o, atualiza??o e visualiza??o dos dados persistidos ou requisitados, mesmo estandoo dispositivo m?vel sem conectividade com a rede. Do ponto de vista das pr?ticas deprograma??o e arquitetura, isso reflete em definir estrat?gias para persist?ncia de dadoslocal, replica??o e sincroniza??o de dados. Atrav?s de um estudo controlado foi poss?velvalidar a solu??o proposta, sendo constatado ganhos como a redu??o na quantidade delinhas de c?digo e de quantidade de tempo necess?rios para realizar o desenvolvimento deum aplicativo sem que houvesse aumento significativo para a realiza??o das opera??es. / Given the growing demand for the development of mobile applications, driven by use
increasingly common in smartphones and tablets grew in society the need for remote data
access in full in the use of mobile application without connectivity environments where
there is no provision network access at all times. Given this reality, this work proposes
a framework that present main functions are the provision of a persistence mechanism,
replication and data synchronization, contemplating the creation, deletion, update and
display persisted or requested data, even though the mobile device without connectivity
with the network. From the point of view of the architecture and programming practices, it
reflected in defining strategies for the main functions of the framework are met. Through a
controlled study was to validate the solution proposal, being found as the gains in reducing
the number of lines code and the amount of time required to perform the development of
an application without there being significant increase for the operations.
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Análise estatística do problema da partição numérica. / Statistical analysis of the number partitioning problem.Fernando Fagundes Ferreira 08 March 2001 (has links)
Nesta tese apresentamos a abordagem da Mecânica Estatística para o clássico problema de otimização denominado problema da partição numérica (PPN), que é definido como: Dada uma seqüência de N números reais positivos {a1, a2, a3,....aN}, o problema consiste em particioná-los em dois conjuntos complementares, A e Ac, tais que o valor absoluto da diferença da soma dos ais nos dois conjuntos seja minimizada. No caso em que os aj\'s são variáveis aleatórias estatisticamente independentes distribuídas uniformemente no intervalo unitário, este problema NP-completo equivale ao problema de encontrar o estado fundamental de um modelo de Ising antiferromagnético aleatório de alcance infinito. Conseqüentemente, a análise probabilística do PPN pode ser realizada com as ferramentas da Mecânica Estatística de sistemas desordenados. Neste trabalho empregamos a aproximação recozida (annealed) para derivar uma expressão analítica para o limitante inferior do valor médio da diferença para partições tanto com vínculo de cardinalidade quanto sem vínculo para grandes valores de N. Além disso, calculamos analiticamente a fração de estados metaestáveis, isto é, estados que possuem a menor energia mediante todos os vizinhos (estados que diferem pela troca de um único spin). Concluímos a análise da abordagem direta, cujas instâncias . / In this thesis we present a statistical mechanics approach to a classical optimization problem called the number partitioning problem (NPP), which is stated as follows. Given a sequence of N positive real numbers , the number partitioning problem consists of partitioning them into two sets A and its complementary set Ac such that the absolute value of the difference of the sums of aj over the two sets is minimized. In each case in which the aj\'s are statistically independent random variables uniformly distributed in the unit interval, this NP-complete problem is equivalent to the problem of finding the ground state of an infinite range, random antiferromagnetic Ising model. Hence the probabilistic analysis of the NPP can be carried out within the framework of the standard statistical mechanics of disordered systems. In this vein we employ the annealed approximation to derive analytical lower bounds to the average value of the difference for the best-constrained and unconstrained partitions in the large N limit. Furthermore, we calculate analytically the fraction of metastable states, i.e. states that are stable against all single spin flips. We conclude the analysis of the so-called direct approach, in which the instances {ai} are fixed and the partitions are variable, with the analytical study of the linear programming relaxation of this NP-complete integer programming. In the second part of this thesis we propose and explore an inverse approach to the NPP, in which the optimal partitions are fixed and the instances are variable. Specifically, using the replica framework we study analytically the instance space of the number partitioning problem. We show that, regardless of the distribution of the instance entries, there is an upper bound αcN to the number of perfect random partitions (i.e. partitions for which that difference is zero). In particular, in the case where the two sets have the same cardinality (balanced partitions) we find αc =1/2. Moreover, in the case of unbalanced partitions, we show that perfect random partitions exist only if the difference between the cardinalities of the two sets scales like m N-1/2}.
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