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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The last of the Sweet Home men : Masculinity studies of Paul D in Beloved

Nian, Rougui January 2010 (has links)
This study considered Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved. This essay focuses on Paul D and his journey to recover his manhood since he had been deprived of it as a slave. I have examined Paul D’s character through the lens of masculinity studies that are framed by issues of ethnicity and race. The essay also considers Beloved’s effect on Paul D and how she helped him release his repressed memories. In turn, Paul D helps the love of his life, Sethe, to heal and she too releases her repressed memories.  Finally, the essay claims that Paul D went through many stages in his lifetime; most importantly he was a slave, who becomes a free man and develops into an agent for healing.

The role of nonbank intermediation in a financially repressed economy (theory and evidence based on the Korean economy, 1972--1994)

Choi, Joong-Kyung 08 1900 (has links)
In existing economic literature on finance and economy, it is argued and generally accepted that financial intermediation contributes to economic growth though the contending argument is that financial development is simply a result of economic growth. However, studies on the contribution of financial intermediation of nonbanks (as opposed to banks) to economic growth are relatively scant and too general to clarify the mechanism through which nonbank financial intermediation might help economy to expand and develop. The focus of this study is on whether nonbank financial intermediation contributed to economic growth in the case of Korea where the share of nonbank financial intermediation increased from around 20% in 1970 to more than 60% in the early 1990's. This study is particularly interesting in light of the fact that rapid economic growth in Korea was accompanied by a concomitant increase in the share of nonbank financial intermediation. As a precursor to the empirical analysis, this study shows theoretically that financial intermediation of nonbanks subject to lesser liquidity control is complementary to, rather substitutional for, that of banks. Further, it is shown by optimizing a two-period dynamic model that under certain conditions nonbank intermediation increases an economy's savings mobilization and contributes to the economic growth. For empirical analysis, we used the annual data from 1972 to 1994 which can be considered as a financially repressed period. The empirical results are all consistent with the theoretically expected: nonbanks are complementary to banks in financial intermediation, increased the savings mobilization, and in the end contributed to the economic growth of the Korean economy during the sample period. Further, the estimated allocative efficiencies of nonbanks are almost in phase with business cycles, which may well be interpreted as consistent with the proposition that nonbanks financial intermediation made a significant contribution to Korea's economic growth.

UPPFATTNINGAR OM BORTTRÄNGDA MINNEN : En enkätundersökning med psykologer och psykologstudenter

Jutterdal, Johannes, Hagelberg, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Debatten om bortträngda minnen och hur vi inkodar traumatiska minnen har pågått sedan 80-talet. Forskningen på området är splittrad och ofta hörs bara extrema röster. Studier i andra länder har undersökt hur psykologer och psykologstudenter förhåller sig till ämnet men det saknas forskning i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var att genom en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign med en digital enkät undersöka svenska psykologers och psykologstudenters uppfattning av bortträngda minnen. Ett bekvämlighetsurval användes. 201 personer deltog, varav 38% (n=77) studenter, 6% (n=13) PTP-psykologer och 55% (n=111) legitimerade psykologer. Deltagarna var mellan 20 och 79 år gamla. Könsfördelningen var följande: 79% (n=159) kvinnor, 19% (n=39) män och 1% (n=3) ickebinära/annat. T-tester, en envägs-Anovor, två mixed-ANOVA genomfördes för att analysera skillnader i svar beroende på teoretisk inriktning, mängd erfarenhet av arbete med trauma respektive student eller psykolog. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av psykologer och psykologstudenter ansåg att minnen av traumatiska händelser kan vara otillgängliga under en längre tid. Uppfattningen påverkades inte av teoretisk inriktning eller utbildningsnivå. Däremot påverkades den av mängden erfarenhet av att arbeta med trauma. Vidare visade resultaten att deltagarna uppfattar minnen av traumatiska händelser annorlunda jämfört med andra minnen. Samtidigt är ämnet komplicerat och det kan vara problematiskt att uttala sig om med hjälp av en enkät. Studien visar att delade åsikter finns även inom den svenska psykologkåren och att debatten om bortträngda minnen fortlever. Slutsatser av resultatet diskuteras. / The debate regarding repressed memories and how memory of trauma is encoded has been active since the 80’s. The research is divided, and it is often the extreme views that takes up space in the debate. Research regarding psychologist and psychology students opinions on the subject has been conducted but research on Swedish psychologists opinions is lacking. The purpose of this study was to examine Swedish psychologists and psychology students opinions using a quantitative cross-sectional design with a digital survey. A convenience selection was used. 201 people participated in the study, 38% (n=77) psychology students, 6% (n=3) psychologists in training and 55% (n=111) psychologists. The participants were between 20 and 79 years of age. The gender distribution was as follows: 79% (n=159) women, 19% (n=39) men and 1% (n=3) non binary/other. T-tests, one-way ANOVA as well as two mixed ANOVA were used to analyze depending on theoretical orientation, amount of experience working with trauma and whether the participant were a student or psychologist. The result showed that a majority of psychologists and psychology students believed that memories of traumatic events can be inaccessible for long periods of time. This opinion was not influenced by theoretical orientation or level of education. It was, however, influenced by the amount of experience the participants had working with trauma. Furthermore, the results showed that participants perceive memories of traumatic events differently compared to other memories. However, the topic is complex and difficult to examine using only a survey. The study shows that there are divided opinions within the Swedish psychology profession and that the debate continues. Conclusions of the results are discussed.


Rachlevičiūtė, Ramutė 05 February 2013 (has links)
Tikro, programinio, siurrealizmo Lietuvoje nebuvo tarpukariu, t. y. istorinio siurrealizmo laikais, nebuvo jo ir XX a. II pusėje. Negalime kalbėti apie siurrealizmą Lietuvoje, tačiau neabejotina, kad siurrealumo apraiškų yra mūsų XX a. II pusės dailėje. Šiame darbe terminas siurrealumas naudojamas kaip estetinė kategorija, nurodanti sąsajas su kai kuriais siurrealizmo, kaip modernizmo judėjimo, bruožais, vaizdo kūrimo principais. Disertacijoje svarbi sąvokų siurrealumas ir siurrealistiškumas skirtis: pirmasis terminas nebūtinai susijęs su istoriniu siurrealizmu. Pirmiausia mėginama išgryninti aktualius XX a. II pusės Lietuvos dailei siurrealumo bruožus, išnagrinėti siurrealumo bruožų turinčią lietuvių dailininkų kūrybą kaip savitą meninį reiškinį. Siurrealūs kūriniai dažnai priklauso XX a. antrosios pusės Lietuvos dailės istorijos „paraštėms“, jos mažajam naratyvui, ir gali būti traktuojami kaip dalinė opozicija didžiajam, kanoniniam naratyvui, ekspresionistinės krypties dominavimui. Nors siurrealumo apraiškos Lietuvos dailėje nesuformavo savarankiškos dailės krypties, siekta XX a. antrosios pusės pagrindinį Lietuvos dailės istorijos naratyvą papildyti mažuoju siurrealumo naratyvu. / There was no real, programmatic Surrealism in Lithuania between the two wars, when the historical Surrealist movement was at its peak; nor was there any influence of Surrealism here in the second half of the twentieth century. In this work the term the surreal is used as an aesthetic category pointing to the links with some of the features of Surrealism as a modernist movement and its principles of image creation. The divide between the concepts of the surreal and the surrealist aspect is important in this dissertation: the former term is not necessarily related to historical Surrealism. In this dissertation an attempt is made to crystallize the features of the surreal which were topical for Lithuanian art in the second half of the twentieth century. The thesis aims to single out the concept of the surreal and develop its content; to examine the artwork of Lithuanian painters that contains the features of the surreal as an original artistic phenomenon. Surreal artwork belongs to the 'margins' and 'the small narrative' of Lithuanian art in the second half of the twentieth century, and can be treated as a partial opposition to the big canonical narrative and the predominance of the expressionist trend. Although the manifestations of the surreal in Lithuanian art did not shape an independent trend in art, an attempt has been made to expand the main narrative of the Lithuanian art of the second half of the twentieth century with the a small narrative of the surreal.


Rachlevičiūtė, Ramutė 05 February 2013 (has links)
Tikro, programinio, siurrealizmo Lietuvoje nebuvo tarpukariu, t. y. istorinio siurrealizmo laikais, nebuvo jo ir XX a. II pusėje. Negalime kalbėti apie siurrealizmą Lietuvoje, tačiau neabejotina, kad siurrealumo apraiškų yra mūsų XX a. II pusės dailėje. Šiame darbe terminas siurrealumas naudojamas kaip estetinė kategorija, nurodanti sąsajas su kai kuriais siurrealizmo, kaip modernizmo judėjimo, bruožais, vaizdo kūrimo principais. Disertacijoje svarbi sąvokų siurrealumas ir siurrealistiškumas skirtis: pirmasis terminas nebūtinai susijęs su istoriniu siurrealizmu. Pirmiausia mėginama išgryninti aktualius XX a. II pusės Lietuvos dailei siurrealumo bruožus, išnagrinėti siurrealumo bruožų turinčią lietuvių dailininkų kūrybą kaip savitą meninį reiškinį. Siurrealūs kūriniai dažnai priklauso XX a. antrosios pusės Lietuvos dailės istorijos „paraštėms“, jos mažajam naratyvui, ir gali būti traktuojami kaip dalinė opozicija didžiajam, kanoniniam naratyvui, ekspresionistinės krypties dominavimui. Nors siurrealumo apraiškos Lietuvos dailėje nesuformavo savarankiškos dailės krypties, siekta XX a. antrosios pusės pagrindinį Lietuvos dailės istorijos naratyvą papildyti mažuoju siurrealumo naratyvu. / There was no real, programmatic Surrealism in Lithuania between the two wars, when the historical Surrealist movement was at its peak; nor was there any influence of Surrealism here in the second half of the twentieth century. In this work the term the surreal is used as an aesthetic category pointing to the links with some of the features of Surrealism as a modernist movement and its principles of image creation. The divide between the concepts of the surreal and the surrealist aspect is important in this dissertation: the former term is not necessarily related to historical Surrealism. In this dissertation an attempt is made to crystallize the features of the surreal which were topical for Lithuanian art in the second half of the twentieth century. The thesis aims to single out the concept of the surreal and develop its content; to examine the artwork of Lithuanian painters that contains the features of the surreal as an original artistic phenomenon. Surreal artwork belongs to the 'margins' and 'the small narrative' of Lithuanian art in the second half of the twentieth century, and can be treated as a partial opposition to the big canonical narrative and the predominance of the expressionist trend. Although the manifestations of the surreal in Lithuanian art did not shape an independent trend in art, an attempt has been made to expand the main narrative of the Lithuanian art of the second half of the twentieth century with the a small narrative of the surreal.

Allelism and allele sequence divergence of LOP, the locus of parthenogenesis in the model apomict Hieracium praealtum (Asteraceae)

McGee, Rob January 2013 (has links)
Apomixis, or asexual seed development, if introduced into crop species, has the potential to greatly improve global food production. Towards this goal, this study focused on uncovering the genetic mechanisms that control the parthenogenesis step within apomixis whereby fertilisation is avoided. In the model apomict, Hieracium praealtum (Asteraceae), parthenogenesis is controlled by the LOSS OF PARTHENOGENESIS (LOP) locus. Previous research showed that in addition to genomic copies of candidate genes at LOP, the genome has at least three other copies referred to as alternative alleles. The main goal of this study was to investigate four candidate genes, Genes B, X, H and Y, at LOP by generating segregation data of the alternative alleles. BAC clones containing alternative allele sequences were identified and Roche 454 pyrosequenced. These sequences were used to design alternative allele specific primers for genotyping two Hieracium praealtum polyhaploid populations (~ 300 plants). Four major conclusions were drawn from this study. First, the alternative alleles were in fact acting like alleles to the LOP alleles of Genes B, X and Y. Second, allelic sequence divergence (ASD) of the LOP alleles of Genes B and X relative to the alternative alleles, indicated a recent and separate evolutionary history. Third and, unexpectedly, recombination was detected at the LOP locus, in contrast to other apomixis loci reported in the literature. Furthermore, Gene B was found to be very closely associated with parthenogenesis in the polyhaploid population indicating that it may be essential to parthenogenesis and therefore requires further investigation. On the other hand, the absence of Genes X, Y and H, due to recombination, had no impact upon parthenogenesis. Fourth, the sequence data suggested that the LOP and alternative alleles originated from a shared common allele ancestor. It is hoped that these findings have made a significant contribution towards the future goal of introducing apomixis into crop species.

Kommunikatiewe kanalisering van onderdrukte woede in die Christelike geloofslewe : 'n pastorale studie / Cornette Koster

Koster, Cornette January 2013 (has links)
The theme in this study is: Communicative channeling of repressed anger in the Christian life: A pastoral study. The focus is on the pastoral guidance through communicative channeling of the person who struggles with the destructive effects of repressed anger, including hidden forms of expression and denial of anger. From the interpretive task which consists of perspectives on anger from adjacent sciences (Chap. 2) the basic function of anger, as a starting point, is shown as psychological survival. Due to the functioning of the brain, anger as an emotion is experienced in the subconscious. Anger must be named and identified in order to accept responsibility for behaviour. Only when responsibility regarding behaviour is accepted can anger be expressed within the will of God. From the empirical research (Chap. 3) information was obtained by means of a case study where a co-worker is involved. Relevant information regarding the family of origin was obtained and the processing thereof is outlined in a geneagram. Additional information relating to what can be regarded as her current family was acquired. The tremendous void left when basic needs are not met, was identified. The fact that the co-worker was able to express repressed anger without prejudice was continuously conducive to the therapeutic process. This resulted in a decrease in destructive discharges of anger. The normative task provides the opportunity for base theoretical research (Chap. 4) where it is clear that Scripture does not encourage one to be without anger as such. Anger provides the opportunity to promote ‘life’, which implies that the value of anger should be clearly realised, especially from the pastorate. On the other hand, Scripture clearly provides warnings that anger makes people vulnerable to sin. Consequently, clear guidelines regarding anger and around expression of anger is spelled out for man created in the image of God. From a pastoral approach to the emotion of anger (Chap. 5), it is clearly evident that without anger there really can be no moral concern, which would make the word a terrrible place. Love, which is regarded as the greatest commandment from the Christian context, requires empathy and forgiveness. Both empathy and forgiveness is however not a possibility in the presence of anger. With regard to the pragmatic task a number of practice theoretical guidelines was formulated regarding the emotion of anger (Chap. 6). From this it is clear that healing can only be done through God’s Word, which is His truth. The act of “listening to anger” can be regarded as the primary therapeutic principle in respect of anger. Man was created with the ability to think, which makes choices expected – choices that could lead to True Life. The most important question that may be asked to the counsellee is: “What do you choose, death or true life?” / PhD (Pastoral studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Kommunikatiewe kanalisering van onderdrukte woede in die Christelike geloofslewe : 'n pastorale studie / Cornette Koster

Koster, Cornette January 2013 (has links)
The theme in this study is: Communicative channeling of repressed anger in the Christian life: A pastoral study. The focus is on the pastoral guidance through communicative channeling of the person who struggles with the destructive effects of repressed anger, including hidden forms of expression and denial of anger. From the interpretive task which consists of perspectives on anger from adjacent sciences (Chap. 2) the basic function of anger, as a starting point, is shown as psychological survival. Due to the functioning of the brain, anger as an emotion is experienced in the subconscious. Anger must be named and identified in order to accept responsibility for behaviour. Only when responsibility regarding behaviour is accepted can anger be expressed within the will of God. From the empirical research (Chap. 3) information was obtained by means of a case study where a co-worker is involved. Relevant information regarding the family of origin was obtained and the processing thereof is outlined in a geneagram. Additional information relating to what can be regarded as her current family was acquired. The tremendous void left when basic needs are not met, was identified. The fact that the co-worker was able to express repressed anger without prejudice was continuously conducive to the therapeutic process. This resulted in a decrease in destructive discharges of anger. The normative task provides the opportunity for base theoretical research (Chap. 4) where it is clear that Scripture does not encourage one to be without anger as such. Anger provides the opportunity to promote ‘life’, which implies that the value of anger should be clearly realised, especially from the pastorate. On the other hand, Scripture clearly provides warnings that anger makes people vulnerable to sin. Consequently, clear guidelines regarding anger and around expression of anger is spelled out for man created in the image of God. From a pastoral approach to the emotion of anger (Chap. 5), it is clearly evident that without anger there really can be no moral concern, which would make the word a terrrible place. Love, which is regarded as the greatest commandment from the Christian context, requires empathy and forgiveness. Both empathy and forgiveness is however not a possibility in the presence of anger. With regard to the pragmatic task a number of practice theoretical guidelines was formulated regarding the emotion of anger (Chap. 6). From this it is clear that healing can only be done through God’s Word, which is His truth. The act of “listening to anger” can be regarded as the primary therapeutic principle in respect of anger. Man was created with the ability to think, which makes choices expected – choices that could lead to True Life. The most important question that may be asked to the counsellee is: “What do you choose, death or true life?” / PhD (Pastoral studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Memories are made of this : exploring argumentation in popular texts : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Howard, Christina Mary January 2004 (has links)
The role of discourse in the construction of institutional and academic knowledge is now recognised within a wide variety of theoretical perspectives, including social constructionism, the sociology of scientific knowledge, the rhetoric of inquiry and discursive psychology. The purpose of this study was to examine the ways in which such discursive knowledge construction practices occur in relation to psychological phenomena. The site of this investigation was the highly contentious debate surrounding the reality of repressed/recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse. Ten 'popular' psychology texts (five supporting the concept of recovered memories and five questioning it) were discursively and rhetorically analysed in order to gain an understanding of how the authors of these texts deployed arguments to support their own positions and undermine those of their opponents. Five broad rhetorical resources were identified as being prominent in the texts, each of which was examined in detail to determine more specifically the source of their persuasive power. The five resources included authorial credibility, definitions, science, history and personal experience. Despite the meta-rhetoric surrounding the debate, which suggests that it is essentially an argument between researchers (drawing on scientific evidence) and clinicians (drawing on clinical experience), what was apparent was that all of these resources were utilised to varying degrees to support both pro- and anti- recovered memory positions. This analysis suggested that a reasonably structured set of discursive resources were available for making arguments about the nature of psychological phenomena. Furthermore, when given the opportunity, rhetors utilised as many of these resources as possible in order to produce a convincing argument, even when this resulted in inconsistencies within their texts. It was concluded that in the memory debate, the demands of the rhetorical imperative (to persuade the audience) often appear to be paramount, and should not be discounted by those seeking to understand this difficult and often distressing topic.

A hypnotherapy (ego-states) model for survivors of sexual crimes : a psycho-educational perspective

Fourie, Anna Margaretha 28 February 2003 (has links)
Dissociation is commonly associated with sexual crimes or other forms of trauma where a person experienced a threat to the existence or survival of the self. During dissociation the ego may split in such a way that ego-states (subselves or segments of the greater personality) form to encapsulate feelings of guilt, pain, fear, and anger. If dissociation is severe, sufferers will have no conscious recollection of the sexual trauma as it is deeply repressed in the subconscious. This may result in symptoms/pathology later in life. Research indicated that hypnosis (due to its dissociative nature) is favourable as treatment modality for pathology/symptomatology associated with trauma and dissociation. This research study investigates the development of ego-states during experiences of sexual trauma and hypnosis (especially Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) as effective treatment modality within the field of psycho-education. It proposes a hypnotherapy model where the diagnostic tools as indicated by the Medical Hypno-analysis model, are being used to determine the existence of repressed memories related to sexual trauma. The therapeutic processes as indicated by the Ego-State Therapy model, are being used to resolve and work through the core repressed traumatic experiences through the mobilization of associated and related ego-states. This study presents four case studies and discusses their clinical diagnostic procedures and therapeutic processes. The case studies illustrate that certain symptomatology/pathology experienced later in life may be the result of repressed memories and the formation of maladapted ego-states earlier in life when sexual trauma was experienced. Highly charged emotional and negative beliefs were set in the ego-states and could only be disarmed from their destructive content through regressions and hypnotherapy. A detailed discussion of the proposed hypnotherapy model and its application and concerns regarding its application within the field of psycho-education are also presented. The results of this study indicate that the proposed hypnotherapy model (the combination of Medical Hypno-analysis and Ego-State Therapy) can be used effectively and successfully when working with survivors and symptomatology/pathology associated with sexual crimes. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.

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