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A Framework for Security Requirements ElicitationIslam, Gibrail, Qureshi, Murtaza Ali January 2012 (has links)
Context: Security considerations are typically incorporated in the later stages of development as an afterthought. Security in software system is put under the category of non-functional requirements by the researchers. Understanding the security needs of a system requires considerable knowledge of assets, data security, integrity, confidentiality and availability of services. Counter measures against software attacks are also a security need of a software system. To incorporate security in the earliest stages, i.e. requirement gathering, helps building secure software systems from the start. For that purpose researchers have proposed different requirements elicitation techniques. These techniques are categorized into formal and informal techniques on the basis of finiteness and clarity in activities of the techniques. Objectives: Limitations of formal methods and lack of systematic approaches in informal elicitation techniques make it difficult to rely on a single technique for security requirements elicitation. Therefore we decided to utilize the strengths of formal and informal technique to mitigate their weaknesses by combining widely used formal and informal security requirements elicitation techniques. The basic idea of our research was to integrate an informal technique with a formal technique and propose a flexible framework with some level of formality in the steps. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review to see “which are the widely used security requirement elicitation techniques?” as a pre-study for our thesis? We searched online databases i.e. ISI, IEEE Xplore, ACM, Springer, Inspec and compendeX. We also conducted a literature review for different frameworks that are used in industry, for security requirement elicitation. We conducted an experiment after proposing a security requirements elicitation Framework and compared the result from the Framework with that of CLASP and Misuse cases. Results:Two types of analysis were conducted on results from the experiment: Vulnerability analysis and Requirements analysis with respect to a security baseline. Vulnerability analysis shows that the proposed framework mitigates more vulnerabilities than CLASP and Misuse Cases. Requirements analysis with respect to the security baseline shows that the proposed framework, unlike CLASP and Misuse cases, covers all the security baseline features. Conclusions:The framework we have proposed by combining CLASP, Misuse cases and Secure TROPOS contains the strengths of three security requirements elicitation techniques. To make the proposed framework even more effective, we also included the security requirements categorization by Bogale and Ahmed [11]. The framework is flexible and contains fifteen steps to elicit security requirements. In addition it also allows iterations to improve security in a system
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Requirements Engineering For Distraction-Free Software : Systematic Literature Review and SurveyPonugubati, Dhana Lakshmi, Vallem, Vineesha January 2020 (has links)
Context and Motivation: Technology play a vital role in the people’s present life. These technology has different types of softwares and devices. Now a days people mostly live around the digital devices and involve with them. These softwares when using causes digital distraction. Mostly digital distraction occurs only when using digital devices. For the development of software and devices requirements play a major role in the development in an organization. Question/Problem: The requirements are developed into the features of software. These features when using can cause distraction. So to manage these digital distraction causing by the software, we considered requirements engineering, by introducing the requirements engineering process at the beginning of the development of software, so to develop a distraction-free software. This can be helpful for the developers to develop the distraction-free software from early stages for the user. Principal Ideas/Objectives: Our thesis mainly focus on the identification of quality factors requirements contributing to the digital distraction and analyse them and we also tried to identify feature usage and user experience of software to identify distraction of software and a mind-map is designed for the study of digital distraction. So that these can provide useful information for future studies. Methods/Contributions: In our thesis study, we conducted Systematic Literature Review using snowballing process for the identification of the literature about the digital distraction and analysed the SLR. Further an online survey is conducted on Instagram users to extract distraction features and reasons for distraction and then we used this data to plan a mind-map of different categories contributing to digital distraction. Results: The main findings and observations in our research are observed through SLR and survey results. For research question 1, the data that is extracted through SLR gives quality factor requirements that contribute to the digital distraction. An understanding of digital distraction among software and feature and also the causes are observed. For the research question 2, the data from the survey is collected from the users of Instagram are observed. The results from the survey are extracted to know about the distraction of software using the feature usage which is extracted from the survey and also the user experience. From these results of SLR and survey data, a mind map is designed to know about the study of the digital distraction. Conclusions: Finally, we come up with a idea by planning mind-map that helps the software developers and requirement engineers to build a distraction-free software. The results of this study can be helpful to all the software developers and also to the ones who want to carry our the research on requirements connection with digital distraction, this can be a start point for them.
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Practices and Advantages of Submitting Images in OSS projects : A Systematic Mapping Study and a SurveyGujjula, Nynesh Reddy January 2020 (has links)
Background: With the increasing number of software users using social media forums, providing feedback about the OSS projects, the developer’s need to address this feedback to understand the requirements of an OSS project. As different tools support different structures for the feedback, the need to classify, prioritize and filter them into a fundamental set of categories persists. Some of the feedback includes images from users, along with the text. These images may vary from a screenshot of the bug, encountered by the user to a code snippet modification as required by the user. The significance of how these images help the developers in fixing the bug is not clear. Objectives: This thesis aims to identify the underlying advantages of using images in the feedback or bug report submitted by the user for an OSS project to the developers. The goal is to find the extent to which different image attributes help the developer’s in understanding the issue suggested in the feedback or bug report. The research also aims to classify the view of practitioners regarding which image attributes affect the most and to propose a simple DSS model that can possibly be used by users and developers while attaching images in the feedback or bug reports. Methods: In this research, we have conducted an empirical study using systematic mapping and a survey study. We identified 28 research articles form systematic mapping using a search string and snowballing process to extract different image attributes. To triangulate and verify the results of the systematic map, we have conducted an online questionnaire replied by 32 respondents experienced in contributing to the OSS community. The usability of the image attributes has been evaluated from the responses received. Both quantitative and descriptive statistical analysis techniques were used to analyze the results. Results: From the 28 research articles identified for the systematic mapping study, we have extracted 11 image attributes that influence the developers in interpreting the software requirements from the images attached to feedback or bug reports. Of the identified image attributes, image quality and image resolution are considered to be the most useful attributes by the survey respondents. Moreover, two new image attributes (timestamp and steps to reproduce) are reported from the survey study. Conclusions: The identification and validation of the image attributes suggest the potential use of images in feedback and bug reports. Furthermore, these image attributes provide additional information to the developers in understanding the software requirements from the users perspective clearly. We propose a simple DSS model that can be used by the users and the developers before attaching an image along with the feedback or the bug reports to the developing OSS communities to promote further usage of images in feedback and bug reports for OSS.
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Uma contribuição à automatização da atividade de teste para sistemas de realidade virtual / A contribution to the automation of testing activity for virtual reality systemsSouza, Alinne Cristinne Corrêa 06 June 2017 (has links)
O teste de software é considerado uma atividade importante para a revelação de falhas. Apesar desta vantagem, tem sido pouco explorado no âmbito de aplicações de Realidade Virtual (RV). Dentre as lacunas existentes, a definição e automatização de critérios de teste de software para esse domínio foi identificada, uma vez que esses sistemas possuem características próprias que requerem definição ou adaptação de técnicas de teste, fazendo com que aplicações nesse domínio constituam sistemas de alta complexidade. Diante disso, o objetivo desta tese é apresentar uma abordagem denominada Virtual Reality-Requirements Specification and Testing (VR-ReST) que visa apoiar a especificação de requisitos de aplicações de RV com base na descrição de casos de uso e conceitos do domínio de RV e Grafo de Cena (GC), derivar requisitos de teste e gerar dados de teste a partir dos requisitos especificados. Além disso, é apresentado um apoio ferramental chamado de Virtual Requirements Specification and Testing (ViReST), que permite automatizá-las. A abordagem é composta por três módulos: (i) especificação dos requisitos por meio do auxílio de um modelo denominado Virtual Requirements Specification (ViReS); (ii) mapeamento dos requisitos por meio de uma linguagem semi-formal chamada Behavior Language Requirement Specification (BeLaRS) para garantir uma especificação padronizada; e (iii) geração automática dos requisitos de teste e dos dados de teste. Foi realizado um estudo de caso para avaliar a conformidade e a usabilidade da BeLaRS em auxiliar a especificação de requisitos de uma aplicação de RV. Além disso, também foi realizado um experimento para avaliar a eficácia da abordagem VR-ReST por meio da ferramenta ViReST. Usando teste de mutação neste último experimento, a abordagem VR-ReST alcançou um escore de mutação médio de 15,49% maior que o teste aleatório. Portanto, os resultados mostraram que a abordagem, bem como o apoio ferramental, podem auxiliar o projetista durante a atividade de especificação de requisitos e o testador na geração dos testes para aplicações de RV. / Software testing is considered an important activity towards fault revealing. Despite this advantage, it has been few explored within the scope of Virtual Reality (VR) applications. Among the existing gaps, the definition and automation of software testing criteria for this domain were identified, since these systems have their own characteristics that require definition or adaptation of testing techniques, making applications in this domain constitute highly complex systems. Therefore, a Virtual Reality-Requirements Specification and Testing (VR-ReST) approach is presented to perform the functional test of VR applications using Scene Graph (SG) concepts and a support tool called Virtual Requirements Specification And Testing (ViReST), which allows you to automate them. The approach is composed of three modules: (i) the first consists in specifying the requirements by means of a model called Virtual Requirements Specification (ViReS); (ii) the second involves mapping the requirements through a semi-formal language called Behavior Language Requirement Specification (BeLaRS) to ensure a standardized specification; and (iii) the third is the automatic generation of test requirements and test data. A case study was conducted to evaluate the compliance and usability of BeLaRS in assisting the requirements specification of an RV application. Also, an experiment was also carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the VR-ReST approach using the ViReST tool. Using mutation testing in this latter experiment, the VR-ResT approach achieved a mean mutation score of 15.49% higher than the random testing. Therefore, the results showed that the approach, as well as tooling support, can assist the designer during the requirement specification activity and the tester in generating the tests for RV applications.
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Modelagem e análise de conhecimento para planejamento automático: uma abordagem baseada em GORE e redes de Petri. / Modeling and analysis of knowledge in automated planning: an approach based on GORE and Petri Nets.Martinez Silva, Javier 19 December 2016 (has links)
Trabalhos recentes na área de Planejamento e Escalonamento têm gerado uma grande expectativa em relação à aplicação dos resultados em sistemas reais. Neste cenário, métodos, ferramentas e conceitos provenientes das Engenharia do Conhecimento e da Engenharia de Requisitos se tornam fundamentais para caracterizar melhor, entender e especificar os domínios de planejamento. Nesse caso uma especial importância deve ser dada às etapas iniciais do processo, onde o conhecimento sobre o domínio é incompleto e onde existem poucas ferramentas, seja para o suporte ou automação parcial do processo, e as ferramentas já existentes carecem de métodos formais para a modelagem e análise dos requisitos. Neste trabalho propõe-se o ReKPlan (Ambiente para a Engenharia de Requisitos usando KAOS em problemas de planejamento), que usa KAOS, um método orientado a objetivos, para a modelagem de requisitos. Entretanto, o uso do KAOS (ou de qualquer outro método goaloriented) não atende à necessidade de verificar formalmente o comportamento dinâmico quando o alvo são sistemas de planejamento. A proposta deste trabalho é combinar o uso do método orientado a objetivos com o formalismo das Redes de Petri (Rdp) -especificamente a abordagem seguida pelo GHENeSys- para representar e analisar requisitos no projeto de sistemas de planejamento. Finalmente é proposto um método sobre o processo de projeto que, guiado por modelos, gera instruções PDDL servindo de entrada para os planejadores. A método foi aplicado a vários estudos de caso que o avaliam como um mecanismo promissor e eficiente na Engenharia de Requisitos resultando em uma melhor definição dos requisitos em problemas de planejamento. / Recent works in Planning and Scheduling, lead to a great expectations about how to apply achieved results in real systems. In this scenario, methods, tools and concepts from Knowledge and Requirements Engineering seem to be a key issue for characterizing, understanding and specifying the domain of planning problems. In this case a special attention should be given to the initial stages of the process, where knowledge about the domain is incomplete and there are a few tools to support or partially automate the process, and there is a lack of formal methods for modeling and analysis of requirements in the existing tools. This work proposes the ReKPlan (Requirement Engineering Using KAOS for Planning Problems) which uses KAOS, a goal-oriented method, for modeling requirements. However, the use of KAOS (or another goal-oriented method) don\'t seem the most appropriate for formal verification of the dynamic behavior of planning systems. The purpose of this work is to combine the use of KAOS with Petri Nets formalism (Rdp) - GHENeSys approach specifically - for modeling and analyzing requirements in the design of planning system. Finally is proposed a model driven engineering mechanism over a design for guiding, until the generation of PDDL instructions as input for planners to solve problems.
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Modelagem e análise de conhecimento para planejamento automático: uma abordagem baseada em GORE e redes de Petri. / Modeling and analysis of knowledge in automated planning: an approach based on GORE and Petri Nets.Javier Martinez Silva 19 December 2016 (has links)
Trabalhos recentes na área de Planejamento e Escalonamento têm gerado uma grande expectativa em relação à aplicação dos resultados em sistemas reais. Neste cenário, métodos, ferramentas e conceitos provenientes das Engenharia do Conhecimento e da Engenharia de Requisitos se tornam fundamentais para caracterizar melhor, entender e especificar os domínios de planejamento. Nesse caso uma especial importância deve ser dada às etapas iniciais do processo, onde o conhecimento sobre o domínio é incompleto e onde existem poucas ferramentas, seja para o suporte ou automação parcial do processo, e as ferramentas já existentes carecem de métodos formais para a modelagem e análise dos requisitos. Neste trabalho propõe-se o ReKPlan (Ambiente para a Engenharia de Requisitos usando KAOS em problemas de planejamento), que usa KAOS, um método orientado a objetivos, para a modelagem de requisitos. Entretanto, o uso do KAOS (ou de qualquer outro método goaloriented) não atende à necessidade de verificar formalmente o comportamento dinâmico quando o alvo são sistemas de planejamento. A proposta deste trabalho é combinar o uso do método orientado a objetivos com o formalismo das Redes de Petri (Rdp) -especificamente a abordagem seguida pelo GHENeSys- para representar e analisar requisitos no projeto de sistemas de planejamento. Finalmente é proposto um método sobre o processo de projeto que, guiado por modelos, gera instruções PDDL servindo de entrada para os planejadores. A método foi aplicado a vários estudos de caso que o avaliam como um mecanismo promissor e eficiente na Engenharia de Requisitos resultando em uma melhor definição dos requisitos em problemas de planejamento. / Recent works in Planning and Scheduling, lead to a great expectations about how to apply achieved results in real systems. In this scenario, methods, tools and concepts from Knowledge and Requirements Engineering seem to be a key issue for characterizing, understanding and specifying the domain of planning problems. In this case a special attention should be given to the initial stages of the process, where knowledge about the domain is incomplete and there are a few tools to support or partially automate the process, and there is a lack of formal methods for modeling and analysis of requirements in the existing tools. This work proposes the ReKPlan (Requirement Engineering Using KAOS for Planning Problems) which uses KAOS, a goal-oriented method, for modeling requirements. However, the use of KAOS (or another goal-oriented method) don\'t seem the most appropriate for formal verification of the dynamic behavior of planning systems. The purpose of this work is to combine the use of KAOS with Petri Nets formalism (Rdp) - GHENeSys approach specifically - for modeling and analyzing requirements in the design of planning system. Finally is proposed a model driven engineering mechanism over a design for guiding, until the generation of PDDL instructions as input for planners to solve problems.
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Requirements Engineering for an Online Asset Mapping Tool for Disaster PreparednessHadi, Ahsanuzzaman January 2017 (has links)
With increasing incidence of severe disasters, global policies and frameworks have been shifting towards an emphasis on collaboration and community resilience. The greater use of information systems to assist with disasters has prompted a need to examine how technology can support collaboration and resilience. Hence, this thesis aims to identify a set of requirements for a collaborative online asset mapping tool through a requirement engineering process. A multiple case study design was used with the objective of answering: (1) what are the functional, non-functional, and general system requirements of an online asset mapping tool for disaster preparedness; (2) is a standard “off-the-shelf” asset-mapping application feasible for community development and adaptive capacity building for disaster management; and (3) what are the potential designs that can address the requirements?
The specific cases examined were The Region of Waterloo, Ontario and Truro, Nova Scotia. The data from the cases was used to perform qualitative content analysis combined with activity diagrams, to determine and analyze the requirements for an online asset mapping tool to aid in disaster preparedness. The findings of the research included shared requirements between the two communities that encompassed: system purpose, system functionalities, user characteristics, and system requirements. Furthermore, prototype user interface (UI) wireframes were developed using the requirements results to show a potential design of an online asset mapping application. This thesis research addressed the need to design a tool that facilitates all aspects of the asset mapping process. Ultimately, this research builds the foundation to which future research can examine the requirements to design and develop a citizen-oriented tool to enhance community disaster resilience.
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Uma contribuição à automatização da atividade de teste para sistemas de realidade virtual / A contribution to the automation of testing activity for virtual reality systemsAlinne Cristinne Corrêa Souza 06 June 2017 (has links)
O teste de software é considerado uma atividade importante para a revelação de falhas. Apesar desta vantagem, tem sido pouco explorado no âmbito de aplicações de Realidade Virtual (RV). Dentre as lacunas existentes, a definição e automatização de critérios de teste de software para esse domínio foi identificada, uma vez que esses sistemas possuem características próprias que requerem definição ou adaptação de técnicas de teste, fazendo com que aplicações nesse domínio constituam sistemas de alta complexidade. Diante disso, o objetivo desta tese é apresentar uma abordagem denominada Virtual Reality-Requirements Specification and Testing (VR-ReST) que visa apoiar a especificação de requisitos de aplicações de RV com base na descrição de casos de uso e conceitos do domínio de RV e Grafo de Cena (GC), derivar requisitos de teste e gerar dados de teste a partir dos requisitos especificados. Além disso, é apresentado um apoio ferramental chamado de Virtual Requirements Specification and Testing (ViReST), que permite automatizá-las. A abordagem é composta por três módulos: (i) especificação dos requisitos por meio do auxílio de um modelo denominado Virtual Requirements Specification (ViReS); (ii) mapeamento dos requisitos por meio de uma linguagem semi-formal chamada Behavior Language Requirement Specification (BeLaRS) para garantir uma especificação padronizada; e (iii) geração automática dos requisitos de teste e dos dados de teste. Foi realizado um estudo de caso para avaliar a conformidade e a usabilidade da BeLaRS em auxiliar a especificação de requisitos de uma aplicação de RV. Além disso, também foi realizado um experimento para avaliar a eficácia da abordagem VR-ReST por meio da ferramenta ViReST. Usando teste de mutação neste último experimento, a abordagem VR-ReST alcançou um escore de mutação médio de 15,49% maior que o teste aleatório. Portanto, os resultados mostraram que a abordagem, bem como o apoio ferramental, podem auxiliar o projetista durante a atividade de especificação de requisitos e o testador na geração dos testes para aplicações de RV. / Software testing is considered an important activity towards fault revealing. Despite this advantage, it has been few explored within the scope of Virtual Reality (VR) applications. Among the existing gaps, the definition and automation of software testing criteria for this domain were identified, since these systems have their own characteristics that require definition or adaptation of testing techniques, making applications in this domain constitute highly complex systems. Therefore, a Virtual Reality-Requirements Specification and Testing (VR-ReST) approach is presented to perform the functional test of VR applications using Scene Graph (SG) concepts and a support tool called Virtual Requirements Specification And Testing (ViReST), which allows you to automate them. The approach is composed of three modules: (i) the first consists in specifying the requirements by means of a model called Virtual Requirements Specification (ViReS); (ii) the second involves mapping the requirements through a semi-formal language called Behavior Language Requirement Specification (BeLaRS) to ensure a standardized specification; and (iii) the third is the automatic generation of test requirements and test data. A case study was conducted to evaluate the compliance and usability of BeLaRS in assisting the requirements specification of an RV application. Also, an experiment was also carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the VR-ReST approach using the ViReST tool. Using mutation testing in this latter experiment, the VR-ResT approach achieved a mean mutation score of 15.49% higher than the random testing. Therefore, the results showed that the approach, as well as tooling support, can assist the designer during the requirement specification activity and the tester in generating the tests for RV applications.
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Detecting Bad Smells in Industrial Requirements Written in Natural LanguagesMarie-Janette, Eriksson, Emma, Brouillette January 2022 (has links)
A key factor in creating software of good quality is that the requirements for the project being developed are as unambiguous and clear as possible, so the developers will be able to develop the product quickly and effectively. So, there is a need for tools that help requirements engineers create quality requirements. The attributes that define a poorly written requirement are called bad smells. In this thesis we investigate the NALABS tools bad smell detecting capabilities when analyzing industrial requirements. First, we performed a literature study to investigate what types of bad smells exist for requirements and how they were specified. After that we used a case study to examine how many smells and of what categories the NALABS tool detects, when it analyzes industrial requirements. Lastly, we used a small experiment to examine how accurately NALABS detects smells, by designing a simple console application that counted instances of bad smell words in a set of keywords that were from the NALABS tool. The results we gathered gave us an indication that NALABS detects bad smells in all the categories of bad smells that are implemented in it, to a varying degree. Through this thesis we hope to extend the knowledge about bad requirements smells, clarify what attributes of a requirement might be a bad smell, and investigate to what degree the NALABS tool can detect bad smells in industrial requirements.
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Customer communication challenges in Agile Requirements EngineeringKola, Abhinav Ram January 2020 (has links)
Context and background: Requirements engineering(RE) is a first and a very important phase in any software development which helps in building a suitable and customer satisfactory product. In the past few years, the use of Agile software development has become popular in the industry. Customer communication plays an important role in any software development life cycle. Customers state the requirements needed to develop a product in the Requirements Engineering phase. A project is likely to fail due to problems in customer communication during the RE phase. Objective: This thesis aims to study the Customer communication challenges in Agile requirements engineering, prioritize these challenges, and also find out the mitigation strategies to overcome these challenges. Research Method: A systematic mapping study is conducted to find out the customer communication challenges. Based on the data collected from the systematic mapping study, a survey is conducted to find out the mitigation strategies to overcome the customer communication challenges faced in the RE phase and also prioritize these challenges. Results: Based on the data collected from the systematic mapping study, a total of 18 customer communication challenges are identified. In the second step, a survey is conducted based on the identified challenges. The prioritization of these challenges is done by calculating the risk analysis of the challenges from the survey data. And finally, mitigation strategies are mentioned to overcome all the identified 18 challenges.
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