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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Requirements Analysis for AI solutions : a study on how requirements analysis is executed when developing AI solutions

Olsson, Anton, Joelsson, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
Requirements analysis is an essential part of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in order to achieve success in a software development project. There are several methods, techniques and frameworks used when expressing, prioritizing and managing requirements in IT projects. It is widely established that it is difficult to determine requirements for traditional systems, so a question naturally arises on how the requirements analysis is executed as AI solutions (that even fewer individuals can grasp) are being developed. Little research has been made on how the vital requirements phase is executed during development of AI solutions. This research aims to investigate the requirements analysis phase during the development of AI solutions. To explore this topic, an extensive literature review was made, and in order to collect new information, a number of interviews were performed with five suitable organizations (i.e, organizations that develop AI solutions). The results from the research concludes that the requirements analysis does not differ between development of AI solutions in comparison to development of traditional systems. However, the research showed that there were some deviations that can be deemed to be particularly unique for the development of AI solutions that affects the requirements analysis. These are: (1) the need for an iterative and agile systems development process, with an associated iterative and agile requirements analysis, (2) the importance of having a large set of quality data, (3) the relative deprioritization of user involvement, and (4) the difficulty of establishing timeframe, results/feasibility and the behavior of the AI solution beforehand.

Data-Driven Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development - An Approach for Eliciting Requirements from Digital Sources in Organizations using Scrum Methodology

Georgiadis, Stylianos January 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, the business world is characterized by complexity since market and customer requirements are changing rapidly. Based on this assumption, providers are facing the challenge of delivering software products in shorter terms while these products remain innovative. Agile software development has a huge impact on how software is developed worldwide and promises business value in short iterations. At the same time, requirements are the base of all software products, and consequently, Requirements Engineering (RE) plays one of the most important roles in system development. Traditional techniques referring to intended data do not cover the constantly increasing demands of RE and unintended data from digital sources has amplified the need for Data-Driven Requirements Engineering (DDRE). This study contributes to Computer and System Science by providing a process to combine DDRE and traditional RE approaches in Agile software development methodologies. In this study, the researcher is trying to provide a concrete solution to the lack of an effective process to address data-driven requirements in a Scrum environment organized by regular Sprints and the purpose of it is to suggest a new method for requirements elicitation based on digital data and combine them with traditional stakeholder-driven RE in a Scrum agile environment. The method intends to assist Agile professionals to elicit requirements from digital sources in combination with intended data derived from the stakeholders without impacting the main Agile practices. The approach to conduct this study is Design Science Research (DSR) and contains five steps: Explicate Problem, Define Requirements, Design and develop Artefact, Demonstrate Artefact, and Evaluate Artefact. Literature review has been conducted to explicate the research problem and define the requirements of the artefact. Then, a process and a collaboration board have been created based on the requirements to bring DDRE and traditional RE into the Scrum environment. The researcher performed a demonstration of two illustrative cases of the usage of the proposed artefact to three Scrum professionals and three semi-structured interviews were conducted to evaluate the artefact. After the evaluation, the researcher refined and presented the final artefact that will help the public and private organizations to reduce the costs and time plan on eliciting requirements, and to increase the customers’ satisfaction. The artefact has not been applied in a real Agile environment, but Requirement Engineers and Agile team members can build on the proposed method and bring the elicitation approach of DDRE closer to the software development process.

Consent modeling and verification: privacy regulations compliance from business goals to business processes

Robol, Marco 27 October 2020 (has links)
Privacy regulations impose on companies limitations about the collection, use, and disclosure of user data. One of the actions most companies undertake for this, consists in modifying their systems with processes for consent acquisition and management. Unfortunately, where systems are large and with many dependencies, they often also have little documentation, and knowledge on the system is distributed among different domain experts. These circumstances make the re-engineering of systems a tedious and complex, if not impossible, activity. This PhD Thesis proposes a model-based method with a top-down approach, for modeling consent requirements and analyzing compliance with regulations, by refinement of models from organizational structure down to business processes. The method is provided with guidelines in the form of a process and includes modeling languages and reasoning frameworks for the analysis of requirements with respect to a preset of privacy principles on consent. The Thesis includes validations with realistic scenarios and with domain practitioners from the healthcare domain.

Challenges in Requirement Engineering in Agile Software Development : With Focus on Capturing Customer Value / Utmaningar inom kravhanteringsprocessen i agil mjukvaruutveckling : Med fokus på att fånga kundvärde

Sörqvist, Emil, Eklund, Daniela January 2022 (has links)
Agile methodologies have become the modern approach to solve the problem of delivering high quality software in a constantly changing business environment. But still many agile software projects have difficulties in meeting the customer needs. This raises questions about how requirements are handled. Therefore, this thesis investigates the requirement engineering process to find challenges companies meet in practice. The study present results from a case study including one company specialized on defense systems, one finance technology company, one robotics company, and one software development company. Based on nine qualitative interviews we discuss the requirement engineering in agile software development and challenges that arise within this process. These challenges relate to a non-agile surrounding, stakeholders insufficient knowledge about their processes, lack of understanding the customer, and incomplete planning of development. We conclude that when using agile methods, development need to focus more on analyzing customers who derive value from the system and how to adapt the requirement engineering to an non-agile surrounding. / Agila metoder har blivit ett modernt verktyg till att lösa vår tids stora utmaning att leverera kvalitativ mjukvara i en ständigt föränderlig affärsmiljö. Trots att agila metoder hanterar snabba förändringar, står de agila mjukvaruprojekten inför utmaningar med att möta kundbehov. Det väcker frågor om hur kravarbetet går till i agil mjukvaruutveckling. Denna uppsats undersöker kravarbetet i agila mjukvaruprojekt och vilka utmaningar som dessa står inför i praktiken. Studien presenterar resultat från en fallstudie bestående av fyra företag verksamma inom: försvarsindustrin, finans, robotik respektive mjukvaruutveckling. Baserat på nio kvalitativa intervjuer diskuteras kravarbetet i agil mjukvaruutveckling och utmaningar som uppstår inom denna process. Dessa utmaningar är kopplade till en icke-agil omgivning, kunders bristande vetskap om deras processer, låg förståelse av kunden och ofullständig planering av utvecklingsarbetet. Vi konstaterar att det agila arbetet behöver fokusera mer på att analysera de värden kunder drar nytta av från ett system och hur kravarbetet ska hanteras när det möter en icke-agil omgivning.

Tagungsband zum 20. Interuniversitären Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik

25 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Das Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik ist eine regelmäßige Veranstaltung, in deren Rahmen Doktoranden der Universitäten Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Ilmenau, Jena und Leipzig ihr Promotionsprojekt präsentieren und sich den kritischen Fragen der anwesenden Professoren und Doktoranden aller beteiligten Universitäten stellen. Auf diese Weise erhalten die Promovierenden wertvolles Feedback zu Vorgehen, Methodik und inhaltlichen Aspekten ihrer Arbeit, welches sie für ihre Promotion nutzen können. Darüber hinaus bietet das Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik eine Plattform für eine fachliche Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Themen und sich ankündigenden Trends in der Forschung der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Zudem wird ein akademischer Diskurs über die Grenzen der jeweils eigenen Schwerpunkte der Professur hinaus ermöglicht. Das nunmehr 20. Jubiläum des Doktorandenseminars fand in Chemnitz statt. Der daraus entstandene Tagungsband enthält fünf ausgewählte Beiträge zu den Themenfeldern Service Engineering, Cloud-Computing, Geschäftsprozessmanagement, Requirements Engineering, Analytics und Datenqualität und zeigt damit anschaulich die Aktualität und Relevanz, aber auch die thematische Breite der gegenwärtigen Forschung im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik. / The inter-university PhD seminar Business Information Systems (“Interuniversitäres Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik”) is an annual one-day event which is organized by the Business Information Systems chairs of the universities of Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Ilmenau, Jena and Leipzig. It serves as a platform for PhD students to present their PhD topic and the current status of the thesis. Therefore, the seminar is a good opportunity to gain further knowledge and inspiration based on the feedback and questions of the participating professors and students. The 20th Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik took place in Chemnitz in October 2016. The resulting proceedings include five selected articles within the following topic areas: service engineering, cloud computing, business process management, requirements engineering, analytics und data quality. They illustrate the relevance as well as the broad range of topics in current business information systems research. In case of questions and comments, please use the contact details at the end of the articles.

Modelling and designing IT-enabled service systems driven by requirements and collaboration / Modelling and designing IT-enabled service systems driven by requirements and collaboration

Peng, Yong 22 March 2012 (has links)
Comparé aux services traditionnels du secteur tertiaire, les services facilités par les technologies de l'information et des communications (ITeS, à partir du sigle en anglais, IT-enabled Services) suscitent un intérêt croissant de clients et fournisseurs d'une part du fait de l’automatisation des processus et d'autre part grâce aux nouveaux canaux de communication (Internet, réseaux mobiles, …) que ces services supportent. De ce fait, les ITeS co-créent de la valeur ajoutée due à la collaboration entre les clients et les fournisseurs lors de la conception et la livraison de services. Cet enrichissement des services traditionnels conduit à une remise à plat des méthodes actuelles de conception de biens et de services. En effet, elles ne permettent pas de répondre aux exigences imposées par ce contexte de collaboration multidisciplinaire qui intègrent les entreprises, les technologies de l'information et de la communication et les acteurs sociaux. Les caractéristiques intrinsèques des services (à savoir, l'intangibilité, l'inséparabilité, la périssabilité, la simultanéité) et leur nature sociotechnique requière à la fois une méthodologie de conception globale dirigée par les exigences des clients en vue de leur satisfaction et une approche systémique prenant en compte la dimension collaborative, le cycle de vie des services et les changements organisationnels, métiers et technologiques. Pour faire face à ces enjeux, nous proposons une méthodologie descendante pour modéliser et concevoir un système de services dirigé par les exigences des clients et supportant la collaboration entre tous les acteurs afin de permettre la co-création de ce système. Notre méthodologie repose sur une approche pluridisciplinaire et offre un ensemble de modèles interconnectés (modèle de référence de service, modèle d’exigence et modèle de collaboration) ce qui permet d’une part de donner de la flexibilité au système et de la rendre adaptable en cas de changements des exigences et d’autre part de supporter la collaboration entre tous les acteurs. Le modèle de référence offre une description des différentes dimensions du système de services (ontologique, caractéristiques et systémique) et explicite ainsi les connaissances liées aux domaines différents. En se basant sur le modèle d’exigences, les besoins du client sont spécifiés dans un langage commun et compréhensible par tous les acteurs. Ceci permet leur propagation dans tout le cycle de vie de service et leur diffusion à tous les acteurs. Le modèle de collaboration préconise une approche guidée par les données - une approche opposée aux processus métiers collaboratifs traditionnels - ce qui favorise l'interopérabilité technique et sémantique et augmente la stabilité du système face aux changements. Enfin, La collaboration s’appuie sur les canaux de communication qui engendrent des flux d'objets métiers selon lesquels des règles d'affaires sont générées afin d’invoquer les composants logiciels sous-jacents. / Compared to traditional business services, IT-enabled services provide more value to customers and providers by enabling traditional business services with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and delivering them via e-channels (i.e., Internet, Mobile networks). Although IT-enabled service systems help in co-creating value through collaboration with customers during service design and delivery, they raise challenges when we attempt to understand, design and produce innovative and intelligent IT-enabled services from a multi-disciplinary perspective by including businesses, technology and people for value addition and increasing benefits. Due to their social-technical nature and characteristics (i.e., Intangibility, Inseparability, Perishability, Simultaneity), IT-enabled services also lack common methods to systemize services driven by customer requirements and their satisfactions and co-produce them through ad-hoc collaboration. In this thesis, we propose a middle-out methodology to model, design and systemize advanced IT-enabled service driven by customer requirements and collaboration among all actors to jointly co-create service systems. From a multi-disciplinary perspective, the methodology relies on a multi-view models including a service system reference model, a requirement model and a collaboration model to ensure system flexibility and adaptability to requirement changes and take into account joint efforts and collaboration of all service actors. The reference model aims at a multi-disciplinary description of services (ontological, systematical and characteristic-based descriptions), and formalizing business knowledge related to different domains. As for the requirement model, customer needs are specified in common expressiveness language understandable by all service actors and made possible its top-down propagation throughout service lifecycle and among actors. The collaboration model advocates a data-driven approach, which increases busi-ness, technical and semantic interoperability and exhibits stability in comparison to business processes centric approaches. Finally, the collaboration hinges on de-livery channels expressed as data flows and encapsulating business artifacts as per which business rules are generated to invoke underlying software components.

Support à la décision pour l'analyse de l'interopérabilité des systèmes dans un contexte d'entreprises en réseau / Decision support for interoperability readiness in networked enterprises

Leal, Gabriel da Silva Serapião 11 January 2019 (has links)
L'interopérabilité entre les systèmes a été identifiée comme un problème majeur auquel sont confrontées les entreprises lorsqu’ils ont le besoin de collaborer avec d'autres organisations et de participer au sein d’un réseau d’entreprises. Pour atteindre une qualité d'interopérabilité supérieure et garantir une collaboration efficace, un certain nombre d'Exigences d'Interopérabilité (EI) doivent être satisfaites. Ainsi, l'interopérabilité doit être vérifiée et continuellement améliorée. L’Analyse de l’Interopérabilité (ANIN) est une manière de vérifier l’interopérabilité des systèmes. Cependant, en général, la notion « d’exigence » est implicite et présentée sous forme de critères d'évaluation dans les approches ANIN. Il a également été identifié que les interdépendances entre les EI ne sont pas explicitement définies. En effet, leurs interdépendances doivent être prises en compte car elles peuvent aider à identifier les impacts sur l'ensemble du système. De plus, la majorité des approches ANIN sont manuelles, ce qui est un processus laborieux et long qui dépend souvent des connaissances « subjectives » des experts. Dans ce contexte, cette recherche propose un Système d'Analyse de l'Interopérabilité basé sur la Connaissance (SAIC) pour soutenir la prise de décision au sein des entreprises en réseau. Une méthodologie « Design Science Research » (DSR) a été adoptée pour mener à bien la contribution proposée. Premièrement, une approche basée sur l’ingénierie des exigences a été adaptée pour obtenir des EI pertinentes, établir un lien entre les EI obtenues et les composantes du système concerné et définir les interdépendances entre les EI. Pour conceptualiser formellement les connaissances sur l’ANIN, en englobant l'ensemble des EI, les problèmes et solutions d'interopérabilité ainsi que leurs relations, nous avons proposé l’Ontologie de l'Analyse de l'Interopérabilité (OAI). Une approche d'Ingénierie Système basée sur des Modèles a été appliquée pour définir les concepts de l'ontologie. Un prototype du SAIC utilisant l'OAI comme modèle de connaissance a été développé sur une plate-forme Java. L'outil résultant peut exploiter les connaissances sur l'interopérabilité et les informations provenant de la situation actuelle des systèmes évalués pour identifier les problèmes et améliorations potentiels. La contribution proposée a été évaluée grâce à une étude de cas basée sur une véritable entreprise en réseau / Enterprise systems’ interoperability has been identified as a significant issue faced by enterprises, which need to collaborate with other companies and participate within Networked Enterprises. To achieve a higher quality of interoperability and ensure an effective collaboration, a certain number of Interoperability Requirements (IRs) should be satisfied. Thus, interoperability should be verified and continuously improved. A manner for verifying the enterprise systems’ interoperability is through the Interoperability Assessment (INAS). However, in general, the notion of “requirement” is implicit and presented as Interoperability Evaluation Criterion (IEC) in the INAS approaches. It also has been identified that the IEC interdependencies are not explicitly defined. Indeed, their interdependencies should be considered as they can support the identification of impacts on the overall system. Further, the majority of the INAS approaches are manual-conducted, which is a laborious and time-consuming process and in many times depends on the “subjective” knowledge of experts, which can be expensive in time and money when hiring external consultants. In this context, this research proposes a Knowledge-Based Interoperability Assessment System (KBIAS) for supporting decision-making within Networked Enterprises. A Design Science Research (DSR) methodology has been adopted for conducting the work. First, A Requirement Engineering (RE) approach has been adapted to elicit and define relevant IRs, which are father related with system’s components. Such IRs are used as IEC during the INAS process. To formally conceptualise the knowledge about the INAS (subsuming the set of IRs, interoperability problems and solutions), we proposed the Ontology of Interoperability Assessment (OIA). A Model-Based System Engineering approach has been applied for defining and organising the concepts of the proposed ontology. A prototype of the KBIAS using the OIA as its knowledge model has been developed in a Java platform. The developed tool can exploit the knowledge about interoperability issues and information from the as-is situation of the assessed systems for identifying potential problems and improvements. The contribution proposed in this research has been evaluated through a case study based on a real Networked Enterprise

Requirement Engineering : A comparision between Traditional requirement elicitation techniqes with user story

Hussain, Dostdar, Ismail, Muhammad January 2011 (has links)
Requirements are features or attributes which we discover at the initial stage of building a product. Requirements describe the system functionality that satisfies customer needs. An incomplete and inconsistent requirement of the project leads to exceeding cost or devastating the project. So there should be a process for obtaining sufficient, accurate and refining requirements such a process is known as requirement elicitation. Software requirement elicitation process is regarded as one of the most important parts of software development. During this stage it is decided precisely what should be built. There are many requirements elicitation techniques however selecting the appropriate technique according to the nature of the project is important for the successful development of the project. Traditional software development and agile approaches to requirements elicitation are suitable in their own context. With agile approaches a high-level, low formal form of requirement specification is produced and the team is fully prepared to respond unavoidable changes in these requirements. On the other hand in traditional approach project could be done more satisfactory with a plan driven well documented specification. Agile processes introduced their most broadly applicable technique with user stories to express the requirements of the project. A user story is a simple and short written description of desired functionality from the perspective of user or owner. User stories play an effective role on all time constrained projects and a good way to introducing a bit of agility to the projects. Personas can be used to fill the gap of user stories.

Testrigg för att hantera NFC-taggar och QR-koder

Aljoundi, Ahmad, Abukarsh, Wael January 2022 (has links)
Automatisering av testprocesser är viktigt eftersom manuella tester är komplicerade och tidskrävande. Testarbetet effektiviseras och kvaliteten kan höjas genom att automatisera testprocesserna. Arbetet som beskrivs i det här examensarbetet har utförts på Phoniro AB i Halmstad och syftet med projektet är att identifiera och konstruera en helautomatiserad lösning för skanningen av NFC-taggar och QR-koder. I arbetet konstrueras en mekanisk testrigg som är en lämplig lösning baserat på framtagna krav. För att välja den mest lämpliga mjukvaru- och hårdvaruplattformen för testriggen utifrån kraven användes utvärderingsmatriser. Testriggen består av tre delar, en 3D-modell av testriggen, ett kretskort som är testriggens kontroller och mjukvarudel för att programmera testriggen och integrera den med företagets testramverk. Därefter har testriggen byggts upp, alla delar kopplats ihop och programmerats för att testas mot de krav som ställts upp. Testriggen som har tagits fram är en prototyp som har en stor utvecklingspotential med tanke på framtida utveckling / Automation of test processes is essential because manual tests are complicated and time-consuming. Automating the test processes makes the test work more efficient and increases quality. The work described in this diploma thesis was performed at Phoniro AB in Halmstad, and the purpose of the project is to identify and construct a fully automated solution for the scanning of NFC tags and QR codes. The report describes a design that meets the requirements and needs established for the development models used in the project. A mechanical test rig was constructed as a suitable solution, based on developed requirements during the project. Evaluation matrices were used to select the most suitable software and hardware platforms for the test rig based on the project needs. The test rig consists of a 3D-model, a circuit board, and a software component to program the test rig and integrate it with Phoniro’s test framework. The test rig developed is a prototype with excellent potential for future development.

Industrial Usage of Requirements : Ambition and Impeding Factors / Industriell Användning av Krav : Ambition och Förhindrande Faktorer

Johansson, Martin, Kvainauskas, Darius January 2020 (has links)
Organizations are changing and growing constantly, which leads to higher complexity in development processes. For the development of complex products in a systematic way, requirements provide support. At Scania, it is of interest to investigate how engineers in the company work with requirements since a new safety standard is set to be implemented, which entails a change in the work with requirements. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the ambition for working with requirements at Scania and to identify factors that can impede a change improvement in requirement engineering. This study aids in providing support for applying new practices when implementing a new safety standard. Literature within the fields of organizational change, change management and requirement engineering are considered. A qualitative case study at an automotive OEM has been conducted, where data was collected through 21 semi-structured interviews and internal documents. The findings show that the ambition level from the company perspective is not clear at Scania, thus engineers and units at the company set their own individual ambition for working with requirements and work in different ways across the organization. Also, several impeding factors such as standardization and different processes have been identified that could impede a change initiative for an improvement in the requirement engineering process. The findings contribute to the understanding of engineers purposes and motivation for requirement engineering. Furthermore, a change initiative in requirement engineering is investigated, where the impeding factors for the change are identified. Also, safety critical system development using requirement engineering is explored. It is suggested that future studies could compare other units and companies requirement engineering, and also leverage qualitative methods. Originality – To the best knowledge of the authors this is the first study to examine change initiative using Schein’s change model in a requirement engineering setting. / Organisationer förändras och växer ständigt, vilket leder till högre komplexitet i utvecklingsprocesser. För utveckling av komplexa produkter på ett systematiskt sätt ger krav stöd. Hos Scania är det av intresse att undersöka hur ingenjörer arbetar med krav i företaget eftersom en ny säkerhetsstandard är på väg att implementeras, vilket innebär en förändring av kravarbetet. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka hur ambitionen att arbeta med krav är hos Scania och att identifiera faktorer som kan hindra en förbättring av arbetet med krav. Denna studie bidrar med att ge stöd vid tillämpning av nya metoder under implementeringen av en ny säkerhetsstandard. Litteratur inom områdena organisationsförändring, förändringshantering och kravhantering beaktas. En kvalitativ fallstudie hos en fordonstillverkare har genomförts där data samlades in genom 21 semistrukturerade intervjuer och från interna dokument. Resultaten visar att ambitionsnivån från ett företagsperspektiv inte är tydligt på Scania, vilket gör att ingenjörerna eller avdelningar sätter en individuell ambition för att arbeta med krav och arbetar på olika sätt inom organisationen. Dessutom har flera faktorer så som standardisering och olika arbetssätt identifierats, vilka kan förhindra ett förändringsinitiativ för en förbättring av kravhanteringsprocessen. Resultaten bidrar till att förstå ingenjörers syften och motivationen för kravhantering. Vidare undersöks förändringsinitiativ inom kravhantering samt faktorer som kan förhindra förändringen. Dessutom undersöks hur säkerhetskritiska system utvecklas med användning av krav. Det föreslås att framtida studier kan jämföra andra enheters och företags kravhantering, och även utnyttja kvalitativa metoder. Originalitet – Enligt författarnas uppfattning är detta den första studien som undersöker förändringsinitiativ med Scheins förändringsmodell i samband med kravhantering.

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