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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

It Doesn't Take Walls

Jiang, Wang 03 October 2017 (has links)
The thesis takes the form of a residential house, exploring different ways of separating a space while answering different needs for solitude. It experimented with a diversity of architectural devices designed to demarcate functional units in the house with respect to their varying demands for solitude. Individual spaces are examined based on where they fall on the spectrum: from the most secluded to the most inclusive. Efforts are made to refrain from resorting to full size walls when not necessary. The actual means of separation used for a certain space is usually a balance between the desire for seclusion and the urge to evade walls. The form of the house unfolds from the order of an overarching cruciform structure, dividing the space into four quadrants, which are further bisected by a horizontal plane producing a total of eight cubic spaces. Each space is shaped with different dimensions suitable to their respective functions assigned, but all fit into a spatial matrix of two-foot spacing points. A featuring cross is brought out and made visible on the roof, plan and each of the four facades. / Master of Architecture

Novostavba bytového domu v Brně / New-Built Residential House in Brno

Pichaničová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis of " New-Built Residential House in Brno" is composed in the form of project documentation. The building is situated in the centre of Brno city, Rybářská street and there is designed nineteen apartments. The building has five floors and one basement. The supporting structure of the wall, brick. The roof sloping saddle.

Stambiaplokščių gyvenamųjų namų modernizavimas Vilniaus mieste / The Modernization of Big Panel Residential Houses in the City of Vilnius

Stundžia, Dalius 11 June 2009 (has links)
Didėjant šiluminės energijos ir kuro sąnaudoms, jų taupymas darosi aktualus daugeliui vartotojų. Vis daugiau žmonių domisi energijos taupymo priemonėmis gyvenamuose namuose. Ne tik privačių namų, bet ir privatizuotų butų savininkai daugiabučiuose namuose besikurdami į bendriją, imasi konkrečių veiksmų pastatų šilumos nuostoliams mažinti. Jiems svarbi ne tik finansinė parama, bet ir techninė bei informacinė pagalba. Energijos suvartojimas pastatams šildyti priklauso nuo šalies klimato ypatumų, energetinių resursų įsigijimo galimybių ir kainų, statybos tradicijų ir aplinkosaugos reikalavimų. Energetinių sąnaudų mažinimas gyvenamiesiems pastatams šildyti svarbus ne tik ekonominiu, bet ir ekologiniu požiūriu. Namų modernizavimas pagerina gyvenimo komforto parametrus. Pastato modernizacijos tikslas – padaryti pastatą ekonomiškesnį, komfortiškesnį ir taip pailginti jo eksplotacijos laiką bei padidinti vertę. Šiame darbe pateikiami duomenys apie pastatų atitvarinių konstrukcijų defektus, jų įvertinimo būdus, pastatų šiluminės modernizacijos technologijas ir ekonominę naudą, tyrimų metodus, pastatų konstrukcijose vykstančius šilumos ir masės mainų procesus, įvertinus jų poveikį pastatui. Darbą suraro 97 puslapiai, 55 paveikslai, 11 lentelių, 43 literatūros šaltiniai, priedai. / With the increase of thermal energy and fuel costs, saving is becoming an important issue for many consumers. More and more people are taking an interest in energy – saving measures in their living quarters. Not only owners of private houses but private flat owners in a multi-storey block of flats when setting up a society/community tend to take concrete action to reduce heat losses. They take an interest not only in posssible financial support but also in technical and information assistance. The energy consumption for heating buildings depends on the specific factors of a given country, the possibilities of acquiring energy resources and its price, the building traditions and environmental requirements. Reducing energy costs for heating residential buildings is an important economical and environmental issue. Modernizing houses improves life quality standards. The aim of modernising a building – to make the building more economically efficient, more comfortable and to prolong its lifecycle also to increase its value. This paper presents data on box construction building defects, their assessment methods, thermal modernizing technology and economic benefits, research methods, the heat and mass exchange processes occurring in building constructions, having assessed their impact on the building. Thesis consist of: 97 p. text, 55 pictures, 11 tables, 43 bibliographical entries, references.

Novostavba bytového domu / New building of residential house

Rozlílek, Patrik January 2013 (has links)
Project documentation for detached new build of residential house with flat roof consisting of four floors. In the floors are situated 12 apartments of various sizes. The basement is designed as a technical floor with garage. There is one parking space for each apartment. The underground part of the building is reinforced concrete and the other floors are of ceramic masonry blocks.

Analýza vlivu zateplení na cenu bytového domu v Třebíči / Analysis of the impact on the price of insulation of residential building in Trebic

Procházka, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
A quantification of costs of an insulation on multi-storey buildings and determination of returns on investments in the insulation due to cost savings for heating energy is the subject of this thesis. Analysis of the current statuses of prefabricated houses in the Czech Republic, possibilities of insulating, and characterization of thermal insulation materials are involved in the thesis. It is also included a description of the method for determining the energy performance of the building. The core of this work is the statistical comparison of the prices of two residential buildings in Trebic using the bid prices. These residential buildings, which differ by the number of floors, are assessed concerning impacts of the insulation works. There is also calculated the amount of saved energy for heating which is further used for determination of return on investments into complete building insulation.

Bytová družstva vzniklá "privatizací" / Housing Cooperatives Formed by "Privatization"

Žák, Dominik January 2014 (has links)
The diploma project looks at founding of housing cooperatives caused by residential housing privatization. Privatization process and housing cooperatives evolvement in Czech Republic since 1989 year are outlined in the project. The project covers housing cooperatives aspects, establishment and specifics of housing cooperatives legal entity. Ways to privatize the community housing fund according to the community housing policy are explored and explained. Specifically the project studies the privatization process of the city of Prostejov residential housing fund.

Analýza vlivu stavebních úprav na obvyklou cenu bytové jednotky ve Velkém Meziříčí / Analysis of the Impact of Construction Works on the Market Value of a Housing Unit in Velké Meziříčí

Trnka, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the impact of construction work on the usual price of the housing units in Velké Meziříčí. In the theoretical part the development of prefabricated buildings and the current situation are described. I also gave a description of different types of insulation where the method of building insulation ETICS and the energy intensity of buildings are given in details. The requirements for thermal building protection, their calculation and the basic methods of property evaluation are mentioned in this part as well. In the practical part I dealt with the price of selected units before and after reconstruction. I used several methods – the direct comparison, the comparative method according to the regulation and the yield value. Three variants of construction work are designed and they are evaluated from the point of energy saving for heating. The goal this thesis is to specify whether the price of the units will increase due to construction work related to the insulation.

Bytový dům / Block of flats

Roubal, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The basic aim of this diploma thesis is to prepare project documentation for construction management for the new residential building in Prague. The building is designed in a combined monolithic reinforced concrete and brick support system. The building consists of three above (3.NP partial) and one underground floor. The mass of the building is designed as a single integrated unit. Plan of the building is rectangular. The thesis includes documnetation in the range of requirements for building management, assessment in terms of building physics building and fire safety of the building.

An economic sustainability comparison between the natural building technique; cob and the conventional technique; concrete for residential buildings in Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Laestander, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Cob can serve as an alternative building material to concrete in Nicaragua. Cob is an unbaked earth-based building technique with low global warming potential that suits the humid climate in Nicaragua. It can be constructed by hand by inexperienced people using materials such as; clay, straw, sand and water. The cob technique is relatively little studied and the exact cost of cob is unclear. The purpose of this thesis was thus to provide new information that will help assessing the economic sustainability and the environmental impact of the natural building technique cob in comparison to the conventional technique concrete. The thesis was carried out by a case study of two houses in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The results are showing that the cob technique has cheap materials that support the Nicaraguan economy of Nicaragua but takes a lot of labour force and time in comparison to concrete. The cob technique also allows the builder to make the house personal adapted, with furniture and details, fitted to the owners need. The cob has also a great potential of a long lifespan with low needs of maintenance in comparison with concrete. Concrete also has a higher local environmental impact, more CO2-emissions and higher external costs. The conclusion is thus that cob is a more sustainable technique for building residential houses in Matagalpa. / Den naturliga byggtekniken cob kan vara ett alternativ till den mer konventionella tekniken betong i Nicaragua. Cob är en jordbaserad byggnadsteknik med låg globaluppvärmningspotential som lämpar sig i det fuktiga klimatet i Nicaragua. Cob består mestadels av; lera, halm, sand och vatten, och kan byggas för hand av oerfaren arbetskraft. Cob-tekniken är relativt lite studerad och den exakta kostnaden är osäker. Syftet med denna studie var därför att tillhandahålla ny information som ska underlätta bedömningen av den ekonomiska hållbarheten och miljöpåverkan hos den naturliga byggtekniken cob i jämförelse med den konventionella tekniken betong. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en fallstudie av två hus i Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Resultatet visar att cob-tekniken har billiga material som stöder den lokala ekonomin, men kräver mycket arbetskraft och tid jämfört med betongtekniken. Cob-tekniken låter även byggaren att göra huset personligt anpassat, med möbler och finesser efter ägarnas behov. Den potentiella livstiden hos cob är lång, med ett lågt underhållsbehov i jämförelse med betong. Betong har också en större lokal miljöpåverkan, mer CO2-utsläpp och högre externa kostnader. Slutsatsen är således att cob är en mer hållbar teknik att använda för att bygga bostadshus i Matagalpa. / Cob puede servir como un material de construcción alternativo al concreto en Nicaragua. Cob es una técnica de construcción a base de tierra sin quemar con bajo potencial de calentamiento global que se adapta al clima húmedo en Nicaragua. Puede ser construido a mano por personas sin experiencia utilizando materiales tales como; arcilla, paja, arena y agua. La técnica de cob es relativamente poco estudiada y el coste exacto no está claro. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido por lo tanto proporcionar nueva información que ayudará a evaluar la sostenibilidad económica y el impacto ambiental de los recursos naturales de la técnica de construcción cob en comparación con la técnica convencional de concreto. La tesis fue realizada por un estudio de caso de dos casas en Matagalpa, Nicaragua.  Los resultados muestran que la técnica de cob tiene materiales baratos que apoyan la economía local de Nicaragua, pero requiere de mucha fuerza y ​​tiempo de trabajo en comparación con el concreto. La técnica de cob también permite al constructor hacer la casa de manera más personal adaptándola con muebles y detalles, ajustada a las necesidades de los propietarios. El cob tiene también un gran potencial de larga vida con pocas necesidades de mantenimiento en comparación con el concreto. Concreto también tiene un mayor impacto ambiental local, más emisiones de CO2 y el aumento de los costos externos. La conclusión es de este estudio es que la técnica de cob es más sostenible para la construcción de viviendas residenciales en Matagalpa.

Možnosti energetických úspor v bytovém domě Merhautova / Possibilities of energy savings in the residential house Merhautova

Bartek, Čeněk January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about the reduction of the energy intensity of the existing residential house Merhautova. The design documentation is focused on the thermal insulation of the living area, the replacement of windows and doors according to the variant of the design, accessible entrance to the house, loggia on the south side of the building and the replacement of the roofing. At the beginning of the diploma thesis the experimental part of the thermography was performed. Images of the existing object by the thermal camera were taken and building survey for the design documentation of the current state of the building was performed. Within the theoretical calculations the energy performance certificate was processed in options of the entering the thermal bridges. The energy performance certificate with thermal bridges calculated according to the details was compared with the energy performance certificate with estimated thermal bridges. A comparison of two options of the replacement of windows and doors was made in realation of the energy intesity of the building. A preliminary budget of these two options was also calculated with regard to the expected simple return on investment due to the heat saving.

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