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Adapta??o e valida??o do Question?rio de Job Crafting e sua rela??o com estados positivos no trabalho / Adaption and validation of the Job Crafting Questionnaire and its relationship with positive states at workDevotto, Rita Pimenta de 14 December 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The central theme of this master thesis are the proactive behaviours at work called job crafting. Job crafting consists of informal individual initiatives to modify the work, in order to optimize resources and demands and or to make it more engaging and rewarding. Individuals shape their work experience through actions that redefine the tasks and relationships involved in the work, as well as through cognitive changes in the way they perceive work. The theoretical model of job crafting proposes that such actions take place at different organizational contexts and are independent of the degree of autonomy, complexity and authority involved in each work. Since its emergence in the qualitative research in 2001, the proactive approach of job crafting has attracted growing interest from researchers and practitioners, as an alternative that explains and highlights the energetic and daily efforts of the individual to change their working environment. In Brazil, research in job crafting is at an early stage. Five different interconnected studies were undertaken to deepen the theoretical and empirical knowledge about job crafting and to advance its research in Brazil. The first study presents a systematic review of the international scientific literature on job crafting. Evidences revealed an increase of scientific publications about the construct, driven by the development of measures. We found a lack of production in our context and the need to adapt measures to assess the construct and promote empirical research about job crafting in Brazil. The second study, which theoretically introduces the theme, aimed to meet the need to contribute to a chapter about job crafting for book to be published in Brazil. The chapter situates the job crafting approach, revises its conceptualization in the international literature, describes the state of the art in the evaluation of the construct, portrays the main antecedents and outcomes of job crafting according to recent empirical studies and discusses some benefits and practical implications. The third study presents the adaptation and validation of the Job Crafting Questionnaire to the Brazilian context. We conducted two studies with professionals in Brazil to investigate the internal structure of the instrument through exploratory and confirmatory techniques. The results indicated that the instrument presented adequate psychometric characteristics, being a valid measure for assessing job crafting in general populations in Brazil. The fourth study presents a systematic review and a meta-analysis on the relationship between job crafting and well-being. The positive relationship between both constructs was corroborated. We found that the job crafting has a greater effect on the positive dimension of the well-being. This study also brought evidences of a significant difference between the effect of job crafting on occupational and general well-being measures, indicating a better performance of the latter. Finally, we undertook an exploratory study about the job demands-resources model in the Brazilian context. Drawing on the network analysis technique, we investigated the relationships between the variables of working conditions, work engagement, job crafting and well-being, predicted by the job demands-resources model. Results supported some relationships predicted by the theoretical model. However, the job crafting, which predicted work engagement, did not happen at the expenses of the working conditions (resources and demands). This finding indicates the need to investigate other intrinsic precedents of job crafting. These five products of the master?s thesis advance research in job crafting in Brazil. / A tem?tica central da presente disserta??o s?o os comportamentos proativos no trabalho denominados de job crafting. Tais comportamentos consistem em iniciativas individuais informais que buscam modificar o trabalho, para otimizar seus recursos e demandas e ou para torn?-lo mais envolvente e gratificante. Os indiv?duos moldam sua experi?ncia de trabalho atrav?s de a??es que redefinem as tarefas e as rela??es envolvidas no trabalho, bem como por meio de mudan?as cognitivas na forma de perceber o seu trabalho. O modelo te?rico do job crafting prop?e que tais a??es acontecem em diferentes contextos organizacionais e s?o independentes do grau de autonomia, complexidade e autoridade envolvidos no trabalho. Desde o seu surgimento na pesquisa qualitativa em 2001, a perspectiva proativa do job crafting tem despertado crescente interesse de pesquisadores e profissionais, como uma alternativa que explica e salienta os esfor?os proativos e cotidianos do indiv?duo para alterar seu contexto de trabalho. No Brasil, a pesquisa em job crafting encontra-se em est?gio inicial. Foram empreendidos cinco estudos diferentes e interconectados que buscaram aprofundar o conhecimento te?rico e emp?rico sobre o job crafting e avan?ar sua pesquisa no Brasil. O primeiro estudo apresenta uma revis?o sistem?tica da produ??o cient?fica internacional sobre o job crafting. Verificou-se um crescimento de publica??es cient?ficas sobre o construto, impulsionado pelo desenvolvimento de medidas. Constatou-se a aus?ncia de produ??o no nosso contexto e a necessidade de adaptar medidas para aferir o construto e impulsionar a pesquisa emp?rica sobre o job crafting no Brasil. O segundo estudo introduz teoricamente a tem?tica e objetivou atender ? necessidade de contribuir com um cap?tulo sobre job crafting para um livro ainda in?dito no Brasil1. O cap?tulo situa a abordagem do job crafting, revisa sua conceptualiza??o na literatura internacional, descreve o estado da arte na avalia??o do construto, retrata os principais antecedentes e desfechos do job crafting de acordo com recentes estudos emp?ricos, e discute alguns benef?cios e implica??es pr?ticas. O terceiro estudo apresenta a adapta??o e valida??o do Job Crafting Questionnaire para o contexto brasileiro. Conduziu-se dois estudos com profissionais no Brasil para investigar a estrutura interna do instrumento por meio de t?cnicas explorat?rias e confirmat?rias. Os resultados indicaram que o instrumento apresentou caracter?sticas psicom?tricas adequadas, sendo uma medida v?lida para avalia??o do job crafting em popula??es gerais no Brasil. O quarto estudo apresenta uma revis?o sistem?tica e uma metan?lise sobre a rela??o do job crafting com o bem-estar. Corroborou-se a rela??o positiva entre ambos construtos. Constatou-se um maior efeito do job crafting sobre a dimens?o positiva do bem-estar. Verificou-se a exist?ncia de uma diferen?a significativa entre o efeito do job crafting nas medidas de bem-estar ocupacionais e gerais, indicando um melhor desempenho destas ?ltimas. Por fim, apresenta-se um estudo explorat?rio sobre o modelo de recursos e demandas no trabalho no contexto brasileiro. Valendo-se da t?cnica de an?lise de redes, foram investigadas as rela??es previstas no modelo de recursos e demandas no trabalho, entre as vari?veis de condi??es de trabalho, engajamento no trabalho, job crafting e bem-estar. Os resultados corroboram algumas rela??es previstas no modelo te?rico. Por?m o job crafting, apesar de preditor do engajamento no trabalho, n?o aconteceu em virtude das condi??es de trabalho (recursos e demandas). Este achado indica a necessidade de investigar outros precedentes de natureza intr?nseca do job crafting. Estes cinco produtos da disserta??o avan?am o conhecimento sobre a pesquisa em job crafting no Brasil.
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工作負荷及直屬主管支持對員工擔任師父意願影響之探討 / The Effects of Workload and Perceived Supervisor Support on the Willingness to Mentor陳思妤, Chen, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去學者探究員工擔任師父意願,或以個人特質、或以情境因素,皆以個人層次的性格因素探討其對擔任師父意願的影響程度。然而此研究取向結果累積,無法有系統架構地了解其對員工擔任師父意願的影響,並找到組織的施力點。故本研究以「工作要求-資源模型」為基礎,探討工作情境中的工作負荷量與知覺主管支持兩因素對於員工擔任師父意願之影響。本研究首先探討工作要求能否藉由增加員工的耗竭感,而減低員工擔任師父意願。其次探討工作資源是否能透過增加員工的工作敬業,進而提升員工擔任師父意願。此外,藉由比較工作要求-資源模型之雙歷程模式,以統計方法進行重要性比較,了解兩途徑對於員工擔任意願的影響程度相對大小。此研究結果可提供未來情境因素影響擔任師父意願研究之參考,實務上則能為組織提升員工擔任師父意願所用。並研究結果顯示,工作耗竭感完全中介工作負荷量與員工擔任師父意願間的關係,工作敬業對知覺主管支持與擔任師父意願間關係的中介並不顯著。其討論與應用則於後續章節探討。 / The past mentor topics mostly discussed the influence of personality on willingness to mentor. But with this approach, the authorities would not be able to intervene the mentoring program from the policy or program design so that the authorities could not improve current status of the organizational training. This research would base on theory of Job Demand-Resource model to integrate the work situational factors, such as workload and supervisor’s support, to predict the influence on the willingness to mentor. Also the other emphasis is to weight the two different work situational factors to value the importance between the situational factors and employees’ willingness to mentor. The result shows the job exhaustion directly mediate the workload and the willingness to mentor. However, the mediation effect of work engagement is not significant between the supervisor’s support and the willingness to mentor. The Job Demand-Resource model can be further applied in the area of mentoring willingness. Besides, the control variable of personality, altruism, has consistent effect on each of the research variables.
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What does a bioenergetic network approach tell us about the functioning of ecological communities?Delmas, Eva 05 1900 (has links)
Les perturbations auxquelles font face les communautés écologiques, du fait des activités humaines, sont à l'origine de changements profonds dans ces communautés. Nombreuses caractéristiques des espèces sont altérées, de leur physiologie à leur occurrence même. Ces changements se répercutent sur la composition, la diversité et la structure des communautés, puisque les espèces n'interagissent pas tout le temps de la même manière en fonction des conditions. Prévoir le devenir de ces communautés émergentes, et des fonctions qu'elles soutiennent est un défi central de l'écologie et de nos sociétés.
Différents cadres conceptuels ont été utilisés pour relever ce défi, basés sur différents mécanismes écologiques, et ont divergé en plusieurs domaines. D'un côté, l'analyse des chaînes trophiques utilise la consommation pour expliquer les effets de la diversité verticale (le nombre de niveaux trophiques) sur le fonctionnement, et de l'autre côté, les analyses biodiversité-fonctionnement lient compétition et effets de la diversité horizontale (la diversité au sein des niveaux trophiques isolés). Chacun de ces domaines a produit des résultats clés pour comprendre les conséquences fonctionnelles des changements de composition et diversité des communautés écologiques. Cependant, ils sont chacun basés sur différentes simplifications fortes des communautés.
L'hypothèse qui sous-tend cette thèse est que la réconciliation en un même cadre de travail des résultats fondamentaux de ces champs conceptuels divergents, ainsi que des effets des changements de structure de la biodiversité, est une étape clé pour pouvoir améliorer notre compréhension du fonctionnement de communautés écologiques en changement.
L'essor récent des méthodes d'analyse des réseaux trophiques, et des modèles permettant de simuler le fonctionnement de ces réseaux trophiques offre un cadre idéal pour cette réconciliation. En effet, les réseaux trophiques cartographient les échanges de matière entre toutes les espèces d'une communauté, permettant la mise en place d'interactions variées. Ils reflètent mieux la réalité complexe des communautés que les chaînes trophiques ou leurs niveaux trophiques isolés en intégrant notamment compétition et consommation. Un modèle ressource-consommateur bioénergétique classique, développé par Yodzis et Innes (1992), permet d'en simuler le fonctionnement, en intégrant des mécanismes et taux testés empiriquement.
Au-delà d'utiliser ces outils, cette thèse se concentre aussi sur leur évaluation. Après un premier chapitre d'introduction, le second chapitre propose une plateforme ouverte, commune, solidement testée et efficace pour l'utilisation du modèle bioénergétique, permettant ainsi une synthèse plus rapide et aisée des résultats. Le troisième chapitre est une revue du corpus méthodologique d'analyse des réseaux trophiques, proposant une gamme de méthodes robustes et informatives, et soulignant leur domaine d'application et leurs limites. Enfin le quatrième chapitre met ce cadre méthodologique à l'épreuve. Dans ce chapitre, nous montrons l'existence d'une relation entre la complexité de la structure du réseau trophique des communautés et leur régime de fonctionnement, se traduisant par la réalisation de différentes prédictions issues de l'analyse des chaînes trophiques ou des analyses diversité-fonctionnement. Cette mise en évidence des conditions structurelles pour la réalisation de différentes prédictions nous permet de mieux comprendre quels mécanismes écologiques prédominent selon différentes conditions, dirigeant l'effet de la diversité sur le fonctionnement. / Human-driven disturbances are causing profound changes in ecological communities, as many characteristics of species are altered, from their physiology to their very occurrence. These changes affect the composition, diversity and structure of communities, since species do not always interact in the same way under different conditions. Predicting the fate of these emerging communities, and the functions they support, is a central challenge for ecology and our societies.
Diverging conceptual frameworks have been used to address this challenge, based on different ecological mechanisms. On the one hand, food chain analysis uses consumption to explain the effects of vertical diversity (the number of trophic levels) on functioning, and on the other hand, biodiversity-functioning analyses link competition and the effects of horizontal diversity (diversity within isolated trophic levels). Each of these domains has produced key results for understanding the functional consequences of changes in the composition and diversity of ecological communities. However, they are each based on different strong simplifications of communities.
The hypothesis underlying this thesis is that reconciling the fundamental results of these divergent conceptual fields, as well as the effects of changes in the structure of biodiversity, into a single framework is a key step towards improving our understanding of the functioning of changing ecological communities.
The recent development of food web analysis and of models to simulate food webs functioning provides an ideal framework for this reconciliation. Food webs map the exchange of matter between all species in a community, allowing for a variety of interactions to take place. They better reflect the complex reality of communities than food chains or their isolated trophic levels, notably by integrating competition and consumption. A classical consumer-resource bioenergetic model developed by Yodzis and Innes (1992) specifically makes it possible to realistically simulate their functioning, using empirically tested mechanisms and rates.
Beyond using these tools, this thesis focuses on their evaluation and implementation. After a first, introductory chapter, the second chapter proposes an open, common, well-tested and efficient platform for the use of the bioenergetic model, allowing a faster and easier synthesis of the results. The third chapter is a review of the methodological corpus for ecological networks analysis, outlining a range of robust and informative methods, and highlighting their scope and limitations. Finally, the fourth chapter puts this methodological framework to the test. In this chapter, we show the existence of a relationship between the complexity of communities' food-web structure and functioning regime, resulting in the realization of different predictions from food chain analysis or diversity-functioning analyses. This demonstration of the structural conditions for the realization of different predictions allows us to better understand which ecological mechanisms predominate under different conditions, directing the effect of diversity on functioning.
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