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AB „ORLEN Lietuva“ elektros variklių savilaidos sistemos modernizavimas / Modernization of Electrical Motors Restart System at Company “ORLEN Lietuva”Lukošius, Evaldas 23 August 2013 (has links)
Šis darbas yra apie elektros variklių savilaidos sistemą. Suprojektuota sistema gali būti naudojama bet kurioje įmonėje, kur reikalingos elektros variklių savilaidos sistemos. Šios sistemos užtikrina pakartotiną elektros variklių paleidimą po trumpalaikio įtampos kritimo ar dingimo. Viskas vykdoma automatiškai, pagal iš anksto užprogramuotą algoritmą. / This article is about electrical motors restart system. The system projected may be used in any company where electrical motors restart systems are necessary. These systems shall ensure repeated start-up of electrical motors after short-term voltage drop and disappearing. Everything is being implemented automatically in accordance with algorithm that was programmed in advance.
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Seamless Kernel UpdatesSiniavine, Maxim 27 November 2012 (has links)
Kernel patches are frequently released to fix security vulnerabilities and bugs. However, users and system administrators often delay installing these updates because they require a system reboot, which results in disruption of service and the loss of application state. Unfortunately, the longer an out-of-date system remains operational, the higher is the likelihood of a system being exploited.
Approaches, such as dynamic patching and hot swapping, have been proposed for updating the kernel. All of them either limit the types of updates that are supported, or require significant programming effort to manage.
We have designed a system that checkpoints application-visible state, updates the kernel, and restores the application state. By checkpointing high-level state, our system no longer depends on the precise implementation of a patch and can apply all backward compatible patches. The results show that updates to major kernel releases can be applied with minimal changes.
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Reator anaeróbio alimentado com vinhaça de cana-de-açúcar: avaliação dos efeitos causados pela interrupção na alimentação e estratégias para mitigação / Anaerobic reactor fed with sugarcane vinasse: evaluation of the effects caused by interruption in feeding and strategies for mitigationMoara Yuri Utino Barbosa 04 August 2017 (has links)
O tratamento biológico anaeróbio aparece como uma opção importante para remover a carga orgânica poluidora da vinhaça, e vem despertando interesse entre pesquisadores do mundo todo devido aos sucessos já alcançados, principalmente em trabalhos científicos. O interesse científico aponta para o aprimoramento do processo de degradação desse efluente em taxas elevadas, além de promover a produção de biogás, com potencial para produção de energia. A tecnologia de tratamento anaeróbio mais utilizada para o tratamento da vinhaça é o reator UASB, apresentando resultados satisfatórios inclusive em unidades em escala plena. A interrupção do funcionamento do reator em períodos de entressafra é, indubitavelmente, um problema a ser enfrentado na operação do reator UASB, cujo período de partida é lento. A repartida do sistema é agravada nos reatores de alta taxa, requerendo estratégias adequadas para reduzir o período necessário permitindo mitigar prontamente os efeitos do aporte de vinhaça ao ambiente e recuperar energia a partir dessa matriz. Diante disso, um reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB) em escala piloto foi utilizado para o estudo da repartida do sistema e do tratamento da vinhaça e do melaço, sendo o último utilizado como fonte de carbono no período relativo à entressafra. O reator UASB foi operado durante 335 dias. Na Fase I utilizou-se a vinhaça como afluente, na Fase II o melaço de cana-de-açúcar e na Fase III novamente a vinhaça. Após período de interrupção de 30 dias, o período de repartida do sistema em estudo foi de 69 dias. Logo no início da repartida do reator, a eficiência de remoção de DQO foi superior a 80%, alcançando eficiência de 89,95 % em apenas oito dias de operação. O reator UASB apresentou valor médio de eficiência de remoção de DQO para as Fases I (vinhaça), II (melaço) e III (vinhaça) de 84 ± 3,35%; 82 ± 5,12% e 80 ± 9,22%, para cargas aplicadas de 5 a 34 kgDQO.m-3.d-1, 33 kgDQO.m-3.d-1 e 5 a 19 kgDQO.m-3.d-1, respectivamente. Em relação à produção de metano, de todo o período operacional, a Fase I referente à repartida do reator utilizando vinhaça como substrato após um mês sem alimentação foi a que apresentou a maior produção média no período, 7,93 LCH4. (L.d) -1, devido aos maiores valores de carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) aplicadas (5 a 34 kgDQO.m-3.d-1). A Fase II referente ao período de entressafra utilizando o melaço, foi de 7,28 LCH4. (L.d) -1 devido ao acúmulo de ácidos voláteis totais. A Fase III com retorno da safra utilizando a vinhaça, foi de 1,23 LCH4. (L.d) -1 devido aos menores valores de carga aplicada ao reator (5 a 8,5 kgDQO.m-3.d-1). As análises microbiológicas mostraram elevada diversidade microbiana e permitiu observar que com a utilização do melaço ocorreu alteração da população de microrganismos presente no reator, que apresentaram longo período de adaptação quando submetidos novamente à vinhaça, na última fase de operação. De forma geral, os resultados apontam que a tecnologia UASB é adequada no tratamento de vinhaça e melaço de alta carga orgânica e na geração de biogás. A substituição por melaço permitiu obter produção de biogás semelhante ao uso da vinhaça, entretanto dificultou a repartida, quando substituído pela vinhaça novamente (Fase III). / Biological anaerobic treatment systems are a promising approach for the removal of organic loading content of vinasse. Previous studies have demonstrated the optimization of the vinasse degradation process at high rates, promoting the biogas production with potential for energy use. Upflow anaerobic with sludge blanket (UASB) is the most applied anaerobic technology for the treatment of vinasse. Such reactor configuration presents satisfactory results even in full-scale units. The interruption of reactor operation during the off-season is undoubtedly an operational problem to be faced, whose restarting period is slow. The system restarting is intensified in high-rate reactors, requiring adequate strategies to reduce the time needed to mitigate the environmental effects of vinasse supply and to recover energy from that matrix. Therefore, a pilot-scale UASB was used to investigate the system restart and the treatment of vinasse and molasses. Sugarcane molasses was used as the carbon source during the off-season period. The system was operated during 335 days. The operational procedure consisted of three phases, in which different streams were used as carbon source: vinasse (Phases I), sugarcane molasses (Phases II) and vinasse (Phases III). After an interruption period of 30 days, the restarting period was 69 days. At the beginning of the restarting period, the average COD removal efficiency was higher than 80%, reaching COD removal efficiencies of 89.95% in only eight days of operation. The average COD removal efficiencies for Phases I (vinasse), II (molasses) and III (vinasse) were 84 ± 3.35%; 82 ± 5,12% and 80 ± 9,22%, respectively. Those removal efficiencies were achieved with organic loading rate 5 to 34 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 , 33 kgCOD.m-3.d-1 and 5 to 19 kgCOD.m-3.d-1, respectively. Regarding methane (CH4) production, Phase I (vinasse as substrate after one month without feeding) presented the highest average CH4 production (7.93 LCH4. (L.d) -1), due to the higher values of OLR (5 to 34 kgCOD.m-3.d-1). The CH4 production during Phase II (off-season using molasses as substrate) was 7.28 LCH4. (L.d) -1, due to the accumulation of volatile fatty acids (VFA). In Phase III, in which vinasse was applied again as substrate the CH4 production was 1.23 LCH4.(L.d)-1, due to the lower values of organic loading rate to the reactor (5 to 8.5 kgCOD.m-3.d-1). Microbiological analyses showed high microbial diversity in biomass developed at UASB reactor. Moreover, it was possible to observe that with molasses used as carbon source probably promotes changes in the microorganisms population, After period with molasses feeding, such microbiota presented a long adaptation period when resubmitted to vinasse, as the main carbon source in the feeding. In general, the results indicate that the UASB configuration was adequate for the vinasse and molasses treatment at high organic loading rate, resulting in high biogas production. In which the feeding with sugarcane molasses resulted in a biogas production similar to that obtained by vinasse feeding, but it made it difficult to divide when replaced by vinasse (Phase III).
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Study of the Mechanistic Features of DNA Replication Restart in Neisseria GonorrhoeaeSunchu, Bharath 21 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimizing Checkpoint/Restart and Input/Output for Large Scale ApplicationsJami, Masoud 15 November 2024 (has links)
Im Bereich von Exascale Computing und HPC sind Fehler nicht gelegentlich. Sondern treten sie regelmäßig während der Laufzeit von Anwendungen auf. Die Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen ist wichtig, um die Zuverlässigkeit der Supercomputing-Anwendung zu verbessern. Checkpoint/Restart ist eine Technik, die in HPC verwendet wird, um die Ausfallsicherheit bei Ausfällen zu verbessern. Dabei wird der Status einer Anwendung regelmäßig auf der Festplatte gespeichert, sodass die Anwendung bei einem Ausfall vom letzten Checkpoint aus neu gestartet werden kann. Checkpointing kann jedoch zeitaufwändig sein insbesondere hinsichtlich I/O. Daher ist die Optimierung des C/R-Prozesses wichtig, um seine Auswirkungen auf die Anwendungsleistung zu reduzieren und die Job-Resilienz zu verbessern. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit erforscht und entwickelt innovative Techniken im Bereich des C/R-Managements im HPC-Kontext. Dazu gehört die Entwicklung eines neuartigen C/R-Ansatzes, die Entwicklung eines Modells für mehrstufiges C/R, und die Optimierung der gemeinsamen Nutzung von Burst-Puffer für C/R in Supercomputern. C/R-Prozeduren erzeugen umfangreiche I/O-Operationen. Daher ist eine Optimierung der I/O-Prozesse zwingend erforderlich. Um den C/R-Prozess zu optimieren, ist es auch wichtig, das I/O-Verhalten einer Anwendung zu verstehen, einschließlich der Menge an Daten, die geschrieben werden müssen, wie oft Checkpoints genommen werden sollten und wo die Checkpoints gespeichert werden sollen. Daher untersuchen und stellen wir im zweiten Teil Innovationen von Ansätzen für I/O-Modellierung und -Management. Dazu gehört die Entwicklung eines Plugins für GCC, das das optimale Speichergerät für die I/O von Anwendungen basierend auf ihrem durch Pragma-Vorstellungen definierten Verhalten auswählt, und die Entwicklung eines Modells zur Schätzung der I/O-Kosten Anwendungen unter Linux unter Berücksichtigung von Seitenverwaltung und Prozessdrosselung. / In the context of exascale computing and HPC, failures are not occasional but rather inherent, occurring during the runtime of applications. Addressing these challenges is essential to enhance the resilience and reliability of supercomputing operations. Checkpoint/Restart (C/R) is a technique used in HPC to improve job resilience in the case of failures. This involves periodically saving the state of an application to disk, so that if the application fails, it can be restarted from the last checkpoint. However, checkpointing can be time-consuming and significantly impact application performance, particularly regarding its I/O operations. Therefore, optimizing C/R is crucial for reducing its impact on application performance and improving job resilience. The first part of this work develops novel techniques in C/R management within the context of HPC. This includes developing a novel C/R approach by combining XOR and partner C/R mechanisms, developing a model for multilevel C/R in large computational resources, and optimising the shared usage of burst buffers for C/R in supercomputers. C/R procedures generate substantial I/O operations, emerging as a bottleneck for HPC applications. Hence, the need for optimization in I/O processes becomes imperative to overcome this bottleneck. To optimize the C/R process, it is also important to understand the I/O behavior of an application, including how much data needs to be written, how frequently checkpoints should be taken, and where to store the checkpoints to minimize I/O bottlenecks. Hence, in the second part, we investigate and introduce innovative techniques and approaches for I/O modeling and management. This includes developing a plugin for GNU C Compiler (GCC) that selects the optimal storage device for the I/O of applications based on their behavior that is defined by Pragma notions, and developing a model to estimate I/O cost of applications under Linux considering page management and process throttling.
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Helicases and DNA dependent ATPases of Sulfolobus solfataricusRichards, Jodi D. January 2008 (has links)
DNA is susceptible to various types of damage as a result of normal cellular metabolism or from environmental sources. In order to maintain genome stability a number of different, partially overlapping DNA repair pathways have evolved to tackle specific lesions or distortions in the DNA. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is highly conserved throughout eukarya, bacteria and archaea and predominantly targets lesions that result from exposure to UV light, for example cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts. The majority of archaea possess homologous of the eukaryotic repair genes and this thesis describes the isolation and the characterization of two XPB homologues identified in the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, SsoXPB1 and SsoXPB2. Human XPB is one of 10 proteins that make up the TFIIH transcription complex. The activity of XPB is tightly controlled by protein interactions, in particular with p52, which stimulates the ATPase activity of XPB. Rather than a conventional helicase, human XPB is thought to act as an ATP dependent conformational switch. Consistent with human XPB, however, the S. solfataricus proteins were unable to catalyse strand separation and the identification of an archaeal protein partner, Bax1, for SsoXPB2 was one of the focuses of this project. In order to maintain genome stability, the DNA must be replicated accurately with each cell cycle. When the advancing replication fork stalls at a lesion or a DNA break, it is crucial that the fork is reset and that replication continues to completion. The helicase Hel308 is thought to clear the lagging strand template of a stalled replication fork in order for replication restart to proceed via homologous recombination (HR). Although the specific function of Hel308 is not well understood, the possibilities are described in this thesis. Strand exchange proceeds to form a D-loop, followed by branch migration to increase regions of heterology during the synapsis stage of HR. No motors for branch migration have previously been recognised in archaea, although the identification of a possible candidate was investigated during this project.
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Investigating the recombinational response to replication fork barriers in fission yeastJalan, Manisha January 2016 (has links)
Timely completion of DNA replication in each cell cycle is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity. This is often challenged by the presence of various replication fork barriers (RFBs). On collision with a RFB, the fate of the replication fork remains uncertain. In some cases, the integrity of the fork is maintained until the barrier is removed or the fork is rescued by merging with the incoming fork. However, fork stalling can cause dissociation of all of the associated replication proteins (fork collapse). If this occurs, the cell's recombination machinery can intervene to help restart replication in a process called recombination-dependent replication (RDR). Programmed protein-DNA barriers like the Replication Terminator Sequence-1 (RTS1) have been used to demonstrate that replication fork blockage can induce recombination. However, it remains unclear how efficiently this recombination gives rise to replication restart and whether the restarted replication fork exhibits the same fidelity as an origin-derived fork. It is also unknown whether accidental replication barriers induce recombination in the same manner as programmed barriers. In this study, I introduce recombination reporters at various sites downstream of RTS1 to obtain information on both the fidelity and efficiency of replication restart. I find that unlike break induced replication (BIR), the restarted fork gives rise to hyper-recombination at least 75 kb downstream of the barrier. Surprisingly, fork convergence, rather than inducing recombination, acts to prevent or curtail genetic instability associated with RDR. I also investigate a number of genetic factors that have a role in either preventing or promoting genome instability associated with the progression of the restarted fork. To compare RTS1 with an accidental protein-DNA barrier, a novel site-specific barrier system (called MarBl) was established based on the human mariner transposase, Hsmar1, binding to its transposon end. Replication fork blockage at MarBl strongly induces recombination, more so than at RTS1. This appears to be a general feature of accidental barriers as introduction of the E. coli TusB-TerB site-specific barrier in S. pombe gives rise to a similar effect. Here, I compare and contrast accidental barriers with programmed barriers. I observe that there is very little replication restart, if any, at MarBl measured by direct repeat recombination downstream. This points to the fact that accidental barriers do not trigger fork collapse in the same way as programmed RFBs and that the increased recombination that they cause may be a consequence of the inability of replication forks to terminate correctly, owing to the bi-directional nature of the barrier. Several genetic factors are assessed for their impact on MarBl-induced recombination, which further highlights both similarities and differences with RTS1-induced recombination.
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LAST 20 YEARS OF GAS HYDRATES IN THE OIL INDUSTRY: CHALLENGES AND ACHIEVEMENTS IN PREDICTING PIPELINE BLOCKAGEEstanga, Douglas A., Creek, Jefferson, Subramanian, Sivakumar, Kini, Ramesh A. 07 1900 (has links)
The continuous effort to understand the complicated behavior of gas hydrates in multiphase flow has led to the evolution of a new paradigm of hydrate blockage. The hydrate community continues to debate the impact of kinetics, agglomeration, and oil chemistry effects on hydrate blockage formation in pipelines and wellbores. However, today’s industry for the most part still continues to rely on thermodynamic means to develop strategies to prevent hydrates altogether in its production systems. These strategies such as thermal insulation of equipment, electric heating, dead oil displacement, and methanol injection add CAPEX, OPEX, and operational complexities to system design. In spite of high oil prices, adopting such strategies to mitigate perceived hydrate blockage risk can end up taxing economics of marginal fields.
Developing a comprehensive multiphase flow simulator capable of handling the transient aspects of production operations - shut-in, restart, blowdown and blockage prediction - continues to drive the research in Flow Assurance. New operating strategies based on risk management approach seem to be evolving from the model predictions. A shift in paradigm that allows for operations inside the hydrate region based on sound risk assessment and management principles could be a factor enabling future developments of marginal fields.
This paper discusses the challenges and opportunities that have led to the change in focus from prevention of hydrates to prevention of blockage, and describes some initial successes in the development of a first generation empirical tool for the prediction of hydrate blockages in flow lines. Also presented in this article are new experimental data that shed some light on different ways that hydrate blockages can manifest in the field.
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-06 / The paper objects to analyze the film critic during the period known as the restart (Retomada) of the national cinema. It was chosen the major vehicles in terms of circulation in the southeast region of Brazil, the newspapers O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S.Paulo (São Paulo) and the weekly magazine Veja, in order to make a content analysis of the six biggest box office of the restart period and, after that, check the reception of them by their directors, by semi-structured interviews. The intention is to analyze which conflicts exists in the relation between the film critics and the directors, in order to contribute to a better understanding of those very important elements of the film industry. The confront of the analysis material with the interviews confirmed the hypothesis of the existence of conflicts of values and opinions between both sides and permitted to identify pre-judgments, sympathies and antipathies, emotional and non-based analysis of some film critics and directors, but also based thoughts of others, showing a rich diversity that doesn t fit into just one definition.(AU) / O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a crítica cinematográfica durante o período chamado de Retomada do cinema nacional. Foram escolhidos os maiores veículos de circulação da região Sudeste do País, os jornais O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S.Paulo (São Paulo) e a revista Veja para fazer uma análise de conteúdo das críticas das seis maiores bilheterias da Retomada para, em seguida, conferir a recepção das mesmas pelos diretores desses filmes, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A intenção é analisar quais conflitos permeiam a relação entre os críticos de cinema e os cineastas, a fim de contribuir para o melhor entendimento do trabalho de dois elementos dos mais importantes da área de cinema. O confronto do material da análise com as entrevistas confirmou a hipótese da existência de conflitos de valores e opiniões entre os dois lados e permitiu identificar pré-julgamentos, simpatias e antipatias, análises emotivas e não-fundamentadas de alguns críticos e cineastas, mas também opiniões e valores fundamentados de outros, demonstrando uma rica diversidade que não se encaixa em uma única definição.(AU)
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The thesis deals with unemployment in the district of Ceska Lipa within the period 2007 -- 2011. During this time, two of main employers in the region dismissed large number of its employees. The massive layoffs during the economic crisis meant significant increase in the unemployment rate, especially when a number of vacancies was declining. Thus, labour office in Ceska Lipa decided to use resources from the European Social Fund and implement projects called "Restart for Ceskolipsko" and "Restart means a new chance" The thesis deals with the impact of these project on unemployment in the district, quantifies the costs of projects, how many participants within the projects succeeded or failed to employ. In addition, the aim of this thesis is to find out whether the projects implementation affected the occupational structure in the district, early retirement and the development of labor conditions in the region.
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