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Desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas para glioblastoma através da nanotecnologia e da modulação do sistema imune e sistema purinérgicoFigueiró, Fabrício January 2015 (has links)
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) é o mais comum e mais maligno tumor cerebral. O péssimo prognóstico é parcialmente devido à baixa biodisponibilidade dos quimioterápicos no tecido tumoral, recorrência originada por células precursoras resistentes ao tratamento e um sistema imune comprometido. De fato, linfócitos regulatórios modulam o sistema imune para uma resposta pró-tumoral, tornando ainda mais difícil o tratamento. Nesse contexto, nanocápsulas lipídicas (LNCs) têm sido amplamente estudadas a fim de aumentar especificidade dos fármacos ao tecido tumoral. Metotrexato (MTX) e trans-resveratrol (RSV) possuem ação antitumoral já descrita, mas necessitam doses relativamente altas para ação anti-glioblastoma in vivo. O MTX também possui ação imunossupressora através do aumento de adenosina no meio extracelular. A Adenosina, por sua vez, pode modular tanto células efetoras quanto células regulatórias no microambiente tumoral. Dessa forma, a hipótese apresentada nessa tese é que o RSV e o MTX possam ser mais eficazes quando carreados por nanocápsulas em modelos de GBM. Além disso, buscamos avaliar se o MTX poderia interferir com enzimas do sistema purinérgico. Por fim, pesquisamos como a adenosina poderia modular linfócitos B e T através das enzimas CD39 e ecto-5’-NT/CD73. O RSV em nanocápsulas e o MTX em nanocápsulas (RSV-LNCs e MTX-LNCs) aumentaram a atividade anti-tumoral em relação aos compostos em solução, induzindo parada no ciclo celular e apoptose em células de GBM. O MTX diminuiu a expressão da proteína antiapoptótica BCL-2 e aumentou a caspase-3 ativa, levando as células de GBM à apoptose. Além disso, o MTX aumentou a expressão da enzima ecto-5’-NT/CD73 tanto em células de glioma quanto em linfócitos T presentes no microambiente dos gliomas. Esse aumento da expressão foi acompanhado da diminuição em linfócitos T efetores e T regulatórios. Também, demonstramos que linfócitos B que possuem alta expressão da enzima CD39, tem capacidade supressiva sobre linfócitos efetores. Em conjunto, os resultados apresentados nessa Tese apresentaram possíveis novas alternativas de tratamento e contribuíram para melhor compreender esse maligno câncer cerebral. / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most malignant brain tumor. The awful prognosis is in part due to the low bioavailability of chemotherapy agents in the tumoral tissue, recurrence originated from treatment-resistant progenitor cells and an impaired immune system. Indeed, regulatory lymphocytes modulate the immune system toward a pro-tumoral response, turning the treatment even more difficult. In this sense, lipid-core nanocapsules (LNCs) have been widely studied to raise the drug specificity to the tumor. Methotrexate (MTX) and trans-resveratrol (RSV) have antitumoral activity, but need relatively high doses to the anti-glioblastoma outcome in vivo. MTX has immunosuppressive capability mediated by the increase of adenosine in the extracellular milieu. Adenosine in turn may modulate both effector and regulatory immune cells in the tumoral microenvironment. Thereby, the hypothesis presented is that RSV and MTX may have an antitumor improvement when loaded into LNCs in GBM models. Moreover, we sought to evaluate whether MTX could interfere with purinergic enzymes. Lastly, we evaluated how adenosine could modulate B- and T-lymphocytes through CD39 and ecto-5’NT enzymes. RSV- and MTX-loaded lipid-core nanocapsules (RSV-LNCs or MTX-LNCs) increased their antitumoral outcome in relation to the solution compounds, inducing both cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in GBM cells. MTX decreased the expression of the antiapoptotic protein BCL-2 and increased the active caspase-3, triggering glioblastoma cells to apoptosis. Furthermore, MTX increased the expression of ecto-5’-NT/CD73 in glioma cells and T lymphocytes of the glioma microenvironment. This up-regulation was followed by decreasing in T effector and T regulatory lymphocytes. Also, we further demonstrated that B lymphocytes with high expression of CD39 enzyme can suppress T efector lymphocytes. Also, we further demonstrated that B lymphocytes with high expression of CD39 enzyme can suppress T efector lymphocytes. Taken together, the results presented herein indicate newfound treatment approaches and new knowledge regarding to this deadliest brain tumor.
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Efeitos do resveratrol sobre os parâmetros de viabilidade, proliferação, migração e estresse oxidativo na linhagem celular GRXMartins, Leo Anderson Meira January 2008 (has links)
A fibrose e a cirrose hepática são doenças crônicas do fígado que representam uma das maiores causas de mortalidade humana. A GRX é uma linhagem representativa das células estreladas hepáticas (HSC), que estão associadas ao desenvolvimento da fibrose que, em último estágio, acarreta em cirrose. No fígado saudável, estas células apresentam um fenótipo quiescente ou lipocítico, caracterizado pela sua capacidade de armazenar gotas lipídicas. Danos contínuos ao fígado desencadeiam uma resposta que gera estímulos autócrinos e parácrinos mediados por citocinas e espécies reativas de oxigênio. Este quadro leva a uma modulação destas células ao fenótipo ativado ou miofibroblástico, relacionada com um aumento da capacidade de produzir componentes de matriz extracelular, cuja deposição exagerada configura o estado patológico da fibrose. O resveratrol (RSV - 3,4',5-tri-hidroxi-trans-estilbeno) é uma fitoalexina produzida por algumas espécies de plantas, ao qual são atribuídos inúmeros efeitos benéficos devido a sua capacidade antioxidante, antiproliferativa e pró-apoptótica.Recentemente, tem se discutido um possível efeito pró-oxidante desta molécula em alguns sistemas celulares. O presente estudo mostra que a dose de 50 μM de RSV induziu uma diminuição da viabilidade e da proliferação celular nas células GRX devido a um efeito pró-oxidante observado nas primeiras 24 horas de tratamento. Essas alterações foram atenuadas ao longo de 120 horas de exposição. Observamos um aumento da atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD) e uma diminuição da atividade da catalase (CAT) no grupo que recebeu 50 μM de RSV em 120 horas de tratamento, que resulta em um desequilíbrio na atividade de ambas enzimas e possivelmente gera uma produção alta de H2O2. As células que receberam 50 μM de RSV apresentaram dano mediado por lipoperoxidação, tanto em 24 horas quanto em 120 horas de exposição, embora este parâmetro tenha sido menor no modelo crônico. De maneira complementar, avaliamos os efeitos do RSV sobre os parâmetros de migração das células GRX. Observamos um aumento na capacidade de migração destas células já nas primeiras 8 horas de exposição às doses de 1, 10 e 50 μM de RSV. Estes resultados mostraram que o RSV induz um aumento de migração e uma adaptação das células GRX que sobrevivem ao choque tóxico das primeiras 24 horas. / Fibrosis and hepatic cirrosis are chronic diseases of the liver, standing for one of the highest causes of human mortality. GRX cell line is representative of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) that are associated to fibrosis development which, at its last stage, turns into cirrosis. In a healthy liver, such cells present a quiescent or lipocytic phenotype, characterized by its capacity to store lipid droplets. Continuous injuries to the liver generate autocrine and paracrine stimuli mediated by cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS). This may cause modulation to the activated or myofibroblastic phenotype, related to an increase of cells capacity to produce matrix components which excessive deposition is responsible for the pathologic condition of fibrosis. Resveratrol (RSV - 3,4',5-tri-hidroxi-trans-stilbeno) is a phytoalexin produced by some species of plants. Several beneficial effects are attributed to this molecule due to its antioxidant, antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic capacity. Recently, a possible pro-oxidant effect of this molecule in some cell systems has been put into discussion. The present study shows that 50 μM of RSV induced a decreased cell viability and proliferation of GRX cells due a pro-oxidant effect during the first 24 hours of treatment. These alterations were attenuated during 120 hours of exposure. We observed an increased SOD activity as well as a decreased CAT activity, in the 50 μM RSV-treated group at 120 hours of treatment, leading to an imbalance in the ratio of both enzymes activities, and possibly resulting in an over-production of H2O2. The cells that received 50 μM RSV presented oxidative damage, mediated by lipoperoxidation, at 24 hours as well as at 120 hours, although some of these parameters were smaller in the chronic model. Additionally, we evaluated RSV effects on the GRX cell migration. We observed an increase in the migration capacity of these cells during the first 8 hours of exposition to the 1, 10 and 50 μM RSV. Such results demonstrate that RSV induces migration increase as well as an adaptation of GRX cells which survive the first 24-hour toxic shock.
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Resveratrol : incorporação em nanocápsulas e neuroproteção na toxicidade induzida pelo peptídeo β-amilóideFrozza, Rudimar Luiz January 2012 (has links)
A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é uma devastadora desordem neurológica que afeta mais de 37 milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo, caracterizada pelo progressivo dano cognitivo e pela perda da memória. Estas alterações clínicas são acompanhadas por alterações histológicas cerebrais características da doença, as quais incluem atrofia cerebral, perda de neurônios e disfunção sináptica secundárias à deposição extracelular do peptídeo beta-amilóide (Aβ) e à deposição intracelular de emaranhados neurofibrilares constituídos da proteína tau. Fármacos disponíveis para a terapia da DA apresentam efeito limitado e tratamentos utilizando um único medicamento ou a combinação de terapias que possam efetivamente parar ou modificar o curso da doença ainda não se encontram disponíveis. O resveratrol, um polifenol de origem vegetal, tem atraído considerável interesse devido aos seus potenciais benefícios à saúde humana. Diversos estudos têm demonstrado que o resveratrol possui propriedades anti-amiloidogênicas; entretanto, os efeitos biológicos in vivo do resveratrol são fortemente limitados devido a sua baixa biodisponibilidade, a qual representa uma barreira no desenvolvimento de aplicações terapêuticas do resveratrol. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver uma nova formulação capaz de superar a baixa solubilidade, a limitada estabilidade, a elevada metabolização e a baixa biodisponibilidade do resveratrol e avaliar o seu efeito frente à toxicidade induzida pelo Aβ em modelos in vitro e in vivo. Inicialmente, o isômero trans do resveratrol foi incorporado em nanocápsulas poliméricas de núcleo lipídico (RSV-LNC) e a distribuição destas nanocápsulas nos tecidos cerebral, hepático e renal foi avaliada após a administração intraperitoneal (i.p.) ou por gavagem em ratos saudáveis. As nanocápsulas apresentaram elevada capacidade de encapsulamento do resveratrol e animais tratados com RSV-LNC exibiram maior concentração do resveratrol no cérebro, no fígado e no rim quando comparados aos animais tratados com resveratrol livre (RSV) após administrações diárias pelas vias i.p. ou gavagem. Na sequência, nós comparamos o efeito do tratamento com RSV e RSV-LNC frente à toxicidade induzida pelo Aβ através da exposição de culturas organotípicas de hipocampo ao Aβ1-42 por 48 h. Tanto o tratamento prévio quanto o simultâneo das culturas com RSV ou RSV-LNC reduziram significativamente a morte celular induzida pelo Aβ, com o RSV-LNC apresentando efeito mais pronunciado. O pré-tratamento com ambos, RSV ou RSV-LNC, preveniu a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio; entretanto, o tratamento simultâneo com RSV não protegeu as culturas do dano oxidativo. Ambos os tratamentos, prévio e simultâneo, com RSV-LNC bloquearam a neuroinflamação desencadeada pelo Aβ de maneira sustentada. Além disso, apenas os tratamentos com RSV-LNC foram capazes de aumentar a liberação da IL-10 mesmo na presença do Aβ e prevenir/reduzir a ativação glial e a fosforilação da JNK. Finalmente, nós avaliamos o efeito do resveratrol frente à toxicidade induzida pelo Aβ através da injeção intracerebroventricular do Aβ1-42 em ratos. Nós observamos que os animais que foram injetados com o Aβ1-42 exibiram um significativo défcit na memória, o qual foi acompanhado pela significativa redução nos níveis da sinaptofisina no hipocampo. É importante ressaltar que através do uso das nanocápsulas o resveratrol foi capaz de reduzir estes efeitos deletérios do Aβ1-42 enquanto o tratamento com RSV não foi capaz de proteger da toxicidade induzida pelo Aβ, o que pode ser explicado pelo robusto aumento na biodisponibilidade cerebral do resveratrol atingida pelo uso das nanocápsulas. Adicionalmente, a ativação astrocitária e microglial, bem como fosforilação da JNK desencadeada pelo Aβ foram reduzidas somente após o tratamento com RSV-LNC, enquanto ambos os tratamentos com RSV e RSV-LNC foram capazes de reestabelecer os distúrbios na sinalização mediada pela GSK-3β e a desestabilização da β-catenina desencadeadas pelo Aβ. Juntos, nossos resultados não somente confirmam o potencial do resveratrol no tratamento dos processos neurodegenerativos como também oferecem uma via efetiva para melhorar o efeito neuroprotetor do resveratrol através de um sistema nanocarreador. Estes resultados fornecem suporte para futuros estudos objetivando o entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos no efeito neuroprotetor do resveratrol. Além disso, a combinação do resveratrol com o sistema de entrega mediado por nanocápsulas poliméricas de núcleo lipídico abrem novas possibilidades para o tratamento da doença de Alzheimer. / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating neurological disorder that affects more than 37 million people worldwide, characterized clinically by progressive impairments in cognition and memory. These clinical features are accompanied by characteristic histological changes in the brain, which include brain atrophy, loss of neurons and loss of synaptic function secondary to extracellular deposition of amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ) and intracellular deposition of neurofibrillary tangle composed of the microtubule-associated protein tau. Available drugs for AD therapy have small effect sizes and we still not have a single treatment or combination therapy that can effectively stop or reverse the relentless progression of AD. Resveratrol, a naturally occurring polyphenol, has attracted considerable interest for its beneficial potentials for human health. Several studies have been shown that resveratrol is associated with anti-amyloidogenic properties; however, the in vivo biological effects of resveratrol appear strongly limited by its low bioavailability, which is a barrier to the development of therapeutic applications. In this context, the present study was designed to develop a novel resveratrol formulation to overcome its poor solubility, limited stability, high metabolization and weak bioavailability, and to evaluate the effects of resveratrol against in vitro and in vivo Aβ-induced toxicity. Initially, trans-resveratrol was loaded into lipid-core nanocapsules (RSV-LNC) and the nanocapsule distribution in brain, liver and kidney tissues was evaluated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) and gavage routes in healthy rats. Lipid-core nanocapsules showed high entrapment of resveratrol and animals treated with RSV-LNC displayed a higher resveratrol concentration in the brain, the liver and the kidney than those treated with free resveratrol (RSV) after daily i.p. or gavage administration. Next, we compared the effects of RSV and RSV-LNC treatment against Aβ-induced toxicity by expositing organotypic hippocampal cultures to Aβ1-42 by 48 h. Pre- and co-treatment of cultures with both, RSV and RSV-LNC, significantly attenuated Aβ-induced cell death, with RSV-LNC showing somewhat higher potency. Reactive oxygen species formation was prevented by pretreatment with both RSV or RSV-LNC; however, co-treatment with RSV failed to protect cultures from oxidative damage. Pre- and co-treatment with RSV-LNC was able to block the neuroinflammation triggered by Aβ in a sustained pattern. Furthermore, only RSV-LNC treatments were able to increase IL-10 release even in the presence of Aβ, and prevent/decrease glial activation and JNK phosphorylation. Finally, we evaluated the effects of resveratrol against Aβ-induced toxicity by using an intracerebroventricular injection of Aβ1-42 model in rats. We found that Aβ1-42-injected animals showed a significant impairment on learning-memory ability, which was paralleled by a significant decrease in hippocampal synaptophysin levels. Noteworthy, by using lipid-core nanocapsules, resveratrol was able to rescue these deleterious effects of Aβ1-42 while treatment with RSV failed to protect against Aβ-induced toxicity, which can be explained by robust increase of brain bioavailability of resveratrol achieved by lipid-core nanocapsules. Additionally, activated astrocytes and microglial cells, as well as JNK phosphorylation triggered by Aβ was reduced only after RSV-LNC treatment, while both RSV and RSV-LNC treatments were able to restore the disturbance in GSK-3β signaling and destabilization of β-catenin triggered by Aβ. Taken together, our results not only confirm the potential of resveratrol in treating neurodegenerative processes but also offer an effective way to improve the neuroprotective efficiency of resveratrol by nanocarrier delivery system. These findings provide further support for future studies aiming at precisely understanding of mechanisms involved in the neuroprotective effects of resveratrol. Furthermore, the combination of resveratrol and lipidcore nanocapsules-based delivery system may open new avenues for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
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The Role of SirT1 in Resveratrol ToxicityMorin, Katy January 2012 (has links)
SirT1 is a class III histone deacetylase that has beneficial roles in various diseases related to aging such as cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative disease. Resveratrol is a natural compound that mimics most of the beneficial effects attributed to SirT1. Resveratrol has toxicity towards cancer cells and has been reported to be a direct activator of SirT1. Interestingly, SirT1 over-expression has also been reported to be toxic. We set out to determine if resveratrol toxicity is mediated through activation of SirT1. We have assessed resveratrol toxicity in embryonic stem cells and mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEFs) across different SirT1 genotypes. Our data indicates that SirT1 is not implicated in resveratrol toxicity in either normal or transformed MEFs. Thus, resveratrol toxicity does not appear to be mediated by SirT1.
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Resveratrol stimulation of SIRT1 & exogenous delivery of FGF21 mimics metformin's ability to alleviate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by diet-induced obesityNocon, Allison 03 November 2015 (has links)
Metformin has been used clinically since 1957 for its efficacy and safety as therapy for type 2 diabetes. Besides ameliorating hyperglycemia without risk of hypoglycemia, metformin also lowers plasma triglyceride levels. Furthermore, a wealth of data shows that metformin facilitates weight loss in mice as well as humans. Due to its numerous metabolic benefits, researchers and clinicians are interested in the possibility of using metformin as treatment to combat obesity and other metabolic disorders such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Despite being the most commonly prescribed anti-diabetic, metformin’s complete mechanism(s) for weight loss or for lowering glucose and lipids remains an enigma. Our studies show that metformin-treated mice exhibited decreased caloric intake, providing a viable mechanism for metformin to bring about weight loss. Intriguingly, we found that metformin induces PRDM16 to promote browning of iWAT and increase expression of thermogenic genes such as UCP1 and DIO2. However, metformin did not appear to increase energy expenditure. It’s possible that metformin’s effect on energy expenditure was masked since energy expenditure measurements were taken when metformin-treated mice were still losing weight and were in a state of negative energy balance.
Recently, there has been much attention given to AMPK activators as exercise mimetics. Metformin is known to activate AMPK and similarly brings about many beneficial effects as exercise such as alleviation of obesity-induced NAFLD. SIRT1 stimulation by resveratrol and delivery of exogenous FGF21 mimics metformin’s ability to combat obesity and improve NAFLD. Collectively, these results implicate metformin, resveratrol, and exogenous administration of FGF21 as beneficial therapies for weight loss and amelioration of NAFLD.
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Resveratrol Counteracts IL-1β-mediated Impairment of Extracellular Matrix Deposition in 3D Articular Chondrocyte Constructs / Resveratrol wirkt der IL-1β-vermittelten Beeinträchtigung von Extrazellulärmatrix-Deposition in 3D Konstrukten aus artikulären Chondrozyten entgegenFrischholz, Sebastian January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Articular cartilage is an exceptional connective tissue which by a network of fibrillar collagen and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) molecules allows both low- friction articulation and distribution of loads to the subchondral bone (Armiento et al., 2018, Ulrich-Vinther et al., 2003). Because of its very limited ability to self-repair, chondral defects following traumatic injury increase the risk for secondary osteoarthritis (OA) (Muthuri et al., 2011). Still, current OA treatments such as common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and joint replacement primarily address end-stage symptoms (Tonge et al., 2014). As low-grade inflammation plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of OA (Robinson et al., 2016), there is a strong demand for novel therapeutic concepts, such as integrating application of anti-inflammatory agents into cartilage cell- based therapies in order to effectively treat OA affected joints in early disease stages. The polyphenolic phytoalexin resveratrol (RSV), found in the skin of red grapes, berries, and peanuts, has been shown to have effective anti-inflammatory properties (Shen et al., 2012). However, its long-term effects on 3D chondrocyte constructs cultured in an inflammatory environment with regard to tissue quality have remained unexplored so far. Therefore, in this study, pellets made from expanded porcine articular chondrocytes were cultured for 14 days with either the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) (1 - 10 ng/ml) or RSV (50 μM) alone, or a co-treatment with both agents. Constructs treated with chondrocyte medium only served as control. Treatment with IL-1β at 10 ng/ml resulted in a significantly smaller pellet size and reduced DNA content. However, RSV counteracted the IL-1β-induced decrease and significantly enhanced diameter and DNA content. Also, in terms of GAG deposition, treatment with IL-1β at 10 ng/ml resulted in a tremendous depletion of absolute GAG content and GAG/DNA. Again, RSV co-treatment counteracted the inflammatory stimulus and led to a partial recovery of GAG content. Histological analysis utilizing safranin-O staining confirmed these findings. Marked expression of the cartilage-degrading enzyme matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13) was detected in IL-1β-treated pellets, but none upon RSV co- treatment. Moreover, co-treatment of IL-1β-challenged constructs with RSV significantly increased absolute collagen content. However, under non- inflammatory conditions, RSV induced gene expression and protein accumulation of collagen type X, a marker for undesirable hypertrophy. Taken together, in the present thesis, RSV was demonstrated to elicit marked beneficial effects on the extracellular matrix composition of 3D cartilaginous constructs in long-term inflammatory culture in vitro, but also induced hypertrophy under non-inflammatory conditions. Based on these findings, further experiments examining multiple concentrations of RSV under various inflammatory conditions appear desirable concerning potential therapeutic applicability in OA. / Gelenkknorpel ermöglicht als spezielles Bindegewebe aus Kollagenfasern und Glykosaminoglykanen (GAG) sowohl die reibungsarme Beweglichkeit in Gelenken als auch die Lastübertragung auf angrenzende Knochen (Armiento et al., 2018, Ulrich-Vinther et al., 2003). Aufgrund der sehr begrenzten Fähigkeit zur intrinsischen Erneuerung erhöhen chondrale Defekte nach traumatischen Verletzungen das Risiko für sekundäre Arthrose (Osteoarthritis; OA) (Muthuri et al., 2011). Dennoch konzentrieren sich derzeitige Behandlungsansätze, einschließlich nichtsteroidaler Antirheumatika (NSAR) und des operativen Gelenkersatzes, hauptsächlich auf Symptome im Endstadium der Erkrankung (Tonge et al., 2014). Da eine geringgradige Entzündung eine entscheidende Rolle in der Pathogenese der Arthrose spielt (Robinson et al., 2016), besteht ein starker Bedarf an neuartigen Therapiekonzepten, wie der Kombination von anti- inflammatorischen Wirkstoffen mit knorpelzellbasierten Therapien, um von Arthrose betroffene Gelenke in frühen Krankheitsstadien wirksam zu behandeln. Das polyphenolische Phytoalexin Resveratrol (RSV), welches in der Schale roter Weintrauben, in Beeren und Erdnüssen vorkommt, besitzt starke entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften (Shen et al., 2012). Langzeiteffekte auf 3D-Knorpelkonstrukte unter inflammatorischen Bedingungen sind hinsichtlich der Gewebequalität jedoch bislang unerforscht geblieben. Daher wurden in der vorliegenden Studie Pellets aus expandierten porcinen Gelenkknorpelzellen über einen Zeitraum von 14 Tagen entweder mit dem pro-inflammatorischen Zytokin Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) (1 - 10 ng/ml) oder RSV (50 μM) allein, oder mit beiden Agenzien kombiniert behandelt. Konstrukte, welche nur serumfreies Chondrozytenmedium erhielten, dienten als Kontrolle. Die Behandlung mit IL- 1β in einer Konzentration von 10 ng/ml führte zu einem signifikant geringeren Durchmesser der Pellets sowie einem verringerten DNA-Gehalt. RSV wirkte dieser IL-1β-vermittelten Reduktion entgegen und steigerte signifikant sowohl Durchmesser als auch DNA-Gehalt der untersuchten Konstrukte. Auch in Bezug auf die Deposition von GAG-Molekülen führte die Kultur mit IL-1β (10 ng/ml) zu einer massiven Abnahme des absoluten GAG-Gehaltes und der GAG/DNA- Ratio. Abermals wirkte die gleichzeitige Behandlung mit RSV dem Entzündungsreiz deutlich entgegen und resultierte in einer partiellen Wiederherstellung des GAG-Gehaltes. Die histologische Analyse unter Verwendung von Safranin-O-Färbungen bestätigte diese Ergebnisse. Darüber hinaus manifestierte sich eine ausgeprägte Expression des knorpelabbauenden Enzyms Matrix-Metalloproteinase 13 (MMP13) in IL-1β behandelten Pellets, nicht jedoch in denen, die simultan mit RSV behandelt wurden. Außerdem resultierte die gleichzeitige Behandlung von IL-1β-stimulierten Konstrukten mit RSV in einer signifikanten Erhöhung des absoluten Kollagengehaltes. Unter nicht-inflammatorischen Bedingungen induzierte RSV die Genexpression und Proteinakkumulation von Kollagen Typ X, einem Marker für unerwünschte Hypertrophie. Zusammengefasst wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit gezeigt, dass RSV deutliche positive Effekte auf die Extrazellulärmatrix von 3D- Knorpelkonstrukten in einer Langzeit-Entzündungskultur in vitro hervorruft, allerdings unter nicht-inflammatorischen Bedingungen Hypertrophie induziert. Basierend auf diesen Befunden erscheinen weitere Experimente zur Untersuchung unterschiedlicher RSV-Konzentrationen unter verschiedenen Entzündungsbedingungen hinsichtlich einer möglichen therapeutischen Anwendbarkeit bei OA wünschenswert.
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Effect of Wine Phenolics on Cytokine-Induced C-Reactive Protein ExpressionKaur, G., Rao, L. V.M., Agrawal, A., Pendurthi, Usha R. 01 June 2007 (has links)
Background: Elevation of C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in blood was recognized as one of the cardiac disease risk factors. Consumption of wine is shown to reduce the risk from heart disease and improve longevity. Objectives: In the present study, we evaluated the effect of various wine polyphenolic compounds and several active synthetic derivatives of resveratrol on the inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β+IL-6)-induced CRP expression in Hep3B cells. Results: Among the wine phenolics tested, quercetin and resveratrol, in a dose-dependent manner, suppressed cytokine-induced CRP expression. Two of the synthetic derivatives of resveratrol, R3 and 7b, elicited a fiftyfold higher suppressive effect compared with resveratrol. The inhibitory effects of resveratrol and its derivatives on CRP expression were at the level of mRNA production. Investigation of signaling pathways showed that the cytokines induced the phosphorylation of p38 and p44/42 MAP kinases. Inhibitors of p38 and p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation inhibited CRP expression, implicating the involvement of both pathways in cytokine-induced CRP expression. These data revealed a previously unrecognized role of the p44/42 MAPK signaling pathway in CRP expression. Wine polyphenolics or the synthetic compounds of resveratrol did not affect cytokine-activated phosphorylation of these MAPKs. Conclusions: Wine phenolics inhibit CRP expression; however, to do so, they do not utilize the MAPK pathways.
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Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second most leading cause of cancer deaths in American men (www.cancer.org). Most prostate cancer-related deaths are due to the metastatic form of the disease. The 5-year relative survival rate in patient's diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer is just 28%, as compared to 100% in patient's diagnosed with localized prostate cancer. This clearly indicates the lack of effective treatment available for metastatic prostate cancer. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small (18~23 nucleotide long) non-coding RNAs that can influence gene expression by binding to the 3'-untranslated region of coding RNAs at the post-transcriptional level. Some miRNAs has been termed as oncomirs due to their role in promoting tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. One such oncomir is microRNA-21 (miR-21) whose levels are often up-regulated in a number of cancers, including prostate cancer. MiR-21 increases the survival and invasiveness of cancer cells by suppressing its target tumor suppressor genes, namely programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4) and maspin. Thus, drugs which target miR-21 for inhibition could provide novel treatment options for metastatic prostate cancer. Resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) is a polyphenolic phytoalexin found in high quantities in various dietary sources, such as grapes, red wine, berries and peanuts. Various reports have demonstrated a significant role of resveratrol in the management of several old age diseases including cancer. The efficacy of resveratrol as an anti-cancer agent resides in its ability to interfere with cell proliferation and metastasis and enhancement of apoptosis. Resveratrol has been shown to act on several intracellular targets to exert these effects. However, the exact mechanism by which resveratrol mediates its beneficial cancer chemotherapeutic actions are not clear and is the focus of this study. Based on the reported data, we hypothesized that resveratrol mediates its anti-cancer action against metastatic prostate cancer by inhibiting the signaling pathway which involves miR-21 expression and function. To address this hypothesis, we show that resveratrol decreased cell viability, migration and invasiveness of androgen-receptor negative and highly aggressive human prostate cancer cells, PC-3M-MM2. These effects of resveratrol were associated with the inhibition of miR-21, since over-expression of miR- 21 with pre-miR-21 oligonucleotides attenuated resveratrol's effect on these cells. Additionally, resveratrol increased the expression of tumor suppressors, PDCD4 and maspin, which are negatively regulated by miR-21 and knockdown of PDCD4 by short interfering (si) RNA reversed the resveratrol's effect on prostate cancer cells. PC-3M-MM2 cells also exhibits high levels of phospho-Akt (pAkt), which were reduced by both resveratrol and LY294002, a known PI3-kinase inhibitor. MiR-21 expression in these cells appears to be dependent on Akt, as LY294002 reduced the levels of miR-21 along with a concurrent increase in PDCD4 expression. These in vitro findings were further corroborated in a severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse xenograft model of prostate cancer. Oral administration of resveratrol not only inhibits the tumor growth but also decreased the incidence and number of metastatic lung lesions. These tumor- and metastatic-suppressive effects of resveratrol were associated with reduced miR-21 and pAkt, and elevated PDCD4 levels. Future investigation into the molecular mechanisms revealed that resveratrol suppressed prostate cancer growth by decreasing the levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and its receptor (R). Previous studies had associated elevated levels of serum IGF-1 with high risk of prostate cancer. IGF-1, after binding to its receptors, acts as a potent mitogen which stimulates cancer cell growth and proliferation mainly by activating Akt signaling pathway. Interestingly, this effect of resveratrol on IGF-1/IGF-1R was independent of its effect on miR-21. In summary, our data show that resveratrol exerts its anti-cancer effect on metastatic prostate cancer cells, at least in part, by targeting Akt/miR-21 pathway. These data highlight a potential molecular mechanism for resveratrol's anti-cancer action for the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer and suggest that inhibition of the IGF-1/Akt/miR-21 pathway is a rationale approach for the treatment prostate cancer metastasis.
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Vliv silymarinu, naringinu a resveratrolu na jaterní poškození vyvolané vybranými xenobiotiky / The effect of silymarin, naringin and resveratrol on the liver damage induced by some xenobioticsKovaříková, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
The vast majority of exogenous substances is metabolized in the liver. In the course of the biotransformation, partly biologically non-active products, partly reactive species leading to cell structure injury and even to the liver failure are produced. Oxidative stress plays a significant role in the toxic- and drug-induced liver damage. Endogenous and exogenous antioxidants contribute to equilibrium between the production and the elimination of reactive oxygen species and thus prevent the oxidative stress. In acute experiments in rats we examined the ability of natural antioxidants silymarin, naringin and resveratrol and of synthetic chelator deferipron to protect against liver damage induced by paracetamol, thioacetamide and tamoxifen. The following parameters of oxidative stress were measured in the liver homogenates: level of lipid peroxidation (LP), concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH), activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and of catalase (CAT); in some cases the iron liver content. The following markers of liver damage were measured in serum: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH). Concernig markers of oxidative status, silymarin exerted the most efficient antioxidant properties amelioratig the TAA- and TAM-induced lipid...
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The effect of resveratrol on ultraviolet light-induced skin cell deathGrady, George 27 April 2013 (has links)
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