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Indragningsmekanism för bensin-och dieselpumpar / Hose-mechanism for petrol and diesel pumpsGustavsson, Felix, Stoltz, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is produced in association with the company Dover Fueling Solutions, DFS, that is working towards the goal of developing ideas and solutions to optimize every aspect of the fueling process for vehicle fuel. A recurring problem is that the fuel hose from truck dispensers are left on the ground after being used. This can lead to leakage of fuel and increases the risk of being run over by incomming vehicles. The purpose of this thesis is to prevent that a fuel hose, after being used, remains on the ground and that the components preventing this are developed to resist the correct amount of relevant mechanical stresses. Reasonable choices of material for these components must be selected to resist corrosion since the fuel dispensers are placed outdoors. The scope is to design and perform calculations for an automized retraction of the fuel hose after usage and is achieved with the help of methods such as needs-matrixes, generation of concepts, analysis of solid mechanics and CAD. The result is an extension spring that is mounted in a pylon with a circular cross section that is managing the retraction mechanism of the fuel hose. The demarcations and suggestions for future work in this area are discussed and the use of compression springs are suggested as a potential improvement for the retraction mechanism. / Detta examensarbete görs i sammarbete med företaget Dover Fueling Solutions, DFS, som jobbar med att utveckla idéer och lösningar för att optimera alla aspekter av tankningsprocessen för fordondsbränsle. Ett återkommande problem är att bränsleslangar från lastbilspumpar ligger kvar på marken efter användning. Detta kan leda till läckage av bränsle då inkommande fordon kan komma att köra över slangen. Syftet med detta arbete är att förhindra att lastbilspumpars bränsleslang, efter tankning, ligger kvar på marken och att komponenter som förhindrar detta dimensioneras mot relevanta, mekaniska påfrestningar. Rimliga materialval måste göras så att komponenterna är resistanta mot korrosion då pumparna är placerade utomhus. Målet är att utveckla en automatiserad indragning av bränsleslangen och genomförs med hjälp av metoder som konceptgenerering, behovsmatriser, hållfasthetsberäkningar och CAD. Resultatet är en dragfjäder monterad i en mast med cirkulärt tvärsnitt som hanterar indragningen av bränsleslangen. Avgränsningar och försslag på framtida arbeten diskuteras och tryckfjädrar nämns som en potentiell förbättring för indragningsmekanismen.
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Concept development and design ofretractable hydrofoil systems / Konceptutveckling och design avinfällbara bärplanssystemLundin, Andreas, Löfstedt Eriksson, Richard January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS) is a non-profit organisation which performs themajority of rescue missions on Swedish waters. SSRS together with many other companies arecurrently under development of a novel boat design which is battery powered. This leads to aspecific challenge of shorter available reach compared to the traditional diesel engine poweredboats. The solutions is to make use of hydrofoils which enables the potential for the hull to belifted above sea level and reduce drag resistance by up to 80% The purpose of the project was to through a broad background study, develop systems that allowretraction and extension of the hydrofoil from the hull of the boat. After generating 10 concepts,these were evaluated by performing an elimination- and decision matrix. Two concepts werechosen to be further developed. The two concepts were in many aspects similar in regards tocomponents and the outline of them except one was actuated by a multi-stage hydraulic cylinderand the other by a servo motor and roller screw. Analytical calculations, choice- anddimensioning of components and FE-analysis in NX Nastran were done in the furtherdevelopment-stage. It was found that both solutions were viable options to integrate as hydrofoil extension andretraction mechanisms on an electric boat. After completion and interpretation of the results itwas concluded that an electromechanical solution would be prefered to use as the underlyingtechnology for the lifting mechanism. / Svenska sjöräddningssällskapet (SSRS) är en ideell organisation som utför majoriteten avräddningsuppdrag i Sverige. SSRS tillsammans med flera andra företag är under utveckling aven ny båtdesign som ska drivas av el, vilket leder till en specifik utmaning i form av en kortaretillgänglig körsträcka gentemot den traditionellt drivna motorbåten. Lösningen är att använda sigutav s.k. bärplan, vilket möjliggör skrovet på båten att lyftas över vattenytan och reducerarfriktionskrafterna med upp till 80%. Projektet gick ut på att genom en bred bakgrundsstudie utveckla koncept av system som tillåterin- och utfällning av detta bärplan från båtens skrov. Efter en generering av 10 varierandekoncept sållades dessa ut genom en eliminerings- samt beslutsmatris. Två av dessa konceptvaldes att utveckla vidare. Dessa två koncept var i många hänseenden identiska i utformning avkomponenter med skillnaden att den ena var driven av en teleskopisk, 2-stegs, dubbelagerandehydraulcylinder och den andra med en servomotor och rullskruv för att utföra linjär rörelse.Analytiska beräkningar, urval och dimensionering av komponenter samt FE-analyser i NXNastran gjordes i vidareutvecklingen av koncepten. Båda koncepten visade sig vara lämpliga alternativ i tillämpningen som mekanism till ett ut- ochinfällbart bärplanssystem på en eldriven båt. Efter slutsats och tolkning av resultatet framgick detatt den elektromekaniska lösningen nog skulle vara den mest lämpliga teknologin bakomlyftmekanismen.
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Comparison of Visual vs. Microscopic Methods to Detect Blood Splatter from an Intravascular Catheter with Engineered Sharps Injury Protection (ESIP)Ansari, Aiysha R. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Intravascular devices with engineered sharps injury protection (ESIP) are designed to reduce sharps injuries, but have not been investigated for blood splatter potential. In this laboratory-based experiment, which did not use human subjects, 100 intravenous catheters of the same type with a retraction mechanism, were tested for blood splatter. Once blood was obtained from a simulated brachial vein containing mock venous blood, the devices were placed in a testing chamber and scientific filters labeled A, B & C were used to capture blood splatter after activation. The blood splatter was examined visually and microscopically, and the filters were weighed pre- and post-activation on an analytical scale. The research questions in this study were: 1) do retractable intravenous devices produce blood splatter, and 2) does blood splatter frequency differ between visual methods vs. microscopy?
The differences in filter mass, visual inspection, and microscopic analysis for presence of blood on filters were the units of analysis. Descriptive statistics, paired t-tests to determine pre and post activation filter weights and kappa statistics to assess degree of agreement between methods were used to analyze the data. For filters B and C, the proportions with blood detected by the naked eye were 12 and 13% respectively. However, for filter A, both visual and microscopic methods detected blood splatter on 70% and 71% of the time respectively. In addition, a statistically significant difference was observed in the mean mass of filter A between pre- and post-activation confirmed by the naked eye (t= - 0.0013, p= 0.01400) and confirmed microscopically (t= - 0.00014, p=0.0092). Substantial agreement between methods was observed for filter A (kappa=0.78; 95% CI: 0.64-0.92), filter B (kappa= 0.73; 95% CI: 0.51-0.95) and filter C (kappa= 0.75; 95% CI: 0.55-0.96). However, in 7 instances (7%), blood was detected by microscopy but not by the naked eye on filters A (5 %), B (1%), and C (1%), respectively. Also, in 6 instances (6%), blood was detected by the naked eye but now by microscopy on filter B (3%), and filter C (3%). Consequently, there is potential for a total of 13 % blood splatter.
The findings indicate potential for bloodborne pathogen exposure with use of a specific retractable intravascular catheter. The finding that blood splatter was detected by microscopy in 7% of the instances has important occupational health implications. Healthcare workers (HCWs) may not be able to detect this blood splatter when it occurs and may not report a splash to mucous membranes or non-intact skin. This study therefore reinforces the need for HCWs to wear personal protective equipment, such as masks, face shields, goggles, when using intravascular catheters with retractable mechanisms. It is recommended that the research protocol used in this study be replicated by other investigators and tested on all brands of retractable intravascular devices.
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