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Reproductive Timing of Passerines in Urbanizing LandscapesShustack, Daniel P. 10 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Bioindicadores de qualidade do solo em um gradiente de restauração ambiental / Soil quality bioindicators of an environmental restoration gradientVasconcellos, Rafael Leandro de Figueiredo 29 June 2012 (has links)
Impactos ambientais podem interferir nas características da biomassa microbiana, no processo de ciclagem de nutrientes, nas características físicoquímicas e também na diversidade da microbiota e da macrofauna. O objetivo desse trabalho foi conhecer as diferentes interações entre estes atributos e identificar os indicadores da qualidade do solo envolvidos com o tempo de recuperação. Três áreas com estágios diferentes de recuperação (5, 10 e 20 anos) foram comparadas com uma floresta Estacional Semidecídua nativa (NT) com intuito de estudar o comportamento da microbiota, da macrofauna e de suas interações com os atributos físico-químicos. Foram coletadas amostras em 15 pontos por áreas, escolhidos aleatoriamente. Dentre os atributos microbiológicos, a maior atividade das enzimas urease, fosfatase ácida e desidrogeanse foi encontrada na área nativa. O mesmo foi constatado para a respiração basal e para o carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana. A análise da estrutura da comunidade de Bacteria, feita a partir de TRFLP, separou as áreas, nativa e de 20 anos de recuperação, das demais, somente no verão. A densidade do solo, a umidade e a microporosidade afetaram negativamente os indicadores microbiológicos do solo, sendo em conjunto com o carbono total do solo os principais fatores discriminantes das áreas. Ocorreu maior presença das espécies de FMA A. spinosa, A. colossica, A. lacunosa, G. decipiens e Gigaspora sp. na área NT e das espécies G. viscosum, A. mellea, A. scrobiculata e S. heterogama na área R05 e G. rosea nas áreas R10 e R20. As principais variáveis ambientais que explicam a relação com as espécies de FMA foram microporosidade, macroporosidade, atividade da fosfatase ácida e densidade, umidade, CBM, NBM e N-NO3. Efeito sazonal sobre as espécies de FMA também foi observado. Maiores valores de proteína do solo relacionada com glomalina (GRSP) foram encontrados no inverno e somente a proteína do solo relacionada com glomalina facilmente extraível (EE-GRSP) separou a área NT das demais. Observou-se, também, alta correlação dessa glicoproteina com os atributos físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Em relação à fauna edáfica ocorreu efeito da sazonalidade e do método de coleta utilizado (armadilhas e monolito). Houve diferença entre os índices de Shanon, Simpson e Pielou somente na época seca, sendo as maiores diferenças nas áreas mais antigas (NT e R20). Maior riqueza foi encontrada ao se utilizar o método de monolito. De acordo com a análise discriminante, Diplopoda foi o principal grupo para as duas épocas e os dois métodos de coleta. Porosidade, densidade basal, umidade, nitrogênio total do solo e atividade das enzimas desidrogenase e urease foram fatores importantes para a separação dos grupos da fauna no gradiente de recuperação ambiental. Esse trabalho mostrou que os atributos biológicos e físicoquímicos de qualidade do solo interagem e se modificam de acordo com a idade das áreas e com a sazonalidade. / Environmental impactation can affect microbial biomass, nutrient cycling, processes, physical-chemical characteristics and also the diversity of microbes and edaphic fauna. The aim of this study was to understand the different interactions between these attributes and to identify the indicators of soil quality involved in the recovery process. Three areas with different stages of recovery [5 (R05), 10 (R10) and 20 (R20) years] were compared with a native semideciduous forest (NT) in order to study the behavior of microbes, macrofauna and their interactions with the physical and chemical attributes. Samples were collected at 15 points in each area. Greater activity of urease, acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase were found in the native area. The same result was found for basal respiration, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN). The structure of Bacteria analyzed by T-RFLP discriminated the native and R20 from R05 and R10, only in the summer. Soil bulk density, humidity and microporosity negatively affected soil microbiological indicators and together with total soil carbon they were the main discriminant factors. A. colossica, A. lacunosa, G. decipiens and Gigaspora sp. were more abundant in NT and the species G. viscosum, A. mellea, A. scrobiculata and S. heterogama in R05 and G. rosea in R10 and R20. Porosity, soil bulk density, humidity, acid phosphatase activity, MBC, MBN and N-NO3 - were the principal environmental variables related to AMF species distribution. Seasonal influences on AMF species were also observed. Higher glomalin related soil protein (GRSP) content was found only in the winter and NT had only EE-GRSP (easly extracted glomalin related soil protein) different from the recovery areas. Correlations among glomalin and physical-chemical and microbiological attributes were observed. Edaphic fauna groups were influenced by seasonality and by sampling methodology (pitfall traps and monoliths). Shannons, Simpsons and the evenness index were significant only in the dry season and in the oldest areas. Richness was higher when the monolith method was used. Diplopoda was the principal group that discriminated the recovery gradient for both seasons and methodologies. Porosity, soil bulk density, humidity, total nitrogen, urease and dehydrogenase were important factors to separate faunal groups. This work showed that biological and physico-chemical soil quality attributes interact and changed according to gradient recovery and seasonality.
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Conservação ou degradação? Diferentes concepções sobre microbacias e práticas de manejo no entorno do Córrego Campestre em Saltinho, SP / Preservation or degradation? Different concepts about watersheds and their management practices in a watershed in the Saltinho County, State of Sao Paulo, BrazilFreixêdas, Valéria Maradei 06 September 2007 (has links)
Apesar de diversos tipos de entidades se voltarem à recuperação das APPs com a justificativa de contribuir para a conservação das bacias hidrográficas, observa-se que a degradação dos ambientes em que vivemos é uma realidade cada dia mais preocupante. As instituições que realizam estes trabalhos e os técnicos que as representam, de forma geral, consideram as populações das áreas rurais apenas como implementadores de suas idéias e práticas, sem entender a real visão que seus interlocutores têm sobre o assunto. Esta proposta de mestrado objetivou realizar um estudo de caso no intuito de contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos voltados à gestão de bacias hidrográficas e a políticas públicas direcionadas à conservação dos recursos naturais. Para isso buscou uma maior compreensão sobre as diferentes concepções a respeito da relação entre água, bacia hidrográfica e mata ciliar e sua influência nas propostas de manejo vigentes em três grupos sociais da bacia do Campestre, Saltinho, SP: a) sitiantes, b) técnicos ligados a projetos de restauração florestal, c) acadêmicos ligados à hidrologia florestal. Os resultados apontaram que os três grupos percebem uma degradação ambiental na bacia, porém, através de três concepções distintas, que fundamentam distintos discursos e práticas para a conservação da qualidade e quantidade de água. Esta situação se mostrou como um dos motivos que vem impedindo um efetivo diálogo entre proprietários rurais e técnicos e interferindo na própria conservação. Isto demonstra que é necessário que se leve em consideração a representação que a população possui sobre seu ambiente, além de outros aspectos sociais fundamentais para sua compreensão, na busca de um efetivo diálogo entre os envolvidos. Isso é essencial para que seja possível caminhar em direção à desejada conservação, que deve ser construída, desde sua concepção até sua implementação, sempre de forma compartilhada. / Several Institutions are involved with the recovery of the "buffer zones", aimed at contributing to watershed conservation because of the continuing degradation of our environment. In general rural areas populations are taken into account by the Institutions responsible for these works as well as their representatives, but as only as recipient of their ideas and practices, not taking into consideration their own needs and views of the situation. This Master thesis main objective was to work on a case study with the aim to improve watershed management knowledge as well as establish public policies towards the conservation of natural resources. For this purpose a comparative analysis was made with three human social groups of the Campestre creek watershed (Saltinho County, State of Sao Paulo). These three groups were a) the rural land owners, b) technicians and c) scholars who are linked with forest hydrology. The results pointed out that all these groups do known that an environmental degradation of the creek is taking place but always differ according to different concepts about water, watersheds and riparian forests interrelation. These different perceptions establish the distinct practices on the usage of the natural resources. This can be considered one of the causes that prevents an effective dialogue between rural land owners and technicians. This is one of the causes interfering in the very objective of conservation itself. Thus it has been demonstrated that it is important to search for an effective dialogue between all sectors involved, taking into consideration the perception of the communities plus any basic social aspects that may help the technicians to understand the social conservation processes. These need the co-participation of all involved parties in order to effectively construct the desired environmental conservation.
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Efeito dos tratos culturais e qualidade de mudas na restauração florestal de matas ciliares do Rio Tietê em Borborema, SP / Effect the cultural practices and seedlings quality in forest restoration of the Tiete River\'s riparian forests in Borborema, SPPereira, Daniela da Silva 17 September 2012 (has links)
A restauração florestal em matas ciliares é de suma importância para os processos de recuperação de áreas degradadas e conectividade da flora e fauna. O presente experimento foi instalado às margens do reservatório de Borborema - SP, com o objetivo de averiguar o acúmulo de biomassa de trinta espécies arbóreas nativas frente a dois sistemas silviculturais e dois tipos de recipientes de produção de mudas. O ensaio foi instalado em duas áreas com umidade de solo distintas, sendo uma mais seca, sem encharcamento mesmo em períodos chuvosos, outra mais úmida, com encharcamento. Os sistemas de manejo testados foram: i) convencional e operacionalmente utilizado pela empresa AES-Tietê; e ii) potencial, com maior nutrição e maior controle de mato-competição. Os recipientes de produção de mudas testados foram o tubete pequeno, com 56 cm3; e tubete grande com 290 cm3. O estudo foi instalado em fatorial 2x2, com os fatores Manejo e Tubete e dois níveis de cada fator (potencial e convencional, e tubete pequeno e grande) com quatro repetições na área seca. Não ocorreu interação entre os fatores estudados. Na área seca, o tratamento que utilizou tubete grande e manejo potencial apresentou diâmetro e altura 30% superiores que o tratamento que utilizou tubete pequeno e manejo convencional, e uma superioridade em 70% no Índice de Área Foliar e 62% no acúmulo de biomassa aos dois anos. O tubete grande apresentou sobrevivência de plantio 13% superior ao tubete pequeno e ganho em biomassa média das mudas de 43%. O manejo potencial apresentou área basal superior ao manejo convencional (6,23 versus 4,09m2ha-1) e IAF superior (1,28 versus 0,58 m2m- 2). Na área úmida, as zonas de alagamento baixo, médio e total apresentaram área basal decrescentes de 4,4 m2 ha-1, 2,6 m2 ha-1 e 0,9 m2 ha-1. Com esses resultados é possível concluir que as espécies nativas possuem capacidade de melhor desempenho quando produzidas em tubetes maiores e sob sistema silvicultural mais intensivo e que o alagamento (falta de aeração da raiz) é um estresse ambiental que requer melhor compreensão por ser altamente limitante à restauração com as espécies tradicionais. / Riparian forest restoration is extremely important for the processes of degraded areas restoration and connectivity of flora and fauna. This study was established on the Reservoirs of the Borborema Lake - SP, with the purpose to determine the biomass accumulation of thirty tree species native to two silvicultural systems and two sizes of hard plastic tubes for seedling production. This trial was conducted in two areas with different soil moisture, a more drought, without flooding even during rainy periods, and another more humid, with frequent flooding. The following silvicultural systems were tested: i) traditional, one who is operationally used by the AES Tiete company; ii) potential, with greater nutrition and greater weed control. The containers for seedlings production tested were small hard plastic tubes with 56 cm3, and large hard plastic tubes with 290 cm3. The study was carried out in a factorial 22, with factors such as silvicultural systems and sizes of recipients, being two levels of each factor (potential, traditional, small and large hard plastic tubes) and four replications in a dry area. There was no interaction between the factors studied. In dry area the treatment that used large hard plastic tubes and potential silvicultural system showed diameter and height 30% higher than the treatment that used small hard plastic tubes and traditional silvicultural system, and also a superiority of 70% for the Leaf Area Index and 62% for biomass to two years. The seedlings produced in large hard plastic tubes showed survival at planting 13% higher than those grown in small hard plastic tubes. Was also observed that the mean biomass of seedlings was 43% higher for treatment of large tubes. Potential silvicultural system showed basal area greater than the traditional silvicultural system (6.23 vs. 4.09 m2 ha-1) and higher LAI (1.28 vs. 0.58 m2 m-2). In the wetlands, the zones of low, medium and high flooding frequency showed decreasing basal area of 4.4 m2 ha-1, 2.6 m2 ha-1 and 0.9 m2 ha-1. With these results we can conclude that native species have a higher performance when produced in large hard plastic tubes and under more intensive silvicultural system and flooding (lack of aeration of the root) is an environmental stress that requires better understanding because it is factor highly limiting for the restoration with the traditional species.
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Bioindicadores de qualidade do solo em um gradiente de restauração ambiental / Soil quality bioindicators of an environmental restoration gradientRafael Leandro de Figueiredo Vasconcellos 29 June 2012 (has links)
Impactos ambientais podem interferir nas características da biomassa microbiana, no processo de ciclagem de nutrientes, nas características físicoquímicas e também na diversidade da microbiota e da macrofauna. O objetivo desse trabalho foi conhecer as diferentes interações entre estes atributos e identificar os indicadores da qualidade do solo envolvidos com o tempo de recuperação. Três áreas com estágios diferentes de recuperação (5, 10 e 20 anos) foram comparadas com uma floresta Estacional Semidecídua nativa (NT) com intuito de estudar o comportamento da microbiota, da macrofauna e de suas interações com os atributos físico-químicos. Foram coletadas amostras em 15 pontos por áreas, escolhidos aleatoriamente. Dentre os atributos microbiológicos, a maior atividade das enzimas urease, fosfatase ácida e desidrogeanse foi encontrada na área nativa. O mesmo foi constatado para a respiração basal e para o carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana. A análise da estrutura da comunidade de Bacteria, feita a partir de TRFLP, separou as áreas, nativa e de 20 anos de recuperação, das demais, somente no verão. A densidade do solo, a umidade e a microporosidade afetaram negativamente os indicadores microbiológicos do solo, sendo em conjunto com o carbono total do solo os principais fatores discriminantes das áreas. Ocorreu maior presença das espécies de FMA A. spinosa, A. colossica, A. lacunosa, G. decipiens e Gigaspora sp. na área NT e das espécies G. viscosum, A. mellea, A. scrobiculata e S. heterogama na área R05 e G. rosea nas áreas R10 e R20. As principais variáveis ambientais que explicam a relação com as espécies de FMA foram microporosidade, macroporosidade, atividade da fosfatase ácida e densidade, umidade, CBM, NBM e N-NO3. Efeito sazonal sobre as espécies de FMA também foi observado. Maiores valores de proteína do solo relacionada com glomalina (GRSP) foram encontrados no inverno e somente a proteína do solo relacionada com glomalina facilmente extraível (EE-GRSP) separou a área NT das demais. Observou-se, também, alta correlação dessa glicoproteina com os atributos físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Em relação à fauna edáfica ocorreu efeito da sazonalidade e do método de coleta utilizado (armadilhas e monolito). Houve diferença entre os índices de Shanon, Simpson e Pielou somente na época seca, sendo as maiores diferenças nas áreas mais antigas (NT e R20). Maior riqueza foi encontrada ao se utilizar o método de monolito. De acordo com a análise discriminante, Diplopoda foi o principal grupo para as duas épocas e os dois métodos de coleta. Porosidade, densidade basal, umidade, nitrogênio total do solo e atividade das enzimas desidrogenase e urease foram fatores importantes para a separação dos grupos da fauna no gradiente de recuperação ambiental. Esse trabalho mostrou que os atributos biológicos e físicoquímicos de qualidade do solo interagem e se modificam de acordo com a idade das áreas e com a sazonalidade. / Environmental impactation can affect microbial biomass, nutrient cycling, processes, physical-chemical characteristics and also the diversity of microbes and edaphic fauna. The aim of this study was to understand the different interactions between these attributes and to identify the indicators of soil quality involved in the recovery process. Three areas with different stages of recovery [5 (R05), 10 (R10) and 20 (R20) years] were compared with a native semideciduous forest (NT) in order to study the behavior of microbes, macrofauna and their interactions with the physical and chemical attributes. Samples were collected at 15 points in each area. Greater activity of urease, acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase were found in the native area. The same result was found for basal respiration, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and nitrogen (MBN). The structure of Bacteria analyzed by T-RFLP discriminated the native and R20 from R05 and R10, only in the summer. Soil bulk density, humidity and microporosity negatively affected soil microbiological indicators and together with total soil carbon they were the main discriminant factors. A. colossica, A. lacunosa, G. decipiens and Gigaspora sp. were more abundant in NT and the species G. viscosum, A. mellea, A. scrobiculata and S. heterogama in R05 and G. rosea in R10 and R20. Porosity, soil bulk density, humidity, acid phosphatase activity, MBC, MBN and N-NO3 - were the principal environmental variables related to AMF species distribution. Seasonal influences on AMF species were also observed. Higher glomalin related soil protein (GRSP) content was found only in the winter and NT had only EE-GRSP (easly extracted glomalin related soil protein) different from the recovery areas. Correlations among glomalin and physical-chemical and microbiological attributes were observed. Edaphic fauna groups were influenced by seasonality and by sampling methodology (pitfall traps and monoliths). Shannons, Simpsons and the evenness index were significant only in the dry season and in the oldest areas. Richness was higher when the monolith method was used. Diplopoda was the principal group that discriminated the recovery gradient for both seasons and methodologies. Porosity, soil bulk density, humidity, total nitrogen, urease and dehydrogenase were important factors to separate faunal groups. This work showed that biological and physico-chemical soil quality attributes interact and changed according to gradient recovery and seasonality.
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Living on the edge : effectiveness of buffer strips in protecting biodiversity on boreal riparian forestsHylander, Kristoffer January 2004 (has links)
<p>The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the ecological consequences of buffer strip retention on riparian and terrestrial biodiversity. Earlier studies on forest buffer strips have evaluated their effectiveness in relation to water quality and aquatic biota. However, forests along streams are species rich habitats for many organism groups. Buffer strip management is assumed to be important also for protecting such species. Current approaches to biodiversity-oriented forest management practices need to be scientifically evaluated. In this thesis the effects on bryophytes and land snails have been evaluated.</p><p>A before-and-after experiment along 15 small streams in northern Sweden showed that buffer strips of 10 m on each side of the stream moderated the negative effects exhibited at the clear-cuts. The number of land snail species remained similar as to before logging and the number of vanished bryophyte species was lower in the buffer strips than in the clear-cuts. The ground moisture influenced the survival rate of land snails at the clear-cuts. At mesic sites many species vanished but at wet sites the snail fauna was unaffected by the logging.</p><p>Many bryophyte species, most of them liverworts, decreased or disappeared in the buffer strips. These were mostly growing on substrates elevated from the forest floor, such as logs, stumps and tree-bases. A number of nationally red-listed species, sensitive for changes in microclimate, were among those decreasing most. Thus, for the species in most need of protection the buffer strips were too narrow.</p><p>An experiment with bryophyte transplants followed over a season showed that wet ground moisture moderated the negative edge effects in narrow buffer strips. On the other hand, the growth in mesic and moist sites was almost as low as in comparable clear-cuts.</p><p>Microclimatic edge effects are stronger at south facing than north-facing edges of forest clear-cuts. This was shown in an experiment using bryophyte growth as an indicator of differences in microclimate. However, the depth of edge influence seemed to be similar between north- and south-facing forest edges, >30 m for one species. An explanation for this could be that wind penetrates deeper into edges than solar radiation and has a more variable direction.</p><p>In conclusion, narrow buffer strips consist entirely of edge habitat. For many species the environment in buffer strips is good enough for persistence. For others, most notably bryophyte species on convex substrates, wider buffer strips are needed to ensure long-term survival. </p>
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Living on the edge : effectiveness of buffer strips in protecting biodiversity on boreal riparian forestsHylander, Kristoffer January 2004 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the ecological consequences of buffer strip retention on riparian and terrestrial biodiversity. Earlier studies on forest buffer strips have evaluated their effectiveness in relation to water quality and aquatic biota. However, forests along streams are species rich habitats for many organism groups. Buffer strip management is assumed to be important also for protecting such species. Current approaches to biodiversity-oriented forest management practices need to be scientifically evaluated. In this thesis the effects on bryophytes and land snails have been evaluated. A before-and-after experiment along 15 small streams in northern Sweden showed that buffer strips of 10 m on each side of the stream moderated the negative effects exhibited at the clear-cuts. The number of land snail species remained similar as to before logging and the number of vanished bryophyte species was lower in the buffer strips than in the clear-cuts. The ground moisture influenced the survival rate of land snails at the clear-cuts. At mesic sites many species vanished but at wet sites the snail fauna was unaffected by the logging. Many bryophyte species, most of them liverworts, decreased or disappeared in the buffer strips. These were mostly growing on substrates elevated from the forest floor, such as logs, stumps and tree-bases. A number of nationally red-listed species, sensitive for changes in microclimate, were among those decreasing most. Thus, for the species in most need of protection the buffer strips were too narrow. An experiment with bryophyte transplants followed over a season showed that wet ground moisture moderated the negative edge effects in narrow buffer strips. On the other hand, the growth in mesic and moist sites was almost as low as in comparable clear-cuts. Microclimatic edge effects are stronger at south facing than north-facing edges of forest clear-cuts. This was shown in an experiment using bryophyte growth as an indicator of differences in microclimate. However, the depth of edge influence seemed to be similar between north- and south-facing forest edges, >30 m for one species. An explanation for this could be that wind penetrates deeper into edges than solar radiation and has a more variable direction. In conclusion, narrow buffer strips consist entirely of edge habitat. For many species the environment in buffer strips is good enough for persistence. For others, most notably bryophyte species on convex substrates, wider buffer strips are needed to ensure long-term survival.
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Efeito dos tratos culturais e qualidade de mudas na restauração florestal de matas ciliares do Rio Tietê em Borborema, SP / Effect the cultural practices and seedlings quality in forest restoration of the Tiete River\'s riparian forests in Borborema, SPDaniela da Silva Pereira 17 September 2012 (has links)
A restauração florestal em matas ciliares é de suma importância para os processos de recuperação de áreas degradadas e conectividade da flora e fauna. O presente experimento foi instalado às margens do reservatório de Borborema - SP, com o objetivo de averiguar o acúmulo de biomassa de trinta espécies arbóreas nativas frente a dois sistemas silviculturais e dois tipos de recipientes de produção de mudas. O ensaio foi instalado em duas áreas com umidade de solo distintas, sendo uma mais seca, sem encharcamento mesmo em períodos chuvosos, outra mais úmida, com encharcamento. Os sistemas de manejo testados foram: i) convencional e operacionalmente utilizado pela empresa AES-Tietê; e ii) potencial, com maior nutrição e maior controle de mato-competição. Os recipientes de produção de mudas testados foram o tubete pequeno, com 56 cm3; e tubete grande com 290 cm3. O estudo foi instalado em fatorial 2x2, com os fatores Manejo e Tubete e dois níveis de cada fator (potencial e convencional, e tubete pequeno e grande) com quatro repetições na área seca. Não ocorreu interação entre os fatores estudados. Na área seca, o tratamento que utilizou tubete grande e manejo potencial apresentou diâmetro e altura 30% superiores que o tratamento que utilizou tubete pequeno e manejo convencional, e uma superioridade em 70% no Índice de Área Foliar e 62% no acúmulo de biomassa aos dois anos. O tubete grande apresentou sobrevivência de plantio 13% superior ao tubete pequeno e ganho em biomassa média das mudas de 43%. O manejo potencial apresentou área basal superior ao manejo convencional (6,23 versus 4,09m2ha-1) e IAF superior (1,28 versus 0,58 m2m- 2). Na área úmida, as zonas de alagamento baixo, médio e total apresentaram área basal decrescentes de 4,4 m2 ha-1, 2,6 m2 ha-1 e 0,9 m2 ha-1. Com esses resultados é possível concluir que as espécies nativas possuem capacidade de melhor desempenho quando produzidas em tubetes maiores e sob sistema silvicultural mais intensivo e que o alagamento (falta de aeração da raiz) é um estresse ambiental que requer melhor compreensão por ser altamente limitante à restauração com as espécies tradicionais. / Riparian forest restoration is extremely important for the processes of degraded areas restoration and connectivity of flora and fauna. This study was established on the Reservoirs of the Borborema Lake - SP, with the purpose to determine the biomass accumulation of thirty tree species native to two silvicultural systems and two sizes of hard plastic tubes for seedling production. This trial was conducted in two areas with different soil moisture, a more drought, without flooding even during rainy periods, and another more humid, with frequent flooding. The following silvicultural systems were tested: i) traditional, one who is operationally used by the AES Tiete company; ii) potential, with greater nutrition and greater weed control. The containers for seedlings production tested were small hard plastic tubes with 56 cm3, and large hard plastic tubes with 290 cm3. The study was carried out in a factorial 22, with factors such as silvicultural systems and sizes of recipients, being two levels of each factor (potential, traditional, small and large hard plastic tubes) and four replications in a dry area. There was no interaction between the factors studied. In dry area the treatment that used large hard plastic tubes and potential silvicultural system showed diameter and height 30% higher than the treatment that used small hard plastic tubes and traditional silvicultural system, and also a superiority of 70% for the Leaf Area Index and 62% for biomass to two years. The seedlings produced in large hard plastic tubes showed survival at planting 13% higher than those grown in small hard plastic tubes. Was also observed that the mean biomass of seedlings was 43% higher for treatment of large tubes. Potential silvicultural system showed basal area greater than the traditional silvicultural system (6.23 vs. 4.09 m2 ha-1) and higher LAI (1.28 vs. 0.58 m2 m-2). In the wetlands, the zones of low, medium and high flooding frequency showed decreasing basal area of 4.4 m2 ha-1, 2.6 m2 ha-1 and 0.9 m2 ha-1. With these results we can conclude that native species have a higher performance when produced in large hard plastic tubes and under more intensive silvicultural system and flooding (lack of aeration of the root) is an environmental stress that requires better understanding because it is factor highly limiting for the restoration with the traditional species.
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Conservação ou degradação? Diferentes concepções sobre microbacias e práticas de manejo no entorno do Córrego Campestre em Saltinho, SP / Preservation or degradation? Different concepts about watersheds and their management practices in a watershed in the Saltinho County, State of Sao Paulo, BrazilValéria Maradei Freixêdas 06 September 2007 (has links)
Apesar de diversos tipos de entidades se voltarem à recuperação das APPs com a justificativa de contribuir para a conservação das bacias hidrográficas, observa-se que a degradação dos ambientes em que vivemos é uma realidade cada dia mais preocupante. As instituições que realizam estes trabalhos e os técnicos que as representam, de forma geral, consideram as populações das áreas rurais apenas como implementadores de suas idéias e práticas, sem entender a real visão que seus interlocutores têm sobre o assunto. Esta proposta de mestrado objetivou realizar um estudo de caso no intuito de contribuir para a produção de conhecimentos voltados à gestão de bacias hidrográficas e a políticas públicas direcionadas à conservação dos recursos naturais. Para isso buscou uma maior compreensão sobre as diferentes concepções a respeito da relação entre água, bacia hidrográfica e mata ciliar e sua influência nas propostas de manejo vigentes em três grupos sociais da bacia do Campestre, Saltinho, SP: a) sitiantes, b) técnicos ligados a projetos de restauração florestal, c) acadêmicos ligados à hidrologia florestal. Os resultados apontaram que os três grupos percebem uma degradação ambiental na bacia, porém, através de três concepções distintas, que fundamentam distintos discursos e práticas para a conservação da qualidade e quantidade de água. Esta situação se mostrou como um dos motivos que vem impedindo um efetivo diálogo entre proprietários rurais e técnicos e interferindo na própria conservação. Isto demonstra que é necessário que se leve em consideração a representação que a população possui sobre seu ambiente, além de outros aspectos sociais fundamentais para sua compreensão, na busca de um efetivo diálogo entre os envolvidos. Isso é essencial para que seja possível caminhar em direção à desejada conservação, que deve ser construída, desde sua concepção até sua implementação, sempre de forma compartilhada. / Several Institutions are involved with the recovery of the "buffer zones", aimed at contributing to watershed conservation because of the continuing degradation of our environment. In general rural areas populations are taken into account by the Institutions responsible for these works as well as their representatives, but as only as recipient of their ideas and practices, not taking into consideration their own needs and views of the situation. This Master thesis main objective was to work on a case study with the aim to improve watershed management knowledge as well as establish public policies towards the conservation of natural resources. For this purpose a comparative analysis was made with three human social groups of the Campestre creek watershed (Saltinho County, State of Sao Paulo). These three groups were a) the rural land owners, b) technicians and c) scholars who are linked with forest hydrology. The results pointed out that all these groups do known that an environmental degradation of the creek is taking place but always differ according to different concepts about water, watersheds and riparian forests interrelation. These different perceptions establish the distinct practices on the usage of the natural resources. This can be considered one of the causes that prevents an effective dialogue between rural land owners and technicians. This is one of the causes interfering in the very objective of conservation itself. Thus it has been demonstrated that it is important to search for an effective dialogue between all sectors involved, taking into consideration the perception of the communities plus any basic social aspects that may help the technicians to understand the social conservation processes. These need the co-participation of all involved parties in order to effectively construct the desired environmental conservation.
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Riparian Forest Width and the Avian Community in a Greenbelt Corridor SettingHoffman, Karl W. 05 1900 (has links)
The forest avian community of the Ray Roberts Greenbelt (Denton Co., Texas) was characterized for two years using point count station sampling, from fall 1998 to summer 2000. Richness data for both breeding seasons were correlated with two-spatial metrics: width of the riparian forest and distance to the nearest edge. There were significant correlations between forest interior species richness and both spatial metrics, for both breeding seasons. Based on these data, a minimum riparian forest width threshold of 400-meters is suggested to provide habitat for forest interior species, which have lost considerable habitat through forest fragmentation. Partners in Flight breeding bird priority concern scores were used to create a habitat priority index for the Trinity River bottomland hardwood forest system
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