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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Safety evaluation of converging chevron pavement markings

Pratyaksa, Prabha 09 April 2013 (has links)
Chevron pavement markings have seen rising interest in the United States as a means to reduce speeds at high-speed locations and improve safety performance. In Atlanta, there are two freeway-to-freeway ramps where chevron markings are being used. A previous study analyzed before-and-after speed data at these ramps and found only a modest reduction on overall vehicle speeds. However, a cursory crash analysis indicated that the ramps had crash reductions of over 60%, suggesting that safety benefits exist even though vehicle speeds are not significantly affected. This research aims to evaluate the safety performance of chevron markings on the two ramps in Atlanta, GA in order to quantify the potential impact of the treatment on safety and to understand the mechanism by which the treatment influences safety. This thesis begins with a literature review covering topics in human factors in safety, past uses of different types of pavement markings, and methods in using crash databases and police reports in accident studies. Next, the thesis presents an in-depth before and after analysis of crash data from crash databases and police reports provided by the Georgia Department of Transportation. And finally, the thesis concludes with a summary of findings and a discussion of further research needs. The results verified that there were 73% and 61% crash reductions in the two study ramps. Chevron markings appear to have benefitted all types of crashes and that they are possibly serving as a warning to drivers of potential upcoming hazards. Unavailability of a number of police reports and errors in crash databases were limitations to this study, and ultimately, new sites should be selected carefully and further studies need to be performed to better understand the treatment's benefits.

Lateral Position Detection Using a Vehicle-Mounted Camera

Ågren, Elisabeth January 2003 (has links)
A complete prototype system for measuring vehicle lateral position has been set up during the course of this master’s thesis project. In the development of the software, images acquired from a back-ward looking video camera mounted on the roof of the vehicle were used. The problem of using computer vision to measure lateral position can be divided into road marking detection and lateral position extraction. Since the strongest characteristic of a road marking image are the edges of the road markings, the road marking detection step is based on edge detection. For the detection of the straight edge lines a Hough based method was chosen. Due to peak spreading in Hough space, the difficulty of detecting the correct peak in Hough space was encountered. A flexible Hough peak detection algorithm was developed based on an adaptive window that takes peak spreading into account. The road marking candidate found by the system is verified before the lateral position data is generated. A good performance of the road marking tracking algorithm was obtained by exploiting temporal correlation to update a search region within the image. A camera calibration made the extraction of real-world lateral position information and yaw angle data possible. This vision-based method proved to be very accurate. The standard deviation of the error in the position detection is 0.012 m within an operating range of ±2 m from the image centre. During continuous road markings the rate of valid data is on average 96 %, whereas it drops to around 56 % for sections with intermittent road markings. The system performs well during lane change manoeuvres, which is an indication that the system tracks the correct road marking. This prototype system is a robust and automatic measurement system, which will benefit VTI in its many driving behaviour research programs.

Multi-viewpoint lane detection with applications in driver safety systems

Borkar, Amol 19 December 2011 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to develop a Multi-Camera Lane Departure Warning (MCLDW) system and a framework to evaluate it. A Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system is a safety feature that is included in a few luxury automobiles. Using a single camera, it performs the task of informing the driver if a lane change is imminent. The core component of an LDW system is a lane detector, whose objective is to find lane markers on the road. Therefore, we start this dissertation by explaining the requirements of an ideal lane detector, and then present several algorithmic implementations that meet these requirements. After selecting the best implementation, we present the MCLDW methodology. Using a multi-camera setup, MCLDW system combines the detected lane marker information from each camera's view to estimate the immediate distance between the vehicle and the lane marker, and signals a warning if this distance is under a certain threshold. Next, we introduce a procedure to create ground truth and a database of videos which serve as the framework for evaluation. Ground truth is created using an efficient procedure called Time-Slicing that allows the user to quickly annotate the true locations of the lane markers in each frame of the videos. Subsequently, we describe the details of a database of driving videos that has been put together to help establish a benchmark for evaluating existing lane detectors and LDW systems. Finally, we conclude the dissertation by citing the contributions of the research and discussing the avenues for future work.

Safety impact study of centerline rumble strips in Georgia

Sin, Jerome Ga Nok 22 May 2014 (has links)
Within the last decade, centerline rumble strips have become increasingly prevalent as a safety countermeasure on undivided roadways throughout the United States. Within the state of Georgia, nearly 200 miles of centerline rumble strips have been installed in an effort to address the severity and frequency of crashes involving the centerline. With several thousands of miles of new installations throughout the nation in the last decade, much literature on this subject is still being amassed. This paper will compile and summarize existing literature in order to provide a thorough overview of the latest information from around the United States regarding the safety, usage, and impacts of centerline rumble strips. Furthermore, this paper seeks to comprehensively determine the safety impacts of centerline rumble strips on undivided, rural highway facilities in the state of Georgia. This portion of the study will prepare an updated inventory of centerline rumble strip installations in Georgia and perform a before-after study using three methods: a direct before-after analysis, a comparison before-after analysis, and a comparative analysis. These analyses will incorporate data from crash databases, police records, and traffic records to produce results unique to Georgia. Lastly, this paper will determine the current status of centerline rumble strips and the potential short- and long-term safety, physical, and unintended effects of centerline rumble strips both in the state of Georgia and throughout the United States through a survey sent to all fifty state transportation agencies. Through literature compilation, safety analyses, and findings on the effects of centerline rumble strips, this paper will aid in the future of centerline rumble strips within Georgia and the United States.

Akustické vlastnosti vodorovného dopravního značení / Acoustic properties of road markings

Drnovský, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with verifying the acoustic properties of road markings in real conditions the vehicle travels. It contains basic information about the acoustics of the sources of traffic noise and methods of measuring noise. Below are the main information about the horizontal signposts and its impact on safety. The practical part contains descriptions of results, estimation of measurement and subsequently implemented economic assessment.

Análisis de la Durabilidad de la Señalización Vial Horizontal Atendiendo a su Composición y Posicionamiento en la Calzada de Carreteras Secundarias en Climas Semiáridos Cálidos

Coves-Campos, Andrés 12 September 2019 (has links)
Las marcas viales constituyen la única guía óptica que en muchas ocasiones tienen los usuarios de la vía, su correcta aplicación y conservación nos puede llegar a determinar la gravedad de un accidente hasta el punto de poder llegar a evitarlo. Por tanto, el correcto mantenimiento y repintado de la señalización vial horizontal en las carreteras convencionales a nivel mundial y de la red viaria española en particular, la investigación en nuevas combinaciones de materiales y el estudio de su durabilidad dependiendo del posicionamiento que ocupa la marca vial en carretera, nos aportan, sin duda, un apoyo útil para progresar en la lucha contra la accidentalidad vial. Por ese motivo, se ha investigado, no sólo la evolución temporal de las características fundamentales de la señalización vial horizontal como son: la visibilidad diurna, la visibilidad nocturna y la resistencia al deslizamiento de nuevas combinaciones de materiales de post-mezclado y materiales base, como es la pintura fosforescente; sino que, al mismo tiempo, se ha elaborado una relación y un estudio de la vida útil de la marca vial atendiendo a sus características fundamentales según la zona de la calzada que ocupa esa marca vial, estableciendo las pautas de comportamiento de las mismas y cuándo reemplazarlas por no cumplir con los criterios mínimos de aceptación, relacionando la sección de desgaste a cada una de las marcas viales que podemos encontrar en las carreteras convencionales de la red viaria española. Para ello, hemos elaborado un testing ground (TG1), en la carretera CV-904, con un total de 36 samples, teniendo para cada sentido de circulación 18 combinaciones de materiales atendiendo a material base y material de post-mezclado (microesferas de vidrio, cargas antideslizantes no transparentes y grano de vidrio transparente), y a su sistema de aplicación (monolayer o bilayer). Además, hemos ejecutado un segundo testing ground (TG2), en la ronda interna de la propia Universidad de Alicante, donde, partiendo de los conocimientos obtenidos en el primer estudio, se han fabricado nuevas combinaciones de materiales incluyendo el material base, diferentes tipos de microesferas de vidrio y cargas antideslizantes como parte del material de post-mezclado, se ha añadido pintura con pigmentos fosforescentes para mejorar la visibilidad nocturna y barniz de recubrimiento premezclado con agregados antideslizantes para prolongar la vida útil de la marca vial, fabricando un total de 40 samples analizadas en laboratorio. No sólo se han estudiado los resultados de los parámetros fundamentales de cada sample, sino que nos hemos apoyado en la toma de fotografías in situ analizándolas cualitativamente, lo que nos ha ayudado a comprender su evolución y los resultados. Al mismo tiempo hemos tomado muestras de todas ellas para su observación en laboratorio. Tras la comparativa entre la evolución de cada característica principal de las probetas y su análisis, hemos establecido los períodos de la vida útil de cada una de ellas según la zona de afección en la que están ubicadas atendiendo a la Norma 8.2-IC. Cabe destacar que se ha dejado la línea de investigación relacionada con la interconexión entre el vehículo autónomo, la infraestructura viaria y la señalización vial horizontal abierta como principal futura línea de investigación.

Utsläpp från vägmarkeringar : Toxicitetstest av lakvatten från vägmarkeringsprodukter med mikroalgen Raphidocelis subcapitata / Emissions from road markings : Toxicity tests of leachates from road marking products on the microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata

Österblad, Mikaela January 2021 (has links)
Ackumuleringen av plast och mikroplast i miljön är idag en globalt aktuell fråga. Forskning kring mikroplast och dess påverkan på miljö och biota har ökat kraftigt det senaste decenniet. En av de största utsläppskällorna till mikroplast är slitage från vägtrafiken, speciellt från däck, men mikroplast kan även komma från vägmarkeringar. Vägmarkeringar innehåller plastpolymerer (som bindemedel), fyllnadsmedel, pigment och tillsatsämnen (additiv), och ofta ingår även glaspärlor. Vissa ämnen kan ge en negativ påverkan på människa och miljö. I dagsläget saknas det data för att kunna kartlägga i vilken omfattning vägmarkeringsslitage bidrar till spridning av mikroplaster samt för att bedöma om och hur det skulle kunna påverka miljön och vattenlevande organismer. I detta examensarbete har toxicitetstest av lakvatten från vägmarkeringsprodukter utförts med algen Raphidocelis subcapitata för att studera om de är toxiska samt om det finns någon skillnad mellan olika vägmarkeringsprodukter. Partiklar från fyra olika typer av vägmarkeringsprodukter (prefabricerad termoplast, varmapplicerad termoplast, vattenbaserad akrylatfärg och 2-komponentsakrylatfärg) genererades och lakades var för sig med skakning i avjoniserat vatten under 24 timmar. Lakvattnen utan partiklar användes sedan till algtillväxthämningstest. Algerna exponerades under 72 timmar för lakvatten i olika koncentrationer, där den högsta motsvarade 100 g vägmarkeringspartiklar per liter, och algtillväxt mättes. Effektmåtten var maximal tillväxthastighet och lag-fas och dessutom analyserades korrelationen mellan dem som ett mått för anpassningseffektivitet. De fyra lakvattnen påverkade lag-fas och/eller tillväxthastighet i olika omfattning och medförde antingen inhibering eller stimulering av algtillväxten. Lakvattnet från den vattenbaserade akrylatfärgen påvisade störst inhibering av tillväxt och var även det mest toxiska eftersom ingen tillväxtanpassning skedde. För övriga lakvatten påvisades olika grad av anpassningseffektivitet av alger vid exponering. Dock krävs mer ingående statistisk utvärdering för att åtskilja de två lakvatten som hade minst påverkan, dvs. från den prefabricerade och den varmapplicerade termoplasten.  Detta är enbart en första studie. Upprepade tester med fler vägmarkeringsprodukter och fler tester med andra organismer, såsom bakterier, kärlväxter, kräftdjur och fisk, krävs för att bättre kunna utreda om och hur olika vägmarkeringar kan påverka biota. För ytterligare studier skulle det vara intressant att utvärdera vilka ämnen i vägmarkeringar som kan påverka miljön och om dessa skulle kunna ersättas med andra, mindre giftiga ämnen. / The accumulation of plastic and microplastics in the environment is a current global issue. Research on microplastics and its impact on the environment and biota has increased rapidly in the last decade. One of the largest sources of microplastics is wear from road traffic, especially tires, but they can also originate from road markings. Road markings contain plastic polymers (as a binder), fillers, pigments, and additives, and often also glass beads. Some substances may have a negative impact on humans and the environment. At present, there are no data to map the extent to which wear from road markings contributes to the emissions of microplastics, or to assess the effect they might cause on the environment and aquatic organisms. In this thesis, toxicity tests on leachates from road marking products were conducted on the alga Raphidocelis subcapitata to study the effect on the algae and if it differs between the different products.  Particles from four types of road marking products (prefabricated thermoplastic, hot-applied thermoplastic, acrylic water-based paint, and 2-component acrylic paint) were generated and leached separately by shaking in deionized water for 24 hours.  The leachates without particles were used in the standard algal growth inhibition tests. The algae were exposed for 72 hours to the leachates in different concentrations, with the highest corresponding to 100 g road marking particles per liter, and algal growth was monitored. Endpoints used were maximum growth rate and lag phase and, in addition, their correlation was analyzed as an indicator for adaptation capacity. The four leachates affected lag phase and/or growth rate to a varying extent and caused inhibition or stimulation of algae growth. Exposure to leachate from the water-based acrylic paint showed most inhibition of growth and was also the most toxic as no growth adaptation was observed. For the other tests, different rates of adaptation efficiency of the algae growth were found. However, more detailed statistical evaluation is needed to differentiate between the two leachates that had the least effect, i.e. the prefabricated and the hot-applied thermoplastic. This is only a first study. More tests with more road marking products and with other organisms, such as bacteria, vascular plants, crustaceans, and fish, are required to better understand if and how different road markings could affect biota. Additionally, an evaluation of what substances in road marking materials may cause effects and whether these can be replaced by other, less toxic substances, would be of interest.

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