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Numerical studies of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of jointed rocksWei, Lingli January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigations into the mechanical behaviour of soft rocksBailin, Wu January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Jämförelse av karteringsmetoder inför bergklassificering i tunnlarForsberg, Viktor, Granström, Filip January 2016 (has links)
Säkerhet är ständigt en primär fråga vid byggnation, detta innefattar även drivning av tunnlar. För att förhindra ras eller utglidning av block undersöks och klassificeras därför berget. Tunneln som undersöks i denna studie kostar ungefär 7000 kr/timme att driva. Därför finns det mycket pengar att spara på effektivisering av arbetsmoment, däribland kartering. I denna uppsats jämförs därför tre olika karteringsmetoder såsom konventionell kartering, fotogrammetri och laserskanning. De olika metodernas Q- och RMR-index jämförs sedan med hänsyn till de olika ingående parametrarna i klassificeringssystemen. Syftet med studien är att studera om de nya karteringsmetoderna har några ekonomiska och/eller säkerhetsmässiga fördelar, samt även eventuella fördelar vad gäller lagring av bergets kvalitet och egenskaper i digitalt format. Därutöver även att studera om de nya teknikerna kan ersätta den konventionella karteringsmetoden helt eller till viss del. Laserskanning och fotogrammetri kan inte helt ersätta dagens konventionella kartering. Detta på grund av att alla parametrar för klassificeringssystemen inte kan observeras/tolkas i de framställda digitala modellerna, utan måste göras på plats. Dock kan de digitala metoderna kombineras med den konventionella och därmed är en fullständig kartering och klassificering möjlig. Däremot finns andra fördelar med de digitala metoderna såsom digitala lagringsmöjligheter, detaljrika lättolkade modeller och att de är tidseffektiva över längre sträckor. / Safety is always a primary concern during construction, even during tunnel construction. To prevent rock fall or sliding of blocks the rock has to be examined and classified. The tunnel examined in this report costs about 7000 SEK/hour to construct. Therefore, a lot of money can be saved by streamlining the work process, including mapping of geological structures. In this paper three mapping methods are compared, such as traditional geological mapping, photogrammetry and laser scanning. The Q and RMR index from the three different methods are then compared with respect to the various parameters included in the classification systems. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the new mapping methods have any financial and/or safety benefits, as well as any potential benefits in terms of storage in digital format of information about the rock quality and features, or not. The purpose is also to examine if the new technologies could replace the traditional mapping method fully or partially. Laser scanning and photogrammetry cannot completely replace today’s conventional mapping. This is because some of the parameters are not possible to be observed and interpreted in the produced digital models, but must be done in situ. However, there are other benefits of the digital methods such as digital storage capabilities, detailed, easily interpretable models and that it takes less time to map large areas or long distances.
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Quantitative Characterization of Natural Rock Discontinuity Roughness In-situ and in the LaboratoryTatone, Bryan Stanley Anthony 16 February 2010 (has links)
The surface roughness of unfilled rock discontinuities has a major influence on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of discontinuous rock masses. Although it is widely recognized that surface roughness is comprised of large-scale (waviness) and small-scale (unevenness) components, most investigations of surface roughness have been restricted to small fracture
surfaces (<1m2). Hence, the large-scale components of roughness are often neglected.
Furthermore, these investigations typically define roughness using two-dimensional profiles rather than three-dimensional surfaces, which can lead to biased estimates of roughness.
These limitations have led to some contradictory findings regarding roughness scale effects. This thesis aims to resolve some of these issues. The main findings indicate that
discontinuity roughness increases as a function of the sampling window size contrary to what is commonly assumed. More importantly, it is shown that the estimated roughness significantly decreases as the resolution of surface measurements decrease, which could lead to the under estimations of roughness and, consequently, discontinuity shear strength.
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Quantitative Characterization of Natural Rock Discontinuity Roughness In-situ and in the LaboratoryTatone, Bryan Stanley Anthony 16 February 2010 (has links)
The surface roughness of unfilled rock discontinuities has a major influence on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of discontinuous rock masses. Although it is widely recognized that surface roughness is comprised of large-scale (waviness) and small-scale (unevenness) components, most investigations of surface roughness have been restricted to small fracture
surfaces (<1m2). Hence, the large-scale components of roughness are often neglected.
Furthermore, these investigations typically define roughness using two-dimensional profiles rather than three-dimensional surfaces, which can lead to biased estimates of roughness.
These limitations have led to some contradictory findings regarding roughness scale effects. This thesis aims to resolve some of these issues. The main findings indicate that
discontinuity roughness increases as a function of the sampling window size contrary to what is commonly assumed. More importantly, it is shown that the estimated roughness significantly decreases as the resolution of surface measurements decrease, which could lead to the under estimations of roughness and, consequently, discontinuity shear strength.
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Analysis of rock grouting with variable injection pressure / Analys av injektering av berg med variabelt insprutningstryckLian, Zhuohang January 2022 (has links)
Rock grouting is an effective technique frequently used in rock engineering to reduce groundwater ingress and increase the stability of surrounding rock mass. The real time grouting control (RTGC) is one of widely used analytical models to predict the grouting process. In previous research, this method was discussed under constant pressure condition. However, in practice, the injection is not always constant. The effect of variable injection pressure was not fully discussed. In this study, a 2D radial single-phase flow model is applied to describe the rock grouting process. The model is solved using numerical integration to incorporate variable injection pressure. The sensitivity of the model is reviewed afterward. In this paper, the dynamic grouting technique is analyzed using the new model. Field data from three rock engineering projects are compared with the model prediction to assess the performance of the model. The results from the traditional RTGC method are compared with the model prediction. The results show that modeling prediction using variable injection pressure condition significantly differs from that using constant injection pressure. Moreover, time-variable model which is an extended version of the traditional RTGC theory shows a slightly better prediction when compared with recorded data and RTGC result. It also can be concluded that dynamic grouting could improve grouting performance from an analytical perspective. In the end, this research would result in an effective tool for further study in this field. / Berginjektering är en effektiv teknik som ofta används inom bergteknik för att minska grundvatteninträngning och öka stabiliteten hos omgivande bergmassa. The real time grouitng control (RTGC) är en av de mycket använda analytiska modellerna för att förutsäga injekteringsprocessen. I tidigare forskning har denna metod diskuterats under konstant tryck. Men i praktiken är injektionen inte alltid konstant. Effekten av variabelt insprutningstryck diskuterades inte fullständigt. I denna studie används en 2D radiell enfasflödesmodell för att beskriva berginjekteringsprocessen. Modellen löses med hjälp av numerisk integration för att införliva variabelt insprutningstryck. Modellens känslighet granskas efteråt. I denna artikel analyseras den dynamiska injekteringstekniken med den nya modellen. Fältdata från tre bergtekniska projekt jämförs med modellprognosen för att bedöma modellens prestanda. Resultaten från den traditionella RTGC-metoden jämförs med modellprognosen. Resultaten visar att modelleringsförutsägelse med användning av variabelt insprutningstrycksvillkor avsevärt skiljer sig från det som använder konstant insprutningstryck. Dessutom visar tidsvariabel modell, som är en utökad version av den traditionella RTGC-teorin, en något bättre förutsägelse jämfört med registrerade data och RTGC-resultat. Man kan också dra slutsatsen att dynamisk injektering skulle kunna förbättra injekteringsprestandan ur ett analytiskt perspektiv. I slutändan skulle denna forskning resultera i ett effektivt verktyg för vidare studier inom detta område.
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Toward a reliability framework for the observational methodSpross, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Constructing sustainable structures in rock that satisfy all predefined technical specifications requires rational and effective construction methods. When the geotechnical behaviour is hard to predict, the European design code, Eurocode 7, suggests application of the observational method to verify that the performance is acceptable. The basic principle of the method is to accept predefined changes in the design during construction to comply with the actual ground conditions, if the current design is found unsuitable. Even though this in theory should ensure an effective design solution, formal application of the observational method is rare. Investigating the applicability of the observational method in rock engineering, the aim of this thesis is to identify, highlight, and solve the aspects of the method that limit its wider application. Furthermore, the thesis aims to improve the conceptual understanding of how design decisions should be made when large uncertainties are present. The main research contribution is a probabilistic framework for the observational method. The suggested methodology allows comparison of the merits of the observational method with that of conventional design. Among other things, the thesis also discusses (1) the apparent contradiction between the preference for advanced probabilistic calculation methods and sound, qualitative engineering judgement, (2) how the establishment of limit states and alarm limits must be carefully considered to ensure structural safety, and (3) the applicability of the Eurocode definition of the observational method and the implications of deviations from its principles. / För att kunna konstruera en anläggning i berg, som uppfyller satta tekniska krav, krävs det en rationell och effektiv konstruktionsmetod. När konstruktionens beteende är svårt att förutsäga, erbjuder den europeiska standarden Eurokod 7 den så kallade observationsmetoden. Denna metod tillåter i förväg förberedda förändringar i designen under konstruktionstiden, om observationer av konstruktionens beteende indikerar att så behövs. På så vis anpassas konstruktionen till de faktiska förhållandena i marken. Trots att detta tillvägagångssätt i teorin ger en rationell design, används metoden sällan i enlighet med Eurokod 7. Denna doktorsavhandling undersöker tillämpbarheten av observa-tionsmetoden när man bygger i och på berg. Målet är att belysa de aspekter som begränsar dess användning och i dessa fall föreslå förbättringar som ökar tillämpbarheten. I ett vidare perspektiv syftar avhandlingen även till att förbättra den konceptuella förståelsen för hur beslut bör fattas i designprocessen när det finns stora osäkerheter. Avhandlingen visar hur observationsmetoden kan användas i ett sannolikhetsbaserat ramverk. Metodiken ger användaren möjlighet att jämföra för- och nackdelarna med observationsmetoden och konventionell dimensionering. Avhandlingen diskuterar bland annat även (1) den skenbara motsatsen mellan användandet av sannolikhetsbaserade beräkningsmetoder för att lösa komplexa dimensioneringsfrågor och kvalitativa ingenjörsmässiga bedömningar, (2) hur larmgränser och brottgränstillstånd bör definieras för att ge tillräcklig säkerhetsmarginal, samt (3) hur Eurokod 7:s strikta definition av observationsmetoden påverkar dess användbarhet. / <p>QC 20160926</p>
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Utvärdering av larmgränser för extensometermätningar vid bergbyggande : En fallstudie vid Henriksdals reningsverk / Evaluation of alarm limits for extensometer measurements in rock engineering : A case study of Henriksdals wastewater treatment plantSpång, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Vid en ombyggnation av Henriksdals reningsverk har ett vertikalschakt utformats och anlagts. Under berguttaget tillämpades extensometermätningar för att följa upp deformationer i en bergpelare mot en befintlig tunnel. Mätningar utfördes automatiserat och regelbundet. För uppföljning av deformationer tillämpades tre larmnivåer avgränsade av två larmgränser vid 1.0 mm samt 3.0 mm deformation och var förbundna till olika motåtgärder. Målet med detta arbete harvarit att studera hur tillämpade larmgränser har presterat relativt dokumenterade och prognostiserade deformationer ur ett sannolikhetsbaserat perspektiv. Samt vid behov formulera och föreslå nya larmgränser. En litteraturstudie om modellering av bergmassor samt mekaniska egenskaper hos förekommande bergmassa av gnejs genomfördes. Därefter modellerades objektet för vidare numerisk analys genom FEM i Plaxis 3D. Med grund i uppställd modell kunde in-situ spänningsfältet skattas och modellen optimeras. En känslighetsanalys för bergmassans hållfasthetsparametrar utfördes och de fyra mest känsliga parametrarna: γ, ν, σci, Qbas, applicerades statistiskt i efterföljande studier. Föreslagna och tillämpade larmgränser studerades genom utförande av Monte Carlo-simuleringar. Använda deformationsbaserade larmgränser återfanns inte vara tillfredsställande och nya individuella töjningsbaserade gränsvärden framställdes. De ursprungliga deformationsbaserade larmgränserna resulterade för längre mätankare i utlösta larm och visades vara ouppnåeliga för kortare mätankare. En resulterande sannolikhet för överskridande av föreslagna varningsgränser vid dragtöjning skattades till storleksordningen 10−2 till 10−1 samt för stoppgränserna vid dragtöjning till 10−4. Sannolikheterna för överskridande av föreslagna larmgränser vid trycktöjning var inte möjliga att uppskatta för det studerade fallet. / During a rebuild of Henriksdal wastewater treatment plant, a vertical rock shaft was constructed. During the excavation, extensometers were used for monitoring deformations in a rock pillar against an existing tunnel. Measurements were automatically and regularly performed. Three alarm levels for follow up of the deformations were used and associated with different counter measures. The alarm levels were divided by two alarm limits at 1.0 mm and 3.0 mm deformation. The goal with this work was to study how the applied alarm limits from a probabilistic point of view have performed relative to obtained and forecasted deformations. And, if necessary, propose new alarm limits. A literature study about modeling of rock masses and mechanical properties of the occurring gneiss at site was performed. The object was thereafter modeled for further numerical analyzes using FEM in Plaxis 3D. Based on the performed model, the in-situ stress field could be estimated,and the model was further optimized. A sensitivity analysis of the rock mass strength parameters was conducted and the four most sensitive parameters: γ, ν, σci, Qbas, were applied as probabilistic in the following studies. Proposed and applied alarm limits were studied through Monte Carlo simulation. Applied deformation-based alarm limits were found not to be sufficient and two new strain-based were prescribed. The deformation-based limits were for the longer extensometer anchors resulting in triggered alarms and were only considered to be applicable for anchor lengths between 3.0 to 5.0 m. The probability of exceeding the proposed warning limits for tensile strain was estimated to be of a magnitude 10−2 to 10−1 and for the stop limits to be of a magnitude 10−4. The probabilities of exceeding the proposed alarm limits during compressive strain were not possible to estimate for the studied case.
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Novel methods for 3-D semi-automatic mapping of fracture geometry at exposed rock facesFeng, Quanhong January 2001 (has links)
To analyse the influence of fractures on hydraulic andmechanical behaviour of fractured rock masses, it is essentialto characterise fracture geometry at exposed rock faces. Thisthesis describes three semi-automatic methods for measuring andquantifying geometrical parameters of fractures, and aims tooffer a novel approach to the traditional mapping methods. Three techniques, i.e. geodetic total station, close-rangephotogrammetry and 3-D laser scanner, are used in this studyfor measurement of fracture geometry. The advantages of thesetechniques compared with the traditional method are: i)fracture geometry is quantified semi-automatically in threedimensions; ii) fracture measurements are obtained withoutphysically touching the rock face; iii) the accuracy offracture measurements is improved comparing with thetraditional method; iv) both quantitative and spatial analysisof fracture geometry is possible; v) it offers a way todigitally record the rock surface in three dimensions and invisual format as a database for other applications. The common approach for fracture mapping by using the noveltechniques comprises three main steps: i) capturing 3-Dco-ordinates of target points; ii) quantifying geometricalparameters of fractures from the recorded co-ordinates; iii)documenting the results of fracture mapping. The details ofcapturing 3-D co-ordinates of target points are introduced. Anew algorithm is developed for computing orientation offracture planes. A multiple approach for documenting thefracture mapping results is presented. Application of thesetechniques for measuring and quantifying the geometricalparameters of fractures, such as orientation, trace length andsurface roughness, are demonstrated. The presented methods can greatly improve the quality offracture measurements and avoid the drawbacks inherent intraditional methods. However, it can not replace the humancapacity to filter out and interpret the large amount ofgeometrical information displayed on the rock faces. Themethods may offer an assistance to engineers or geologists inobtaining as much information as possible about the geometryand orientation of rock fractures for rock engineeringapplications. <b>Keywords:</b>3-D laser scanner, close-range photogrammetry,engineering geology, fracture geometry, fracture mapping, rockengineering, rock faces, rock mechanics, three-dimension, totalstation.
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Novel methods for 3-D semi-automatic mapping of fracture geometry at exposed rock facesFeng, Quanhong January 2001 (has links)
<p>To analyse the influence of fractures on hydraulic andmechanical behaviour of fractured rock masses, it is essentialto characterise fracture geometry at exposed rock faces. Thisthesis describes three semi-automatic methods for measuring andquantifying geometrical parameters of fractures, and aims tooffer a novel approach to the traditional mapping methods.</p><p>Three techniques, i.e. geodetic total station, close-rangephotogrammetry and 3-D laser scanner, are used in this studyfor measurement of fracture geometry. The advantages of thesetechniques compared with the traditional method are: i)fracture geometry is quantified semi-automatically in threedimensions; ii) fracture measurements are obtained withoutphysically touching the rock face; iii) the accuracy offracture measurements is improved comparing with thetraditional method; iv) both quantitative and spatial analysisof fracture geometry is possible; v) it offers a way todigitally record the rock surface in three dimensions and invisual format as a database for other applications.</p><p>The common approach for fracture mapping by using the noveltechniques comprises three main steps: i) capturing 3-Dco-ordinates of target points; ii) quantifying geometricalparameters of fractures from the recorded co-ordinates; iii)documenting the results of fracture mapping. The details ofcapturing 3-D co-ordinates of target points are introduced. Anew algorithm is developed for computing orientation offracture planes. A multiple approach for documenting thefracture mapping results is presented. Application of thesetechniques for measuring and quantifying the geometricalparameters of fractures, such as orientation, trace length andsurface roughness, are demonstrated.</p><p>The presented methods can greatly improve the quality offracture measurements and avoid the drawbacks inherent intraditional methods. However, it can not replace the humancapacity to filter out and interpret the large amount ofgeometrical information displayed on the rock faces. Themethods may offer an assistance to engineers or geologists inobtaining as much information as possible about the geometryand orientation of rock fractures for rock engineeringapplications.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>3-D laser scanner, close-range photogrammetry,engineering geology, fracture geometry, fracture mapping, rockengineering, rock faces, rock mechanics, three-dimension, totalstation.</p>
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