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Microphone Arrays for Speaker Recognition / Microphone Arrays for Speaker RecognitionMošner, Ladislav January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou vzdáleného rozpoznávání mluvčích. V případě dat zachycených odlehlým mikrofonem se přesnost standardního rozpoznávání značně snižuje, proto jsem navrhl dva přístupy pro zlepšení výsledků. Prvním z nich je použití mikrofonního pole (záměrně rozestavené sady mikrofonů), které je schopné nasměrovat virtuální "paprsek" na pozici řečníka. Dále jsem prováděl adaptaci komponent systému (PLDA skórování a extraktoru i-vektorů). S využitím simulace pokojových podmínek jsem syntetizoval trénovací a testovací data ze standardní datové sady NIST 2010. Ukázal jsem, že obě techniky a jejich kombinace vedou k výraznému zlepšení výsledků. Dále jsem se zabýval společným určením identity a pozice mluvčího. Zatímco výsledky ve venkovním simulovaném prostředí (bez ozvěn) jsou slibné, výsledky z interiéru (s ozvěnami) jsou smíšené a vyžadují další prozkoumání. Na závěr jsem mohl systémem vyhodnotit omezené množství reálných dat získaných přehráním a záznamem nahrávek ve skutečné místnosti. Zatímco výsledky pro mužské nahrávky odpovídají simulaci, výsledky pro ženské nahrávky nejsou přesvědčivé a vyžadují další analýzu.
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Tepelné čerpadlo pro ohřev teplé vody / Heat pump water heaterMazálek, Karel January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with reusing waste heat from the kitchen and .cold rooms of a restaurant, as a source of heat for heat pump water heater. The first part is about basic principles and theory which is needed to understand the function of heat pump and possibilities of reusing wasted heat. In the other parts, there are calculations and designs not only of a heat pump, but also coolers and ventilation unit needed for recycling of heat.
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Penzion / Boarding HouseNěmec, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is a project of boarding house. The building is situated in moderate slope terrain in cadastral territory Znojmo-město. Boarding house capacity is 36 beds. Boarding house has three floors and is designed from the structural system Ytong. The ceilings are made of filigree floor panels. The roof of the house is built as flat vegetation roof. In the first floor there is located main entrance, reception desk and dining room. In the second and third floor there are rooms for guests.
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Rehabilitační centrum Pasohlávky / Rehabilitation centre, PasohlávkySkříčková, Alžběta January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a rehabilitation center, which is located in the cadastral area of the village Mušov on the border of the village Pasohlávky. It is a two-storey rehabilitation center with a gym and a partial basement. The thesis deepens the initiative of Thermal Pasohlávky, which plans to build a spa resort in the same section, combining elements of spa care, recreation and sports use. The object fulfills the function of a rehabilitation medical facility. The center is designed for up to 50 patients and is functionally divided into three parts. The first part consists of rehabilitation. We will find here several exercise rooms, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, doctor's office with waiting room and reception. Rehabilitation also includes a gym with access to the terrace and park. On the second floor we can find specialized department of ergotherapy for people with different types of disabilities and second functional part of the bulding designed for staff facilities. It is made up of staffing facilities, dressing rooms, offices and meeting rooms. The third functional part consist from the technical background of the building and is located on the ground floor. The object is designed as a wall system, built from sand-lime bricks km beta Sendvix and insulated with the ETICS thermal insulation made from mineral wool. Horizontal supporting structures are designed as reinforced concrete. The entire building is roofed with a flat roof. Wooden windows and doors are used in the building to fill the holes. Before the building is a parking lot for employees and visitors of the rehabilitation facility. The design respects the principles of barrier-free solutions. The bachelor thesis is elaborated in the form of a project documentation for the execution of the construction.
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Návrh tepelného zdroje lokální soustavy CZT / Design of the heat source of the local district heating systemSvobodová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on district heat supply, heat sources, machinery and safety equipment of boiler rooms. The main goal of the thesis is to modernize parts of the heat sources with the respective boiler room equipment in accordance with the latest available technology. The generated thermal energy is used for heating or hot water production for residential and non-residential buildings in the vicinity of the boiler room. In the theoretical part, the thesis focuses in more detail on boiler rooms, specifically on heat energy sources, machinery and safety equipment of boiler rooms, system ventilation and combustion exhaust. The findings are applied in the design of the new boiler room layout. It is followed by a detailed description of the current state of the boiler room and heat networks. An essential part of the work is the assessment of layout of the current heat sources and the creation of a new design for the replacement of insufficient sources and related equipment. The last goal is an economic overview of the designed project solution.
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Modelování zvukového pole v uzavřeném prostoru na nízkých kmitočtech / Modeling Sound Field in Closed Space at Low FrequenciesHořák, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issues of low frequency acoustics and simulation. In this work the FTDT method of simulation is used. Measuring and simulation are focused on live-sound system and are evaluated using basic sound system optimisation techniques. Main output of this work is verification of basic low-frequency acoustics principles using simulation and measuring.
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Rekonstrukce multifunkčního sálu hudební školy s důrazem na akustiku / Reconstruction of the multifunctional room music school with an emphasis on acousticsSehnal, František January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to design the reconstruction of the music hall in the existing building of the private music school D-Music. The building is located in Kromeriz, cadastral area Kromeriz. I emphasize the design from the perspective of acoustics. The thesis also evaluated the noise load from the adjacent road II. class, for design hole fillings. It is a five-storey building with one underground and four above-ground floors. The music hall is located on the first floor and is designed multifunctionaly - for music with mobile acoustic absorbers for speech.
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Dětská léčebna Ostrov u Macochy / Childern´s Sanatorium Ostrov u MacochyVencovská, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis was prepared as an architectural study on the topic of Childern's sanatorium Ostrov u Macochy. It proposes design of a new children’s treatment centre that uses the nearby Císařská Cave for speleotherapeutic treatment. The municipality of Ostrov u Macochyis in the district of Blansko. The new building is located on the outskirts of the village surrounded by the nature of the protected area CHKO Moravský kras, the terrain is sloping and oriented to the south. These are the main attributes that the object uses and adapts to.The treatment centre operates in a single building with two main floors. The ground floor has space for commercial use, entrance hall, medical, rehabilitation and administrative part, kitchen and facilities for speleotherapy and operation of the treatment centre. The first floor is dedicated to children. One half of the first floor consists of playing areas and rooms for accommodated children and separate rooms for children accommodated with their parents. In the second half of the first floor there is an elementary school with three classrooms, a dining room and a caretaker's apartment. Thanks to the terrain, it is possible to enter the atrium and the garden with sports grounds from the entire first floor. This creates a connection between the interior and surrounding nature. The construction system of the building is mostly brick, supplemented by reinforced concrete columns, sprayed forms of prestressed ceiling slabs, the roof is flat green. The main idea of the urban solution is to create serious looking building connected with nature, which will respect the sloping terrain and the surrounding buildings. The architectural solution is based on a simple cubic U-shaped form, partially embedded in the terrain. The mass forms the atrium. The dominant feature of the facade are coloured shielding slats, which prevent the building from overheating. These slats also appear elsewhere on the facade and children can play
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Mobilní aplikace pro sdílené nakupování / Mobile App for Shared ShoppingŠťastná, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create a mobile application for the Android operating system, which makes organizing a community shopping easier for its users and their friends. Each user can build a community of their own that offers collective purchasing of products, or can offer their products for purchase. They categorize these offers to their channels and their friends choose only those channels that they find interesting. If their friends accept their offer, they see the necessary information about their individual purchases. Thus, this application enables users to offer shared purchasing to their friends e.g. at a grower from whom these people could not buy individually. They can procure quality produce together at a competitive price and they can also reduce production of plastic packaging by purchasing as a group.
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"DET SVÅRA ÄR INTE ATT TA ETT LVM, DET SVÅRA ÄR ATT INTE TA ETT" : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av stödinsatser, med särskilt fokus på tillämpningen av tvångslagstiftningen LVM samt etiska dilemman i handlingsutrymmet.Mourujärvi Nell, Moa, Jihan Boya, Rose Mare January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att undersöka socialsekreterares upplevelser av stödinsatser till personer med missbruksproblem, med särskilt fokus på tillämpningen av tvångslagstiftningen Lag (1988:870) om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM), dels huruvida socialsekreterare upplever etiska dilemman vid bedömning av LVM och hur sådana dilemman kan hanteras. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ studie där totalt sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med socialsekreterare i olika kommuner i Sverige. Genom en tematisk analys, har vårt empiriska material analyserats. Teman som framkom var handlingsutrymme utifrånRiktlinjer och samarbete, Bedömning av helheten, Motivationsarbete, Tankar om tolkningsutrymme samt vård och Etiska dilemman. Det empiriska materialet har även analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning och teoretiska begrepp, det vill säga gräsrotsbyråkrati och handlingsutrymme. Resultatet visade att socialsekreterarna upplevde att samarbete med kollegor, teamledare och chefer var viktigt vid inledning av LVM. Vidare menade de intervjuade socialsekreterarna att riktlinjer och lagtext tydliggör när tvångsomhändertagande ska tillämpas. De uppgav dock att lagtexten är en svårighet på grund av tolkningsutrymmet. Etiska dilemman som lyftes av socialsekreterarna hängde samman med att klientens självbestämmanderätt försvinner vid tillämpning av LVM, samtidigt som klientens liv är i fara om LVM inte tillämpas. / The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of social secretaries, in support measures for people with substance abuse problems, with special focus on the application of the law Lag (1988:870) om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall (LVM). Additionally we examined potential ethical dilemmas and how these are handled by the social secretary. The study is based on a qualitative study where a total of six semi-structured interviews were conducted with social secretaries from different municipalities in Sweden. Through a thematic analysis, our empirical material was analyzed. Themes that emerged were Room for maneuver based on guidelines and laws, The overall assessment, Motivational work, Thoughts on room for interpretation, Care and Ethical dilemmas. The empirical material has been analyzed with the help of previous research and theoretical concepts. The results showed that the participants' collaboration with colleagues, team leaders and managers was important when initiating compulsory care. Further, the respondents emphasized that guidelines and legislation clarify when compulsory treatment is to be applied. However, the social secretaries stated that there were difficulties with the scope for interpretation. An ethical dilemma highlighted by the social secretaries was that the client's right to self- determination disappears when applying LVM, at the same time as the client's life is in danger if LVM is not applied.
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