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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherches en Dynamique pour un Développement d'Eco Machines Tournantes Réactives - Smart Machines

Mahfoud, Jarir 09 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les machines tournantes sont présentes dans bien de domaines de nos industries et de nos sociétés et jouent un rôle primordial dans le transport et l'énergie. Le contexte actuel d'épuisement de ressources fossiles et la demande continuellement en augmentation d'énergie, font du domaine de la production de l'énergie (qu'elle soit électrique, thermique, éolienne, hydraulique ou nucléaire) un secteur qui concentre une part importante de l'innovation et de l'investissement des institutions et des industriels. Les tendances actuelles concernent l'augmentation du rendement et de la fiabilité, la diminution des dimensions, des coûts d'exploitation et des impacts environnementaux. Les machines doivent donc opérer dans des conditions respectant les normes de sécurité, de sûreté, de confort et d'environnement. La maîtrise et l'optimisation de ces conditions ont constitué le fil conducteur des recherches menées. L'ensemble de cette recherche concerne le suivi du comportement, l'équilibrage et le contrôle actif des machines tournantes. Trois thèmes qui ont un point commun la définition et l'identification d'un modèle de la machine ensuite, connaissant les réponses identifier les perturbations et les forces extérieures. Ces recherches constituent la base vers le développement de machines avec une capacité de réagir, sans interventions extérieures, en présence d'une défaillance ou lors de passage des zones de vitesses critiques ou des zones d'instabilités, de modifier ses caractéristiques afin d'avoir toujours un comportement respectant les normes de sécurité, de sûreté, de confort et d'environnement. La base vers un développement d'une Eco machine tournante réactive: une Smart machine tournante. Les premières recherches traitent du suivi de comportement et du diagnostic des boites de transmission de puissance par engrenages. L'objectif est la mise en place d'une approche de maintenance préventive de machines tournantes en présence de défauts combinés d'engrenages et de roulements. L'approche scientifique est à la fois numérique et expérimentale. Dans les deux approches, les défauts critiques étudiés ont été choisis suite à une étude AMDEC (Analyse de Modes de Défaillance, de leurs Effets et leurs Criticités). Les approches pour réduire les nuisances et d'assurer la sécurité de fonctionnement se déclinent, selon les possibilités et les moyens d'intervention, en deux solutions; équilibrage et contrôle actif. En équilibrage les recherches permettront d'une part le développement de méthodes basées sur des modèles identifiés expérimentalement prenant en compte des non linéarités dues à la très grande flexibilité des structures étudiées ou à la dépendance de certaines caractéristiques aux fréquences; elles permettront d'autre part l'optimisation de la répartition des masses de correction à la fois en position et en valeur en considérant des perturbations stochastiques des mesures. Le thème contrôle actif des machines tournantes porte sur le développement et la mise en place de stratégies de contrôle permettant la modification du comportement dynamique des rotors en flexion, en régime transitoire, par l'utilisation d'actionneurs. Le contrôleur peut être dans le domaine physique ou modal avec une commande floue ou neuro-floue. Concernant la technologie d'actionneurs, des travaux ont déjà été réalisés en utilisant des actionneurs piézoélectriques. Le contrôle est efficace et robuste, le seul inconvénient concerne la liaison entre l'actionneur et la machine. Nos recherches actuelles portent sur la conception et le dimensionnement d'actionneurs électromagnétiques qui présentent l'avantage d'être sans contact et offrent la possibilité de contrôler à la fois l'arbre du rotor et un de ces composants (paliers hydrodynamiques). Les activités et thèmes de recherches sont présentés en trois chapitres sans prendre en compte l'aspect chronologique. Chaque chapitre présente la recherche déjà réalisée, celle en cours puis future. Un chapitre est consacré au projet de recherche concernant les études initiées dans un souci d'appliquer et d'adapter les acquis dans des contextes particuliers de complexité des nouvelles machines ou tout simplement la volonté de considérer les besoins environnementaux et le développement d'Eco- Machines Tournantes.

Modélisation des écoulements turbulents en rotation et en présence de transferts thermiques par approche hybride RANS/LES zonale

De Laage De Meut, Benoît 11 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La simulation numérique d'écoulements turbulents dans les systèmes de refroi- dissement de joints de pompes hydrauliques demande à considérer des domaines de calcul très étendus et des temps d'intégration très longs. La modélisation hybride RANS/LES zo- nale pourrait permettre de reproduire, dans un temps de calcul acceptable industriellement, l'ensemble des phénomènes thermiques et dynamiques en présence. L'approche consiste à faire interagir une simulation des grandes échelles (LES), représentant finement les phé- nomènes instationnaires de la turbulence dans certaines régions critiques de l'écoulement, avec l'approche statistique (RANS), moins coûteuse numériquement et dont la mise en oeuvre dans le reste du domaine permet de rendre compte des variations globales imposées à l'écoulement (injection d'eau froide dans de l'eau chaude, rotation de l'arbre et de la roue, etc...). Dans cette optique, une étude détaillée des modélisations adaptées aux écoulements en rotation est réalisée, suivant les deux approches RANS et LES. De nombreux modèles de turbulence sont comparés sur un cas test de canal en rotation. Le couplage zonal aux faces de bord par la méthode des structures turbulentes synthétiques (SEM) est étudié et une méthode innovante de couplage volumique par force de rappel (Forçage Linéaire Ani- sotrope) sur une zone de recouvrement RANS/LES est proposée. Ces deux méthodes sont étendues pour la première fois à la thermique. Les simulations hybrides RANS/LES zonales présentées, sur des cas test de canal fixe, en rotation ou en convection forcée, montrent la faisabilité de telles modélisations pour des applications industrielles.

The rotating injector as a tool for exploring DI diesel combustion and emissions formation processes

Sjöberg, Magnus January 2001 (has links)
A diesel fuel injector has been modified to allow rotationaround its axis, driven by an electric motor. Injections at upto 6000 rpm from the rotating injector have been investigatedunder the influence of air swirl on one optical research engineand one optically accessible heavy-duty diesel engine. The experiments show that changing from a normal, staticinjection to a sweeping injection has profound effects on sprayformation, dispersion and penetration. This influences thefuel/air-mixing, autoignition, combustion rate and emissionsformation. The spray propagation is stronger influenced byinjector rotation than by air swirl. The air entrainment into the spray increases forcounter-swirl rotation of the injector and this speeds up thevaporization and decreases the formation of soot. In addition,the oxidation of soot is enhanced since the counter-swirlinjection forces the intense fuel-rich and soot containingspray core to penetrate into fresh air instead of replenishingthe rich regions in the head of the spray. Fuel accumulationalong the piston bowl wall decreases as an effect of thereduced penetration with counter-swirl injection. Altogether,this decreases the smoke emissions for low and intermediateengine loads. For the combustion system studied, counter-swirl rotation ofthe injector cannot decrease the smoke emissions at high engineload since the reduced spray penetration impairs the airutilization. Fast and efficient combustion at high loadrequires spray induced flame spread out into the squish region.Spray induced flow of cool fresh air from the bottom of thepiston bowl in towards the injector is also important for lowsoot formation rates. Co-swirl rotation of the injector reduces the airentrainment into the spray and increases the soot formation.The increased smoke and CO emissions with co-swirl injectionare also attributed to the excessively large fuel-rich regionsbuilt up against the piston bowl wall. Increased air swirl generally reduces smoke and COemissions. This is mainly an effect of enhanced burnout due tomore intense mixing after the end of fuel injection. Changes in smoke as an effect of injector rotation aregenerally accompanied with opposite, but relatively small,changes in NO. Fast and efficient burnout is important for lowsmoke emissions and this raises both the temperature andproduction of NO. NO production is strongly influenced by thein-cylinder conditions during the latter part of themixing-controlled combustion and in the beginning of theburnout. <b>Keywords:</b>diesel spray combustion, rotating injector,air swirl, air/fuel-mixing, soot, NO, CO, flame visualization,Chemkin modeling, soot deposition

Reaction of Calcite and Dolomite with In-Situ Gelled Acids, Organic Acids, and Environmentally Friendly Chelating Agent (GLDA)

Rabie, Ahmed 1978- 14 March 2013 (has links)
Well stimulation is the treatment remedy when oil/gas productivity decreases to unacceptable economical limits. Well stimulation can be carried out through either "Matrix Acidizing" or fracturing with both "Hydraulic Fracturing" and "Acid Fracturing" techniques. "Matrix Acidizing" and "Acid Fracturing" applications involve injecting an acid to react with the formation and dissolve some of the minerals present and recover or increase the permeability. The permeability enhancement is achieved by creating conductive channels "wormholes" in case of "Matrix Acidizing" or creating uneven etching pattern in case of "Acid Fracturing" treatments. In both cases, and to design a treatment successfully, it is necessary to determine the distance that the live acid will be able to penetrate inside the formation, which in turn, determines the volume of the acid needed to carry out the treatment. This distance can be obtained through lab experiments, if formation cores are available, or estimated by modeling the treatment. The successful model will depend on several chemical and physical processes that take place including: the acid transport to the surface of the rock, the speed of the reaction of the acid with the rock, which is often referred to as "Reaction Rate", and the acid leak-off. The parameters describing these processes such as acid diffusion coefficient and reaction kinetics have to be determined experimentally to ensure accurate and reliable modeling. Hydrochloric acid and simple organic acids such as acetic and citric acids have been used extensively for stimulation treatments. The diffusion and reaction kinetics of these acids, in a straight form, were investigated thoroughly in literature. However, solely these acids are used in a simple form in the field. Acid systems such as gelled, crosslinked gelled, surfactant-based, foam-based, or emulsified acids are used to either retard the reaction rate or to enhance acid diversion. Literature review shows that additional work is needed to understand the reaction and report the diffusion and kinetics of these systems with carbonate. In addition, a new chelating agent (GLDA) was recently introduced as a stand-alone stimulating fluid. The kinetics and the mass transfer properties of this acid were not studied before. Therefore, the objective of this work is to study the reaction of different acid systems with calcite and dolomite and report the mass transport and kinetic data experimentally. Lactic acid, a chelating agent (GLDA), and in-situ gelled HCl-formic acids were investigated in this study. In some cases, rheology measurements and core flood experiments were conducted. The data were combined with the reaction study to understand the behavior of these acids and examine their efficiency if injected in the formation.

Design and Development of a Power Modulator for Insulation Testing

Montasser, Yuseph January 2006 (has links)
Variable speed drives allow for more precise speed control of induction motors, are of high power factor, and offer fast response characteristics, compared to older technologies, such as motor-generator sets and eddy current clutches. However, due to the high switching frequencies as well as the high dV/dt in the output increased dielectric stresses are produced in the insulation system of the motor they supply. Due to the use of these solid state drives there have been concerns of premature failure in large, medium and high voltage, motors. To fully understand and deal with these concerns requires studying the degradation mechanisms, in the insulation system, caused by these drives; which, on an actual motor is both extremely costly as well as impractical. Therefore, coil samples which accurately represent the construction of the actual insulation system, must be aged and studied instead. In addition, to ideally replicate the aging process, the same waveform that the motor is subjected to must be applied to these samples. As a result of this requirement, a low power, two-level, high voltage PWM inverter has been built to replicate the most important characteristics of the output waveform of a variable speed drive. This power modulator allows for testing the insulation systems considering a real PWM waveform in which both the fast pulses and the fundamental low frequency are included. The results of these tests show that the effects of PWM waveforms cannot be entirely replicated by a unipolar pulse generator.

Åtkomststudie för robotiserad svetsning av flygmotordetalj

Blom, Johanna, Öster, Carl-Johan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate if the robotized welding method FSW (Friction Stir Welding) could be applied for joining a rotating structure in an aero engine at Volvo Aero Corporation. FSW is expected to introduce less defects than today’s welding methods and could therefore be suitable for critical aero components. The material is the nickel based alloy Inconel 718, however a material experimentation is outside the scope of this report.The main goal of this study is to verify if the ESAB ROSIO robot based FSW-system has a suitable work space to be able to weld the rotating structure, and if the welding tool has accessibility to the joints. The FSW-process needs a rigid fixture, and a number of fix-ture concepts are presented based on a proposed weld sequence. A final fixture design is proposed, which requires a new design of the structure.The accessibility studies were performed in the robot simulations software Robot Stu-dio. This showed that the robot was unable to weld the proposed model in all areas in the original design. If the robot and the rotating structure can be redesigned the access will be achieved as shown in Robot Studio simulations.In order to be implemented in real production a number of further actions need to be taken and the result of this study can be a basis for these.

Design and Development of a Power Modulator for Insulation Testing

Montasser, Yuseph January 2006 (has links)
Variable speed drives allow for more precise speed control of induction motors, are of high power factor, and offer fast response characteristics, compared to older technologies, such as motor-generator sets and eddy current clutches. However, due to the high switching frequencies as well as the high dV/dt in the output increased dielectric stresses are produced in the insulation system of the motor they supply. Due to the use of these solid state drives there have been concerns of premature failure in large, medium and high voltage, motors. To fully understand and deal with these concerns requires studying the degradation mechanisms, in the insulation system, caused by these drives; which, on an actual motor is both extremely costly as well as impractical. Therefore, coil samples which accurately represent the construction of the actual insulation system, must be aged and studied instead. In addition, to ideally replicate the aging process, the same waveform that the motor is subjected to must be applied to these samples. As a result of this requirement, a low power, two-level, high voltage PWM inverter has been built to replicate the most important characteristics of the output waveform of a variable speed drive. This power modulator allows for testing the insulation systems considering a real PWM waveform in which both the fast pulses and the fundamental low frequency are included. The results of these tests show that the effects of PWM waveforms cannot be entirely replicated by a unipolar pulse generator.

LES of Multiple Jets in Cross-Flow Using a Coupled Lattice Boltzmann-Navier-Stokes Solver

Feiz, Homayoon 14 November 2006 (has links)
Three-dimensional large-eddy simulations (LES) of single and multiple jets in cross-flow (JICF) were conducted using the 19-bit Lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE) method coupled with a conventional Navier-Stokes (NS) finite-volume scheme. In this coupled LBE-NS approach, the LBE-LES was employed to simulate the flow inside jet nozzles, while the NS-LES was used to simulate the cross-flow. The key application area was to study the micro-blowing technique (MBT) for drag control similar to recent experiments at NASA/GRC. A single jet in the cross-flow case was used for validation purposes, and results were compared with experimental data and full LBE-LES simulation. Good agreement with data was obtained. Transient analysis of flow structures was performed to investigate the contribution of flow structures to the counter-rotating vortex pair (CRVP) formation. It was found that both spanwise roller (at the lee side of the jet) and streamwise vortices (at the jet-side) contribute to the generation of the CRVP. Span-wise roller at the corner of the jet experiences high spanwise vortex compression as well as high streamwise vortex stretch. As a result, they get realigned, mix with the jet-side streamwise vortices, and eventually generate the CRVP. Furthermore, acoustic pulses were used to test the proper information exchange from the LBE domain to the NS domain, and vice-versa. Subsequently, MBT over a flat plate with porosity of 25 percent was simulated using nine jets in a compressible cross-flow at a Mach number of 0.4. Three cases with injection ratios of 0.003, 0.02 and 0.07 were conducted to investigate how the blowing rate impacts skin friction. It is shown that MBT suppressed the near-wall vortices and reduced the skin friction by up to 50 percent. This is in good agreement with experimental data.

Modelling Aerobic 4-chlorophenol And 2,4-dichlorophenol Biodegradation-effect Of Biogenic Substrate Concentration

Sahinkaya, Erkan 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Aerobic biodegradation kinetics of 4-Chlorophenol (4-CP) and 2,4-Dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) by acclimated mixed cultures were examined separately and in mixture using batch and sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Biodegradation abilities of acclimated mixed cultures were also compared with those of isolated pure species. Complete degradation of chlorophenols and high COD removal efficiencies were observed throughout the SBRs operation. During the degradation of 4-CP, 5-chloro-2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde, (the -meta cleavage product of 4-CP), accumulated but was subsequently removed completely. Chlorophenol degradation rates increased with increasing chlorophenols concentration in the feed of the SBRs. Gradually decreasing feed peptone concentration did not adversely affect chlorophenol degradation profiles in SBRs. Only competent biomass was thought to be responsible for chlorophenol degradation due to required unique metabolic pathways. It was assumed that the fraction of competent biomass (specialist biomass) is equal to COD basis fraction of chlorophenols in the feed of the reactors as competent biomass grows on chlorophenols only. Models developed using this assumption agreed well with experimental data. The performance of a two stage rotating biological contactor (RBC) was also evaluated for the treatment of synthetic wastewater containing peptone, 4-CP and 2,4-DCP at 5 rpm. High chlorophenols (&gt / 98%) and COD (&gt / 94%) removals were achieved throughout the reactor operation up to 1000 mg/L 4-CP and 500 mg/L 2,4-DCP in the feed. Results showed that RBC is more resistant than suspended growth reactors to high chlorophenols load. The change of dominant species during the operation of SBRs and RBC was also followed using API 20NE identification kits.

Analytical And Numerical Solutions To Rotating Orthotropic Disk Problems

Kaya, Yasemin 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Analytical and numerical models are developed to investigate the effect of orthotropy on the stress distribution in variable thickness solid and annular rotating disks. The plastic treatment is based on Hill&rsquo / s quadratic yield criterion, total deformation theory, and Swift&rsquo / s hardening law. The elastic-plastic stress distributions, residual stresses and radial displacement distributions are obtained after having analysed the cases of rotating solid disk, annular disk with rigid inclusion, annular disk subjected to either internal or external pressure. Thermal loading is also considered for the annular disk with rigid inclusion. Effects of different values of elastic and plastic orthotropy parameters are investigated. It is observed that the elastic orthotropy significantly affects the residual stresses in disks. The most remarkable effect of the plastic orthotropy is observed on the disk with rigid inclusion.

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