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Analysis and Modeling of Drivers Perception of Quality of Service on Urban RoundaboutsKhliefat, Ibrahim Hashim 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyzing the Impacts of Driver Familiarity/Unfamiliarity at RoundaboutsToussant, Erica A. 22 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Using Metering Signals at Roundabouts with Unbalanced Flows to Improve the Traffic Condition : The Case Study of Kannik Area in Stavanger / Using Metering Signals at Roundabouts with Unbalanced Flows to Improve the Traffic Condition : The Case Study of Kannik Area in StavangerMosslemi, Marjan January 2008 (has links)
In some roundabouts, just relying on the "right of way" regulations results in long queues forming along the approaches. This usually happens when a roundabout suffers from unbalanced flow patterns (one or two of the approaches convey much heavier traffic compared to the others). There is an idea that signalization of roundabouts can be useful as a countermeasure for such a problem, especially during peak hours. In that case, signal operation can come in many forms, including full-time control, part-time control, or metering. One problem that seems to be facing engineers when signalizing roundabouts is lacking a general set of patterns or guidelines to choose an appropriate form of signalization and apply it efficiently in different situations. There is also a need for a comprehensive review over the available literature concerning signalization of roundabouts. In this thesis, a review of literature regarding signalization of roundabouts is carried out. Moreover, a roundabout in Stavanger with unbalanced traffic flows is studied in order to find an appropriate signalization scenario which can improve the traffic situation. The network is modeled and simulated in AIMSUN.
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Using Metering Signals at Roundabouts with Unbalanced Flows to Improve the Traffic Condition : The Case Study of Kannik Area in Stavanger / Using Metering Signals at Roundabouts with Unbalanced Flows to Improve the Traffic Condition : The Case Study of Kannik Area in StavangerMosslemi, Marjan January 2008 (has links)
<p>In some roundabouts, just relying on the "right of way" regulations results in long queues forming along the approaches. This usually happens when a roundabout suffers from unbalanced flow patterns (one or two of the approaches convey much heavier traffic compared to the others). There is an idea that signalization of roundabouts can be useful as a countermeasure for such a problem, especially during peak hours. In that case, signal operation can come in many forms, including full-time control, part-time control, or metering. One problem that seems to be facing engineers when signalizing roundabouts is lacking a general set of patterns or guidelines to choose an appropriate form of signalization and apply it efficiently in different situations. There is also a need for a comprehensive review over the available literature concerning signalization of roundabouts. In this thesis, a review of literature regarding signalization of roundabouts is carried out. Moreover, a roundabout in Stavanger with unbalanced traffic flows is studied in order to find an appropriate signalization scenario which can improve the traffic situation. The network is modeled and simulated in AIMSUN.</p>
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Synthetic Innovation to Complex Intersection Control: Intelligent Roundabout in Connected Vehicle EnvironmentAnnam, Raja Bharat 11 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Structural studies of the Roundabout protein family / Etudes structurales de la famille des protéines RoundaboutBisiak, Francesco 05 February 2018 (has links)
Les systèmes neuronaux et vasculaires nécessitent un réseau complexe pour exécuter correctement leurs fonctions. Les processus impliqués dans la création de ce réseau s'appuient sur des voies coordonnées, souvent activées par des systèmes protéine/récepteur communs, qui conduisent au remodelage du cytosquelette.En général, les cellules neuronales et vasculaires répondent aux stimuli extracellulaires sous forme de protéines solubles sécrétées, qui interagissent avec les récepteurs de surface pour favoriser l'attraction ou la répulsion vers la source des protéines sécrétées. Ce processus, appelé guidage, est régulé par sept familles de récepteurs et leurs ligands respectifs, qui s'influencent les uns sur les autres et peuvent agir sur le système neuronal, le système vasculaire ou les deux ensembles.Cette étude est centrée sur deux récepteurs transmembranaires à passage unique, les membres des familles de protéines Roundabout et UNC5 qui sont principalement impliquées dans l'angiogenèse: Robo4 et UNC5B.L'information structurelle sur la région extracellulaire de plusieurs de ces récepteurs, et comment le signal est relayé à travers la membrane, fait défaut.La déglycosylation enzymatique a confirmé que les domaines extracellulaires de Robo4 et UNC5B sont largement glycosylés avec des glycanes liés en azote du complexe type. La mutagenèse dirigée des sites de glycosylation prédits de Robo4 perturbe son expression, indiquant que ces résidus sont nécessaires pour la stabilité de la protéine et que leur glycosylation, ou leur passage dans la voie de glycosylation, pourrait être nécessaire pour un repliement correct. Les données MALS et SAXS montrent qu'en solution, Robo4 ecto est un monomère flexible de forme allongée. Les domaines ne présentent pas des caractéristiques distinctes dans le modèle construit à partir des données SAXS. Plusieurs Fabs se liant au domaine extracellulaire de Robo4 ont été caractérisés, avec l'espoir d'identifier les Fab qui pourraient inhiber l'interaction Robo4 / UNC5B rapportée pour une caractérisation plus poussée. La formation du complexe a été vérifiée par SEC-MALS et SAXS, et les constantes d'interaction ont été déterminées en utilisant SPR. Des cristaux de certains complexes domaine Fab / domaine extracellulaire Robo4 ont été produits, bien que la structure du complexe n'ait pas pu être résolue à l'heure actuelle.Les expériences de pull-down, SEC-MALS et SPR montrent que Robo4 ecto et UNC5B ecto n'interagissent pas entre elles, malgré une étude par un autre groupe montrant le contraire. Étant donné que différentes lignées cellulaires ont été utilisées, des modèles de glycosylation spécifiques, ou une tierce partie non détectée, pourraient être nécessaires pour l'interaction. En raison de leur implication avec les récepteurs extracellulaires, les héparanes sulfates sont un candidat probable, mais d'autres partenaires devraient être envisagés.La structure cristallographique de l'UNC5B ecto est similaire aux structures existantes de UNC5A et UNC5D. Le haut degré de conservation des domaines del’Ig pourrait être une indication de l'importance de cette région, qui est responsable de la liaison à Netrin. Bien que la région de liaison de Netrin soit connue pour être dans les domaines Ig, le site de liaison précis n'a pas encore été déterminé, mais il pourrait être situé à proximité ou à l'intérieur des surfaces chargées négativement présentes sur les domaines Ig observées dans la structure d’UNC5B.Le travail présenté ici devrait servir de base à une meilleure caractérisation biochimique et structurale des récepteurs extracellulaires Robo4 et UNC5B. / Neuronal and vascular systems require a complex network to properly perform their functions. The processes involved in creating this network rely on coordinated pathways, often activated through common protein/receptor systems, which lead to cytoskeletal remodelling. In general, neuronal and vascular cells respond to extracellular stimuli in the form of soluble secreted proteins, which interact with surface receptors to mediate attraction or repulsion towards the source of the secreted proteins. This process, called guidance, is regulated by seven families of receptors and their respective ligands, which influence each other and can act on the neuronal system, the vascular system or both.Structural information about the extracellular region of many of these receptors, and how signal is relayed across the membrane, is lacking.This study is focused around the extracellular domain of two single-pass transmembrane receptors of the Roundabout and UNC5 protein families that are majorly involved in angiogenesis: Robo4 and UNC5B.Based on the findings of this study, the Robo4 and UNC5B extracellular domains are extensively glycosylated with N-linked glycans of the complex type. Site-directed mutagenesis of the predicted Robo4 glycosylation sites disrupts protein expression, indicating that they are necessary for protein stability and passage through the glycosylation pathway might be necessary for correct folding. MALS and SAXS data show that in solution the Robo4 extracellular domain is a flexible monomer with extended shape. Several Fabs binding to the extracellular domain of Robo4 were characterised, with the expectation to identify those Fabs that could inhibit the reported Robo4/UNC5B interaction for further characterisation. Complex formation was verified by SEC-MALS and SAXS, and interaction constants were determined using SPR. Crystals of some Robo4 extracellular domain/Fab complexes were produced, although the structure of the complex could not be solved at the present time.Despite a study by another group showing otherwise, pull-down, SEC-MALS and SPR experiments show that the Robo4 and UNC5B extracellular domains do not interact with each other. It is proposed that the difference may be caused by different glycosylation patterns specific to the cell lines used for each study, or by an undetected third party necessary for interaction. This, however, still requires further study. SEC-MALS analysis showed that the UNC5B extracellular domain is a monomer in solution and its crystal structure was solved at 3.4 Å resolution. Comparison to the existing structures of human UNC5A and rat UNC5D shows striking similarities and a high degree of evolutionary conservation of the Ig domains might be indication of the importance of this region, which is responsible for binding to the guidance cue Netrin. Although the Netrin binding region is known to be within the Ig domains, the precise binding site has not yet been determined, but it might be located in proximity, or within, the negatively charged surfaces present on the Ig domains which are observed in the UNC5B structure.It is hoped that the work presented here will give the basis for better biochemical and structural characterisation of these two receptors.
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Comparative Analysis of Roundabout Capacity Analysis MethodsAlqahtani, Abdullah Ayed F. 30 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise de desempenho do tráfego em rotatórias com alto e desequilibrado fluxo de veículos empregando semáforos na via principal / Analysis of traffic performance in roundabouts with high and unbalanced traffic flow using signals on the main roadNeris, Diego Fernandes 29 November 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi analisado um novo modelo de operação em rotatória implantado no município de Araraquara-SP, cuja preferência é da via principal que possui semáforos a certa distância da interseção, com o início de verde em diferentes momentos para cada direção da via principal. Os semáforos defasados permitem o ordenamento do fluxo e geram brechas maiores ao reduzir o headway entre veículos, o que possibilita a operação em pelotões e, consequentemente, aumenta a capacidade da interseção e reduz o número de conflitos. A proposta foi comparada com duas outras operações mais usuais: rotatória moderna e rotatória convencional (com e sem preferência para a via circular, respectivamente). A elaboração do trabalho foi dividida em cinco partes: primeiramente é apresentada, de forma detalhada, como é operado o modelo proposto. Em seguida, com dados obtidos em campo por filmagens nas três operações de rotatória em análise, foram determinadas as brechas críticas, através de cinco métodos determinísticos, e o headway em fila pelo método de Siegloch (1973). A terceira parte do trabalho foi a análise das distribuições de veículos na rotatória que, junto com o modelo de aproveitamento das brechas, compuseram os modelos de capacidade. Durante a quarta etapa foi realizada uma adaptação da metodologia de dimensionamento semafórico de Webster devido à possibilidade de entrada da via não preferencial, mesmo com o semáforo aberto na via principal, caso haja brecha suficiente. Finalmente, na quinta etapa, com a calibração do software AIMSUN, foram realizadas simulações dos três cenários utilizando o atraso crítico de controle como variável de análise, ou seja, o maior atraso entre as aproximações devido à existência da interseção. Foi verificado que ao instalar os semáforos na via principal, que possui a preferência na entrada da rotatória, o aumento da capacidade, principalmente ao comparar cenários com alta taxa de conversão ou em situação de fluxo desequilibrado entre as aproximações. Ao final foram calibrados modelos de capacidade para a operação em estudo baseados nas simulações, podendo ser aplicados em qualquer situação ao variar a brecha crítica e o headway em fila. / In this work, a new traffic-circle operation, implemented in the city of Araraquara-SP, was analysed. The operation consists in offer the traffic preference to the main road with traffic lights installed before the approximation point, with the green time beginning in different moments in which direction to order the use of the intersection and to generate larger gaps by reducing the headway between vehicles, allowing the operation in platoons. The objective is to increase the capacity of the intersection and to reduce the number of conflicts. The proposal was compared with two other more usual operations: roundabouts and conventional traffic circle (with and without preference for the circular track, respectively). The elaboration of the work was divided in five parts: firstly, it is presented, in detail, how the signalized traffic circle is operated. Then, with data obtained in the field by recording the three operations in analysis, the critical gaps were determined, through five deterministic methods, and the follow-up headway. The third part of the work was the analysis of vehicle distributions at the traffic circles and, together with the gap utilization model, the capacity models were determined. During the fourth stage, Webster\'s signal methodology was adapted because of the possibility of non-preferential entering in the traffic circle, even with the green light of the signal on the main road, if there is a sufficient gap. Finally, in the fifth step, with the calibration of the AIMSUN software, simulations of the three scenarios were performed using, as a variable, the critical control delay (the highest delay between the approximations due to the existence of the intersection). It was verified that offer the traffic preference to the main road with traffic lights installed before the approximation point, the capacity increases significantly, mainly when comparing scenarios with high conversion rate or in situation of unbalanced traffic flow between the approaches. At the end, capacity models were calibrated for the study operation based on the simulations, and it may be applied in any situation by varying the critical gap and the follow-up headway.
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Propuesta de mejora del diseño vial del óvalo La Curva de Chorrillos validado con el software Vissim 9.0. / Proposal to improve the geometric design of the La Curva de Chorrillos oval using Vissim 9.0 softwareHuanca Tarazona, Samuel David, Rojas Quispe, Angel Abel 06 September 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis se basa en el análisis del flujo vehicular, presente en el óvalo La Curva, ubicada en el distrito de Chorrillos, Departamento de Lima-Perú. El proyecto evalúa las condiciones de servicio, diseño del óvalo y el tráfico vehicular. Esta evaluación es realizada mediante un modelo microscópico que es simulado en el software Vissim 9.0.
La construcción del modelo consiste en 4 fases. La primera, trata del análisis previo, que abarca desde la recolección de datos hasta el procesamiento en gabinete. Por un lado, la toma de medidas geométricas se realizó en un día de menor volumen vehicular. Por otro lado, el aforo vehicular y peatonal se realizó en un día típico. La segunda fase consiste en el modelamiento inicial, que busca trasladar el diseño geométrico actual al Vissim para proceder con la microsimulación. Asimismo, se realizaron múltiples corridas hasta lograr la optimización del modelo, previo precalentamiento y calibración del mismo. La tercera fase analiza el diseño propuesto en base a los parámetros de eficiencia vehicular, como son el tiempo de viaje (demoras), la longitud de cola y el nivel de servicio. La propuesta busca optimizar el sistema de semaforización, actualmente existente e inoperativa, y un cambio de nivel en una de las avenidas que concurre mayor cantidad flujo vehicular. En la última fase se busca evaluar y comparar los resultados, tanto de la situación actual como de la alternativa propuesta. Finalmente, los parámetros que presenten mejoras en su servicio serán determinantes para reducir el problema de congestión vehicular. / This thesis is based on the analysis of vehicle flow, present in the La Curva oval, located in the district of Chorrillos, Department of Lima-Peru. The project evaluates service conditions, oval design and vehicular traffic. This evaluation is done through a microscopic model that is simulated in Vissim 9.0 software.
The construction of the model consists of 4 phases. The first one deals with the previous analysis, which ranges from data collection to cabinet processing. On the one hand, the geometric measurements were taken on a day with less vehicular volume. On the other hand, vehicular and pedestrian traffic was performed on a typical day. The second phase consists of the initial modeling, which seeks to transfer the current geometric design to the Vissim to proceed with the microsimulation. Likewise, multiple runs were performed until the model was optimized, after preheating and calibrating it. The third phase analyzes the proposed design based on vehicle efficiency parameters, such as travel time (delays), tail length and service level. The proposal seeks to optimize the traffic signaling system, currently existing and inoperative, and a change of level in one of the avenues that has the greatest amount of traffic flow. In the last phase, the aim is to evaluate and compare the results, both of the current situation and of the proposed alternative. Finally, the parameters that present improvements in their service will be decisive to reduce the problem of vehicular congestion. / Tesis
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Cirkulationsplatsers inverkan på vägtrafikbuller / The impact on traffic noise by roundaboutsMyhrman, Gustav January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dagens samhälle är runt två miljoner svenskar störda av trafikbuller, samtidigt som bilismen och vägtransporterna ökar. För att få en säkrare trafikmiljö med ett jämnare körsätt är det populärt att bygga om vanliga korsningar till cirkulationsplatser.</p><p>Denna rapport fokuserar på vad som händer med bullernivåerna då trafiken passerar en cirkulationsplats. Undersökningarna har genomförts genom att beräknade bullernivåer jämförts med uppmätta värden från olika cirkulationsplatser. Arbetet inleds med en litteraturstudie om ljud- och bullerfrågor.</p><p>Bullermätningar utfördes vid totalt åtta olika cirkulationsplatser, där både ekvivalentnivåer och maxvärden samlades in. Därefter beräknades medelvärden av dessa. Ekvivalentnivåer korrigerade för variationer i trafikmängden beräknades också. Dessa olika värden jämfördes sedan med modellerade värden, beräknade med både 1996 års beräkningsmodell och med en ny modell kallad Nord2000.</p><p>Resultaten från mätningarna tyder på att ekvivalentnivåerna, vid ett bestämt avstånd från vägen, generellt minskar desto närmare cirkulationsplatsen man kommer. Även tidigare forskning i frågan tyder på att trafikbullernivåerna tenderar att minska i anslutning till en cirkulationsplats. Detta fenomen kan troligtvis förklaras med den minskade hastigheten hos fordonen runt cirkulationsplatsen.</p><p>Maxnivåerna uppvisar en större spridning mellan mätpunkterna än vad ekvivalentnivåerna gör, vilket troligen beror på att maxnivåerna är väldigt känsliga för enskilda fordonspassager. Dock visar resultat från nio av elva mätningar att även maxnivåerna ökar med avståndet till cirkulationsplatsen.</p><p>Vid jämförelse av de modellerade och uppmätta värdena visar det sig att 1996 års modell i genomsnitt visar 1,1 dBA lägre och Nord2000 visar 1,4 dBA lägre än de uppmätta värdena. Att Nord2000 i medel ger en större avvikelse än 1996 års modell kan bero på det finns betydligt fler parametrar i Nord2000 att ställa in. Därmed kan modellen bli känsligare för till exempel en felaktigt skattad fordonshastighet, acceleration eller vindstyrka.</p>
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