Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grow.""
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Managing the soil water balance of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to improve water productivityAbebe, Yibekal Alemayehu 04 June 2010 (has links)
A series of field, rainshelter, growth cabinet and modelling studies were conducted to investigate hot pepper response to different irrigation regimes and row spacings; to generate crop-specific model parameters; and to calibrate and validate the Soil Water Balance (SWB) model. Soil, climate and management data of five hot pepper growing regions of Ethiopia were identified to develop irrigation calendars and estimate water requirements of hot pepper under different growing conditions. High irrigation regimes increased fresh and dry fruit yield, fruit number, harvest index and top dry matter production. Yield loss could be prevented by irrigating at 20-25% depletion of plant available water, confirming the sensitivity of the crop to mild soil water stress. High plant density markedly increased fresh and dry fruit yield, water-use efficiency and dry matter production. Average fruit mass, succulence and specific leaf area were neither affected by row spacing nor by irrigation regimes. There were marked differences among the cultivars in fruit yields despite comparable top dry mass production. Average dry fruit mass, fruit number per plant and succulence were significantly affected by cultivar differences. The absence of interaction effects among cultivar and irrigation regimes, cultivars and row spacing, and irrigation regimes and row spacing for most parameters suggest that appropriate irrigation regimes and row spacing that maximize productivity of hot pepper can be devised across cultivars. To facilitate irrigation scheduling, a simple canopy cover based procedure was used to determine FAO-type crop factors and growth periods for different growth stages of five hot pepper cultivars. Growth analysis was done to calculate crop-specific model parameters for the SWB model and the model was successfully calibrated and validated for five hot pepper cultivars under different irrigation regimes or row spacings. FAO basal crop coefficients (Kcb) and crop-specific model parameters for new hot pepper cultivars can now be estimated from the database, using canopy characteristics, day degrees to maturity and dry matter production. Growth cabinet studies were used to determine cardinal temperatures, namely the base, optimum and cut-off temperatures for various developmental stages. Hot pepper cultivars were observed to require different cardinal temperatures for various developmental stages. Data on thermal time requirement for flowering and maturity between plants in growth cabinet and open field experiments matched closely. Simulated water requirements for hot pepper cultivar Mareko Fana production ranged between 517 mm at Melkassa and 775 mm at Alemaya. The simulated irrigation interval ranged between 9 days at Alemaya and 6 days at Bako, and the average irrigation amount per irrigation ranged between 27.9 mm at Bako and 35.0 mm at Zeway. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted
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Hur ser styrkekvoten ut i press- jämfört med dragstyrka hos personer med styrketräningserfarenhet? : Analys av bänkpress jämfört med bänkroddLarsen, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Ensidigt bedriven styrketräning och idrotter kan leda till en förändradstyrkekvot mellan olika muskelantagonister och anses i vissa fall kunna ökarisken för skador och besvär. Syftet med denna studie var att undersökastyrkekvoten mellan press- och dragstyrkan hos tränade personer samtundersöka om det fanns några styrkeskillnader hos deltagarna i bänkpressjämfört med bänkrodd. Femton tränade deltagare inkluderades i studien därdeltagarna var i snitt 26 år gamla, 177 cm långa och vägde 81 kg. Deltagarnautförde ett testprotokoll som inkluderade ett test i bänkpress respektivebänkrodd, där deltagaren skulle utföra maximalt antal repetitioner på den vikti bänkpress deltagaren själv ansåg sig klara omkring 5–10 repetitioner. Totaltantal kg (antal repetitioner x belastning) i respektive övning dokumenteradesoch angavs som en styrkekvot (press/drag-kvot). Resultatet avundersökningen var att deltagarnas press/drag-kvot var 2,4:1, vilket innebäratt deltagarna var 140% starkare i press- än i dragstyrkan. Det fanns ensignifikant styrkeskillnad (p=0,002) i bänkpress jämfört med bänkrodd hosmajoriteten av deltagarna. Det fanns en relativt stor variation i styrkekvot(press/drag-kvot) bland deltagarna. Faktorer som träningserfarenhet ochfamiljaritet med testprotokollets övningar kan vara faktorer som kan förklaraspridningen i styrkekvot. Att styrkekvoten befanns vara 2,4:1 kan därför inteanvändas som en utgångspunkt i ett träningsupplägg då det inte går att utgåfrån att personen som skall instrueras har den styrkekvoten. Vidare skulleresultaten kunna användas som referensmaterial i framtida studier som avseratt undersöka styrkekvoten mellan press- jämfört med dragstyrkan. / Previous literature considers that both strength training and many sports maylead to an increased risk of athletes incurring injury due to an unbalanced, orchanged, strength ratio. The purpose of this study was therefore to examinethe strength ratio between press- and pulling strength of trained individualsas well as investigate whether there was any difference in strength betweenthe two exercises tested. Fifteen participants with strength trainingexperience were included in the study where the participants mean were 26years old, 177 cm tall, and weighed 81 kg. They performed a protocol thatconsisted of a test of bench press and bench row, respectively. For bothexercises, the participants performed the maximum number of repetitions fora weight that was based on the participants’ self-assessed 5-10 repetitionmaximum bench press. Total weight lifted (weight x repetitions) for eachexercise was measured and converted to a push/pull strength ratio. Meanpush/pull strength ratio for the participants was 2,4: 1. The participants wereon average 140% stronger in pressing strength than in pulling strength(P=0,002) In the current study, the participants were stronger in bench presscompared to bench row. Factors such as training experience and familiaritywith the exercises in the could possibly have influenced the spread amongthe participants, but that cannot be determined. The variation in the strengthratio of the participants can therefore not be used as a starting point in atraining program as it is not possible to assume that the instructor's strengthratio is 2.4: 1. The results could be used as a comparison in future studiesthat aim to examine the strength ratio between press strength compared topulling strength.
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production of row crops in the Midwestern
(Indiana) region of the US has been facing environmental and economic
sustainability issues. There has been an increase in trend for the application
of fertilizers (Nitrogen & Phosphorus), farm machinery fuel costs and
decrease in labor productivity leading to non-optimized usage of farm-inputs. A
structured literature review describes Lean and Green practices such as
profitability (return on investments), operational cost reduction, hazardous
waste reduction, delivery performance and overall productivity might be adopted
in the context of Precision Agriculture practices (variable rate irrigation, variable
rate fertilization, cloud-based analytics, and telematics for farm-machinery
navigation). </p>
<p>The literature review describes low
adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) based precision agriculture practices,
such as variable rate fertilizer (39 %), variable rate pesticide (8%), variable
rate irrigation (4 %), cloud-based data analytics (21 %) and telematics (10 %)
amongst Midwestern row crop producers. Barriers for the adoption of IoT based Precision
Agriculture practices include cost effectiveness, power requirements,
communication range, data latency, data scalability, data storage, data
processing and data interoperability. Focused group interviews (n=3) with Subject
Matter Expertise (SME’s) (N=18) in IoT based Precision Agriculture practices were
conducted to understand and define decision-making variables related to
barriers. The content analysis and subsequent ISM model informed an action
research approach in the deployment of an IoT wireless sensor nodes for
performance improvement. The improvements resulted in variable cost reduction
by 94 %, power consumption cost reduction by 60 %, and improved data
interoperable and user-interactive IoT wireless sensor-based data pipeline for
improved adoption of Precision Agriculture practices. A relationship analysis
of performance data (n=2505) from the IoT sensor deployment empirically
validated the ISM model and explained the variation in power consumption for
mitigation of IoT adoption among producers. The scope of future research for
predicting IoT power consumption, based upon the growing season through
correlation was developed in this study.
<p>The implications of this research
inform adopters (row-crop producers), researchers and precision agriculture
practitioners that a Lean and Green framework is driven substantively by cost and power concerns in an IoT
sensors-based precision agriculture solution.
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Numerical Analysis on the Effects of Blade Loading on Vortex Shedding and Boundary Layer Behavior in a Transonic Axial CompressorClark, Kenneth Phillip 14 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Multiple high-fidelity, time-accurate computational fluid dynamics simulations were performed to investigate the effects of upstream stator loading and rotor shock strength on vortex shedding characteristics in a single stage transonic compressor. Various configurations of a transonic axial compressor stage, including three stator/rotor axial spacings of close, mid, and far in conjunction with three stator loadings of decreased, nominal, and increased were simulated in order to understand the flow physics of transonic blade-row interactions. Low-speed compressors typically have reduced stator/rotor axial spacing in order to decrease engine weight, and also because there is an increase in efficiency with reduced axial spacing. The presence of a rotor bow shock in high-speed compressors causes additional losses as the shock interacts with the upstream stator trailing edge. This research analyzes the strength of shock-induced vortices due to these unsteady blade-row interactions. The time-accurate URANS code, TURBO, was used to generate periodic, quarter annulus simulations of the Blade Row Interaction compressor rig. Both time-averaged and time-accurate results compare well with experimentally-observed trends. It was observed that vortex shedding was synchronized to the passing of a rotor bow shock. Normal and large shock-induced vortices formed on the stator trailing edge immediately after the shock passing, but the large vortices were strengthened at the trailing edge due to a low-velocity region on the suction surface. This low velocity region was generated upstream of mid-chord on the suction surface from a shock-induced thickening of the boundary layer or separation bubble, due to the rotor bow shock reflecting off the stator trailing edge and propagating upstream. The circulation of the shock-induced vortices increased with shock strength (decreased axial spacing) and stator loading. Most design tools do not directly account for unsteady effects such as blade-row interactions, so a model is developed to help designers account for shock-induced vortex strength with varying shock strength and stator loading. An understanding of the unsteady interactions associated with blade loading and rotor shock strength in transonic stages will help compressor designers account for unsteady flow physics early in the design process.
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Multi-Row Film Cooling Boundary LayersNatsui, Greg 01 January 2015 (has links)
High fidelity measurements are necessary to validate existing and future turbulence models for the purpose of producing the next generation of more efficient gas turbines. The objective of the present study is to conduct several different measurements of multi-row film cooling arrays in order to better understand the physics involved with injection of coolant through multiple rows of discrete holes into a flat plate turbulent boundary layer. Adiabatic effectiveness distributions are measured for several multi-row film cooling geometries. The geometries are designed with two different hole spacings and two different hole types to yield four total geometries. One of the four geometries tested for adiabatic effectiveness was selected for flowfield measurements. The wall and flowfield are studied with several testing techniques, including: particle image velocimetry, hot wire anemometry, pressure sensitive paint and discrete gas sampling.
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Heat And Fluid Flow Characterization Of A Single-hole-per-row Impingement Channel At Multiple Impingement HeightsClaretti, Roberto 01 January 2013 (has links)
The present work studies the relationship between target and sidewall surfaces of a multirow, narrow impingement channel at various jet heights with one impingement hole per row. Temperature sensitive paint and constant flux heaters are used to gather heat transfer data on the target and side walls. Jet-to-target distance is set to 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 jet diameters. The channel width is 4 jet diameters and the jet stream wise spacing is 5 jet diameters. All cases were run at Reynolds numbers ranging from 5,000 to 30,000. Pressure data is also gathered and used to calculate the channel mass flux profiles, used to better understand the flow characteristics of the impingement channel. While target plate heat transfer profiles have been thoroughly studied in the literature, side wall data has only recently begun to be studied. The present work shows the significant impact the side walls provide to the overall heat transfer capabilities of the impingement channel. It was shown that the side walls provide a significant amount of heat transfer to the channel. A channel height of three diameters was found to be the optimum height in order to achieve the largest heat transfer rates out of all channels.
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The Nature of the Binding in Hydride MoleculesKeaveny, Ian Terence 10 1900 (has links)
<p> In Part I the one-electron charge distribution in the water molecule is obtained by demanding that this distribution balance the nuclear forces of repulsion and reproduce the observed dipole moment. Parameters contained in the molecular orbital description are then related to such concepts as hybridisation and bond polarities. </p> <p> In Part II the electronic forces of attraction and the one-electron charge distribution, calculated from near Hartree-Fock wave functions, are used to interpret the binding in the first-row diatomic hydrides. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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On Two Computational Models of the Pitch-Rhythm Correspondence: A Focus on Milton Babbit’s and Iannis Xenakis’s Theoretical ConstructionsAndreatta, Moreno 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Multi-Dimensional Stiffness Characteristics of Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings and Their Role in Influencing Vibration ModesGunduz, Aydin 18 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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A Conceptual Framework for an Enterprise-Wide Geospatially Enabled Information Management System for Transportation Right-Of-Way Business ProcessesSambana, Kavya 09 June 2010 (has links)
Right-of-way business processes have been identified as one of the areas where information bottlenecks occur in transportation agencies, not only because of the amount of information involved, but also because of the interdependent nature of these activities. Transportation projects are associated with parcels whose status change during and after the project based on information from right-of-way activities. Geospatially enabled decision making tools enhance data interpretation as well as data retrieval of this information. By using enterprise-level applications, information sharing between the transportation agency, other jurisdictions, and the public becomes more efficient. Being able to quickly visualize the status of parcels in a geospatial environment further enhances the management of resources which, in turn, improves timely project delivery. This thesis presents a conceptual framework for an information management system and its geospatial enablement through a logical model for Geospatial Decision Making Activities (GDMA) in transportation right-of-way offices. The logical model for GDMA, presented in Unified Modeling Language, includes state machine diagram and data flow diagram models for tracking the parcel and capturing the geospatial enablement of right-of-way activities. / Master of Science
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