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Ladungsanregungen in niedrigdimensionalen Übergangsmetallverbindungen / Charge excitations in low-dimensional transition metal compoundsHübsch, Arnd 17 July 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Charge excitations in different 3d transition metal compounds are studied. In particular, the influence of the lattice geometry on the character of these excitations is investigated. For this purpose, the momentum dependent loss function of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) as well as the optical conductivity are calculated and compared with the experimental data of NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$, and CuGeO$_{3}$ . A quarter-filled extended Hubbard model on a system of coupled ladders provides a qualitative explanation for the highly anisotropic charge excitations of NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ and LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$. These ladder compounds do not only differ from the charge ordering pattern but also from the coupling between different ladders: In LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ one finds a strong inter-ladder hopping which is very small in NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$. On the other hand, in NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ the ladders are coupled by a strong inter-ladder Coulomb interaction. The charge excitations of quasi one-dimensional cuprates reflect both the properties of the CuO$_{4}$ plaquettes and the character of the coupling between different plaquettes. Independently from the geometry of the cuprat chains, the local excitation of the copper hole onto the adjacent oxygen orbitals is always found. Further transitions with an excitation energy below the local excitation of a single plaquette result from a hole transfer to another plaquette. These excitations with hole delocalization dominate the spectra of the corner-shared Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$. In contrast to this, the hole transfer leads only to a pre-peak in the spectra of the edge-shared CuGeO$_{3}$. Furthermore, it is shown that the hole transfer is determined by the geometry of the edge-shared CO. / Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die theoretische Analyse von Ladungsanregungen in verschiedenen niedrigdimensionalen 3d-Übergangsmetallverbindungen, wobei insbesondere der Einfluß der Gittergeometrie auf die Charakteristik der Anregungen untersucht wurde. Mit Hilfe des Lanczos-Algorithmus' wurden dazu sowohl die impulsabhängige Verlustfunktion der Elektron-Energie-Verlust-Spektroskopie (EELS) als auch die optische Leitfähigkeit für NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$, Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$ und CuGeO$_{3}$ berechnet und mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen verglichen. Unter der Verwendung eines Modells viertelgefüllter Leitern kann man die Ladungsanregungen sowohl für NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ als auch LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ sehr gut beschreiben. In diesen Materialien findet man nicht nur unterschiedliche Ladungsordnungen sondern vor allem auch verschiedene Kopplungsarten zwischen den Leitern. Während die Leitern im NaV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ durch die Coulomb-Wechselwirkung miteinander gekoppelt sind, existiert im LiV$_{2}$O$_{5}$ ein Austausch aufgrund einer starken Hybridisierung zwischen den Leitern. Die Ladungsanregungen von quasi eindimensionalen Kupratketten spiegeln sowohl die Plaketteneigenschaften als auch die Plakettenkopplung wider. Unabhängig von der Geometrie der Ketten findet man stets die lokale Anregung des Kupferloches auf die umliegenden Sauerstofforbitale. Aus einem möglichen Lochtransfer zu benachbarten Plaketten resultieren außerdem noch Anregungen, die energetisch unterhalb der Plakettenanregung liegen und unmittelbar von der Kettengeometrie abhängen. Während im eckenvernetzten Sr$_{2}$CuO$_{3}$ diese Anregungen die Spektren dominieren, spielt der Lochtransfer im kantenvernetzten CuGeO$_{3}$ nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.
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Theoretical Studies of Epitaxial Bain Paths of MetalsSchönecker, Stephan 12 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Epitaxial growth is an important technique for the fabrication of film structures with good crystalline quality, e.g., monoatomic overlayers, multilayers, compound materials, and ordered alloys. Such epitaxially grown films are technologically important materials with, e.g., adjustable electronic, magnetic, and optical properties. In case of coherent or pseudomorphic epitaxy, the overlayer adapts the in-plane lattice parameters of the substrate, i.e., the overlayer is strained to match the lattice parameters parallel to the substrate surface (in-plane directions). Simultaneously, a relaxation of the film dimension perpendicular to the substrate-film interface occurs (out-of-plane direction). Thus, coherent epitaxy provides a method to put phases under strain, and it can stabilise a metastable state of the film material, if the substrate lattice matches this metastable structure.
Bulk-like properties in thick overlayers, which adopt the body-centred tetragonal (BCT) crystal structure and which grow coherently on a suitable substrate with quadratic surface symmetry, are modelled by the epitaxial Bain path (EBP) in this thesis. The knowledge of the EBP allows to study properties of the overlayer as function of the substrate lattice parameter. In particular, strain effects on the film material, magnetic order in the overlayer, and the existence of possible metastable states are investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) in the local spin density approximation (LSDA), and in the singular case of uranium, employing the generalised gradient approximation (GGA). Note that a symmetry property of the BCT structure states, that it is identical to the body-centred cubic (BCC) structure or the face-centred cubic (FCC) structure for definite ratios of the tetragonal lattice parameters.
Our definition of the EBP has two, previously not considered consequences for EBPs in general: an EBP can be discontinuous, and the high symmetry cubic structures (FCC and BCC) need not be points on the EBP. Both cases occurred for several elements considered in this thesis. If, however, a cubic structure is a point on the EBP, then a symmetry property guarantees that the total energy along the EBP, E(a), is stationary at this cubic structure. We computed the EBPs of all transition metals (TMs), the post TMs Zn, Cd, and Hg, the alkaline earth metals Ca, Sr, and Ba, the lanthanides La and Lu, and the actinide U (35 elements were treated in total). For each element but Zr, Hg, and U, there are exactly two structures whose energies are minima on the EBP, and which exhibit neither in-plane nor out-of-plane stresses; for Zr, Hg, and U there are three minima each. All other states on the EBP exhibit in-plane stresses because they are a strained form of the stress-free structures. The possibility of metastability of these particular, stress-free structures, i.e., stabilisation of these structures without bonding to the substrate, was investigated by stability conditions based on linear elasticity theory (except for U). We predict that ten FCC structures and three BCT structures not known from the respective phase diagrams may be metastable. We studied the properties of ferromagnetic (FM) states on the EBP for the elements Fe, Co, and Ni, and moreover predict, that Mn, Ru, Os, and U order ferromagnetically for certain states of the EBP. The latter three elements are paramagnetic in their ground states. The onset of ferromagnetism in Os and U is not accompanied by a simultaneously fulfilled Stoner criterion. According to our results, antiferromagnetic order (with moment sequences up-down or up-up-down-down on successive (001) planes) is never more stable than FM order on any EBP for any element investigated.
On the basis of our comprehensive results for all TMs, we analysed trends across each of the three TM series and similarities among the three series. We demonstrate, that the type of the EBP (a classification of extrema of E(a) by symmetry into types) follows a characteristic trend across each of the three TM series. We discuss exceptions (Mn, Fe, and Zr) to this trend. Another trend, identical for the three series, is found for the BCT-FCC structural energy difference as function of the d-band filling (evaluated for BCT structures that define extrema of E(a)), which follows a similar trend as the well studied BCC-FCC structural energy difference. Clear similarities among the three periods of elements are also reflected in the bulk moduli and in the elastic constants of the cubic or tetragonal structures, that define the global and local minima of E(a). The mentioned similarities suggest, that many properties which are associated with the EBPs of TMs, can be attributed to the occupation of the d-band, which is the most dominant feature of the electronic structure of TMs.
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