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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Low Earth Orbit Mission Preliminary Analysis Tool / Utveckling av ett verktyg för preliminär analys av rymduppdrag i låg jordbana

Staniscia, Giada January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this project is the development of a mission analysis tool for the nanosatellite company GomSpace Sweden. Although there are many existing software, they can be quite complicated and time consuming to use. The goal of this work is to build a simple app to be used at the earliest stages of space missions in order to obtain key figures of merit quickly and easily. By comparing results, assessing the feasibility of customer needs, analysing how various parameters affect each other, it enables immediate deeper understanding of the implications of the main design decisions that are taken at the very beginning of a mission. The tool shall aid the system engineering process of determining orbit manoeuvre capability specifically for CubeSat electric propulsion systems taking into account the most relevant factors for perturbation in Low Earth Orbit (LEO), i.e. atmospheric drag and Earth’s oblateness effects. The manoeuvres investigated are: orbit raising from an insert orbit to an operating orbit, orbit maintenance, deorbiting within the space debris mitigation guidelines and collision avoidance within the 12 to 24 hours that the system has to react. The manoeuvres cost is assessed in terms of Delta v requirements, propellant mass and transfer times. The tool was developed with MATLAB and packaged as a standalone Linux application. / Målet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla ett verktyg för missionsanalys för nanosatellitföretaget GomSpace Sweden. Det finns många andra mjukvaror för att nå samma mål men de är ofta komplicerade och tidskrävande. Det specifika målet var således att skapa en enkel applikation som kan användas i de tidiga stegen av utformning av rymduppdrag för att snabbt och enkelt få fram viktiga parametrar. Genom att jämföra resultat, uppskatta genomförbarheten av kundbehov och analysera hur olika parametrar påverkar varandra kan omedelbar förståelse erhållas rörande påverkan av designbeslut som tas i början av rymduppdragen. Verktyget ska stödja systemingenjörsprocessen genom att uppskatta banförflyttningskapacitet för elektriska framdrivningssystem för CubeSats och ta i beaktande de mest relevanta faktorerna gällande störningar i låg jordbana (LEO), i.e. atmosfäriskt motstånd och effekterna av Jordens form. De undersökta manövrarna är: banhöjning från injektionsbana till operationell bana, banunderhåll, bansänkning som följer riktlinjerna för rymdskrot och kollisionsundvikande inom de 12 till 24 timmar som systemet har på sig att reagera. Kostnaden för manövrarna är uppskattade genom DeltaV-krav, massan av bränslet och förflyttningstider. Verktyget utvecklades med MATLAB och paketerades som en fristående applikation i Linux.

Design of a State-Of-The-Art Test Facility for Rocket Engines

Meghavath, Akash Raja January 2022 (has links)
The development of innovative propulsion systems requires testing in suitable facilities that reveal the efficacy of design models and allow for design refinement. The qualification process starts from ground tests and ends in vacuum chambers. The aim of this project is to design a versatile space propulsion facility capable of hosting different rocket engine architectures and providing an adequate supply line for different types of oxidizers and fuels in gaseous form. Identifying the key and critical components and implementing such components for the development of the facility and study the state of the art on safety standards and good practices for rocket engine testing. The test bed should be designed to withstand the structural stresses generated by the engine during static tests, while the supply line system should provide the mass flow required by the engine to deliver the design thrust (maximum thrust of 5kN). In this project, different types of rocket engines and their testing, fuel and oxidizers feed supply, risks involved and safety precautions in working of rocket test facilities are studied. A list of components for the development of such a rocket test facility and design of a logical layout plan consisting of various critical components for the propellant and oxidizer feed system is carried out. A total budget for the rocket test facility by evaluating the costs of various high quality and reliable components involved is produced. By accommodating different rocket architectures to withstand a maximum load of 5kN, an efficient design of the rocket test bed was realized and a static structural analysis of the same was performed that suffice for the objectives of the project.

Creating a semantic segmentationmachine learning model for sea icedetection on radar images to study theThwaites region

Fuentes Soria, Carmen January 2022 (has links)
This thesis presents a deep learning tool able to identify ice in radar images fromthe sea-ice environment of the Twhaites glacier outlet. The project is motivatedby the threatening situation of the Thwaites glacier that has been increasingits mass loss rate during the last decade. This is of concern considering thelarge mass of ice held by the glacier, that in case of melting, could increasethe mean sea level by more than +65 cm [1]. The algorithm generated alongthis work is intended to help in the generation of navigation charts and identificationof icebergs in future stages of the project, outside of the scope of this thesis.The data used for this task are ICEYE’s X-band radar images from the Thwaitessea-ice environment, the target area to be studied. The corresponding groundtruth for each of the samples has been manually generated identifying the iceand icebergs present in each image. Additional data processing includes tiling,to increment the number of samples, and augmentation, done by horizontal andvertical flips of a random number of tiles.The proposed tool performs semantic segmentation on radar images classifyingthe class "Ice". It is developed by a deep learning Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) model, trained with prepared ICEYE’s radar images. The model reachesvalues of F1 metric higher than 89% in the images of the target area (Thwaitessea-ice environment) and is able to generalize to different regions of Antarctica,reaching values of F1 = 80 %. A potential alternative version of the algorithm isproposed and discussed. This alternative score F1 values higher than F1 > 95 %for images of the target environment and F1 = 87 % for the image of the differentregion. However, it must not be confirmed as the final algorithm due to the needfor further verification.

Guidance and Control for Launch and Vertical Descend of Reusable Launchers using Model Predictive Control and Convex Optimisation

Zaragoza Prous, Guillermo January 2020 (has links)
The increasing market of small and affordable space systems requires fast and reliablelaunch capabilities to cover the current and future demand. This project aims to studyand implement guidance and control schemes for vertical ascent and descent phases ofa reusable launcher. Specifically, the thesis focuses on developing and applying ModelPredictive Control (MPC) and optimisation techniques to several kino-dynamic modelsof rockets. Moreover, the classical MPC method has been modified to include a decreasingfactor for the horizon used, enhancing the performance of the guidance and control.Multiple scenarios of vertical launch, landing and full fligth guidance on Earth and Mars,along with Monte Carlo analysis, were carried out to demonstrate the robustness of thealgorithm against different initial conditions. The results were promising and invite tofurther research.

Development of Test Methodologies and Setups for Thrust Measurements of Cold Gas Micro-thrusters for CubeSats / Utveckling av testmetoder och inställningar för dragkraftsmätningar av kallgasbaserat framdrivningssystem för nanosatelliter

Kipiela, Aleksander January 2022 (has links)
Measuring the thrust of cold gas micro-thrusters, due to the small magnitude of the generated force, is a challenging task, and to obtain satisfying quality of results usually careful adjustments of the setup has to be performed. The work presented in this paper aims at improving the quality of such measurements at the GomSpace Sweden company. The work consists of two parts: In the first part the author focuses on improving current thrust measurements setup implemented in the company, which consists of a vacuum compatible laboratory scale. It was observed that the results obtained from this setup were approximately 25‒35% lower than expected. A test campaign performed within the work found that this was associated mainly with backflow of plume expansion gases. Covering the scale and the tested propulsion unit with a box having openings only for thrusters was proved to be sufficient setup upgrade to mitigate the issue. In the second part of the project an alternative setup utilising a hanging pendulum-based solution with strain measurement-based force sensor is proposed and its design is thoroughly described. Results of initial tests of a 3D printed prototype of this setup are presented, proving its potential to produce results with better quality of output than the laboratory scale. / Att mäta dragkraften från mikrodysor baserade på kallgas är på grund av den låga genererade kraften en utmanande uppgift. För att få tillfredsställande kvalitet på resultatet måste vanligtvis noggranna justeringar av inställningarna utföras. Arbetet som presenteras i denna rapport syftar till att förbättra kvaliteten på sådana mätningar vid GomSpace Sweden AB. Arbetet består av två delar: I den första delen fokuserar författaren på att förbättra den nuvarande uppställningen för mätning av dragkraft vid GomSpace, bestående av en vakuumkompatibel laboratorievåg. Det observerades att resultaten från denna mätupställning var cirka 25‒35% lägre än förväntat. En testkampanj som utfördes inom ramen för detta arbete visade att detta främst var förknippat med ett tillbakaflöde av gaser från den expanderande bränsleplymen. Att täcka över vågen och den testade framdrivningsenheten med en låda med öppningar endast för dysan visade sig vara tillräckligt för att minska problemet. I den andra delen föreslås ett alternativt upplägg baserat på en hängande pendel med en töjningsmätningsbaserad kraftsensor, dess utformming beskrivs utförligt. Resultaten av de första testerna av en 3D-utskriven prototyp av denna uppställning presenteras, vilket visar på dess potential att producera mätningar med bättre kvalitet än laboratorievågen.

Improving the Robustness, Thermal and Noise Performance of a Radio Transmitter Fan Tray / Robusthet-, termisk- och ljudprestandautveckling av en radiofläktlåda

Olausson, Mattias, Rahman, Selma January 2022 (has links)
With the growing demand of compact radio transmitters, so do the need for silent and efficient thermal management systems. Given the restricted form-factor, ensuring robustness of a unit with a detachable fan tray imposes a challenge. In this thesis the authors were tasked with creating a new design solution where the robustness, thermal and noise performance of the cooling system is revised. The project was initiated with an investigation of the baseline product, the AIR5322, to identify areas of in need of improvement. The initial goal was to design an integrated fan tray that would not require in-field maintenance. A literature study was performed to evaluate common integrated cooling solutions in compact electronic devices, which was then followed by concept generation study. These were then ranked based on Pugh’s selection method. An integrated solution was deemed not feasible due to the average lifespan of common fans used in this type of product. A CAD model of said design was created, for which a prototype was manufactured by Ericsson. The final design consisted of a set of 80mm Noctua (NF-A8) fans in a new fan tray, retrofitted onto a modified stock AIR5322 heatsink. Experimental tests were conducted where heat dissipation, noise generation and mechanical robustness was tested. The results concluded that the prototype design managed to reduce the temperature of the entire unit, up to 17°C cooler and lower the sound levels by up to 18 dB. The prototype, despite halving the number of fans, retained the single fan failure redundancy, as running just one fan allowed for performance that was equal to or better than the reference solution at full capacity. The prototype was deemed robust enough to withstand the drop test, which was performed at −18°C. Additional work would include to incorporate fans with an appropriate IP rating and to fully complete the testing using a climate chamber and performing impact testing. / Med den växande efterfrågan på kompakta radiosändare ökar också behovet av tysta och effektiva kylsystem. Givet den begränsade formfaktorn innebär det en utmaning att säkerställa robustheten hos en enhet med en löstagbar fläktlåda. I denna avhandling fick författarna i uppdrag att skapa en ny designlösning där kylsystemets robusthet, termisk prestada och ljudprestanda revideras. Projektet inleddes med en undersökning av basprodukten, AIR5322, för att identifiera eventuella förbättringsområden. Det ursprungliga målet var att designa en integrerad fläktlåda som inte skulle kräva fältetunderhåll. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att utvärdera vanliga integrerade kyllösningar i kompakta elektroniska enheter, som sedan följdes av konceptgenerering. Dessa utvärderades sedan och rangordnades utifrån Pughs urvalsmetod. En integrerad lösning ansågs inte möjlig på grund av den genomsnittliga livslängden för typiska fläktar som används i liknande produkter. En CAD-modell av denna design skapades, för vilken en prototyp tillverkades av Ericsson. Den slutliga designen bestod av en uppsättning 80 mm Noctua (NF-A8) fläktar i en ny fläktlåda som monterades i en modifierad kylfläns för AIR5322. Experimentella tester där värmeavledning, bullergenerering och mekanisk robusthet testades. Med resultaten kunde följande slutsats dras: prototypdesignen lyckades sänka temperaturen på hela enheten med upp till 17°C och sänka ljudnivåerna med upp till 18 dB. Prototypen visade sig ha en fläkt vara termiskt redundant, eftersom en fläkt igång resulterade i en prestanda som var lika med eller bättre än referenslösningen. Prototypen ansågs vara robust nog att motstå falltestet, som utfördes med prototypen nedkyld til −18°C. Ytterligare arbete som kan vara till nytta för detta projekt skulle vara att införliva fläktar med en lämplig IP-klassning och att fullständigt testa prototypen med klimattester och slagtester.

Software tool for a configuration of a radiation detector for space applications

Vítová, Natálie January 2022 (has links)
The thesis deals with design of configuration software, ConfPix, for radiationdetecting sensor - SpacePix2. It describesdesign and implementation, as well as thetesting procedure. The software is implemented in Python, with Graphical UserInterface created using the Tkinter module for Python. The application is designed as versatile and can be used in future missions requiring the configurationof pixel radiation detectors from SpacePixfamily. The SpacePix2 sensor is a new technology developed at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineeringat Czech Technical University in Pragueand will be tested in orbit as a part of theSpace Dosimetry System Demonstrator instrument developed by the esc Aerospaces.r.o. company. Cosmic radiation sources and radiation detectors are described in the theoretical part of the thesis. The SpaceDosimetry System Demonstrator instrument, SpacePix Radiation Monitor detector and the SpacePix2 sensor are described as well.

Field-Site Prototype for HABIT (FSP-HABIT) : Characterizing Martian Salts Prior to the ExoMars 2020 Mission

Güttler, Johannes January 2016 (has links)
One of the major remaining question about Mars is its habitability - if the requirements necessary to allow for life are presently fulfilled. One of the most relevant ingredients for life, as we know it, is water. Indirect evidence of transient liquid water on Mars has been retrieved from both rover [Martín-Torres et al., 2015] and orbiter [Ojha et al., 2015]. [Martín-Torres et al., 2015] inferred the existence of an active water cycle, driven by chlorate and perchlorate salts, which are commonly found on the Martian surface, and absorb atmospheric water to form stable hydrated compounds and liquid solutions. This happens through a process called deliquescence (absorption of moisture from the atmosphere by the salts and dissolving into a liquid solution). One of the goals of HABIT is to confirm the hypothesis about the water cycle on Mars. HABIT will record the behavior of a selection of salts on Mars, and will also record Martian environmental conditions (UVdose, air and ground temperatures). The Field-Site Prototype for HABIT (FSP-HABIT) was the first prototype of HABIT deployed during field-site campaigns. Three campaigns took place during summer 2016: First, a short preparatory campaign in Abisko, Sweden, was carried out. The second campaign took place in Iceland, within the EU COST Action TD1308 ORIGINS (Origins and evolution of life on Earth and in the Universe), and the third campaign was conducted within the NASA Spaceward Bound India Program in Ladakh. After providing the corresponding background on the mission framework and the scientific background, this document covers the mechanical, electrical, and software design of the instrument. Afterwards, the steps taken to test the instrument and their results are covered, followed by a rating of the instrument and ideas for future improvements. Instruments like FSP-HABIT will enable the characterization of hygroscopic salts by their conductivity as liquid brines are good conductors, hydrated salts are poor conductors, and dehydrated salts are insulators. During the field-site campaigns, the measurements of FSP-HABIT were used to characterize the near surface environment by its temperature, pressure and relative humidity. Now, these measurements are available for comparison with microbiological studies of the water, ice and soils to characterize the habitability of the explored site. The lessons learned while designing and building FSP-HABIT can be used to inform the development of further prototypes for space missions such as HABIT. / Habitability, Brines, Irradition and Temperature (HABIT)

Developing a Mathematical Model of a Nuclear Thermal Rocket Engine

Blomqvist, Anton January 2023 (has links)
Renewed enthusiasm for space exploration brings more ambitious missions to light butthe constraints of chemical rockets put imposing limits on what is feasible. Nuclearthermal rockets provide an attractive and efficient alternative to shorten travel timesand increase payload. In this thesis, a dynamic model of a Nuclear thermal rocketengine is derived in order to simulate the resulting performance of the engine. Thework is inspired by a similar model on the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME).

Flight dynamics multi-mission software development for optical link planning and execution / Mjukvaruutveckling för optisk länkplanering och exekvering inom flygdynamiska rymduppdrag

Dal Toso, Giacomo January 2023 (has links)
The Generic Planning Tool (GPT) is a new software package being developed by the Flight Dynamics team at DLR. In an era where laser communications are becoming more and more relevant to data transmission for space missions, the GPT’s purpose is to compute highly accurate visibility windows and provide a wide variety of support information for both satellite-to-ground and inter-satellite links. What sets the GPT apart from previous products, is its shift from mission-specific to multi-mission and being able to accept various orbit and attitude data formats, thus enabling the support of multiple missions from DLR and external clients with flight dynamics information for mission planning applications. Its two main components are the core libraries written in Fortran, which serve as the powerhouse for the orbital mechanic’s computations, and the microservice architecture, enabled by JSON input/output files and Python scripts, which implement an automatic request-response service accessible over the network. This thesis will present why, how, and which GPT software functionalities were developed and tested during the internship at the German Space Operation Center. / Det generiska planeringsverktyget, Generic planning tool (GPT), är ett nytt mjukvarupaket som utvecklas av den flygdynamiska avdelningen på DLR. I en tid när kommunikation med hjälp av laser blir alltmer relevant vid dataöverföringar för rymduppdrag, är syftet med GPT att beräkna mycket exakta öppningar för dataöverföringar, men också att bidra med en mängd olika sorters användbar information för både ”satellit-till-mark”- och ”satellit-tillsatellit”-länkar. Det som skiljer verktyget från tidigare produkter är dess omvandling från att vara uppdragsspecifik till att kunna hantera multipla uppdrag. I och med GPT:s förmåga att acceptera olika dataformat gällande omloppsbana och orientering, öppnar det upp för att kunna stödja multipla uppdrag från DLR och externa klienter med flygdynamisk information, för applikationer inom uppdragsplanering. GPT:s två huvudsakliga delar är, de centrala biblioteken skrivna i Fortran vilka verkar som ett kraftverk för de orbital-mekaniska beräkningarna, och mikroservice-arkitekturen skapad från JSON input/output-filer och Pythonskript, vilket implementerar en automatisk begär- och svarstjänst tillgänglig via nätverket. Detta examensarbete kommer presentera varför, hur och vilka av GPT:s mjukvarufunktioner som utvecklades och testades under praktikplatsen på German Space Operations Center (GSOC).

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