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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimalių artėjimo tūpti ir tūpimo procedūrų panaudojimas vilniaus oro uoste / Application Of Continuous Descent Approach And Landing Procedures At Vilnius Airport

Lisinskas, Marius 01 September 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos optimalaus artėjimo procedūros ir ICAO bei EUROCONTROL pateiktos šių procedūrų rekomendacijos. Išanalizuoti pagrindiniai šių procedūrų kūrimo principai, kuriais remiantis jos yra taikomos praktikoje. Darbe apžvelgiami oro uostai naudojantys šias procedūras. Aptariama jų praktinė nauda aplinkai, oro paslaugų teikėjams ir oro vežėjams. Analizuojami pagrindiniai skirtumai tarp Vilnuje naudotų ir dabar esamų artėjimo tūpti ir tūpimo procedūrų. / In this thesis are considered continuous descent approach and landing procedures, ICAO and EUROCONTROL recommendations. There are discussed the design principles under which they are implemented in practice. Airports that use these procedures are overviewed. The practical benefits for the environment, air service providers and carriers are discussed. Furthermore, the main differences between the nowaday and the previous type of approach are analysed.

Augalų ir jų sėklų džiovinimas vainikinio išlydžio elektriniame lauke / Application of Electric Field for Plant and Seed Drying

Kalinskas, Ernestas 21 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimų tikslas – laboratorinėmis sąlygomis eksperimentiškai nustatyti džiovinimo vainikinio išlydžio elektriniame lauke efektyvumą ir palyginti jį su džiovinimu elektromechaniniu ventiliatoriumi. Darbe aptariami kviečių ir gražgarstės lapų džiovinimo vainikinio išlydžio lauku eksperimentinio tyrimo rezultatai naudojant elektrodų sistemą „lygiagrečių laidų tinklelis virš įžemintos plokštumos“. Darbe apžvelgtos technologijos pagrįstos vainikinio išlydžio lauko naudojimu Tyrimai atlikti Kauno technologijos universitete elektromagnetinių laukų įtaisų mokslinėje laboratorijoje, su įtaisu kurį sudaro aukštos įtampos šaltinis ir elektrodų sistema „lygiagrečių laidų tinklelis virš įžemintos plokštumos“. Atliktas joninio ir elektromechaninio ventiliatoriaus oro srautų palyginimas. / The aim of the research is to establish experimentally the effectiveness of drying affected by the corona field in comparison with the effectiveness of drying affected by the external airflow driven by electromechanical ventilator. Review of various techniques applying of corona field is given. Results of wheat drying by using the corona field of electrode system „ a set of parallel wires under the grounded plate“ are presented and discussed. Experimental study of drying is performed in Research laboratory of electromagnetic field devices of Kaunas university of technology. Test drying device consists of the high voltage source and the electrode system „a set of parallel wires under the grounded plate“. Comparison of corona field airflow and electromechanical ventilator airflow is given.

Pelno (nuostolių) ataskaitos formavimas ir analizė / Formation and analysis of profit (loss) statement

Daunoravičiūtė, Lina 29 May 2005 (has links)
The object of research - the forms of the profit (loss) statements, which are valid in foreign countries and in Lithuania, and their analysis methodics. The purpose of research - to investigate the forms of the profit (loss) statements, which are valid in foreign countries and in Lithuania; to make the suggestions for the profit (loss) statements, which are valid in Lithuania, and their analysis methodics improvement. The tasks of research:  to disclose the principles of the profit (loss) statement formation, to analyse the clasification of the information of the profit (loss) statement, to analyse the formation of the statement;  to analyse the guidelines of the International acconting standarts and the demands of the Fourth directive of the European Union to the profit (loss) statement;  to analyse the reglamentation of the profit (loss) statement in Lithuania;  to analyse the formation and content of the profit (loss) statement which are valid in foreign countries and Lithuania;  to analyse the content of the profit (loss) statements of the subjects of agricultural activity;  to frame the projects of the profit (loss) statements for the non-agricultural enterprises, for the agricultural enterprises and for the farms;  to investigate the methodics of the profit (loss) statement analysis. The methods of research - logical comparable analysis of literature, synthesis, logical abstraction, comparision, graphic, poll, projection and other methods. While studying the... [to full text]

Darbo aplinkos norminio užterštumo įtakos energijos sąnaudoms vėdinimui analizė / The analysis of industrial ambient occupational exposure limits’ influence on ventilation energy consumption

Jurgelevič, Inesa 28 June 2004 (has links)
Occupational exposure limits are known to have different distribution values around the world. In recent years occupational exposure limits were reviewed in Lithuania and other Eastern European countries. The changes in occupational exposure limits should influence the hood flow rate. However even today the projectors continue using the same air flow rate equations that were developed years ago. The engineering methods are no longer compatible with sanitary standards. The major dangers resulting from this approach are the occupational exposure limits exceed allowed quotas in workplace or the energy consumption is harmfully inefficient. It is crucial to compare the treatment of occupational exposure limits among various countries and the different existing methods of calculating exhaust air flow rate. Additionally, it is important to consider the factors that may compromise the reliability of this study. Lithuania's occupational exposure limits are in general lower than in other countries. The ratio of occupational exposure limits is about 1:100 in different countries.Exhaust air flow should be inversely proportional to occupational exposure limits. It was found that volumetric exhaust flow rate have a circular dependence on occupational exposure limits by making comparison among different countries. The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the issue of small countries to use the volumetric exhaust air flow rate equations of big countries (USA, Russia, Germany etc.)... [to full text]

Energinio naudingumo kvalifikacinio rodiklio administraciniame pastate analizė / Analysis of the energy performance qualifying index in an administrative building

Kaušylaitė, Rūta 29 June 2007 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos pastatų energinio naudingumo sertifikavimo metodika pagal STR 2.01.09:2005 „Pastatų energinis naudingumas. Energinio naudingumo sertifikavimas“. Ši metodika lyginama su STR 2.09.04:2002 „Pastato šildymo sistemos galia. Energijos sąnaudos šildymui“ šilumos nuostolių skaičiavimo metodika ir su faktiniu šilumos suvartojimu. Nagrinėjamos suminės energijos sąnaudos ir energinio naudingumo kvalifikacinis rodiklis esant skirtingo aukštingumo pastatams ir jo pokytis diegiant renovacijos priemones. Taip pat atliekama renovacijos priemonių ekonominio efektyvumo analizė. Sudaromas A klasės pastato modelis. Analizuojama energinio naudingumo klasės suteikimo sistema ir pateikiamos rekomendacijos energinio naudingumo sertifikavimui Lietuvoje. / In the master thesis the methodology of building energy performance by The national building regulation STR 2.01.09:2005 „Building Energy performance. Certificate of energy performance” is analysed . The methodology is compared with heat gains calculation methodology in regulation STR 2.09.04:2002 „Capacity of building heating system. Energy input for heating“ and actual heat consumption. The total energy consumption and the energy performance qualifying index is analyzed in the buildings of different height and the difference of index after renovation. The economical efficiency analysis of recommended renovation is analysed. The model of energy performance class is analised and the recomendations for energy performance certification in Lithuania are presented.

Terapinio profilio slaugytojų darbo laiko sąnaudų ryšio su pacientų savarankiškumu vertinimas / The relationship of nurses' time to the level of patient independence on an inpatient therapeutic unit

Suprikienė, Roberta 11 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti terapinio profilio slaugytojų darbo laiko sąnaudų ryšį su pacientų savarankiškumu. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti terapinio profilio slaugytojų darbo laiko sąnaudas pagal priežiūros kategorijas ir slaugytojo veiklų grupes. 2. Nustatyti terapinio profilio pacientų savarankiškumo lygmenį. 3. Išanalizuoti terapinio profilio slaugytojų darbo laiko sąnaudas, atsižvelgiant į pacientų savarankiškumo lygmenį. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas VšĮ Vilkaviškio ligoninės trijuose terapinio profilio skyriuose (vidaus ligų, neurologijos, slaugos ir palaikomojo gydymo). Tyrimo trukmė - 3,5 mėn. Naudotas tiesioginis laiko ir slaugytojo veiksmų stebėjimo metodas (angl. time-and-motion studies). Iš viso atlikta 72 stebėjimai, kurie sudarė 777,2 val. slaugytojų darbo laiko sąnaudų. Pacientų savarankiškumas vertintas anketa. Rezultatai: Terapinio profilio slaugytojų didžiausios darbo laiko sąnaudos dienos (46,6 proc.) ir nakties (28,3 proc.) pamainoje skirtos tiesioginei pacientų priežiūrai. Mažiausia dalis slaugytojų darbo laiko praleista netiesioginei pacientų priežiūrai. Terapinio profilio skyriuose didžioji dalis pacientų (40,1 proc.) buvo savarankiški, 22,3 priklausomi ir 16 proc. - visiškai priklausomi. Slaugytojai per dvi darbo pamainas (dienos ir nakties), pusę savo darbo laiko skyrė visiškai priklausomiems pacientams slaugyti ir prižiūrėti, ketvirtadalį laiko - priklausomiems pacientams ir mažiausiai, t.y. 14 proc. - savarankiškiems pacientams. Išvados: 1... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose – to evaluate the relationship between time spent caring a patient by nurses on a medical unit and the patients‘ levels of independence. Objectives: 1. Analyze time spent caring for a patient by nurses on a medical unit according to care categories and nurses activity groups. 2. Determine patients‘ independence levels on a medical unit. 3. Analyze time spent caring for patients according to independence levels by nurses on a medical unit. Methods. The study was completed at Vilkaviškis Hospital, in three medical units (internal medicine, neurology and nursing and hospice care) The length of the study was 3.5 months. Data was gathered through time and motion observation. Seventy-two observations yielded 777.2 hours of observed nursing time. Patient independence was evaluated using a questionnaire. Results: On medical units, the majority of nursing time during the day (46,6%) and night (28,3%) shifts is dedicated to direct patient care. The least amount of nursing time is spent in indirect patient care. On the medical units, a large number of patients (40,1%) were independent, 22,3% needed partial care and 16%. required total care. Nurses during two shifts (day and night) spent half their time providing total care to patients, a quarter of their time providing partial care and the least amount of time, i.e., 14%, providing care to independent patients. Conclusions: 1. Almost half of the nursing shift is spent in direct patient care; much time was spent administering... [to full text]

Mėsos vertė vartotojui ir jos didinimo būdai / Fresh meat value for consumer and the ways of it’s increasing

Sartauskienė, Violeta 22 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of the work – to propose the ways and means to increase the value of fresh meat to consumers The ways to increase perceived value of fresh meat and means to implement it is based on evaluation of the importance of perceived value factors of fresh meat to consumers. The importance of meat value creating and influencing factors was evaluate by determining the concept of perceived product value to consumers, by performing analysis of construct and management process of perceived value.

Lietuvos šilumos ūkio kainodaros reglamentavimas ir jo įtaka šio sektoriaus įmonių pelningumui / Regulations of the Lithuanian heating sector's pricing and its impact on the profitability of the related enterprises

Tutkutė, Auksė 06 February 2009 (has links)
Baigiamajame Teisės ir valdymo neakivaizdinių magistratūros studijų programos darbe analizuojama Lietuvos šilumos ūkio kainodaros reglamentavimas ir jo įtaka šio sektoriaus įmonių pelningumui, centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos kainų nustatymo valstybinis ekonominis modelis, valstybės reguliuojamų šilumos kainų nustatymo principai ir jų raida. Darbe apibrėžiama nacionalinio ir regioninių centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos kainų reguliavimo institucijų kompetencija ir su tuo susijusios problemos, šilumos ūkio ir jo rinkos specifika, centralizuoto šilumos tiekimo – kaip viešąjį interesą atitinkančios paslaugos – samprata, šilumos tiekimo sektoriaus rinkos kainų teisinio reguliavimo institucinė struktūra, aptariamos Lietuvos centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos sektoriaus raida bei jai įtaką darančios pasaulinės energetikos sektoriaus teisinio reguliavimo plėtros tendencijos ir darnios energetikos idėjos, analizuojami nesuderinti Lietuvos energetikos kainodaros principai ir jų įtaka šilumos kainų didėjimui. Darbe atlikta šilumos tiekimo sektoriaus teisinio reglamentavimo bei šio sektoriaus veiklos pelningumo analizė patvirtino iškeltą hipotezę, kad Lietuvos šilumos ūkio kainodaros teisinis reglamentavimas sudaro galimybes šilumos tiekimo įmonėms gauti pajamas, viršijančias valstybės normuojamas būtinąsias pajamas, ir dėl to didesnį pelną vartotojų sąskaita iš šilumos tiekimo vartotojams veiklos. Remiantis šios analizės rezultatais, atlikti siūlymai dėl teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The final master paper of the extramural Law and Management studies explores the pricing regulations of the Lithuanian heating sector and its impact on profitability of the sector's enterprises, the price identification state-economic model on the centralized heating supply, the state regulated heating price identification principles and their development, the national and regional price regulation institution competence on centralized heating supply and its related issues, heat sector and its market particularities, centralized heating supply – as the public interest corresponding service – conception, heating supply sector's market price legal regulating structure, the Lithuanian centralized heating supply sector's development, world energy sector's legal regulations development tendencies and sustainable energy ideas, uncoordinated Lithuanian energy pricing principles and their impact on the heating price increase. The analysis on the heat supply sector's legal regulations and its activity profitability produced in this paper has approved the raised hypothesis that the Lithuanian heating sector pricing legal regulations provide possibility to the heating supply companies to gain not always economically based excess profit from the heating supply activity on the account of the heat customers. With reference to the analysis results the proposal on the legal acts regulating changes in the heating sector's activity and pricing improvement have been done.

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