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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização química e avaliação da atividade antioxidante de frutos da Amazônia: chopé (Gustavia augusta L.), sacha mangua (Grias neuberthii Macbr.) e macambo (Theobroma bicolor) / Chemical characterization an antioxidant evaluation of the Amazonian fruits: chopé (Gustavia augusta L.), sacha mangua (Grias neuberthii Macbr.)) and macambo (Theobroma bicolor)

Dora Enith Garcia de Sotero 28 February 2002 (has links)
Polpas dos frutos chopé (Gustavia augusta L.) e sacha mangua (Grias neuberthii Macbr.) e sementes dos frutos de macambo (Theobroma bicolor) foram utilizadas na determinação da composição centesimal e da atividade antioxidante de seus extratos. Na quantificação da composição centesimal foram analisados os teores de umidade, proteínas, lipídeos, carboidratos, fibras e cinzas. Na avaliação da atividade antioxidante foram utilizados os extratos etéreo, alcoólico e aquoso, os quais foram obtidos de forma sequencial a partir das farinhas secas e peneiradas (32-mesh). Estas farinhas também foram fracionadas para a obtenção das frações ricas em ácidos fenólicos livres (AFL), ácidos fenólicos de ésteres solúveis (AFES) e ácidos fenólicos de ésteres insolúveis (AFEI). Tanto nos diferentes extratos como nas diferentes frações foi determinada a atividade antioxidante in vitro, empregando-se o sistema aquoso β-caroteno/ácido linoléico e no meio lipídico através do método de Rancimat a 110°C e o método da estufa a 60°C. Os compostos fenólicos foram identificados por CG-EM. Tendo em vista que o extrato aquoso das amostras apresentou melhor atividade antioxidante, este foi utilizado nas avaliações in vivo em ratos. Amostras de fígado, plasma, cérebro, tecido adiposo foram obtidas após 29 dias de fornecimento dos extratos por gavagem para os animais. Nestes tecidos foram avaliados os teores de ácidos graxos, onde pode ser observada uma certa proteção dos ácidos graxos insaturados, a qual pode estar relacionada com os antioxidantes naturais presentes nos extratos. / The centesimal composition and antioxidant activity of Chopé (Gustavia augusta L.) and Sacha Mangua (Grias neuberthii Macbr.) fruits pulps and macambo (Theobroma bicolor) seeds were evaluated. The moisture, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fibers and ashes contents were determined for the centesimal composition. The etheric, alcoholic and aqueous extracts from the fruits were sequentially obtained from dried and 32-mesh-sifted floors and their antioxidant activity were analyzed. The fractions of free-acid phenolics (FAP), soluble ester of acid phenolics (SEAP) and unsoluble ester of acid phenolics (IEAP) were obtained from the same floors. The in vitro antioxidant activity was determined for all samples: different extracts and fractions. The aqueous system β-carotene/linoleic acid was employed and in the lipidic medium was used the Rancimat system (110oC) and stove (60oC) method. The phenolic compounds were identified and quantified by GC-MS method. The highest antioxidant activity was achieved in the aqueous extracts, these were used in vivo utilizing rats as experimental animals. Liver, plasma, brain and fat tissues samples were obtained 29-days after the animals had been received by gavagem. In these tissues, the fatty acids contents were evaluated and it was observed a certain protection to the unsaturated fatty acids, which can be related to the natural antioxidant substances present in the extracts.

Vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia competitiva para identificar oportunidades y amenazas a la producción y exportación de productos peruanos de sacha inchi

Rivera Gavidia, Yuri Waldo 13 February 2019 (has links)
Se realiza una vigilancia tecnológica aplicada a la oferta exportable de productos de sacha inchi peruano con la finalidad de identificar oportunidades que pueda aprovechar para mejorar su oferta de productos y la detección de amenazas que puedan afectar su actual y favorable posicionamiento en los mercados internacionales. Para realizar la vigilancia tecnológica, se utilizó el método propuesto por Fernández et al. (2009). Este está basado en los procesos de diseminación selectiva de información que utilizan los profesionales en ciencias de la información en bibliotecas académicas o especializadas. Los resultados revelaron principalmente amenazas para la producción de sacha inchi peruano como el bajo impacto de la producción científica peruana en generar una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de nuevos productos de exportación, especialmente, frente a China y otros países de la región como Brasil y Colombia y el casi nulo uso de herramientas de protección intelectual, como las patentes y marcas registradas que, más bien, es aprovechado por otros países como Canadá, Estados Unidos, China y otros países asísticos para asegurarse la comercialización de sus productos innovadores en los más importantes mercados del mundo. / A technological watch is applied to the exportable supply of Peruvian sacha inchi products in order to identify opportunities that Peru can take advantage of to improve its product offer and the detection of threats that may affect its current and favorable positioning in international markets. To perform the technological surveillance, the method proposed by Fernández et al. (2009) was used. This is based on the processes of selective dissemination of information used by professionals in information science in academic or specialized libraries. The results revealed threats to the production of Peruvian sacha inchi as the low impact of Peruvian scientific production in generating a competitive advantage for the development of new export products, especially against China and other countries in the region such as Brazil and Colombia. It also identified the limited use of intellectual protection tools, such as patents and registered trademarks that, rather, are used by other countries such as Canada, the United States, China, and other Asian countries to ensure the commercialization of their innovative products in the most important markets of the world. / Tesis

Satiric infotainment TV shows

Alonso, Paul, 1978- 13 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes the discourse of three infotainment television shows built around their hosts – characters who have gained considerable importance and influence in their respective countries: American Jon Stewart (host of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart); British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (the actor who incarnates the popular characters Borat, Bruno, and Ali G in the Da Ali G Show), and Peruvian Jaime Bayly (host of the Peruvian TV show El Francotirador/The Sniper). These three shows responded to their specific national, cultural, social, and political contexts, while simultaneously demonstrating important similarities: they parody journalistic genres while questioning traditional journalism authority and arbitrary media norms; they use humor to develop political, social, and cultural critiques; and they revolve around a talented character who is a media celebrity. Drawing upon theory and literature related to media spectacle, infotainment, tabloidization, celebrity, and the carnivalesque, this research analyzes the three media characters’ discourse and critiques within their respective national and cultural contexts in order to understand their role in those societies and how they negotiate discursive power in the public sphere. This analysis also seeks to reveal how Stewart challenges the mainstream news media by exposing the difficulties of debate in the U.S.; how the subaltern voices of Ali G, Bruno, and Borat position Sacha Baron Cohen to confront hegemonic culture and identity; and how ambiguity and contradiction allow Bayly to be a transgressor in a society where entertainment has a particular political history. This research establishes commonalities and differences among these three representative cases in relation to the broader, global phenomenon of satiric infotainment, and introduces the notion of “critical infotainment” to characterize this satiric trend that combines entertainment, comedy, journalism, popular culture, and politics to develop social critique. Critical infotainment is interpreted as a result of and a transgressive reaction to the process of tabloidization and the cult of celebrity in the media spectacle era. Finally, this dissertation includes recommendations for future critical infotainment experiments to fill the gap left by the traditional press in today’s mediascape. / text

Síntesis y caracterización de resinas alquídicas largas en aceite de sacha inchi (Plukeneteia volubilis L.) aplicadas para pinturas artísticas

Verde Ramirez, Elizabeth Liz 16 September 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis trata sobre la síntesis y caracterización de resinas alquídicas largas, usando como materia prima el aceite de sacha inchi (70 % w/W). Las resinas fueron sintetizadas por poliesterificación con pentaeritritol y anhídrido ftálico o ácido isoftálico, mediante dos métodos; alcoholisis y acidólisis. Resinas alquídicas largas en aceite de linaza fueron sintetizadas por ambos métodos para fines comparativos. Fueron evaluadas propiedades fisicoquímicas de las resinas, tales como el número ácido, viscosidad, densidad y color. Además, la obtención de las resinas alquídicas se confirmó mediante técnicas espectroscópicas de FTIR y 1H-RMN. Las resinas sintetizadas fueron aplicadas sobre vidrio y lienzo, y se estudió la influencia de la concentración del secante superficial de cobalto, sobre el tiempo de secado. Por último, las propiedades térmicas de las resinas alquídicas obtenidas fueron estudiadas mediante análisis termogravimétrico. Los resultados muestran que las resinas alquídicas largas en aceites de sacha inchi y linaza presentan propiedades fisicoquímicas similares. Sin embargo, se observa un efecto favorable del ácido isoftálico sobre el número ácido, la viscosidad y el color de las resinas, frente al anhídrido ftálico. Las resinas alquídicas largas en aceite de sacha inchi presentan colores más claros que sus similares a base aceite de linaza. Las películas que se obtienen a partir de las resinas sintetizadas presentan similares tiempos de secado. Las resinas a base de sacha inchi presentaron ligera mayor estabilidad térmica que las resinas a base aceite de linaza. / This thesis deals with the synthesis and characterization of long alkyd resins, using as a raw material sacha inchi oil (70% w / W). The resins were synthesized by polyesterification with pentaerythritol and phthalic anhydride or isophthalic acid, by two methods; alcoholysis and acidolysis. Long alkyd resins in flaxseed oil were synthesized by both methods for comparative purposes. Physicochemical properties of the resins were evaluated, such as acid number, viscosity, density and color. In addition, the obtaining of alkyd resins was confirmed by spectroscopic techniques of FTIR and 1 H-NMR. The synthesized resins were applied on glass and canvas, and the influence of the concentration of the cobalt surface secant on the drying time was studied. Finally, the thermal properties of the alkyd resins obtained were studied by thermogravimetric analysis. The results show that long alkyd resins in sacha inchi and flaxseed oils have similar physicochemical properties. However, a favorable effect of isophthalic acid on the acid number, viscosity and color of the resins, compared to phthalic anhydride, is observed. Long alkyd resins in sacha inchi oil have lighter colors than their similar ones based on flaxseed oil. Films obtained from synthesized resins have similar drying times. Sacha Inchi-based resins showed slightly greater thermal stability than flaxseed oil-based resins. / Tesis

What can Westernized societies learn from Indigenous ancestral knowledge? - The declaration of Kawsak Sacha- the living forest

Herrera, Angelica January 2024 (has links)
Deforestation and climate change is a global concern and humans live in unsustainable ways. One reason to this is rooted in the increased disconnection to nature. This disconnection originates from a Westernized view of nature, which has its roots in colonialism, industrialization, religion, and capitalism. Research has shown that the disconnection with nature is one of the key factors to explain the global climate crisis. The need to reconnect to our natural world is crucial to be able to decrease negative impact on the planet, such as deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Meanwhile, many Indigenous cultures consider nature to be a living being, which we are connected to, and also regard themselves as stewards of nature. Being and feeling connected to nature is related to increased environmental concern, pro-environmental behavior and nature relatedness. Studies show that ancestral Indigenous knowledge could help to prevent negative impacts on nature and reduce loss of biodiversity and deforestation. However Indigenous peoples are still being overlooked, and their knowledge is considered less valuable. The Kichwa Indigenous Peoples of Sarayaku, in Ecuador, have introduced the declaration Kawsak Sacha, the living forest, which considers nature to be a living being with its own rights. The declaration was introduced in 2018 with the purpose to live in harmony with nature, and to stop deforestation, oil extraction and mining. This study aimed to research the views of Kawsak Sacha, Indigenous peoples’ views of nature and whether this view of nature could be a possible pathway to decrease deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. This study aimed to include Indigenous peoples’ perspectives and voices, this was done through interviews to learn and understand more about their perspectives. The study demonstrates the importance of acknowledging Indigenous knowledge in academia, and environmental decision making. It also shows that learning from Indigenous peoples’ knowledges and views of nature, could be a pathway for Westernized societies to reconnect to nature and that Kawsak Sacha could be an inspiration for other countries to include Indigenous perspectives and knowledge in environmental decision making.

CiteSi, Centro de Innovación Tecnológica Especializada de Sacha Inchi - Región San Martín

Tafur Vásquez, Rolando 17 February 2021 (has links)
El proyecto se enfoca en generar una relación entre el bosque y el campo de cultivo. El Centro de Innovación tecnológica especializada en el Sacha Inchi genera una gran oportunidad no solo de proteger el producto sino de aprovechar al máximo todas sus potencialidades.

Biographie d'un artiste dramatique oublié : romuald Joubé (1876-1949) / Biography of a forgotten artist : Romuald Joubé, 1876-1949

Joubé Poreau, Martine 28 March 2014 (has links)
Ce projet a vu le jour afin de tirer de l'oubli un artiste dramatique nommé Romuald Joubé, né en 1876 et décédé en 1949. Cet homme était mon ancêtre, c'est l'oubli familial et collectif dont il a été victime qui a suscité la réalisation de ce travail. Il a eu la particularité de devenir un acteur reconnu au théâtre et au cinéma muet, en traversant deux guerres mondiales. Cette biographie s'attache à faire découvrir l'évolution du jeune comédien et celle du milieu théâtral et cinématographique de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Son parcours le mène de Saint-Gaudens à Paris, de l'Odéon à la Comédie-Française, des tournées européennes aux tournées internationales où il côtoie les grands noms du théâtre et du cinéma tels qu'André Antoine, Sarah Bernhardt, Abel Gance. Devenu une vedette il ne renie jamais sa région pyrénéenne où il crée un théâtre de verdure et défend ardemment le théâtre de plein air jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Son éclectisme lui permet d'interpréter différents répertoires. Aussi remet-il en cause certaines idées reçues sur l'histoire du monde théâtral, par exemple le clivage entre Théâtre commercial et Théâtre littéraire. Acteur du cinéma muet, il est aussi intéressé par la radiophonie en 1936 et plus tard il fera une expérience au cinéma parlant avec Sacha Guitry. Homme entre tradition et modernité, Joubé révèle les ambiguïtés du monde artistique en temps de guerre. Cet homme aux multiples dons, à la fois acteur, dessinateur, peintre, spécialiste de la langue gasconne, se battra jusqu'à sa mort pour défendre l'art de qualité pour tous, sans jamais oublier sa famille et ses racines. / This project has been conceived to get out of oblivion Romuald Joubé (1876-1949). He was a professional dramatic artist and an ancestor of mine. Because of this familial and collective forgetting of the great works of Joubé, the main goal of this thesis is to reveal his biography. He became a famous and talented theatre and silent movie actor by crossing two world wars.This biography presents the evolution of Joubé as a young stage actor as well as the evolution of theatre and cinema during the first part of the twentieth century. From Saint-Gaudens (France) to Paris, and from Odéon to the Comédie-Française, Joubé met some of the great actors such as André Antoine, Sarah Bernhardt or Abel Gance. Even if he became famous at Paris, he did not forget his native region: Southwest of France and the Pyrénées. He created an open-air theater in this region. Until the end of his life, he promoted the open-air theatre. Joubé could play many different roles. He was also a silent film actor. Then in 1936, he got interested in radio. He accepted then sound films with Sacha Guitry. Tradition and modernity characterize this major and forgotten actor of the twentieth century. The biography of Joubé also brings us into the lives of artists of this period. Finally, Joubé, as an actor but also as a painter, a draughtsman and a defender of Gascon language. He will fight up to his dead to defend the quality art for all, without over forgetting his family and his region.

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