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Full-waveform inversion for large 3-D salt bodiesKalita, Mahesh 05 May 2019 (has links)
The ever-expanding need for energy, including those related to fossil fuels, is behind the drive to explore more complicated regions, such as salt and subsalt provinces. This exploration quest relies heavily on recorded surface seismic data to provide precise and detailed subsurface properties. However, conventional seismic processing algorithms including the state-of-the-art full-waveform inversion (FWI) fail to recover those features in many areas of salt provinces. Even the industrial solution with substantial involvement of manual human-interpretation has faced challenges in many regions. In this thesis, I attempt to replace those manual, and somewhat erroneous, steps to the velocity building in salt provinces with a mathematically robust algorithm under the FWI machinery. I, specifically, regularize FWI by penalizing the velocity drops with depth with a new more flexible function.
Although promising, FWI is computationally very expensive, especially for large 3D seismic data. It updates an initial guess of the model iteratively using the gradient of the misfit function, which requires lengthy computations and large memory space/disc storage. Based on the adjoint state method, gradient computation usually requires us to store the source wavefield, or include an additional extrapolation step to propagate the source wavefield from its temporary storage at the boundary. To mitigate this computational overburden, I propose an amplitude excitation gradient calculation based on representing the source wavefield history by a single, specifically the most energetic arrival.
In this thesis, I also propose a novel-multiscale scheme based on ux-corrected transport (FCT) to reduce artifacts in the gradient direction due to the noise present in seismic data. FCT comprises of two finite difference schemes: a transport and a diffusion to compute the flux at a grid point. I observe a couple of benefits in FCT-based FWI. First, it yields a smooth gradient at the earlier iterations of FWI by promoting the lower frequency content of the seismic data. Second, it is easily compatible with the existing FWI code, and with any objective function. The multiscale strategy starts with a large smoothing parameter and relaxes it progressively to zero to achieve the final inverted model from traditional FWI.
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Neogene to Quaternary fault activity and salt tectonics within the Terrebonne Salt Withdrawal Basin: effect of sediment loading on subsidence and salt-fault interaction: 1) Quaternary fault activity in the Northwestern margin of the Terrebonne Salt Withdrawal Basin, southeastern Louisiana 2) Spatial and Temporal Throw Variation in the Terrebonne Salt Withdrawal Basin: Effects of sediment loading and diapiric stress perturbation 3) Geometry and characteristics of faults connecting two salt stocks: Insights from the Gulf of MexicoJanuary 2021 (has links)
archives@tulane.edu / Salt basins are complex structural systems, showing genetic relationships between salt structures, faults, and variable sediment depositional patterns. The dynamics of salt-fault interaction, the role of shale deformation, and the influence of salt evacuation on surface features have been poorly understood. A link between all these processes is the throw history of faults adjacent to and within a salt basin. In this dissertation, I interpret industry well logs and 3D seismic data from the Terrebonne Salt Withdrawal Basin (TSWB) of southeastern Louisiana, to understand these processes. The methodology includes the use of fault throw maps, throw variations along strike and with depth, and sediment expansion indices to understand fault kinematics adjacent to sediment loads and mobile material, i.e., salt or shale.
I address the histories of three faults along the northern margin of the TSWB: the Lake Boudreaux, Montegut, and Isle de Jean Charles faults. Each shows Miocene and Quaternary active phases correlated with sediment loading, separated by relative inactivity during the Pliocene. The pattern of Quaternary activity and the surface projections of these faults are consistent with a fault-controlled pattern of wetland loss, suggesting that faults in southeastern Louisiana are active.
Isle de Jean Charles fault and the Lake Boudreaux fault interact with the Bully Camp and Lake Barre Salt stocks, respectively. Each stock is interpreted to have grown by a different diapiric mechanism, consistent with different spatial patterns of throw variation on the two faults, despite similar temporal histories. Throw on the Isle de Jean Charles fault increases towards the Bully Camp stock, suggesting deformation inside and outside the stock. In contrast, a decrease in the throw on the Lake Boudreaux fault and an increase in diameter of the Lake Barre stock indicate that deformation exists only within the stock. Additionally, this dissertation considers throw patterns along the southern margin of the TSWB, showing that faults linking the Dog Lake and Caillou Island salt stocks are affected by shale deformation adjacent to salt. These results show that studies of fault-related subsidence and wetland loss in coastal Louisiana need to include observations from nearby salt structures. / 1 / Akinbobola Akintomide
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Removal of PFASs and Uranium from Drinking Water Using SorbixTM Anion Exchange Resin : Effects of Sodium Chloride on the Removal Efficiency / PFAS och Uran Avlägsnande från Dricksvatten med SorbixTM Anjonbytesharts : Effekten av Natriumklorid på borttagningseffektivitetenRustum, Fawaz January 2021 (has links)
The increasing awareness towards PFAS pollution makes it increasingly important to treat. Many agencies over the globe, including the Swedish Food Agency, are introducing ever so strict control over PFASs in drinking water. One of Norrvatten’s back-up drinking water plants, the Hammarby plant, is a groundwater plant that saw elevated concentrations of PFASs (sum of 32 PFASs~80 ng/L) and total uranium (~109 µg/L). The aim of this work is to investigate the possible remediation for PFAS and uranium pollution in the groundwater. The main objective is to examine the possibility of SorbixTM, a strong-base anion exchange resins provided by ETC2, adsorbing PFAS and uraniumfrom the groundwater. Furthermore, the optimal solution of groundwater and sodium chloride that prevents microbial growth is to be investigated. This is of interest considering the intermittent operation of the Hammarby plant, where water would be allowed to stagnant for longer periods thus being prone to microbial growth. The effect of microorganisms on the resins is of concern. Biogrowth experiments were conducted using four different brines: 0%, 5%, 15%, and 25%. Identical masses of AIX resins were soaked in these solutions for 19-29 days in order to investigate whether the brine is effective at inhibiting biogrowth. The tests were analyzed mainly using plate count method, and secondly using flow cytometry. For uranium and PFAS removal, batch experiments using (1) resins that were previously soaked in brine were performed, (2) resins that were exposed to microorganisms as well as (3) new unused resins. Results showed that brines with 15% salinity or higher are capable of completely stopping microbial growth. The SorbixTM was capable of removing PFAS to below detection levels, as well as 99% removal of total uranium. To further develop on this study, column experiments with continuous water flow should be investigated. Continuous flow is a more accurate representation of the real case and will give knowledge on additional information regarding the breakthrough volume of the individual PFASs, the required water flow relative to available resin area that ensures acceptable removals, and how the competitiveness of uranium affects PFAS adsorption. It is also recommended to investigate the potential for regenerating the AIX resins. The Swedish Food Agency restricts the chemicals that are allowed to come in contact with any drinking water equipment. This means that some of the regenerative substances used in other studies are prohibited in Sweden. / Den växande uppmärksamheten kring PFAS gör det allt viktigare att avlägsna dessa från dricksvatten. Flera myndigheter över hela världen, inklusive Livsmedelsverket, inför gränsvärden och kontroller på PFAS i dricksvatten som blir allt striktare. En av Norrvattens reservvattenverk, Hammarby, är en grundvattenanläggning som visade förhöjda koncentrationer av PFAS och uran, där summan av de 32 mest förekommande PFASs är 80 ng/L och den totala uranhalten är 109 µg/L. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka möjligheten till PFAS och uran borttagning från grundvattnet. Huvudmålet är att undersöka möjligheten för SorbixTM, en starkbasisk anjonbytesharts som är framtagen av ETC2 Sverige (ETC2, n.d.), att adsorbera PFAS och uran från grundvattnet. Dessutom ska den optimala lösningen av grundvatten och natriumklorid, som förhindrar mikrobiell tillväxt, undersökas. Detta är av intresse med tanke på den intermittenta driften av Hammarby-anläggningen, där vattnet i ledningarna är stillastående under längre perioder och därmed blir utsatt för mikrobiell tillväxt. Effekten av mikroorganismer på jonbytesharts är, enligt andrastudier, bekymmersam. Tillväxtexperimenten utfördes genom användning av fyra olika saltlösningar: 0%, 5%, 15%och 25%. Identiska massor av anjonbytesharts blötlades i dessa lösningar i 19-29 dagar för att undersöka biologisk tillväxt. Testerna analyserades huvudsakligen med tre-dagars-tillväxt och imindre utsträckning med flödescytometri.För uran- och PFAS-avlägsnande så användes standardiserad skaktester med (1) jonbytesharts somtidigare blötlagts i saltvatten, (2) jonbytesharts som exponerats för mikroorganismer samt (3) nytt och oanvänt jonbytesharts. Resultatet visade att lösningar med 15% salthalt eller högre kan bromsa den mikrobiella tillväxten helt. SorbixTM lyckades ta bort PFAS till under detektionsnivåer, samt avlägsnade över 99% av den uppmätta uranen i grundvattnet. För vidare studier så rekommenderas kolonnförsök med kontinuerligt vattenflöde. Kontinuerligt flöde är en mer exakt representation av det verkliga fallet och kommer att ge ytterligare information såsom: breakthrough volymen för de enskilda PFASs, optimala vattenflödet i förhållande till tillgänglig yta av jonbytesharts som säkerställer acceptabel avlägsnande samt hur stark konkurrensen mellan uran och PFAS blir och vilken av de som adsorberas/desorberas först. Dessutom rekommenderas undersökningar på regenereringen av jonbytesharts, med tanke till de begränsade regenereringsämnen som är tillåtna enligt Livsmedelsverket. Många regenerativa ämnensom används i andra studier är förbjudna att använda i Sverige.
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The Vertical Distribution of Salts in a Soil Profile During the Drainage ProcessYassin, Adel Taha 01 May 1986 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a model to predict water extraction patterns and therefore salt distribution patterns in a one dimensional homogeneous soil profile for a specified root distribution .
Water extraction was simulated as a function of the total potential and the root density at any level of the profile.
Salt redistribution caused by irrigation was simulated by assuming a partial and proportional displacement of the water in each soil layer.
A computer program was written for the model in Fortran language and implemented on the Vax. To evaluate the performance of the model, test studies were carried out in the laboratory using two lysimeters and wheat as a crop.
A neutron probe and the four-probe electrode method were used to follow the change in the soil moisture and the salinity in the profile during the growing season. Comparisons were made between the measured and simulated values of water content and salinity. Application of the model results and recommendations for further research were suggested to improve the performance of the model.
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A Study of the Utah Newspaper War, 1870-1900Heller, Luther L. 01 January 1966 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this investigation has been to write an account of the Utah newspaper war during the final thirty years of the nineteenth century, with emphasis on the events that brought about the establishment of the Salt Lake Tribune, the men who guided its destiny, news and editorial content, as well as its role in the economic, social and political history of Utah.
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Corrosion Studies of Molten Chloride Salt: Electrochemical Measurements and Forced Flow Loop TestsZhang, Mingyang 23 August 2023 (has links)
This study encompasses various aspects of corrosion in chloride molten salt environments, employing electrochemical techniques and a forced convection loop. It explores corrosion thermodynamic properties, electrochemical corrosion kinetics, and flow-induced dynamic corrosion. The study developed a novel electrochemical method for measuring thermodynamic properties of corrosion products and develops a new analysis theory for potentiodynamic polarization data obtained from cathodic diffusion-controlled reactions. Additionally, the design and operation experience of a forced convection chloride molten salt loop is shared. Particularly, the study presents novel findings on the turbulent flow-induced corrosion phenomenon and mechanism of Fe-based alloys in Mg-based chloride molten salt. These outcomes provide valuable insights into the corrosion mechanisms and flow-induced corrosion of Fe-based alloys in chloride molten salt. The results and experiences shared in this paper have implications for the successful implementation of molten salt as an advanced heat transfer fluid and thermal energy storage material in high-temperature applications, benefiting the nuclear and concentrating solar communities. / Doctor of Philosophy / This study explores the corrosion behavior of materials chloride molten salt, which is used in advanced energy systems. By using advanced techniques, the researchers investigated how these materials react and corrode in different conditions. They developed new methods to measure the properties of the corrosion products and analyzed how different factors affect the corrosion process. Additionally, they shared their experiences in building and operating a flow loop to simulate these conditions. The study discovered interesting phenomena, such as how the flow of molten salt can cause corrosion in certain types of metals. These findings provide important insights for improving the use of molten salt as a heat transfer fluid and energy storage material in advanced energy technologies.
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Electrochemical Sensor Development for Fluoride Molten Salt Redox ControlShay, Nikolas W. 21 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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A Radioactive Tracer Dilution Method for LiCl-KCl Radioactive Eutectic SaltsHardtmayer, Douglas E. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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An Analytical Modelling Approach to Test if a Rising Salt Diapir Triggered The Cape Fear LandslideAkinci, Levent January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Rational Design and Anti-proliferative Activity Of Substituted N,N'- bis(arylmethyl)imidazolium Salts as Varied TherapeuticsTaylor, Kerri Shelton 09 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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