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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ERP系統導入過程及成效之研究:以A公司兩岸三地關係企業分期導入SAP系統為例 / Analyze on the process and effects in the implementation of ERP System – Case Study of Using three projects to implement the SAP Program in a Cross-Strait Group

孫靖雯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國成為世界工廠,全世界都被捲入低價漩渦,在此微利時代,企業為了維持競爭力,只能學會與微利共存。由於2008年金融海嘯席捲全球,導致通貨緊縮,產業界面臨前所未有的挑戰,終端消費者變得越來越在意價格,企業降低成本之壓力也愈來愈大,全球處於高度價格競爭的環境。針對全球化的趨勢,如何善用良好的企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)來加強資訊整合,使決策者即時掌握經營績效,進行差異化管理,提升價值活動,創造競爭優勢,是企業在微利時代中維持競爭力之關鍵課題。 本個案公司為一跨國性企業,但未將旗下眾多子公司整合在同一資訊平台,經營者難以獲得即時管理資訊,做出正確決策。因此,管理當局期望透過ERP系統的升級,提供決策者便利且即時的管理資訊,以增加市場競爭力,並藉由導入新ERP系統進行企業流程再造,達到集團之使命與願景。本論文以個案公司三次導入SAP系統之專案籌備、業務藍圖、具體實施、上線準備,以及上線與支援階段等五個階段,深入記錄與分析SAP系統對使用者的影響、新作業流程帶來的成效,決策者對經營績效的掌控與跨國組織的變革。另經由比較分析三次導入該系統的異同,探討對企業產生的成效及影響,期望透過本論文對個案公司的專案推動小組及管理者提供一些建議,也作為其他企業導入ERP系統之借鏡。 / As the world market is approaching Chinese price, the enterprises worldwide are involving in a low-profit war. In 2008, the financial tsunami severely impacted global economy and caused a deflationary spiral. As a result, consumers care more about price such that enterprises are forced into cost-cutting battles. For an enterprise to thrive in this low-profit era, it should effectively develop and use an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system to enhance its information conformity, competitive ability, and enterprise value. This study uses a case company to test the theories and best practices for implementing an ERP system as suggested by the relevant literature. The case company is a multi-national enterprise with its subsidiary companies not sharing the same information systems. It was very difficult for the management to obtain up-to-date information and make correct decisions. Its top management expects that an ERP system can integrate all the data and provide timely information for decision making. The expected benefits include higher competitive advantage, satisfactory fulfillment of group targets, and positive organizational change. By illustrating the case company’s three-phase process of implementing its SAP ERP system, this study explains how the company deals with the issues with the above implementation and compares its practices with literature. Based on the research results, this study summarizes the issues of implementing ERP systems and offers numerous suggestions.

Traductologie et traduction outillée : du traducteur spécialisé professionnel à l’expert métier en entreprise / Translation Technologies for English, French or German : From Individual Specialized Translators To Company Domain Experts

Lemaire, Claire 23 June 2017 (has links)
Comment adapter des technologies de la traduction, initialement conçues pour des traducteurs spécialisés professionnels, à des experts métier devant traduire pour leur entreprise ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons comparé les pratiques de ces deux types d'utilisateurs, à l’aide de questionnaires. Ensuite, nous avons constitué un corpus à partir de traductions d’experts métier et nous l’avons passé en revue pour renforcer l’analyse des différences. La différence la plus flagrante est l'utilisation de la traduction automatique (TA) ainsi que le contexte de production des traductions. La réalité du terrain montre en effet des textes source qui ne sont souvent pas exploitables par des machines ; nous proposons de travailler sur l'exploitabilité informatique des textes. En étudiant les technologies de TA actuelles, nous constatons qu'elles permettent soit une post-édition en langue cible après le processus de traduction, soit une pré-édition en langue source avant le processus de traduction. Nous suggérons de tirer profit de la situation inédite de rédacteur traduisant, pour utiliser l’expertise du rédacteur pendant le processus de traduction et de développer une fonctionnalité de TA permettant une édition en cours de processus. / How to adapt translation technologies, initially designed for professional translators, to domain experts who have to translate for their company?We address this issue by first comparing the practices of two groups of translators, professional and non-professional, with two surveys. Secondly, we built a corpus of translations done by domain experts and we studied it to reinforce the analysis. The most obvious difference are the use of machine translation (MT) and the production context. Actually, the reality in companies shows texts, in source language that often cannot be processed by machines; we propose to focus on text processability. By looking at current MT technologies, it appears that they can either post-edit the texts that are in target language, after the translation process or pre-edit the texts that are in source language, before the translation process. We propose to take advantage of the unprecedented situation of having the "writer" and the "translator" working together, to use the writer expertise during the translation process by creating a new MT feature that allow editing during the process.

Identificação de requisitos básicos de sistemas de medição de desempenho e avaliações de casos de um sistema computacional de suporte / Performance measurement systems basic requirements identification and cases assessment of a computer-based support system

Kleber Francisco Esposto 30 October 2003 (has links)
Apresenta um levantamento abrangente de novas considerações sobre Sistemas de Medição de Desempenho (SMD) e o novo panorama ambiental que envolve as empresas e impacta suas formas de avaliação de desempenho. Compila, a partir desses estudos, os principais requisitos de SMDs em uma tabela e propõe um modelo conceitual para sistema de medição de desempenho. Identifica, também, um sistema computacional para suportar o processo de gestão estratégica de desempenho em empresas. Analisa a satisfação desse sistema computacional estudado em relação aos principais requisitos levantados e compilados. As análises em relação a essa satisfação são feitas segundo a percepção do autor desse trabalho, treinado nesta ferramenta, e de profissionais de empresas que utilizam o sistema avaliado. A percepção desses profissionais é obtida por meio da realização de entrevistas em uma pesquisa de campo, guiadas por um questionário. / It presents a wide literature survey on rising considerations about Performance Measurement Systems (PMS) and the modern environmental which surrounds the companies and impacts their performance evaluation system. It compiles from this survey the main PMS requirements in a table and it suggests a conceptual model for performance measurement system. It identifies, too, a commercial computer-based system in order to support strategic performance measurement management. It also analyzes how the PMS requirements are satisfied by the computer-based system, based on the author perception, who was trained at this tool, and on the perception of customers of this system. The assessment of these customer\'s perceptions were made in site through questionnaire based interviews.

Reconnaissance automatique de sons d'oiseaux et d'insectes / Automatic recognition of birds and insects sounds

Dufour, Olivier 18 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste en l'utilisation d'outils d'informatiques pour recueillir des informations concernant l'écologie d'espèces animales. L'objectif de départ était d'assembler des algorithmes capables de traiter des enregistrements acoustiques et de détecter, lister et dénombrer les sons éventuellement présents d'insectes, amphibiens et oiseaux. Pour ce faire nous avons testé de manière non exhaustive différents classifieurs et descripteurs de signal audio9 pour (première partie) organiser et participer à trois concours internationaux de reconnaissance automatique de sons d'animaux et (seconde partie) construire un outil de suivi d'abondance de deux espèces d'oiseaux marins pélagiques sur l'île de la Réunion. La première moitié de la thèse (chapitre 7) a été dédiée à la construction et au test de modèles de reconnaissance multi-classes (92 espèces animales : 82 espèces d'oiseaux (dont 66 passériformes), 9 espèces d'insectes, et 1 espèce d'amphibien, Pelophylax kl. grafi). La seconde moitié de la thèse (chapitre 8) s'est concentrée sur la construction de détecteurs de cris de deux espèces d'oiseaux protégées dont les colonies sont particulièrement difficiles d'accès et menacées par le développement et les éclairages urbains : Le Pétrel de Barau (Pterodroma baraui, endémique de la Réunion et en danger d'extinction depuis 2008 d'après l'UICN) et le Puffin tropical (Puffinus bailloni). / The present manuscript deals with computer science applied to ecology. The main objective was to assembly algorithms able to analyse acoustic recordings and automatically detect, list and count sounds of insects, amphibiansand birds. We tested a non exhaustive list of audio features and classifiers to (first part) organize and participate to three international challenges of automatic regnotion of animal's sounds and (second part) build a automatic and passive acoustic monitoring of two species of pelagic seabirds on the Reunion island.

Studie řízení plynulých materiálových toků s využitím značení produktů / The Study of Continuous Material Flows Management with Using Products Identification

Šíbl, Josef January 2009 (has links)
Introduce grauation work contains the detail characteristic of the marking of material elements incoming to store and work out from store. The main part of the work is aimed to shortening working time during material entry and work out from store. On ground ride out analyse has been suggested optimal soluti-on implementation marking of material elements into production company. Optimal type barcode has been designed and time schedule to implementation marking of material elements has been described. The technic-economical analysis proposed solution SAP console describing type and price component need to implementation this solution.

Elektronický obchod nad systémem SAP R/3 / E-commerce Solution for SAP R/3

Krutiš, Rostislav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with proposal of e-commerce solution for BUT, whitch should promotional items and publications of BUT. Through integration platforms is e-commerce connected to the information systém SAP R/3.

Návrh investičního portfolia korporátních akcií evropských společností z oblasti IT / Proposal of Investment Portfolio Consisting of Corporate Shares of European IT Companies

Janík, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of investments into business shares based on fundamental analysis. It analyses the progress so far and assesses the estimated future development of both internal and external environment of chosen European IT companies. Based on handpicked criteria, the thesis compares possible investments and seeks to find the best one. After reading this text, a potential administrator (investor) should consider himself/herself familiar with these issues.

Análisis e implementación SAP business one starter package para pequeñas empresas en el Perú

Bruno Sixto, Diana Karen, Silva Rojas, Pedro Luis January 2012 (has links)
Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / Estudia y analiza la factibilidad de la nueva solución que proporciona SAP. No sólo las grandes empresas requieren del uso de un sistema que pueda integrar todas las áreas que se manejan dentro de la misma, sino también las pequeñas empresas. A mediados del 2011 SAP lanzó al mercado una solución de ERP para pequeñas empresas. Esta solución es conocida como Starter Package (Paquete de Inicio) la cual ayudará a optimizar los procesos y a tener un mejor control de la información. Esta solución será desarrollada bajo la metodología AIP (Accelerated Implementation Program) la cual SAP considera que cumple con las buenas prácticas para su óptima implementación. Esta implementación será considerada como base ya que en el Perú es una de las primeras empresas que cuenta con esta solución de SAP. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

Fallbasierte Speicherung und Wiederverwendung von Erfahrungswissen über die prozessbezogene Implementierung von Services in SAP® Enterprise-SOA

Hofmann, Marcus 30 June 2009 (has links)
Der wirtschaftliche Erfolg von Unternehmen wird heute von der Fähigkeit beeinflusst, die Geschäftsstrategie schneller umsetzen zu können als die Konkurrenz. Wichtige Ziele sind die Erschließung neuer Märkte, die Reduzierung von Kosten sowie die Steigerung der Effizienz. Eine Voraussetzung besteht darin, vorhandene Geschäftsprozesse flexibel anpassen und zügig neue Prozesse einführen zu können. Das bedingt wandlungsfähige und innovationsfördernde Systemlandschaften. An dieser Stelle setzen die durch Geschäftsprozesse getriebenen serviceorientierten Architekturen für ERP-Systeme an. Mit SOA-ERP-Systemen wird es möglich, selektiv und am Bedarf ausgerichtet neue Prozesse zu gestalten und das Prozess-Design mit der Einbindung von Lieferanten, Kunden und Partnern über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg zu gestalten. SAP Enterprise-SOA bezeichnet die serviceorientierte ERP-Architektur der SAP AG. Die darauf basierenden Anwendungen entstehen – unter Einsatz der Enterprise-SOA Roadmap-Methodik – durch die gezielte Kombination von Plattform-, Ex-tension- und Composite-Applikationen. Letztere stellen hochflexible, aus Enterprise-Services/Services von Drittanbietern erstellte, Anwendungen dar. Deren Design durch SOA-Experten liegt ein hohes Maß an Erfahrungswissen zu Grunde. Dieses stellt den zentralen Aspekt der Speicherung und Wiederverwendung durch fallbasiertes Schließen dar. Im Gegensatz zum bestehenden Ansatz zur Beschreibung von Best-Practice Implementierungen im „SAP Community Network“ ermöglicht der hier dargestellte Vorschlag die strukturierte, prozessbezogene Speicherung sowie die ähnlichkeitsbasierte Wiederverwendung von Composite-Applikationen innerhalb des Roadmap-Prozesses. Schwerpunktmäßig werden dazu Indizes zum Aufbau von Zugriffsstrukturen in der Fallbasis sowie wie ein allgemeingültiges globales und ein beispielhaftes, kontextspezifisches lokales Indexvokabular erarbeitet. Weiterhin erfolgt die Angabe entsprechender Ähnlichkeitsmaße für die ausgeprägten Indizes sowie das Aufzeigen der Ähnlichkeitsbestimmung zwischen zwei Fällen durch einen Nearest-Neighbor Matching Algorithmus.

A Study of Partitioning and Parallel UDF Execution with the SAP HANA Database

Große, Philipp, May, Norman, Lehner, Wolfgang 08 July 2014 (has links)
Large-scale data analysis relies on custom code both for preparing the data for analysis as well as for the core analysis algorithms. The map-reduce framework offers a simple model to parallelize custom code, but it does not integrate well with relational databases. Likewise, the literature on optimizing queries in relational databases has largely ignored user-defined functions (UDFs). In this paper, we discuss annotations for user-defined functions that facilitate optimizations that both consider relational operators and UDFs. We believe this to be the superior approach compared to just linking map-reduce evaluation to a relational database because it enables a broader range of optimizations. In this paper we focus on optimizations that enable the parallel execution of relational operators and UDFs for a number of typical patterns. A study on real-world data investigates the opportunities for parallelization of complex data flows containing both relational operators and UDFs.

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