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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploration of Differences in Response to Music Related to Levels of Psychological Health in Adolescents

Walker Kennedy, Susan 01 September 2010 (has links)
Popular music plays a significant role in the lives of most adolescents. The central question explored is whether three groups of adolescents (psychiatrically ill, depressed, and non-clinical adolescents) differed on self-reported data on: (a) the role of popular music in their lives, and (b) in their emotional reactions to music. The next question is whether the developmental issues of gender and personality consolidation, age, and school commitment simultaneously influence how the three groups of adolescents use music in their lives and in their emotional reactions to music. The last question is whether the three groups have significantly different music preferences in the five genres of popular (rap, pop/dance, heavy metal/hard rock, classic rock, and alternative). There were 126 subjects employed in this research. I created the Walker Music Questionnaire (WMQ) to explore the role and importance that music plays in the lives of the adolescents. A factor analysis found five factors (Introspection, Identity-Music, Discerning Music Identity, Fantasy-Rebellion, and Identity-Self). The Adolescent Semantic Differential Scales (ASDS) measured the adolescents’ emotional responses to 10 pieces of popular music representing the five genres described above. These scales are well known measures of emotional response and I added eight adjectives that represented adolescent issues. This measure was also factor analyzed and the three factors of Evaluation, Romance, and Potency emerged. Preference for the five genres was determined from the Adolescent Semantic Differential Scales. MANOVAS were done with both sets of factors derived from the WMQ and ASDS simultaneously using the developmental variables of age group, gender, personality, and school commitment. Psychological health was found to be a significant variable. Specifically, the role of music for the depressed group was significantly different from the other two groups of adolescents. The developmental issues that remained significant were personality and school commitment. Furthermore, the psychiatrically ill group reacted more emotionally to the music than the other two groups and this remained significant even when the developmental variable of personality was considered. The three groups were not differentiated by their preference ratings on the ASDS.

Subgrid scale stabilized finite elements for low speed flows

Príncipe, Ricardo Javier 21 April 2008 (has links)
La descripción del flujo de fluidos involucra la solución de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes compresible, un problema muy complejo cuya estructura matemática no es del todo comprendida. Por lo tanto, mediante análisis asintótico, se pueden derivar modelos simplificados bajo ciertas hipótesis sobre el problema hechas en términos de parámetros adimensionales que miden la importancia relativa de los diferentes procesos físicos. Los flujos a baja velocidad se pueden describir por diferentes modelos que incluyen las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes incompresible cuya matemática es mucho mas conocida. Sin embargo, algunos flujos importantes no se pueden considerar incompresibles debido a la presencia de efectos térmicos. En esta clase de problemas se pueden derivar otra clase de ecuaciones simplificadas: las ecuaciones de Boussinesq y las ecuaciones de bajo numero de Mach.La complejidad de estos problemas matemáticos hace que su solución numérica sea muy difícil. En estos problemas el método de los elementos finitos es inestable, lo que en la práctica implica soluciones numéricas que presentan oscilaciones nodo a nodo de naturaleza no física. En las ecuaciones de Navier Stokes incompresible, dos fuentes bien conocidas de inestabilidad son la condición de incompresibilidad y la presencia del término convectivo. Muchas técnicas de estabilización utilizadas hoy en día se basan en la separación de escalas, descomponiendo la incógnita en una parte gruesa inducida por la discretización del domino y una parte fina de subescala. Modelar la subescala y su influencia conduce a un problema modificado para la escala gruesa que resulta estable.Aunque las técnicas de estabilización son ampliamente utilizadas hoy en día, importantes problemas permanecen abiertos. Contribuyendo a su comprensión, en este trabajo se analizan varios aspectos del modelado de las subescalas. Para problemas escalares de segundo orden, se encuentra la dependencia de la subescala con el tamaño de la malla en el caso general de mallas anisótropas. Estas ideas son extendidas a sistemas de ecuaciones para considerar el problema de Oseen. También se analiza el modelado de las subescalas en problemas transitorios, obteniendo un mejor esquema de integración temporal para el problema de escala gruesa. Para considerar flujos a baja velocidad, se presenta la extensión de estas técnicas a problemas no lineales acoplados, lo que esta íntimamente relacionado con el problema del modelado de la turbulencia, que es un tema en si mismo.Los flujos acoplados térmicamente, aparte del interés intrínseco que merecen, son importantes desde un punto de vista ingenieril. Una solución precisa del problema de flujo es necesaria para definir las cargas térmicas sobre las estructuras, que en muchos casos responden fuertemente, haciendo el problema acoplado. Esta clase de problemas, que motivaron este trabajo, incluyen la respuesta estructural en el caso de un incendio. / A general description of a fluid flow involves the solution of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, a very complex problem whose mathematical structure is not well understood. Therefore, simplified models can be derived by asymptotic analysis under some assumptions on the problem, made in terms of dimensionless parameters that measure the relative importance of different physical processes. Low speed flows can be described by several models including the incompressible Navier Stokes equations whose mathematical structure is much better understood. However many important flows cannot be considered as incompressible, even at low speed, due to the presence of thermal effects. In such kind of problems another class of simplified equations can be derived: the Boussinesq equations and the Low Mach number equations.The complexity of these mathematical problems makes their numerical solution very difficult. For these problems the standard finite element method is unstable, what in practice means that node to node oscillations of non physical nature may appear in the numerical solution. In the incompressible Navier Stokes equations, two well known sources of numerical instabilities are the incompressibility constraint and the presence of the convective terms. Many stabilization techniques used nowadays are based on scale separation, splitting the unknown into a coarse part induced by the discretization of the domain and a fine subgrid part. The modelling of the subgrid scale and its influence leads to a modified coarse scale problem that now can be shown to be stable. Although stabilization techniques are nowadays widely used, important problems remain open. Contributing to their understanding, several aspects of the subgrid scale modelling are analyzed in this work. For second order scalar problems, the dependence of the subgrid scale on the mesh size, in the general anisotropic case, is clarified. These ideas are extended to systems of equations to consider the Oseen problem. The modelling of the subgrid scales in transient problems is also analyzed, leading to an improved time discretization scheme for the coarse scale problem. To consider low speed flow models, the extension of these techniques to nonlinear and coupled problems is presented, something that is intimately related to the problem of turbulence modelling, which a entire subject on its own right. Thermally coupled flow problems, despite the intrinsic interest they deserve, are important from an engineering point of view. An accurate solution of a flow problem is needed to define thermal loads on structures which, in many cases have a strong response, making the problem coupled. This kind of problems, that motivated this work, include the problem of a structural response in the case of fires.

The evaluation of bulbar redness grading scales

Schulze, Marc-Matthias January 2010 (has links)
The use of grading scales is common in clinical practice and research settings. A number of grading scales are available to the practitioner, however, despite their frequent use, they are only poorly understood and may be criticised for a number of things such as the variability of the assessments or the inequality of scale steps within or between scales. Hence, the global aim of this thesis was to study the McMonnies/Chapman-Davies (MC-D), Institute for Eye Research (IER), Efron, and validated bulbar redness (VBR) grading scales in order to (1) get a better understanding and (2) attempt a cross-calibration of the scales. After verifying the accuracy and precision of the objective and subjective techniques to be used (chapter 3), a series of experiments was conducted. The specific aims of this thesis were as follows: • Chapter 4: To use physical attributes of redness to determine the accuracy of the four bulbar redness grading scales. • Chapter 5: To use psychophysical scaling to estimate the perceived redness of the four bulbar redness grading scales. • Chapter 6: To investigate the effect of using reference anchors when scaling the grading scale images, and to convert grades between scales. • Chapter 7: To grade bulbar redness using cross-calibrated versions of the MC-D, IER, Efron, and VBR grading scales. Methods: • Chapter 4: Two image processing metrics, fractal dimension (D) and % pixel coverage (% PC), as well as photometric chromaticity (u’) were selected as physical measures to describe and compare redness in the four bulbar redness grading scales. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between each set of image metrics and the reference image grades to determine the accuracy of the scales. • Chapter 5: Ten naïve observers were asked to arrange printed copies of modified versions of the reference images (showing vascular detail only) across a distance of 1.5m for which only start and end point were indicated by 0 and 100, respectively (non-anchored scaling). After completion of scaling, the position of each image was hypothesised to reflect its perceived bulbar redness. The averaged perceived redness (across observers) for each image was used for comparison to the physical attributes of redness as determined in chapter 4. • Chapter 6: The experimental setup from chapter 5 was modified by providing the reference images of the VBR scale as additional, unlabelled anchors for psychophysical scaling (anchored scaling). Averaged perceived redness from anchored scaling was compared to non-anchored scaling, and perceived redness from anchored scaling was used to cross-calibrate grades between scales. • Chapter 7: The modified reference images of each grading scale were positioned within the 0 to 100 range according to their averaged perceived redness from anchored scaling, one scale at a time. The same 10 observers who had participated in the scaling experiments were asked to represent perceived bulbar redness of 16 sample images by placing them, one at a time, relative to the reference images of each scale. Perceived redness was taken as the measured position of the placed image from 0 and was averaged across observers. Results: • Chapter 4: Correlations were high between reference image grades and all sets of objective metrics (all Pearson’s r’s≥0.88, p≤0.05); each physical attribute pointed to a different scale as being most accurate. Independent of the physical attribute used, there were wide discrepancies between scale grades, with sometimes little overlap of equivalent levels when comparing the scales. • Chapter 5: The perceived redness of the reference images within each scale was ordered as expected, but not all consecutive within-scale levels were rated as having different redness. Perceived redness of the reference images varied between scales, with different ranges of severity being covered by the images. The perceived redness was strongly associated with the physical attributes of the reference images. • Chapter 6: There were differences in perceived redness range and when comparing reference levels between scales. Anchored scaling resulted in an apparent shift to lower perceived redness for all but one reference image compared to non-anchored scaling, with the rank order of the 20 images for both procedures remaining fairly constant (Spearman’s ρ=0.99). • Chapter 7: Overall, perceived redness depended on the sample image and the reference scale used (RM ANOVA; p=0.0008); 6 of the 16 images had a perceived redness that was significantly different between at least two of the scales. Between-scale correlation coefficients of concordance (CCC) ranged from 0.93 (IER vs. Efron) to 0.98 (VBR vs. Efron). Between-scale coefficients of repeatability (COR) ranged from 5 units (IER vs. VBR) to 8 units (IER vs. Efron) for the 0 to 100 range. Conclusions: • Chapter 4: Despite the generally strong linear associations between the physical characteristics of reference images in each scale, the scales themselves are not inherently accurate and are too different to allow for cross-calibration based on physical redness attributes. • Chapter 5: Subjective estimates of redness are based on a combination of chromaticity and vessel-based components. Psychophysical scaling of perceived redness lends itself to being used to cross calibrate the four clinical scales. • Chapter 6: The re-scaling of the reference images with anchored scaling suggests that redness was assessed based on within-scale characteristics and not using absolute redness scores, a mechanism that may be referred to as clinical scale constancy. The perceived redness data allow practitioners to modify the grades of the scale they commonly use so that comparisons of grading estimates between calibrated scales may be made. • Chapter 7: The use of the newly calibrated reference grades showed close agreement between grading estimates of all scales. The between-scale variability was similar to the variability typically observed when a single scale is repeatedly used. Perceived redness appears to be dependent upon the dynamic range of the reference images of the scale. In conclusion, this research showed that there are physical and perceptual differences between the reference images of all scales. A cross-calibration of the scales based on the perceived redness of the reference images provides practitioners with an opportunity to compare grades across scales, which is of particular value in research settings or if the same patient is seen by multiple practitioners who are familiar with using different scales.

The evaluation of bulbar redness grading scales

Schulze, Marc-Matthias January 2010 (has links)
The use of grading scales is common in clinical practice and research settings. A number of grading scales are available to the practitioner, however, despite their frequent use, they are only poorly understood and may be criticised for a number of things such as the variability of the assessments or the inequality of scale steps within or between scales. Hence, the global aim of this thesis was to study the McMonnies/Chapman-Davies (MC-D), Institute for Eye Research (IER), Efron, and validated bulbar redness (VBR) grading scales in order to (1) get a better understanding and (2) attempt a cross-calibration of the scales. After verifying the accuracy and precision of the objective and subjective techniques to be used (chapter 3), a series of experiments was conducted. The specific aims of this thesis were as follows: • Chapter 4: To use physical attributes of redness to determine the accuracy of the four bulbar redness grading scales. • Chapter 5: To use psychophysical scaling to estimate the perceived redness of the four bulbar redness grading scales. • Chapter 6: To investigate the effect of using reference anchors when scaling the grading scale images, and to convert grades between scales. • Chapter 7: To grade bulbar redness using cross-calibrated versions of the MC-D, IER, Efron, and VBR grading scales. Methods: • Chapter 4: Two image processing metrics, fractal dimension (D) and % pixel coverage (% PC), as well as photometric chromaticity (u’) were selected as physical measures to describe and compare redness in the four bulbar redness grading scales. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between each set of image metrics and the reference image grades to determine the accuracy of the scales. • Chapter 5: Ten naïve observers were asked to arrange printed copies of modified versions of the reference images (showing vascular detail only) across a distance of 1.5m for which only start and end point were indicated by 0 and 100, respectively (non-anchored scaling). After completion of scaling, the position of each image was hypothesised to reflect its perceived bulbar redness. The averaged perceived redness (across observers) for each image was used for comparison to the physical attributes of redness as determined in chapter 4. • Chapter 6: The experimental setup from chapter 5 was modified by providing the reference images of the VBR scale as additional, unlabelled anchors for psychophysical scaling (anchored scaling). Averaged perceived redness from anchored scaling was compared to non-anchored scaling, and perceived redness from anchored scaling was used to cross-calibrate grades between scales. • Chapter 7: The modified reference images of each grading scale were positioned within the 0 to 100 range according to their averaged perceived redness from anchored scaling, one scale at a time. The same 10 observers who had participated in the scaling experiments were asked to represent perceived bulbar redness of 16 sample images by placing them, one at a time, relative to the reference images of each scale. Perceived redness was taken as the measured position of the placed image from 0 and was averaged across observers. Results: • Chapter 4: Correlations were high between reference image grades and all sets of objective metrics (all Pearson’s r’s≥0.88, p≤0.05); each physical attribute pointed to a different scale as being most accurate. Independent of the physical attribute used, there were wide discrepancies between scale grades, with sometimes little overlap of equivalent levels when comparing the scales. • Chapter 5: The perceived redness of the reference images within each scale was ordered as expected, but not all consecutive within-scale levels were rated as having different redness. Perceived redness of the reference images varied between scales, with different ranges of severity being covered by the images. The perceived redness was strongly associated with the physical attributes of the reference images. • Chapter 6: There were differences in perceived redness range and when comparing reference levels between scales. Anchored scaling resulted in an apparent shift to lower perceived redness for all but one reference image compared to non-anchored scaling, with the rank order of the 20 images for both procedures remaining fairly constant (Spearman’s ρ=0.99). • Chapter 7: Overall, perceived redness depended on the sample image and the reference scale used (RM ANOVA; p=0.0008); 6 of the 16 images had a perceived redness that was significantly different between at least two of the scales. Between-scale correlation coefficients of concordance (CCC) ranged from 0.93 (IER vs. Efron) to 0.98 (VBR vs. Efron). Between-scale coefficients of repeatability (COR) ranged from 5 units (IER vs. VBR) to 8 units (IER vs. Efron) for the 0 to 100 range. Conclusions: • Chapter 4: Despite the generally strong linear associations between the physical characteristics of reference images in each scale, the scales themselves are not inherently accurate and are too different to allow for cross-calibration based on physical redness attributes. • Chapter 5: Subjective estimates of redness are based on a combination of chromaticity and vessel-based components. Psychophysical scaling of perceived redness lends itself to being used to cross calibrate the four clinical scales. • Chapter 6: The re-scaling of the reference images with anchored scaling suggests that redness was assessed based on within-scale characteristics and not using absolute redness scores, a mechanism that may be referred to as clinical scale constancy. The perceived redness data allow practitioners to modify the grades of the scale they commonly use so that comparisons of grading estimates between calibrated scales may be made. • Chapter 7: The use of the newly calibrated reference grades showed close agreement between grading estimates of all scales. The between-scale variability was similar to the variability typically observed when a single scale is repeatedly used. Perceived redness appears to be dependent upon the dynamic range of the reference images of the scale. In conclusion, this research showed that there are physical and perceptual differences between the reference images of all scales. A cross-calibration of the scales based on the perceived redness of the reference images provides practitioners with an opportunity to compare grades across scales, which is of particular value in research settings or if the same patient is seen by multiple practitioners who are familiar with using different scales.

Behavior Rating Scales as Screeners for Autism? A Closer Look at the CAB-P and CBCL/1.5-5

McReynolds, Brandy Mickele 01 May 2009 (has links)
In recent years, autism diagnoses have steadily increased, putting a substantial emphasis on early identification as a crucial component for intervention. Autism diagnoses, however, often require a thorough and comprehensive assessment from a highly trained practitioner. Although ideal, such assessments are often time consuming and expensive, creating a need for a quicker, more simplistic method of screening for autism. Clinicians customarily used behavior rating scales to identify a number of various problem behaviors and/or disorders. The purpose of the present study is to examine the utility of two common behavior rating scales in accurately discriminating between a group of preschoolers with autism and a group of referred preschoolers with autism. Parents/guardians of 74 preschoolers with and without autism, who had been referred to a child development clinic due to behavioral or developmental concerns, completed both behavior rating scales as part of a comprehensive assessment. Although analyses revealed significant differences between the two groups of participants on two of the scales from one of the instruments, these findings demonstrate little clinical value for screening purposes.

Detecting Malingering on the MMPI-2: An Examination of the Utility of Combining the Validity Scales in a Non-Compensatory Model

Burke, Thomas James 01 August 2007 (has links)
The MMPI-2 is the most commonly used self-report measure for the assessment of psychopathology in forensic and psychiatric disability assessments (Bacchiochi & Bagby, 2006; Bagby, Marshall, & Bacchiochi, 2005). The MMPI-2 includes a variety of validity scales designed to detect content responsive faking (e.g., faking good or faking bad) as well as content nonresponsivity (randomly responding). The present study was conducted to determine whether a combination of validity scales to detect malingering of a psychotic disorder in a non-compensatory model would be more or less effective than using only a select few of the validity scales in a compensatory model. The results supported the use of the specified validity scales (F, Fb, Fp, F – K, and FBS) in a non-compensatory model to identify correctly whether test takers faked their profiles. The results also supported the use of a smaller subset of the validity scales (Fp, F – K, and FBS) in a non-compensatory model to identify correctly whether test takers faked their profiles. The results, limitations of the current study, and future research considerations are then discussed.

Spatial pattern of occurrence of eleven epiphytic lichen species in a heterogeneous landscape

Muhammadi, Usman Haider January 2011 (has links)
Oaks (Quercus robur) are an important substrate for many epiphytic lichens, and with increasing age the bark of oaks becomes suitable for red-listed species. These species may respond to environmental and landscape factors differently, and at different spatial scales. We tested the effect of tree, environmental and land use factors on the occurrence and richness patterns of lichens species at various spatial scales (circles with radius ranging from 28 to 1225 m), in a heterogeneous landscape in South Eastern Sweden. The occurrence patterns of Cliostomum corrugatum and Chaenotheca phaeocephala were best explained by the density of oaks within radii of 400 and 302 m, respectively. In contrast, Ramalina baltica was best explained at smaller scale (263 m) as was species richness (302 m). This study shows that the most important factor for the occurrence and richness patterns of lichens was oak density at almost all the considered scales. Tree circumference also positively affected all four response variables.

High Frequency Direct Excitation of Small-Scale Motions in Planar Shear Flows

Lucas, Davidson Glenn 05 April 2005 (has links)
The effect of direct, small-scale excitation on the evolution of a plane shear layer which forms at the edge of a backward facing step is investigated experimentally using high resolution particle image velocimetry and hot-wire anemometry. Actuation is effected at frequencies that are over an order of magnitude higher than the characteristic (or natural) formation frequency of the layer by a spanwise array of piezoelectrically-driven synthetic jet actuators that are placed near the edge of the step. The actuation has significant effects on the evolution of both large- and small-scale motions within the shear layer inducing an increase in small-scale dissipation and simultaneous suppression of turbulence production. While the fundamental instabilities that lead to the formation of large scale motions are typically suppressed, low-frequency amplitude-modulation of the actuation signal allows the formation of large scale motions and entrainment which, in concert with the small-scale actuation, lead to enhancement of the turbulent shear stresses throughout the shear layer. Amplitude modulation is also used to assess the effect of flow transients that are induced by step or low duty cycle actuation. The present findings suggest strategies for controlled suppression or enhancement of mixing in the near field of the shear layer.

Living Arrangements, Intergenerational Dynamics, and Psychological Well-being of Elders: An Examination of Predictors of Elder Depression in Retired Persons in Yancheng, Jiangsu, China

Wang, Ying 16 November 2009 (has links)
This study explores the relationship between living arrangement and psychological wellbeing in retired elderly individuals living in Yancheng, Jiangsu (PR China). Data on mode of residence, socio-economic background, daily activities, and intergenerational dynamics were collected from 200 subjects, and their potential correlations with depression (assessed via the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Version) were analyzed. Univariate as well as logistic regression confirmed mode of residence as a significant predictor of depression in this group. The following depression odds ratios associated with each mode of residence were derived via logistic regression: 1) nuclear household, i.e. living with a spouse only ¨C 1 [reference category], 2) multigenerational households in which a spouse is not present ¨C 4.341, 3) multigenerational households in which a spouse is present ¨C 0.781, and 4) living alone ¨C 3.018. Based on these ratios, we conclude that the traditional model of intergenerational coresidence is not, in itself, associated with less depression. Rather, it is the presence of a sharing spousal in a household (whether single or multigenerational) that protects against elderly depression. Other predictors of depression identified in backward logistic regression included presence of a chronic illness and self assessed wealth status. Additionally, a number of psychosocial variables were identified as independently correlated with depression, but were subsequently selected out by multivariate analysis. These included: educational background, religious affiliation, membership in an organization, attitude toward aging, and family status. Based on this study, we believe that efforts to promote mental wellbeing among today¡¯s Chinese elders should be directed toward psychosocial factors that are modifiable (education, building supportive social networks etc.) rather than insisting on the traditional ideal of multigenerational living and dependence on filial piety.

Characterizing prevalence and severity of depression in coronary artery disease patients in Bangkok, Thailand

Yusim, Anna 15 November 2006 (has links)
Numerous studies in North America, Europe and Australia have linked depression to increased risk of morbidity and mortality in coronary artery disease (CAD). Although the co-morbidity of depression and CAD is well documented in the western world, little work on the subject has been carried out in Asia. Differing depression presentations in Asia necessitate the use of culture-specific depression rating scales. This study sought to determine whether the correlation between CAD and depression documented in western countries also exists in an Asian nation: Thailand. It was hypothesized that rates of depressive symptoms were higher in Thai inpatients with either unstable angina or recent myocardial infarction than in Thai inpatients with non-cardiac (orthopedic) complications. A 15-question culturally-appropriate self-rating depression inventory was administered to 56 Thai inpatients33 cardiac and 23 orthopedicat two public and one private hospital in Bangkok. Subjects were asked to rate each of the fifteen items on a scale from 0-3 based on how they felt during the past week. Higher scores correlated with greater depressive symptoms. Five cardiac and two orthopedic patients were excluded from the final analysis because of past medical history of major depressive disorder. Of the remaining 49 patients, questionnaire scores ranged from 1 to 23, with a mean depression score of 9.00 (S.E.M.=.84). Cardiac patients showed significantly greater depressive symptoms than their orthopedic counterparts at one public and one private hospital: Ramathibodi Hospital (P=.01) and Bangkok General Hospital (P=.005), respectively. For cardiology patients, the three highest scoring items were early insomnia (Mean = 1.39), late insomnia (Mean = 1.25) and loss of appetite (Mean = 1.04). For orthopedic patients, the three highest scoring items were work inhibition (Mean = 1.05), anxiety (Mean = .86), and early insomnia (Mean = .86). On post-hoc analysis, it was shown that patients in hospital units with air-conditioning showed significantly fewer depressive symptoms than patients without air-conditioning (P=.003), where the daily temperature often reached 115[degrees]F. Rates of depressive symptoms did not differ in accordance with education level (P=.15), gender (P=.49) or age (P=.29). In conclusion, this study provides some evidence that Thai inpatients hospitalized for severe CAD have greater depressive experience than their orthopedic counterparts. This finding supports our hypothesis that depression and CAD are linked in Thailand as they are in western countries.

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