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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema experto de configuración para sistemas telefónicos a través de diagramas

Bravo Abarca, Fabián Alexis January 2012 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / Este trabajo se realizó en Sixbell Nekotec Solutions, empresa que provee de soluciones de voz y datos a trav ́es de toda América. Su software permite desde recibir llamadas hasta procesarlas, donde, por ejemplo, se puede implementar un sistema de prepago o un call center. El software central para el trabajo es el SCE, herramienta escrita en JAVA que permite, gráficamente, programar aplicaciones CCXML/VXML, que son las que operan en los sistemas de Sixbell. Su disen ̃o permite, aunque con algunas limitaciones, la introducción de nuevos lenguajes que hacen que este programa pueda cambiar su funcionalidad, pareciéndose más a un IDE de programación gráfica, mediante entidades y enlaces entre ellos, por lo que cualquier problema que pueda ser modelado como flujo o diagrama podría ser resuelto con el SCE. El configurador entonces se empezó a desarrollar como un lenguaje del SCE, pero para po- der ser ocupado completamente, el SCE tuvo que ser modificado y varias partes rediseñadas de manera de no solo se compatible con este nuevo lenguaje, sino que hacer frente desde ya a nuevos problemas que puedan ser modelados con este especie de IDE gráfico. Para ello se modificó la manera en que se dibujan los elementos en pantalla, pues antes solo exist ́ıan flechas para unir las entidades y ahora se pueden poner lineas con flechas en ambos sentidos o sin punta o con punta cuadrada, se hizo un completo refactoring de cómo se comportan los enlaces y demás elementos gráficos y además se trabajó con la retrocompatibilidad para hacer que aplicaciones antiguas del SCE pudieran ser usadas en las nuevas versiones. El configurador terminado permitió a la empresa cambiar su forma de trabajar con los sistemas que venden y usan, desde su creación todos empezaron a adoptarlo como primera opción al configurar un sistema y rápidamente ya se tenían templates de aplicaciones del SCE prácticamente listas para distintos escenarios. Además comenzaron a usarlo en distintos países donde Sixbell está presente como México y Colombia, donde sus unidades de negocio dieron muy buenos comentarios sobre esta herramienta. En conclusión, se logró la creación de una poderosa herramienta, a partir de software ya existente en la empresa lo que da dos resultados positivos para Sixbell : el SCE como un producto aparte que puede modelar y solucionar más problemas que involucren flujos o diagramas, y el configurador que permite a la empresa tener una ventaja frente a sus competidores dadas sus características que benefician a los operadores de los sistemas y ayudan a mejorar los tiempos de puesta en marcha y de reacción frente a escenarios negativos.

A framework for automation of system-level design space exploration

Kathuria, Manan 13 August 2012 (has links)
Design Space Exploration is the task of identifying optimal implementation architectures for an application. On the front-end, it involves multi-objective optimization through a large space of options, and lends itself to a multitude of algorithmic approaches. On the back-end, it relies extensively on common capabilities such as model refinement, simulation and assessment of parameters like performance and cost. These characteristics present an opportunity to create an infrastructure that enables multiple approaches to be deployed using generic back-end services. In this work, we describe such a framework, developed using the System-on-Chip Environment, and we demonstrate the benefits and feasibility of deploying a variety of design space exploration approaches built on top of this basic infrastructure. / text

O sistema de certificação energética português : certificação de edifícios

Marques, Pedro Miguel Costa Monteiro January 2012 (has links)
Estágio realizado na Energyband - Novas Energias e orientado pela Eng. Marta Fidalgo / Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Área de Especialização de Energia. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

Investigation on the effect of pore size and surface area of mesoporous silica on the conductivity of solid composite electrolytes / Undersökning av effekten av porstorlek och ytarea av mesoporös kiseldioxid på ledningsförmågan hos fasta kompositelektrolyter

Pedaprolu, Hitesh Khanna January 2022 (has links)
Solid-state batteries are gaining a lot of attention in the commecial sector today. Development of the solid state electrolytes is an important part in making commercially viable solid-state batteries. While many solid-state electrolytes are struggling with low ionic conductivity, some have shown comparatively high conductivities that can be engineered to perform better to be implemented for consumer market. Silica based solid composite electrolytes (SCEs) are one of the materials that are of huge interest as solid-state electrolytes. As a continuation of the previous research into the silica based SCE’s, the current work focuses on the study of SCEs based on the commercially available mesoporous silica (MPS) of different pore sizes and nanosized silica powder (SNP). Ionic Liquid electrolyte (ILE) based on Li-TFSI and BMP-TFSI mixture was used to prepare composities under different humidity conditions. The effect of the extent of -OH group functionalization of silica, determined by FTIR on treated and untreated powders, on ionic conductivity was also evaluated. Obtained composities were evaluated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and analysed with TGA to establish correlations based on particle size and pore characteristics of MPS powder. Camparison with SNP was also made in anticipation to draw correlations with MPS. It was found that the pore size and pore volume change have more impact on the conductivity compared to surafce area of commercially obtained MPS and an unexplored pheonomenon was observed in case of SNP based SCE’s. Glovebox (GB) samples at relative humidity (RH)-0.005% have higher conductivity than dryroom samples at RH-0.5%. These findings can be used for a future reference in evaluating commercial MPS based composites as solid-state electrolytes. / Solid-state-batterier får stor uppmärksamhet i den kommersiella sektorn idag. Utveckling av fasta elektrolyter är en viktig del för att göra kommersiellt gångbara solid state-batterier. Medan många fasta elektrolyter kämpar med låg jonledningsförmåga, har vissa visat jämförelsevis höga ledningsförmåga som kan konstrueras för att prestera bättre för att implementeras för konsumentmarknaden. Kiselbaserade fasta kompositelektrolyter (SCE) är ett av de material som är av stort intresse som fasta elektrolyter. Som en fortsättning på den tidigare forskningen om de kiselbaserade SCE:erna fokuserar det nuvarande arbetet på studiet av SCE:er baserade på den kommersiellt tillgängliga mesoporösa kiseldioxiden (MPS) av olika porstorlekar och nanosized kiseldioxidpulver (SNP). Jonisk flytande elektrolyt (ILE) baserad på Li-TFSI och BMP-TFSI-blandning användes för att framställa kompositer under olika luftfuktighetsförhållanden. Effekten av omfattningen av -OH-gruppfunktionalisering av kiseldioxid, bestämd med FTIR på behandlade och obehandlade pulver, på jonkonduktiviteten utvärderades också. Erhållna sammansättningar utvärderades med elektrokemisk impedansspektroskopi (EIS) och analyserades med TGA för att fastställa korrelationer baserat på partikelstorlek och poregenskaper hos MPS-pulver. Kamparison med SNP gjordes också i väntan på att dra korrelationer med MPS. Det visade sig att porstorleken och porvolymsförändringen har mer inverkan på konduktiviteten jämfört med ytan för kommersiellt erhållen MPS och ett outforskat fenomen observerades i fallet med SNP-baserade SCE. Handskbox (GB) prover vid relativ fuktighet (RH)-0,005 % har högre konduktivitet än torrrumsprover vid RH-0,5 %. Dessa resultat kan användas för en framtida referens vid utvärdering av kommersiella MPS-baserade kompositer som fasta elektrolyter.

Simulação térmica dinâmica detalhada de diferentes sistemas convencionais de climatização : caso de estudo : Country Club

Magalhães, Pedro Miguel Monteiro January 2011 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 2011

Untersuchung somatischer Chromosomenveränderungen bei amyotropher Lateralsklerose

Wappler, Juliane Christin 19 June 2006 (has links)
Die ALS ist eine fortschreitende neurodegenerative Erkrankung, deren Symptome durch den Untergang der Motoneuronen bedingt sind. Neueste zytogenetische Untersuchungen zeigen ein vermehrtes Auftreten konstitutioneller Chromosomenveränderunge bei ALS-Patienten. Dies lässt eine Verbindung zwischen dem Ausbruch der Erkrankung und der auffälligen Zytogenetik vermuten. Das Auftreten spontaner Chromosomenveränderungen als Zeichen einer chromosomalen Instabilität wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit an ALS-Patienten untersucht. METHODE: Neben der Karyotypisierung, der Bestimmung der SCE-Rate und der Bruchrate nach Behandlung mit Bleomycin kam die Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung zum Einsatz. Die Untersuchungen wurden an Patienten mit sporadischer ALS (45), an Kontrollpersonen (38) und Verwandten (9) durchgeführt. ERGEBNISSE: Die Karyotypisierung ergab bei den Patienten eine spontane Translokationsrate von 0,02 Translokationen/Zelle (t/Z), bei den Kontrollen 0,04 t/Z. Weitere numerische oder strukturelle Auffälligkeiten waren nicht signifikant verschieden. Es wurden keine konstitutionellen Chromosomenaberrationen gefunden. Die Häufigkeit der Schwesterchromatidaustausche (SCE-Rate) bewegte sich mit 7-8 SCE/Z in der Patientengruppe innerhalb der Normwerte. Durch die Zugabe von Bleomycin in die Zellkultur stieg die Zahl der Chromatidbrüche von 0,0 auf 0,8 Brüche/Z an. Dabei zeigten die untersuchten Gruppen ähnliche Progredienzen in den Bruchraten. Mit der Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung werden quantitative Aussagen über spontane Translokationsraten gemacht. Sie betrug in der Kontroll-und Patientengruppe 0,03 bis 0,04 t/Z. DISKUSSION: Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse liefern keinen Anhalt für eine chromosomale Instabilität als Risikofaktor für die Entstehung der sporadischen ALS. Indizien für eine chromosomale Instabilität wie erhöhte Bruchraten und SCEs als auch vermehrtes Auftreten somatischer Aberrationen konnten bei den ALS-Patienten nicht nachgewiesen werden. Über mögliche Auffälligkeiten in den Motoneuronen lässt sich allerdings mit den Untersuchungen an Blutlymphozyten keine hinreichend sichere Aussage machen. / Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease which is characterized by the degeneration of motor neurons. Recently, a high rate of constitutional structural chromosomal rearrangements has been reported in apparently sporadic ALS patients. It remains questionable whether or not these genomic rearrangements are caused by a chromosomal instability involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Therefore, we performed different cytogenetic studies on chromosomal instability. METHOD: We performed chromosome analyses from patients (N=45), control subjects (N=38), and relatives (N=9) after culturing blood lymphocytes. Conventional chromosome analysis after GTG-banding, chromosomal breakage test after Bleomycin treatment, the rate of sister chromatid exchange (SCE), and whole chromosome painting were used for these analyses. RESULTS: Neither karyotyping nor whole chromosome painting revealed higher levels of structural or numerical aberrations in lymphocytes of patients with sALS. After karyotyping we found 0.02 t/cell in patients and 0.04 t/cell in controls. Whole chromosome painting revealed 0.04 t/cell in patients and 0.03 t/cell in controls. The chromosomal breaks increased likewise after Bleomycin treatment in the control group and the patient group as well. Cell cultures without Bleomycin did not show any breaks while the highest Bleomycin concentration induced up to 0.08 breaks/cell. The SCE rate in patients which corresponds to the chromatid repair activity did not rise to a higher level than in the control individuals. Both groups were in the normal range of 7 to 8 SCE/cell. DISCUSSION: The pathomechanism of neurodegeneration in ALS patients is still unknown. We tried to find a cytogenetic correlative being a risk factor for the development of ALS. However, so far there is no clue for chromosomal instability being involved in the neurodegenerative process.

數位娛樂產業商業模式演進- 日本電玩產業個案探討 / Evolution of Digital Entertainment Business Model: Research of Japan Video Games Industry

談家宏, Tan, Chia Hung Unknown Date (has links)
數位娛樂產業為新型態產業,自2000 年數位元年起,全球各國無不積極推 動相關建設,期望帶動相關動畫、線上影音、數位遊戲等的整體發展。由於數位 內容關係到一般大眾有關生活上有關娛樂、文化、教育、出版等產業脈動,近幾 年迅速成為眾所期待的焦點。數位化娛樂從技術面開始帶動產業的革新,各種因 素相互發生變化,加上消費者行為發生變化的結果,使得企業發覺過往商業模式 有所不足。企業必須審視自身、重新界定價值才能抓住機會。台灣科技業實力堅 強,聞名於世;但是相對於日韓等國,數位娛樂產業之發展規模尚淺。然而數位 化議題日趨重要,相關發展機會如雨後春筍般出現,不得等閒視之。 本論文在文獻探討主題上,把焦點放在幾個重點:數位娛樂產業、商業模式、 商業模式創新。本研究試圖了解當今數位化趨勢與特徵為何,並從學者文獻中整 理理論架構,找出商業模式重要面向為何。接下來以任天堂與Sony Computer Entertainment 兩間公司為分析個案,描述兩間公司如何發展商業模式面對社群 遊戲挑戰,用以實證關於商業模式理論架構以及歸納個案產業特徵與發展特色。 最後,本研究歸納出以下結論:商業模式之建立以核心價值為中心,且核心 價值做為一切的基礎,不會隨意變動。企業應該妥善運用資源擺脫惰性,求新求 變,以靈活、充滿彈性的商業模式來發揮核心價值,因應挑戰。當環境條件允許 的情況下,企業便能夠以自身能力來改變環境,或者有時亦須被動地因應環境需 求做調整。最後,商業模式之建立為一連續過程,而在模式建立的過程中,產業 之間也有機會產生連結,進而合作,共創、共享價值。 關鍵字:數位娛樂產業、商業模式、電玩產業、任天堂、SCE、社群遊戲。 / Digital entertainment industry is a new style industry. Since 2000s, the first year of digital era, the whole world began to boost the related projects of the industry, and looked forward to drive the development of animations, online studios and digital games. Because digital contents have a lot to do with activities of general entertainment, culture, education and publishing, recently it has brought everyone’s eyes on it. Digital entertainment brought the innovation from the technique side, different elements started to have an effect on the others. What’s more, the change of consumer behavior made enterprises found that old business models are no longer apply to new environment. They needed to check themselves again and try to redefine their core value, so can they catch new chances. Technology industry in Taiwan is strong and world-famous. But when it comes to compare with Japan, Korea or other countries, development of digital entertainment industry is still in the beginning stage. However, digital issues are more important, opportunities also sprang up like mushrooms. It should not be treated lightly. This study has focused on several subjects: digital entertainment industry, business model and innovation of business models. First, the study had tried to realize the characteristic of current trend of digitization, and then tried to find out major factors of building business models by classification of research documents. Second, the study has chosen two target companies: Nintendo and Sony Company Entertainment as goal of analysis, and tried to tell how the two companies faced the challenges of social games and online games by developing their own business models. Thus, we can prove how the business model theories work and generalize the feature and characteristic of target industry. In the end, the study has conclusions as below: The establishment of business should be based on core value, and it is the foundation of everything and will never be changed easily. Companies need to use their resources by flexible applications to get rid of laziness, fully perform their core values by varied business models and face the challenges. With the availability of environment, enterprises can actively change the world by their own power, or they have to adjust themselves to adapt the circumstance. At last, Building of business model is a continuous process. When running a new model, there may be cooperation between different industries and different companies can create and share the value together. Key words: digital entertainment industry, business model, game industry, Nintendo, SCE, social game.

Investigation of telomere maintenance in BRCA2 defective mammalian cell lines

Gozaly Chianea, Yaghoub January 2014 (has links)
BRCA2 is a highly penetrant breast cancer predisposing gene. The protein product of the BRCA2 gene mediates repair of breaks in DNA, through Homologous Recombination (HR). Understanding the mechanism(s) behind BRCA2 involvement in HR will help clarify its clinical importance and may pave the way for possible therapy. In this work we show that BRCA2 affects telomere maintenance in mammalian cells. Telomeres are physical ends of chromosomes implicated in cell senescence and carcinogenesis. In particular, the enzyme telomerase that synthesizes telomeric DNA is highly active in ~90% cancers and it is considered one of the cancer markers. The remaining 10% of cancers do not show telomerase activity and they maintain their telomeres by an alternative pathway known as Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT). We observed telomere shortening, loss of telomere function in the form of end chromosome fusions and increased incidence of Telomere Sister Chromatid Exchanges (T-SCE), one of the recognized markers of ALT, in 3 sets of Chinese hamster and human BRCA2 defective cell lines, all of which maintained telomeres by conventional mechanisms. We have also inhibited BRCA2 expression in ALT positive cells by transfecting them with si (short interfering) RNA oligonucleotides specific for BRCA2 and monitored its expression by Real Time-PCR and Western blot. Results indicate that BRCA2 knock-down in ALT positive human cells that causes reduction in T-SCE frequencies, thus suggesting that ALT cells and those that maintain telomeres by conventional mechanisms differ in this respect. One interesting scenario that emerges from these results is that BRCA2 deficiency could potentially suppress the ALT pathway. We wanted to explore this possibility further by creating a permanent BRCA2 knock-down. Our preliminary results suggest that our method for the permanent BRCA2 knock-down based on the SMARTvector 2.0 system and sh (short hairpin) iv RNA approach is still not working effectively. We identified hyper-methylation of the promoter within the vector as a possible cause. Finally, we examined repair kinetics of interstitial telomeric sites (ITSs) in BRCA2 deficient Chinese hamster cells in order to test the hypothesis that defective DNA double strand break repair may be responsible for their increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. Our results indicate that DNA damage within ITSs is repaired effectively thus disproving the above hypothesis. In conclusion, this work demonstrates the involvement of BRCA2 in telomere maintenance.

Development of Breathable, Self-Sealing Protective Garment

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: “Smart” materials are used for a broad range of application including electronics, bio-medical devices, and smart clothing. This work focuses on development of smart self-sealing and breathable protective gear for soldiers against Chemical Weapon Agents (CWA). Specifically, the response of chemo-mechanical swelling polymer modified meshes to contact with stimuli droplets was studied. Theoretical discussion of the mechanism of smart materials is followed by development and experimental analysis of different modified mesh designs. A multi-physics model is proposed based on experimental data and the prototype of the fabric is tested in aerosol impingement conditions to confirm the barrier formed by rapid-self-sealing feature of the design. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2016

Estudo de viabilidade de medidas de melhoria integrado na Certificação Energética e de Qualidade do Ar Interior de Edifícios de Serviços no âmbito do SCE/RSECE - DL 78 e 79/2006

Dias, Luís Filipe Fernandes January 2012 (has links)
Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

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