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Ondersoek na die toepassing van die Schoemanmodel in terapie met serebraal gestremde kindersVan der Spuy, Willem Dirk January 2009 (has links)
Through literature and personal experience it became apparent that cerebral palsy is a condition that poses physical challenges to the everyday lives of children diagnosed with this condition. Negative feedback from society and significant others in the lives of these children may lead to an emotional imbalance in these children. Although various models for addressing emotional issues in children with cerebral palsy exist, their needs within a therapeutic setting are not addressed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of the Schoeman model in therapy with the child with cerebral palsy. The Schoeman model is a therapeutic model that is based on the Gestalt philosophy and is used in conjunction with Gestalt play therapy. Through applying the different aspects of this model the study sheds light on the usefulness of the Schoeman model in therapy with the child diagnosed with cerebral palsy. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)
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Gestalt-assesseringshulpmiddel vir die laerskoolkind in terapieBotha, Elmari 30 November 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / During the initial stages of Gestalt play therapy qualitative assessment is vital within the therapeutic relationship, to gain information about the child in order to strengthen this relationship, enhance awareness and for further interventions.
Research confirmed the lack and problems with current assessment tools, within various helping professions, which were addressed in this study.
The board game, as a Gestalt assessment tool, was compiled for the primary school child and focuses on the therapeutic relationship, sensory stimulation and the process of the child (Schoeman-3-aspect model). Information was gathered by a literature review, semi structured interviews with two professionals and by observing the application of the board game.
Valuable information was gathered concerning the child and was strengthened by literature. Relevant conclusions and recommendations were made. This board game can be effectively used by play therapists in the initial stages of assessment with the primary school child, for relationship building, sensory stimulation and determining the child's process. / Social Work / M.Diac.
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Bodies and borders : space and subjectivity in three South African textsMulder, F. Adele 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (English))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis interrogates the relationship between body, subjectivity and space in three antipastoral novels. The texts which I will be discussing, Karel Schoeman’s This Life, Anne Landsman’s The Devil’s Chimney and J.M. Coetzee’s In the Heart of the Country, all foreground the female protagonist’s relationship to a specifically South African landscape in a colonial time-frame. The inter-relatedness between the body, subjectivity and space is explored in order to show that there is a shifting interaction between these registers in the novels. Arising from this interaction, the importance of perspective as a way of being in the world is foregrounded. The approach adopted in this study is based on the assumption that our experience depends upon how we make meaning of the world through our bodies as we encounter people, places and objects. The lived, embodied experience is always a subjective experience.
The conceptual framework is derived broadly from psychoanalysis and phenomenology. My primary concern in this study is how marginal subject positions are explored in the space of the South African farm, which, traditionally, is an ideologically fraught locus of Afrikaner patriarchy and oppression. The novels are narrated by distinctive female voices, each speaking differently, but all having the effect of undermining and exposing the hegemony of the patriarchal farm space. In all three novels the question of genre is involved as forming the space of the text itself. The novels speak to the tradition of the plaasroman and the pastoral and, in doing so, open up a conversation with the past. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die verhouding tussen die liggaam, subjektiwiteit en ruimte ondersoek in drie romans wat teen die pastorale literêre tradisie spreek. Die betrokke romans is This Life deur Karel Schoeman, The Devil’s Chimney deur Anne Landsman en In the Heart of the Country deur J.M. Coetzee. Die romans speel af in ‘n koloniale tydperk waar die vroulike protagonis se verhouding met die Suid-Afrikaanse landskap op die voorgrond gestel word. Die verwantskap tussen die liggaam, subjektiwiteit en ruimte word ondersoek om die interaksie tussen hierdie drie konsepte ten toon te stel. Wat vanuit hierdie interaksie voortspruit is die ontologiese rol wat perspektief speel as wyse om met die wêreld te verkeer. Hierdie studie benader die romans vanuit die siening dat die mens se ervaring afhang van hoe hy/sy die wêreld verstaan deur die interaksie tussen die liggaam en ander mense, ruimtes en objekte. Die beliggaamde ervaring is dus ‘n subjektiewe ervaring.
Die konsepsuele raamwerk van hierdie ondersoek is afgelei van psigoanalise en fenomenologie. Die kern van hierdie studie is om te ondersoek hoe die posisie van die randfiguur in die ruimte van die Suid-Afrikaanse plaas ten toon gestel word. Die plaas is tradisioneel ‘n ideologiese bestrede ruimte van Afrikaner patriargie en onderdrukking. Die romans word verhaal deur drie kenmerkende en verskillende vroulike stemme wat dien om die hegemonie van die patriargale opset op die plase te ondermyn en ontbloot. Die vraagstuk van genre is in al drie romans betrokke aangesien genre die ruimte van die teks self uitmaak. Die romans spreek teen die tradisie van die plaasroman en die pastorale roman en tree sodoende in gesprek met die verlede.
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Gestalt-assesseringshulpmiddel vir die laerskoolkind in terapieBotha, Elmari 30 November 2006 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / During the initial stages of Gestalt play therapy qualitative assessment is vital within the therapeutic relationship, to gain information about the child in order to strengthen this relationship, enhance awareness and for further interventions.
Research confirmed the lack and problems with current assessment tools, within various helping professions, which were addressed in this study.
The board game, as a Gestalt assessment tool, was compiled for the primary school child and focuses on the therapeutic relationship, sensory stimulation and the process of the child (Schoeman-3-aspect model). Information was gathered by a literature review, semi structured interviews with two professionals and by observing the application of the board game.
Valuable information was gathered concerning the child and was strengthened by literature. Relevant conclusions and recommendations were made. This board game can be effectively used by play therapists in the initial stages of assessment with the primary school child, for relationship building, sensory stimulation and determining the child's process. / Social Work / M.Diac.
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Schoemansdal : 'n Voortrekkergrensdorp, 1848-1868 / Schoemansdal : a Voortrekker border town, 1848-1868De Waal, Jochemus Johannes 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Op 3 Mei 1848 het 'n aantll blanke nedersetters van Ohrigstad in Soutpansberg aangekom; 'n
pioniersdorp, onder Ieiding van Hendrik Potgieter, is gestig en primitiewe huise is opgerig. In
1855 het Stephanus Schoeman die Ieiding oorgeneem en die dorp na homself vemoem. Die
plaaslike owerheid het bestaan uit die kommandant-generaal, 'n landdros met heemrade en ander
regeringsamptenare sowel as dorpsbeamptes.
Tropiese koorssiektes het soms epidemiese afmetings aangcneem en talle mense het gesterf
soos die kerkhof met sy rye grafte getuig. Die nedersetters, gehard deur hul swerwersbestaan,
het die siektes en ontberings verduur.
Vir 16 van die 19 jaar was daar nie 'n vaste predikant nie tot ds N J van Wannelo in 1864 hom
in Schoemansdal gevestig het Hy het hom beywer vir die ophefftng van die inwoners op
geestelike en onderwysgebied. Die mense was konserwatief en meestal ongeletterd. Hulle was
bedagsaam, maar daar was ook ongure en opstandige persone. Hulle klere was eenvoudig en
meestal tuisgemaak, en hulle het graag sosiaal verkeer.
V erskeie beroepe is beoefen: houtsaery was betalend en hout was oorvloedig; jag was die
winsgewendste, want wild en olifante was volop en jagprodukte, veral ivoor waarvan tonne
verhandel is, het goeie markpryse behaal.
Die swartes wat reeds in die gebied gewoon het, het die blankes met wanttoue bejeen. Blankes
het hulle gevestig, grond toegeeien en onbeperk gejag, terwyl die swartes vir hulle moes werk
en belasting betaal. Ongehoorsame swart hoofmanne is aangeval, vee is gebuit en vrouens en
veral kinders is weggevoer as inboekelinge. Dit het tot openlike vyandelikhede gelei.
Veldtogte is gevoer, maar die blankes kon die swartes, weens hulle oninneembare vestings, nie
onderwerp nie. Die swartes het gewere op onwettige wyse bekom. Die handel het begin kwyn,
smouse en handelaars het weggebly en die inwoners het verann en onder mekaar getwis. Die
blankes het in die skans in Schoemansdal saamgetrek en Paul Kruger is met 400 man deur die
Transvaalse regering gestuur om die Venda te onderwerp. Die poging het misluk en op 15
Julie 1867 is Schoemansdal ontruim. Enkele maande later is 'n poging deur Schoeman aangewend
om die dorp te herwin, maar ook dit was onsuksesvol.
Schoemansdal sou nooit weer herbou word nie en was die eerste vesting wat die blankes aan
die swart meerdetheid sou oorgee. / May 1848 a number of white settlers from Ohrigstad arrived in the Soutpansberg. Under the
leadership of Hendrik Potgieter, a pioneer town was developed. In 1855 Stephan us Schoeman
replanned and renamed the town. The local government consisted of the commandantgeneral,
a landdrost, heemrade, government officials and town officers.
The region was unhealthy and fever stricken. Numerous graves in the graveyard are the tragic
signs of many deaths. However, hardy Trekkers, endured the sickness and hardships.
For 16 years there was no minister until, in 1864, the Rev Van Warmelo settled in Schoemansdal
and worked zealously for the spiritual and educational upliftment of the inhabitants.
Most people were conservative and illiterate. Their clothes were plain and usually home-made,
and they were very sociable.
There were different occupations. Woodcutters were well paid and wood was abundant.
Hunting was lucrative because there were plenty of wild animals and elephant, and hunting
products, especially ivory, had good market value.
Black communities, which already inhabited the area, distrusted the whites. The whites settled,
annexed the land and hunted wherever they wanted, while the blacks were compelled to work
and pay taxes. Military campaigns were undertaken against headmen who were regarded as
disobedient, livestock was seized, women, and children, were abducted under the indenture
system. All this caused open hostility.
Campaigns were launched against the blacks but they could not be subjected because of the
mountainous terrain. The blacks obtained weapons illegally. Trade deteriorated and the
whites became poorer and started to quarrel amongst themselves. The white inhabitants
moved into the fort and Paul Kruger was sent by the Transvaal government with 400 men to
force the Venda into submission. The attempt failed and on 15 July 1867 the town was
evacuated. Schoeman, with a small army, also made an unsuccessful attempt. Schoemansdal
would never be rebuilt and was the first white settlement to surrender to black majority. / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (Geskiedenis)
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Schoemansdal : 'n Voortrekkergrensdorp, 1848-1868 / Schoemansdal : a Voortrekker border town, 1848-1868De Waal, Jochemus Johannes 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Op 3 Mei 1848 het 'n aantll blanke nedersetters van Ohrigstad in Soutpansberg aangekom; 'n
pioniersdorp, onder Ieiding van Hendrik Potgieter, is gestig en primitiewe huise is opgerig. In
1855 het Stephanus Schoeman die Ieiding oorgeneem en die dorp na homself vemoem. Die
plaaslike owerheid het bestaan uit die kommandant-generaal, 'n landdros met heemrade en ander
regeringsamptenare sowel as dorpsbeamptes.
Tropiese koorssiektes het soms epidemiese afmetings aangcneem en talle mense het gesterf
soos die kerkhof met sy rye grafte getuig. Die nedersetters, gehard deur hul swerwersbestaan,
het die siektes en ontberings verduur.
Vir 16 van die 19 jaar was daar nie 'n vaste predikant nie tot ds N J van Wannelo in 1864 hom
in Schoemansdal gevestig het Hy het hom beywer vir die ophefftng van die inwoners op
geestelike en onderwysgebied. Die mense was konserwatief en meestal ongeletterd. Hulle was
bedagsaam, maar daar was ook ongure en opstandige persone. Hulle klere was eenvoudig en
meestal tuisgemaak, en hulle het graag sosiaal verkeer.
V erskeie beroepe is beoefen: houtsaery was betalend en hout was oorvloedig; jag was die
winsgewendste, want wild en olifante was volop en jagprodukte, veral ivoor waarvan tonne
verhandel is, het goeie markpryse behaal.
Die swartes wat reeds in die gebied gewoon het, het die blankes met wanttoue bejeen. Blankes
het hulle gevestig, grond toegeeien en onbeperk gejag, terwyl die swartes vir hulle moes werk
en belasting betaal. Ongehoorsame swart hoofmanne is aangeval, vee is gebuit en vrouens en
veral kinders is weggevoer as inboekelinge. Dit het tot openlike vyandelikhede gelei.
Veldtogte is gevoer, maar die blankes kon die swartes, weens hulle oninneembare vestings, nie
onderwerp nie. Die swartes het gewere op onwettige wyse bekom. Die handel het begin kwyn,
smouse en handelaars het weggebly en die inwoners het verann en onder mekaar getwis. Die
blankes het in die skans in Schoemansdal saamgetrek en Paul Kruger is met 400 man deur die
Transvaalse regering gestuur om die Venda te onderwerp. Die poging het misluk en op 15
Julie 1867 is Schoemansdal ontruim. Enkele maande later is 'n poging deur Schoeman aangewend
om die dorp te herwin, maar ook dit was onsuksesvol.
Schoemansdal sou nooit weer herbou word nie en was die eerste vesting wat die blankes aan
die swart meerdetheid sou oorgee. / May 1848 a number of white settlers from Ohrigstad arrived in the Soutpansberg. Under the
leadership of Hendrik Potgieter, a pioneer town was developed. In 1855 Stephan us Schoeman
replanned and renamed the town. The local government consisted of the commandantgeneral,
a landdrost, heemrade, government officials and town officers.
The region was unhealthy and fever stricken. Numerous graves in the graveyard are the tragic
signs of many deaths. However, hardy Trekkers, endured the sickness and hardships.
For 16 years there was no minister until, in 1864, the Rev Van Warmelo settled in Schoemansdal
and worked zealously for the spiritual and educational upliftment of the inhabitants.
Most people were conservative and illiterate. Their clothes were plain and usually home-made,
and they were very sociable.
There were different occupations. Woodcutters were well paid and wood was abundant.
Hunting was lucrative because there were plenty of wild animals and elephant, and hunting
products, especially ivory, had good market value.
Black communities, which already inhabited the area, distrusted the whites. The whites settled,
annexed the land and hunted wherever they wanted, while the blacks were compelled to work
and pay taxes. Military campaigns were undertaken against headmen who were regarded as
disobedient, livestock was seized, women, and children, were abducted under the indenture
system. All this caused open hostility.
Campaigns were launched against the blacks but they could not be subjected because of the
mountainous terrain. The blacks obtained weapons illegally. Trade deteriorated and the
whites became poorer and started to quarrel amongst themselves. The white inhabitants
moved into the fort and Paul Kruger was sent by the Transvaal government with 400 men to
force the Venda into submission. The attempt failed and on 15 July 1867 the town was
evacuated. Schoeman, with a small army, also made an unsuccessful attempt. Schoemansdal
would never be rebuilt and was the first white settlement to surrender to black majority. / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (Geskiedenis)
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