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Wat bly - identiteit in Afskeid en vertrek deur Karel Schoeman.07 December 2007 (has links)
This dissertation explores the question of identity in times of violence. In this regard attention is drawn to the significance of the motto and to various inter-texts. The connection between the Afrikaans language, the country of South Africa and the identity of the Afrikaner is scrutinised, but more especially language as a means of communication and tool for the protagonist, who is a poet. His lifestyle, personal safety and place of work are under threat while the rural areas are becoming inaccessible, the city inhospitable and military violence prevails. The question he asks himself, “what is left?”, is used as the premise for an enquiry into identity from a post-colonial and sociological angle. It appears eventually that his search for identity is a highly personal one and Jung’s concept of individuation and the reconciliation of the conscious ego with the unconscious is pursued as the only option and refuge for the protagonist. It is not advocated that Afrikaners turn their back on reality by means of inner or actual emigration, but the implicit recommendation is an enrichment of life with full cognizance of current conditions. / Prof. W. Botha Prof W. Burger
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Translating Karel Schoeman's Hierdie lewe : strategies, decisions and processSilke, Elsa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to produce an English translation of the first part of
Karel Schoeman's novel Hierdie lewe, translated as This Life. The thought
processes of the translator are illustrated by means of descriptive annotations.
The choice of source text is motivated and the specifications of the
target text are formulated. The problem is stated that relatively few of
Schoeman's fictional works have been translated into English or other
languages and it is suggested that this might be because Schoeman's work is
difficult to translate, or even untranslatable. A possible reason for this may be
Schoeman's distinctive style: rhythmic, lyrical and rich in imagery. The source
culture may also be too specific and the cultural gap too wide.
A hypothesis is formulated that translation is possible if the
translational problems are identified. Certain strategies are devised and
solutions suggested. A hermeneutic interpretation of the source text and an
overall strategy of resistancy are advocated, resulting in a target text with a
marked source-text inscription. However, a measure of domestication is
unavoidable in the light of the final goal to create an equivalent text which is
still readable and will not alienate its addressees.
A discussion of relevant concepts from translation studies theory
substantiates and motivates the choice of translation strategies and solutions.
A thorough reading analysis of the source text supplies the context for an
interpretation. Descriptive annotations focus on the translator's methodology.
Conclusions are drawn about the effectiveness of the chosen strategies and
suggestions are made for further study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is die produksie van 'n vertaling in Engels van die
eerste deel van Karel Schoeman se roman Hierdie lewe, vertaal as This Life.
Daarby word deur middel van beskrywende annotasies verslag gedoen oor
die denkprosesse van die vertaler tydens die vertaalproses.
Die keuse van bronteks word gemotiveer en die vereistes vir die
doelteks word geformuleer. Die probleem word gestel dat relatief min van
Schoeman se fiksie reeds in Engels en ander tale vertaal is, moontlik as
gevolg van 'n persepsie dat Schoeman se werk moeilik vertaalbaar, of selfs
onvertaalbaar is. Een rede hiervoor is 'n besondere beeldryke, liriese, ritmiese
skryfwyse, kenmerkend van Schoeman. Dat die bronkultuur te spesifiek en
die kulturele gaping te groot is, kan ook 'n rol speel.
'n Hipotese word gestel dat vertaling wel moontlik is mits die
vertaalprobleme geïdentifiseer word en strategieë om die probleme op te los,
bedink word. 'n Hermeneutiese interpretasie van die bronteks word aanbeveel
en 'n oorhoofse weerstandstrategie word voorgestel, met die bronteksinskripsie
duidelik in die doelteks waarneembaar. Sekere toegewings aan die
brontekskultuur (domestication) is egter onvermydelik in die lig van die
einddoelom 'n ekwivalente teks te skep wat tog ook leesbaar is en nie die
teikenlesers sal vervreem nie.
'n Bespreking van relevante konsepte uit die vertaalteorie ondersteun
en motiveer die keuse van vertaalstrategieë en -oplossings. 'n Deeglike
analise van die bronteks verskaf die konteks vir 'n interpretasie. Beskrywende
annotasies bevat inligting oor die werkwyse van die vertaler en afleidings
word gemaak oor die doeltreffendheid van die gekose strategieë. Die
moontlikheid van verdere studie word aangedui.
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Die rol van metafoor en vertelling in die verkenning van die verlede in Karel Schoeman se roman Hierdie leweJanse van Rensburg, Jaco 06 June 2012 (has links)
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Fiksie en identiteitskonstruksie: 'n beskouing van selfnarratieweBurger, Willem Daniël 31 October 2008 (has links)
M.Phil. / This study is undertaken against the backdrop of the "narrativistic turn" in the human sciences. While narratives were traditionally regarded as the terrain of literary studies, it has increasingly become a focus in various disciplines since the 1970s. The usefulness of the concept "narrative identity" is investigated as a means to deal with the problematization of the subject (and personal identity) in postmodern thought. The influence of 20th Century language theory and constructionism on the problematization of the subject is also discussed. It is argued that the self (and personal identity) can not be regarded as a pre-existing subject that simply finds expression in narratives (as sometimes happens in narrative therapy). Such a view would presuppose a pre-linguistic cogito. The self (and personal identity) is not readily available for examination by the self. From a hermeneutical point of view, the self is always an interpretation. Paul Ricoeur's discussion of "narrative identity" is used tot discuss the processes of identity construction in self-narratives. The way in which a "narrative identity" is constructed in a self-narrative is examined with reference to Karel Schoeman's autobiography (Die laaste Afrikaanse boek – literally "The Last Afrikaans Book"). An autobiography is a representation of a life in which a subject is self-consciously constructing an identity. This specific autobiography makes explicit, self-conscious use of literary devices and refers to literary texts which makes it possible to examine the influence of fiction on self-narratives. In the process of this study it is demonstrated that insights provided by literary studies could contribute to narrative psychology and in this sense it is demonstrated that the strict boundaries that often exist between disciplines could be dissolved. Various ways by which the study of literature could contribute to the expansion of the hermeneutical basis on which individuals base their self-narratives, and the spin-offs for narrative therapy, is the most important result of the study. Some gains of narratology (within literary analysis) for narrative therapy are also examined.
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Die verhouding tussen geskiedenis en literatuur in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika, met spesifieke verwysing na Verliesfontein deur Karel Schoeman en Op soek na Generaal Mannetjies Mentz deur Christoffel CoetzeeMoon, Jihie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the relationship between history and literature, with specific reference
to the Afrikaans novels Verliesfontein (1998) by Karel Schoeman and Op soek na generaal
Mannetjies Mentz (1998) by Christoffel Coetzee. Both novels are framed against the
background of the Anglo Boer War and both take a postmodern approach to that history,
amongst other things.
First, Chapter 2 reviews the historical background to the relationship between history and
literature through the ages (the classical era, and the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth
centuries), with a view to indicating how this tradition adheres to the postmodern spirit of
contemporary times. Thereafter, Chapter 3 presents a theoretical investigation into the
postmodern view of historiography and historical fiction. Special reference is made to
Hutcheon's theory of historiographic metafiction as an important theoretical point of
departure in the discussion of historical fiction. Political and ideological meaning implicit in
historiography is discussed. Chapter 4 explores the current trend in South Africa of
rereading and reappraising the past, of questioning traditional historiography in a postapartheid
South African context (both in Afrikaans fiction and in historical writing). The
revisiting of the Anglo Boer War in contemporary South Africa and in Afrikaans fiction is
investigated, and an attempt is made to establish the significance of its reappraisal.
Against this background the two texts, Verliesfontein and Op soek na generaal Manntjies
Mentz, are discussed in Chapter 5. The two novels amply illustrate the possibility for
interaction between history and literature, fact and fiction. How may these texts be read in
view of postmodern theory? What lessons for present-day South Africans did Schoeman and
Coetzee have in mind with their postmodern questioning of traditional historiography and
their unconventional reconstruction of the past? Reappraising conventional accounts of
history and exploring personal histories as these texts do, Verliesfontein and Op soek na
generaal Mannetjies Mentz are part of the dominant discourse that is taking form in the
multicultural society of a postapartheid South Africa today. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek onderneem na die verhouding tussen geskiedenis en
literatuur, met spesifieke verwysing na Karel Schoeman se roman Verliesfontein (1998) en
Christoffel Coetzee se roman Op soek na generaal Mannetjies Mentz (1998). In hierdie twee
tekste, wat die Anglo-Boereoorlog as hul raamwerk het, is onder andere 'n
postmodernistiese benadering tot die geskiedenis benut.
Eerstens word in hoofstuk 2 oorsigtelik gekyk na die historiese agtergrond van die
verhouding tussen geskiedenis en literatuur met verloop van die tyd (die klassieke tyd,
agtiende eeu, negentiende eeu en twintigste eeu), om aan te dui hoe dié tradisie by die
heersende tydsgees van die postmodernisme aansluit. Hierna verskaf hoofstuk 3 'n
teoretiese ondersoek na die postmodernistiese manier waarop geskiedskrywing en
historiese fiksie gesien word. Die teorie van Hutcheon se historiografiese metafiksie word
veral in die bespreking van historiese fiksie betrek as 'n belangrike teoretiese uitgangspunt.
Vervolgens kom politieke en ideologiese implikasies in geskiedskrywing onder bespreking.
Daarna (hoofstuk 4) word die Suid-Afrikaanse kontemporêre tendens om die verlede te
herlees en te herwaardeer uiteengesit, en die ondermyning van die tradisionele
geskiedskrywing in die post-apartheid Suid-Afrikaanse konteks (sowel in Afrikaanse fiksie as
in geskiedskrywing) word ondersoek. Daar word gefokus op die her-bedenking van die
Anglo-Boereoorlog in die hedendaagse Suid-Afrika en in Afrikaanse fiksie, en daar word ook
probeer om die betekenis van dié herwaardering te soek.
Teen bostaande agtergrond kom die twee tekste, Verliesfontein en Op soek na generaal
Manntjies Mentz onder bespreking (hoofstuk 5). Die romans is goeie voorbeelde van die
interaksie-moontlikhede tussen geskiedenis en literatuur, feit en fiksie, en daar word
ondersoek hoe hierdie twee tekste aan die hand van postmodernistiese teorieë gelees kan
word. Uiteindelik word daar besin oor watter lesse Schoeman en Coetzee met die
postmodernistiese problematisering van geskiedskrywing en die onkonvensionele
rekonstruksie van die verlede aan kontemporêre Suid-Afrikaners wou oordra. Met die herbesinning
van die konvensionele weergawe van die geskiedenis en veral deur die
verkenning van persoonlike geskiedenisse, vorm Verliesfontein en Op soek na generaal
Mannetjies Mentz deel van die heersende diskoers wat vandag in 'n multikulturele
samelewing van die post-apartheid Suid-Afrika aan die ontwikkel is.
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Twee Afrikaanse romans in Engels : ’n ondersoek na die werkswyses van literere vertalersSwart, Marius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this descriptive study, recent translations into English of two highly-regarded Afrikaans novels are investigated. The purpose of this is to describe these translations in a comparative manner, in order to arrive at conclusions about the differing modi operandi of diverse literary translators. The texts studied are Agaat
by Marlene van Niekerk (2004) and Hierdie lewe by Karel Schoeman (1993), titled Agaat (2006) and This Life (2005) in English, and translated by Michiel Heyns and Elsa Silke, respectively.
The two translators differ in that one is a creative writer in own right, though not
being a formally-trained translation scholar, and translated with input from the source text author. The other is not a creative writer, translated without input from the author and has a formal translation-theoretical qualification. In this study, the target texts produced by these two translators are compared with their respective
source texts, in order to determine whether there are differences or similarities in their modi operandi.
A theoretical framework is compiled using relevant translation theories in order to
systematise the comparison of the source texts and their translations. The novels are then compared to their translations in turn, on various levels, in order to describe the modus operandi of each translator. This results in certain conclusions being drawn about the different ways in which diverse translators
work. These conclusions are linked to norms apparent in the decisions the translators make, or the lack thereof, as well as the role of the translation skopos.
A number of topics for further research are also mentioned.
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Ondersoek na die toepassing van die Schoemanmodel in terapie met serebraal gestremde kindersVan der Spuy, Willem Dirk January 2009 (has links)
Through literature and personal experience it became apparent that cerebral palsy is a condition that poses physical challenges to the everyday lives of children diagnosed with this condition. Negative feedback from society and significant others in the lives of these children may lead to an emotional imbalance in these children. Although various models for addressing emotional issues in children with cerebral palsy exist, their needs within a therapeutic setting are not addressed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of the Schoeman model in therapy with the child with cerebral palsy. The Schoeman model is a therapeutic model that is based on the Gestalt philosophy and is used in conjunction with Gestalt play therapy. Through applying the different aspects of this model the study sheds light on the usefulness of the Schoeman model in therapy with the child diagnosed with cerebral palsy. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Spelterapie)
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Polyphonic conversations between novel and film : Heart of darkness and Apocalypse now ; Na die geliefde land and Promised land / Toinette Badenhorst-RouxBadenhorst-Roux, Toinette January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts a Bakhtinian analysis of the polyphonic dialogue between
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Karel Schoeman's Na die Geliefde Land and Jason Xenopoulos' Promised Land.
Specific Bakthinian concepts are employed to determine whether the films are "apt"
adaptations of the literary texts; how the stylistically hybrid texts engage in conversation
with different movements, genres and trends; how the polyphonic conversations
between different texts and discourses, such as literature and film, or colonialism and
postcolonialism, can provide insight into the variety of discourses, textual and
ideological, of a postcolonial, post-apartheid South Africa; and how identity crises
experienced by key characters can be explained using the notions of hybridity, "The
Marginal Man" and liminality. All four texts have key characters that experience identity
crises that spring from cultural hybridity; their cultural hybridity has the potential to either
render them marginally stagnant or lead them to liminally active participation within their
imagined communities.
This dissertation argues that even though there are major differences between the films
and the literary texts they are based upon, they are relevant to a specific target audience
and therefore enrich the ur-texts. Salient characteristics of realism, symbolism,
impressionism, modernism, postmodernism, postcolonialism and the apocalyptic
dialogise one another within the four texts, thereby liberating the texts from one authorial
reading. The dialogue between the discourses of literature and film supplement an
understanding of the dialogue between war, imperialism, colonialism, postcolonialism
and the Will to Power. / Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006
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Polyphonic conversations between novel and film : Heart of darkness and Apocalypse now ; Na die geliefde land and Promised land / Toinette Badenhorst-RouxBadenhorst-Roux, Toinette January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Polyphonic conversations between novel and film : Heart of darkness and Apocalypse now ; Na die geliefde land and Promised land / Toinette Badenhorst-RouxBadenhorst-Roux, Toinette January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation attempts a Bakhtinian analysis of the polyphonic dialogue between
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now, Karel Schoeman's Na die Geliefde Land and Jason Xenopoulos' Promised Land.
Specific Bakthinian concepts are employed to determine whether the films are "apt"
adaptations of the literary texts; how the stylistically hybrid texts engage in conversation
with different movements, genres and trends; how the polyphonic conversations
between different texts and discourses, such as literature and film, or colonialism and
postcolonialism, can provide insight into the variety of discourses, textual and
ideological, of a postcolonial, post-apartheid South Africa; and how identity crises
experienced by key characters can be explained using the notions of hybridity, "The
Marginal Man" and liminality. All four texts have key characters that experience identity
crises that spring from cultural hybridity; their cultural hybridity has the potential to either
render them marginally stagnant or lead them to liminally active participation within their
imagined communities.
This dissertation argues that even though there are major differences between the films
and the literary texts they are based upon, they are relevant to a specific target audience
and therefore enrich the ur-texts. Salient characteristics of realism, symbolism,
impressionism, modernism, postmodernism, postcolonialism and the apocalyptic
dialogise one another within the four texts, thereby liberating the texts from one authorial
reading. The dialogue between the discourses of literature and film supplement an
understanding of the dialogue between war, imperialism, colonialism, postcolonialism
and the Will to Power. / Thesis (M.A. (Applied Language and Literary Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006
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