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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regeneração do ramo mandibular do nervo facial de ratos após a implantação de células multipotentes do estroma mesenquimal indiferenciadas e diferenciadas in vitro que  apresentam fenótipo de células de Schwann / Regenereation of the mandibular branch of rats\' facial nerve regenereation after implanting undifferenciated mesenchymal stromal multipotent cells and differenciated Schwann-like cells in vitro

Raquel Salomone 09 October 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O nervo facial desempenha um papel importante em diversas funções fisiológicas no organismo, no entanto, distúrbios funcionais desse nervo podem também afetar a psique do indivíduo, provocando mudanças significativas na autoimagem, interferindo no rendimento profissional e piorando a qualidade de vida. Lesões graves do nervo facial (neurotmeses) mesmo quando tratadas precocemente apresentam resultados funcionais pobres. Com a recente descoberta das células-tronco, as células multipotentes do estroma mesenquimal indiferenciadas (CMEMi) ou diferenciadas em células com fenótipo de células de Schwann (CMEMd) podem ser uma alternativa melhor para o tratamento de lesões graves do nervo facial. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a melhora funcional e histológica do ramo mandibular do nervo facial após neurotmese e implantação das CMEMi e CMEMd. MÉTODOS: Em 48 ratos Wistar realizou-se a neurotmese do ramo mandibular direito do nervo facial com a formação de um hiato de 3mm e a tubulização (conduíte de silicone) da região do nervo lesada. Foram criados quatro grupos de acordo com o método de reparo: conduíte de silicone vazio (grupo A, grupo controle); conduíte de silicone com gel acelular (grupo B); conduíte de silicone com gel acelular e CMEMi (grupo C), e conduíte de silicone com gel acelular e CMEMd (grupo D). Um quinto grupo, grupo N, foi criado a partir de segmentos do nervo normal para a avaliação histológica. Os resultados funcionais foram avaliados com o estudo de condução nervosa e os histológicos por avaliação qualitativa e quantitativa dos segmentos proximais e distais. RESULTADOS: Na avaliação funcional, após 6 semanas, os grupos C e D apresentaram amplitudes maiores que os grupos A e B (p<0,001). O grupo C apresentou duração menor que os grupos A, B e D (p<0,001). Na avaliação qualitativa dos segmentos proximais, houve pouca diferença entre os grupos, já nos segmentos distais, as diferenças dos grupos A e B em relação aos grupos C e D foram bem evidentes, no entanto, em ambos os segmentos, o grupo C foi o que mais se aproximou do nervo normal. Na avaliação histológica quantitativa do segmento proximal, não houve diferença no número total e na densidade axonal entre os grupos (p0,169), somente nos diâmetros axonais dos grupos A e B quando comparados ao nervo normal (p<0,001). No segmento distal, o número e a densidade axonal do grupo C foram maiores que os do grupo A e B (p=0,001) e iguais as do grupo D (p=0,711), porém, em todos os grupos, número e a densidade axonal foram menores que do grupo N (p0,003). Não houve diferença na média dos diâmetros entre os grupos operados (p0,007), somente quando comparados com o grupo N (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: As CMEMi assim como as CMEMd beneficiaram a regeneração do ramo mandibular do nervo facial de ratos Wistar, contudo, as CMEMi apresentaram resultados funcionais e histológicos melhores que as CMEMd / INTRODUCTION: Facial nerve performs an important function in different physiological activities in the organism, however, functional disturbances of such nerve may also attack a persons mind, causing expressive changes in their self-image, interfering in professional life and aggravating their quality of life. Severe lesions in the facial nerve (neurotmesis) present poor functional results even when early treated. With recent discovering of the stem cells, undifferentiated multipotent stem cell (uMSC) from mesenchymal stroma or differentiated to Schwann cell-like (dMSC) can be a better perspective to treat severe lesion of the facial nerve. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the functional and histological improvement of the mandibular branch after neurotmesis and implantation of the uMSC and dMSC. METHODS: The neurotmesis of the right mandibular branch of the facial nerve with a 3mm gap formation and tubulization (silicone tubing) of the wounded nerve area was performed in 48 Wistar rats. Four groups were divided according to the restoration method: empty silicone tubing (group A, control group); silicone tubing with non-cell gel (group B); silicone tubing with non-cell gel and uMSC (group C) and silicone tubing with non-cell gel and dMSC (group D). A fifth group (N) was created from the normal nerve segments to perform histological evaluation. The nerve conduction study evaluated the functional results; quantity and quality evaluation of the distal and proximal segment evaluated the histological results. RESULTS: After six weeks, regarding functional evaluation, groups C and D presented larger amplitude than groups A and B (p<0.001). Group C presented lesser duration than groups A, B and D (p<0.001). There was little difference among the groups in the quality evaluation of the proximal segments; on the other hand, the differences in groups A and B in relation to groups C and D were quite expressive in the distal segments. However, group C, in both segments, was the one that came closer to the normal nerve. Regarding quantity histological evaluation of the proximal segment, there was no difference in the total number and in the axonal density among the groups (p0.169); there was difference only in the axonal diameters in groups A and B when compared to normal nerve (p<0,001). Regarding distal segment, axonal density and number, in group C, were higher than in group A and B (p=0.001) and the same as in group D (p=0,711), but number and axonal density were lesser than in group N (p0,003). There was no difference in the diameter average among the operated groups (p0.007), when only compared to group N (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Both uMSC and dMSC benefited regeneration of the mandibular branch of the facial nerve in Wistar rats, although uMSC presented better functional and histological results

Expression of GABA receptors in stem cell derived Schwann cells and their role in the peripheral nervous system

Faroni, Alessandro January 2012 (has links)
Peripheral nerve injuries occur with high incidence and often result in profound and permanent impact on the life of patients and on healthcare expenditure. Schwann cells (SC) play a promoting role in peripheral nerve regeneration providing physical and neurotrophic support that aids axon re-growth. However, these beneficial properties are not exploitable in nerve tissue engineering due to the difficulties in SC harvesting and expansion in culture. Adult stem cells derived from bone marrow (BM-MSC) and from adipose tissue (ASC) can be differentiated in SC-like cells and be used as SC substitutes in bioengineered nerve conduits for the improvement of peripheral nerve regeneration. Pharmacological intervention approaches for the treatment of nerve injury are still not clinically available. Nevertheless, γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors have been recently suggested as a putative target for such purpose. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the adult brain and interacts with two different receptor types. However, both GABA-A and GABA-B receptor types are functionally expressed also in SC, where they are involved in the regulation of SC physiology and in the development of the peripheral nervous system (PNS).The aim of this thesis was to characterise the GABAergic system of BM-MSC and ASC differentiated into a SC-like phenotype and to evaluate changes in the expression levels following differentiation. Moreover, the effect of specific GABA receptor ligands on cell proliferation and neurotrophic potential of differentiated stem cells were assessed. Using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, western blot analysis and immunohistochemistry we demonstrated that adult stem cells express several subunits of both GABA-A and GABA-B receptor systems such as GABA-B1a, GABA-B1b and GABA-B2, as well as GABA-A α2 and GABA-A β3. Expression levels and cellular localisation were comparable with adult and neonatal SC cultures used as positive controls, and protein expression levels for some of the subunits changed following glial differentiation. Interestingly, stimulation of GABA receptors with specific agonists influenced stem cell proliferation in two opposite ways. Baclofen, a GABA-B receptor agonist decreased proliferation of SC and differentiated ASC (dASC), but not of SC-like BM-MSC (dBM-MSC). By contrast, muscimol, a GABA-A receptor agonist, increased proliferation in SC and in both dASC and dBM-MSC. This suggests that GABAergic signalling could be a potential player in the mechanisms regulating stem cell differentiation and proliferation as reported in SC. Finally, baclofen treatments on SC and dASC modulated the expression levels and the release of the neurotrophins BDNF and NGF, which are key actors in the processes involved with peripheral nerve regeneration. Although further studies will be needed to clarify the role of GABA receptors in the PNS, the presence of functional GABA receptors on SC-like adult stem cells could represent an exploitable pharmacological target to modulate stem cell physiology and improve their neurotrophic potential for peripheral nerve regeneration.

Dégénérescence locale et réparation anormale de la jonction neuromusculaire dans un modèle de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique

Martineau, Éric 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Konditionale Inaktivierung von Pten in einem neuen Mausmodell für tomaculöse Neuropathien / Conditional inactivation of Pten in a new mouse model of tomaculous neuropathies

Oltrogge, Jan Hendrik 01 February 2017 (has links)
In der Entwicklung des peripheren Nervensystems formen Schwannzellen eine Myelinscheide um Axone mit einem Durchmesser von mehr als 1 μm durch die Bildung multipler kompakter Membranschichten. Voraussetzung einer optimalen Nervenleitgeschwindigkeit ist dabei ein physiologisches Verhältnis der Dicke der Myelinscheide zu dem jeweiligen Axondurchmesser. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt dabei der axonale EGF-like growth factor NRG1 Typ III, der ErbB2/3- Rezeptoren der Schwannzelle bindet. Der PI3K-AKT-Signalweg ist ein bekannter intrazellulärer Effektor des ErbB2/3-Rezeptors und wurde bereits mit dem Prozess der Myelinisierung in Verbindung gebracht. Um die spezifische Funktion des PI3K-AKT-Signalwegs in Schwannzellen zu erforschen, generierten wir mit Hilfe des Cre/LoxP-Systems Mausmutanten, die eine zellspezifische Inaktivierung des Gens Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog (Pten) in myelinisierenden Gliazellen aufweisen (Pten-Mutanten). Der Verlust der Lipidphosphatase PTEN führte zu einer Anreicherung ihres Substrates, des second messenger Phosphatidyl-(3,4,5)-Trisphosphat (PIP3), und damit zu einer gesteigerten Aktivität des PI3K-AKT-Signalwegs in den Schwannzellen der Pten-Mutanten. Wir beobachteten in den Pten-Mutanten eine ektopische Myelinisierung von unmyelinisierten C- Faser-Axonen sowie eine Hypermyelinisierung von Axonen bis 2 μm Durchmesser. Bei Axonen über 2 μm Durchmesser kam es zu Myelinausfaltungen und fokalen Hypermyelinisierungen (Tomacula) anliegend an Regionen des unkompakten Myelins (Paranodien und Schmidt- Lantermann-Inzisuren). Weiterhin bildeten die mutanten Remak-Schwannzellen unkompakte Membranwicklungen um nicht-myelinisierte C-Faser-Axone und um Kollagenfaserbündel aus („Remak-Myelin“). Sowohl in den Regionen unkompakten Myelins als auch in Remak- Schwannzellen konnte eine erhöhte Aktivität des PI3K-AKT-Signalwegs nachgewiesen werden. Vermutlich setzt die Anreicherung von PIP3 mit Überaktivierung des PI3K-AKT-Signalwegs in den mutanten Gliazellen einen zellautonomen Prozess der Umwicklung von Axonen in Gang. Die zusätzliche Bildung von „Remak-Myelin“ um Kollagenfasern, die keine Membranoberfläche besitzen, weist darauf hin, dass dieser Prozess nicht von einer bidirektionalen axo-glialen Kommunikation abzuhängen scheint. Die beobachteten Tomacula und Myelinausfaltungen zeigten Ähnlichkeiten mit Mausmodellen für hereditäre Neuropathien des Menschen, wie HNPP und CMT4B. Wir vermuten, dass PTEN im unkompakten Myelin unkontrolliertes Membranwachstum verhindert und dass eine gestörte Balance von Phosphoinositiden einen Pathomechanismus von tomaculösen Neuropathien darstellt. Somit identifizieren wir den PI3K-AKT-Signalweg als ein mögliches Ziel zukünftiger Therapiekonzepte für hereditäre Neuropathien des Menschen.

Targeting acute phosphatase PTEN inhibition and investigation of a novel combination treatment with Schwann cell transplantation to promote spinal cord injury repair in rats

Walker, Chandler L. 02 April 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Human traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) are primarily incomplete contusion or compression injuries at the cervical spinal level, causing immediate local tissue damage and a range of potential functional deficits. Secondary damage exacerbates initial mechanical trauma and contributes to function loss through delayed cell death mechanisms such as apoptosis and autophagy. As such, understanding the dynamics of cervical SCI and related intracellular signaling and death mechanisms is essential. Through behavior, Western blot, and histological analyses, alterations in phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN)/phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) signaling and the neuroprotective, functional, and mechanistic effects of administering the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) inhibitor, potassium bisperoxo (picolinato) vanadium ([bpV[pic]) were analyzed following cervical spinal cord injury in rats. Furthermore, these studies investigated the combination of subacute Schwann cell transplantation with acute bpV(pic) treatment to identify any potential additive or synergistic benefits. Although spinal SC transplantation is well-studied, its use in combination with other therapies is necessary to complement its known protective and growth promoting characteristics. v The results showed 400 μg/kg/day bpV(pic) promoted significant tissue sparing, lesion reduction, and recovery of forelimb function post-SCI. To further clarify the mechanism of action of bpV(pic) on spinal neurons, we treated injured spinal neurons in vitro with 100 nM bpV(pic) and confirmed its neurprotection and action through inhibition of PTEN and promotion of PI3K/Akt/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling. Following bpV(pic) treatment and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-SC transplantation, similar results in neuroprotective benefits were observed. GFP-SCs alone exhibited less robust effects in this regard, but promoted significant ingrowth of axons, as well as vasculature, over 10 weeks post-transplantation. All treatments showed similar effects in forelimb function recovery, although the bpV and combination treatments were the only to show statistical significance over non-treated injury. In the following chapters, the research presented contributes further understanding of cellular responses following cervical hemi-contusion SCI, and the beneficial effects of bpV(pic) and SC transplantation therapies alone and in combination. In conclusion, this work provides a thorough overview of pathology and cell- and signal-specific mechanisms of survival and repair in a clinically relevant rodent SCI model.

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