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Caracterização e efeito da variação sazonal da própolis orgânica produzida no sul do Brasil / Characterization and effect of seasonal variation on organic propolis produced in southern BrazilPandolfo, Valéria Zatarin 10 November 2014 (has links)
A própolis é um material resinoso produzido pelas abelhas e utilizado na colmeia para o fechamento de fissuras e esterilização dos ambientes internos da colmeia, a qual em média possui cerca de 30% de ceras, 55% de resinas e bálsamos, 10% de óleos voláteis e 5% de pólen. Dentre os constituintes de maior importância encontram-se os compostos fenólicos, em especial os flavonoides, ácidos fenólicos e ésteres, que possuem propriedades biológicas, dentre elas a atividade antioxidante. A variabilidade de compostos com atividade antioxidante, bem como a presença ou ausência dos mesmos é definida pela sua origem geográfica e biodiversidade presente nos arredores da colmeia, sendo que variações sazonais interferem igualmente na proporção de seus constituintes. A própolis utilizada neste estudo foi proveniente do sistema de produção orgânica certificada, as quais faziam parte matas nativas, de preservação permanente, reserva legal ou matas de reflorestamento. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da sazonalidade e a atividade antioxidante por meio de ensaios de sequestro de radicais livres (ABTS+) e capacidade de absorção de radicais de oxigênio (ORAC) nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Além disso, também foi realizado um estudo de avaliação do teor de cera bruta por vários métodos de extração por soxhlet. Quanto à sazonalidade, foi possível a verificação de diferença entre os anos, sendo que o ano de 2012 foi o que apresentou os maiores resultados para o teor de compostos fenólicos totais (39,57mg/g EAG), ABTS+ (0,781 ?mol Trolox/mg) e ORAC (1,851 ?mol Trolox/mg). Também foi o ano que apresentou as maiores variações entre as estações, onde se destaca o verão, com resultados médios de 46,26 mg/g EAG para teor de compostos fenólicos totais e 0,950 ?mol Trolox/mg para atividade antioxidante pelo método ABTS+. No ano de 2013 houve diferença entre as estações apenas para ORAC, sendo o outono o período de maior média (1,269 ?mol Trolox/mg). As nove metodologias utilizadas para avaliar a porcentagem de cera apresentaram grande variação para a mesma amostra. Quando analisadas pela técnica de CCD-FR, foi possível verificar a presença de sete perfis distintos da própolis. Em relação à composição volátil, o alfa-pineno foi o composto predominante. A análise da composição não volátil por CG-MS mostrou a presença de metil commate B, C e D no sétimo perfil, os quais são conhecidos por, serem antioxidantes, corroborando assim com a boa atividade encontrada para esse perfil. / Propolis is a resinous material produced by bees and used in the hive for closing cracks and sterilizing indoor beehive. Propolis has about 30% wax, 55% resins and balsams, 10% volatile oils and 5% pollen. The phenolic compounds are the most important constituents, namely flavonoids, phenolic acids and esters, which have biological properties, such as antioxidant activity. The variability of compounds with antioxidant activity and their presence or absence are defined by the geographical origin and biodiversity around the hive. Seasonal variations also influence the contents of propolis constituents. In this study, we used propolis from a certified organic production system, which included native forests, permanent preservation areas, legal reserve forests or reforestation areas. This study investigated the effect of seasonality and antioxidant activity by testing the capture of free radicals (ABTS+) and oxygen radicals absorption capacity (ORAC) in the years 2012 and 2013. In addition, we evaluated wax contents using various methods by soxhlet extraction. We observed differences of seasonality between the two years, the year 2012 showed the greatest total contents of phenolic compounds (39.57 mg/g EAG), ABTS+ (0.781 ?mol Trolox/mg) and ORAC (1.851 ?mol Trolox/mg). In the same year also showed the greatest variations among the seasons, especially the summer, with average scores of 46.26 mg/g EAG for total phenolic compounds and 0.950 ?mol Trolox/mg for antioxidant activity in the ABTS+ method. In 2013 there was a difference between seasons just in ORAC. The fall showed the highest average (1.269 ?mol Trolox/mg). The nine methodologies used to evaluate the percentage of wax varied greatly for the same sample. The TLC-RF showed the presence of seven distinct profiles of propolis. Alpha-pinene was the predominant compound of the volatile content. The analysis of the nonvolatile composition by GC-MS showed the presence of methyl commate B, C and D in the 7th profile, which are antioxidants, thus, confirming the good activity found for this profile.
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Caracterização e efeito da variação sazonal da própolis orgânica produzida no sul do Brasil / Characterization and effect of seasonal variation on organic propolis produced in southern BrazilValéria Zatarin Pandolfo 10 November 2014 (has links)
A própolis é um material resinoso produzido pelas abelhas e utilizado na colmeia para o fechamento de fissuras e esterilização dos ambientes internos da colmeia, a qual em média possui cerca de 30% de ceras, 55% de resinas e bálsamos, 10% de óleos voláteis e 5% de pólen. Dentre os constituintes de maior importância encontram-se os compostos fenólicos, em especial os flavonoides, ácidos fenólicos e ésteres, que possuem propriedades biológicas, dentre elas a atividade antioxidante. A variabilidade de compostos com atividade antioxidante, bem como a presença ou ausência dos mesmos é definida pela sua origem geográfica e biodiversidade presente nos arredores da colmeia, sendo que variações sazonais interferem igualmente na proporção de seus constituintes. A própolis utilizada neste estudo foi proveniente do sistema de produção orgânica certificada, as quais faziam parte matas nativas, de preservação permanente, reserva legal ou matas de reflorestamento. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da sazonalidade e a atividade antioxidante por meio de ensaios de sequestro de radicais livres (ABTS+) e capacidade de absorção de radicais de oxigênio (ORAC) nos anos de 2012 e 2013. Além disso, também foi realizado um estudo de avaliação do teor de cera bruta por vários métodos de extração por soxhlet. Quanto à sazonalidade, foi possível a verificação de diferença entre os anos, sendo que o ano de 2012 foi o que apresentou os maiores resultados para o teor de compostos fenólicos totais (39,57mg/g EAG), ABTS+ (0,781 ?mol Trolox/mg) e ORAC (1,851 ?mol Trolox/mg). Também foi o ano que apresentou as maiores variações entre as estações, onde se destaca o verão, com resultados médios de 46,26 mg/g EAG para teor de compostos fenólicos totais e 0,950 ?mol Trolox/mg para atividade antioxidante pelo método ABTS+. No ano de 2013 houve diferença entre as estações apenas para ORAC, sendo o outono o período de maior média (1,269 ?mol Trolox/mg). As nove metodologias utilizadas para avaliar a porcentagem de cera apresentaram grande variação para a mesma amostra. Quando analisadas pela técnica de CCD-FR, foi possível verificar a presença de sete perfis distintos da própolis. Em relação à composição volátil, o alfa-pineno foi o composto predominante. A análise da composição não volátil por CG-MS mostrou a presença de metil commate B, C e D no sétimo perfil, os quais são conhecidos por, serem antioxidantes, corroborando assim com a boa atividade encontrada para esse perfil. / Propolis is a resinous material produced by bees and used in the hive for closing cracks and sterilizing indoor beehive. Propolis has about 30% wax, 55% resins and balsams, 10% volatile oils and 5% pollen. The phenolic compounds are the most important constituents, namely flavonoids, phenolic acids and esters, which have biological properties, such as antioxidant activity. The variability of compounds with antioxidant activity and their presence or absence are defined by the geographical origin and biodiversity around the hive. Seasonal variations also influence the contents of propolis constituents. In this study, we used propolis from a certified organic production system, which included native forests, permanent preservation areas, legal reserve forests or reforestation areas. This study investigated the effect of seasonality and antioxidant activity by testing the capture of free radicals (ABTS+) and oxygen radicals absorption capacity (ORAC) in the years 2012 and 2013. In addition, we evaluated wax contents using various methods by soxhlet extraction. We observed differences of seasonality between the two years, the year 2012 showed the greatest total contents of phenolic compounds (39.57 mg/g EAG), ABTS+ (0.781 ?mol Trolox/mg) and ORAC (1.851 ?mol Trolox/mg). In the same year also showed the greatest variations among the seasons, especially the summer, with average scores of 46.26 mg/g EAG for total phenolic compounds and 0.950 ?mol Trolox/mg for antioxidant activity in the ABTS+ method. In 2013 there was a difference between seasons just in ORAC. The fall showed the highest average (1.269 ?mol Trolox/mg). The nine methodologies used to evaluate the percentage of wax varied greatly for the same sample. The TLC-RF showed the presence of seven distinct profiles of propolis. Alpha-pinene was the predominant compound of the volatile content. The analysis of the nonvolatile composition by GC-MS showed the presence of methyl commate B, C and D in the 7th profile, which are antioxidants, thus, confirming the good activity found for this profile.
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Muscle growth and flesh quality of farmed Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in relation to season of harvestHagen, Ørjan January 2008 (has links)
In the present study, muscle growth and flesh quality have been investigated from both commercially farmed Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) (Aga marine AS, Norway)and halibut obtained from small-scale trials at Mørkvedbukta Research Station (Bodø University College, Norway). Morphometric techniques have been utilized to investigate fast muscle growth in halibut ranging from circa 2 g to 100 kg, and it was established that fast muscle fibre recruitment ceases when the fish attain approximately 81 and 177 cm, in the case of males and females, respectively. Different muscle fibre types were distinguished using histochemical (myosin ATPase and succinic dehydrogenase) and immunohistochemical (S-58, an antibody against slow muscle myosin) staining techniques. Females recruit twice as many fast muscle fibres compared to males, which allows them to reach a larger final size. Furthermore, the seasonal growth patterns during a one year production cycle in commercial farmed halibut revealed a winter depression in growth leading to loss of biomass, which was attributed to the maturation of males. Commercial farmed fish of equal size (~1.5 kg) showed sexual dimorphism of fast muscle fibre number, caused by a significantly higher rate of fast muscle fibre recruitment in females. During the winter season fast muscle fibres shrunk significantly, especially in male fish, as a consequence of loss of appetite, low water temperatures and sexual maturation. None of the female fish matured during the trial. Flesh quality of halibut deteriorated during winter and spring, since it had a softer appearance and significantly lower myotomal protein content, particularly in males. Cathepsin activity was measured using spectroscopy and showed a strong negative correlation to protein content, displaying a seasonal variation. The proteolytic depletion of fast muscle proteins affected the water holding capacity of the muscle (determined by centrifugation), which showed concomitant changes with the increase in cathepsin activity and drop in protein content. Despite the soft appearance, the firmness (shear force) of the flesh increased during the winter. The hydroxylysyl pyridinoline cross-link content of the collagen matrix, determined by HPLC, showed a strong correlation to the fillet texture. The increased firmness during the winter, a period of little (female) or negative growth (males), was probably due to an increased cross-linking of the collagen compartment. Partial sequences of IGF-I and IGF-II were cloned from fast muscle of Atlantic halibut, and their relative gene expression levels were determined along with those of cathepsin B, cathepsin D and IGF-IRa in male halibut using qPCR during a fasting and refeeding trial. Transcript levels of cathepsin B and to some extent cathepsin D were significantly higher during fasting than refeeding, suggesting an increased enzyme production during periods of food deprivation. A temporary increase in IGF-I transcripts was observed after 7 days refeeding suggesting that this growth factor is involved in muscle growth control. Both IGF- IRa and IGF-II were down-regulated during refeeding.
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Numerical and experimental dynamic analyses of Hägernäs pedestrian bridge : Including seasonal effectsIBISEVIC, AIDA, UGUR, HASANHÜSEYIN January 2019 (has links)
Wood as a construction material has in recent years increased, in particular concerningpedestrian bridges. By utilizing wood, the ecological footprint can be reduced,and the material can be designed to comply with the increasing aesthetic demandbridge designers are facing. However, as the material weighs little with respect toits bearing capacity, combined with design becoming more slender, human inducedvibrations are becoming a problem.Having this in mind, the objective of the thesis is to conduct a case study on anexisting timber pedestrian bridge and assess its dynamic parameters by means ofexperiential testing and numerical modelling. The case study concerns the Hägernäsbridge, an arch bridge located in Hägernäs, Täby. The thesis also considers seasonaleffects by conducting experiments on two separate occasions. In addition, the thesisevaluates influencing parameters on the dynamic behaviour by conducting a sensitivityanalysis. To aid the above mentioned objective, a literature review coveringsimilar type of analysis is conducted. The literature review also studies the seasonaleffect, mainly from the asphalt layer, as its stiffness contribution is temperaturedependant.The results from the dynamic parameters showed that not all modes fall above therecommended values concerning damping ratio (with values above 1-1.5%). However,all modes fulfill design criteria concerning the magnitude of the natural frequencies.Furthermore, results showed that the natural frequencies are highly temperaturedependant. The measured values during warm weather (+17C) resulted in lowervalues than those from the cold weather experiment (-10C). Moreover, the greatestdifference, by 21% was on the 1st transverse mode and the lower difference was onthe 1st vertical mode, that decreased by merely 5%. Moreover, the damping ratiowas calculated and it was not possible to find any correlation between warm andcold temperature. Instead, decreased temperature caused some modes to increase indamping ratio and others to decrease. The most affected mode was once again the1st transverse mode which increased by 146% going from warm to cold temperature
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Characterization Of Online Archives Of Astronomical Imaging Vis-a-vis Serendipitous Asteroids, And Their Astrometric PropertiesDenis, Jean Marc 01 January 2012 (has links)
The identification of known asteroids on existing CCD pictures would allow us to obtain accurate astrometric and photometric asteroid properties. Some asteroids might have ambiguous orbital elements, thus their identification along with their exact positions on multiple picture frames could significantly improve their orbital elements. Furthermore, the possibility of identifying known asteroids on older pictures, sometimes preceding their discovery date, might allow the study of non-gravitational effects like the Yarkovsky effect. Identifying a potential Yarkovsky effect on asteroids is challenging because it is extremely weak. However, this effect cumulates with time, therefore, it is necessary to find astronomical pictures that are as old as possible. In addition, we need to collect high quality CCD pictures and use a methodology that would allow obtaining a statistically significant sample of asteroids. To accomplish this, we decided to use the online archive of the Subaru telescope at Mauna Kea Hawaii because it has a prime-focus camera with a very high resolution of 80 millions pixels very well suited to capture serendipitous asteroids. In addition, the Subaru online archive has pictures from the last 10 years. iv The methodology used in this thesis is to build a database that contains the orbital elements of all the known asteroids, allowing us to write a program that calculates the approximate position of all the asteroids at the date and time of each CCD picture we collect. To obtain a more precise position, the program also interfaces the JPL NASA Horizons on-line computation service. Every time an asteroid is found on a picture, Horizons sends its theoretical location back to the program. A later visual identification of this asteroid at this theoretical location on the picture triggers its input into our sample for further study. This method allowed us to visually confirm 508 distinct asteroids on 692 frames with an average diameter of 3.6 km. Finally, we use the theory (given in appendix A) to calculate the theoretical drift of these asteroids that we compare with the one we measured on the CCD pictures.
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