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Parametros basicos para a irrigação sistematica do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) / The effect of supplementary irrigation on same sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) parametersGomes, Evandro Machado 23 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Dirceu Brasil Vieira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T07:03:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O ensaio foi conduzido nos anos de 2001 a 2003, em duas áreas experimentais: Campo de Pesquisa Hidroagrícola do Pinhal - Unicamp e no Horto Municipal Florestal, ambos no município de Limeira - SP, Brasil, com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da irrigação, sobre alguns parâmetros do girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), cultivar M-742. As semeaduras e colheitas foram realizadas, respectivamente, nos dias 18 de junho e 14 de setembro de 2001, 16 de junho e 8 de outubro de 2002 e 24 de junho e 15 de outubro de 2003. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com três tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os três tratamentos consistiram de: 1)irrigação de acordo com o balanço de umidade no solo (Sempre Irrigado); 2) irrigado nos períodos críticos do desenvolvimento, ou seja, formação de botão floral e enchimento de grãos (Irrigado nas Fases) e 3) sem suplementação hídrica (Sem Irrigação). A irrigação foi realizada por sistema de aspersão convencional, conduzida pelo método gravimétrico. Os principais parâmetros analisados foram: altura de planta, diâmetro do capítulo, peso do capítulo, peso da haste, peso das folhas, peso de mil sementes, teor de óleo e proteína de grãos, produção, distribuição do sistema radicular e demanda hídrica da cultura. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e suas médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Pelos resultados obtidos e para as condições do experimento, as seguintes conclusões se evidenciaram como as mais importantes: a) a planta desenvolvida sob marcante estresse hídrico tende a produzir raÍzes em maior número e se aprofundar mais no solo que aquela sem restrição hídrica; b) há maior concentração de raÍzes no horizonte superficial do solo, até 20 centímetros, independentemente da disponibilidade de água. c) a irrigação nas fases de formação do botão floral e de enchimento de grãos é suficiente para garantir níveis de desenvolvimento da planta e do sistema radicular bem como produção de grãos semelhantes à da planta desenvolvida sem restrição Hídrica; d) ocorre acentuada diminuição na massa seca de haste, capítulo e folha como conseqüência do estresse Hídrico; e) plantas desenvolvidas sob marcante estresse Hídrico produziram cerca de 30% menos em peso de grãos que as Sempre Irrigadas e 20% menos que as Irrigadas nas Fases; t) a redução da área foliar, através da redução na altura da planta, mostrou-se como um dos mecanismos de resposta do girassol à escassez de água; g) a planta sob restrição Hídrica tende a produzir um maior teor de proteína em detrimento da produção de lipídeos; h) o kc encontrado mostrou os menores valores aproximadamente aos 20 dias após a emergência, atingindo os valores mais elevados na fase de formação do botão floral (45-50 dias após a emergência) / Abstract: The study was conducted from 2001 to 2003, in Limeira (Brazil), with the sunflower hybrid M-742. The aim of the present work was to study the effect of the supplementary irrigation on some sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) parameters. The sowing and harvest were done, respectively in June 18, September 14 in 2001; June 16, October 8 in 2002 and June 24, October 15 in 2003. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three treatments and four replications. The treatments were: a) irrigation according to soil moisture (Always Irrigated); b) irrigation in the critical periods (Phases Irrigated) and c) without supplementary irrigation (Rainfed). The irrigation was performed by sprinkler and scheduled by gravimetric method. The main analyzed parameters were: head, leaves and stem dry weight and height; 1.000 seed mass; head diameter; oil and protein content; root system distribution; water demand. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the averages were compared by Tukey test. Based upon the results some conc1usions are feasible: a) sunflower plants under sever water stress produces a higher root number that explore the soil deeply than plants with no water stress; b) the greater root concentration occurred in the superficial horizon, for all treatments. c) water supplementation during flower bud formation and grain filling stages is sufficient to assure good levels of grain yield and root system development; d) the water Stress causes an emphasize decrease in stem, head and leave dry mass; e) plants grown under accentuate water stress yielded 30% less than plants with no stress and 20% less than plants that received water only in the critical periods of bud formation and grain filling; f) the leaf area decrease through the plants height appears to be a mechanism of sunflower's defense to water stress; g) the sunflower under water stress increases protein and reduces oil seed content; h) the kc coefficient was lower at 20 days after emergence and higher at flower bud stage / Doutorado / Recursos Hidricos / Doutor em Engenharia Civil
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The Phylogeny of Land Plants: A Cladistic Analysis Based on Male GametogenesisGarbary, David J., Renzaglia, Karen S., Duckett, Jeffrey G. 01 September 1993 (has links)
A cladistic analysis was carried out to resolve phylogenetic pattern among bryophytes and other land plants. The analysis used 22 taxa of land plants and 90 characters relating to male gametogenesis. Coleochaete or Chara/Nitella were the outgroups in various analyses using HENNIG86, PAUP, and MacClade, and the land plant phylogeny was unchanged regardless of outgroup utilized. The most parsimonious cladograms from HENNIG86 (7 trees) have treelengths of 243 (C.I. = 0.58, R.I. = 0.82). Bryophytes are monophyletic as are hornworts, liverworts, and mosses, with hornworts identified as the sister group of a liverwort/moss assemblage. In vascular plants, lycophytes are polyphyletic and Selaginella is close to the bryophytes. Lycopodium is the sister group of the remaining vascular plants (minus Selaginella). Longer treelengths (over 250) are required to produce tree topologies in which either lycophytes are monophyletic or to reconstruct the paraphyletic bryophyte phylogeny of recent authors. This analysis challenges existing concepts of bryophyte phylogeny based on more classical data and interpretations, and provides new insight into land plant evolution.
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Faktorer som påverkar ekföryngring : Pilotstudie med fokus på effekter av brand / Factors Affecting the Oak Regeneration : A Pilot Study Focusing on the Effects of FireLexne, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Ekträd har en central roll i den biologiska mångfalden, där de utgör både livsrum och födkrok för ett stort antal insekter, lavar, svampar och fåglar under sin långa livstid och därefter i den döda veden. Ek har minskat dramatiskt under de senaste 200 åren, men orsakerna till detta är inte helt klarlagda. I östra Nordamerika har den försämrade föryngringen av ek kopplats till de betydligt färre skogsbränderna och ur detta har den s.k. brand-ek-hypotesen uppstått. Denna säger att branden spelar en viktig roll i ekens föryngring i östra USA och i Nordamerika p.g.a. att eken är bättre anpassad än många andra träd för att klara brand, vilket ger den en konkurrensfördel som gör att den inte bara gynnas av brand, utan också kan vara beroende av den. Jag har studerat hur föryngring av ek påverkats av en naturvårdsbränning som genomförts i Krogölen i Allgunnens naturreservat i sydöstra Sverige. Hypotesen är att brand har en gynnsam effekt på ekföryngring även i Sverige och att brand-ek-hypotesen är tillämpbar också här. Detta kunskapsområde är relevant för naturvården i Sverige när det gäller att planera naturvårdsbränningar i områden med förekomst av ek. Eftersom studien har genomförts som en pilotstudie, där endast ett brandområde studerats, kan inga slutsatser om generella brandfältseffekter dras. Mina resultat talar för att krontäckning har en effekt på tätheten av fröplantor i Krogölen, och att den har större betydelse i brandfältet än i det obrända området, vilket talar emot brand-ek-hypotesen. Effekten av brand och krontäckning förklarar i denna studie 21,8% av variationen i den rottransformerade fröplanttätheten per 12,6 m2. Det går inte att se någon ökning av fröplantor eller rotskott i det brända området jämfört med det obrända. För framtida studier skulle det vara intressant att titta på fröplantors dödlighet i olika livsstadier under varierande ljusförhållanden, effekten av predation i brandfält, hur olika brandintensitet kan inverka på ekens föryngring samt bestående effekter av brand över tid och betydelsen av i vilket utvecklingsstadie branden skett. / Oak trees have a central role in biodiversity, where they serve as both a habitat and a feeding ground for a large number of insects, lichens, fungi and birds during its long life and thereafter in the dead wood. Oak has declined dramatically over the past 200 years, but the reasons for this are not entirely known. In eastern North America, the deteriorating regeneration of oak has been linked to the significantly less forest fires and from this the so-called fire-oak hypothesis have emerged. It states that the fire plays an important role in the regeneration of the oak in the eastern United States and North America due to the oak being better adapted than many other trees to endure fire, which gives it a competitive advantage that makes it not only benefit from fire, but also possibly depend on it. I have studied how the regeneration of oak has been affected by a prescribed fire in Krogölen in the Allgunnen nature reserve in the south-east of Sweden. My hypothesis is that fire has a favorable effect on oak regeneration also in Sweden and that the fire-oak hypothesis is also applicable here. This area of knowledge is relevant for nature conservation in Sweden in planning prescribed fires in oak areas. As the study has been carried out as a pilot study, studying only one burned area compared to a none burned area, no conclusions about general fire effects can be drawn. My results suggest that canopy cover has an effect on the density of seed plants in Krogölen, and that it is more comprehensive in the fire field than in the unburned area, which is not conclusive with the fire-oak hypothesis. The effect of fire and canopy cover in this study explains 21.8% of the variation in the root-transformed seed plant density per 12.6 m2. There is no increase in seed plant density or root sprout density in the burned area compared to the unburned area. For future studies, it would be interesting to look at seed plant mortality in different life stages under varying light conditions, the effect of predation in fire fields, how different fire intensities can affect oak regeneration, lasting effects of fire over time and the significance of the oak developmental stage when the fire occurs.
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