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A Comparison of Feedforward versus Feedback Interventions for Safety Self-Management in Mining OperationsHickman, Jeffrey S. 29 April 2002 (has links)
This quasi-experimental field study examined the efficacy of a safety self-management intervention to increase safety-related work practices in mining operations. A total of 15 male miners participated in the study while engaging in their normal work practices at the Virginia Tech Quarry, located in Blacksburg, Virginia. The study had two groups, Feedforward (n=8)--participants self-recorded their intentions to engage in specific percentages of safety-related work behaviors before starting their shift for the day, and Feedback (n=7)--participants self-recorded their percentages of safety-related work behaviors after their shift for the day.
After a seven-week Baseline, miners participated in a safety training presentation. Immediately following this training, participants from each group were instructed to complete one self-monitoring form each day on their self-intentions (Feedforward) or actual (Feedback) safety performance for four weeks. Participants were paid $1.00 for each completed self-monitoring form. All completed forms were entered into a raffle for a cash prize of $50.00 at the end of the Intervention phase. During Withdrawal (four weeks) miners did not complete any self-monitoring forms.
Trained research assistants made a total of 10, 905 obtrusive behavioral observations on three target behaviors (ear plugs, dust mask, and safety glasses) and five non-target behaviors (gloves, hard hat, boots, knee position during lifts, body position during lifts) across phases. Results showed the safety self-management intervention significantly increased safety performance across both target and non-target behaviors during the Intervention phase. / Master of Science
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Vuxna personers upplevelser av egenvård vid diabetes typ 2 : en litteraturöversikt / Adult’s experiences of self-care in type 2 diabetes : a literature reviewDarag, Mohanad, Abdi Ahmed, Munasar January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes mellitus typ 2 är en kronisk sjukdom som uppstår när kroppens vävnader blir insulinresistenta. Diabetes typ 2 är den vanligaste typen av diabetes som drabbar vuxna människor. Symtom vid diabetes typ 2 är ökad törst, stora urinmängder samt trötthet. Fysisk aktivitet och kostförändringar kan reglera blodsockret samt minska risken för kardiovaskulära komplikationer. Sjuksköterskans roll är att vårda, ge undervisning men också stödja personer med diabetes så att egenvården kan effektiviseras och förbättras. Syfte: Att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av egenvård vid diabetes typ 2. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på tio kvalitativa artiklar från databaserna Pubmed och Cinhal Complete. Artiklarna analyserades och teman sammanställdes. Resultat: Genom dataanalysen hittades tre huvudteman: Förändringar i det dagliga livet, Stöd samt Kulturella aspekter. Resultatet visade hur dessa aspekter upplevs av personer med diabetes typ 2. Sammanfattning: Kostförändringar är nödvändigt men kan komma i konflikt med tidigare vanor. Sociala situationer, rädsla, psykisk ohälsa, bristande motivation samt kultur kan utgöra ett hinder för egenvård. Egenvården gynnas av stöd men kan även försämras om den är bristande. / Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease which occurs when the body tissue becomes more insulin resistant. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common type of diabetes which mostly affects adults. Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes are increased thirst, urination and fatigue. Physical activity and dietary changes can regulate blood sugar and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues. The nurse’s role is to give care, education but also to support people with diabetes so the self-care can be more effective and improved. Aim: To describe adult’s experiences of self-care in diabetes type 2 Method: A literature review based on ten qualitative articles acquired from the databases Pubmed and Cinhal Complete. The articles were analysed and themes were compiled. Results: Through the data analysis three main themes were found: Changes in daily life, Support including Cultural aspects. The result showed how people with diabetes type 2 experienced these aspects. Summary: Dietary changes are necessary but may conflict with old habits. Social situations, fear, mental illness, lack of motivation and culture can be barriers for self-management. Self-management benefits from support but it can also deteriorate if it is insufficient.
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