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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Model vir die ontwikkeling van die selfgereguleerde leervaardighede van afstandsleerders / B.W. Geduld

Geduld, Bernadette Winefrede January 2011 (has links)
Die doel met hierdie navorsing was om ‘n analise van die selfgereguleerde leervaardighede van leerders in die BEd Honneurs Oopafstandsleerprogram te doen en ‘n onderrigmodel daar te stel om genoemde vaardighede te verbeter. Om hierdie doel te bereik is ‘n literatuurstudie onderneem ten einde a) leer te omskryf volgens die behavioristiese, sosiaal–kognitiewe, inligtingverwerkings, konstruktiwistiese teorieë en volwasse leerteorieë; b) selfgereguleerde leer te omskryf vanuit die behaviouristiese, fenomenologiese, Vygotskiaanse, kognitief–konstruktivistiese en sosiaal–kognitiewe beskouinge, met die klem op laasgenoemde beskouing en c) afstandsleer en die vereistes wat afstandsleer en selfgereguleerde leer aan afstandsleerders stel, te beskryf. Vanuit literatuur is bepaal dat effektiewe leer gedefinieer word vanuit die navorser se oriëntasie tot leer sowel as die aard van leer in ‘n spesifieke konteks. Die verskillende leerteorieë beklemtoon verskillende aspekte van leer en hou verskillende implikasies in vir programontwerp, rolle van onderriggewers, leermetodes en assessering. Verder dui literatuur op ‘n positiewe verband tussen selfgereguleerde leer en akademiese prestasie. Terselfdertyd dui bestaande literatuur daarop dat suksesvolle afstandsleerders selfregulerend moet kan leer en dus oor sodanige vaardighede moet beskik. Die navorsingspopulasie het bestaan uit BEd Honneurs oopafstandsleerders van Noordwes–Universiteit asook fleksieleerders van die Noordwes–Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus wat alreeds eksamen afgelê het in die Leerperspektiewe module. Die teikengroep het bestaan uit leerders wat reeds vroeër eksamen afgelê het in die module LEON 611 en tydens kontaksessies in 2010 by spesifieke kontaksentrums en vakansieskole bygewoon en die vraelyste voltooi het (n=264). ‘n Multi–metode ontwerp is geïmplementeer waar ‘n kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsing aangewend is om die navorsingsprobleem beter te verstaan. Kwantitatiewe data is ingesamel aan die hand van vier vraelyste waarná aanvullende kwalitatiewe data–insameling met semi–gestruktureerde onderhoude gevolg het. Kwantitatiewe navorsing het geskied aan die hand van ‘n ex post facto–benadering en data is statisties ontleed deur middel van a) faktoranalise, b) meervoudige regressie–analise, c) stapsgewyse regressie–analise en d) effekgroottes. Kwalitatiewe data is met behulp van ATLAS.ti.6.0 - ‘n rekenaarondersteunde stelsel, ontleed. Resultate van die ondersoek dui daarop dat deelnemers nie voldoen aan al die vereistes vir effektiewe afstandsleer nie. Bereiking van leerdoelwitte is in ‘n groot mate afhanklik van die steun van onderriggewers en porture. Hul beskik nie oor inligtingstegnologiese vaardighede nie en kan nie effektief leer waar nie–moedertaalonderrig ter sprake is nie. In teenstelling met bestaande literatuur dui kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe resultate op ‘n lae verband bestaan tussen afstandsleerders se selfgereguleerde leervaardighed en hul akademiese prestasie. Deelnemers maak selde gebruik van selfgereguleerde leervaardighede soos ter sprake tydens die voorafdenkfase maar meer tydens die wilsbeheer– en selfreaksiefases. ‘n Model is ontwikkel vir die verbetering van selfgereguleerde leervaardighede van oopafstandsleerders, inbegrepe deurlopende ontwikkeling van akademiese taalvaardigheid en inligtingstegnologiese vaardighede. Aanpassings in studiemateriaal en verandering van onderrigstrategieë en terugvoer is belangrike aspekte van die model. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

'n Model vir die ontwikkeling van die selfgereguleerde leervaardighede van afstandsleerders / B.W. Geduld

Geduld, Bernadette Winefrede January 2011 (has links)
Die doel met hierdie navorsing was om ‘n analise van die selfgereguleerde leervaardighede van leerders in die BEd Honneurs Oopafstandsleerprogram te doen en ‘n onderrigmodel daar te stel om genoemde vaardighede te verbeter. Om hierdie doel te bereik is ‘n literatuurstudie onderneem ten einde a) leer te omskryf volgens die behavioristiese, sosiaal–kognitiewe, inligtingverwerkings, konstruktiwistiese teorieë en volwasse leerteorieë; b) selfgereguleerde leer te omskryf vanuit die behaviouristiese, fenomenologiese, Vygotskiaanse, kognitief–konstruktivistiese en sosiaal–kognitiewe beskouinge, met die klem op laasgenoemde beskouing en c) afstandsleer en die vereistes wat afstandsleer en selfgereguleerde leer aan afstandsleerders stel, te beskryf. Vanuit literatuur is bepaal dat effektiewe leer gedefinieer word vanuit die navorser se oriëntasie tot leer sowel as die aard van leer in ‘n spesifieke konteks. Die verskillende leerteorieë beklemtoon verskillende aspekte van leer en hou verskillende implikasies in vir programontwerp, rolle van onderriggewers, leermetodes en assessering. Verder dui literatuur op ‘n positiewe verband tussen selfgereguleerde leer en akademiese prestasie. Terselfdertyd dui bestaande literatuur daarop dat suksesvolle afstandsleerders selfregulerend moet kan leer en dus oor sodanige vaardighede moet beskik. Die navorsingspopulasie het bestaan uit BEd Honneurs oopafstandsleerders van Noordwes–Universiteit asook fleksieleerders van die Noordwes–Universiteit, Potchefstroomkampus wat alreeds eksamen afgelê het in die Leerperspektiewe module. Die teikengroep het bestaan uit leerders wat reeds vroeër eksamen afgelê het in die module LEON 611 en tydens kontaksessies in 2010 by spesifieke kontaksentrums en vakansieskole bygewoon en die vraelyste voltooi het (n=264). ‘n Multi–metode ontwerp is geïmplementeer waar ‘n kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsing aangewend is om die navorsingsprobleem beter te verstaan. Kwantitatiewe data is ingesamel aan die hand van vier vraelyste waarná aanvullende kwalitatiewe data–insameling met semi–gestruktureerde onderhoude gevolg het. Kwantitatiewe navorsing het geskied aan die hand van ‘n ex post facto–benadering en data is statisties ontleed deur middel van a) faktoranalise, b) meervoudige regressie–analise, c) stapsgewyse regressie–analise en d) effekgroottes. Kwalitatiewe data is met behulp van ATLAS.ti.6.0 - ‘n rekenaarondersteunde stelsel, ontleed. Resultate van die ondersoek dui daarop dat deelnemers nie voldoen aan al die vereistes vir effektiewe afstandsleer nie. Bereiking van leerdoelwitte is in ‘n groot mate afhanklik van die steun van onderriggewers en porture. Hul beskik nie oor inligtingstegnologiese vaardighede nie en kan nie effektief leer waar nie–moedertaalonderrig ter sprake is nie. In teenstelling met bestaande literatuur dui kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe resultate op ‘n lae verband bestaan tussen afstandsleerders se selfgereguleerde leervaardighed en hul akademiese prestasie. Deelnemers maak selde gebruik van selfgereguleerde leervaardighede soos ter sprake tydens die voorafdenkfase maar meer tydens die wilsbeheer– en selfreaksiefases. ‘n Model is ontwikkel vir die verbetering van selfgereguleerde leervaardighede van oopafstandsleerders, inbegrepe deurlopende ontwikkeling van akademiese taalvaardigheid en inligtingstegnologiese vaardighede. Aanpassings in studiemateriaal en verandering van onderrigstrategieë en terugvoer is belangrike aspekte van die model. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Time-Triggered Program Monitoring

Thomas, Johnson January 2012 (has links)
Debugging is an important phase in the embedded software development cycle because of its high proportion in the overall cost in the product development. Debugging is difficult for real-time applications as such programs are time-sensitive and must meet deadlines in often a resource constrained environment. A common approach for real-time systems is to monitor the execution instead of stepping through the program, because stepping will usually violate all deadline constraints. We consider a time-triggered approach for program monitoring at runtime, resulting in bounded and predictable overhead. In time-triggered execution monitoring, a monitor runs as a separate process in parallel with an application program and samples the program's state periodically to evaluate a set of properties. Applying this technique in computing systems, results in bounded and predictable overhead. However, the time-triggered approach can have high overhead depending on the granularity of the monitoring effort. To reduce this overhead, we instrument the program with markers that will require to sample less frequently and thus reduce the overhead. This leads to interesting problems of (a) where to place the markers in the code and (b) how to manipulate the markers. While related work investigates the first part, in this work, we investigate the second part. We investigate different instrumentation schemes and propose two new schemes based on bitvectors that significantly reduce the overhead for time-triggered execution monitoring. Time-triggered execution monitoring suffers from several drawbacks such as; the time-triggered monitor requires certain synchronization features at the operating system level and may suffer from various concurrency and synchronization dependencies in a real-time setting. Furthermore, the time-triggered execution monitoring scheme requires the embedded environment to provide multi-tasking features. To address the aforementioned problems, we propose a new method called time-triggered self-monitoring, where the program under inspection is instrumented, so that it self-samples its state in a periodic fashion without requiring assistance from an external monitor or an internal timer. The experimental results show that a time-triggered self-monitored program performs significantly better in terms of execution time, binary code size, and context switches when compared to the same program monitored by an external time-triggered monitor.

Erarbeitung von Methoden und Strategien zur Prävention des Eintrages von Salmonellen in die Nahrungskette auf der Ebene der Primärproduktion beim Schwein

Yilmaz, Muhammed 20 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, Methoden und Strategien zu entwickeln, die auf der Ebene Primärproduktion Schwachstellen im Bezug auf das Vorkommen von Salmonellen beim Schwein schon möglichst vor der Schlachtung aufdecken, um gezielte Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung der Einschleppung und Verbreitung sowie zur Bekämpfung von Salmonellen im Schweinebestand zu ergreifen. Die Notwendigkeit dazu ergibt sich daraus, dass eine Salmonellen-Infektion im Schweinebestand in den meisten Fällen nicht mit krankheitsbedingten Symptomen verbunden ist, was dazu führt, dass diese Keime in der Herde meist unerkannt bleiben und mit infizierten Schweinen sowie Ferkeln von Betrieb zu Betrieb gelangen (BFR 2009a). Solche Tiere stellen bekanntlich auch die Ursache eines möglichen Eintrages in die Lebensmittelkette dar (PIOTOWSKI 2008). Die Ergebnisse einer EU-weiten Studie zu Salmonellen in Haltungsbetrieben mit Zuchtschweinen zeigten, dass in den meisten EU Mitgliedsstaaten diese Erreger anzutreffen sind und in allen Mitgliedsstaaten mit intensiver Schweineproduktion nachgewiesen werden konnten (EFSA 2009). Die Studie wurde nach einem von der EU vorgegebenem Studienplan zwischen dem 01. Januar und 31. Dezember 2008 durchgeführt. Dabei wurden in jedem Mitgliedsstaat mindestens 80% der Zuchtschweine erfasst und die Untersuchungen in Betrieben mit mindestens 50 Zuchtschweinen durchgeführt (HARTUNG 2010). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur EU-weiten Grundlagenstudie machten deutlich, dass von 2010 untersuchten Kotproben aus 201 Schweinebeständen 125 Proben (6,2%) positiv auf Salmonellen getestet wurden. Als positiv für Salmonella spp. erwiesen sich 45 Schweinebestände (22,4%). In diesen Betrieben waren in den meisten Fällen nur eine (15 Betriebe) bis zwei (elf Betriebe) von zehn untersuchten Kotproben positiv, was darauf hindeutet, dass nur wenige Tiere in den betroffenen Beständen Salmonellen ausscheiden (HARTUNG 2010). Mit der seit März 2007 geltenden „Verordnung zur Verminderung der Salmonellenverbreitung durch Schlachtschweine“ (Schweine-Salmonellen-Verordnung), wurde die europäische Verordnung zur Zoonosenbekämpfung VO EG 2160/2003 im Hinblick auf die Salmonellenproblematik bei Mastschweinen in Deutschland umgesetzt. Die mit dieser Verordnung ermittelten serologischen Befunde haben einen retrospektiven Charakter und erreichen den Schweinezüchter meist Wochen nach der Schlachtung. Daher können diese Befunde keinen Hinweis über die aktuelle Salmonellen-Situation im Schweinebestand geben. Ziel der Untersuchungen nach der SSV (Schweine-Salmonellen-Verordnung) ist nicht die Identifikation Salmonellen-infizierter Einzeltiere sondern, die Kategorisierung der Schweinemastbetriebe, um Schlachttiere aus Salmonellenbelasteten Betrieben gesondert dem Schlachtprozess zu unterziehen, die zur Kontrolle des Erfolgs eines Hygienemanagements auf Herdenbasis mittels der zugelassenen serologischen Tests erfolgen. Für die Untersuchung von Einzeltieren sind diese Tests aufgrund ihrer Konzeption nicht geeignet (RÖSLER 2006). Es fällt dem Inhaber eines Endmastbetriebes meist schwer die Schwachstellen im eigenen Schweinemastbetrieb aufzudecken und diese zu beheben. Schließlich wird in diesem Zusammenhang mit dem erwähnten serologischen Vorgehen eine größere Bedeutung dem Monitoring von Salmonellen im Bestand beigemessen, als der Prävalenz und das schnelle Erkennen von Veränderungen. Zur Prävention des Eintrages von Salmonellen in die Nahrungskette fehlen gezielte Methoden und Strategien, welche zeitnah dem Landwirt einen Hinweis über die aktuelle Situation im Schweinebestand geben können. Ein wirkungsvolles Vorgehen zur Verhinderung des Eintrages von Salmonellen in die Nahrungskette („Food Chain“) ist somit nur bei weitgehender Einbindung der Primärproduktion in das Vorgehen möglich, dazu muss aber der landwirtschaftliche Betrieb wissen welche Maßnahmen zur Eigenkontrolle er sinnvoller Weise bei einem vertretbaren Kostenansatz durchführen kann. Um dies zu ermöglichen, musste zuerst eine Analyse der Schwachstellen und die Identifizierung von effektiven Probenahmestellen in ausgewählten, unterschiedlich konzipierten Betrieben erfolgen. Gleichzeitig musste eine Nachweismethode entwickelt werden, die mit einer begrenzten Menge Probenmaterial von verschiedenen Probenahmeorten im Betrieb einen weitgehend sicheren und empfindlichen Salmonellennachweis ermöglicht. Dies geschah in zwei Schritten, zuerst in Langzeituntersuchungen ausgewählter Betriebe, gefolgt von einem zweiten Schritt zur Verizifierung der aus diesen Untersuchungen resultierenden Beprobungsstrategie. Zunächst wurden in sogenannten Langzeituntersuchungen verschiedene Probenpunkte mit fünf standardisierten Nachweisverfahren auf vier verschiedenen Schweinemastbetrieben vergleichend untersucht. Mit den Ergebnissen wurde die effektivste Nachweismethode sowie die aus praktischer Sicht anwendbaren Probennahmepunkte ermittelt. Mit den sich anschließenden sogenannten Querschnittsuntersuchungen konnten die ermittelten Probennahmepunkte und Nachweismethoden auf acht zufällig ausgewählten Schweinebetrieben angewandt und bestätigt werden.

Psychosocial well-being and gay identity development

Halpin, Sean January 2008 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology / Since 1973, mental health professionals have rejected the historical view of homosexuality as being inherently pathological (American Psychiatric Association, 1973; Le Vay, 1996). However, research shows that some, but not all, gay men are at increased risk of a range of difficulties, including substance use, depression, anxiety, and suicide (e.g., Ashman, 2004; Fergusson, Horwood, & Beautrais, 1999; Gonsiorek, 1988; Kulkin, Chauvin, Percle, 2000; Meyer, 2003). The current research aimed to investigate (a) whether psychosocial well-being varied according to stage of gay identity development based on Cass’ (1979) model of homosexual identity formation (HIF); and (b) why such stage-based variations in well-being occur. Participants were self-identified gay men who completed internet-based questionnaires. Studies 2, 3 and 4 included experimental manipulations. Study 1 revealed that the relationship between HIF stage and psychosocial well-being represented a U-shaped function. The early confusion and comparison stages and late pride and synthesis stages of HIF were associated with good psychosocial well-being. In contrast, the middle tolerance and acceptance stages of HIF were associated with poor well-being. Study 2 revealed that acceptance stage participants demonstrated more closeting, lower in-group identification, lower membership collective self-esteem, and lower private collective self-esteem than did synthesis stage participants. However, none of these variables mediated the effects of HIF stage on well-being. In Study 3, I used improved measures of in-group identification and closeting and found that, compared to synthesis participants, acceptance participants reported greater identity salience and less global identification and used acting straight and closeting strategies to a greater extent. Importantly, in Study 4, I found that global identification, identity salience and the acting straight strategy independently mediated the effects of HIF stage on psychosocial well-being. These latter findings suggest that acceptance stage people have poorer well-being because (a) they identify less with the gay in-group, (b) they are more preoccupied with their gay identity, and (c) they make greater use of an acting straight strategy to manage their identity. Taken together, these findings lend empirical support to Cass’ (1979) model of HIF and contradict the notion that homosexuality is inherently pathological. Rather, individuals’ responses to membership of a negatively valued social group hold significant implications for their well-being. Two key implications follow from this research. First, at the individual level, the nature and timing of clinical interventions to assist gay men must be appropriate to their stage of HIF. Second, at the society level, broad social change is required to reduce stigma associated with gay identity.

Effectiveness of self-monitoring of negative self-statements with chronic pain patients

Babson, Lisabeth Jean Currier, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 96-106).

Effects of a Self-Monitoring Strategy on Independent Work Behavior

January 2010 (has links)
abstract: The following study evaluated the effectiveness of a self-monitoring strategy on independent work behavior. The three subjects were in first grade, seven years old, identified with mild mental retardation (MIMR), and had an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with targeted functional academic and behavior goals. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a self-monitoring strategy on on-task independent work behavior and task completion. The research sought to determine whether or not a self-monitoring strategy would affect on-task independent work behavior and task completion. A multiple baseline across subjects design was used. Data were collected using a frequency count of off-task behavior. The self-monitoring strategy was found to be successful with all three subjects in the study. Overall, the subjects demonstrated a decrease in off-task behavior during independent work time after the intervention was introduced. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Special Education 2010

Learned Helplessness and Attentional Focus

Rahaim, Sara 08 1900 (has links)
Ninety undergraduate students who scored as high or low on the Snyder Self-monitoring Scale participated in an experiment designed to determine the joint effects of self-monitoring and controllable or uncontrollable outcomes upon subsequent performance on three short-term memory tests. High and low self-monitoring subjects were assigned to one of three conditions: (1) controllable feedback, in which subjects received response contingent positive, "correct," and negative, "incorrect," feedback on a word association task; (2) uncontrollable feedback, in which subjects were given noncontingent feedback (70% negative and 30% positive); and (3) no-treatment. Measures of attentional focus were included in order to examine the role of attentional processes in the obtained results. In addition, the joint effects of treatment and self-monitoring on subjects' attributions were investigated. As predicted, the performance of high selfmonitors was significantly impaired by uncontrollability (learned helplessness), while that of low self-monitors was facilitated by controllability (learned competence). Results were discussed as supporting the contention that high self-monitors rely heavily on knowledge of environmental contingencies in order to control their environment. When their typically effective strategy is unsuccessful, "helplessness" is induced. Low self-monitors, who are less concerned with exercising control over environmental events, evidence diminished attention to and utilization of external stimuli. However, when these stimuli are made salient and the low self-monitor is positively reinforced for processing these stimuli, "competence" is induced. Results also suggest that high self-monitors, as compared with low self-monitors, are more likely to employ self-enhancing, defensive strategies. Such strategies may protect self-esteem and decrease the likelihood of long term negative effects.

Effects of Self-delivered Performance Feedback and Impact Assessment via the Individual Student Information System (ISIS-SWIS) on Behavior Support Plan Treatment Fidelity and Student Outcomes

Pinkelman, Sarah 17 October 2014 (has links)
The success of behavioral interventions depends not just on the quality of procedures employed but on the extent to which procedures are implemented. This study used a multiple-baseline across participants single-case design to assess the impact of an online data management application (the Individual Student Information System; ISIS- SWIS) on the fidelity and impact of individual student behavior support plans in typical school contexts. Three students with patterns of problem behavior and their supporting adults participated in the study. The research question examined if a functional relation exists between use of (a) performance self-assessment and (b) student impact assessment via ISIS-SWIS on the fidelity of behavior support plan implementation by adults and improvement in academic engagement and problem behavior by students. Results indicate the efficacy of ISIS-SWIS in improving treatment fidelity, decreasing student problem behavior, and increasing student academic engagement. Potential contributions of the study are discussed in terms of establishing efficient data systems for schools to use in monitoring staff and student behavior and using these data in a meaningful way that results in improved student outcomes and sustained behavior change.

Avaliação do controle metabólico de pessoas com diabetes mellitus cadastradas em um programa de automonitorização da glicemia capilar no domicílio / Evaluation of metabolic control of people with diabetes mellitus accessed in a Programme of Self-monitoring of Capillary Glicemy at home

Vivian Saraiva Veras 19 January 2010 (has links)
Estudo retrospectivo, realizado em quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde, em uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo, em 2009. O objetivo foi avaliar a glicemia capilar e o controle metabólico das pessoas com diabetes mellitus (DM) cadastradas no Programa de Automonitorização da Glicemia Capilar no domicílio, em quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Distrito Oeste da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto-SP. A amostra foi constituída por 97 usuários com DM, no período de novembro de 2005 a dezembro de 2008. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados dois formulários contendo as variáveis demográficas, clínicas, relacionadas ao Programa e ao controle metabólico. Os dados foram obtidos mediante consulta às planilhas de perfil glicêmico e ao prontuário de saúde. Para a análise, utilizaram-se estatística descritiva e os testes de Shapiro-Wilk, teste de Levene, teste de Wilcoxon, teste de Mann-Whitney e teste de Kruskal-Wallis. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos sujeitos era do sexo feminino (73,2%), com um predomínio da faixa etária de 60 a 69 anos. O tempo de participação no Programa variou de 5 a 42 meses, mediana de 33 meses. A média do número de medidas de glicemia capilar no domicílio ao longo de um mês, no início do Programa, foi de 34,08 medidas e após, no mínimo, seis meses teve discreta redução para 33,61 medidas. O percentual de medidas realizado foi de aproximadamente 65,15% no início e 64,89% após seis meses de participação no programa de AMGC. No que diz respeito à glicemia capilar no domicílio, observou-se que houve uma melhora nas glicemias de jejum, depois do almoço e durante a madrugada (p<0,05). Em relação ao número de hipoglicemias, nota-se uma discreta melhora na média após, no mínimo, seis meses de participação no Programa (0,49 / ± 1,09). A porcentagem de hipoglicemia no início da participação foi de 2,28% episódios (± 5,26%) e, no mínimo, seis meses de participação no Programa foi de 1,68% episódio (± 3,80%). No início da participação no Programa, os episódios de hiperglicemia foram de 36,65% episódios (± 27,88%), com mediana de 32,22% e, no mínimo, seis meses de participação no Programa foi de 30,80% episódios (± 29,15%), com mediana de 23,08%. Ao investigar o número de medidas de glicemia capilar no domicílio em relação ao sexo, obteve-se que, no início da participação no Programa, as mulheres realizavam uma média de 36,27 ± 17,53 medidas de glicemia capilar ao longo de um mês, enquanto os homens 28,12 ± 14,60, portanto, estatisticamente significativo (p = 0,029). Após, no mínimo, seis meses de participação no Programa, os homens realizaram um número maior de medidas ao longo de um mês (35,61 / ± 22,43). Por outro lado, constatou-se redução de medidas de glicemia capilar das mulheres (28,15 / ± 14,85), quando comparado o início, e, no mínimo, seis meses de participação no Programa, não sendo estatisticamente significativo (p = 0,141). Recomenda-se ao Programa de Automonitorização da Glicemia Capilar no domicílio um Programa de Educação em diabetes mellitus visando à obtenção de resultados efetivos quanto ao controle glicêmico e metabólico dos usuários com DM. / Retrospective study, made in four Primary Health Care Units, in a city in the inland of the State of São Paulo, in 2009. The aim was to evaluate the Capillary Glicemy and the metabolic control of people with diabetes mellitus (DM) accessed in the Program of Selfmonitoring of Capillary Glicemy at home, in four Primary Health Care Units of the West District of the Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Ribeirão Preto-SP (Municipal Health Secretariat of Ribeirão Preto - SP). The sample was composed of 97 users with DM, from November 2005 to December 2008. For the data collection, two forms with demographical and clinical variables, the ones related to the Program and the ones about the metabolic control variables were used. The data were obtained through consultation to the spread sheets of glicemic profile and to the health records. For the analysis, descriptive statistics and the Shapiro-Wilk, Levene, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. The results showed that most subjects were female (73,2%), with predominance of 60 to 69-year-old age group. The time of participation in the Programme varied from 5 to 42 months, average of 33 months. The average of the number of capillary glicemy measures at home throughout a month, in the beginning of the Programme, was of 34,08 measures and, at least, six months later, it had a slight reduction to 33,61 measures. The percentile of obtained measures was approximately 65,15% in the beginning and 64,89% after six months of participation in the AMGC programme. With regard to the capillary glicemy at home, an improvement in the fast, after lunch and during the dawn glicemies was observed (p<0,05). In relation to the number of hypoglycemias, a fair improvement in the average number after, at least, six months of participation in the Programme was noted (0,49 / ± 1,09). The percentage of hypoglycemia in the beginning of the participation was 2,28% episodes (± 5,26%) and, at least, six months of participation in the Programme was 1,68% episode (± 3,80%). In the commencement of participation in the Programme, the hyperglycemia episodes were of 36,65% episodes (± 27,88%) , with an average of 32,22% and, with at least, six months of participation in the Programme was of 30,80% episodes (± 29,15%), with an average of 23,08%. When investigating the number of measures of capillary glicemy at home in relation to sex, it was obtained that, in the beginning of the Programme, the women made an average of 36,27 ± 17,53 measures of capillary glicemy throughout a month, while men 28,12 ± 14,60, therefore, statistically significant (p = 0,029). After, at least, six months of participation in the Programme, the men made a bigger number of measures throughout a month (35,61 / ± 22,43). On the other hand, a reduction of measures of capillary glicemy of the women was found (28,15 / ± 14,85), when compared to the beginning, and, at least, six months of participation in the Programme, not being statistically significant (p = 0,141). The Programme of Education on diabetes mellitus is recommended to the Programme of Self-monitoring of Capillary Glicemy at home aiming at the obtainment of effective results about the glicemic and metabolic control of users with DM.

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