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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The journey to be a therapist : personal experiences of ethics in training and therapy

Makena, Paul Tshwarelo 06 1900 (has links)
The tone of this dissertation is in the first person as allowed by the lens of constructivism used in it. Being constantly self-reflective, the author takes the reader through his personal journey to be a therapist, and the ethical dimensions encountered in the process, to indicate that one cannot do therapy \\'ithout considering ethics in the fusion of the professional and personal selves of the therapist.- What is lost in the delineated field of observation is hoped to be gained, in the richness of its personal material. Not aiming at drawing any generalisable arguments, the purpose of the dissertation is to provoke a dialogue about our ethical conduct with clients, indicating that our therapeutic conduct is enriched by constantly involving ourselves in the ethical dilemmas that emerge in the therapeutic process. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Indigenous knowledges and power in friction with human rights and development discourses : the case of the Witoto Ethnic Safeguarding Plan in the Colombian Amazon

Herrera Arango, Alvaro Diego H. 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les négociations interculturelles des Gens du Centre (groupe amazonien multi-ethnique) avec les discours universels de droits humains et de développement mobilisés par l’État colombien. L’analyse se concentre sur le Plan de sauvegarde ethnique Witoto chapitre Leticia (ESP), qui est un des 73 plans formulés et implémentés par l’État colombien pour reconnaître les droits des peuples autochtones en danger par le déplacement forcé causé par les conflits armés internes. J’analyse l’ESP à travers la notion de friction (Tsing, 2005) qui fait référence aux caractéristiques complexes, inégalitaires et changeantes des rencontres contemporaines entre les différences des savoirs locaux et globaux. Mon analyse se base aussi sur des approches foucaldiennes et/ou subalternes de pouvoir comme la recherche anticoloniale et de la décolonisation, les perspectives critiques et contre-hégémoniques des droits humains, le post-développement, et les critiques du féminisme au développement. L’objectif de la thèse est d’analyser les savoirs (concepts de loi, de justice et de développement); les logiques de pensée (pratiques, épistémologies, rôles et espaces pour partager et produire des savoirs); et les relations de pouvoir (formes de leadership, associations, réseaux, et formes d’empowerment et disempowerment) produits et recréés par les Gens du Centre au sein des frictions avec les discours de droits humains et du développement. La thèse introduit comment la région habitée par les Gens du Centre (le Milieu Amazone transfrontalier) a été historiquement connectée aux relations inégalitaires de pouvoir qui influencent les luttes actuelles de ce groupe autochtone pour la reconnaissance de leurs droits à travers l’ESP. L’analyse se base à la fois sur une recherche documentaire et sur deux terrains ethnographiques, réalisés selon une perspective critique et autoréflexive. Ma réflexion méthodologique explore comment la position des chercheurs sur le terrain influence le savoir ethnographique et peut contribuer à la création des relations interculturelles inclusives, flexibles et connectées aux besoins des groupes locaux. La section analytique se concentre sur comment le pouvoir circule simultanément à travers des échelles nationale, régionale et locale dans l’ESP. J’y analyse comment ces formes de pouvoir produisent des sujets individuels et collectifs et s’articulent à des savoirs globaux ou locaux pour donner lieu à de nouvelles formes d’exclusion ou d’émancipation des autochtones déplacés. Les résultats de la recherche suggèrent que les Gens du Centre approchent le discours des droits humains à travers leurs savoirs autochtones sur la « loi de l’origine ». Cette loi établit leur différence culturelle comme étant à la base du processus de reconnaissance de leurs droits comme peuple déplacé. D’ailleurs, les Gens du Centre approprient les discours et les projets de développement à travers la notion d’abondance qui, comprise comme une habileté collective qui connecte la spiritualité, les valeurs culturelles, et les rôles de genre, contribue à assurer l’existence physique et culturelle des groupes autochtones. Ma thèse soutient que, même si ces savoirs et logiques de pensée autochtones sont liés à des inégalités et à formes de pouvoir local, ils peuvent contribuer à des pratiques de droits humains et de développement plurielles, égalitaires et inclusives. / This dissertation analyzes the intercultural negotiations of the Amazonian multi-ethnic group of the People of the Centre with the universal discourses of human rights and development promoted by the Colombian State. I focus on the Leticia Witoto Ethnic Safeguarding Plan (ESP), which is one of the 73 plans formulated and implemented by the Colombian State to acknowledge the basic rights of indigenous groups endangered by internal forced displacement. I analyze the ESP through the notion of friction (Tsing, 2005), which refers to the complex, unequal, and changing character of contemporary encounters across difference between local and global knowledges. My analysis also draws on Foucauldian and/or subaltern approaches such as anti-colonial and decolonizing research, critical and counter-hegemonic perspectives on human rights, post-development, and feminist critiques of development. I analyze the knowledges (understandings of law, justice, and development), logics of thought (practices, epistemologies, roles, and spaces for sharing and producing knowledges), and power relations (forms of leadership, associations, networks, and forms of empowerment and disempowerment) that the People of the Centre produce and renew in their frictions with human rights and development discourses. I introduce the tri-border Middle Amazon as a region historically connected to unequal global relations of power. I argue that these historical power relations influence the conditions in which the People of the Centre struggle for their rights through the ESP. I draw my case study on documentary analysis and on two instances of self-reflective and critical ethnographic fieldwork. My methodological reflection explores how researchers’ positions in fieldwork influence ethnographic knowledge and can contribute to inclusive and flexible intercultural relations connected to the needs of local groups. My analysis focuses on how power circulates on national, regional, and local scales in the ESP. I analyze how this circulatory power produces individual and collective subjects and is articulated with specific forms of knowledge, influencing both exclusionary and emancipatory possibilities for displaced indigenous people. Research results suggest that the People of the Centre approach human rights through their indigenous knowledge on the “law of origin.” This law asserts their cultural difference as a central basis of recognition of their human rights as displaced indigenous people. Similarly, the People of the Centre appropriate development discourses and projects through the notion of abundance. Understood as a collective ability connecting spirituality, cultural values, and gender roles, the notion of abundance aims to ensure the physical and cultural group’s survival. I argue that, although they are tied to local and unequal forms of power, these indigenous knowledges and their logics of thought can contribute to plural, egalitarian, and situated concepts and practices of human rights and development. / Esta tesis doctoral analiza las negociaciones interculturales de la Gente de Centro (grupo amazónico multiétnico) con los discursos universales de derechos humanos y desarrollo promovidos por el Estado colombiano. La investigación se concentra en el Plan de salvaguarda étnica Uitoto capítulo Leticia (ESP), uno de los 73 planes formulados e implementados por el Estado colombiano para reconocer los derechos básicos de los grupos indígenas en riesgo de desplazamiento forzado. Mi análisis emplea la noción de “fricción” (Tsing, 2005), la cual se refiere a las características complejas, desiguales y cambiantes de los encuentros contemporáneos entre las diferencias que existen entre saberes locales y globales. El análisis se basa además en perspectivas foucaultdianas y/o subalternas como la investigación anticolonial y la descolonización, perspectivas críticas y contra hegemónicas de los derechos humanos, el post-desarrollo, y las críticas feministas al desarrollo. Analizo los saberes (conceptos de ley, justicia y desarrollo), lógicas de pensamiento (prácticas, epistemologías, roles y espacios para producir saberes), y relaciones de poder (formas de liderazgo, asociaciones, redes, y formas de empoderamiento y desempoderamiento) que la Gente de Centro produce y recrea a través de sus fricciones con discursos de derechos humanos y desarrollo. Contextualizo la región habitada por la Gente de Centro (la triple frontera del Medio Amazonas) como un área históricamente influida por relaciones inequitativas de poder global. Sostengo que estas relaciones globales inequitativas influyen en las condiciones desiguales en las que la Gente de Centro lucha por el reconocimiento de sus derechos a través del ESP. Mi estudio de caso se basa en análisis documental y en dos períodos de trabajo de campo desde perspectivas etnográficas críticas y auto reflexivas. Mi reflexión metodológica explora cómo las posiciones de los investigadores en el campo influyen el conocimiento etnográfico y pueden contribuir a relaciones interculturales incluyentes, flexibles y conectadas con las necesidades de los grupos locales. La sección analítica presenta cómo formas de poder nacional, regional y local circulan en el ESP. Analizo cómo estas formas de poder producen sujetos individuales y colectivos y se articulan con formas de saber global o local, produciendo tanto exclusiones como posibilidades de resistencia entre los desplazados indígenas. Los resultados de la investigación sugieren que la Gente de Centro se aproxima a la noción de derechos humanos a través del concepto indígena de la “ley de origen.” Esta ley propone las diferencias culturales indígenas como una base para el reconocimiento de sus derechos humanos como pueblos afectados por el desplazamiento forzado. Además, la Gente de Centro se apropia de los discursos y proyectos de desarrollo a través de la noción de abundancia. Entendida como una habilidad colectiva que conecta visiones espirituales, valores culturales y roles de género, la noción de abundancia contribuye a asegurar la supervivencia cultural y física del grupo indígena. Mi tesis sostiene que, aun cuando estos saberes y lógicas de pensamiento indígena están ligados con formas de desigualdad y poder local, pueden contribuir a conceptos y prácticas de derechos humanos y desarrollo con una visión plural, igualitaria y localmente incluyente.

The journey to be a therapist : personal experiences of ethics in training and therapy

Makena, Paul Tshwarelo 06 1900 (has links)
The tone of this dissertation is in the first person as allowed by the lens of constructivism used in it. Being constantly self-reflective, the author takes the reader through his personal journey to be a therapist, and the ethical dimensions encountered in the process, to indicate that one cannot do therapy \\'ithout considering ethics in the fusion of the professional and personal selves of the therapist.- What is lost in the delineated field of observation is hoped to be gained, in the richness of its personal material. Not aiming at drawing any generalisable arguments, the purpose of the dissertation is to provoke a dialogue about our ethical conduct with clients, indicating that our therapeutic conduct is enriched by constantly involving ourselves in the ethical dilemmas that emerge in the therapeutic process. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Ditaodišosengwalo tša bokgoni - E neelanwe go ya ka phethagatšo ya dinyakwa tša dikrii (Sepedi)

Masalesa, Metse Juliet 08 September 2010 (has links)
The objective of this investigation is to conduct research into the authors of Sepedi essays (and their works) whose essays display elements of excellence. The works that are investigated include only essay collections that were published between 1968 and 1996. The investigation has shown that the excellence of this type of literary text is derived from the skill that is evident in the construction of their plots and on the internal arrangement of the essays themselves. The research uses the three methods of comparison, definition and interpretation for analysing the Sepedi essays. The purpose in comparing the essays is to identify the similarities that exist among them. The definition of the essays demonstrates that the essays function as literary texts. The interpretation that follows comparison and definition enables the researcher to show and emphasise the distinctive abilities and talents of the authors of this selection of Sepedi essays. The researcher defines the meaning of the term “essay” in order to provide the reader with a basis for understanding the concept as it is used in this research. An essay is accordingly defined as the way in which a single theme is used in different situations. The researcher argues that an essay is “excellent” when the author of the essay uses language in such a way that he or she inspires enthusiasm and interest in the reader. In her definition of the concept “essay”, the researcher makes specific reference to the type of essays with which this research deals. She also deals in the text with the three layers or components that make up an essay, namely content, plot and style. The totality of the plot is contained by the following four elements: (a) title, (b) introduction, (c) body, and (d) conclusion. This chapter concludes with a typology of essays, namely: narrative essays, explanatory essays, descriptive essays and self-reflective essays. These are the kinds of essays on which this research is based. The research also makes special mention of Mabitje’s essays because it has been shown that his essays are based on five parts, four of which represent the seasons of the year. It is notable that while Mabitje used three different methods of narrating his essays, he only wrote narrative and self-reflective essays. Selwalekgwadi produced a collection of essays which comprises five essays. The title of his collection is based on a unique language. While some of Selwalekgwadi’s essays belong to the category of narrative essays, others may be classified as self-reflective essays. Makopo, on the other hand, produced ten essays which are narrated by means of songs and recitations. Because the purpose behind Makopo’s essays is educational, the dominant theme of these essays is democracy. While some of Makopo’s essays can be classified as narrative in style, others are more descriptive. Although the essays produced by Mabitje and Phala are based on different themes, their messages are similar and they are all based on what was happening around them when they were written. An analysis of these essays shows that they all belong to either the narrative or descriptive categories. Chupyane’s collection of essays deal with topics that occurred a long time ago. Because they describe the traditional roles of women in their society, Chupyane’s essays are essentially self-reflective. This investigation has produced convincing evidence that there are only a few authors of Sepedi essays whose work may be described as excellence because the signs of excellence of presence, in each case, in (a) the topic of the essay; (b) the introduction to the essay; (c) the body of the essay; (d) the conclusion of the essay, and (e) the handling of the type of essay chosen by the author. The Sepedi authors who distinguished themselves by producing essays that are excellent in each of these components during the time frame under consideration are Mahapa, Mabitje, Selwalekgwadi, Makopo, Phala and Chupyane. Because all of the six essays selected by the researcher for this investigation demonstrate excellence in each of these elements, they meet all the criteria for excellence as defined in this research. This research further demonstrates the exceptional skills of Mahapa, Mabitje, Selwalekgwadi, Makopo, Phala and Chupyane by analysing selected passages from the essays of the authors concerned. These analyses focus on various elements in the content, plot and the style of the essays. The unique talents and distinctive abilities of the Sepedi authors who are the subject of this research are supported by an analysis of selected quotations and particular examples from the essays by Mahapa, Mabitje and Chupyane. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om navorsing te doen oor die skrywers van Sepedi-essays wat ’n element van uitnemendheid bevat (en hierdie skrywers se werk). Die tekste wat in aanmerking geneem is, sluit essayversamelings in wat tussen 1968 en 1996 gepubliseer is. Die ondersoek het getoon dat die uitnemendheid van hierdie soort literêre teks enersyds berus op die vaardigheid waarmee die intrige saamgestel is, en andersyds, op die rangskikking van die essays. Die navorsing maak gebruik van drie metodes vir die ontleding van Sepedi- essays-te wete vergelyking, definiëring en interpretasie. Die doel met die vergelyking van essays is om inherente ooreenkomste te identifiseer. Die definiëring van die essays toon aan dat die essays as literêre tekste funksioneer. Die interpretasie wat volg op die vergelyking en definisie, stel die navorser in staat om die uitsonderlike vermoëns en talent van die Sepedi- skrywers bloot te le en te benadruk. Die navorser defineer die term “essay” en voorsien die leser sodoende van ‘n grrondige uiteensetting van die konsep wat in hierdie navorsing vervat is. ’n Essay word derhalwe gedefinieer as ‘n skrywe waarin ‘n enkele tema op verskillende maniere toegepas word. Die navorser is van mening dat die essay “uitsonderlik’ is, wanneer die taalgebruik van die skrywer op so ‘n wyse aangewend word dat dit die leser inspireer om entoesiasties en met belangstellings verder te lees. In haar definisie van die koonsep ‘essay’, verwys die navorser in die besonder na die tipe essay wat in hierdie navorsing voorkom. In die teks hanteer die navorser ook die drie vlakke of komponente waaruit ‘n essay bestaan, naamlik die inhoud, intrige en styl. Die intrige in sy geheel, bestaan uit die volgende vier elemente: (a) titel, (b) inleiding, (c) hoofdeel en (d) die slot. Hierdie hoofstuk eindig met ’n tipologie wat verskillende essays lys, te wete verhalende essays, verklarende essays, beskrywende essays en selfbesinnende essays. Dit verteenwoordig die essay-soorte waarop hierdie navorsing gebaseer is. Die navorsing maak spesifieke melding van Mabitje se essays omdat dit op vyf dele gebaseer is - vier van vyf dele verteenwoordig die vier seisoene van die jaar. Dit is merkwaardig dat alhoewel Mabitje drie werskillende vertellingsmetodes in sy essays gebruik het, hy slegs verhalende en selfbesinnende essays geskry het. Selwalekgwadi het ’n versameling van vyf essays geskryf. Die titel van hierdie versameling is op ’n unieke taal gebaseer. Sommige van Selwalekgwadi se essays val in die verhalende kategorie, terwyl ander as selfbesinnend geklassifiseer kan word. Makopo het tien essays geskryf, waarvan die vertelling by wyse van liedere en voordragte geskied. Omdat die doel van die Makopo essays didakties van aard is, handel die dominante tema oor demokrasie. Sommige van Makopo se essays kan as verhalend geklassifiseer word, terwyl ander meer beskrywend van aard is. Alhoewel Mabitje en Phala se essays op verskillende temas gebaseer is, is hulle boodskappe soortgelyke en is hulle almal gegrond op die werklikheidsgebeure van die tydvak waarin hulle geskryf is. ‘n Ontleding van hierdie essays dui daarop dat hulle in een van twee kategorieë val, of verhalende of beskrywende essays. Chupyane se versameling essays is gebaseer op gebeurlikhede uit ‘n verre verlede. Oomrede hierdie essays die tradisionele rolle van vroue in die gemeenskap uitbeeld, word Chupyane se werk as oorwegend selfbesinnend geklasifiseer. Hierdie ondersoek het oortuigende bewys gelewer dat daar slegs ’n paar Sepedi skrywers is wie se werk as uitnemend beskryf kan word. Hierdie aanname berus op tekens van uitsonderlike teenwoordigheid in elk van die volgende onderafdelings: (a) die onderwerp van die essay; (b) die inleiding tot die essay; (c) die hoofdeel van die essay; (d) die slot van die essay en (e) die hantering (deur die spesifieke skrywer) van die gekose, bepaalde soorte essay. Die Sepedi skrywers wat, in die tydgleuf onder bespreking, aan hierdie hoë verwagtinge voldoen, en daarin uitgeblink het, sluit die volgende in: Mahapa, Mabitje, Selwalekgwadi, Makopo, Phala en Chupyane. Al ses essays wat gekies is deur die navorser, getuig van uitnemendheid in elk van die elemente omdat hulle aan al die kriteria, soos uiteengesit in hierdie navorsing, voldoen. Voorts demonstreer hierdie navorsing die uitsonderlike vaardigheid van Mahapa, Mabitje, Selwalekgwadi, Makopo, Phala en Chupyane deur middel van die ontleding van gekose uittreksels uit die werke van genoemde skrywers. Hierdie ontledings fokus op verskeie elemente rakende die inhoud, intrige en die styl van die essays. Die unieke talent en uitsonderlike vermoëns van die Sepedi skrywers, wat die onderwerp van hierdie navorsing is, word verder ondersteun deur ‘n analise van geselekteerde aanhalings en spesifieke voorbeelde uit die essays van Mahapa, Mabitje en Chupyane. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / African Languages / unrestricted

“C” is for Ceramics – It Also Stands for: Collecting, Community, Content, Confusion, and Clarity

Brod, Undine 12 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Zázemí identity / Identity Background

Kleinerová, Zuzana Unknown Date (has links)
Diploma thesis Background identity is a series of events through which I am trying to find a harmony between the magic of art and life. I decided to initiate the situation, "performance" mediating an authentic, strong feelings. I tend to performance associated with life in the self-reflective approach. Based in my own performative practice in which the strength and authenticity is reflected primarily in the exchange of energy between the audience and the performer. I started to define an ideal conditions for performance to achieve this exchange, authentic experience and mutual perception of the situation within the relationship between "performer" and "spectator". In November 2015 I planned "authentic performances " series . The mutual forming of "performing" act I have anchored in the concept of identity, which is infinitely formed in relationships and the never-ending negotiation process. In the name of authenticity I am exposing myself within the anonymity of public space and waiting for the moment of identification. Waiting for concrete spectator who is already a part of me within a certain social role. Unexpected intervention into the everyday life of concrete person make the opportunity of authentic experience. Experience which is a part of his everyday life completes the action, giving the context. During the realization I got the opportunity to exhibit in the Palais de Tokyo. Aware of the significance of this opportunity for the development of my own artistic career I have decided to accepted it as a challenge. Although the terms of institution are utter contradiction of those conditions I had defined previously for authentic experience. In the name of authenticity and my principles I decided to be present in the role of spectator. To be invisible to this prestigious gallery. Be invisible to the artistic group Delta Total through which I had the opportunity to exhibit. To be inside and outside in the same time. The starting point of the last part is a necessity with the goal to get a master's degree. The necessity of outcome for jury can also betray my ideals of living authentic event. I should mediate all the experience of past events (to date 20th of April- thirty-three events) which happened in so many different places in the space of "Malá Amerika" in Brno...

Sights and Sounds of the Mysterious Side of Myself

Dojs, Marek Ryszard 08 1900 (has links)
This film is an autobiographical documentary which tells the story of the process of documenting the filmmaker's trip to his land of heritage. As his plans for his journey and film begin to go awry, he begins to question the entire process of trying to connect with nation and place.

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