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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Éducation populaire en Colombie : entre résistance et refondation / Popular education in Colombia : between resistance and refoundation

Bermudez, Catalina 16 December 2010 (has links)
L’éducation populaire en Amérique latine est sensée être une alternative éducative afin de favoriser l’émancipation et la libération des classes sociales populaires. Ainsi, elle se bat principalement pour l’insertion sociale, le refus de l’exclusion et de la marginalisation. En Colombie, l’expression la plus violente de l’exclusion est le déplacement forcé, qui a été reconnu par le Statut de Rome de la Cour Pénale Internationale comme un crime contre l’humanité. D’après la CODHES, un Colombien sur dix est en situation de déplacement forcé. Le conflit armé est évoqué comme la cause principale de cette situation. Seulement, la situation de guerre semble plus un moyen d’expulsion des paysans de la campagne pour les déposséder de leurs terres. Néanmoins et malgré la « crise humanitaire » qu’a produit le déplacement, les populations déplacées ou en risque de l’être ont développé des processus de résistance et de refondation dont l’éducation est un axe transversal et fondamental. Dans les deux processus, l’éducation répond à la même idée refondatrice de création de la vie libre et démocratique. Finalement, le soutien à l’éducation qui rassemble l’école et la communauté est un élément moteur pour créer une société de paix. / The popular education in Latin America is supposed to be an alternative education in order to encourage emancipation and liberation of popular social classes. Thereby its fight is mainly in favour of the social integration, the exclusion refusal and the marginalization. The most violent expression of exclusion in the Republic of Colombia is the forced displacement which has been recognized by the Statut de Rome of the International Criminal Court as a crime against humanity. According to CODHES, one Colombian out of ten is in forced displacement situation. But the war seems to be a way of evicting farmers in order to strip them of their lands. Nevertheless, in spite of the “humanity crisis” caused by the displacement, the displaced populations or those exposed to be forced to leave their home have developed a resistance and refunding movement transversally and fundamentally focused on education. In both processes education responds to the same idea to reestablish the creation of free and democratic life. In the end support given to education assembling school and community is a driving force to a peaceful society.

Les déplacements forcés intra-urbains dans les comunas 4 et 6 de Soacha (Colombie) : entre violences urbaines et urbanisation de la guerre : Enquête ethnologique d'une mobilité sous contrainte politisée / The intra-urbans forced displacement of population in the 4th and the 6th Comunas of Soacha (Colombia) : between urban violences and war urbanization processes : between urban violences and war urbanization processes : Ethnological research on a politicized mobitility caused by threatening

Duriez, Tiphaine 26 November 2014 (has links)
Si la situation armée que traverse la Colombie n'est pas inconnue du grand public, tel n'est pas le cas pour les cohortes de réfugiés qui se sont formées dans son sillage. Relativement peu médiatisés sur la scène internationale, ces mouvements de populations représentent une constance dans l'histoire de ce conflit armé. Aujourd'hui, ce pays comptabilise le plus de réfugiés internes au monde. Renvoyant tout à la fois à une typologie migratoire et à une catégorie institutionnelle, ce travail de recherche en anthropologie politique revient sur ces mobilités contraintes « par la guerre ». Désignés et regroupés sous l'appellation « desplazamientos forzados por la violencia », ces mouvements sont de l'ordre du multiple et font localement l'objet d'une veille scientifique, politique et humanitaire importante. Cependant, il existe de grandes disparités dans les discours et dans les analyses le concernant, notamment lorsque se pose la question de la nature du territoire de départ des migrants. Ainsi, l'imaginaire veut que la situation armée qui impulse ces mobilités soit circonscrite au milieu rural et absent des milieux urbains.Or, les données recueillies et présentées dans cette thèse viennent bousculer ce postulat. Menées auprès de différents acteurs dans les villes de Bogotá et de Soacha entre 2010 et 2012, ces enquêtes de terrains témoignent de l'efficience de ces pratiques, tout en soulignant la pluralité de trajectoires qu'elles recoupent et la complexité des situations auxquelles elles répondent. Ainsi, ce travail de recherche fait resurgir l'importance des thèmes de la mémoire, de l'informalité, de l'appartenance ou encore de la distribution des richesses. / If the armed conflict affecting Colombia is known from the public, it is not the case of the numerous refugees it has created. Movements of population are constant across the history of this armed conflict although it did not attract the media’s attention. Nowadays this country has the largest number of internal refugees in the world. The present document is the result of a research in political anthropology on the migration patterns of populations caused by the threatening « of the war ». Identified and grouped under the denomination of « desplazamientos forzados por la violencia », these movements are plural. Locally this « total social fact » is closely monitored by scientific, political and humanitarian institutions. However significant disparities exist on both the analysis and the reasons of these migrations, especially regarding the condition of the migrant’s departure territory. It is often a statement in people’s mind that the conflicts at the origin of these motilities are limited to the countryside, and thus absent from the urban zones. However the data presented in this PhD thesis goes against this postulate. It was collected between 2010 and 2012 among various Colombian actors and institutions based in the cities of Bogotá and Soacha. By combining this data, the fieldwork demonstrates the reality of a transfer of the old conflicts into urban areas, stressing the existence of a plurality of trajectories and testifying about the complexity of situations to which they respond. This research emphasis the importance of themes such as memory, territory, informality, membership, distribution of wealth and knowledge transmission.

What is the value of home? : A quantitative study on the effects of natural resource extraction on conflict-induced displacement

Stensö, Theodor January 2021 (has links)
Conflict-induced displacement, a relatively novel term, is well researched but not well  understood. There is a significant amount of findings on this subject, but many have been disproven at a later stage, leaving behind a research field largely lacking in substantial findings. As conflict-induced displacement has steadily increased over the previous years, this is a significant problem. However, recent findings, hinting at a relationship between natural resource prevalence in armed conflicts and displacement, could help provide an explanation as for what causes these differences. A large-n study looking at 207 cases of armed conflict, varying over relative value of natural resource extraction, is here conducted. The results find that while there is not a statistically significant relationship between the two variables, and this relationship varies depending on whether cross- or within border displacement is the focus, there is some level of covarying relationship.

Developing forced displacement within the World Bank - A critical discourse analysis of the forcibly displaced, host communities and the role of the World Bank

Adebjörk, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
The forced displacement situations have, for a considerable time, emerged as an important development challenge on the international cooperation agenda. While the policies and practices of international organizations have gained much scrutiny, what they are saying and what discourses they are producing is less visible in academia. With the World Bank in focus, as an actor with a new role within the international refugee protection regime, this study seeks to explore this production and shaping of discourse. Further, the aim also seeks to examine the influence of power and hegemony in relation to discourse on this international level. Through a postcolonial perspective this study employs a Critical Discourse Analysis that presents a mainly conventional discourse of forced displacement in the context of development. The strong influence of Eurocentrism found in the analysis suggest a continued power imbalance, questioning the real benefit for the people and places of concern.


JACQUELINE TEIXEIRA 24 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] Segundo a ONU, presenciamos a pior crise humanitária do século. Esse quadro torna-se ainda mais grave quando envolve o deslocamento de crianças. O Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF) afirma que conflitos, violência e outras crises deixaram um recorde de 36,5 milhões de crianças deslocadas no final do ano de 2021, o número mais alto já registrado desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desse total ainda se encontram excluídas as deslocadas por desastres naturais ou mudança climática, assim como as recém deslocadas em 2022 pela invasão russa na Ucrânia. Diante da desordem do quadro internacional, organizações multilaterais, responsáveis pela gestão das vidas precárias (Butler, 2018), mais do que nunca precisam arrecadar fundos para a implementação de projetos e programas de assistência a essa população através da sensibilização pública. Este presente estudo elegeu como objeto analítico campanhas de organizações multilaterais – Fundo das Nações para a Infância (UNICEF), Organização Internacional para as Migrações (OIM) e Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) – veiculadas pela plataforma YouTube, cuja temática centra-se na infância em deslocamento forçado. A partir da análise de quatro produções fílmicas selecionadas, procuramos investigar como a criança/infância, em contexto de refúgio, é representada em interface com a grande narrativa (Lyotard, 2009; Shoshana, 2013) hegemônica que, ao essencializá-la e normatizá-la, produz dicotomias que separam o que está dentro ou fora de lugar, trazendo consequências importantes para a imaginação e gestão da infância em tal contexto. Tratando-se de produções fílmicas, palavra e imagem articulam-se na construção de significados tanto sobre a infância como sobre o próprio processo migratório, geralmente apagando os aspectos macrossociais, sob a égide da linguagem humanitária. A fim de iluminar tais questões, lançamos mão de categorias analíticas da Análise de Narrativas (Labov e Waletsky, 1969 e Labov, 1972; Bamberg e Georgakopoulou, 2008; Bastos e Biar, 2015; Bucholtz e Hall, 2005) transpostas ao contexto multimodal (Kress e Van Leeuwen, 2006). A análise, além de problematizar certas representações que reforçam estereótipos (Bhabha, 2006, 2009; Chouliaraki, 2006, 2010; Tabak e Carvalho, 2018, entre outros), procurou identificar os processos que produzem diferentes afetos entre espectadores e representados. A ambivalência da vítima essencializada, que gera piedade e/ou medo, solidariedade e/ou repressão está no cerne da questão da representação dos refugiados (Chouliaraki, 2006, 2010), e a imagem da criança, além de intensamente explorada, é hoje, cada vez mais, disputada no mercado de doações transnacional. Simultaneamente, no entrelace com teorias da visualidade (Sontag, 2003; Chouliaraki, 2006, 2010; Rancière, 2014; Lenette, 2017; Butler, 2018), buscou-se refletir, a partir dos dados, sobre as limitações, os desafios e tensionamentos inerentes à representação daqueles que sofrem, sem deixar de lançar luz sobre o protagonismo e a resistência que ecoaram na voz e na imagem das crianças no espaço micro da representação. / [en] According to the UN, we are witnessing the worst humanitarian crisis of the century. This situation becomes even more serious when it involves the displacement of children. The United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) states that conflict, violence and other crises have left a record 36.5 million children displaced by the end of 2021, the highest number ever recorded since the Second World War. This total does not include those displaced by natural disasters or climate change, as well as those newly displaced in 2022 by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Faced with the disorder in the international situation, multilateral organizations, responsible for managing precarious lives (Butler, 2018), more than ever need to raise funds to implement assistance projects and programs for this population through public awareness. This study chose as its analytical object campaigns by multilateral organizations – the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – broadcast on the YouTube platform, whose theme focuses on children in forced displacement. Based on the analysis of four selected film productions, we sought to investigate how the child/childhood, in the context of refuge, is represented in interface with the hegemonic grand narrative (Lyotard, 2009; Shoshana, 2013) which, by essentializing and normalizing it, produces dichotomies that separate what is in or out of place, bringing important consequences for the imagination and management of childhood in such a context. In the case of film productions, word and image come together in the construction of meanings about both childhood and the migratory process itself, generally erasing macrosocial aspects, under the aegis of humanitarian language. In order to shed light on such questions, we make use of analytical categories from Narrative Analysis (Labov and Waletsky, 1969 and Labov, 1972; Bamberg and Georgakopoulou, 2008; Bastos and Biar, 2015; Bucholtz and Hall, 2005) transposed to the multimodal context (Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2006). In addition to problematizing certain representations that reinforce stereotypes (Bhabha, 2006, 2009; Chouliaraki, 2006, 2010; Tabak e Carvalho, 2018, among others), the analysis sought to identify the processes that produce different affects between spectators and those represented. The ambivalence of the essentialized victim, which generates pity and/or fear, solidarity and/or repression, is at the heart of the issue of refugee representation (Chouliaraki, 2006, 2010), and the image of the child, in addition to being intensely exploited, is now increasingly disputed in the transnational donation market. At the same time, in the interweaving of theories of visuality (Sontag, 2003; Chouliaraki, 2008, 2010; Rancière, 2014; Lenette, 2017; Butler, 2018), we sought to reflect, based on the data, on the limitations, challenges and tensions inherent to the representation of those who suffer, while shedding light on the protagonism and resistance that echoed in the voice and image of children in the micro space of representation.

Movimentos desiguais: reflexões sobre a proteção internacional das pessoas forçadas a se deslocar por causas ambientais agravadas pelas mudanças climáticas / Unequal movements: essay on the international protection of forced displaced people for environmental causes aggravated by climate change

Fernandes, Elizabeth Alves 06 May 2013 (has links)
Os deslocamentos forçados de pessoas em que presente causa ambiental são resultado de uma função complexa que envolve diversos fatores caracterizantes da vulnerabilidade. Em razão do potencial de agravamento da degradação ambiental e da exacerbação de eventos climáticos extremos, as mudanças climáticas apresentam-se como fator multiplicador de ameaças para o movimento de pessoas. O princípio da responsabilidade primária do Estado para a proteção de direitos humanos parece afastar a responsabilidade dos demais Estados para o enfrentamento do problema, mas o fato é que, muitas vezes, o próprio Estado de origem não é capaz de garantir proteção efetiva às comunidades vulneráveis mais impactadas, além de fluxos externos de deslocamentos por causas ambientais já serem observados. Por outro lado, os sistemas internacionais de proteção da pessoa humana, por meio do direito humanitário, do direito dos refugiados e dos direitos humanos, não enfrentam adequadamente a totalidade do problema. O tema aponta um novo momento de reconstrução dos direitos humanos, de natureza global, que deve enfrentar violações de direitos humanos por agentes indefinidos, conectados, cumulativos e globais. A interdependência das causas requer a interdependência para a solução. O enfrentamento adequado do problema necessita de uma mudança de foco, da responsabilização por dano transfronteiriço para a responsabilidade em cooperar. / The forced displacement of people with environmental causes result of a complex function that involves several factors characterizing vulnerability. Because of the potential for worsening environmental degradation and the exacerbation of extreme weather events, climate change presents itself as threat multiplier factor for the movement of people. The principle of primary responsibility of the State for the protection of human rights seems to exclude the responsibility of other States to deal with the problem, but the fact is that, often, the State of origin is not able to guarantee effective protection to vulnerable communities, which are the most impacted, as well as external flows of people with environmental causes are already be observed. Moreover, the international systems of protection of the human being, through humanitarian law, refugee law and human rights, do not properly face the problem. The theme indicates a new moment for human rights, global in nature, that must face human rights violations by undefined, connected, cumulative and global agents. Interdependence of causes requires the interdependence for the solution. The adequate confrontation of the problem requires a change of focus, from the accountability for transboundary damage to the responsibility to cooperate.

Exploring the psychosocial needs of Syrian refugees in the UK : accounts of community service providers

Sabouni, Faten January 2019 (has links)
Since 2011, the brutal and complex war in Syria has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created millions of refugees. This dismaying and rapidly unfolding crisis has contributed to the biggest movement of people through the continent since the Second World War. The United Kingdom was one of many destinations for Syrian refugees seeking protection. With this, members of the Syrian community have come together to provide support to newly arrived Syrian refugees. Literature documenting the mental health difficulties that Syrian refugees present with and the range of support provided by these community services remains severely limited. In the context of this gap, the overall aim of this study was to explore the psychological needs with which Syrian refugees in the UK present, as well as the service provision responses to these needs. In order to do this, the research utilised a qualitative methodology and elicited in-depth data from multiple perspectives. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the inductive thematic analysis generated the following themes: Pre-displacement challenges; Displacement challenges; Post-displacement challenges; Coping and Resilience; Service providers' role and Challenges for contextually appropriate mental health care. The findings of this study suggested that Syrian refugees in the United Kingdom present with wide range of mental health needs, including struggles caused by exposure to brutal conflict, violence, multiple losses and cultural stressors. Findings stated that community services are providing an array of basic and social support; however, mental health needs are unmet. Barriers to accessing mental health resources in the UK have been addressed and the need to develop a multi-layered, culturally sensitive response to Syrian refugees' mental health difficulties has been identified. The Discussion proposed the need to support community services in order to raise awareness, enhance Syrian refugees' psychological well-being and inform the development of culturally sensitive mental health services. With the growing number of Syrian refugees in the UK, this research has provided a contextualisation of this population's culture, religion, resilience, coping strategies and mental health needs from the provider perspective, which is important to improve awareness and identify specific issues contributing to mental health well-being. Recommendations are suggested for developing culturally sensitive mental health services for Syrian refugees, alongside acknowledging limitations of the research and suggestions for further investigation and practice.


TATIANA DOS SANTOS ARAUJO 05 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Essa dissertação é resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o grupo guarani mbya que, ao longo das últimas décadas migrou do Paraguai ao Espírito Santo, e de sua luta contra a empresa Aracruz Celulose pelo direito à terra que escolheu para viver. A partir da descrição de trabalhos que contam essa trajetória e com informações de investigações etnográficas sobre a cosmologia guarani, o trabalho utilizará o método experimental para comprovar o fato de que este povo guarani foi submetido a violências graves, tais como, o deslocamento forçado, o etnocídio e o genocídio. / [en] This dissertation is the result of bibliographic research on the Guarani Mbya group that migrated from Paraguay to Espírito Santo over the last few decades and from its struggle against Aracruz Celulose for the right to land they chose to live in. From the description of works that tell this trajectory and with information from ethnographic investigations on the Guarani cosmology, the paper will use the experimental method to prove the fact that this Guarani people has been subjected to serious violence, such as forced displacement, ethnocide and genocide. Keywords

Movimentos desiguais: reflexões sobre a proteção internacional das pessoas forçadas a se deslocar por causas ambientais agravadas pelas mudanças climáticas / Unequal movements: essay on the international protection of forced displaced people for environmental causes aggravated by climate change

Elizabeth Alves Fernandes 06 May 2013 (has links)
Os deslocamentos forçados de pessoas em que presente causa ambiental são resultado de uma função complexa que envolve diversos fatores caracterizantes da vulnerabilidade. Em razão do potencial de agravamento da degradação ambiental e da exacerbação de eventos climáticos extremos, as mudanças climáticas apresentam-se como fator multiplicador de ameaças para o movimento de pessoas. O princípio da responsabilidade primária do Estado para a proteção de direitos humanos parece afastar a responsabilidade dos demais Estados para o enfrentamento do problema, mas o fato é que, muitas vezes, o próprio Estado de origem não é capaz de garantir proteção efetiva às comunidades vulneráveis mais impactadas, além de fluxos externos de deslocamentos por causas ambientais já serem observados. Por outro lado, os sistemas internacionais de proteção da pessoa humana, por meio do direito humanitário, do direito dos refugiados e dos direitos humanos, não enfrentam adequadamente a totalidade do problema. O tema aponta um novo momento de reconstrução dos direitos humanos, de natureza global, que deve enfrentar violações de direitos humanos por agentes indefinidos, conectados, cumulativos e globais. A interdependência das causas requer a interdependência para a solução. O enfrentamento adequado do problema necessita de uma mudança de foco, da responsabilização por dano transfronteiriço para a responsabilidade em cooperar. / The forced displacement of people with environmental causes result of a complex function that involves several factors characterizing vulnerability. Because of the potential for worsening environmental degradation and the exacerbation of extreme weather events, climate change presents itself as threat multiplier factor for the movement of people. The principle of primary responsibility of the State for the protection of human rights seems to exclude the responsibility of other States to deal with the problem, but the fact is that, often, the State of origin is not able to guarantee effective protection to vulnerable communities, which are the most impacted, as well as external flows of people with environmental causes are already be observed. Moreover, the international systems of protection of the human being, through humanitarian law, refugee law and human rights, do not properly face the problem. The theme indicates a new moment for human rights, global in nature, that must face human rights violations by undefined, connected, cumulative and global agents. Interdependence of causes requires the interdependence for the solution. The adequate confrontation of the problem requires a change of focus, from the accountability for transboundary damage to the responsibility to cooperate.

Em asfalto não nasce feijão : barragem enquanto acontecimento social e os meios de vida do reassentamento de Nova Soberbo / In asphalt, beans don t grow : dams as a social event and the livelihood of the resettled population of Nova Soberbo

Batista, Ralph Sales 05 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:33:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 7608406 bytes, checksum: 8ace6c23dc0baa460565d6d8e40d67bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The central aim of this thesis was to analyze the process of readjustment of the population of São Sebastião do Soberbo, located in the municipality of Santa Cruz do Escalvado on the basin of Upper river Doce/Minas Gerais, affected by the Candonga Hidroelectric Dam (UHE Candonga) and shifted to the resettlement of Nova Soberbo in mid-2003 and early 2004. It was done with emphasis on the limits, the possibilities and the capabilities of the residents in rebuilding their livelihoods about on the event of displacement and resettlement for the new spatiality. Therefore, the analysis presented was based on a case study in 2012 through archival research, participant observation, a structured questionnaire, a method of oral history and photographic resources. In this context, the study addressed the resettled population in three distinct time frames, namely the arrival of the UHE Candonga to São Sebastião do Soberbo, the process of construction and inauguration of the dam with its social, economic and cultural impacts on the order of everyday life and the social deployments of this event over 9 years in the resettlement. The theoretical axis guided itself with a view towards the interpretation of the phenomenon of hydroelectricity as a social event, which changes the daily lives of those who for the first time are faced with large infrastructure projects arising from the promotion of economic and social developments within society. Furthermore, the theory of the forced displacement and resettlement was tested, advocating various changes and breaks in the trajectory of population groups that undergo changes in their traditional ways of life. In general, resettlements are pointed as promoter of social change that implies the need to restructure the individual, family and community life. This restructuring was analyzed from the perspective of the approach towards the livelihoods and on the theory of human agency that highlight the ability of social actors to process experiences and incurring actions and strategies in an attempt to access the tangible and intangible resources in reinventing the ways of survival. The social deployments that occurred under the conditions offered and structured by the entrepreneur, mainly on the basis of the relationships established between the Consórcio Candonga and the residents of resettlement, implied in the constitution of the category dam-affected people. This finding also suggested a more detailed analysis of this social condition whose existence was triggered by the construction of the dam. Reflections on the case study showed definite changes in the forms of social production and reproduction of the residents; and the resettlement, as a possibility for the reconstruction of everyday life, presented itself as a space that marks impossibilities and difficulties in the reestablishment of the previous social relations and living activities in the fabric of new social references erected in the action and intervention of the Cansórcio Candonga. The reflections also showed the many subjective and emotional damages as a result of the feeling of uprootment caused by the impact of the dam, of the limitations of survival in resettlement and of the failure of the entrepreneur to mitigate and compensate for the various losses occurring in the shift from one place to another. And the resettles, when experience this process, forge new elements in their individual and social condition that constitute themselves as dam- affected people who incurring in the struggle for the recognition of their denied rights. Thus, the implementation of the dam reverberated in a profound process of social transformation for those who still live under the impact of the displacement/resettlement and comes into difficulties in appropriation of the new material and immaterial conditions to ensure social readjustment. / O objetivo central desta dissertação foi analisar o processo de readequação da população de São Sebastião do Soberbo, que vive no município de Santa Cruz do Escalvado, na bacia do Alto do rio Doce/Minas Gerais, atingida pela Usina Hidrelétrica Candonga (UHE Candonga) e que foi deslocada para o reassentamento de Nova Soberbo em meados de 2003 e início de 2004. Para tanto, buscou-se enfatizar os limites, as possibilidades e as capacidades dos moradores em recriar seus meios de vida frente ao acontecimento do deslocamento e do reassentamento para o novo espaço. A análise apresentada baseou-se em um estudo de caso realizado em 2012 com a utilização de pesquisa documental, da observação participante, da aplicação de questionários incluindo questões abertas, da história oral, bem como recursos fotográficos. Neste contexto, a pesquisa abordou os reassentados com base em três temporalidades distintas, a saber, a chegada da UHE Candonga a São Sebastião do Soberbo, o processo de construção e de inauguração da Usina com seus impactos sociais, econômicos e culturais na ordem da vida cotidiana e os desdobramentos sociais deste acontecimento ao longo de 9 anos no reassentamento. O eixo teórico considerou a interpretação do fenômeno da construção da barragem enquanto acontecimento social que altera o cotidiano daqueles que, pela primeira vez, se deparam com grandes empreendimentos de infraestrutura que se apresentam como promotores do desenvolvimento econômico e social da sociedade. Utilizou- se também de diferentes abordagens sobre deslocamentos e reassentamentos involuntários que preconizam diversas mudanças e rupturas na trajetória de contingentes populacionais que sofrem alterações nos seus modos de vida tradicionais. Os reassentamentos, em geral, implicam na necessidade de reestruturação da vida individual, familiar e coletiva. Reestruturação esta aqui analisada sob a ótica da abordagem dos meios de vida e sob a teoria da agência humana que destacam a capacidade dos atores sociais de processarem experiências e incorrerem em ações e estratégias na tentativa de acesso a recursos tangíveis e intangíveis na reinvenção das formas de sobrevivência. Os desdobramentos sociais decorrentes das condições oferecidas e estruturadas pelo empreendedor, principalmente, em função das relações estabelecidas com o Consórcio Candonga e a vivência no reassentamento, implicaram na constituição da categoria social atingido por barragem . Esta constatação sugeriu também uma análise mais detalhada desta condição social cuja existência foi desencadeada pela construção da barragem. As reflexões obtidas, a partir deste estudo de caso, apontaram algumas alterações definitivas nas formas de produção e reprodução social dos moradores, e o reassentamento, enquanto possibilidade de reconstrução do cotidiano, apresentou-se como um espaço que marca impossibilidades e dificuldades de reestabelecimentos das anteriores relações sociais e atividades de sustento na tessitura de novas referências sociais erigidas sob a atuação e a intervenção do Consórcio Candonga. Demonstraram, ainda, diversos danos subjetivos e emocionais ocasionados pela sensação de desenraizamento provocados pelo impacto da barragem, pelas limitações de sobrevivência no reassentamento e pelas falhas do empreendedor em mitigar e compensar as diversas perdas ocorridas com a mudança de um lugar a outro. E os reassentados, ao vivenciarem este processo, forjam novos elementos no âmbito da sua condição individual e social constituindo- se em atingidos por barragem que incorrem na luta por reconhecimento de seus direitos denegados. Assim, a implantação da barragem repercutiu em um processo profundo de transformação social para aqueles que ainda vivem sob o impacto do deslocamento/reassentamento e vêm se deparando com dificuldades na apropriação das novas condições materiais e imateriais na garantia da reprodução social.

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