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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

Pham, Denise, Ekberg, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg’s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual’s relationship with the mother. In conclusion, there was no direct rela-tionship between birth order and narcissism. Our hypothesis was falsified and no support for Sulloways theory was found.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

Pham, Denise, Ekberg, Pernilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg’s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual’s relationship with the mother. In conclusion, there was no direct rela-tionship between birth order and narcissism. Our hypothesis was falsified and no support for Sulloways theory was found.</p>

Autoconsciência e padrões de atratividade no ciclo vital de homens e mulheres de orientação sexual homo e heteroafetiva

VIANA, Normando José Queiroz 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-08-26T15:37:10Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese NormandoJQViana_Biblioteca Central_UFPE (0).pdf certa.pdf: 2847669 bytes, checksum: 035b1ec1bda1217eaae08822bf17ca9e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-26T15:37:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese NormandoJQViana_Biblioteca Central_UFPE (0).pdf certa.pdf: 2847669 bytes, checksum: 035b1ec1bda1217eaae08822bf17ca9e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / CNPq / Vem de longa data o interesse da ciência psicológica pela busca do autoconhecimento (James, 1890/1983). Neste contexto, os estudos oriundos do campo da autoconsciência, em especial com o advento da Teoria OSA (Duval & Wicklund, 1972), uma das primeiras teorias a considerar as discrepâncias entre o self e os padrões (Duval & Silva, 2001), têm reunido esforços no intuito de superar tamanha lacuna. Neste contexto, entusiasmado pela compreensão do self, em especial em sua vertente simbólica, bem como no instanciamento dos processos autoavaliativos por este operados, tramados à identificação da natureza dos padrões de atratividade e a forma como estes têm sido fenomenologicamente consciencizados no fluxo da experiência interna dos sujeitos, o presente estudo de tese objetiva identificar o que são os padrões de autoatratividade, qual sua dinâmica representacional no seio da experiência interna e o enlaçamento no processo autoavaliativo dos processos de atratividade autopercebida, autofocalização (autoconsciência situacional e disposicional), autoestima, bem estar (satisfação com a vida e felicidade), humor depressivo e religiosidade. Para o estudo em questão, foi recrutada uma amostra mista composta por 657 participantes (563 brasileiros e 94 portugueses), adolescentes, jovens, adultos e idosos, de ambos os sexos e orientações sexuais homossexual e heterossexual, residentes na Região Metropolitana do Recife e na cidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Os procedimentos relativos à coleta ocorreram em três etapas: a primeira com objetivo de levantar emicamente, por intermédio de procedimentos multimétodos, o campo semântico de autoatratividade (Estudo 1 – Qualitativo); a segunda, com base nos achados da etapa anterior, corresponde ao processo de elaboração e validação da Escala de Autoatratividade - EAA junto à pesquisa desta com o conjunto de instrumentos utilizados (Escala de Apreciação Corporal (EAC); Escala de Autoconsciência Situacional (EAS); Escala de Autoconsciência Disposicional (EAD); Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg; Escala de Satisfação com a Vida; Escala de Felicidade Subjetiva; Escala CES-D (Rastreamento de depressão); Escala de Religiosidade Global (ERG) e Escala de religiosidade de item único, bem como o roteiro de entrevista Fenomenológico-Cognitiva dos Estados Autoconscientes – EFEA), a fim de permitir a identificação da multidimensionalidade da maquinaria psíquica atrelada ao construto atratividade dentre a amostra recrutada (Estudo 2 – Ex-post-facto) e a terceira etapa refere-se ao aprofundamento dos achados da etapa que a antecede, por intermédio da apresentação do gradiente fenomenal dos padrões de atratividade com base na identificação dos modos como estes são representados no fluxo da experiência dos participantes durante estado autoconsciente relacionado a autoatratividade (Estudo 3 – Fenomenal). A hipótese geral que dá sustentação ao estudo em questão considera que quanto mais autoconscientes e de modo reflexivo as pessoas são maior seria a capacidade que estas têm de minorar as influências que os padrões de atratividade exercem sobre os processos autoavaliativos, ocasionando prejuízos ao funcionamento psicológico saudável, além de que, os padrões, caso emerjam à consciência, no seio da experiência interna, se realizarão cognitivamente em elementos variados de natureza representacional, em especial na forma da fala interna e visualização interna. De modo específico, dentre o conjunto de hipóteses que dá sustenção ao referido estudo, destaca-se aquela que chama atenção ao papel moderador da religiosidade no possível impacto deletério que os padrões de atratividade ocasionam à vida das pessoas, haja vista, a importância e centralidade de tal dimensão para subjetividade humana. O modelo de análise de dados adotado no presente estudo de tese prezou, no tocante ao material quantitativo, pela investigação da dimensionalidade das escalas por via da metodologia das facetas (Guttman, 1968), com base nas Análises Multidimensionais não-métricas do tipo SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis, ver Guttman, 1968; Roazzi, 1995). Por sua vez, o material qualitativo foi submetido à análise de conteúdo (Estudo 1, Bardin, 1970) e a metodologia fenomenológica padrão (Estudo 2, Cott & Rock, 2008). Os principais achados do presente estudo de tese apontam que os padrões de autoatratividade e sua fenomenologia são representados cognitivamente na consciência por intermédio dos elementos da fala interna e das visualizações internas, associadas aos elementos do sentimento, bem como a consciência sensória. Não se encontrou, todavia, ocorrência de pensamento não simbolizado na análise fenomenal operada. A estrutura de tal padrão se organiza a partir de duas dimensões, uma física e outra não física, representadas pelos fatores: sensualidade, moralidade, apresentação pessoal, afetividade, inteligência, bom humor e asseio. Tais fatores quando correlacionados entre si, e junto as demais medidas utilizadas, apontam a presença de correlações estatisticamente significantes, em especial, no tocante às variáveis: Orientação sexual, no âmbito geral, os heterossexuais encontram-se mais próximos de um campo de afeto positivo, e os homossexuais nas cercanias do afeto negativo; Idade, os mais jovens, também situados num campo do afeto negativo, passando por um campo intermediário, onde há a presença de jovens adultos, findando com os participantes com idades entre 36 e 76 anos, cravados num campo de afeto positivo; Religiosidade, igualmente caracterizada por uma disposição polar, nas cercanias desta variável, os que se dizem religiosos, os heterossexuais e os adultos e idosos, e distanciando-se da religiosidade, localizados em plano antagônico, os que relatam não professar nenhuma fé, os adolescentes de 14 a 20 anos e os jovens homossexuais; e Nacionalidade, os portugueses mais próximos de um padrão de atratividade com base em princípios morais e os brasileiros simpáticos às variáveis sociodemográficas de natureza religiosa, inferindo que estas exercem influência sobre o instanciamento dos processos autofocalizadores, correlações estas cujos significados são corroborados pelos achados oriundos do estudo fenomenal. Tal estudo representa um esforço em dar visibilidade a uma temática pouco investigada na ciência psicológica, a natureza dos padrões de correção e o impacto destes nos processos autofocalizadores, em diálogo com uma perspectiva de mente dual, que contempla aspectos psicológicos e fenomenais da subjetividade e cognição humanas, a fim de contribuir com uma compreensão mais profunda sobre os aspectos cognitivos cruciais relacionados ao instanciamento de modos mais adaptados e, consequentemente, menos comprometedores da existência significativa e feliz. / The interest of the psychological science in the search for self-knowledge has come a long way (James, 1890/1983). In this context, studies from the self-awareness field, especially with the advent of the OSA Theory (Duval & Wicklund, 1972), one of the first to consider the discrepancies between the self and the patterns (Duval & Silva, 2001), have gathered efforts in order to overcome such gap. Within this framework, keen on understanding the self, especially in its symbolic aspect as well as in the instantiation of the self-assessment processes it operates, hatched in the identification of the nature of attractiveness patterns and how they have phenomenologically been made aware in the flow of the subjects‟ inner experience, this study aims to identify self-attractiveness patterns, their representational dynamics within the inner experience and the intertwining of the self-perceived attractiveness processes, of self-focusing (situational and dispositional self-awareness), self-esteem and well-being (life satisfaction and happiness), depressive mood and religiosity in the self-assessment process. For this study, a mixed sample of 657 participants (563 Brazilian and 94 Portuguese) was recruited, among whom were teenagers, adults and elderly people of both sexes, as well as homo and heterosexual orientations, living in the metropolitan area of Recife and in Lisbon, Portugal. The collecting-related procedures were carried out in three steps: the first one, to emically raise, through multimethod procedures, the semantic field of self-attractiveness (Study 1 - Qualitative); the second, based on the findings from the previous step, corresponds to the process of development and validation of the Self-attractiveness Scale – SAS, along with its survey with the set of instruments used (Body Assessment Scale - BAS); Situational Self-Awareness Scale (SSAE); Dispositional Self-Awareness Scale (DSAS); Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; Life Satisfaction Scale; Subjective Happiness Scale; CES-D Scale (Depression Tracking); Global Religiosity Scale (GRS) and Single-item Religiosity Scale, as well as the Self-Aware States Phenomenological-Cognitive interview script – SASPG), to enable the identification of the multidimensionality of the psychic machinery linked to the attractiveness construct within the recruited sample (Study 2 - Ex-post-facto). The third stage refers to deepening the findings of the previous one through the presentation of the phenomenal gradient of attractiveness patterns based on the identification of the ways they are represented in the flow of the participants‟ experience during the self-aware state related to self-attractiveness (Study 3 - Phenomenal). The general hypothesis that supports the present study considers that the more self-aware and reflective people are, the greater the capacity they have to reduce the influence attractiveness patterns have on self-assessment processes, which bring harm to healthy psychological functioning. Moreover, those patterns, should they emerge to awareness within the inner experience, will cognitively take place in a range of elements of representational nature, especially in the form of inner speech and inner visualization. In particular, among the set of assumptions that support this study, there is one that draws attention to the moderating role of religiosity in the possible deleterious impact attractiveness patterns cause to people's lives, given the importance and centrality of such dimension to human subjectivity. With regard to the quantitative material, the data analysis model adopted in this thesis study valued the investigation of the scale dimensionality by means of the facet methodology (Guttman, 1968), based on the non-metric SSA (Similarity Structure Analysis, see Guttman, 1968; Roazzi, 1995) type Multidimensional Analysis. In turn, the qualitative material was submitted to content analysis (Study 1, Bardin, 1970) and to the pattern phenomenological methodology (Study 2, Cott & Rock, 2008). The main findings of the present study indicate the self-attractiveness patterns and their phenomenology to be represented cognitively in the awareness by means of the inner speech and inner visualization elements, associated with both feelings and sensory awareness. There was no occurrence of non-symbolized thought in the carried out phenomenal analysis, though. The structure of such a pattern is set considering two dimensions, physical and non-physical, represented by the following factors: sensuality, morality, personal presentation, affection, intelligence, good humor and neatness. Such factors, when correlated and with the use of other measures, suggest the presence of statistically significant correlations, especially regarding the variables: Sexual orientation, in general, heterosexuals are closer to a positive affection ground, while homosexuals, around negative affection; Age, the youngest also being in a negative affection ground, passing to a middle ground where young adults are present, ending with between 36 and 76 year-old participants, nailed to a positive affection ground; Religiosity, also characterized by a polar layout around this variable, those who claim to be religious, the heterosexual, the adults and the elderly, as opposed to those distant from religiosity, located in an antagonistic plan, who report not to profess any faith, 14 to 20 year-old adolescents and young homosexuals; and Nationality, with the Portuguese closer to an attractiveness pattern based on moral principles, whilst the Brazilians sympathize with the sociodemographic variables of a religious nature, inferring that they influence the instancing of self-focusing processes, correlations whose meanings are corroborated by findings of the phenomenal study. This study represents an effort to give visibility to a little investigated topic in the psychological science, the nature of correction patterns and their impact on the self-focusing processes, dialoguing with a dual mind perspective, which includes psychological and phenomenal aspects of human subjectivity and cognition in order to contribute to a deeper understanding of the crucial cognitive aspects related to the instancing of more adapted and consequently less compromising forms of a meaningful and happy existence.

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