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Docência universitária: interfaces entre avaliação institucional, necessidades formativas e desenvolvimento profissional docente / University teaching: interfaces between institutional evaluation, formative needs and professional teacher developmentSousa, Dolores Cristina 03 August 2018 (has links)
O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar as interfaces possíveis entre processos institucionais de avaliação de disciplinas e as necessidades formativas dos professores do ensino superior, do CECEN/UEMA. O problema central da pesquisa foi assim enunciado: como a avaliação de disciplina em contextos de avaliações institucionais exigidos por política nacional pode contribuir para o processo de desenvolvimento dos profissionais docentes do ensino superior? O referencial teórico baseou-se nos seguintes autores: Almeida, Cunha, Dias Sobrinho, Galindo, Marcelo García, Pimenta, Pimenta e Almeida, Pimenta e Anastasiou, Rodrigues, Rodrigues e Esteves, Veiga, dentre outros. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa que mescla dados quantitativos e qualitativos e utiliza-se da técnica de triangulação e análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977) para construir interpretações. O estudo teve como cenário de investigação a Universidade Estadual do Maranhão-UEMA, localizada em São Luís. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário respondido por professores que atuam no Centro de Educação, Ciências Exatas e Naturais e, ainda, pela realização de grupo focal com cinco professores representantes da Comissão Própria de Avaliação-CPA. O grupo focal teve como intenção investigar a compreensão dos membros quanto à dimensão dos problemas referentes às necessidades formativas dos professores da UEMA. Os resultados evidenciam que a necessidade de formação precisa ser assumida como um continuum na perspectiva do desenvolvimento profissional docente, tanto pelo professor, quanto pela universidade, balizados pela autoavaliação. A investigação aponta que o professor universitário tem consciência de suas fragilidades e dificuldades pedagógicas para o exercício docente, desencadeando diferentes interesses formativos. A análise indica, ainda, que a formação permanente cria oportunidades de vivências formativas que contribuirão para o melhor entendimento dos problemas inerentes à profissão, como também, para provocar reflexões sobre as práticas desenvolvidas no seu espaço-institucional. Frente à complexidade da docência universitária é de suma importância à criação de políticas institucionais que viabilizem processos permanentes de formação cíclica, de cunho emancipatório, que considerem as necessidades formativas dos docentes como ponto de partida para sua sistematização. Nesse sentido, os processos avaliativos pautados em uma abordagem formativa, dialógica e colaborativa, conduzidos pela CPA, terão relevante contribuição para a ressignificação da docência, dos saberes e das identidades profissionais. / The general objective of the research is to analyze the possible interfaces between institutional processes for the evaluation of disciplines and the formative needs of university teaching teachers, CECEN / UEMA. The central problem of the research was thus stated: how can the evaluation of discipline in institutional evaluation contexts required by national policy contribute to the development process of university teaching professionals? The theoretical framework was based on the following authors: Almeida, Cunha, Dias Sobrinho, Galindo, Marcelo García, Pimenta, Pimenta and Almeida, Pimenta and Anastasiou, Rodrigues, Rodrigues and Esteves, Veiga, among others. It is an exploratory researche, qualitative approach that mixes quantitative and qualitative data and uses the technique of triangulation and content analysis (BARDIN, 1977) to construct interpretations. The study was carried out by the State University of Maranhão-UEMA, located in São Luís. The data were obtained through a questionnaire answered by teachers who work in the Education Center, Exact and Natural Sciences, and by achievement of the focal group with five professors representing the CPA\'s Self-Assessment Committee. The aim of the main group was to investigate the members\' understanding as regards the dimension of problems concerning the formative needs of UEMA teachers. The results show that the need of formation needs to be taken as a continuum in the perspective of professional teacher development, both by the teacher and by the university, marked by self-assessment. The researche indicates that the university professor is aware of its weaknesses and pedagogical difficulties for the teaching exercise, triggering different formative interests. The analysis also indicates that the permanent formation creates opportunities for formative experiences that will contribute to a better understanding of the problems inherent to the profession, as well as to provoke reflections on the developed practices in its institutional space. In face the complexity of university teaching, it is extremely important to create institutional policies that enable permanent processes of cyclic formation, emancipatory, that consider the formative needs of teachers as a starting point for their systematization. In this sense, the evaluation processes based on a formative, dialogic and collaborative approach, conducted by the CPA, will have a significant contribution to the re-signification of teaching, knowledge and professional identities.
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Sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumai / Peculiarity of sporting teenager self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation and psychological climate in teamSmailienė, Daiva 31 May 2010 (has links)
Sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumai Raktiniai žodžiai: savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas, psichologinis klimatas, sportinė
Tyrimo objektas – krepšininkų, rankininkų ir tinklininkų paauglių savigarba, saviraiška,
savęs vertinimas, psichologinis klimatas.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir
psichologinio klimato ypatumus.
Hipotezė – sportuojančių paauglių savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas bei psichologinis
klimatas skiriasi pagal lytį, amžių ir sporto šaką.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti krepšinio, tinklinio ir rankinio komandų žaidėjų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir
savęs vertinimo lygius.
2. Išryškinti respondentų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius pagal lytį.
3. Nustatyti tiriamųjų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius pagal amžių.
4. Išsiaiškinti sportininkų psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumus pagal sporto
šaką, lytį ir amžių.
Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Anketavimas buvo vykdomas 2008-2010 m. Iš viso
apklausti 378 sportuojantys respondentai.
1. Išryškėjo, kad krepšininkai, rankininkai ir tinklininkai pasižymi aukštu ir vidutiniu
savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygiu, tačiau statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas
tarp atskirų sporto šakų atstovų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygių
nenustatytas (p>0,05).
2. Nustatyta, kad daugiau vaikinų nei merginų pasižymi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY
Peculiarity of sporting teenager self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation and psychological climate in team. Key words: self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation, psychological climate and sporting
The object of research - basketball, handball and volleyball self-expression, self-esteem,selfevaluation
and psychological climate.
Purpose of the survey - the sport teen self-expression, self-esteem, self-evaluation and
psychological climate characteristics.
Hyphotesis - sports teen self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation differ by gender, age,
sport and psychological climate varies according to gender, age and sport.
The tasks of research:
1. Set up basketball, volleyball and handball teams of players self-esteem, self-expression
and self-evaluation levels.
2. Highlight of the respondents self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels
according to gender.
3. Set the test of self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels according to age.
4. To find out the psychological climate in a team sport features according to sport,
gender and age.
Planning of research. Questionnaire survey was conducted for 2008-2010. In total 378
athletes interviewed respondents.
1. There were the basketball, handball and volleyball have a medium or high self-esteem,
self-expression and self-evaluation level, but statistically significant difference
between the sports representatives of self-esteem, self-expression and self-assessment
levels... [to full text]
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Самовредновање као детерминанта квалитета педагошког рада школе / Samovrednovanje kao determinanta kvaliteta pedagoškog rada škole / Self-Evaluation as Determinant of the Quality ofPedagogical Work of SchoolMaričić Sofija 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У овом раду теоријски и истраживачки се анализира појам и процес<br />самовредновања као сегмент утицаја на унапређење квалитета педагошког рада школе.<br />У теоријском делу рада утврђују се појмови квалитета, стандарда, вредновања и<br />самовредновања и њихов међусобни однос у систему педагошког рада школе. Процес<br />самовредновања рада школе се детаљније одређује у односу на епистемолошку и<br />методолошку заснованост. Приказани су и детаљно анализирани Стандарди квалитета<br />васпитно-образовне установе који се примењују у процесу самовредновања рада школе.<br />Реализовано истраживање је емпиријско и претежно дескриптивног карактера.<br />Основни предмет овог истраживања је утврђивање и анализа ставова наставника о<br />утицају установљеног система самовредновања на квалитет педагошког рада школе,<br />као и развијање конкретних предлога промена у систему самовредновања педагошког<br />рада школе које утичу на континуирани развој и подизање квалитета рада школе.<br />Истраживањем је утврђено да наставници нису у довољној мери упознати са<br />Стандардима квалитета рада школе (школски програм и годишњи план рада, настава и<br />учење, образовна постигнућа ученика, подршка ученицима, етос, организација рада<br />школе и руковођење и ресурси) и не примењују континуирано процес самовредновања у<br />својој педагошкој пракси. Утврђено је да наставници процењују значај самовредновања<br />за унапређење квалитета рада школе и дају конкретне предлоге за побољшање<br />методологије овог процеса.<br />На основу анализе теоријског и истраживачког дела студије, начињен је низ<br />конкретних предлога са циљем унапређења испитиваних аспеката процеса<br />самовредновања рада школе</p> / <p>U ovom radu teorijski i istraživački se analizira pojam i proces<br />samovrednovanja kao segment uticaja na unapređenje kvaliteta pedagoškog rada škole.<br />U teorijskom delu rada utvrđuju se pojmovi kvaliteta, standarda, vrednovanja i<br />samovrednovanja i njihov međusobni odnos u sistemu pedagoškog rada škole. Proces<br />samovrednovanja rada škole se detaljnije određuje u odnosu na epistemološku i<br />metodološku zasnovanost. Prikazani su i detaljno analizirani Standardi kvaliteta<br />vaspitno-obrazovne ustanove koji se primenjuju u procesu samovrednovanja rada škole.<br />Realizovano istraživanje je empirijsko i pretežno deskriptivnog karaktera.<br />Osnovni predmet ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje i analiza stavova nastavnika o<br />uticaju ustanovljenog sistema samovrednovanja na kvalitet pedagoškog rada škole,<br />kao i razvijanje konkretnih predloga promena u sistemu samovrednovanja pedagoškog<br />rada škole koje utiču na kontinuirani razvoj i podizanje kvaliteta rada škole.<br />Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da nastavnici nisu u dovoljnoj meri upoznati sa<br />Standardima kvaliteta rada škole (školski program i godišnji plan rada, nastava i<br />učenje, obrazovna postignuća učenika, podrška učenicima, etos, organizacija rada<br />škole i rukovođenje i resursi) i ne primenjuju kontinuirano proces samovrednovanja u<br />svojoj pedagoškoj praksi. Utvrđeno je da nastavnici procenjuju značaj samovrednovanja<br />za unapređenje kvaliteta rada škole i daju konkretne predloge za poboljšanje<br />metodologije ovog procesa.<br />Na osnovu analize teorijskog i istraživačkog dela studije, načinjen je niz<br />konkretnih predloga sa ciljem unapređenja ispitivanih aspekata procesa<br />samovrednovanja rada škole</p> / <p>This study deals with theoretical and research analyzes of concept and process of selfevaluation,<br />as an important part of influence on improving the quality of pedagogical work of<br />the school. In the theoretical part of study were defined the concepts of quality, standards,<br />assessment and self-evaluation and their relationship in the system of pedagogical school work.<br />The process of self-evaluation of school work in more detail was determined in relation to the<br />epistemological and methodological foundation. Standards of quality of educational<br />institutions were presented and analyzed in detail, that were applied in the process of selfevaluation<br />of school work.<br />The research was based mainly on empirical and descriptive method. The main object<br />of this research is the identification and analysis of teachers' views on the impact of the<br />established system of self-evaluation on the quality of the educational work of the school, and<br />to develop concrete proposals of changes in the system of self-evaluation of pedagogical school<br />work affecting the continued development and improving the quality of school work.<br />The study found that teachers are not sufficiently familiar with the Standards of quality<br />of education (school program and annual working plan, teaching and learning, the educational<br />achievements of pupils, support for pupils, ethos, organization and management of school work<br />and resources) and do not apply continuous process of self-evaluation in their pedagogical<br />practice. It was found that teachers assess the importance of self-evaluation to improve the<br />quality of school work and give concrete proposals for improvement of the methodology of this<br />process.<br />Based on the analysis of theoretical studies and research work, this study made a series<br />of concrete proposals aimed at improving the investigated aspects of the process of selfevaluation<br />of school work.</p>
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Evaluace a autoevaluace školského managementu / School Management Evaluation and SelfevaluationGeringová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on process of evaluation and self-evaluation of school-management in leisure time centres in Central Bohemia and Prague. The thesis aims to discover how and whether at all evaluation and self-evaluation of school-management takes place in leisure centres, including sources, methods and criterias being used. In theoretical part we define origin and meaning of the evaluation and self-evaluation concept and we present main thoeries of this discipline in so called Evaluation theory tree. Then, Leisure time centres are classified presented in context of Czech school system and types of education - informal, non-formal and formal. Individual chapters deal with general presentation of leisure time centres, definition of school management (including legal requirements concerning their education), evaluation tools, projects, methods, competences and competence models of middle management in leisure time centres. We also introduce here evaluation tools created for leisure time centres, especially online system Olina. In empirical part we combine quantitative design of research (survey among leisure time centres in Central Bohemia and Prague) and case study in chosen centre. Analysis of current state of evaluation in chosen leisure time centre is focused on evaluation processes and on...
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Sebehodnocení žáků při přestupu z 1. na 2. stupeň základní školy / Selfevaluation of pupils during transition between 1st and 2nd primary school levelDvořáková, Dita January 2013 (has links)
The topic of my graduation final thesis is "Pupils self-evaluation during the children transfer from 1. to 2. level of a primary school (and teachers help with determining self-evaluation criteria). The thesis is composed as theoretical - empirical work. The mail goal of the theoretical part of my final thesis is to define main terms of pupils self-evaluation during the evaluating criteria formation and teachers help with determining self-evaluation criteria using didactical and psychological literature. The main goal of the empirical part of my final thesis is to map the occurrence of self- evaluation of pupils during their transfer from 1. to 2. level of the primary school. The empirical study was carried out during two years. It was focused on 5th grade pupils and subsequently their situation one year after- in 6th grade. The basic method was observation of educational process and the observation was completed by dialogues with teachers, pupils and the school director. The result is, that the self-evaluation at the first level of primary school is strongly taken into account and is used during almost all pupils activities. The situation on the second level of the primary school is different, the self-evaluation is only used by several teachers and there is no continuity between these two levels...
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Selfverwysing as supervisieproses : ontwikkeling van die interne supervisorMeyer, Gert Frederick 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die objek van studie in hierdie proefskrif is ietwat
ongewoon. Die studie is outobiografies en is gegrond op die
aanname dat daar tussen die psigoterapeut, sy geskiedenis, die
wetenskap (etnografie en tweede-orde kubernetika) en die
klient(e) 'n unieke patroonverband bestaan.
Die psigoterapeut in die platteland het weens afstand of
finansies nie altyd die voorreg om supervisie van 'n eksterne
supervisor te ontvang nie. In so 'n situasie kan selfsupervisie,
deurdat dit 'n proses van selfontdekking is, 'n belangrike rol in
die psigoterapeut se selfontwikkeling speel. Selfsupervisie
plaas die klem op die psigoterapeut as persoon en as terapeut;
oor wie hy is, waar hy vandaan kom en waarheen hy binne die
psigoterapeutiese proses op pad is.
Vir enige psigoterapeut is dit belangrik om na 'n hoer vlak
van psigoterapie te streef. Hierdie strewe impliseer 'n proses
van selfondersoek, delwing, selfevaluasie en disseksie. Hierdie
proses is aan die hand van dagboekinskrywings gedoen, waar die
psigoterapeut sy daaglikse ervarings en gebeurtenisse vanuit die
verlede interpreteer het. Dit plaas die psigoterapeut as
hoofspeler, met sy familiegeskiedenis en huidige interpersoonlike
opset as inherente deel van sy mondering, op die voorgrond. In
hierdie proses word die psigoterapeut sentraal geplaas met die
klem op eie verantwoordelikheid met betrekking tot die proses van
Die probleme wat deur hierdie persoonlik gekleurde,
wetenskaplike studie aangespreek word, is probleme wat die
psigoterapeut deur middel van sy selfsupervisie ge1dentifiseer
het. So 'n selfondersoek lei tot 'n diepere selfkennis wat die
psigoterapeut tot voordeel van homself, sy gesinsisteem en
klientsisteem kan gebruik.
Hierdie studie is 'n poging om 'n nuwe wyse van navorsing te
identifiseer. Dit is omvattend en lei tot persoonlike vervulling
asook diepere selfkennis en is 'n man waardeur ander
psigoterapeute ook hulself en hul werelde kan ontdek. Dit is 'n
stadige en pynlike proses.
Hoofstukke 1 tot 4 is die teoretiese, wetenskaplike
beredenering van die studie en hoofstukke 5 tot 12 is 'n
uitbeelding van die geskiedenis van die psigoterapeut. Hoofstuk
13 plaas selfsupervisie as selfevalueringsmetode binne die
psigoterapeutiese beroep. / The object of this study somewhat unusual. The study is
an autobiography based on the assumption that there exists an
unique patterned connection between the psychotherapist, his
history, science (ethnography and second-order cybernetics), and
his clients.
Due to distance or financial problems, a rural
psychotherapist cannot experience the privilege of supervision
with an external supervisor. In such a situation selfsupervision
could play an important role in the self-development,
because it includes a search of self that will lead to more
effectiveness in psychotherapy. Self-supervision focuses on the
psychotherapist as a person and therapist, who he is, where he
comes from, and in what direction he, as a psychotherapist, is
developing within the psychotherapeutic process.
It is important to any psychotherapist to strive towards a
higher level of psychotherapy. This implies a process of selfinvestigation,
dissection and self-evaluation. This process was
conducted by means of diary entries in which the psychotherapist
interpreted his daily experiences and events in terms of his
past. This places the psychotherapist, with his family history
and current interpersonal situation, as intrinsic parts of
himself, in the foreground. In this process the psychotherapist
takes centre stage with emphasis on his responsibility concerning
the process of self-supervision.
The problems addressed by this personally coloured,
scientific study, are problems that the psychotherapist
identified through the process of self-supervision and
introspection. Such introspection leads to a deeper personal
knowledge which the psychotherapist can use to his own benefit
but also to the benefit of his family and client system.
This study is an attempt to identify a new way of research.
It is comprehensive and leads to personal fulfilment and deeper
self-knowledge and is also a method by which other
psychotherapists could discover themselves and their worlds. It
is a slow and painful process.
Chapters 1 to 4 comprise of the theoretical rationale of the
study and chapters 5 to 12 depict the history of the
psychotherapist. Chapter 13 situates self-supervision as a
method of self-evaluation in the profession of psychotherapy. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil.
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Selfverwysing as supervisieproses : ontwikkeling van die interne supervisorMeyer, Gert Frederick 09 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die objek van studie in hierdie proefskrif is ietwat
ongewoon. Die studie is outobiografies en is gegrond op die
aanname dat daar tussen die psigoterapeut, sy geskiedenis, die
wetenskap (etnografie en tweede-orde kubernetika) en die
klient(e) 'n unieke patroonverband bestaan.
Die psigoterapeut in die platteland het weens afstand of
finansies nie altyd die voorreg om supervisie van 'n eksterne
supervisor te ontvang nie. In so 'n situasie kan selfsupervisie,
deurdat dit 'n proses van selfontdekking is, 'n belangrike rol in
die psigoterapeut se selfontwikkeling speel. Selfsupervisie
plaas die klem op die psigoterapeut as persoon en as terapeut;
oor wie hy is, waar hy vandaan kom en waarheen hy binne die
psigoterapeutiese proses op pad is.
Vir enige psigoterapeut is dit belangrik om na 'n hoer vlak
van psigoterapie te streef. Hierdie strewe impliseer 'n proses
van selfondersoek, delwing, selfevaluasie en disseksie. Hierdie
proses is aan die hand van dagboekinskrywings gedoen, waar die
psigoterapeut sy daaglikse ervarings en gebeurtenisse vanuit die
verlede interpreteer het. Dit plaas die psigoterapeut as
hoofspeler, met sy familiegeskiedenis en huidige interpersoonlike
opset as inherente deel van sy mondering, op die voorgrond. In
hierdie proses word die psigoterapeut sentraal geplaas met die
klem op eie verantwoordelikheid met betrekking tot die proses van
Die probleme wat deur hierdie persoonlik gekleurde,
wetenskaplike studie aangespreek word, is probleme wat die
psigoterapeut deur middel van sy selfsupervisie ge1dentifiseer
het. So 'n selfondersoek lei tot 'n diepere selfkennis wat die
psigoterapeut tot voordeel van homself, sy gesinsisteem en
klientsisteem kan gebruik.
Hierdie studie is 'n poging om 'n nuwe wyse van navorsing te
identifiseer. Dit is omvattend en lei tot persoonlike vervulling
asook diepere selfkennis en is 'n man waardeur ander
psigoterapeute ook hulself en hul werelde kan ontdek. Dit is 'n
stadige en pynlike proses.
Hoofstukke 1 tot 4 is die teoretiese, wetenskaplike
beredenering van die studie en hoofstukke 5 tot 12 is 'n
uitbeelding van die geskiedenis van die psigoterapeut. Hoofstuk
13 plaas selfsupervisie as selfevalueringsmetode binne die
psigoterapeutiese beroep. / The object of this study somewhat unusual. The study is
an autobiography based on the assumption that there exists an
unique patterned connection between the psychotherapist, his
history, science (ethnography and second-order cybernetics), and
his clients.
Due to distance or financial problems, a rural
psychotherapist cannot experience the privilege of supervision
with an external supervisor. In such a situation selfsupervision
could play an important role in the self-development,
because it includes a search of self that will lead to more
effectiveness in psychotherapy. Self-supervision focuses on the
psychotherapist as a person and therapist, who he is, where he
comes from, and in what direction he, as a psychotherapist, is
developing within the psychotherapeutic process.
It is important to any psychotherapist to strive towards a
higher level of psychotherapy. This implies a process of selfinvestigation,
dissection and self-evaluation. This process was
conducted by means of diary entries in which the psychotherapist
interpreted his daily experiences and events in terms of his
past. This places the psychotherapist, with his family history
and current interpersonal situation, as intrinsic parts of
himself, in the foreground. In this process the psychotherapist
takes centre stage with emphasis on his responsibility concerning
the process of self-supervision.
The problems addressed by this personally coloured,
scientific study, are problems that the psychotherapist
identified through the process of self-supervision and
introspection. Such introspection leads to a deeper personal
knowledge which the psychotherapist can use to his own benefit
but also to the benefit of his family and client system.
This study is an attempt to identify a new way of research.
It is comprehensive and leads to personal fulfilment and deeper
self-knowledge and is also a method by which other
psychotherapists could discover themselves and their worlds. It
is a slow and painful process.
Chapters 1 to 4 comprise of the theoretical rationale of the
study and chapters 5 to 12 depict the history of the
psychotherapist. Chapter 13 situates self-supervision as a
method of self-evaluation in the profession of psychotherapy. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil.
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