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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sunkias fizines negalias turinčių asmenų dalyvumo sporte prielaidos tarptautinės funkcionavimo ir neįgalumo klasifikacijos (ICF) kontekste / Preconditions of sport participation of physically disabled in the context of international classification of functioning and disability (ICF)

Krivičiūtė, Jurga 18 May 2005 (has links)
Background: The research was devoted for solving of one of the main disability problems–low participation of disabled persons in sport activities especially who have severe damaged motor functions. Aim and goals: To investigate positive preconditions and barriers for participation in sport activities of severe physically disabled analyzing the influence of the level of the impairment of motor functions, environmental and psychological factors of disabled. Methods: For investigation of biosocial functions of self – care and daily living activities we used the modified Kenny test. The original questionnaire was created according to the methodological recommendations of ICF for determination of environmental physical, economical and information factors, psychosocial factors as well as psychological attitudes toward their own health and sport participation of disabled. Results: The results of the study show that the age, family status, impaired motor functions and economical factors of disabled individuals have not any impact on disability sport participation. The level of education, integrated education, the adaptation of individual transport and living conditions of disabled as well as the higher level of information played the positive role and could be considered as preconditions for disabled to participate in sport activities. More negative, inadequate to the real situation of motor impairment, psychological self – evaluation of the own health, associated with the high... [to full text]

Arterinio kraujospūdžio žąsto, riešo ir piršto srityse kitimai atliekant pratimus esant statiniam ir dinaminiam krūviui / The change of arterial blood pressure in the areas of arm, wrist, finger and the change of heart‘s systole frequency using static and dynamic strain

Rauluševičienė, Raimonda 21 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Purpose of work: Ascertain and estimate the change of arterial blood pressure in the areas of arm, wrist, finger and the change of heart��s systole frequency using static and dynamic strain for all kinds of groups: different age and sex. Goals: 1. Ascertain the effect of static and dynamic strain for arterial blood pressure and for heart‘s systole frequency. 2. Examine the phenomenon of blood repartition and the arterial blood pressure registering investigative groups of different age and sex. 3. Estimate the effect of static exercise for the change of arterial blood pressure in different investigative groups. 4. Estimate the effect of dynamic exercise for the change of arterial blood pressure in different investigative groups. Contingent of investigative and the methods of investigation: The contingent of investigative is constituted by 67 sound investigative, without any clinical complaints: 38 are men and 29 – women. 15 men and 16 women, they performed the static exercise to fortify the muscles of back. 23 men and 13 women, they performed the dynamic exercise to fortify the muscles of shoulders. To estimate functional rate of heart we were using the measurers of arterial blood pressure OMRON. The measurers were registered 2 times: before the exercise and 60s after the exercise. Arterial blood pressure was measured in 3 places of left hand-in the areas of arm, wrist and finger registering systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The systole frequency of heart... [to full text]

Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kūno laikysenos ypatumai ir sąsajos su kūno kompozicijos parametrais bei dalyvavimu sportinėje veikloje / Peculiarities of body posture and coherencies with body composition and participation in sport activities in schoolchildren

Mauricienė, Vilma 09 January 2006 (has links)
Introduction. Asymmetric body posture lately is more and more often diagnosed among adolescents in Lithuania also in other countries. In this stage of development, the posture undergoes many adjustments and adaptations due to changes of the body and to demanding psychosocial factors. Consequences of this widely spreading health disorder are very important as for physical health and so for social and mental wellbeing. Asymmetric body posture is considered not only one of the most common adolescents’ musculoskeletal system disorders (Juškelienė, 1996; Lindišienė, 1999; McEvoy, 2005) but also one of the possible signs or reasons of scoliosis (Nissinen et al., 1993; Hazebroek et al, 1992). Posture asymmetry may influence reduced musculoskeletal system functioning. It was established negative influence of asymmetric posture on cardiovascular system’s function (Sucato, 2003), pulmonary function (Lin, 2001), urogenital system’s function (Mohanty, 2000), nervous system’s functioning (Wiggins, 2003). Also children with posture disorders more often have insecurity and inferiority feelings (Saccomani, 1998), and more often suffer from depression and anxiety episodes (Norris, 1992). The normal development of spine curvatures depends on the interaction between heritable growth factors and the mechanical environment in which the spine grows. Sedentary life style among schoolchildren decreases their physical and social wellbeing. The research works emphasize, that proper physical activity... [to full text]

Pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais poveikis 16-18 metų moksleivių liemens raumenų ištvermei / Effect for 16-18 years old students waist muscular stamina from exercises with therapeutic balls

Jacinavičiūtė, Kamilė 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: 16- 18 metų merginų liemens raumenų ištvermė ir pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais poveikis jai. Pratimai ant nestabilių paviršių yra efektyvesni nei pratimai, ant stabilaus paviršiaus, siekiant liemens raumenų ištvermės gerinimo (Hodges et al., 1996; Anderson&Behm, 2005). Susitiprėjus liemens raumenų ištvermei, gerėja laikysena (Dudonienė ir Radzevičiūtė, 2010). Iškelta hipotezė, kad sistemingas pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais (ant nestabilaus paviršiaus) integravimas į popamokinės, sportinės veiklos užsiėmimus, mokyklinio amžiaus merginoms, turės teigiamą poveikį jų liemens raumenų ištvermei. Darbo tikslas: nustatyti pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais (ant nestabilaus paviršiaus) poveikį 16-18 metų merginų liemens raumenų ištvermei. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti 16-18 metų merginų liemens raumenų ištvermę, prieš pradedant mankštas su terapiniais kamuoliais (ant nestabilaus paviršiaus) ir merginų, kurios atliks pratimus ant stabilių paviršių. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti 16-18 metų merginų liemens raumenų ištvermę, po 4 sav. trukusių mankštų su terapiniais kamuoliais (ant nestabilaus paviršiaus) ir merginų, atlikusių pratimus ant stabilių paviršių. 3. Nustatyti ir palyginti 4 sav. trukusių mankštų su terapiniais kamuoliais (ant nestabilaus paviršiaus) ir mankštų ant stabilaus paviršiaus poveikį 16-18 metų merginų liemens raumenų ištvermei. Darbo rezultatai: Po 4 sav. trukusios pratimų programos su kamuoliais (ant nestabilaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of research: Stamina of 16-18 years old girls waist muscle and effect with therapeutic balls for it. Exercises on unstable surfaces are more effective than those on stable surface, seeking for improvement of muscular waist stamina (Hodges et al., 1996; Anderson & Behm, 2005). When stamina of waist muscle is increased, posture also improves (Dudoniene and Radzeviciute, 2010). Hypothesis is held, that systematic integration of exercises with therapeutic balls (on unstable surface) into after-school sports activity of school age girls, will take a positive effect for the stamina of their waist muscle. Purpose of work: to determine the effect of exercises with therapeutic balls (on unstable surface) for 16-18 years old girls waist muscle stamina. Goals of work: 1. To determine and compare the stamina between 16-18 years old girls waist muscle before starting the exercises with therapeutic balls (on unstable surface) and girls, which will do exercises on stable surfaces. 2. To determine and compare the stamina between 16-18 years old girls waist muscle after 4 weeks of exercises with therapeutic balls (on unstable surface) and girls, which have done exercises on stable surfaces. 3. To determine and compare the effect of 4 weeks of exercises with therapeutic balls (on unstable surface) and exercises on stable surface for stamina of 16-18 years old girls waist muscle. Results of work: After 4 weeks exercise program with balls (on unstable surface) statistically... [to full text]

Sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumai / Peculiarity of sporting teenager self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation and psychological climate in team

Smailienė, Daiva 31 May 2010 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumai Raktiniai žodžiai: savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas, psichologinis klimatas, sportinė veikla. Tyrimo objektas – krepšininkų, rankininkų ir tinklininkų paauglių savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas, psichologinis klimatas. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sportuojančių paauglių savigarbos, saviraiškos, savęs vertinimo ir psichologinio klimato ypatumus. Hipotezė – sportuojančių paauglių savigarba, saviraiška, savęs vertinimas bei psichologinis klimatas skiriasi pagal lytį, amžių ir sporto šaką. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti krepšinio, tinklinio ir rankinio komandų žaidėjų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius. 2. Išryškinti respondentų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius pagal lytį. 3. Nustatyti tiriamųjų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygius pagal amžių. 4. Išsiaiškinti sportininkų psichologinio klimato komandoje ypatumus pagal sporto šaką, lytį ir amžių. Tyrimo imtis ir organizavimas. Anketavimas buvo vykdomas 2008-2010 m. Iš viso apklausti 378 sportuojantys respondentai. Išvados 1. Išryškėjo, kad krepšininkai, rankininkai ir tinklininkai pasižymi aukštu ir vidutiniu savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygiu, tačiau statistiškai reikšmingas skirtumas tarp atskirų sporto šakų atstovų savigarbos, saviraiškos ir savęs vertinimo lygių nenustatytas (p>0,05). 2. Nustatyta, kad daugiau vaikinų nei merginų pasižymi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Peculiarity of sporting teenager self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation and psychological climate in team. Key words: self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation, psychological climate and sporting activities. The object of research - basketball, handball and volleyball self-expression, self-esteem,selfevaluation and psychological climate. Purpose of the survey - the sport teen self-expression, self-esteem, self-evaluation and psychological climate characteristics. Hyphotesis - sports teen self-esteem, self-expression, self-evaluation differ by gender, age, sport and psychological climate varies according to gender, age and sport. The tasks of research: 1. Set up basketball, volleyball and handball teams of players self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels. 2. Highlight of the respondents self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels according to gender. 3. Set the test of self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation levels according to age. 4. To find out the psychological climate in a team sport features according to sport, gender and age. Planning of research. Questionnaire survey was conducted for 2008-2010. In total 378 athletes interviewed respondents. Findings 1. There were the basketball, handball and volleyball have a medium or high self-esteem, self-expression and self-evaluation level, but statistically significant difference between the sports representatives of self-esteem, self-expression and self-assessment levels... [to full text]

Sportuojančių mokinių vertybinių nuostatų ypatumai / Peculiarities of value principles of pupils going in for

Žvirblienė, Raimonda 03 August 2011 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Vertybinių nuostatų reikšmė visuotinai pripažįstama, dažnai nurodoma ugdymo dokumentų preambulėse, net išryškinama, kurios, būties vertybės laikytinos svarbiausios. Tas pats vyksta ir sporte. Sportuojant įvairias sporto šakas ugdomos skirtingos vertybės. Tačiau vertybinių nuostatų ugdymo technologijos menkai atskleistos, nes siejasi su asmens vidaus pasauliu, kurio pažinimas remiasi į psichinių ir dvasinių galių atskleidimą, tiesiogiai neištiriamą. Todėl dažnai telkiamas dėmesys į akivaizdžius ugdymo proceso dėmenis (žinias, gebėjimus, įgūdžius), daugiausia atliepiančius pragmatinio pasaulio siekius, nesugebant įžvelgti jų sąsajų su vidinėmis asmens galiomis bei išskirtiniu, lemiančiu vaidmeniu ugdytinio veikloje. Visa tai ir lėmė temos aktualumą. Darbo objektas. Sportuojančių mokinių vertybinės nuostatos. Darbo tikslas. Teoriškai pagrįsti ir empiriškai ištirti sportuojančių mokinių vertybinių nuostatų ypatumus. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimui buvo naudojama anketinė apklausa. Empirinis tyrimas vyko 2011 metų sausio ir vasario mėnesiais. Mokiniams buvo išdalinta 220 anketų (į 11 iš jų atsakyta nebuvo). Tyrimo dalyvavo 105 mergaitės ir 104 berniukai. Tyrime dalyvavo Vilkaviškio vidurinės mokyklos, Marijampolės vidurinės mokyklos, Telšių vidurinės mokyklos ir Pakruojo karatė klubo „Cunamis“ mokiniai. Tyrimo metodologija: darbe remtasi humanistine filosofija ir psichologija, egzistencinės filosofijos ir psichologijos idėjomis, holistine kūno kultūros samprata. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work relevance: Importance of values universally recognized instruments, often referred to in the preambles of education, even highlighting that, being regarded as the most important values. And the same is happening in sports. Various sports sports conveyed to different values. However, the development of values and low technology disclosed as related to the internal world of a person whose knowledge is based on the mental and spiritual powers of disclosure, directly unsearchable. It is therefore often focuses attention on the clear terms to the educational process (knowledge, abilities, skills), mainly responding to the world of pragmatic goals, inability to discern their internal links to personal and exclusive powers, determining the role of learner activities. All this has led to topicality. Object of the research. Value of principles of pupils going in for sports. Purpose of the research. Theoretically based and empirically examine peculiarities of value principles of pupils going in for sports. Methodology of the research. The study used a questionnaire survey. Empirical research was conducted in January and February months. Students were handed out 220 questionnaires (in 11 of them were not answered). The study involved 105 girls and 104 boys. The study included Vilkaviškis secondary school, Marijampolė secondary school, Telšiai secondary school and karate club “Cunamis” pupils. This work was based on humanistic philosophy and psychology, existential philosophy and... [to full text]

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