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Flux Attenuation due to Sensor Displacement over SeaNilsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
In this study the flux attenuation due to sensor displacement has been investigated over sea using an extensive set of data from the "Ocean Horizontal Array Turbulence Study". All previous investigations of the flux attenuation have been performed over land. A function developed for correcting fluxes in the homogenous surface layer was compared to measured flux attenuation. This investigation revealed the possibility to find new functions describing the flux attenuation when measurements are carried out over sea. From the measured flux attenuation studied here a change in the form of correction functions was required to improve the estimated flux loss. The most significant difference found in this report compared to the previous landbased study Horst (2006) is for stable conditions, where significantly less flux loss is found over sea. Two new functions describing the attenuation due to sensor displacement over sea have been constructed. One of these expressions has a discontinuity at z/L = 0. This is supported by measured flux attenuation. A reasonable interpretation is; however, that this discontinuity is caused by two separate turbulence regimes near neutrality on the stable and unstable side respectively. The discontinuity is thus not believed to be an effect merely of stability. A second correction function which is continuous over all stabilities has therefore also been constructed. These two functions and the correction function from Horst (2006) have been compared to measured flux loss. Based on this comparison the continuous correction function is recommended for correcting scalar fluxes measured over sea. It should be noted, however, that this expression only describes the mean attenuation and has been constructed from measurements at 5 and 5.5 m above mean sea level. The theoretical basis used in the development of the function for flux attenuation over land allows for a direct link between a spectral shape and the attenuation expression. This link has been preserved for the new expressions presented in this report. The spectral shape corresponding to the continuous correction function has been compared to measured mean cospectra and also to the cospectra from Horst (2006) corresponding to crosswind displacements. At a height of 10 m and a sensor displacement of 0.2 m the mean flux attenuation is about 1.3-4% in the stability interval −1 < z/L < 1.5 when using the new correction functions presented in this report.
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Estudi dels mecanismes moleculars implicats en el dany vascular induït per l'activitat catalítica de la SSAO en el context de l'Angiopatia Cerebral Amiloide associada a la demència tipus AlzheimerSolé Piñol, Montserrat 24 July 2009 (has links)
L'amino oxidasa sensible a semicarbazida (SSAO) és un enzim localitzat en el teixit adipós, en el múscul llis i endoteli del sistema vascular, i en el plasma sanguini en forma soluble. Com a enzim metabolitza amines primàries, però desenvolupa també una funció insulinomimètica en teixit adipós i múscul llis, i una funció d'adhesió limfocitària a l'endoteli en situacions inflamatòries, on és coneguda com a Proteïna d'Adhesió Vascular 1 (VAP-1). El metabolisme dels seus substrats genera peròxid d'hidrogen, amoni i diferents aldehids en funció de l'amina metabolitzada. Aquests productes han estat associats a l'aparició de dany vascular en malalties en les que s'han detectat nivells incrementats d'activitat o expressió de la SSAO, com la diabetis, les aturades cardíaques o la malaltia d'Alzheimer (AD), però els mecanismes responsables d'aquest increment es desconeixen encara. En pacients d'AD, a més, s'han detectat increments d'expressió tissular i d'activitat plasmàtica d'aquest enzim. Per tal de poder estudiar aquesta proteïna in vitro, s'han generat i caracteritzat bioquímicament dues línies cel·lulars vasculars d'endoteli i múscul llis, transfectades de forma estable amb el gen de la SSAO/VAP-1 humana, ja que l'expressió d'aquesta proteïna es perd en cèl·lules en cultiu. Amb aquestes línies cel·lulars s'han estudiat els efectes dels productes generats pel metabolisme de la metilamina, un dels principals substrats fisiològics de la SSAO, en el context de l'Angiopatia Cerebral Amiloide associada a l'AD (CAA-AD). Els resultats han mostrat que els productes generats per l'activitat de la SSAO transfectada indueixen la mort apoptòtica de les cèl·lules de múscul llis. Aquesta mort és dependent de l'activitat transcripcional de p53, la qual provoca una desregulació del balanç Bax/Bcl-2 mitocondrial, una inducció de l'expressió de Puma-αi una activació de les caspases 9 i 3. D'altra banda, s'ha utilitzat el tractament amb el pèptid beta amiloide de 40 amino àcids amb la mutació Dutch (Aβ1-40 D) com a model de CAA-AD, patologia que cursa amb dipòsits d'Aβ i degeneració vasculars. En aquest model, l'Aβ provoca un increment de la SSAO endotelial, que es tradueix en l'aparició de citotoxicitat associada al metabolisme de la metilamina. A més, s'ha confirmat que l'activitat SSAO incrementa el dipòsit d'Aβ, i es descriu un nou paper de la SSAO en aquesta patologia, consistent en promoure el dipòsit d'Aβ mitjançant mecanismes independents de la seva activitat catalítica. Finalment, s'han determinat els nivells d'activitat SSAO plasmàtica en una mostra més gran de pacients d'AD que la utilitzada en un estudi anterior, i s'ha fet extensió d'aquest anàlisi a pacients afectats per altres demències amb afectació vascular com la demència vascular o la demència mixta. Els resultats han permès confirmar que l'augment plasmàtic d'SSAO nomes es produeix en condicions de demència severa en AD, de forma independent de l'edat i sexe dels individus. D'altra banda, no s'han observat canvis significatius en l'activitat SSAO de pacients afectats per altres demències; tot i així, aquests resultats no descarten una possible implicació de la SSAO en aquestes patologies, essent necessari l'anàlisi d'un grup de pacients amb demència severa en aquestes condicions així com l'anàlisi del teixit cerebrovascular d'aquests. Existeix, doncs, una implicació directa de l'activitat SSAO tant en la degeneració vascular associada a l'AD com en la deposició de l'Aβ. Aquests efectes poden ser rellevants durant tot el procés patològic, inicialment promovent la deposició d'Aβ, i en etapes més avançades en les que s'ha detectat un increment de la seva activitat en el plasma, contribuint també al dany vascular. Seran necessaris, però, estudis posteriors amb mostres de pacients per poder determinar la seva possible implicació en el dany vascular en altres demències. / Semicarbazide sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) is an enzyme localized in adipocytes, in the smooth muscle and endothelial cells of vascular system, and in blood plasma as a soluble form. Besides its enzymatic function of primary amines metabolism, SSAO activity has also insulinomimetic effects in adipose and in smooth muscle tissues, and it behaves as vascular adhesion protein 1 (VAP-1) in endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. The SSAO substrates oxidation generates hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and different aldehydes depending on the metabolized amine. These products have been related to the vascular damage observed in diseases where increased levels of SSAO plasma activity and/or tissue expression have been detected, as diabetes, congestive heart failure or Alzheimer's disease (AD). The mechanisms that induce this increase, however, are not fully understood. Moreover, increased SSAO tissue expression levels and plasma activity have been detected in AD patients. In order to perform in vitro studies with this protein, and due to the loss of SSAO expression in cell cultures, an endothelial and a smooth muscle cell line were transfected in a stable form with the human SSAO/VAP-1 gene. These cell lines were biochemically characterized and used to analyze the effect of methylamine oxidation products, as methylamine is one of the main physiological SSAO substrates, in the context of Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy related to AD (CAA-AD). Results showed that the products generated by the transfected SSAO activity were able to induce the apoptotic cell death of the smooth muscle cells. This apoptotic cell death was p53 transcriptional activity-dependent, and it involved the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway through the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio deregulation, the Puma-α expression induction and the caspases 9 and 3 activation. On the other hand, treatment with the 40 amino acids length amyloid beta peptide containing the Dutch mutation (Aβ1-40 D) was used as CAA-AD model, which is characterized by vascular Aβ deposits and vascular degeneration as well. Results showed that Aβ treatment induced an increase of SSAO/VAP-1 protein amount in endothelial cells, which induced the appearance of methylamine oxidation-dependent cytotoxicity. Moreover, besides the confirmation that SSAO activity enhances the Aβdeposition, which was recently described, results revealed a new involvement of SSAO in the Aβ deposition process through enzymatic activity-independent mechanisms. Finally, the SSAO plasmatic activity was determined in a larger population of AD patients than the used in a previous study, and the analysis has been extended to patients afflicted by other dementias showing vascular damage such as vascular dementia or mixed dementia. The obtained results confirmed the increase of plasma SSAO activity only at severest dementia conditions, and that it was age and sex¬independent. However, SSAO activity levels did not show significant differences in increasing conditions of vascular dementia or mixed dementia. Even though, these results do not allow ruling out a possible involvement of SSAO in these pathologies, since severe groups of demented patients were not available. In the same way, the analysis of the cerebrovascular tissue of these patients would help giving us a final conclusion. In summary, the obtained results show a direct involvement of SSAO activity in the CAA-AD-related vascular degeneration as well as in Aβ deposition by activity¬dependent and independent mechanisms. Moreover, Aβdeposition increases the SSAO availability, thus reinforcing its toxic effect. These effects can become important during all the disease progression, enhancing the Aβ deposition at early stages, but also contributing to the vascular damage at advanced ones when SSAO activity is increased. Even so, it would be necessary to perform more studies on plasma human samples in order to determine its possible involvement in the vascular damage observed in other dementia conditions.
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Déploiement sensible au contexte et reconfiguration des applications dans les sessions collaborativesHammami, Emir 06 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le déploiement sensible au contexte et la reconfiguration des applications dans les sessions collaboratives sont les processus permettant de gérer la distribution initiale et ultérieure des outils collaboratifs sur les nSuds des participants en prenant en compte diverses contraintes. Ces contraintes proviennent de la structure de la session, des environnements d'exécution et des relations entre les participants. La majorité des travaux liés au déploiement et à la reconfiguration proposent des solutions qui couvrent essentiellement les deux premiers points mais qui n'accordent pas beaucoup d'importance au dernier point. Ainsi, les applications déployées couvrent les besoins des utilisateurs et sont compatibles avec le contexte local mais l'interopérabilité avec les applications déjà déployées sur les nSuds des voisins n'est pas vérifiée. De plus, le contrôle du déploiement et la découverte des applications requises se fait de façon centralisée et nécessite l'intervention humaine. Nous proposons une approche de déploiement et de reconfiguration automatique basée sur un algorithme décentralisé qui s'exécute sur chaque nSud de déploiement. Cet algorithme utilise des modèles abstraits pour générer des configurations de déploiement valides permettant de respecter les diverses contraintes. Nous avons développé une plate-forme Pair-à-Pair offrant des modules génériques pour supporter cet algorithme. Enfin, nous avons réalisé des prototypes et nous avons mené des tests de performance afin d'évaluer expérimentalement notre approche.
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Heat Removal From A Large Scale Warm Water StorageKayserilioglu, Yavuz Selim 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Kayserilioglu, Yavuz Selim
M.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rü / knettin Oskay
August 2004, 88 Pages
A preliminary experimental study was performed in order to investigate the charging and heat removal characteristics of a sensible heat storage. Two sets of experiments were performed at two aspect ratios. Heat removal processes of these two sets were different while the charging processes were similar. In the first set of experiments, after the charging of the storage unit with relatively warm water was complete, heat removal process was started with simple heat exchangers from different elevations within the storage while the charging of the storage unit was continued. In the second set of experiments, after the charging of the storage unit was complete, heat removal from the storage unit was started without further charging of the storage unit.
Charging water was fed into the storage from the top of one side and relatively colder water was drained from the bottom of the opposite side. Internal heat exchangers were used for the heat removal. Vertical temperature profile developments during the charging and heat removal periods were investigated. Thermal stratification was observed in all experiments. Heat exchangers extracted heat from different elevations in different experiments and the trend was that more heat can be extracted in upper elevations. Comparable heat can be extracted from the same elevation of lower and higher aspect ratio.
Keywords: Sensible Heat Storage, Heat Removal, Thermal Stratification, Warm Water Storage
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Impact of cold climate on boreal ecosystem processes : exploring data and model uncertaintiesWu, Sihong January 2011 (has links)
The impact of cold climate on physical and biological processes, especially the role of air and soil temperature in recovering photosynthesis and transpiration in boreal forests, was investigated in a series of studies. A process-based ecosystem model (CoupModel) considering atmospheric, soil and plant components was evaluated and developed using Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) and detailed measurements from three different sites. The model accurately described the variability in measurements within days, within years and between years. The forcing environmental conditions were shown to govern both aboveground and belowground processes and regulating carbon, water and heat fluxes. However, the various feedback mechanisms between vegetation and environmental conditions are still unclear, since simulations with one model assumption could not be rejected when compared with another. The strong interactions between soil temperature and moisture processes were indicated by the few behavioural models obtained when constrained by combined temperature and moisture criteria. Model performance on sensible and latent heat fluxes and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) also indicated the coupled processes within the system. Diurnal and seasonal courses of eddy flux data in boreal conifer ecosystems were reproduced successfully within defined ranges of parameter values. Air temperature was the major limiting factor for photosynthesis in early spring, autumn and winter, but soil temperature was a rather important limiting factor in late spring. Soil moisture and nitrogen showed indications of being more important for regulating photosynthesis in the summer period. The need for systematic monitoring of the entire system, covering both soil and plant components, was identified as a subject for future studies. The results from this modelling work could be applied to suggest improvements in management of forest and agriculture ecosystems in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to find adaptations to future climate conditions. / QC 20110921 / the Nitro-Europe project
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Otimização de estruturas para acumulação de calor sensívelAndriotty, Tiago Haubert January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a otimização de sistemas de acumulação sensível de energia térmica, submetidos a fontes de energia intermitentes (solar). Este tipo de sistema de acumulação é definido pelo seu material de acumulação e pelo fluido de trabalho, que realiza o transporte da energia. A metodologia empregada consiste em aplicar o modelo da capacitância global para descrever o comportamento dinâmico do material de acumulação, disposto na forma de placas planas paralelas, enquanto que o fluido de trabalho foi modelado via balanço de energia. O material de acumulação foi dividido em diversas seções menores, de modo a satisfazer a condição de validade do modelo da capacitância global, resultando em números de Biot menores ou iguais a 0,1, para cada seção. Os parâmetros identificados para a otimização foram a geometria do material de acumulação (número de placas e volume), propriedades do material de acumulação (massa específica e calor específico) e vazão do fluido de trabalho. Definiu-se a função a ser minimizada como o módulo da diferença entre a taxa de energia de saída do sistema de acumulação e a taxa de energia de saída alvo. Os resultados para duas geometrias e materiais distintos (aço AISI304 e granito), foram comparados com simulações efetuadas com o software comercial COMSOL, e os desvios encontrados ficaram na faixa de 10,16% a 8,88% para o aço e de 1,45% a 0,25% para o granito. A formulação proposta neste trabalho foi implementada no programa Engineering Equation Solver (EES), e otimizada com algoritmos genéticos. Observou-se que a massa específica e o calor específico são parâmetros que podem ser avaliados pelo seu produto (capacidade térmica volumétrica), quando a massa do material de acumulação não foi fixada. Para os casos nos quais a massa foi definida, o calor específico e a massa específica devem ser considerados parâmetros independentes, pois cada um atuou de forma diferente sobre o sistema. Observou-se que aumentando a quantidade de parâmetros de otimização, a diferença entre a taxa de energia na saída e a mesma taxa alvo diminuiu. Na simulação com dois parâmetros de otimização, a diferença relativa máxima entre estas taxas foi de 50%, enquanto que para quatro parâmetros de otimização, este valor caiu para 24%. / This work presents the optimization of sensible heat storage system, subjected to intermittent energy sources (solar). This type of storage system is defined by its storage material and the working fluid, which transports the energy. The methodology consists of using the global capacitance method to describe the dynamic behavior of the storage material, disposed in the form of parallel flat plates, while the working fluid was modeled via an energy balance. The storage material was divided into several smaller sections in order to satisfy the validity condition of the global capacitance model, resulting in Biot numbers smaller or equal than 0.1 for each section. The optimized parameters were the geometry of the storage material (number of plates and volume), the storage material properties (mass and specific heat) and flow rate of the working fluid. The minimized objective function is the difference between the output energy rate of the storage system and the target output energy rate. The results for two different geometries and materials (steel AISI304 and granite), were compared to simulations performed with the commercial software COMSOL, and the deviations were found in the range of 10.16% to 8.88% for steel and 1,45% to 0.25% for granite. The formulation proposed in this paper is implemented in the Engineering Equation Solver (EES), and optimized with genetic algorithm. It was observed that the density and specific heat are parameters that can be evaluated for its product (volumetric heat capacity) when the mass of the storage material was not defined. For the cases where the mass was defined, the specific heat and the density should be considered independent parameters, as each one act differently in the system. It was observed that increasing the number of optimized parameters, the difference between the output energy rate and the same target rate decreased. In the simulation with two optimized parameters, the maximum relative difference between these rates was 50%, while for four optimized parameters, this value dropped to 24%.
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“The Problem of the Extension of the Eidetic World: Republic VII and Parmenides” / El problema de la extensión del ámbito eidético: Parménides y República VIISheing, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
For some of Plato’s commentators some passages of the Republic and the Parmenides provide a clear guideline regarding the extension of the noetic “world”, namely, a criterion that allows us to know what kind of Platonic forms there are, and which there are not. There are forms only for a pair of opposite properties such as “big” and “small”; indeed, smallness itself is not what appears to the senses, since each sensible instance of smallness appears “mixed” with its opposite, bigness. On the contrary, things that are perceived by the senses such as fingers, do not have an eidos. However, a more careful reading of the relevant passages, taking into account what Socrates says in 476a about the unity and multiplicity of the forms, will show us the incorrectness of this interpretation. / Algunos intérpretes de Platón consideran que algunos pasajes de la República y el Parménides nos proveen de un criterio para delimitar la extensión del ámbito ediético, es decir, para saber qué tipos de Ideas hay y qué tipos no. Hay ideas solo para pares de propiedades opuestas, como “grande” y “pequeño”, ya que la pequeñez no es lo que aparece a los sentidos, pues en cada instancia sensible suya la encontramos mezclada con su opuesto, la grandeza. Contrariamente, aquellas cosas que son tal como aparecen a los sentidos, como los dedos, no tienen un eidos. Sin embargo, una lectura más cuidadosa de los pasajes relevantes, tomando en cuenta lo que Sócrates dice sobre la multiplicidad y unidad de las ideas en República 476a, nos mostrará lo equivocado de esta interpretación.
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Ilha de calor urbana: diagnóstico e impactos no microclima da região metropolitana de Macapá, AP.SILVA, Ana Paula Nunes da. 30 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Medeiros (maria.dilva1@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-08-30T13:43:17Z
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ANA PAULA NUNES DA SILVA - TESE (PPGMet) 2016.pdf: 25525790 bytes, checksum: 973f4462b19d6c6616cfec5845906a37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-30T13:43:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ANA PAULA NUNES DA SILVA - TESE (PPGMet) 2016.pdf: 25525790 bytes, checksum: 973f4462b19d6c6616cfec5845906a37 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-05-06 / CNPq / O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a ocorrência de ilha de calor urbana (ICU) e sua influência no microclima na Região Metropolitana de Macapá (RMM), situada no Nordeste da Amazônia Legal, já que esta região vem apresentando um rápido processo de urbanização. Este processo de crescimento urbano provoca mudanças na cobertura e uso do solo, que podem modificar diretamente o balanço de energia em superfície gerando modificações na atmosfera que podem variar da escala local até a regional. Para verificar o crescimento urbano da RMM utilizou-se imagens do LANDSAT TM e OLI/TIRS de cinco diferentes épocas e através da classificação supervisionada MAXVER, verificou-se a expansão da classe área construída entre 1986 e 2015, classe que subentende a malha urbana. Uma análise climática com dados de precipitação e temperatura, permitiu verificar que possivelmente a variabilidade da temperatura e precipitação encontrada deve estar mais associado com eventos como El Niño do que com mudanças climáticas, entretanto, as tendências de aquecimento observadas podem estar relacionadas com
o crescimento urbano. Para entender os impactos do crescimento urbano na modificação do microclima da RMM analisou-se índices de extremos climáticos de duas estações meteorológicas: uma situada no perímetro urbano e outra numa área rural da RMM. Verificou-se que as maiores mudanças térmicas ocorreram na área mais afastada da cidade, fato devido às mudanças de uso do solo na região periférica da RMM, enquanto que os índices relacionados a precipitação foram mais significativos na área urbana. Foram instalados termo-higrômetros em quatro pontos da RMM em áreas suburbanas e rurais para analisar os índices ICU, verificou-se que o índice sazonal de ICU foi maior (menor) nos meses de março a abril (outubro a dezembro), enquanto o índice horário obteve diferentes resultados de acordo com a época do ano: no mês chuvoso (seco) foi mais intenso no início da noite (do dia) com valor para a RMM atingiram valores máximos de 6°C (4,9°C). Na análise da Ilha de Calor Urbana em Superfície (ICUS) utilizaram-se cinco imagens de satélite e se verificou que em todas as imagens houve a comprovação de ICUS com núcleos nos centros da malhas urbanas das duas cidades da RMM e num distrito situado entre os dois centros urbanos analisados. Verificando os índices de conforto térmico gerados pela formação de ICU na RMM, comprovou-se que a região central da RMM apresenta os maiores valores e, que os índices de calor e de temperatura efetiva apresentaram boa relação com a percepção térmica da população de RMM, entrando o índice de conforto humano não se mostrou aplicabilidade na região em estudo. / The goal of the this Doctoral Thesis is to verify the occurrence of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) in the Macapá Metropolitan Area (RMM) Micro climate, which is placed in the Legal Amazon Northeast, due to the fact of the fast urbanization of the area. The development of the urban areas causes changes on the cover and use of the soil which could have a direct effect on the surface energy balance that may result in atmospheric modification in a local, or even regional,scale. In order to verify the RMM urban development, were used images from LANDSAT TM and OLI/TIRS of five different periods. Therefore, through the supervised classification MAXVER, it was possible to verify a expansion of the build-up area, the class of soil that covers the urban sheet, between 1986 and 2015. A climatic Analysis containing precipitation and temperature data showed that, probably, the variation of precipitation and temperature which appeared in the numbers presented are more likely to be associated with specific events, e.g. El Niño, than with the climatic changes. How ever, the growing heat trend observed during the research may be related to the urban development. In order to understand the impact of the development of the urban areas in the modification of the RMM micro climate, extreme climatic levels from two meteorologic bases were adopted: one of the those was placed within the urban
perimeter; while the other was located in the RMM rural area. The data collected showed the biggest thermal changes took place further from the city, due to changes in the use of the soil in the isolated region of the RMM. About the levels related to precipitation, they were more significant in the urban areas. Term-hygrometers were installed in four different spots of the RMM, in suburban and rural areas, with the objective of analyzing the UHI levels. It was possible to verify that the season UHI levels were bigger (smaller) between March and April (October and December). The schedule levels showed different results along the year: during the rainy month (dry) it was more intense in the beginning of night (day) reaching maximum levels, in the RMM, of 6.0ºC (4.9ºC). For the analysis of the Urban Heat Island on Surface (SUHI) 5 satellite images were used and it was possible to verify in all of them the existence of ICUS with their cores located in the center of the urban sheets of the two cities that form the RMM and in a district placed between them. Trough the verification of the heat levels generated by the UHI formation in the RMM, it was possible to probe that the central area of the RMM presents the biggest values, and the IC and ITE levels are well connected to the RMM population's thermal perception. Considering the ICH it was evident the applicability of this Thesis in the area of the research.
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L’offre de présence, un geste professionnel tourné vers autrui : l’exemple de formateur en Travail social. / Offering face-to-face presence, a professionnal gesture towards others.Gacogne, Marie-Josée 25 June 2014 (has links)
L'objet de recherche aborde la professionnalisation de formateurs, tout particulièrement ceux qui exercent dans le champ de la formation en Travail social. L'enjeu est d'interroger le travail relationnel de formateur en présentiel, son rôle spécifique, sa pertinence et son actualité à travers la dimension corporelle de son activité, l'usage qu'il peut faire de gestes. Cet impensé de la formation en Travail social, celui de la place du corps et des gestes comme réintroduisant la part du sensible dans l'activité de communication est le thème central de ce travail. Une approche phénoménologique de l'activité est utilisée dans le cadre de cette recherche, l'offre de présence étant le concept d'intelligibilité qui a été construit et mobilisé par le chercheur pour comprendre la façon dont le formateur s'y prend quand il s'exprime devant un auditoire selon le type d'd'intervention et l'auditoire. La méthodologie s'est appuyée sur deux types d'entretien (semi-directifs et de confrontation à l'activité filmée) puis sur les observations du chercheur à partir des films, in fine une analyse croisée des différents résultats. Le fait de réintroduire le corps, de redonner aux gestes "leur épaisseur symbolique" permet de faire ressortir la spécificité du présentiel. / This thesis deals with professionalization of trainers, especially those working in the field of social work training. Its perspective provides a focus which is seldom approach when it comes to professionalization. The stake is to calle in question the communication activity of the trainers when they are in presence of students, the place of the body and gestures as reintroducing sensibility into the communication. That is the key theme of this work. The phenomenology as a theoretical Anchor, showing a phenomenology of activity has been privileged. Offering face-to-face is the concept of intelligibility which has been built to understand how the trainer set about it according to the type of intervention and the type of audience. The methodology is based on two types of interviews (semi structured interviews and interviews namely of confrontation in face of films), then the researcher's observations from films, in fine a crossed analysis of the different results. Reintroducing body language into the activity, giving the gestures back their "symbolic thickness" allowed to justify the specificity of face-to-face activity and give it a fuure with other perspectives.
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Otimização de estruturas para acumulação de calor sensívelAndriotty, Tiago Haubert January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a otimização de sistemas de acumulação sensível de energia térmica, submetidos a fontes de energia intermitentes (solar). Este tipo de sistema de acumulação é definido pelo seu material de acumulação e pelo fluido de trabalho, que realiza o transporte da energia. A metodologia empregada consiste em aplicar o modelo da capacitância global para descrever o comportamento dinâmico do material de acumulação, disposto na forma de placas planas paralelas, enquanto que o fluido de trabalho foi modelado via balanço de energia. O material de acumulação foi dividido em diversas seções menores, de modo a satisfazer a condição de validade do modelo da capacitância global, resultando em números de Biot menores ou iguais a 0,1, para cada seção. Os parâmetros identificados para a otimização foram a geometria do material de acumulação (número de placas e volume), propriedades do material de acumulação (massa específica e calor específico) e vazão do fluido de trabalho. Definiu-se a função a ser minimizada como o módulo da diferença entre a taxa de energia de saída do sistema de acumulação e a taxa de energia de saída alvo. Os resultados para duas geometrias e materiais distintos (aço AISI304 e granito), foram comparados com simulações efetuadas com o software comercial COMSOL, e os desvios encontrados ficaram na faixa de 10,16% a 8,88% para o aço e de 1,45% a 0,25% para o granito. A formulação proposta neste trabalho foi implementada no programa Engineering Equation Solver (EES), e otimizada com algoritmos genéticos. Observou-se que a massa específica e o calor específico são parâmetros que podem ser avaliados pelo seu produto (capacidade térmica volumétrica), quando a massa do material de acumulação não foi fixada. Para os casos nos quais a massa foi definida, o calor específico e a massa específica devem ser considerados parâmetros independentes, pois cada um atuou de forma diferente sobre o sistema. Observou-se que aumentando a quantidade de parâmetros de otimização, a diferença entre a taxa de energia na saída e a mesma taxa alvo diminuiu. Na simulação com dois parâmetros de otimização, a diferença relativa máxima entre estas taxas foi de 50%, enquanto que para quatro parâmetros de otimização, este valor caiu para 24%. / This work presents the optimization of sensible heat storage system, subjected to intermittent energy sources (solar). This type of storage system is defined by its storage material and the working fluid, which transports the energy. The methodology consists of using the global capacitance method to describe the dynamic behavior of the storage material, disposed in the form of parallel flat plates, while the working fluid was modeled via an energy balance. The storage material was divided into several smaller sections in order to satisfy the validity condition of the global capacitance model, resulting in Biot numbers smaller or equal than 0.1 for each section. The optimized parameters were the geometry of the storage material (number of plates and volume), the storage material properties (mass and specific heat) and flow rate of the working fluid. The minimized objective function is the difference between the output energy rate of the storage system and the target output energy rate. The results for two different geometries and materials (steel AISI304 and granite), were compared to simulations performed with the commercial software COMSOL, and the deviations were found in the range of 10.16% to 8.88% for steel and 1,45% to 0.25% for granite. The formulation proposed in this paper is implemented in the Engineering Equation Solver (EES), and optimized with genetic algorithm. It was observed that the density and specific heat are parameters that can be evaluated for its product (volumetric heat capacity) when the mass of the storage material was not defined. For the cases where the mass was defined, the specific heat and the density should be considered independent parameters, as each one act differently in the system. It was observed that increasing the number of optimized parameters, the difference between the output energy rate and the same target rate decreased. In the simulation with two optimized parameters, the maximum relative difference between these rates was 50%, while for four optimized parameters, this value dropped to 24%.
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