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A Versatile Sensor Data Processing Framework for Resource TechnologyKaever, Peter, Oertel, Wolfgang, Renno, Axel, Seidel, Peter, Meyer, Markus, Reuter, Markus, König, Stefan 28 June 2021 (has links)
Die Erweiterung experimenteller Infrastrukturen um neuartige Sensor eröffnen die Möglichkeit, qualitativ neuartige Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Um diese Informationen vollständig zu erschließen ist ein Abdecken der gesamten Verarbeitungskette von
der Datenauslese bis zu anwendungsbezogenen Auswertung erforderlich. Eine Erweiterung bestehender wissenschaftlicher Instrumente beinhaltet die strukturelle und zeitbezogene Integration der neuen Sensordaten in das Bestandssystem. Das hier vorgestellte Framework bietet durch seinen flexiblen Ansatz das Potenzial, unterschiedliche Sensortypen in unterschiedliche, leistungsfähige Plattformen zu integrieren. Zwei unterschiedliche Integrationsansätze zeigen die Flexibilität dieses Ansatzes, wobei einer auf die Steigerung der Sensitivität einer Anlage zur Sekundärionenmassenspektroskopie und der andere auf die Bereitstellung eines Prototypen zur Untersuchung von Rezyklaten ausgerichtet ist. Die sehr unterschiedlichen Hardwarevoraussetzungen und Anforderungen der Anwendung bildeten die Basis zur Entwicklung eines flexiblen Softwareframeworks. Um komplexe und leistungsfähige Applikationsbausteine bereitzustellen wurde eine Softwaretechnologie entwickelt, die modulare Pipelinestrukturen mit Sensor- und Ausgabeschnittstellen sowie einer Wissensbasis mit entsprechenden Konfigurations- und Verarbeitungsmodulen kombiniert.:1. Introduction
2. Hardware Architecture and Application Background
3. Software Concept
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion and Outlook / Novel sensors with the ability to collect qualitatively new information offer the potential to improve experimental infrastructure and methods in the field of research technology. In order to get full access to this information, the entire range from detector readout data transfer over proper data and knowledge models up to complex application functions has to be covered. The extension of existing scientific instruments comprises the integration of diverse sensor information into existing hardware, based on the expansion of pivotal event schemes and data models. Due to its flexible approach, the proposed framework has the potential to integrate additional sensor types and offers migration capabilities to high-performance computing platforms. Two different implementation setups prove the flexibility of this approach, one extending the material analyzing capabilities of a secondary ion mass spectrometry device, the other implementing a functional prototype setup for the online analysis of recyclate. Both setups can be regarded as two complementary parts of a highly topical and ground-breaking unique scientific application field. The requirements and possibilities resulting from different hardware concepts on one hand and diverse application fields on the other hand are the basis for the development of a versatile software framework. In order to support complex and efficient application functions under heterogeneous and flexible technical conditions, a software technology is proposed that offers modular processing pipeline structures with internal and external data interfaces backed by a knowledge base with respective configuration and conclusion mechanisms.:1. Introduction
2. Hardware Architecture and Application Background
3. Software Concept
4. Experimental Results
5. Conclusion and Outlook
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In-process deformation measurements of translucent high speed fibre-reinforced disc rotorsPhilipp, Katrin, Filippatos, Angelos, Koukourakis, Nektarios, Kuschmierz, Robert, Leithold, Christoph, Langkamp, Albert, Fischer, Andreas, Czarske, Jürgen 06 September 2019 (has links)
The high stiffness to weight ratio of glass fibre-reinforced polymers (GFRP) makes them an attractive material for rotors e.g. in the aerospace industry. We report on recent developments towards non-contact, in-situ deformation measurements with temporal resolution up to 200 µs and micron measurement uncertainty. We determine the starting point of damage evolution inside the rotor material through radial expansion measurements. This leads to a better understanding of dynamic material behaviour regarding damage evolution and the prediction of damage initiation and propagation. The measurements are conducted using a novel multi-sensor system consisting of four laser Doppler distance (LDD) sensors. The LDD sensor, a two-wavelength Mach-Zehnder interferometer was already successfully applied for dynamic deformation measurements at metallic rotors. While translucency of the GFRP rotor material limits the applicability of most optical measurement techniques due to speckles from both surface and volume of the rotor, the LDD profits from speckles and is not disturbed by backscattered laser light from the rotor volume. The LDD sensor evaluates only signals from the rotor surface. The anisotropic glass fibre-reinforcement results in a rotationally asymmetric dynamic deformation. A novel signal processing algorithm is applied for the combination of the single sensor signals to obtain the shape of the investigated rotors. In conclusion, the applied multi-sensor system allows high temporal resolution dynamic deformation measurements. First investigations regarding damage evolution inside GFRP are presented as an
important step towards a fundamental understanding of the material behaviour and the prediction of damage initiation and propagation.
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Detection and Analysis of Anomalies in Tactical Sensor Systems through Structured Hypothesis Testing / Detektion och analys av avikelser i taktiska sensorsystem genom strukturerad hypotesprövningOhlson, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
The project explores the domain of tactical sensor systems, focusing on SAAB Gripen’s sensor technologies such as radar, RWR (Radar Warning Receiver), and IRST (InfraRed Search and Track). The study employs structured hypothesis testing and model based diagnostics to examine the effectiveness of identifying and isolating deviations within these systems. The central question addressed is whether structured hypothesis testing reliably detects and isolates anomalies in a tactical sensor system. The research employs a framework involving sensor modeling of radar, RWR, and IRST, alongside a sensor fusion model, applied on a linear target tracking model as well as a real target flight track obtained from SAAB Test Flight and Verification. Test quantities are derived from the modeled data, and synthetic faults are intentionally introduced into the system. These test quantities are then compared to predefined thresholds, thereby facilitating structured hypothesis testing. The robustness and reliability of the diagnostics model are established through a series of simulations. Multiple scenarios with varied fault introductions across different sensor measurements are examined. Key results include the successful creation of a tactical sensor model and sensor fusion environment, showcasing the ability to introduce and detect faults. The thesis provides arguments supporting the advantages of model based diagnosis through structured hypothesis testing for assessing sensor fusion data. The results of this research are applicable beyond this specific context, facilitating improved sensor data analysis across diverse tracking scenarios, including applications beyond SAAB Gripen. As sensor technologies continue to evolve, the insights gained from this thesis could offer guidance for refining sensor models and hypothesis testing techniques, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of sensor data analysis in various domains. / Denna rapport undersöker området inom taktiska sensorsystem och fokuserar på SAAB Gripens sensorteknik, såsom radar, RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) och IRST (InfraRed Search- and Track). Studien använder strukturerad hypotesprövning och modellbaserad diagnostik för att undersöka effektiviteten av att identifiera och isolera avvikelser inom dessa system. Den centrala frågan som behandlas är om strukturerad hypotesprövning tillförlitligt upptäcker och isolerar avvikelser i ett taktiskt sensorsystem. För att tackla denna utmaning används sensormodellering av radar, RWR och IRST, tillsammans med en sensorfusionsmodell som appliceras på en linjär målspårningsmodell samt verklig målflygbana erhållen från SAAB. Testkvantiteter härleds från den resulterande datan, och syntetiska fel introduceras avsiktligt i systemet. Dessa testskvantiteter jämförs sedan med fördefinierade trösklar vilket lägger grunden för strukturerad hypotesprövning. Tillförlitligheten och pålitligheten hos diagnostikmodellen etableras genom en serie av simuleringar bestående av flera scenarier med varierade felintroduktioner över olika sensorinmätningar. Huvudresultat inkluderar skapandet av en taktisk sensormodell och en sensorfusionsmiljö, som visar förmågan att introducera och upptäcka fel på ett effektivt sätt. Avhandlingen ger argument som stödjer fördelarna med modellbaserad diagnostik genom strukturerad hypotestestning för bedömning av sensorfusionsdata. Resultaten av denna forskning är tillämpliga utanför detta specifika sammanhang, vilket underlättar förbättrad sensordataanalys över olika spårningsscenarier, inklusive applikationer bortom SAAB Gripen. I takt med att sensorteknologier fortsätter att utvecklas kan insikterna från denna avhandling ge vägledning för att förbättra sensormodeller och hypotestestningstekniker, vilket i slutändan förbättrar effektiviteten och noggrannheten för sensordataanalys inom olika områden.
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Apprehending Remote Affordances: Assessing Human Sensor Systems and Their Ability to Understand a Distant EnvironmentMurphy, Taylor Byers 27 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Sensor system for pressure measuring over a sail : Construction and implementation of a sail pressure measuring systemPalm, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Wallenius Marine, KTH and SSPA are working together on a wind powered car carrier, that will ship cars over the atlatic. KTH has a small scale prototype of this vessel, and uses this prototype to test performance and new sensor systems, that can be used on the full scale vessel. The KTH research group wanted to add a sensor system that measured the pressure on the sails of the prototype ship. This thesis is about the design, construction and implementation of this sensor system. The system was first designed. The pressure measuring system would be divided into blocks where one block would measure one part of the sail. Each block would be connected to a common communication bus. This bus was then connected to the current control system of the ship. The pressure was going to be measured through pressure taps in the sail. After the design was done, the construction began. Here the choice of components was made. The sensors were from Honeywell, the microcontroller was a Teensy 4.1, communication was done using a RS-422 transceiver from Digilent and the power components were a 24 to 3.3V regulator and a 24 to 5V regulator. A circuit board was designed and created to fit all the components. The system was tested in a wind tunnel to verify that it worked as it should. The next step was the implementation. Three segments of the sail surface was removed. A support structure and fittings was added to the removed parts, so that they can be removed and attached. The taps was added and the system blocks were fitted. The measuring system was tested on the ship out on the sea. The results were that the system was able to measure the pressure distribution over the sail surface. The resulting measurements matched what was expected from viewing the tell tales on the sail. The system worked as specified, but more testing is required to see how the measurements are affected by factors such as the other sails and the hull. This system will continue to be used by the KTH research team in their future research projects. / Wallenius Marine, KTH och SSPA jobbar tillsammans för att konstruera et vinddrivet fraktfartyg för bilar, som ska skeppa bilar över Atlanten. KTH har en nedskalad version av det färdiga fartyget, som används för testning av prestanda och test av potentiella system som kan implementeras på det färdiga skeppet. Forsknings gruppen på KTH ville ha ett tryckmätningssystem som mäter trycket på seglena. Detta masterarbetet går ut på att designa, konstruera och implementera detta tryckmätningssystem. Första steget var design, detta gick ut på att i stora drag definiera systemets utseende. Systemet skulle byggas i block, där ett block innehöll ett antal trycksensorer, mikrokontroller och kommunikations hårdvara. Ett block mätte en horisontallinje över seglet och det var multipla block på ett segel. Varje block var ihopkopplat genom en kommunikationsbus, som sen kopplades till det nuvarande kontrollsystemet på båten. Andra steget var construktion, detta steget var att välja komponenter, bygga och testa systemet. Trycksensorerna som valdes var från Honeywell, mikrokontrollern var en Teensy 4.1 och kommunikations hårdvaran var en RS- 422 transceiver från Digilent. När komponenterna var valda, designades och gjordes ett kretskort för att koppla samman komponenterna. Efter komponenterna var fästa i kretskortet, testades systemet i en vindtunnel. Detta gjordes för att verifiera funktionaliteten av systemet och se om värdena som sensorerna gav var rimliga. Efter systemet var verifierat, så börjades implementationen av systemet. Tre segment av seglet yta togs bort, på tre olika höjder. En stöd struktur adderades till de borttagna segmenten, så de skulle fortsätta hålla sin form, och ett sätt att ta bort och fästa segmenten till seglet gjordes. Pressure taps fästes på ytan och plasttuber drogs från dessa till trycksensorerna. Kretskorten fästes på insidan av seglet och segmenten stängdes. Nästa steg var att testa systemet till havs, och resultaten var lovande. Systemet fungerade som det skulle. Det kunde mäta trycket både i vindtunnel och på havs. I vindtunneln matcha trycken det som förväntades, och ute till havs visade trycket det som förväntades när man kollade på tell talesen på ytan. Mer testning behövs för att se hur olika faktorer påverkar tryckmätningarna, och tryckmätning till alla segeln ska läggas till. Forskningsgruppen på KTH kommer fortsätta använda systemet i forskningen de driver.
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Smart components : Creating a competitive edge through smart connected drive train on mining machinesSINGH, KAJOL January 2021 (has links)
Major drivetrain components of the Epiroc machines like axles, gearboxes, transmission, torqueconverter, clutch, and bearings are critical components which are focused upon in this thesis. Failure of these major component results in breakdown of the vehicle and if early fault detection is not existing, then this causes engineers and technicians to spend a substantial amount of time to identify the root cause of the failure. Due to this, the machine stands still until the problem is identified and repaired creating a negative impact on customer satisfaction. Thus, failure of these components results in costly downtime. Ways of improving the uptime of the machine have been an ongoing discussion due to costly downtime subjected to component failure. To improve uptime, reduce MTTR, and create acompetitive edge, a drivetrain sensor system is suggested to implement in this thesis that will monitor real-time operating data from these drivetrain components. In this way, the health of the drivetrain will be continuously monitored and if there is any degrade planned maintenance can be scheduled well in advance and spare parts inventory can be managed more efficiently. In addition, this will generate competitiveness for Epiroc products in the market. Epiroc being in competitive business, continuously aims to improve its products and services to satisfy customer needs, improve total cost of ownership, life cycle cost, and increase sales and profit. Epiroc is a leading productivity partner for the mining, infrastructure, and natural resource industries. It develops and manufactures innovative drilling rigs, quarrying, and construction equipment with state-of-the-art technology and provides world-class service and consumables. / Epiroc bedriver konkurenskraftiv verksamhet. Målet är att kontinuerligt förbättra sina produkter och tjänster för att tillgodose kundernas behov, förbättra den totala ägandekostnaden, livscykelkostnaden samt att öka försäljningen och vinsten. Epiroc är en ledandeproduktivitetspartner för gruv-, infrastruktur- och naturresursindustrin. Det utvecklar och tillverkar innovativa borriggar, stenbrott- och byggutrustning med toppmodern teknik och tillhandahåller service och förbrukningsvaror i världsklass. Att förbättra maskinens drifttid har alltid varit en kontinuerlig diskussion på grund av kostsamma stopp som orsakats av komponentfel. Om det uppstår större komponentfel som leder till att fordonet går sönder ochtidig feldetektering inte existerar, leder detta till att ingenjörer och tekniker måste spendera mycket tid på att identifiera orsaken till felet. På grund av detta står maskinen stilla tills problemet identifieras och repareras vilket skapar en negativ inverkan på kundnöjdheten. Viktiga drivkomponenter som axlar, växellådor, transmission, vridmomentomvandlare, koppling och lager är exempel på sådana kritiska komponenter vars fel resulterar i kostnadstopp. För att förbättra drifttiden, minska MTTR och skapa en konkurrensfördel för Epiroc-produkter, presenteras ett drivsystemsensorsystem i denna rapport som möjliggör övervakning av realtidsdata från dessa drivlinekomponenter. På detta sätt övervakas drivlinanshälsa kontinuerligt och om det uppstår någon försämring kan planerat underhåll planeras i godtid och reservdelslager hanteras effektivare. Dessutom kommer detta att skapa konkurrenskraft för Epiroc-produkter på marknaden.
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Návrh a optimalizace senzorických systémů využívajících malovýkonových napájecích generátorů / The Sensor Systems Design and Optimization for Energy Harvesting ApplicationsŽák, Jaromír January 2015 (has links)
Dissertation thesis is focused on using alternative energy sources called energy harvesting. This thesis offers a solution to problems with autonomous powering of sensor networks if primary power source recovery is impossible. In these cases, energy of the external power (e.g. temperature, light, motion) should be used. Proposed solution should be especially used in the field of medical applications (e.g. cochlear implants, pacemakers, insulin pumps). Long time monitoring of the personal health status is also possible when employing automated sensor systems. In this work, there is state of art review relating to the low power energy sources for an alternative powering of sensor systems. It was observed that existing systems are almost prepared for the implementation of energy harvesting power sources. The energy harvesting power sources have been developed by numerous researcher teams around the world, but there are only a few variants of power management circuits for effective energy gaining, storing and using. This area has a huge potential for the next research. The issues regarding to the distribution of gained energy are solved on the complex level in the thesis. For these purposes, a new simulation model of the whole system (fully implantable artificial cochlea) including its subcircuits was developed in the SPICE environment. It connects independent subcircuits into a single comprehensive model. Using this model, a few novel principles for energy distribution (e.g. Charge Push Through technique) was developed. In the near future, these techniques are also applicable to the design of versatile sensor systems.
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Towards Development of Smart Nanosensor System To Detect Hypoglycemia From BreathSanskar S Thakur (8816885) 08 May 2020 (has links)
<div>The link between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from breath and various diseases and specific conditions has been identified since long by the researchers. Canine studies and breath sample analysis on Gas chromatography/ Mass Spectroscopy has proven that there are VOCs in the breath that can detect and potentially predict hypoglycemia. This project aims at developing a smart nanosensor system to detect hypoglycemia from human breath. The sensor system comprises of 1-Mercapto-(triethylene glycol) methyl ether functionalized goldnanoparticle (EGNPs) sensors coated with polyetherimide (PEI) and poly(vinylidene fluoride -hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) and polymer composite sensor made from PVDF-HFP-Carbon Black (PVDF-HFP/CB), an interface circuit that performs signal conditioning and amplification, and a microcontroller with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to control the interface circuit and communicate with an external personal digital assistant. The sensors were fabricated and tested with 5 VOCs in dry air and simulated breath (mixture of air, small portion of acetone, ethanol at high humidity) to investigate sensitivity and selectivity. The name of the VOCs is not disclosed herein but these VOCs have been identified in breath and are identified as potential biomarkers for other diseases as well. </div><div> </div><div> The sensor hydrophobicity has been studied using contact angle measurement. The GNPs size was verified using Ultra-Violent-Visible (UV-VIS) Spectroscopy. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) image is used to show GNPs embedded in the polymer film. The sensors sensitivity increases by more than 400% in an environment with relative humidity (RH) of 93% and the sensors show selectivity towards VOCs of interest. The interface circuit was designed on Eagle PCB and was fabricated using a two-layer PCB. The fabricated interface circuit was simulated with variable resistance and was verified with experiments. The system is also tested at different power source voltages and it was found that the system performance is optimum at more than 5 volts. The sensor fabrication, testing methods, and results are presented and discussed along with interface circuit design, fabrication, and characterization.</div>
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Musical hand shaker toward sustainable behavioral changes : Designing of persuasive interaction through emotion arousingBae, Eunjin January 2012 (has links)
Context. This paper aims to investigate the potential of sustainable interaction system by employing persuasive design process. Sustainable Human Computer Interaction community (HCI) strives to find effective ways to change human behavior toward pro-environment. The sustainable HCI community seems to propose ambient display interface as one of its major interaction methods, which have an impact in quiet and static surroundings. However, when it comes to crowded public places where public resources are heavily wasted, ambient interfaces hardly get people’s attention and provide timely information to people. Goals. The author proposes an embodied sound interface as an alternative in the crowded places. The embodied sound interface serves to alert people at the right moment in a fun and pleasant way to induce people to engage in an intended behavior spontaneously. A sensor system prototype embedding an embodied sound interface, musical hand shaker (MHS), was developed aiming at reducing the use of paper towels. The MHS is placed near the water tap in a restroom and it respond with a music to the hand shaking of the user in front of the MHS. The system encourages people to experience how easy it is to save paper towel and do a green activity in their daily life. Methods. This study is grounded on three HCI fields: ambient information systems, affective interaction, and persuasive technology. The MHS prototype went through the persuasive design process which includes iterative steps of prototype implementation and evaluation. This design process centered on the eight steps of design process and Fogg behavior model. The persuasive qualities of embodied sound interface such as understandability, recognition of the system goal, and persistency of raised awareness of sustainability were examined. Results. The final outdoor evaluation in the restroom of a mall confirmed the impact of the MHS on people’s habit of using paper towels as well as its effectiveness of persuasion. Since it is a pilot study, there remain some unresolved issues and open questions for researcher in HCI and psychology fields.
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Energy Harvesting From Overhead Transmission Line Magnetic FieldsNajafi, Syed Ahmed Ali 31 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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